Re: Parent/Child query performance in version 1.1.2

2014-08-26 Thread Mark Greene
Just wanted to close the loop on this in case anyone stumbled upon the same 

After upgrading to version 1.3.2 which had the performance increase 
stemming from, we 
were able to see a dramatic decrease in parent/child query latency. We're 
executing queries under 150ms which is manageable for now and will be 
eagerly awaiting further improvements from the work Clinton highlighted 

Along the way in our testing we got a little confused as we attempted to do 
our troubleshooting on 1 data node in order to keep things simple, this 
manifested in some misplaced assumptions around the performance increases 
that came from work released in 1.2.0. In our testing on a single node, we 
did _not_ observe a latency decrease at all when going from 1.1.2 to 1.3.2. 
However, when we changed our test cluster to use two data nodes, we saw a 
huge improvement. So my earlier assertion around not seeing those 
improvements in version 1.3.2 was incorrect although I'm still confused as 
to why a single node configuration was not benefiting.

In any case, wanted to thank the ES developers for being generous with 
their time helping us track this issue down. Now that I realize the 
incredible pace in which ES versions are released, we'll be much more 
vigilant about keeping up.

Thanks again!

On Monday, August 25, 2014 11:32:38 AM UTC-4, Mark Greene wrote:

 Hey Clinton,

 Thanks for the heads up on what's on the horizon. That definitely sounds 
 like a drastic improvement. That being said, my fear here is that even with 
 that improvement, this data model (parent/child) doesn't seem to that 
 performant with a moderate amount of documents. In order for us to really 
 adopt this methodology of using parent/child, we'd expect to see sub 100ms 
 performance so long as we were feeding ES with enough RAM. 

 My hunch here is there must be some code path that is hit when running on 
 more than 1 data node that either doesn't write to the cache or skips it on 
 the read and hits the disk. We don't have a ton of load on our data nodes, 
 CPU is well under 30% and IOWait is usually under 0.30.

 Just to reiterate, when we run the parent/child query on one data node, it 
 runs in less than 100ms, when it runs across two data nodes, it's 10s. 
 This is being experienced on version 1.1.2 and 1.3.2.

 On Monday, August 25, 2014 10:55:15 AM UTC-4, Clinton Gormley wrote:

 Something else to note: parent-child now uses global ordinals to make 
 queries 3x faster than they were previously, but global ordinals need to be 
 rebuilt after the index has refreshed (assuming some data has changed).

 Currently there is no way to refresh p/c global ordinals eagerly (ie 
 during the refresh phase) and so it happens on the first query after a 
 refresh.  1.3.3 and 1.4.0 will include an option to allow eager building of 
 global ordinals which should remove this latency spike:

 You may want to consider increasing the refresh_interval so that global 
 ordinals remain valid for longer.

 On 25 August 2014 16:48, Mark Greene wrote:

 Hi Adrien,

 Thanks for reaching out.

 We actually were exited to see the performance improvements stated in 
 the 1.2.0 release notes so we upgraded to 1.3.2. We saw some performance 
 improvement but it wasn't orders of magnitude and queries are still running 
 very slow.

 We also tried your suggestion of using the 'preference=_local' query 
 param but we didn't see any difference there. Additionally, running the 
 query 10 times, we saw no improvement in speed.

 Currently, the only major performance increase we've seen with 
 parent/child queries is dropping down to 1 data node, at which, we see 
 queries executing well under the 100ms mark.

 On Friday, August 22, 2014 6:42:27 PM UTC-4, Adrien Grand wrote:

 Hi Mark,

 Given that you had 1 replica in your first setup, it could take several 
 queries to warm up the field data cache completely, does the query still 
 take 16 seconds to run if you run it eg. 10 times? (3 should be enough, 
 just to be sure)

 Does it change anything if you query elasticsearch with 
 preference=_local? This should be equivalent to your single-node setup, so 
 it would be interesting to see if that changes something.

 As a side note, you might want to try out a more recent version of 
 Elasticsearch since parent/child performance improved quite significantly 
 in 1.2.0 because of

 On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 11:15 PM, Mark Greene 

 I wanted to update the list with an interesting piece of information. 
 We found that when we took one of our two data nodes out of the cluster, 
 leaving just one data node with no replicas, the query performance 
 increased dramatically. The queries are now 

Re: Parent/Child query performance in version 1.1.2

2014-08-25 Thread Mark Greene
Hi Adrien,

Thanks for reaching out.

We actually were exited to see the performance improvements stated in the 
1.2.0 release notes so we upgraded to 1.3.2. We saw some performance 
improvement but it wasn't orders of magnitude and queries are still running 
very slow.

We also tried your suggestion of using the 'preference=_local' query param 
but we didn't see any difference there. Additionally, running the query 10 
times, we saw no improvement in speed.

Currently, the only major performance increase we've seen with parent/child 
queries is dropping down to 1 data node, at which, we see queries executing 
well under the 100ms mark.

On Friday, August 22, 2014 6:42:27 PM UTC-4, Adrien Grand wrote:

 Hi Mark,

 Given that you had 1 replica in your first setup, it could take several 
 queries to warm up the field data cache completely, does the query still 
 take 16 seconds to run if you run it eg. 10 times? (3 should be enough, but 
 just to be sure)

 Does it change anything if you query elasticsearch with preference=_local? 
 This should be equivalent to your single-node setup, so it would be 
 interesting to see if that changes something.

 As a side note, you might want to try out a more recent version of 
 Elasticsearch since parent/child performance improved quite significantly 
 in 1.2.0 because of

 On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 11:15 PM, Mark Greene 
 javascript: wrote:

 I wanted to update the list with an interesting piece of information. We 
 found that when we took one of our two data nodes out of the cluster, 
 leaving just one data node with no replicas, the query performance 
 increased dramatically. The queries are now returning in 100ms on 
 subsequent executions which is what we'd expect to see as a result of the 
 data being stored in the field data cache. 

 Is it possible that there is some kind of inefficient code path when a 
 query is spread across primary and replica shards?

 On Thursday, August 21, 2014 3:53:40 PM UTC-4, Mark Greene wrote:

 We are experiencing slow parent/child queries even when we run the query 
 a second time and I wanted to know if this is just the limit of this 
 feature within ElasticSearch. According to the ES Docs (
 current/parent-child-performance.html) parent/child queries can be 
 5-10x slower and consume a lot of memory. 

 My impression has been that as long as we give ES enough memory via the 
 field data cache, subsequent queries would be quicker than the first time 
 it is executed. We are seeing the following query take ~16 seconds to 
 complete every time. 

 from: 0,
 size: 100,
 query: {
 filtered: {
 query: {
 match_all: {}
 filter: {
 bool: {
 must: [
 term: {
 oid: 61
 has_child: {
 type: social,
 query: {
 bool: {
 should: [
 term: {
 term: {
 fields: id,
 sort: [
 _score: {}
 id: {
 order: asc

 The index (which has 5 shards with 1 replica shard) we are testing this 
 on has 2.2 million parent documents and 1.1 million child documents.

 We are running our two data nodes on r3.2xlarge's which have 8 CPU's, 
 60GB of RAM, and SSD.

 Our ES data nodes have 30G of heap and the field data cache is only 
 consuming around ~3GB right now and there are no cache evictions. The field 
 data cache is also allowed to grow to 75% of the available heap.

 I'm looking to understand if this is a limitation with parent/child or 
 is there additional configuration that has to be set beyond the defaults 
 that would help speed these queries up?


Re: Parent/Child query performance in version 1.1.2

2014-08-25 Thread Clinton Gormley
Something else to note: parent-child now uses global ordinals to make
queries 3x faster than they were previously, but global ordinals need to be
rebuilt after the index has refreshed (assuming some data has changed).

Currently there is no way to refresh p/c global ordinals eagerly (ie
during the refresh phase) and so it happens on the first query after a
refresh.  1.3.3 and 1.4.0 will include an option to allow eager building of
global ordinals which should remove this latency spike:

You may want to consider increasing the refresh_interval so that global
ordinals remain valid for longer.

On 25 August 2014 16:48, Mark Greene wrote:

 Hi Adrien,

 Thanks for reaching out.

 We actually were exited to see the performance improvements stated in the
 1.2.0 release notes so we upgraded to 1.3.2. We saw some performance
 improvement but it wasn't orders of magnitude and queries are still running
 very slow.

 We also tried your suggestion of using the 'preference=_local' query param
 but we didn't see any difference there. Additionally, running the query 10
 times, we saw no improvement in speed.

 Currently, the only major performance increase we've seen with
 parent/child queries is dropping down to 1 data node, at which, we see
 queries executing well under the 100ms mark.

 On Friday, August 22, 2014 6:42:27 PM UTC-4, Adrien Grand wrote:

 Hi Mark,

 Given that you had 1 replica in your first setup, it could take several
 queries to warm up the field data cache completely, does the query still
 take 16 seconds to run if you run it eg. 10 times? (3 should be enough, but
 just to be sure)

 Does it change anything if you query elasticsearch with
 preference=_local? This should be equivalent to your single-node setup, so
 it would be interesting to see if that changes something.

 As a side note, you might want to try out a more recent version of
 Elasticsearch since parent/child performance improved quite significantly
 in 1.2.0 because of

 On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 11:15 PM, Mark Greene wrote:

 I wanted to update the list with an interesting piece of information. We
 found that when we took one of our two data nodes out of the cluster,
 leaving just one data node with no replicas, the query performance
 increased dramatically. The queries are now returning in 100ms on
 subsequent executions which is what we'd expect to see as a result of the
 data being stored in the field data cache.

 Is it possible that there is some kind of inefficient code path when a
 query is spread across primary and replica shards?

 On Thursday, August 21, 2014 3:53:40 PM UTC-4, Mark Greene wrote:

 We are experiencing slow parent/child queries even when we run the
 query a second time and I wanted to know if this is just the limit of this
 feature within ElasticSearch. According to the ES Docs (
 urrent/parent-child-performance.html) parent/child queries can be
 5-10x slower and consume a lot of memory.

 My impression has been that as long as we give ES enough memory via the
 field data cache, subsequent queries would be quicker than the first time
 it is executed. We are seeing the following query take ~16 seconds to
 complete every time.

 from: 0,
 size: 100,
 query: {
 filtered: {
 query: {
 match_all: {}
 filter: {
 bool: {
 must: [
 term: {
 oid: 61
 has_child: {
 type: social,
 query: {
 bool: {
 should: [
 term: {
 term: {

 content.remote_id: 20697868961_10152270678178962
 fields: id,
 sort: [
 _score: {}
 id: {
 order: asc


Re: Parent/Child query performance in version 1.1.2

2014-08-25 Thread Mark Greene
Hey Clinton,

Thanks for the heads up on what's on the horizon. That definitely sounds 
like a drastic improvement. That being said, my fear here is that even with 
that improvement, this data model (parent/child) doesn't seem to that 
performant with a moderate amount of documents. In order for us to really 
adopt this methodology of using parent/child, we'd expect to see sub 100ms 
performance so long as we were feeding ES with enough RAM. 

My hunch here is there must be some code path that is hit when running on 
more than 1 data node that either doesn't write to the cache or skips it on 
the read and hits the disk. We don't have a ton of load on our data nodes, 
CPU is well under 30% and IOWait is usually under 0.30.

Just to reiterate, when we run the parent/child query on one data node, it 
runs in less than 100ms, when it runs across two data nodes, it's 10s. 
This is being experienced on version 1.1.2 and 1.3.2.

On Monday, August 25, 2014 10:55:15 AM UTC-4, Clinton Gormley wrote:

 Something else to note: parent-child now uses global ordinals to make 
 queries 3x faster than they were previously, but global ordinals need to be 
 rebuilt after the index has refreshed (assuming some data has changed).

 Currently there is no way to refresh p/c global ordinals eagerly (ie 
 during the refresh phase) and so it happens on the first query after a 
 refresh.  1.3.3 and 1.4.0 will include an option to allow eager building of 
 global ordinals which should remove this latency spike:

 You may want to consider increasing the refresh_interval so that global 
 ordinals remain valid for longer.

 On 25 August 2014 16:48, Mark Greene javascript: 

 Hi Adrien,

 Thanks for reaching out.

 We actually were exited to see the performance improvements stated in the 
 1.2.0 release notes so we upgraded to 1.3.2. We saw some performance 
 improvement but it wasn't orders of magnitude and queries are still running 
 very slow.

 We also tried your suggestion of using the 'preference=_local' query 
 param but we didn't see any difference there. Additionally, running the 
 query 10 times, we saw no improvement in speed.

 Currently, the only major performance increase we've seen with 
 parent/child queries is dropping down to 1 data node, at which, we see 
 queries executing well under the 100ms mark.

 On Friday, August 22, 2014 6:42:27 PM UTC-4, Adrien Grand wrote:

 Hi Mark,

 Given that you had 1 replica in your first setup, it could take several 
 queries to warm up the field data cache completely, does the query still 
 take 16 seconds to run if you run it eg. 10 times? (3 should be enough, but 
 just to be sure)

 Does it change anything if you query elasticsearch with 
 preference=_local? This should be equivalent to your single-node setup, so 
 it would be interesting to see if that changes something.

 As a side note, you might want to try out a more recent version of 
 Elasticsearch since parent/child performance improved quite significantly 
 in 1.2.0 because of

 On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 11:15 PM, Mark Greene 

 I wanted to update the list with an interesting piece of information. 
 We found that when we took one of our two data nodes out of the cluster, 
 leaving just one data node with no replicas, the query performance 
 increased dramatically. The queries are now returning in 100ms on 
 subsequent executions which is what we'd expect to see as a result of the 
 data being stored in the field data cache. 

 Is it possible that there is some kind of inefficient code path when a 
 query is spread across primary and replica shards?

 On Thursday, August 21, 2014 3:53:40 PM UTC-4, Mark Greene wrote:

 We are experiencing slow parent/child queries even when we run the 
 query a second time and I wanted to know if this is just the limit of 
 feature within ElasticSearch. According to the ES Docs (
 urrent/parent-child-performance.html) parent/child queries can be 
 5-10x slower and consume a lot of memory. 

 My impression has been that as long as we give ES enough memory via 
 the field data cache, subsequent queries would be quicker than the first 
 time it is executed. We are seeing the following query take ~16 seconds 
 complete every time. 

 from: 0,
 size: 100,
 query: {
 filtered: {
 query: {
 match_all: {}
 filter: {
 bool: {
 must: [
 term: {
 oid: 61
 has_child: {
 type: social,

Re: Parent/Child query performance in version 1.1.2

2014-08-22 Thread Mark Greene
I wanted to update the list with an interesting piece of information. We 
found that when we took one of our two data nodes out of the cluster, 
leaving just one data node with no replicas, the query performance 
increased dramatically. The queries are now returning in 100ms on 
subsequent executions which is what we'd expect to see as a result of the 
data being stored in the field data cache. 

Is it possible that there is some kind of inefficient code path when a 
query is spread across primary and replica shards?

On Thursday, August 21, 2014 3:53:40 PM UTC-4, Mark Greene wrote:

 We are experiencing slow parent/child queries even when we run the query a 
 second time and I wanted to know if this is just the limit of this feature 
 within ElasticSearch. According to the ES Docs (
 parent/child queries can be 5-10x slower and consume a lot of memory. 

 My impression has been that as long as we give ES enough memory via the 
 field data cache, subsequent queries would be quicker than the first time 
 it is executed. We are seeing the following query take ~16 seconds to 
 complete every time. 

 from: 0,
 size: 100,
 query: {
 filtered: {
 query: {
 match_all: {}
 filter: {
 bool: {
 must: [
 term: {
 oid: 61
 has_child: {
 type: social,
 query: {
 bool: {
 should: [
 term: {
 term: {
 fields: id,
 sort: [
 _score: {}
 id: {
 order: asc

 The index (which has 5 shards with 1 replica shard) we are testing this on 
 has 2.2 million parent documents and 1.1 million child documents.

 We are running our two data nodes on r3.2xlarge's which have 8 CPU's, 60GB 
 of RAM, and SSD.

 Our ES data nodes have 30G of heap and the field data cache is only 
 consuming around ~3GB right now and there are no cache evictions. The field 
 data cache is also allowed to grow to 75% of the available heap.

 I'm looking to understand if this is a limitation with parent/child or is 
 there additional configuration that has to be set beyond the defaults that 
 would help speed these queries up?

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Re: Parent/Child query performance in version 1.1.2

2014-08-22 Thread Adrien Grand
Hi Mark,

Given that you had 1 replica in your first setup, it could take several
queries to warm up the field data cache completely, does the query still
take 16 seconds to run if you run it eg. 10 times? (3 should be enough, but
just to be sure)

Does it change anything if you query elasticsearch with preference=_local?
This should be equivalent to your single-node setup, so it would be
interesting to see if that changes something.

As a side note, you might want to try out a more recent version of
Elasticsearch since parent/child performance improved quite significantly
in 1.2.0 because of

On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 11:15 PM, Mark Greene wrote:

 I wanted to update the list with an interesting piece of information. We
 found that when we took one of our two data nodes out of the cluster,
 leaving just one data node with no replicas, the query performance
 increased dramatically. The queries are now returning in 100ms on
 subsequent executions which is what we'd expect to see as a result of the
 data being stored in the field data cache.

 Is it possible that there is some kind of inefficient code path when a
 query is spread across primary and replica shards?

 On Thursday, August 21, 2014 3:53:40 PM UTC-4, Mark Greene wrote:

 We are experiencing slow parent/child queries even when we run the query
 a second time and I wanted to know if this is just the limit of this
 feature within ElasticSearch. According to the ES Docs (
 current/parent-child-performance.html) parent/child queries can be 5-10x
 slower and consume a lot of memory.

 My impression has been that as long as we give ES enough memory via the
 field data cache, subsequent queries would be quicker than the first time
 it is executed. We are seeing the following query take ~16 seconds to
 complete every time.

 from: 0,
 size: 100,
 query: {
 filtered: {
 query: {
 match_all: {}
 filter: {
 bool: {
 must: [
 term: {
 oid: 61
 has_child: {
 type: social,
 query: {
 bool: {
 should: [
 term: {
 term: {
 fields: id,
 sort: [
 _score: {}
 id: {
 order: asc

 The index (which has 5 shards with 1 replica shard) we are testing this
 on has 2.2 million parent documents and 1.1 million child documents.

 We are running our two data nodes on r3.2xlarge's which have 8 CPU's,
 60GB of RAM, and SSD.

 Our ES data nodes have 30G of heap and the field data cache is only
 consuming around ~3GB right now and there are no cache evictions. The field
 data cache is also allowed to grow to 75% of the available heap.

 I'm looking to understand if this is a limitation with parent/child or is
 there additional configuration that has to be set beyond the defaults that
 would help speed these queries up?

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 elasticsearch group.
 To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
 email to
 To view this discussion on the web visit

 For more options, visit

Adrien Grand

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
elasticsearch group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 

Parent/Child query performance in version 1.1.2

2014-08-21 Thread Mark Greene
We are experiencing slow parent/child queries even when we run the query a 
second time and I wanted to know if this is just the limit of this feature 
within ElasticSearch. According to the ES Docs 
parent/child queries can be 5-10x slower and consume a lot of memory. 

My impression has been that as long as we give ES enough memory via the 
field data cache, subsequent queries would be quicker than the first time 
it is executed. We are seeing the following query take ~16 seconds to 
complete every time. 

from: 0,
size: 100,
query: {
filtered: {
query: {
match_all: {}
filter: {
bool: {
must: [
term: {
oid: 61
has_child: {
type: social,
query: {
bool: {
should: [
term: {
term: {
fields: id,
sort: [
_score: {}
id: {
order: asc

The index (which has 5 shards with 1 replica shard) we are testing this on 
has 2.2 million parent documents and 1.1 million child documents.

We are running our two data nodes on r3.2xlarge's which have 8 CPU's, 60GB 
of RAM, and SSD.

Our ES data nodes have 30G of heap and the field data cache is only 
consuming around ~3GB right now and there are no cache evictions. The field 
data cache is also allowed to grow to 75% of the available heap.

I'm looking to understand if this is a limitation with parent/child or is 
there additional configuration that has to be set beyond the defaults that 
would help speed these queries up?

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
elasticsearch group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
To view this discussion on the web visit
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