[Elecraft] Date/Time of Elecraft QSO Party EQP 2005?

2005-01-06 Thread Thomas Martin
planning to take part in the EQP 2005 from DK0SU again
-- anyone knowing the official date/time when EQP 2005 
takes place?
Any changes within the rules compared to last year?

TNX, 73
Thomas, DF7TV

Thomas Martin, Stuttgart, Germany

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RE: [Elecraft] AGC Threshold Adjustment by Changing R1

2005-01-06 Thread Mike Walkington
Hi Bob,


I have an A model K2, so R1 was originally installed as a 51K.  I removed it
and put in a variable and determined on a quiet band, subjectively by ear,
where noise with AGC on and off seemed the same.  I got different readings
each time I did the test, but a mid 40k reading seemed to occur the most
often so I went with that.  Now trying to see what others got as I'm still
not 100% confident.




K2 #2599 



Sent: Thursday, 6 January 2005 9:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] AGC Threshold Adjustment by Changing R1 


Hi Mike,


In the latest revision of the K2 manual version F, 29 January 2004, R1 is
given as 50K preset. In the world outside the USA this would indeed equate
to 47K. The preset has one end strapped to the wiper so would be a
continuously variable resistor from in your case 47K down to zero which is
in series with the 5.1K in RP6. The preset apparently normally comes out at
somewhere near half rotation or in other words about 23 to 25K.


Believe the earlier versions of the K2 had a fixed resistor for R1 selected
on test (SOT). Not sure of the start value used, though there seemed to be
less emphasis on the adjustment then to what is current now to ensure AGC is
fully off with no signal.


Seems to have been a few reports recently with the resistor at one end
though they did not quote which end to know the value.



Bob, G3VVT

K2 #4168

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Re: [Elecraft] Is it possible to connect a amp to the K2

2005-01-06 Thread Dale Boresz
I've been using my K2/100 to drive my Ameritron AL-811H for a couple of 
years, and it works great.

Initially, before I had the KPA100, I used the K2 to drive the amp to 
about 200 watts or so, and built up the simple single transistor keying 
circuit described in the Elecraft archives, to key the amplifier. That 
worked fine.

Later, when I built the KPA100, I used the high voltage output keying 
line to drive the amp, and that worked fine as well.

Still later, after getting tired of listening to the clanking of the 
relay in the AL-811H, I bought the Ameritron QSK-5 QSK-T/R unit, and 
that was the best solution of all. Not only is there no noise from the 
relay in the amplifier, but the tubes in the amplifier are cut-off so no 
plate current flows until just a couple of milliseconds before the rf is 
delivered, and it returns to cutoff within a couple of milliseconds 
after the rf has finished. So, the amp runs cooler, and is absolutely 
quiet except for the almost inaudible 'tick' of the reed relay inside 
the QSK-5 unit.

Having said all that, I don't really use the amplifier very often, but 
when I do, the combination works great.

73, Dale WA8SRA

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Re: [Elecraft] Is it possible to connect a amp to the K2

2005-01-06 Thread Todd Gahagan
Thanks very much Eric.  I've been off the reflector for a couple of days.  I 
believe the keying voltage of the 220 is around 120V DC+.  I'll give it 
a shot.

Todd, WA7U

- Original Message - 
From: "Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ, Elecraft" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Todd Gahagan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "n2uz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; ; "Tom Hammond" 

Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 3:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Is it possible to connect a amp to the K2

The K2/100 already includes a high voltage output keying line for linear 
amplifiers on its KPA100 back panel. It can handle up to 200V and 1A max. 
Most amps with -positive- keying voltages can be T/R keyed from the 

I think the SB-220 uses a positive voltage so it should work.

The few amps with negative keying voltages will need a relay or solid 
state buffer between the amp and the rig.

See page 59 of the KPA100 manual for the key out line specification, and 
page 53 for the 8R Hold menu option that provides a keyout hold feature to 
prevent amplifier relay chatter on CW.

73, Eric  WA6HHQ

Todd Gahagan wrote:
I would really be interested in this also Tom.  Been going to  drive my 
SB220 with the KPA-100, K-2 combo for some time.

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[Elecraft] RE: Hexakey

2005-01-06 Thread Dudley Chapman
If the Hexkey is the same design as the Mercury paddle, then I second the
endorsement.  I have one of the original Mercury paddles made for me by
Steve, N2DAN, back around 12-15 years ago.  Having done CW since the 60s, I
have used a lot of paddles and I have to say there is nothing like the

I am amazed at the low price of the Hexkey.  I paid around $400 for mine,
but at that time Steve was custom making them in his garage on a
make-to-order basis.  Mine also has the chromed square base.  Since I was
almost exclusively a mobile op, I figured that price was nothing compared to
what many people put into towers and such.  I looked at it more like a
precision musical instrument than a piece of equipment.

Mine has been through an incredible amount of heavy usage.  I used it for
years doing CW mobile.  I even was accepted as a CFO member while using that
thing mobile.  One time my car was stolen out of my driveway and stripped
for parts in the nearby city.  Everything of value was gone but I found my
Mercury under the front passenger seat.  Perhaps it was my call letters
engraved on the paddles that discouraged them from fencing it.

I run mine with contact spacing so thin that you can't even put a piece of
paper between them.  After all this time, the action is getting just a bit
sticky, (based on the contact not releasing, not on feel).  Also, the chrome
surface needs cleaning and some areas are hard to get at with the thing
assembled.  I am very hesitant to take it apart, since I am not much of a
watchmaker/machinist.  When I bought it, Steve told me that the lubrication
on the bearings was something military, designed to not dry out for many
years.  I wonder if anyone here can advise me on what to do.  I don't mind
taking it apart if I have someone to whom I can ask questions.  (Hmmm, I
wonder if I should take it to a watch repairman?).

Anyway, I would recommend the Hexkey to anyone anytime.  At that price, it
can't be beat.  It is a marvelous design.  It is a rugged as a Sherman tank
and as precise as a surgical instrument.

Dudley - WA1X

Message: 5
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2005 09:35:20 -0500
From: Michael Babineau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: re: [Elecraft] Hexakey?
Cc: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

Chris Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :


 >I fancy they paddle - but have a BY-1 at home. Is the
 >Hexakey considerably better than a standard Bencher
 >paddle? Tnx es 73, Chris Kf6vci

Boy is it ever!  I have used a BY-2 for almost 24 years.
My Hex key arrived from Elecraft on Chrismas Eve
(thanks guys) and all I can say is WOW. The BY-2 is
going to get put on a shelf for the next 24 years.

This is a precision instrument. It is very heavy and stays
put without any sort of pad under it. As some people have noted
the adjustment screw threading is a tad bit coarse for such
a precision instrument but it appears that this part of the key
uses BY components. It doesn't detract from the key ... it just
means that it takes a little bit longer to get the settings exactly
where you want them, but my guess is that you will never need
to readjust them once they are set to your liking. The actual arm and
bearing mechanism appears to be identical to the Mercury paddles.

I think that Elecraft / Bencher have a real winner with this paddle.
It offers high end performance without the sticker shock or the Mercury
or some of its competitors.

BTW, for anyone willing to part with a lot of money, I noticed that 
Express is now selling the Bencher Mercury paddle as well.

Michael VE3WMB

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[Elecraft] Power Amplifier for K2

2005-01-06 Thread Richard Haendel
For those who think life is too short to do QRP all the time, here is what I
did.  I made an amplifier similar to the amp in Communication Concepts web
page, specifically the Motorola EB-104 Amplifier (kit!) that uses 4 MRF-150
See www.communication-concepts.com/eb104.htm.  I use 48 volts supply voltage
and keep the 48 volts on all the time. I use the 8R line of  the K2 with the
keying circuit mentioned several times in this reflector.  I built a set of
low pass filters for the bands I operate, that is 40M, 20M and 17 M.  I get
about 500 watts out of the amplifier after the low pass filters and the
relays.  I use a 2 element wire beam up 35 feet so I don't have a huge
signal but the audio compression in the K2 really helps a lot.  It sure is
nice to break a pileup on 20M phone with one call when the band is open to

If anyone needs more info, please e-mail me for more details.

73 Rich, W3ACO

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[Elecraft] K2 or K2/100 + amp, QSK?

2005-01-06 Thread John Pfeifer
Been following the thread on running an external amp with the K2 or K2/100. 

I was wondering how connecting an external amp changes the QSK behavior.  Or, 
are people only using an external amp for SSB?

John Pfeifer - KL0WN
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[Elecraft] World record with a K1 TXing .0000406 watts!!

2005-01-06 Thread George McHugh




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Re: [Elecraft] K2 or K2/100 + amp, QSK?

2005-01-06 Thread Jim Brown
On Thu, 06 Jan 2005 06:01:33 -0900, John Pfeifer wrote:

>I was wondering how connecting an external amp changes the QSK

When used with the two TenTec amps as described in my post it's full 
QSK (and I'm sure that the other TenTec amps will also behave that 
way). The only way you know the amp is there is that you get more 
responses to your CQ's, and the guys calling you are more often 
closer to your noise level. :)

Jim Brown K9YC

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[Elecraft] N2CQ QRP Contest Calendar Jan 7-31, 2005

2005-01-06 Thread Ken Newman

JANUARY 7-31, 2005 
40 METER FOXHUNT - Every Friday 0200z to 0359z 
(Thurs 9 PM to 11 PM EST)

Info: http://www.cqc.org/fox/index.htm

Truffle Hunt  - 30 min before Fox Hunt
Info: http://fpqrp.com/winter_hunt.html
The World QRP Federation (WQF) QRP Party (All) ... QRP Contest!
Jan 7, z to 2400z
Rules: http://ruqrp.narod.ru/wqf_e.htm
North American QSO Party (CW) (100w max. QRP Entries Noted)
Jan 8, 1800z to Jan 9, 0600z
Rules: http://www.ncjweb.com/naqprules.php
ARRL RTTY Roundup ... <=150W Category
Jan 8, 1800z to Jan 9, 2400z
Rules: http://www.arrl.org/contests/calendar.html?year=2005
DARC 10-Meter Contest ... <=100 W category
Jan 9, 0900Z to 1059Z
Rules: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/xedczr.htm
070 Club PSKFEST Contest  ... QRP Category
Jan 15, z to 2400z
Rules: http://www.podxs.com/html/pskfest.html
Michigan QRP Club Contest (CW) ... QRP Contest!
Jan 15, 1200z to Jan 16, 2359z 
Rules: http://www.qsl.net/miqrpclub/contest.html

LZ OPEN CONTEST (CW 80M/40M) ...QRP Category
Jan 15, 1200z to 2000z
Rules: http://www.qsl.net/lz1fw/lzopen/index.html
North American QSO Party (SSB) (100w max. QRP Entries Noted)
Jan 15, 1800z to Jan 16, 0600z
Rules: http://www.ncjweb.com/naqprules.php
Run For The Bacon (CW) *** QRP Contest ***
Jan 17, 0100z to 0300z
Rules: http://fpqrp.com
NAQCC 80-METER SPRINT (CW) *** QRP Contest ***
Jan 21, 0130z to 0330z
Rules: http://www.qsl.net/kb3lfc/sprint_0105.html
ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes ... Low Power Category
Jan 22, 1900z to Jan 24, 0400z
Rules: http://www.arrl.org/contests/calendar.html?year=2005
CQ WW 160-Meter DX Contest (CW) ... QRP Category
Jan 29, z to Jan 30, 2359z
Rules: http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com/awards.html
UBA DX Contest (Belgian) (SSB) ... QRP Category
Jan 29, 1300z to Jan 30, 1300z
Rules: http://www.sk3bg.se/contest/ubac.htm
Thanks to SM3CER, WA7BNM, N0AX(ARRL), WB3AAL and others 
for assistance in compiling this calendar. 

Please foreward the contest info you sponsor to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
we will post it and give it more publicity.
Anyone may use this "N2CQ QRP Contest Calendar" for your website,
newsletter, e-mail list or other media as you choose.  
(Include a credit to the source of this material of course.)

72 de
Ken Newman - N2CQ 


Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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[Elecraft] Elecraft K1 Record Set/13 Million Miles per Watt

2005-01-06 Thread Ken N4SO
Recently N2XE ran an 80 meter beacon at very low power levels. I listened 
never heard him.  I have participated in previous beacon tests on 10 mHz 
AA4XX and extremely low levels of power and software that would decode 
below the noise level.  However, the N2XE tests were CW not requiring 

(Ken N4SO)

From: Joel Harrington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Amateur Radio Set New World Record, 13 Million Miles per Watt
Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2005 08:38:31 -0800

Amateur Radio Set New World Record, 13 Million Miles per Watt:

from The Beacon Tribune on January 4, 2005

Amateur Radio Set New World Record, 13 Million Miles per Watt:

January 2, 2005 – New London, NC

Bill Tippett, W4ZV, of New London, NC correctly copied code word OMAHA from 
the N2XE beacon transmitting with a peak carrier power of .406 watts at 
3.5455 MHz on the 80 meter Amateur Radio band. Bill confirmed reception of 
the beacon at 2328Z, January 2, 2005. The precise distance between the two 
stations is 546.8 miles, establishing Bill's record reception distance at 
13,467,980 miles per watt. Tippett used a Ten Tec Orion Transceiver with a 
1000 foot Beverage antenna (named after Dr. Harold Beverage who invented it 
in the 1920s).

The N2XE beacon transmits from an Elecraft K1 (heavily attenuated) using an 
80 meter off-center fed dipole, 45 feet AGL (above ground level). The 
beacon peak carrier output was measured using an Agilent 8563EC Spectrum 
Analyzer at 40.6 uW (40 millionths of a watt). The beacon transmits a 
unique code word each evening. Receiving stations are required to correctly 
copy the code word in their report. The word is published the following 

The N2XE Beacon Project was started in December, 2004 by Paul Stroud, 
AA4XX, Raleigh, NC and John Ceccherelli, N2XE, Wappingers Falls, NY with 
the goal of having a little fun and to go where no diminutive signal has 
gone before. Beacon times and frequencies are posted daily on the QRP-L 
reflector www.kkn.net/archives/html/QRP-L. Tests will continue on 160, 80 
and 40 meters through the end of February 2005.

Commenting on his remarkable success, Bill said "I've spent 25 years on 80 
& 160 listening to below noise level signals. There are at least three 
factors to this stuff: Antennas with good signal to noise like Beverages, a 
good receiver and the knowledge to use it and an operator with good ears 
and knowledge of propagation--not to mention patience and persistence."

Beacon station operator John Ceccherelli, N2XE, seemed more exited than 
Tippett about the achievement, even though it requires almost no effort on 
his part. "Hey, I have to flip the switch, grab a beer and go watch 
TV­that’s effort" he's reported saying, adding “I’m thrilled the record was 
set by an all-American team using all-American equipment.” The Ten Tec 
receiver is manufactured in Severville, TN and the Elecraft transmitter is 
produced in California and offered as a kit.

For more information, contact Bill Tippett at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or John Ceccherelli at 

The Beacon Tribune
Poughkeepsie, NY

On the road to retirement? Check out MSN Life Events for advice on how to 
get there! http://lifeevents.msn.com/category.aspx?cid=Retirement

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 or K2/100 + amp, QSK?

2005-01-06 Thread Hank Kohl K8DD
On CW, it depends on the amp.  If it is the "traditional" amp with a 
relay you will have the traditional VOX delay.  Or you could get an 
Ameritron QSK-5 and retain the K2's level of QSK.
However if you get a QSK amp, like some of the Alpha's or TenTec's, you 
can retain the degree of QSK that the K2 or K2/100 is able to provide.


John Pfeifer wrote:

Been following the thread on running an external amp with the K2 or K2/100. 

I was wondering how connecting an external amp changes the QSK behavior.  Or, 
are people only using an external amp for SSB?

John Pfeifer - KL0WN
Elecraft mailing list
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*/ARRL TS  MI-QRP - Vice Pres.  QRP-ARCI - Director 

If God intended you to be on single sideband, he would 
have given you only one nostril.

 Steve, K2PTS (SK)
'Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their 
level then beat you  with experience.'   -anon 

Elecraft mailing list
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] Rig recption comparison

2005-01-06 Thread George A. Thornton
I have begun running my personal comparison test between three
receivers.  The tests have been on SSB reception.


My newly constructed K-2 (with DSP)


Kenwood TS 2000


Older TS930s that I recently had professionally tuned up.


The bottom line is that there is no comparison.


I live in a fairly urban, high noise location.  The noise floor on the
TS 2000 makes it almost unusable on HF.  Using the same antenna, I often
can't even tune in stations that are clear as a bell on the 930 and K2.


I am also finding that the K2 is outshining the much venerated 930s.  


With filters properly set on the K-2 I find that if I get any reception
at all, the stations coming in on the K2 are clear with inconsequential
background noise.


>From early tests, the 930s is usually able to hear the same stations.
However, I need to fiddle with controls a lot and there is a big noise
floor.  I think the DSP in the K2 has contributed substantially to the
K2's superior performance.


The 930s probably has a superior AF amplifier and sound volume.  When
the unit is properly set up the sound can really boom out (my wife
complains a lot) and the tone is rich with good tone balance.  However,
ONCE THE FILTERS ARE PROPERLY TUNED, the K2 has more than adequate
volume and tone.  Again, the DSP, which does a superior job of noise
control, comes through for the K2, making reception a much easier,
clearer and more pleasant experience.


All in all I am very satisfied with the performance of this little box.
As I sit here in Seatte I am listening to a SSB station from Los Angeles
that is coming in as clear as if it was broadcasting next door.  


I am going to make a more close comparison between the K2 and the 930s
in the next couple of weeks.  I will limit my use of the 2000 to the VHF
and UHF frequencies, where it does an excellent job.



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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] order in which components are built - question

2005-01-06 Thread nz7c
Hi folks -
In starting a new K2 project, I will be approaching it somewhat differently 
than my prior K2s. My 1st component, arriving soon, will be the basic K2. I 
then plan to build the amp and external tuner in the separate EC2 enclosure. I 
will be leaving SSB, computer interface, DSP, and the internal tuner & battery 
until last. In short I want to get to full power cw capability first. My 
question is this: with this order of building will I be creating a situation 
where I have to "redo" or "change" a component - ie creating extra work for 
myself? Thanks folks.
Regards, Tim Logan NZ7C

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] order in which components are built - question

2005-01-06 Thread nz7c
Hi folks -
In starting a new K2 project, I will be approaching it somewhat differently 
than my prior K2s. My 1st component, arriving soon, will be the basic K2. I 
then plan to build the amp and external tuner in the separate EC2 enclosure. I 
will be leaving SSB, computer interface, DSP, and the internal tuner & battery 
until last. In short I want to get to full power cw capability first. My 
question is this: with this order of building will I be creating a situation 
where I have to "redo" or "change" a component - ie creating extra work for 
myself? Thanks folks.
Regards, Tim Logan NZ7C

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Re: [Elecraft] AGC Threshold Adjustment by Changing R1

2005-01-06 Thread G3VVT
In the reply to Mike, VK1KCK I said "R1 is given as 50K preset.  In the world 
outside the USA this would indeed equate to 47K" 
I found that this is not quite correct as although for carbon presets and  
controls have changed to the same decade values as fixed resistors in  Europe 
least, cermet presets which most probably Elecraft will be  using for R1, 
still retain the older values such as in this case 50K for some  reason.
A visual check on my K2 is that R1 when set for 3.70V at U2B-5,  being the 
optimum AGC threshold setting for my K2, the control  is not far from half 
rotation, i.e. about 25K ohms. Working out the  maths for the various resistors 
series and parallel, including the RF gain  control to form the potential 
divider from the 8A rail comes out fairly close to  this voltage.
The preset R1 is as shown in the K2 Control Board schematic, maximum  
resistance for fully CCW.
Bob, G3VVT
K2 #4168
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] order in which components are built - question

2005-01-06 Thread nz7c
Hi folks -
In starting a new K2 project, I will be approaching it somewhat differently 
than my prior K2s. My 1st component, arriving soon, will be the basic K2. I 
then plan to build the amp and external tuner in the separate EC2 enclosure. I 
will be leaving SSB, computer interface, DSP, and the internal tuner & battery 
until last. In short I want to get to full power cw capability first. My 
question is this: with this order of building will I be creating a situation 
where I have to "redo" or "change" a component - ie creating extra work for 
myself? Thanks folks.
Regards, Tim Logan NZ7C

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

RE: [Elecraft] Capacitance values

2005-01-06 Thread Nicholas Lokuciewski


I found this pseudo number line handy

F. xmx,xux,xnx,xpx (Farads, then milli, micro, nano and pico)

eg you have a 1200pf capacitor, how many uF is that?

Put the 1200 in its place on the line thus:


Then read of the value with realtion to micro farards (uF)


ie 0.0012 uF

I think that works! hi!

72 Nicholas 2E1LOK / GQRP 11458 / K2 #2448

From: "John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Elecraft Mail List" ,"QRP-L" 

Subject: [Elecraft] Capacitance values
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2005 11:37:26 -0700

Can anyone point me to a site that will convert capacitor values from one 
form to another.  Capacitors values can be listed in uf, pf, or nf values 
and converting from to another can be confusing.  I recall seeing a site 
that would do the conversion but I guess I have misplaced it.  Help!

John   K7SVV

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Re: [Elecraft] OT: VOA Article about Hams in India

2005-01-06 Thread Douglas Westover
You want hidebound "middle aged white guys" just listen to
14208 in the morning. SSB hurts my ears, CW forever!


- Original Message -
From: "Stephen W. Kercel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Elecraft Reflector" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 8:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] OT: VOA Article about Hams in India

> Hi Fred:
> I'm very encouraged that some young people are taking up ham radio. Given
> the "politically correct" attitude of the times, I have heard ham radio
> dismissed as a "middle aged white guy's" amusement. It is good that events
> show that this is not strictly true.
> Frankly, I hope that a lot of newcomers do take up the more sophisticated
> digital modes. Ham radio has always had a tradition of advancing the
> technology, and now is no time to stop. Although I think that there will
> always be CW, I suspect that the analogy to sailing is very sound. It will
> be a popular (and even indispensable) niche within a much wider range of
> activities.
> Your point about publicizing the no-infrastructure character of CW is well
> taken. Beyond that, with rare exceptions nobody but hams use CW these
> We're keeping the art from becoming lost.
> BTW. I'm strictly CW myself. I tried operating SSB a few times but could
> never get the hang of it. CW is far less difficult.
> 73,
> Steve
> At 07:01 PM 1/5/2005 -0800, you wrote:
> >Hi Steve,
> >
> >We are of a similar mind.  I too was initially dismayed at the
> >possibility that CW would be dropped, in the US and worldwide, as a
> >licensing requirement.  Your response was somewhat courageous in these
> >polarized times.  I think I've begun to realize that any newcomer to the
> >hobby, and the younger the better, is an asset.  Some will embrace CW,
> >some will go for FM and repeaters, some (the really young ones) will
> >advance the digital radio arts.  All of it benefits you and me.
> >
> >Here in Placer County, the HS students must complete a Senior Project to
> >graduate.  It is something they must "do", just not report on.  I serve
> >on the community boards for these students, and it is something I look
> >forward to each and every year ... it renews my faith in the coming
> >generations.  Two years ago, I was a mentor (a required part of the
> >project) for the son of a ham friend.  Like all 18 yr olds, he was a bit
> >distracted at times during the project ... we raised four kids, we're
> >somewhat aclimated!  Of course, I was not on his Community Board.
> >
> >He got his license -- that was the goal of his project.  For his
> >Community Board presentation (I wasn't on it of course), he operated
> >from my station in the CQ WPX using his Dad's call ... a WX6 prefix,
> >presented a description of ham radio, emergency service, and his
> >experience in the contest ... and got hooked on the competition.
> >Somewhere, he figured out that phone was one mode, but there were
> >others, and CW wasn't that hard to learn (he was still young, that's
> >when we all did it, no?)
> >
> >Infrastructure-free communications is still a critical issue in times of
> >severe disaster.  I wish there was more "press" about it.
> >
> >73,
> >
> >Fred K6DGW
> >Auburn, CA CM98lw
> ___
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[Elecraft] Need some help with a Moskita

2005-01-06 Thread Jess Gypin
I am having a bit of a small problem getting the transmitter working with
the Moskita kit from the DL QRP club. If you have built and or trouble shot
this kit, would you mind emailing me off list? I am trying to get this done
for a challenged ham and have fell behind schedule. (Yes, I am challenged,
but it is not me!)

Jess AE0CW

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Re: [Elecraft] Is it possible to connect a amp to the K2

2005-01-06 Thread Douglas Westover
I use my K2/100 to drive an ALS-600 with the QSK-5 T/R box
and I can't say enough good things about the QSK-5. It's a
little pricey but it certainly does a great job and coupled with
the no-tune solid state amp its a nifty combo.

No affiliation with Ameritron, etc., etc.


- Original Message - 
From: "Dale Boresz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 4:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Is it possible to connect a amp to the K2

> I've been using my K2/100 to drive my Ameritron AL-811H for a couple of 
> years, and it works great.
> Later, when I built the KPA100, I used the high voltage output keying 
> line to drive the amp, and that worked fine as well.
> Still later, after getting tired of listening to the clanking of the 
> relay in the AL-811H, I bought the Ameritron QSK-5 QSK-T/R unit, and 
> that was the best solution of all. Not only is there no noise from the 
> relay in the amplifier, but the tubes in the amplifier are cut-off so no 
> plate current flows until just a couple of milliseconds before the rf is 
> delivered, and it returns to cutoff within a couple of milliseconds 
> after the rf has finished. So, the amp runs cooler, and is absolutely 
> quiet except for the almost inaudible 'tick' of the reed relay inside 
> the QSK-5 unit.

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[Elecraft] Capacitance values

2005-01-06 Thread John
Can anyone point me to a site that will convert capacitor values from one 
form to another.  Capacitors values can be listed in uf, pf, or nf values 
and converting from to another can be confusing.  I recall seeing a site 
that would do the conversion but I guess I have misplaced it.  Help!

John   K7SVV 

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[Elecraft] No luck with KX-1 in Peru

2005-01-06 Thread Ray Albers
(tried posting similar message from an Internet cafe in Lima the other 
day but it got bounced as not coming from me).

We just got home from a great two weeks in Peru - wife, son, daughter in 
law and me, visiting daughter in law's family in Lima over xmas and new 
years, plus a 4 day side trip to Cuzco, Machu Pichu, Valle Sagrado, etc. 
(the side trip was made more challenging with borrowed clothes etc 
thanks to Delta having misplaced all our checked baggage for a few days, 
but it (including the xmas gifts) was waiting for us when we returned to 

Only downer was that I made zero contacts with the KX-1. Tried operating 
from hotel rooms in Lima and Cuzco, and one morning also took a walk to 
a nearby park in Lima and sat on a bench with a wire up to a nearby tree 
- to the amusement of dozen or so folks in a Tai Chi group nearby. 
During the two weeks I heard a few weak signals - LUs, PYs, and a couple 
of US stations, but no one heard me, nor were there any replies to my 
many CQs. Tried all three bands at dawn, midmorning, afternoon, evening 
and night. Surprisingly, I heard not a single OA station. While jogging 
or being driven around Lima saw a number of tribanders on short towers 
on house/apartment roofs, most with inverted Vees also, but I guess 
everyone must operate 'phone? Has anyone here ever worked an OA on CW??

I did pay a visit to HQ of Radio Club Peruano (check them out on the 
web), which I had heard described as "the Peruvian ARRL" - well, it's 
much different from ARRL! Paid staff consists of la segretaria and el 
Gerente. No labs and such, but several operating positions in soundproof 
rooms, a small boatanchor collection, but mainly it's a CLUB! They have 
a big on-site meeting room, and a restaurant where members can have 
meals, bring family, etc. Had a nice half hour visit and tour with the 
very amiable manager, Carlos OA4WD, with me struggling in my 
not-at-all-good Spanish, and we finished with a coffee in the nice airy 
restaurant (remember, it's now summer in the Southern Hemisphere).

Ah well, as the Amateur's code says, "The radio amateur is balanced" - 
i.e., there's more to life than QRP CW. It was a great trip!


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[Elecraft] K2/100 with Alpha 99

2005-01-06 Thread Unifiedtx
Is it possible to key the K2/100 for CW QSK operation with the Alpha  99.  If 
so, how should the delay be set in the K2.  I would  rather key the K2 first 
rather than keying the Alpha 99 and running the keying  line back to the K2.  
Roy Morris  W4WFB 
However if you get a QSK amp, like some of the Alpha's  or TenTec's, you can 
retain the degree of QSK that the K2 or K2/100 is able to  provide.

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Re: [Elecraft] K2/100 with Alpha 99

2005-01-06 Thread Vic Rosenthal


Is it possible to key the K2/100 for CW QSK operation with the Alpha  99.  If 
so, how should the delay be set in the K2.  I would  rather key the K2 first 
rather than keying the Alpha 99 and running the keying  line back to the K2.  


I'm keying an Alpha 86 with my K2.  Obviously it's not the same, but it's 
similar.  There is enough time between the activation of the K2's amp keying 
circuit (which is all solid-state and follows the 8r line) and the appearance of 
RF to allow me to key the Alpha from the K2 with no problems.  Actually, the 
only thing that seems different to me when running the Alpha at 1.5 KW output is 
that various things (resistors in my alarm system, traps in my LF antenna, my 
DSL router) tend to explode in the latter case.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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[Elecraft] OA on CW

2005-01-06 Thread L. D. Ingram

 Has anyone here ever worked an OA on CW?? 


Sounds like you had an interesting - and frustrating - time. Don't know if 
your question is rhetorical or not but I did work OA4WW on 17 meters a 
little over a year ago.  I was running 10 watts to a dipole.

Larry Ingram  AG4NN  K2 SN 2529

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Re: [Elecraft] Power Amplifier for K2

2005-01-06 Thread Tom Mc

Hi Rich and all,

This is an very impressive and reasonably priced project...unfortunately my
neighbors seem to like the fact that I'm qrp...but I'm thinking about it.
Only needs 6 watts to drive, too and the low pass filters are also available
quite reasonably.

Is about $60.00 a pop (poor choice of words?) about right for the MRF-150's?

K2 1103
-Original Message-
From: Richard Haendel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net 
Date: Thursday, January 06, 2005 9:53 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] Power Amplifier for K2

For those who think life is too short to do QRP all the time, here is what I
did.  I made an amplifier similar to the amp in Communication Concepts web
page, specifically the Motorola EB-104 Amplifier (kit!) that uses 4 MRF-150
See www.communication-concepts.com/eb104.htm.  I use 48 volts supply voltage
and keep the 48 volts on all the time. I use the 8R line of  the K2 with the
keying circuit mentioned several times in this reflector.  I built a set of
low pass filters for the bands I operate, that is 40M, 20M and 17 M.  I get
about 500 watts out of the amplifier after the low pass filters and the
relays.  I use a 2 element wire beam up 35 feet so I don't have a huge
signal but the audio compression in the K2 really helps a lot.  It sure is
nice to break a pileup on 20M phone with one call when the band is open to

If anyone needs more info, please e-mail me for more details.

73 Rich, W3ACO

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[Elecraft] XG1 help

2005-01-06 Thread Tony Morgan

I have a newly built XG1.
Wanted to try to calibrate the s-meter on my K2.
Problem is very weak output tone on 50 uv setting.
Not sufficient to light s-meter.
Can't hear tone at all on 1 uv setting.
All resistance checks are ok on XG1, all components look to be in correct 
locations, soldering looks good.

Connected to radio using the male-male adapter.
Bad xtal?
Any ideas appreciated.

Tony W7GO 

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Re: [Elecraft] OA on CW

2005-01-06 Thread Brian Mury
On Thu, 2005-06-01 at 21:07 -0500, L. D. Ingram wrote:
>  Has anyone here ever worked an OA on CW?? 
> Ray,
> Sounds like you had an interesting - and frustrating - time. Don't know if 
> your question is rhetorical or not but I did work OA4WW on 17 meters a 
> little over a year ago.  I was running 10 watts to a dipole.

I worked OA on 15 metre CW on 27 Nov with my K2 (yes, that was CQWW CW).

73, Brian

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