Re: [Elecraft] Moosehorn Amateur Radio Club K3-100w Demo

2007-07-16 Thread Brian Jones

From: "Simon Brown (HB9DRV)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Moosehorn Amateur Radio Club K3-100w Demo

Given correct software support (NIMM, DXLabs etc.) and quality support and
service (you lot) this will make life a bit unpleasant for other
manufacturers. Not just the quality and price but the fact that this radio
really is an 'amateur radio' - designed for, by and with an enthusiastic
bunch of would-be users. The one thing I think is essential is a panoramic

Myself, I have never before been so motivated to add software support for a

I agree - I also hope that you and other SW providers might be able to
consider the Linux platform as well as Windows. Ubuntu is bringing
Linux into shacks and homes that a year or two ago would have
considered Linux as too difficult and too geeky.

I have to keep a WinXP system just for HRD, Logger32 et al - be nice
to avoid  the need for two systems.

Hopefully initiatives like the Lazarus project (a Delphi-clone on
Linux) are going to start making it easier for software developers to
provide better support.

Looking forward to the K3 (but waiting until 2008 when I can buy one
off the shelf and personally hand carry it home from the US)

Brian G0UKB
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Re: [Elecraft] Carbon Composition Resistors - Aging

2007-07-16 Thread Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy

Ron D'Eau Claire wrote on Monday, July 16, 2007 2:49 AM:

Back then we paid a huge penalty if we wanted a resistor within 5% or
(gasp!) 1% of the stated value. They were used only in a very few critical
places. Nowadays we routinely expect 1% tolerance from ordinary
off-the-shelf cheap resistors.


You were lucky to be able to get resistors within 10% of the required value
:-) In 1946 my only sources were defunct domestic receivers, difficult to
find in VQ8, and many "liberated" resistors had to be trimmned  to the
required value by filing a notch (or several) in the resistor's body. A dab
of nailpolish "borrowed" from my sister completed the job.


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RE: [Elecraft] K3 Design

2007-07-16 Thread Brett gazdzinski
I wonder if, with today's computer control and other
fancy tricks like switched in band pass filters, wide range
vfo gizmos, etc, if it would be possible to build a single conversion
receiver with a 455 KHz IF frequency.

With good filters and DSP, could it work?


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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Design

2007-07-16 Thread Val

> I wonder if, with today's computer control and other
> fancy tricks like switched in band pass filters, wide range
> vfo gizmos, etc, if it would be possible to build a single conversion
> receiver with a 455 KHz IF frequency.
> With good filters and DSP, could it work?

The DSP can't help for the image rejection.

73 Val LZ1VB
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[Elecraft] Please ignore.

2007-07-16 Thread Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy

Test. Sorry for using bandwidth.


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[Elecraft] K3 Design

2007-07-16 Thread J F
Amen Bill! 

If I want the features, I'll buy the module or add on.
Elecraft thought this one thru as well IMHO. Looks
like the rig will not only be a contest favorite, but
a DXpedition and mobile player as well.

Glad to know KL3R was running a K3, managed to land
them on 20M... will have to get a QSL from 'em.

Elecraft QSL cards in the future showing the product


"Count me as one who is thankful I am not forced to
pay for General Coverage, FM, AM, ATU, bandscopes and
a host of other features I don't need.  Of course all
of these are possible for extra cost, but I'm not
forced to pay for the features I don't need and will
never use."
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Design

2007-07-16 Thread Thom LaCosta

On Mon, 16 Jul 2007, J F wrote:

Elecraft QSL cards in the future showing the product

Might be interesting if someone who deals with the printer came up
with a K3 design that could be used for a group buy.

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[Elecraft] K3: A question about the low IF and IF image freq.

2007-07-16 Thread dj7mgq

a minor discussion has popped up here in DL about how the K3 mixes down to 15kHz
before going to the ADC. 

There a few who are worried that the level of rejection +/- 30kHz from the
8215kHz IF will not be "good enough", due to filter blow-by, to prevent strong
signals being heard on the image frequency of 8215kHz. This has lead to
speculation about if the K3 uses a scheme which produces I and Q signals at
15kHz, which would allow the DSP to further suppress the image reception.

The FAQ is not very clear about how the mixing down to 15kHz has been designed. 

Maybe one of the beta testers could answer this. 

I wouldn't want to slow down Eric or Wayne,

vy 73 de toby
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Design

2007-07-16 Thread Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy


Brett N2DTS -- 

I wonder if, with today's computer control and other
fancy tricks like switched in band pass filters, wide range
vfo gizmos, etc, if it would be possible to build a single conversion
receiver with a 455 KHz IF frequency.

With good filters and DSP, could it work?

Val -- 

The DSP can't help for the image rejection.

73 Val LZ1VB

An Image Reject mixer might be useful in this case Val, although I have not 
looked at the specific "numbers" for an IF of 455 kHz. If high performance 
is required, for sure large cored coils would be required in the preselector 
to avoid IMD being generated there, e.g. T-68-X size. Also "strong" mixers 
and all of the following stages including the filters and DSP must be able 
to handle big signals both within and outside of the IF filter passband.

Another option might be direct conversion using an Image Reject mixer 
feeding audio DSP, but you would be hard pushed I think to get more than 
50 - 60 db unwanted sideband suppression from the mixer and associated audio 
networks themselves, but no other images of consequence would have to be 
dealt with - assuming a clean LO and strong mixers. Collins used this 
approach to cover the 20 to 2000 MHz range in their 95S-1A receiver produced 
some years ago. Perhaps the DSP wizards know of a way to improve on the 
unwanted sideband suppression.


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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Design

2007-07-16 Thread n2ey

-Original Message-
From: Brett gazdzinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I wonder if, with today's computer control and other
fancy tricks like switched in band pass filters, wide range
vfo gizmos, etc, if it would be possible to build a single conversion
receiver with a 455 KHz IF frequency.

With good filters and DSP, could it work?

You're looking at the wrong end of the receiver.

The main problem with a single-conversion HF receiver using a 455 kHz IF
is image response. Most of what you have described, such as VFO gizmos,
computer control and DSP, will not help that problem.

With really good front-end filtering, such a receiver will have
adequate image rejection up to about 40 meters. Maybe even as
high as 30 meters with lots of high Q tuned circuits. But that's about
the limit, if you want image rejection of more than 30-40 dB.

If you're willing to give up the higher HF bands, or put up with images,
there's no reason such a receiver couldn't be built.

Images are the main reason amateur HF receivers moved away from
the single-conversion-455-kHz-IF design more than a half century ago.
This was after receivers like the HRO and BC-342 had used two
tuned RF stages ahead of the first mixer.

W3FPR mentioned the 1957 article "What's Wrong With Our Present 
by W1DX, and I highly recommend it today. It explains the classic 
problems of the
high performance HF superhet rx and the tradeoffs in design. The 
technology may

have changed but the basic problems remain.

All Elecraft rx designs are direct descendants of the ideas presented 
in that 1957
article. The two main advances in the intervening 50 years (besides the 
of sandstate instead of hollowstate) are the use of a lownoise lowdrift 

LO, and improvements in the back end of the rx like IF DSP.


A much-overlooked article was in QST in 1971, called "An Experimental 
for 75 Meter DX Work" by W1KLK. This rx used a high selectivity front 
end, lownoise/lowgain RF amplifier,
high dynamic range mixer, and single conversion to 455 kHz. But it only 
covered 80/75 meters.

All receiver designs are tradeoffs - no exceptions, including even the 
K3. The question is what you
trade off. For example, the K3 won't do a very good job receiving 
around its first IF (8.215 MHz). But there's
no ham band there. If it means better performance on other frequencies, 
lower cost and less complexity,

I'll take that tradeoff!

73 de Jim, N2EY

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[Elecraft] K2/100, KAT100 strange tuning problem

2007-07-16 Thread Solosko, Robert B (Bob)
Hello All,

I hope that someone can suggest where to start tracing down a
rather strange tuning problem that cropped up in the middle of working
the IARU on Saturday. The short description is that the K2/100-KAT100
stopped tuning in AUTO mode when in high power mode on 40 meters. Here's
some of the details:

1 - Tuning with the K2/100 and KAT100 on 40 meters has worked fine since
I completed the KPA100 (rev. D) 6 months ago.

2 - I had no problems tuning for about the first 10 QSOs on 40m, and
then the rig suddenly wouldn't tune at all when in high power mode
(there were no lightening strikes during that time) - then tuning became

3 - Tuning worked fine when the power was reduced to low power mode: all
I had to do was reduce the power just to the point where the power LEDs
on the KAT100 switched from high power to low power and everything
worked fine - then increasing the power just to the point where the
power LEDs on the KAT1200 switched from low power to high power and the
KAT100 wouldn't tune at all.

4 - If I tuned in low power mode, then cranked up the power to 100w, the
rig transmitted just fine (and I made a bunch more 40m QSOs working like

5 - The rig tuned just fine in high power mode on all other bands.

6 - The problem doesn't seem to an antenna problem as the same thing
happens when the antenna is replaced with a dummy load.

The KAT100 manual has an obscure comment under troubleshooting that
says: "Erratic tuning in AUTO mode: This is much more likely to occur at
high power, and could be due to high RF voltages on the K2 chassis, mic,
key, power supply leads, or KAT100 control cable. First, try reducing
power to 10 watts or less. This will force auto-tune to be done at 2
watts. If this cures the problem, you may need to add RF bypassing to
your power supply, key, or mic; improve your ground system; move the
antenna farther away; or use a "choke balun" between the ATU and the
transceiver." -- 

That actually doesn't tell me much about where to start looking, since
the everything has been working for 6 months (OK, I did get the new MH2
mic, but that was several weeks ago and it's been working fine), and
everything worked for at least the first 1/2 hour on 40m in the IARU, so
nothing's that I changed that could account for the sudden lack in
ability to tune in high power mode on 40m.

Help! Where do I start looking for the cause?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: [Elecraft] Carbon Composition Resistors - Aging

2007-07-16 Thread John Magliacane
--- Jack Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Unlike fine wine, carbon composition resistors do not get better with age.

Yea verily!

I have observed effect myself with quite a number of 1/4-watt 5% tolerance
resistors that have never been used, are probably at least 20 years old, and
have been stored at room temperature.

In particular, a collection of 75 ohm resistors read extremely high -- in some
cases nearly DOUBLE their rated value!

I have not seen this effect as much with carbon film resistors of similar
value, vintage, tolerance, and power rating.

I made this discovery almost by mistake about two years ago.  I had been using
the 75-ohm resistors as terminators in NTSC analog video circuits for quite a
number of years.  While these circuits worked fine when tested on the bench
using a video test pattern generator (that had been previously calibrated using
one of these problem resistors as a terminator), improper video levels were
experienced when these circuits were used outside the test environment.

73, de John, KD2BD

Visit John on the Web at:


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Re: [Elecraft] K2/100, KAT100 strange tuning problem

2007-07-16 Thread Don Wilhelm


There is nothing unique to 40 meters in the KAT100, *but*.

Behavior like that *could* be related to a parasitic oscillation in the 
KPA100.  The parasitic usually revealed itself during a TUNE operation 
with the KAT100 also installed.

The KPA100 T/R switch was re-designed to address that very problem.  If 
your KPA100 was ordered before last December, it has the old T/R switch 
in it, and can have the parasitic problem on 40.

I suggest you promptly obtain the KPA100UPKT and install it in your KPA100.


Solosko, Robert B (Bob) wrote:

Hello All,

I hope that someone can suggest where to start tracing down a
rather strange tuning problem that cropped up in the middle of working
the IARU on Saturday. The short description is that the K2/100-KAT100
stopped tuning in AUTO mode when in high power mode on 40 meters. Here's
some of the details:

1 - Tuning with the K2/100 and KAT100 on 40 meters has worked fine since
I completed the KPA100 (rev. D) 6 months ago.

2 - I had no problems tuning for about the first 10 QSOs on 40m, and
then the rig suddenly wouldn't tune at all when in high power mode
(there were no lightening strikes during that time) - then tuning became

3 - Tuning worked fine when the power was reduced to low power mode: all
I had to do was reduce the power just to the point where the power LEDs
on the KAT100 switched from high power to low power and everything
worked fine - then increasing the power just to the point where the
power LEDs on the KAT1200 switched from low power to high power and the
KAT100 wouldn't tune at all.

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[Elecraft] Keyboard Connector

2007-07-16 Thread Michael Koetje
Has there been anything announced in reference to the keyboard or connector
that will be used for the digital modes? I am wondering if there has been a
decision made as to what type or make of keyboard will be necessary to
utilize these functions. Will this be an accessory offered by Elecraft?

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Re: [Elecraft] Proper K2 power cord?

2007-07-16 Thread Chris Kantarjiev
> Being concentrated heating points the terminals are usually where fires get  
> started when they are dissipating too much heat. 40 watts is about what the  
> average soldering iron provides (doing soldering jobs in ham rigs), so you 
> could  conceivably desolder a poorly done terminal if it has as little as 0.1 
> Oh
> m  
> resistance.

This is, in fact, a known problem on some HP laptops; the power connectors
desolder themselves at the PC board. I've fixed several.

73 de chris K6DBG
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Re: [Elecraft] Keyboard Connector

2007-07-16 Thread Don Wilhelm


While I don't know for certain, I would go 'out on a limb' and say that 
it will be an accessory offered by Elecraft.  The keyboard connector on 
the bottom of the K3 is the RJ-45 style, and I certainly don't know the 
pinout nor the signaling protocol between the K3 and the keyboard.  I 
would also imagine that the keyboard might contain some special keys for 
a subset of the K3 control functions - 'Transmit' would be an obvious 
choice for a control key.


Michael Koetje wrote:

Has there been anything announced in reference to the keyboard or connector
that will be used for the digital modes? I am wondering if there has been a
decision made as to what type or make of keyboard will be necessary to
utilize these functions. Will this be an accessory offered by Elecraft?

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[Elecraft] K3 Design

2007-07-16 Thread Barry N1EU

W4ZV penned: "Count me as one who is thankful I am not forced to pay
for General Coverage, FM, AM, ATU, bandscopes and a host of other
features I don't need.  Of course all of these
are possible for extra cost, but I'm not forced to pay for the
features I don't need and will never use."

Unless I'm mistaken, I AM being forced to pay for an ATU option in
order to get a 2nd antenna input and to pay for a transverter option
to get a rx antenna input.  I'm thrilled about the K3, just not
thrilled about this part of the option matrix.

Barry N1EU
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RE: [Elecraft] K2/100, KAT100 strange tuning problem

2007-07-16 Thread Solosko, Robert B (Bob)
Thanks Don... My KPA100 was ordered in December and is Rev D, so it's
the version with the 40m parasitic problem fixed (it doesn't have RFC 10
on the antenna connector that the earlier versions did)- I wonder if the
change to Rev D didn't quite fix the problem. Rev. E came out shortly
after I built my KPA100, but I don't know what changed from D to E. Are
there other things that I should check?



-Original Message-
From: Don Wilhelm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 11:17 AM
To: Solosko, Robert B (Bob)
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K2/100, KAT100 strange tuning problem


There is nothing unique to 40 meters in the KAT100, *but*.

Behavior like that *could* be related to a parasitic oscillation in the
KPA100.  The parasitic usually revealed itself during a TUNE operation
with the KAT100 also installed.

The KPA100 T/R switch was re-designed to address that very problem.  If
your KPA100 was ordered before last December, it has the old T/R switch
in it, and can have the parasitic problem on 40.

I suggest you promptly obtain the KPA100UPKT and install it in your


Solosko, Robert B (Bob) wrote:
> Hello All,
>   I hope that someone can suggest where to start tracing down a
> strange tuning problem that cropped up in the middle of working the 
> IARU on Saturday. The short description is that the K2/100-KAT100 
> stopped tuning in AUTO mode when in high power mode on 40 meters. 
> Here's some of the details:
> 1 - Tuning with the K2/100 and KAT100 on 40 meters has worked fine 
> since I completed the KPA100 (rev. D) 6 months ago.
> 2 - I had no problems tuning for about the first 10 QSOs on 40m, and 
> then the rig suddenly wouldn't tune at all when in high power mode 
> (there were no lightening strikes during that time) - then tuning 
> became erratic.
> 3 - Tuning worked fine when the power was reduced to low power mode: 
> all I had to do was reduce the power just to the point where the power

> LEDs on the KAT100 switched from high power to low power and 
> everything worked fine - then increasing the power just to the point 
> where the power LEDs on the KAT1200 switched from low power to high 
> power and the KAT100 wouldn't tune at all.
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Re: [Elecraft] K2/100, KAT100 strange tuning problem

2007-07-16 Thread Don Wilhelm


Since you do have early updated version of the KPA100 - there is one 
thing yet to check, and that is the value of C31.  If it is not a .22 uf 
capacitor, it should be changed to the new value.  Elecraft will supply 
one if you ask - the part number is E530295.

The capacitor situation was not discovered until after the updated 
KPA100s began shipping.  Under certain conditions the updated KPA100 
will oscillate near 600 kHz with the lower value capacitor at C31.

I know this is confusing - the older KPA100s had a 40 meter parasitic, 
likely caused by RFC10 while the newer version has this other 
oscillation problem if the bypass capacitor is not large enough. 
Similar outward behavior, but entirely different causes.

BTW - the changes from 'D to E' were only to clean up the manual.  There 
is only a loose link between the manual level and the hardware revision 


Solosko, Robert B (Bob) wrote:

Thanks Don... My KPA100 was ordered in December and is Rev D, so it's
the version with the 40m parasitic problem fixed (it doesn't have RFC 10
on the antenna connector that the earlier versions did)- I wonder if the
change to Rev D didn't quite fix the problem. Rev. E came out shortly
after I built my KPA100, but I don't know what changed from D to E. Are
there other things that I should check?

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[Elecraft] TEST

2007-07-16 Thread walter renner
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RE: [Elecraft] K2/100, KAT100 strange tuning problem

2007-07-16 Thread Solosko, Robert B (Bob)
Thanks Don,

That could be the problem - my Rev D manual says it .033uf. I'll
check it out and see it that cures the problem.

Thanks again.


-Original Message-
From: Don Wilhelm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 12:32 PM
To: Solosko, Robert B (Bob)
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K2/100, KAT100 strange tuning problem


Since you do have early updated version of the KPA100 - there is one
thing yet to check, and that is the value of C31.  If it is not a .22 uf
capacitor, it should be changed to the new value.  Elecraft will supply
one if you ask - the part number is E530295.

The capacitor situation was not discovered until after the updated
KPA100s began shipping.  Under certain conditions the updated KPA100
will oscillate near 600 kHz with the lower value capacitor at C31.

I know this is confusing - the older KPA100s had a 40 meter parasitic,
likely caused by RFC10 while the newer version has this other
oscillation problem if the bypass capacitor is not large enough. 
Similar outward behavior, but entirely different causes.

BTW - the changes from 'D to E' were only to clean up the manual.  There
is only a loose link between the manual level and the hardware revision


Solosko, Robert B (Bob) wrote:
> Thanks Don... My KPA100 was ordered in December and is Rev D, so it's 
> the version with the 40m parasitic problem fixed (it doesn't have RFC 
> 10 on the antenna connector that the earlier versions did)- I wonder 
> if the change to Rev D didn't quite fix the problem. Rev. E came out 
> shortly after I built my KPA100, but I don't know what changed from D 
> to E. Are there other things that I should check?
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[Elecraft] Started building my K2 have a few ?

2007-07-16 Thread Matt Palmer

Almost complete with the control board and had a couple questions for the
peanut gallery. There are pads on the board for a C44, however this cap does
not appear in the inventory, and is not mentioned in the manual, I assume it
is for an additional module but we know what happens when you assume things.
Also does anyone know the gold plating thickness on the right angle
connectors? I am generally unhappy with the wetting I am getting on several
pins and am concerned about these solder joints breaking somewhere in the
future, has anyone else had this problem (Before I get the canned responses
I am using a Metcal RF soldering iron with a 037 tip and am building the
board in compliance with JSTD 001D Class 3)

Thanks a bunch.

Matt Palmer
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[Elecraft] Interesting reading...

2007-07-16 Thread J F
SM6EQO's Equipment Page:

He had a very nice QRP score in IARU with a K2...

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RE: [Elecraft] K3 Design

2007-07-16 Thread J. Edward (Ed) Muns
> Unless I'm mistaken, I AM being forced to pay for an ATU 
> option in order to get a 2nd antenna input and to pay for a 
> transverter option to get a rx antenna input.  I'm thrilled 
> about the K3, just not thrilled about this part of the option matrix.

Yes, this is true for now.  Can't say what additional options might appear
in the future.  It just wasn't practical to define more option modules
beyond the eight major ones already introduced.  So, some features were
necessarily combined.  Given the overall juggling challenge among all the K3
features, I think Elecraft did an exceptional job.  Remember, too, that the
range of customers and usage scenarios is tremendous.  Launching the
currently introduced K3 with all its options is a monumental task, and
particularly impressive by a relatively small company like Elecraft.  They
make up for number of employs by working very smart and very hard, hi!

Ed - W0YK

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[Elecraft] FOR SALE: Elecraft KX1

2007-07-16 Thread Jeff Imel
I have a built Elecraft KX1 for sale with the KXB30 30 meter module, KXAT1 
automatic antenna tuner and the KXPD1 paddle.  It has a fresh set of lithium 
batteries installed.

$485 shipped Insured Priority Mail to your USA QTH.  DX (outside of the USA) 
please contact me and I can provide a shipping quote.

I accept PayPal, check, money order and all major credit cards.

Please contact me off list at [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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Re: [Elecraft] Started building my K2 have a few ?

2007-07-16 Thread Don Wilhelm


Control Board C44 is not used - that location should have nothing in it.

I don't know the pin plating thickness, but if they are not wetting 
easily, check your soldering temperature.  I normally use 700 to 750 deg 
F and find no problem.

There is a big difference in wetting capability between solder as well - 
I use Multi-Core 63/37 with type 370 5 core flux and it wets nicely.  I 
had some old Weller Rosin core solder in the garage drawer that I 
recently tried to use when soldering some antenna wire - it had no 
wetting ability at all and I threw it in the trash.


Matt Palmer wrote:

Almost complete with the control board and had a couple questions for the
peanut gallery. There are pads on the board for a C44, however this cap 
not appear in the inventory, and is not mentioned in the manual, I 
assume it
is for an additional module but we know what happens when you assume 

Also does anyone know the gold plating thickness on the right angle
connectors? I am generally unhappy with the wetting I am getting on several
pins and am concerned about these solder joints breaking somewhere in the
future, has anyone else had this problem (Before I get the canned responses
I am using a Metcal RF soldering iron with a 037 tip and am building the
board in compliance with JSTD 001D Class 3)

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RE: [Elecraft] Started building my K2 have a few ?

2007-07-16 Thread Brett gazdzinski
I cant say I had any solder problems at all, on
any elecraft stuff I built.

Then, I am used to soldering 30 year old resistors and other old parts,
so anything newer then 15 years old is a snap to solder!

Oh the joys of soldering a (seemingly) endless amount of NEW clean

And I do it with 20 year old least that's how long I have had


> I don't know the pin plating thickness, but if they are not wetting 
> easily, check your soldering temperature.  I normally use 700 
> to 750 deg 
> F and find no problem.
> There is a big difference in wetting capability between 
> solder as well - 
> I use Multi-Core 63/37 with type 370 5 core flux and it wets 
> nicely.  I 
> had some old Weller Rosin core solder in the garage drawer that I 
> recently tried to use when soldering some antenna wire - it had no 
> wetting ability at all and I threw it in the trash.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR

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RE: [Elecraft] K3 Design

2007-07-16 Thread Brett gazdzinski
 I just went an ordered everything I was likely to want,
the Elecraft prices are low for the performance in my book.

I DID order the base K3 and 6KHz filter in the first batch, then
later on ordered all the other goodies, so I don't know if it
will all come at once or not.
(I like surprises)

I wonder how Elecraft sets things up, do they order stuff for
say 500 fully provisioned radios in the 1st and 2nd batches?

It must be a real challenge putting together something as
complex as the K3 project, plus still selling all the other

The recent tidbits from the beta testers sound wonderful!

Now, on to the test results!


> > Unless I'm mistaken, I AM being forced to pay for an ATU 
> > option in order to get a 2nd antenna input and to pay for a 
> > transverter option to get a rx antenna input.  I'm thrilled 
> > about the K3, just not thrilled about this part of the 
> option matrix.
> Yes, this is true for now.  Can't say what additional options 
> might appear
> in the future.  It just wasn't practical to define more option modules
> beyond the eight major ones already introduced.  So, some 
> features were
> necessarily combined.  Given the overall juggling challenge 
> among all the K3
> features, I think Elecraft did an exceptional job.  Remember, 
> too, that the
> range of customers and usage scenarios is tremendous.  Launching the
> currently introduced K3 with all its options is a monumental task, and
> particularly impressive by a relatively small company like 
> Elecraft.  They
> make up for number of employs by working very smart and very hard, hi!
> 73,
> Ed - W0YK
> ___
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[Elecraft] down

2007-07-16 Thread Rob Locher W7GH has been down for several days.  Unfortunately, this is the
searchable archive; the backup archive isn't searchable.  Currently it is
still possible to do Google searches of the archive by looking at the
cached copies of the pages, but if the site doesn't come back up then
eventually the cached copies will go away too.

- Rob W7GH

On Sun, 15 Jul 2007 08:41:32 -0700, Bob Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I suspect a routing issue somewhere along the internet.  I cannot  
currently access the AC6RM site, but have no problems reaching  
.  You might try using  
traceroute (tracert in Windows) to see if there is a route disconnect  

73, Bob N7XY

On Jul 15, 2007, at 8:04 AM, Karsten Eppert (DK4AS) wrote:

Does anybody have an idea, why I can?t access the email-reflector since  
about one week? I tried it from different machies at different  
loctions: the reflector-page can?t be opened. All the rest of the  
elecraft-pages works fine. Also the backup server. I receive my daily  

I also tried just to open That also was impossible.
Any hint is welcome.


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[Elecraft] RE: Started building my K2 have a few ?

2007-07-16 Thread Matt Palmer

A metcal 037 tip is 700 deg F. I'm using some kester 60/40 solder I had
laying about(pocketpak), not sure of actual part number. In regards to my
plating question, from a commercial production standpoint, if gold plating
is too thick on a part, it tends to cause cracking in a solder joint in
later life. Under JSTD001 gold platings above a certain thickness are
supposed to be filed/sanded down to alleviate this problem. Usually at least
in my place of business we do not know of problems with plating until it is
too late. I was just curious if there were any other  'crafters out there
that have had issues with the gold plated connectors, if not I don't plan on
worrying about it, I have not had the opportunity to look at the joints
under a scope, however just the fact that capillary action failed to pull
solder thru the vias and wet the top of the board gave me a bad initial
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Re: [Elecraft] down

2007-07-16 Thread Pat N8VW

On Mon, 16 Jul 2007 10:49:20 -0700, "Rob Locher W7GH" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote :

> has been down for several days.  Unfortunately, this is the
> searchable archive; the backup archive isn't searchable.  Currently it is
> still possible to do Google searches of the archive by looking at the
> cached copies of the pages, but if the site doesn't come back up then
> eventually the cached copies will go away too.
> also has a search-able archive of the list.

Pat N8VW
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Re: [Elecraft] Proper K2 power cord?

2007-07-16 Thread Chris Kantarjiev
> Here is a chart of wire gage versus current capacity for power 
> transmission.
> Gage   Amps
> 12 9.3
> 14 5.9
> 16 3.7
> 18 2.3
> 20 1.5
> The K2 10W version uses 2.0 amps for transmit and up to 0.250 amps for 
> receive. It looks like  16 gage wire would work fine.

This is a pretty interesting table, especially in light of the
sizing of PowerPole connectors. The "30A" contact doesn't comfortably
fit anything larger than 12g wire. I don't have a "15A" contact
handy, but my memory is that it handles 18g OK, but I'm not sure
if it will handle 16g.

That's just ... broken :-)

> If it were me, I would buy the connector from Elecraft.

Yeah, I guess I'm going to have to get a few. I admit that my
bench is littered with little cords that have "15A" PowerPoles on
one end and generic power connectors on the other end, all made
out of 20g or 22g zip cord. 

I'm having a really hard time imagining pushing 16g zip cord into
the body of a 2.1mm plug! I think I've done this with 18g once,
and it wasn't pretty - perhaps the cable sold by the Wireman
has thinner insulation?

73 de chris K6DBG
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[Elecraft] K3 manual

2007-07-16 Thread adamkern
Will the K3 instruction manual have appropriately placed
sidebars or cross references for installation of optional
accessories at the time of original build, or will the
assembler have to cross reference accessory manuals his or

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Re: [Elecraft] Proper K2 power cord?

2007-07-16 Thread Bob Nielsen

On Jul 16, 2007, at 12:21 PM, Chris Kantarjiev wrote:

Here is a chart of wire gage versus current capacity for power

Gage   Amps
12 9.3
14 5.9
16 3.7
18 2.3
20 1.5

The K2 10W version uses 2.0 amps for transmit and up to 0.250 amps  

receive. It looks like  16 gage wire would work fine.

This is a pretty interesting table, especially in light of the
sizing of PowerPole connectors. The "30A" contact doesn't comfortably
fit anything larger than 12g wire. I don't have a "15A" contact
handy, but my memory is that it handles 18g OK, but I'm not sure
if it will handle 16g.

That's just ... broken :-)

If it were me, I would buy the connector from Elecraft.

Yeah, I guess I'm going to have to get a few. I admit that my
bench is littered with little cords that have "15A" PowerPoles on
one end and generic power connectors on the other end, all made
out of 20g or 22g zip cord.

I'm having a really hard time imagining pushing 16g zip cord into
the body of a 2.1mm plug! I think I've done this with 18g once,
and it wasn't pretty - perhaps the cable sold by the Wireman
has thinner insulation?

If you are just making a short jumper from PowerPole to 2.1 mm, you  
can fudge a bit on the wire size, since the resistance is dependent  
on wire length.  I wouldn't hesitate to use 18 or even 20 over a very  
short length with my K2.

Bob, N7XY
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[Elecraft] [Fwd: Re: K3: A question about the low IF and IF image freq.]

2007-07-16 Thread Toby Deinhardt

I hope Wayne won't mind, but if any one was wondering

 Original Message 
Hi Toby,

We mix directly down from 8215 to 15 kHz using an 8230 kHz 2nd LO
(derived from the 49.380 MHz main reference oscillator). Excellent 2nd
IF image rejection is obtained by cascaded crystal filters: first the
primary filters (8 or 5 pole), then, just ahead of the 2nd mixer, a
wider filter that is optimized to suppress 8245 kHz.


vy 73 de toby
DD5FZ, 4N6FZ (ex dj7mgq, dg5mgq, dd5fz)
K2 #885, K2/100 #3248
K3/100 #??? (< #200)
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[Elecraft] k2 #6154 low sensitivity

2007-07-16 Thread kc9gtb Ed Green
input voltage 13.86  
just plane K2, no additional options yet

it can receive on all bands, but very weak, very low

tuned up on transmit, no problems  16W out

strange voltages found on RF board;
U4 pin 7=4.92
U12 pins 4,6=6.89
I have to assume that I burned, shorted, broke, or
installed wrong parts.
I have been through problem 100 & 110, must have
missed something.

Suggestions ?

I have some test equipment and working Ham equipment


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[Elecraft] July NAQCC Sprint & giveaway

2007-07-16 Thread Larry Makoski
This Wednesday evening, the North American QRP CW Club will be holding 
its monthly sprint.

Here are the particulars:

Date and time:
Thursday, July 19th, 0030-0230 UTC
(Remember that's Wednesday evening here in the USA)  That's  8:30 - 
10:30 EDT, 7:30 - 9:30 CDT, 6:30 - 8:30 MDT and 5:30 - 7:30 PDT.

Bands - Frequencies:
80M - 3555-3565 kHz (Be courteous to FISTS operating on 3558 kHz)
40M - 7039-7050 kHz (Avoid W1AW on 7047.5 kHz).
20M - 14059-14065 kHz. General:
A particular station may be worked once on each band. Operate CW only.
All licensed amateurs are invited to participate, but only those 
operating QRP (5 watts or less) are eligible for awards.

Call: CQ NA

RST - SPC (State Province or Country) - NAQCC Nr.
(non-Members substitute power level for NAQCC Nr., e.g. 5W, 1W, etc. Be 
sure to add the W.)

QSO Points:
QSO with a Member, 2 points.
QSO with a Non-member, 1 point.

Each USA state
Each VE province
Each country except W/VE
All multipliers count only once in the contest.

If you use only a straight key for the entire sprint, multiply your 
score by 2.

If you use only a bug for the entire sprint, multiply your score by 1.5.
If you key with anything other than a straight key or bug, there is no 
bonus multiplier.

SWA - simple wire antennas - for those using a simple wire antenna per 
NAQCC definition.

GAIN - gain antennas - for those using other than a simple wire antenna.

Special Award:
Our special award this month goes to the one with the highest score 
working the most different call areas in the USA. It's the state that 
determines the call area, not the call sign number. For example working 
a W6 in Florida counts for the 4th call area, not the 6th.

The winner will win a set of CD's features K7QO, Chuck Adams' code 
course designed to increase code speed.  Please see: for further details.

REMEMBER: You HAVE to be a NAQCC member to be eligible to win the CDs; 
and there's still plenty of time to join before Wednesday  night's 
sprint. To join the NAQCC, please visit:

Entry Deadline:
All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on July 25th 2007. So submit 
as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries.

For further information, please visit:

73 de Larry W2LJ

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[Elecraft] KX1: power on, no LED readout, then a burning smell

2007-07-16 Thread John Shadle
Oh no. I have no idea what I have done. I haven't used the KX1 for a 
while (a couple weeks) and hooked it up to a 7Ah battery and switched on 
the power. The battery was measuring 12.8v before I hooked up the radio.

As soon as I switched on the radio, I heard a little something in the 
headphones (like a "pop", but not uncharacteristic of the KX1 turning 
on), but no display on the LED.

I did smell something burning, though.

I powered off and took the case off (and smelled more burning odors). 
When I took the board out of the enclosure and gave it the once over, I 
found that the copper traces were exposed in the area between R16 and 
R17 markings on the side with the crystals installed (see photo below).

I don't want to apply power again, but am not sure where to head next.

If anyone has any ideas, I would love to hear them. The traces that are 
now exposed run from pin 10 of RP5 to U8 (not sure).

One thing I did notice, dealing with power, was that the internal 
battery connectors were not connected to the board...but would that 
matter if I wasn't even using internal batteries at the time?

Oh boy. I hope this is easy to fix or troubleshoot.

Thanks for your help, all.

-john W4PAH

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[Elecraft] WTB: KXPD1

2007-07-16 Thread NV9Z
Looking for a good used KXPD1 paddle for my  KX1.  Built or unbuilt.  Please 
contact me off list at  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks and very 72,

Chris NV9Z  

** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at
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[Elecraft] Re: KX1: power on, no LED readout, then a burning smell

2007-07-16 Thread John Shadle

I love it when I answer my own questions. Thanks for the link to the
searchable archive at from a recent poster (N8VW), I found
this post from a few years back by W7SNH (Denny) by doing a search on
the keyword "burning". [Hahahahahaha.]

It details exactly what happened to me. Time to install a fuse in my
power cord, first of all; then, I need to do some troubleshooting and
repairs to the board it appears. 

I learned my lesson!

-john W4PAH

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[Elecraft] Re: KX1: power on, no LED readout, then a burning smell

2007-07-16 Thread John Shadle

One more reply (to myself). I'm looking for some assistance now, I think.

I checked resistance on the tab of Q6 and get 1k ohm.
Resistance at pin 1 of U1 is 3.13k ohm.
Both are supposed to be over 500 ohm, according to p. 58 of the most 
current manual.

D7 checks out at .742 one way and .538 the other way, so I think it's 
alright (forgive my lack of technical jargon; I'm tired).

I think the only thing I may need to repair is the trace between RP5 and U8.

So, the question of the evening is...

Anyone have any idea why this happened? Was it just the fact that more 
current was flowing through than necessary and my DC wasn't fused at 1A 
or so? Everything else seems to be in order.

I just don't want worse damage next time, or to have to do this repair 
more than once. Thanks for your help, all.

Off to bed!

-john W4PAH

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[Elecraft] KX1: "Ghost" in the display

2007-07-16 Thread Mike
I noticed while using my new KX1 in a darkened room that the center LED is very 
slightly illuminated (all 7 segments) even when the display is timed out.  It's 
very slight - with any ambient light at all, it can't be seen.  Any ideas?  
Thank you...

Mike, KC0KBC
Yaesu FT-857D, FT-8800R, VX-7RB
Elecraft KX1 #1819, XG2
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[Elecraft] KX1 #1403 In the High Sierras (AE6GC)

2007-07-16 Thread Jack Regan
Greetings one and all!

I'll be backpacking in the High Sierras this Friday, Saturday and Sunday (20th, 
21st and 22nd).  I'll be operating on 40, 30 and 20 meters in the dx portions 
of the bands (the bottom 25 KHz.) as well as all the usual cw spots.  I might 
even bring enough wire to try 80 meters.  I'll be working randomly at all hours 
of the day and night. Hope to hear some of you on the airwaves.

I'm not sure exactly which trail I'll be on but  it will be some where along 
the Tioga road, perhaps the Toulomne Meadows area! 

BTW, this is exactly the situation that I built this baby for. Lightweight and 
easy to pack and set up!!

Jack, AE6GC
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