Re: [Elecraft] K4 and RTTY question

2020-07-20 Thread Bill Frantz
I got spotted 3 times with AE6JV and once with E6JV. ??!!??

Headed back to Rivermead after watching the comet. TTYL

73 Bill AE6JV

Bill Frantz| Truth and love must prevail  | Periwinkle
(408)348-7900  | over lies and hate.  | 150 Rivermead Rd #235 |   - Vaclav Havel | Peterborough, NH 03458

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[Elecraft] K3/0 Mini For Sale

2020-07-20 Thread Steve Dyer W1SRD via Elecraft

Elecraft K3/0 Mini in excellent condition.

Includes cable E980263from RRMINICBL to connect to the Remote Rig RRC-1258.

No longer available from Elecraft.

$500 shipped in original box.

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[Elecraft] RE Alternative AMP to KX3 since Elecraft has temporarily stopped making AMPS

2020-07-20 Thread Paul Hvidston
Just a quick report on KXPA100 delivery. Ordered June 8, received July
20. A bit beyond initial estimates, but no problem. Businesses are
getting hammered right now. Thanks Elecraft folks!

72/73 de N6MGN

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Re: [Elecraft] K4 and RTTY question

2020-07-20 Thread Bill Frantz
I don't think the logging software is the problem. Since the KY 
command works for both CW and RTTY, I tried an experiment: I 
switched the mode using the K3's front panel from Data to CW and 
the problem did not occur. (I listened to the monitor output.) 
The UI for the program still showed RTTY, so I don't think it 
noticed my change and changed its behavior.

There may be a problem handling the Control-D character in the 
K3. This character is ignored in CW, but it tells the K3 to stop 
sending RTTY when processed in RTTY. My guess is that RUMlogNG 
appends it to all KY sends. If another KY command's data is 
added to existing data in the buffer, The Control-D at the end 
of the first set of data may cause the second KY's data to lose 
the first character.

What should happen if the last character in the buffer is a 
Control-D, and more data is added, is to remove the Control-D so 
the two sets of data are merged for transmission.

Now I'm getting tempted to haul the KX3 up next to the K3 and 
decode what actually goes out over the air. Another interesting 
question is what happens if the first character of the second 
part of a chain is a "W"?

BTW, I worked on similar software systems when writing the 
Tymnet interface for Tymshare's IBM/370 VM systems.

73 & GL Bill AE6JV

On 7/19/20 at 6:50 PM, (Bob Wilson, N6TV) wrote:


Before it can be "fixed" in the K4, the logging software has to be fixed to
send the proper KY command.  If it is sending KY*somes-string*;,
then the messages are not going to be chained.  If it is sending KYW
*some-string*;, then the messages should be properly chained, perhaps with
a very brief pause in between if 0x04 (Ctrl-D, ^D or EOT -- ASCII End of
Transmission character) is appended at the very end of a each chained
message, before the terminating semicolon.  The "W" means "wait for message
completion," as documented in the K3 Programming Manual.

However, once a message sent via KYW starts, you will not be able to
interrupt the transmission by pressing "Escape" or sending an "RX;"
command.  The RX; won't be processed until the message completes, which
isn't very helpful.

Maybe *that* will be addressed (somehow) in the K4.

In sum, if you need chaining more than you need message interrupt
capability, use KYW in your macros.  If you need message interrupt
capability more than you need chaining, use KY.  If you need both,
maybe you'll have to "wait" (sorry) to see if the K4 team comes up with
some way to interrupt chained messages already in progress via a special
"high priority" software command or key tap.

Bob, N6TV

On Sat, Jul 18, 2020 at 7:39 AM Bill Frantz  wrote:

I'm getting ready for NAQP RTTY today, and I am reminded of an
old bug using the KY CAT command to send RTTY text. I am using
RUMlogNG on my MacBook Pro in contest mode which uses the CAT
interface to send and receive RTTY. (It also uses CAT with CW.)

If I try to chain output, e.g. press the function key to send my
callsign several times, frequently the first parts of the
chained output are dropped, as shown by the text shown in the
VFO-B display.

This does not occur on CW, so I think the CW to Data conversion
may be involved. The command is defined in the programmer's
Reference as:

KY (CW or CW-to-DATA Keying from Text;

If I chain by using a K3 memory and pressing the M1-4 button
several times, the VFO-B display shows "CHAIN" and things appear
to work correctly.

I will admit, that while I can check what is being sent by
listening to the monitor tones with CW, but I can't quite be
sure about the RTTY.

Will this problem be fixed on the K4?

73 Bill AE6JV

Bill Frantz| Since the IBM Selectric, keyboards have gotten
408-348-7900   | steadily worse. Now we have touchscreen keyboards. | Can we make something even worse?

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[Elecraft] [K2][K1] Legacy Tuneups, Rescue, Build Services

2020-07-20 Thread Alan D. Wilcox


Does your K1 or K2 need repair? Tuneup?
Want to sell, but it needs some attention before offering it for sale?
In addition to tuning your rig, I can also rescue a building project you 
might have started some time ago.

See what my clients have said about my construction and service work at
Photos of the popular "Twins" -- the KPA100 and KAT100 in EC2 enclosure 
-- are at

Alan D. Wilcox, W3DVX (K2-5373, K3-40)
570-916-9590 (cell, text)
Williamsport, PA 17701

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Re: [Elecraft] P3 center frequency

2020-07-20 Thread Bruce

FWIW:  The KX3 shares the same wonky behavior.
Plus inconsistent quirks about forgetting "Scale" and "Ref" settings.  
Esp after band/mode changes.

Supporting and remembering separate settings for:  CW  vs. "voice" 
widths for "Span" would be a welcome improvement.

Bruce  W2SE

On 7/18/20 08:10, Jim McDonald wrote:
Why doesn't the P3 always remember the same center frequency when 

to the band?

Jim N7US
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Re: [Elecraft] K4 and RTTY question

2020-07-20 Thread Joe DeVincentis
My intent was not to emulate the exact H/W and its problems, but the APIs used 
(eg, programs using TinyFSK send [ , then text and ] to end the TX).  I know 
TinyFSK has issues. But I was not intending that Elecraft copy the problems.   
I just wanted something similar to what TinyFSK does ( send a '[' to start 
transmit, send characters, send ']' to end).  It could even be something 
different.  Just something other than having to string together KY macros which 
doesn't seem to work well with software other than the K3 utility in 
conversation mode.

As to the emulating of the winkeyer, I can't comment too much on it as I'm not 
a CW guy nor a user of a winkeyer product.  If it is tough to get a good 
emulation on it, then it may not be a good candidate.  I can live with that, 
others may have different opinion.

The intent is to reduce the number of cables and boxes involved.  One cable 
from the K4 to the computer and I get everything I need to do every digital 
mode that can be generated on a computer).  In addition, I don't have to rely 
on the Windows machine to do any thing but send data characters to the machine 
at rates faster than the radio can put it out on the air (e.g send RTTY 
characters at 9600 baud for 45.45 output).  That ensures, I'm not at the mercy 
of Windows stalling on a character send due its lack of being able to do 
anything with determinism.  That's why I'm. not a fan of using windows keying a 
line to generate FSK.  Too many non real time issues to have the guarantee. 

My goal is as perfect a(n) RTTY signal as I can get when I'm using that mode. 
I've been looking at the TinyFSK code to see if I can fix the issues i have 
with it - I've already found one bug in the software (500 doesn't fit in 8 
bits).  But that project got put on hold when K4 was announced with the hope I 
wasn't going to need it.   But if I need it to get a near perfect 45.45 baud, 
I'll resurrect it and make it work.  The little arduinos should be more than 
capable.  If not with the original code, I'll put a better RTOS on it.

As to taking business away from Mortty and Winkeyer,   Is Elecraft wrong for 
taking business from the SDR guys because they put that capability in their 
radios?   Is it wrong that I  don't need to buy remote rig anymore?  Again, no. 
  That's two businesses that loose out because of the K4.  And I was 
considering the purchase of both of those up until the K4 was announced.  

It's the nature of business - adapt or die.  

So far Elecraft has done well adapting.  From what I see the K4 is a great 
example of adapting.   They listen to their customers and to date they can see 
the handwriting on the wall when things change (touchscreen with knobs, SDR, 
Ethernet, remote capability all built in).  As an example of listening, I can 
personally attest to it.  When I chatted with Eric at Dayton about the K4, I 
gave him an idea for the machine.  It was good enough that he stopped chatting, 
put a note in his phone and asked me not to patent it.  I don't think he was 
kidding either.  Maybe he was, but it did make me feel good.  I just hope that 
idea made it into the radio. 


> On Jul 20, 2020, at 12:52, Bob Wilson, N6TV  wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 7:03 AM Joe DeVincentis  > wrote:
> Personally, I'd like to see the K4 support something like the TinyFSK 
> protocol for doing RTTY.
> There's really no urgent reason to do this once the KY host command is 
> improved to allow message stacking with interrupt capability.  If you want to 
> use TinyFSK (which has its own problems), connect a Mortty to the K4 ACC 
> port, same as you would on a K3.  If you don't want to solder your own DE-15 
> connector, or if your ACC port is already occupied, use a Y-BOX 
>  plus 3.5mm stereo to dual RCA cable to connect Mortty 
> to K3 or K4.  I have a few of both still in stock.  It will take a few weeks 
> to order more boards if there is sufficient demand.
> It could present multiple serial ports.  one for CAT, one for FSK and one for 
> Keying.
> This is already in plan.  The K4 provides two virtual serial ports via the 
> USB cable (FTDI), one legacy 9-pin serial port, plus the 15-pin ACC port.  
> Any of them may be used for FSK keying, PTT, and CW keying, using MMTTY or 
> your logging software.  This is keying via TXD, DTR, or RTS pins, with no 
> external hardware required (unless using ACC pins).  EXTFSK will be required 
> on the virtual serial ports.  The 9-pin legacy port will not require EXTFSK 
> if your PC serial port or USB-to-Serial adapter doesn't require it (example:  
> Edgeport/4).
>   The FSK could emulate tinyFSK and the keyer could emulate the K1EL keyers.  
>  That way programs don't need to fight over who gets the serial ports. 
> There will be no more fights over the serial port because the K4 has more 
> than one, and they will operate independently and in parallel (unlike Icom 
> rigs, which 

Re: [Elecraft] sidetone problem

2020-07-20 Thread Don Wilhelm


You likely do not have the proper sidetone source selected.
Go to the STL menu and set the parameter to about 30 - then tap DISPLAY 
to toggle between U6-25 and U8-4.  Stop when you hear sidetone and exit 
the menu.


On 7/20/2020 3:50 PM, Christophe aufacf wrote:

Good morning all ,

I repaired my K2 with Don recently the problem now

I realized that I can handle in Cw but I no longer have at the same
time the sound of the CW of course in emission

the STL 030 menu, whatever the level, nothing changes, any idea?

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[Elecraft] K2 For Sale again (other buyer fell through), #03965, $699 plus $36 shipping.

2020-07-20 Thread

I have a very good Elecraft K2 for sale.  It visited Don Wilhelm W3FPR twice 
before he retired from working on K2 radios.  Don upgraded the radio with 
latest versions and made everything perfect.  Don built the I/O serial style 
usb cable adapter plug that attaches to the back.  I bought a KUSB serial cable 
from Elecraft to use with the cable adapter plug.
I have been considering selling this for about a year.  I use my KX2  often and 
hardly use the K2 anymore.  I would rather sell it to somebody else to use then 
let it sit here not being used.
The radio has the following options installed.
KAF2 Audio Filter and Real-Time Clock
KSB2 SSB Adapter
KNB2 High Performance Noise Blanker
K160M 160M and 2nd RX Port
KIO2 RS-232 Interface and Aux I/0
KAT2 Automatic Antenna Tuner
The KBT2 battery option was installed.  I removed it for easier access when 
adding the other options, and it will be include though it is not installed.  
There is no KBT2 battery with the radio.  
This radio is not the 100 watt version, it’s has the regular 15 watts.
There is no mic though the plug is wired for an Elecraft mic. The manual is 
included. I most recently swapped out the speaker and speaker cloth with new 
ones from Elecraft.
Price is $699 firm, plus $36 for insured shipping to the lower 48 states. 
Payment will be a Postal Money Order or if in person, cash. 
I will ship the radio after the Postal Money Order clears the bank.  

Here are two YouTube links to see picture videos of the radio.

Thank you, 73, Steve - KI4EZL

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[Elecraft] sidetone problem

2020-07-20 Thread Christophe aufacf
Good morning all ,

I repaired my K2 with Don recently the problem now

I realized that I can handle in Cw but I no longer have at the same
time the sound of the CW of course in emission

the STL 030 menu, whatever the level, nothing changes, any idea?

73 , F8ACF56
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[Elecraft] GCaptain discovers ham radio

2020-07-20 Thread Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-717-1197
GCaptain, a website for professional mariners, has discovered ham radio:
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Re: [Elecraft] K4 and RTTY question

2020-07-20 Thread Bob Wilson, N6TV
On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 7:03 AM Joe DeVincentis  wrote:

> Personally, I'd like to see the K4 support something like the TinyFSK
> protocol for doing RTTY.

There's really no urgent reason to do this once the KY host command is
improved to allow message stacking with interrupt capability.  If you want
to use TinyFSK (which has its own problems), connect a Mortty to the K4 ACC
port, same as you would on a K3.  If you don't want to solder your own
DE-15 connector, or if your ACC port is already occupied, use a Y-BOX
 plus 3.5mm stereo to dual RCA cable to connect
Mortty to K3 or K4.  I have a few of both still in stock.  It will take a
few weeks to order more boards if there is sufficient demand.

It could present multiple serial ports.  one for CAT, one for FSK and one
> for Keying.

This is already in plan.  The K4 provides two virtual serial ports via the
USB cable (FTDI), one legacy 9-pin serial port, plus the 15-pin ACC port.
Any of them may be used for FSK keying, PTT, and CW keying, using MMTTY or
your logging software.  This is keying via TXD, DTR, or RTS pins, with no
external hardware required (unless using ACC pins).  EXTFSK will be
required on the virtual serial ports.  The 9-pin legacy port will not
require EXTFSK if your PC serial port or USB-to-Serial adapter doesn't
require it (example:  Edgeport/4).

  The FSK could emulate tinyFSK and the keyer could emulate the K1EL
> keyers.   That way programs don't need to fight over who gets the serial
> ports.

There will be no more fights over the serial port because the K4 has more
than one, and they will operate independently and in parallel (unlike
Icom rigs, which provide one and only one virtual serial port pin at a time
for PTT keying).

TinyFSK has a problem.  Using it with MMTTY and a Mortty, try the "send
RYRYRY... forever" macro while using TinyFSK.FSK.  Hear the problem?  It
hesitates every 32 characters or so.  So its timing is not as "perfect" as
claimed, at least not with that configuration.

While I despise the following phrase as a SW guy (specifically embedded
> real time operating systems):  Hey, it's just S/W.  I can see this as very
> doable in the K4 given what I know about the architecture to date..  Much
> harder in the K3s.

As a software guy, you can appreciate that it is impossible to perfectly
emulate someone else's code (or chip) if you have no access to the source
code, and only work from the external API.  Lots of devices have attempted
to emulate the WinKey interface, but none of them are 100% compatible with
the chip.  This includes RemoteRig boxes, the YCCC SO2R Box, the Mortty,
etc.  None of them will pass the WKTEST program (, last time I tried.  The
RemoteRig emulator works OK with N1MM+, but not with Win-Test or
(unless you select a unique option).  These programs all use the WinKey
chip differently.  They work fine with a real chip not with the emulators.
The only devices that pass the WinKey 100% compatibility tests are devices
that use a real WinKey chip inside, such as those provided by the microHAM

Retooling the K4 to put a real WinKey chip or Mortty hardware inside, or
attempting emulation via firmware, could delay K4 shipment or distract from
other higher priority issues.  It could also raise the price a bit.  I
don't think anyone wants to see either.

Finally, there's no reason for Elecraft to try to take sales opportunities
away from the manufacturers of WinKey and Mortty devices, is there?

Bob, N6TV
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Re: [Elecraft] K4 and RTTY question

2020-07-20 Thread Christopher Hoover
+1 for winkeyer support.   73 de AI6KG

On Mon, Jul 20, 2020, 7:03 AM Joe DeVincentis  wrote:

> Personally, I'd like to see the K4 support something like the TinyFSK
> protocol for doing RTTY.
> It could present multiple serial ports.  one for CAT, one for FSK and one
> for Keying.  The FSK could emulate tinyFSK and the keyer could emulate the
> K1EL keyers.   That way programs don't need to fight over who gets the
> serial ports.
> While I despise the following phrase as a SW guy (specifically embedded
> real time operating systems):  Hey, it's just S/W.  I can see this as very
> doable in the K4 given what I know about the architecture to date..  Much
> harder in the K3s.
> Joe, KO8V
> > On Jul 19, 2020, at 18:50, Bob Wilson, N6TV  wrote:
> >
> > Bill,
> >
> > Before it can be "fixed" in the K4, the logging software has to be fixed
> to
> > send the proper KY command.  If it is sending KY*somes-string*;,
> > then the messages are not going to be chained.  If it is sending KYW
> > *some-string*;, then the messages should be properly chained, perhaps
> with
> > a very brief pause in between if 0x04 (Ctrl-D, ^D or EOT -- ASCII End of
> > Transmission character) is appended at the very end of a each chained
> > message, before the terminating semicolon.  The "W" means "wait for
> message
> > completion," as documented in the K3 Programming Manual.
> >
> > However, once a message sent via KYW starts, you will not be able to
> > interrupt the transmission by pressing "Escape" or sending an "RX;"
> > command.  The RX; won't be processed until the message completes, which
> > isn't very helpful.
> >
> > Maybe *that* will be addressed (somehow) in the K4.
> >
> > In sum, if you need chaining more than you need message interrupt
> > capability, use KYW in your macros.  If you need message interrupt
> > capability more than you need chaining, use KY.  If you need both,
> > maybe you'll have to "wait" (sorry) to see if the K4 team comes up with
> > some way to interrupt chained messages already in progress via a special
> > "high priority" software command or key tap.
> >
> > 73,
> > Bob, N6TV
> >
> > On Sat, Jul 18, 2020 at 7:39 AM Bill Frantz  > wrote:
> >
> >> I'm getting ready for NAQP RTTY today, and I am reminded of an
> >> old bug using the KY CAT command to send RTTY text. I am using
> >> RUMlogNG on my MacBook Pro in contest mode which uses the CAT
> >> interface to send and receive RTTY. (It also uses CAT with CW.)
> >>
> >> If I try to chain output, e.g. press the function key to send my
> >> callsign several times, frequently the first parts of the
> >> chained output are dropped, as shown by the text shown in the
> >> VFO-B display.
> >>
> >> This does not occur on CW, so I think the CW to Data conversion
> >> may be involved. The command is defined in the programmer's
> >> Reference as:
> >>
> >>   KY (CW or CW-to-DATA Keying from Text;
> >>
> >> If I chain by using a K3 memory and pressing the M1-4 button
> >> several times, the VFO-B display shows "CHAIN" and things appear
> >> to work correctly.
> >>
> >> I will admit, that while I can check what is being sent by
> >> listening to the monitor tones with CW, but I can't quite be
> >> sure about the RTTY.
> >>
> >> Will this problem be fixed on the K4?
> >>
> >> 73 Bill AE6JV
> >>
> >> ---
> >> Bill Frantz| When an old person dies, a   | Periwinkle
> >> (408)348-7900  | library burns. - Joe McGawon | 150
> >> Rivermead Rd #235
> >> | Irish Ethnographer   |
> >> Peterborough, NH 03458
> >>
> >> __
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Re: [Elecraft] K4 and RTTY question

2020-07-20 Thread Joe DeVincentis
Personally, I'd like to see the K4 support something like the TinyFSK protocol 
for doing RTTY.

It could present multiple serial ports.  one for CAT, one for FSK and one for 
Keying.  The FSK could emulate tinyFSK and the keyer could emulate the K1EL 
keyers.   That way programs don't need to fight over who gets the serial ports. 

While I despise the following phrase as a SW guy (specifically embedded real 
time operating systems):  Hey, it's just S/W.  I can see this as very doable in 
the K4 given what I know about the architecture to date..  Much harder in the 

Joe, KO8V

> On Jul 19, 2020, at 18:50, Bob Wilson, N6TV  wrote:
> Bill,
> Before it can be "fixed" in the K4, the logging software has to be fixed to
> send the proper KY command.  If it is sending KY*somes-string*;,
> then the messages are not going to be chained.  If it is sending KYW
> *some-string*;, then the messages should be properly chained, perhaps with
> a very brief pause in between if 0x04 (Ctrl-D, ^D or EOT -- ASCII End of
> Transmission character) is appended at the very end of a each chained
> message, before the terminating semicolon.  The "W" means "wait for message
> completion," as documented in the K3 Programming Manual.
> However, once a message sent via KYW starts, you will not be able to
> interrupt the transmission by pressing "Escape" or sending an "RX;"
> command.  The RX; won't be processed until the message completes, which
> isn't very helpful.
> Maybe *that* will be addressed (somehow) in the K4.
> In sum, if you need chaining more than you need message interrupt
> capability, use KYW in your macros.  If you need message interrupt
> capability more than you need chaining, use KY.  If you need both,
> maybe you'll have to "wait" (sorry) to see if the K4 team comes up with
> some way to interrupt chained messages already in progress via a special
> "high priority" software command or key tap.
> 73,
> Bob, N6TV
> On Sat, Jul 18, 2020 at 7:39 AM Bill Frantz  > wrote:
>> I'm getting ready for NAQP RTTY today, and I am reminded of an
>> old bug using the KY CAT command to send RTTY text. I am using
>> RUMlogNG on my MacBook Pro in contest mode which uses the CAT
>> interface to send and receive RTTY. (It also uses CAT with CW.)
>> If I try to chain output, e.g. press the function key to send my
>> callsign several times, frequently the first parts of the
>> chained output are dropped, as shown by the text shown in the
>> VFO-B display.
>> This does not occur on CW, so I think the CW to Data conversion
>> may be involved. The command is defined in the programmer's
>> Reference as:
>>   KY (CW or CW-to-DATA Keying from Text;
>> If I chain by using a K3 memory and pressing the M1-4 button
>> several times, the VFO-B display shows "CHAIN" and things appear
>> to work correctly.
>> I will admit, that while I can check what is being sent by
>> listening to the monitor tones with CW, but I can't quite be
>> sure about the RTTY.
>> Will this problem be fixed on the K4?
>> 73 Bill AE6JV
>> ---
>> Bill Frantz| When an old person dies, a   | Periwinkle
>> (408)348-7900  | library burns. - Joe McGawon | 150
>> Rivermead Rd #235
>> | Irish Ethnographer   |
>> Peterborough, NH 03458
>> __
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Re: [Elecraft] Cooling Fans

2020-07-20 Thread Joe DeVincentis
Personally, I wouldn't be concerned about the radio just yet.  There's a couple 
of other variables to check first.

How's the air flow around the radio? 

What's the ambient temp right around the radio (not the room, but right next to 
the radio)?

Any thing sitting on top of the radio?  Heat needs an easy escape.

Any heat generating items near the radio (e.g. incandescent lights)?

BTW, if the fan noise is objectionable, you can replace the fans with Noctua 
fans that have very similar characteristics and are quieter.  I used Noctua 
NF-A6x25 FLX fans.  The specs were almost identical and the fans are quieter.  

Here's a post regarding the fan replacement: 
.  No 
modifications to the K3s was needed.  

Joe, KO8V

> On Jul 19, 2020, at 09:41, Tom Doligalski via Elecraft 
>  wrote:
> I am the original owner of K3/100 #969, which still works great. 
> I’ve noticed that recently the cooling fan comes on occasionally even if the 
> radio is on, but not in use (volume down, no transmitting). FP temperature 
> shows 41 C, and PA temperature is at 35 C  
> This is not at objectionable at all, but made me wonder if this was a cause 
> for concern. 
> Any ideas?
> Tom W4KX

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Re: [Elecraft] KPA1500 with K4 tracks VFOs with 1 kHz resolution

2020-07-20 Thread Andy Durbin
Hi Wayne,

"The improved resolution ensures that the correct bin is detected when you get 
within +/- 1 kHz of the target ATU LC data bin rather than +/- 8 kHz."

It has always been possible to provide the KAT500 and KPA1500 with TX frequency 
to 1 kHz resolution using the serial interface.

F (Frequency, GET and SET)
GET format: F;
SET/RESPONSE format: F n; where n is the approximate frequency of the 
last transmitted signal, in kHz.

^FR Frequency
GET format: ^FR;
RESPONSE/SET format: ^FRf; where f is the most recent frequency in kHz.

However, both the KPA1500 and KAT500 tuners are designed to replace AUX or 
Serial provided frequency with RF detected frequency.  This means that, even if 
the bin is selected accurately with serial or AUX frequency, the tuning 
solution is likely to change as soon as TX starts.   This will only be 
prevented if RF detected frequency does not replace CAT or AUX provided 
frequency.  This is a change I have been asking for almost as long as I have 
owned my KAT500.  (Dick has my KAT500 defect/enhancement reports)

Hopefully this change to K4 design will accelerate some of the 
fixes/improvements in both KAT500 and KPA1500 tuner firmware.

Andy, k3wyc

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Re: [Elecraft] KPA1500 with K4 tracks VFOs with 1 kHz resolution

2020-07-20 Thread rocketnj
Hi Wayne,

Can future KPA1500 firmware allow the smaller bins to be utilized via
standard CAT protocol over TCP/IP? I can feed the amp exact frequency info
via a Node Red Raspberry Pi. Right now using CAT over the KXUSB cable. 
Also it would be desirable to have CAT take priority over internal frequency
counter on the amp. I've had the internal counter fail and the amp was in
never never land when trying to transmit.

I do have to say that after all the mods were done (current to when I sent
in the RF deck) the amp has worked flawlessly. Many thousands of QSOs.  
Any way to track if there are additional mods to the amp that have been
incorporated since last serviced? I would think if there were something
major that existing owners would be notified.

Dave wo2x

-Original Message-
From:  On
Behalf Of Wayne Burdick
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 12:26 AM
To: Andy Durbin 
Cc: Elecraft Reflector 
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KPA1500 with K4 tracks VFOs with 1 kHz resolution

Andy (K3WYC) wrote:

> I still don't see the advantage of AUX bus giving the KPA1500 the TX
frequency to 1 kHz resolution.   What am I missing?

Hi Andy,

The improved resolution ensures that the correct bin is detected when you
get within +/- 1 kHz of the target ATU LC data bin rather than +/- 8 kHz.
This improves repeatability of selected LC values vs. VFO frequency,
especially on 160 and 80 meters where it's most likely to matter.

This also means that, in the future, we could use smaller bin width on some
bands if desired. This could be helpful if you were using the ATU to
fine-tune a very narrowband antenna such as a loop or electrically short


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Re: [Elecraft] KPA1500 with K4 tracks VFOs with 1 kHz resolution

2020-07-20 Thread Eric Norris
Very, very desired!

73 Eric WD6DBM

On Sun, Jul 19, 2020, 9:26 PM Wayne Burdick  wrote:

> This also means that, in the future, we could use smaller bin width on
> some bands if desired. This could be helpful if you were using the ATU to
> fine-tune a very narrowband antenna such as a loop or electrically short
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Re: [Elecraft] KXBC3 Charging source

2020-07-20 Thread Jim H via Elecraft
Highly recommend the Pro Audio power supply. model 
PAE-Kx3373Jim Hk7sss In a message dated 7/19/2020 7:37:47 PM Pacific Standard 
Time, writes: 
I am looking for recommendation for a compact switching power supply product to 
recharge my KX3 via the installed KXBC3.  I had been using a Bioenno external 
battery pack, but have decided to start using internal NiMH batteries when on 
the road.73, 
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