[Elecraft] Re:Puffing to keep up with the Nanofarads

2004-12-18 Thread Allen Ward
Another thread of nits to pick.  The only good thing is that solder and 
soldering/unsoldering utensils are getting a rest.
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[Elecraft] Mods, mods, mods for #1107

2004-12-13 Thread Allen Ward
Yesterday I put the SWR mod in my KPA100 for my K2  #1107 which was
purchased on 3-29-2000.  No problems and the rig worked fine as usual after
the mod.  I got to thinking that it seems like I have been doing mods for
four years and it must have cost me a fortune.  I got out my invoices (I
have never thrown ANYTHING away) and ran a total on my mods and the original
cost of the K2 and all modules and updates.  I have a K2 with a KPA100, a
SSB module, a 160 meter module, a noise blanker and a DSP module.  Todays
price for these is a total of $1344.00.  I then ran a total on my K2 with
new crystals, PPL mod, 2nd filter mod. BFO mod, shield mod, firmware
upgrades, etc., etc. and got a total of $1345.00.  So over four years of
adding mods (I admit some didn't cost anything) I had to spend a whole
dollar more than I could have bought the same end product today.  Of course
I had four years of use of an outstanding tranceiver and the enjoyment of
making the mods and dealing with a company that furnishes free online
documentation and service second to none.  I think I got my money's worth!!
Allen KA5N

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[Elecraft] Re: K2 BFO Test: BFO low freq is really low

2004-11-15 Thread Allen Ward
Sounds like the circuit is trying to pull the crystal farther than it will 
oscillate properly.  The crystal might be marginal, the varactor might be flaky 
or there may be a wrong part in the circuit.  The other possiblity is that the 
waveform of the oscillator is such that the counter circuit may be counting 
every other cycle (one peak high the next low etc.) and /or the voltage may be 
low.  Low voltage could be caused by a marginal xtal.  You need to check with 
an oscilloscope and and an external counter.
You might try slowly lowering the BFO frequency and see if there is a point at 
which the oscillator goes nuts.  My bet is that you need a new crystal.
Luck Allen
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[Elecraft] Re. Trouble with KDSP2, need help.

2004-11-15 Thread Allen Ward
Suggest you look for solder bridges.  The KDSP2 has several close pads that
are easy to bridge.  I had some problems with the module.  In my case it
seemed to work but had two solder bridges.  My excuse is old eyes.

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[Elecraft] Re: SSTV and the K2

2004-09-18 Thread Allen Ward
I have been using the MMSSTV software for some time to receive SSTV (I am not 
interested in transmitting and just monitoring).  I use the headphone jack and 
get good pictures if the signals are strong enough.  With all the MM software 
you have to figure out how it works by trial and error (lots of trial and 
plenty of error).  The hardest thing is to correctly tune the signal.  If you 
tune the ham's voices correctly then the signal for the picture will be 
correct.  If you put the receive on Auto sometimes it correctly selects the 
mode (Scottie 1, Scottie 2, etc.) and sometimes not.  All the pictures I get 
are slanted and I have to clean them up after they are received.  I find it is 
fun to play with for a hour or so once in awhile but soon becomes boring 
(depending on the subject matter of the pictures).  
Getting it to work correctly is a learning experience.   Just a get a strong 
signal tuned correctly and let it play.
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[Elecraft] Re: K1 Manual Errata Sheet - add these?

2004-07-25 Thread Allen Ward
The proposed addition of a note to use only a 3 amp power supply is not
really the best way to avoid PCB damage in case of a short.  A three amp
supply (or most others unless designed to cut off if excessive current is
drawn) will supply as much power into a short as it is capable.  So if the
traces are not vaporized they will still cook until power is removed.
This will result in raised traces, carbon paths in PCB's and in general
either ruining the PCB or making it unreliable.  A fast acting fuse is much
better.  One should always monitor  current when applying power for the
first time.
 Elecraft manuals are far better than the usual kit manual.  Like the story
of the man who used his new ladder to climb to the roof of his barn and in
the winter set the ladder on a pile of frozen horse manure.  All was fine
until the spring thaw and the then soggy manure caused the man to fall and
break a leg.  He sued because the ladder manufacturer didn't warn him of
setting his ladder on a pile of horse manure.   Since a large number of
first time or inexperience builders have sucessfully built Elecraft kits and
help is only an email away, it seems unnecessary to dumb-up the
instruction  manuals.
(Before anyone gets the vapours, I am not calling anyone who has commented
on this thread a dummy)
73 Allen KA5N

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[Elecraft] Re: Spare parts for K2

2004-06-25 Thread Allen Ward
I managed to blow a set of K2 finals.  One of the mounting screws rusted and
the rust shorted one collector to ground (high resistance) so one transistor
opened and the other was down to about 3 watts max.  I dredged back in
memory to a First Telephone License test (when they were still available) to
the rules for number of spare tubes required  for radio stations.  I don't
remember the exact numbers but one spare was required for 1-4 tubes, 2
spares for 5-8 tubes (some such numbers).  So I went through the K2
schematic and ordered 3 sets of finals, 2 drivers, and some of just about
everything ( from RF Parts, Mouser, Newark, Digi-key etc.).  After replacing
the finals I have yet to need a single spare (about 2 years).  There is some
moral here connected with Murphy's law or some corollary thereof.  I suppose
in time there won't be any through-hole parts available and if I am still
around I won't be able to see well enough or solder well enough to fix
anything anyway.
Don't worry, be happy.

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[Elecraft] Re: CW Readers and CW Keyboards

2004-06-24 Thread Allen Ward
CW Get works pretty well when you monitor something like W1AW doing code
practice (with strong non-QSBed signal) but on real signals you get
drop-outs and a series of e e e e t t  tt et te nonsense on very slow
unsteady signals.  The problem is that it is the best that I have tried! The
human head is the best interface for receiving Morse.   For keyboard keyers
try something from K1EL (http://www.k1el.com) for $25 he has a kit (K-20)
that is a keyboard keyer with variable speed, weighing, memories, etc. all
you add is the keyboard (inexpensive computer type keyboard) or use it with
paddles as a keyer.  This unit would make a good keyer for portable
operation as no computer interface is required, comsumes little power, and
can be powered off the 12 volts  for the K2 or whatever.  He has several
other kits.  He is easy to deal with and takes PayPal.  I am not associated
with K1EL and his business.

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[Elecraft] K1 on USB CW

2004-06-18 Thread Allen Ward
Both the Central Electronics 10B and 20A  generated EITHER USB and LSB at  9 
MHz.  I owned one each of these rigs.  Mixed with 5 MHz (or various multiples 
thereof) one could operate from 80 to 10 meters.  You selected the sideband by 
flipping a switch on the CE unit.  The best part was the magic eye on the 20A 
which was used to indicate the suppression of the carrier and output tuning.  
Folks tend to forget what great sounding CW came out of these QRP rigs and 
the amazement of working someone with 5-10 watts.
Allen KA5N
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