[Elecraft] New DSP control with N4PY software

2005-02-07 Thread Ben Dalfen
I received my new revision of the N4PY software yesterday and have already 
managed to give it a good workout with my K2. I'm really pleased with the 
new DSP controls. Until now I had been using 3 of the 6 user configurable 
buttons for primary DSP control. Now I can use those 3 buttons for other 

Now if only somebody can come up with some software to improve propogation ;-)
Ben Dalfen 4X1BD

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[Elecraft] NP4Y software

2005-01-24 Thread Ben Dalfen
Basic control of the DSP unit with NP4Y software has been available for 
many months now. There are 6 user controllable buttons for K2 users to add 
their favorite functions. I use one button for the denoiser and the other 
for  notching out tones in SSB.  One press of the denoiser button activates 
display then denoiser activation then display twice more to instantly bring 
you back to your frequency display. Works like a charm.

My favorite feature however, is the panoramic band display.
Ben Dalfen 4X1BD

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[Elecraft] NP4Y Software

2005-01-24 Thread Ben Dalfen
Parker, you misunderstood me. The one button which I defined denoiser is 
the only button necessary to turn the denoiser on or off.  The button can 
hold multiple switch values. Entering the values 02 01 02 02 commands the 
button to activate the display , activate the Band+ feature, and then 
activate the display  twice more which  returns you to the frequency 
display. This all happens in an instant. Of course you should check that 
your display is showing the usual frequency mode before you hit the 
denoiser button.
Similarly, the notch button values entered are 02 03 02 02. In effect 
this changes the display once, activates Band- and then activates display 
twice more. Of course you should not use the notch button if you are in 
CW mode.
Another of my user definable buttons is labeled AFIL in which I entered 
only one switch value 29.

This button simply raises the DSP audio filter up another notch.
73, Ben Dalfen 4X1BD

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[Elecraft] N4PY

2005-01-24 Thread Ben Dalfen
Opps, Sorry...that should be titled N4PY and not NP4Y. I shouldn't write 
these notes while standing on my head ;-)

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[Elecraft] What's in your memories

2004-12-23 Thread Ben Dalfen
On my K2, one message calls CQ, another contains my name  qth, another 
contains the rig info, and another message contains the customary tu es 
sign off. Sometimes when I get real lazy, I seldom have to send much with 
my keyer to complete a qso.

Ben Dalfen 4X1BD

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[Elecraft] EV 630 microphone

2004-08-04 Thread Ben Dalfen
I have an Electrovoice EV 630 microphone that I purchased in 1958 during my 
1st broadcast job. I used it for record hops.
For sentimental reasons, I would love to use it with my K2 but the problem 
is the dynamic microphone impedance is 50 ohms.
Anyone know where I could purchase a 50 ohm to 600 ohm microphone matching 
I found one in an online Hammond Transformer catalogue, but they are asking 
$45 ;-)

Anyone have any other ideas how I can use the mic with a K2?
Ben Dalfen 4X1BD

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