Re: [Elecraft] Taking KX3 on Airlines -Any issues/hassles with TSA/etc there days - with Bio-Engg 12V 7Ah Lithium Battery as Carry On Luggage

2017-05-14 Thread Craig Buck
I took a KX3, coax and coil of wire in carryon through Reagan to JFK and to
Israel on El AL.  That is the toughest security route in the world.  No one
said a thing or asked about it.  Brought it back in checked and Xrayed
luggage.  Again not a peep.

I was prepared with a copy of an ad showing what it was but never had to
show it.

On May 14, 2017 11:57, "Michael Aust"  wrote:

> Just trying to plan the logistics for taking a KX3 with me
> on the Airlines
> Mike
> WB6DJi
> -Original Message-
> From: Michael Aust 
> To: elecraft 
> Sent: Sun, May 14, 2017 8:47 am
> Subject: Taking KX3 on Airlines -Any issues/hassles with TSA/etc there
> days - with Bio-Engg 12V 7Ah Lithium Battery as Carry On Luggage
> Taking KX3 on Airlines -Any issues/hassles with TSA/etc  here days - with
> Bio-Engg 12V 7Ah Lithium Battery as Carry On Luggage
> USA to Hawaii
> USA oversea's
> Any recent traveler's experience with Airport screeners ?
> etc
> Mike
> WB6DJi
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Re: [Elecraft] KPA500 clicks and thermal design

2018-04-21 Thread Craig Buck
Make sure the transformer is on straight and secured.  Mine clicked for a
while but has since stopped.

On Sat, Apr 21, 2018, 1:35 PM ANDY DURBIN  wrote:

> I find the "clicks" my KPA500 makes as its temperature changes to be quite
> distracting.  Part of the problem is that I'm chasing a problem where the
> KPA500 changes band spuriously and the thermal clicks sound too much like
> the relays re-configuring the LPF.
> To what extend does the thermal design require conduction between the PA
> heat sink and the case metalwork?  Would the thermal management be
> compromised if very thin mylar strips were placed between the heat sink and
> the case side panel , case rear panel, or Z bracket?
> Any other proven techniques for eliminating the thermal
> expansion/contraction clicks?  (I know the manual says this is normal so no
> need to tell me that).
> 73,
> Andy k3wyc
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Re: [Elecraft] Confessions of grounding

2018-10-12 Thread Craig Buck
I added two large washers over the post.  Makes it easier to sandwich the
ground braid between them.  Poke a hole in the braid to go over the post.

On Fri, Oct 12, 2018, 12:49 PM Leroy Buller  wrote:

> Ok, I just rebuilt my station and wonder how many of you actually ground
> your K3 or your rig?  I have the amp and tuner grounded, but I find
> grounding the K3 somewhat difficult.  Why?  Getting my fat ham fingers to
> the rear if the rig and tighting up the knurled knob with stiff wire is
> quite infuriating.  All the connecting cables are in the way and it just
> trips my trigger.  Then being able to reach over all the doodads and
> geegaws to attach ground is a frustration of mine.  Many years ago it was
> good practice to use solid wire but now i see others using braid.  Stiff
> wire adds to my frustration.   So, for my mental health I would like some
> suggestions or ideas how best to deal with this.  I know...suck it up.
> There has got to be a better way.
> Lee K0WA
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Re: [Elecraft] Planning the next filters

2018-03-08 Thread Craig Buck
Get the 1.8 if you work ssb.  Experiment with shifting the pass band for
maximum clarity.  Youll be amazed just how narrow it can get and still be

On Mar 8, 2018 11:24 AM, "Chuck Chandler"  wrote:

> Right now I have the stock SSB and a 400 Hz filter in both main and sub
> rcvrs.  I would like to add some a few at a time.  My first priority is to
> add a couple to the main receiver, since it is the biggest chore to get
> to.
> I plan on a 250 Hz CW filter, but am going back and forth between the 2.1
> and 1.8 kHz filters.  I know that narrowing the DSP to 1.8 gives a really
> difficult to understand voice signal, while the 2.1 allows in more adjacent
> signals.  However, the roofing filters may not behave in the same manner.
> For example, the 1.8 could be set to turn on at 2.1 to take advantage of
> skirt shape.
> I primarily DX, and operate in some contests as well.  I know SSB contests
> really need a narrow SSB filter.
> Any suggestions on the matter from those who have gone this route before?
> 73 de Chuck, WS1L
> --
> ===
> Chuck Chandler
> ===
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Re: [Elecraft] Which meter to trust?

2020-02-07 Thread Craig Buck
A man with two watches never knows what time it is

On Fri, Feb 7, 2020, 1:12 AM Paul Braiman via Elecraft <> wrote:

> Putting my brand new KPA-500 through its paces and I’m noticing a
> significant difference between the peak power displayed on the amp, and the
> peak power displayed on a Telepost LP-700 station monitor.  With the amp
> peaking at 500 watts, the LP-700 will often show peaks in the 600+ watt
> range. The trapezoidal display on the LP-700 does not show any
> non-linearity during such operations.
> Is this then simply a difference in how the power is metered?
> As always, your collective wisdom is both appreciated and valued.
> Paul, W2PIR
> Dare Mighty Things.
> -Jet Propulsion Laboratory
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Re: [Elecraft] When might there be a P3 sale or drop in price

2020-02-17 Thread Craig Buck
P3 doesn't have a mouse point-and-tune feature that I know of.  LpPan with
NaP3 software does.

On Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 10:42 AM  wrote:

> I've been fighting getting the P3 for years. After trying to get SDR based
> pan adapters to work reliably (I like the mouse point and tune feature)
> I've
> decided I want to buy a toaster.
> Just plug it in and it works.
> A fully loaded 200watt P3 with video card..etc is hard to swallow when I
> can
> buy a new HF rig with the Pan adapter built in for less.
> Are there plans to have a sale or bigger discount?
> My time frame for purchase is March. I'll probably be going to the
> Charlotte, NC Hamfest for the purchase unless I'm on call that week.
> Thanks in advance.
> Jerry Moore
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Re: [Elecraft] low output after air travel

2011-02-25 Thread Craig Buck
My first thought would be that one of the boards worked itself loose.  I 
would open it up and check to make sure everything is still seated properly.


On 2/25/2011 2:45 PM, Dale Long wrote:
> Just back from dxpedition as HQ5A in Honduras.  My K3 may have had some
> rough handling both in the airports and in bumpy roads and falling off
> pickup trucks.
> When I put my K3 back in that shack it only shows a maximum of 12 watts
> output.It also has an error message "12 volt error" even though my PS is
> putting out 14 volts DC.
> Could this be a setting that needs changed, or are my finals fried.  The
> radio worked well before the trip. This wasn't the only problem, this was a
> very tough trip in many different ways.
> Why does my K3 only put out 12 watts?  What can I do to troubleshoot the
> problem.
> Thanks
> Dale - N3BNA
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Re: [Elecraft] KPA500 powercycling at higher wattages into KPA500

2015-01-28 Thread Craig Buck via Elecraft
I suspect voltage sag off the 120v line.  Lights flickering is a 
symptom.  The specs call for 1000VA in and that translates to about 8 
amps at 120v.  The specified fuse is 12 amps so peaks may be higher.   
Add everything else in and consider you may have a 15 amp line with a 
long way back to the fusebox and it is possible your voltage is 
dropping.  Measure the AC voltage with the key down by plugging a 
voltmeter into the outlet.  Also check the HV in the Amp.

From the manual:

The KPA500 operates to full specifications when the HV under full load is
between 60V and 85V as shown on the LCD (Tap HV to display the voltage
under CW “key down” conditions at full power). The maximum voltage is set
using transformer taps as described on pg. 9.
The KPA500 will operate with reduced performance at voltages as low as 40V.
When the voltage is less than 60V the maximum output power may be less than
500W and distortion products will increase.

K4ia   Buck
Fredericksburg, VA

On 1/28/2015 2:15 PM, Jeff Hall wrote:

My KAT500 is getting power-cycled in CW and RTTY modes at various drive levels 
from the K3 on different bands.  I can run SSB full power with no problems at 
all, and receive superb audio reports (no hint of RF in my transmissions).  I 
am thinking I have either an excessive voltage drop on the AC circuit or 
perhaps there is enough RF getting into the shack to trip up the KAT500 power 
when using the higher duty cycle modes.
Everything is running on the same 120v house circuit.  I experimented with 
moving both the amp and the KAT500 to a different circuit in the same room, but 
this did not solve the problem.  Let me first describe the equipment, and then 
I'll list the frequencies and power thresholds that tripped the KAT500 into a 
power cycle:
Antenna: Traffie Hex Beam.  Very low SWR, typically 1.2 or less, sometimes 1.5 
on 10 and 12 meters.  The antenna is over a portion of the house, and about 20 
feet away from the shack.  The coax is grounded at the base of the antenna (two 
ground rods, through a lightning arrestor).
KAT500: I have this in BYPASS mode.  I don't really need the tuner for the hex 
beam, but I plan on using it with a future vertical for 40m.  I am powering the 
KAT500 with its own AC power adapter.  For good measure, I wrapped about 4 
turns of the power cord through a ferrite bead at the transformer end of the 
cable.  This is a 15V 1000mAh power adapter from Radio Shack.
KPA500 is plugged into the same circuit on its own outlet at the wall.  HV 
reads 78.5 at rest.  The unit is sitting on top of the KAT500 with the foldout 
legs extended.
K3 is powered with an Astron RS-35M, on the same house circuit.
P3 is powered by the K3 VDC out
On 15 meters CW, the KAT500 begins to experience power cycles driving 20-22 
watts.  The amp, when it crosses about 450 watts, the KAT500 power cycles.  I 
ran 30 watts into it for about 620+ out with no problems on SSB,  SWR never 
exceeded 1.2 on the KAT500's indicator lamps.
On 12 meters CW, the KAT500 begins to experience power cycles driving just 9 
watts (about 180w out).  SWR on this band is a steady 1.5.   I did have some 
success by moving the KAT500's power adapter to the other circuit in the room 
and was able to push the K3 to 22 watts (480 out) before the powercycling 
returned.  This lead me to believe I had a voltage drop issue, perhaps from 
running the amp on the same 110 circuit.  But on 10 meters I still had problems 
even using the other circuit to power the KAT500.  That makes me think noise is 
getting into the KAT500, or perhaps RF from the antenna is putting noise on my 
AC house circuits.  I was able to run the amp to full power on SSB with no 
power cycling of the KAT500.
On 10 meters the KAT500 power cycles with just 6 watts drive (170 out).  On 
phone I can run full power with no issues.  SWR is 1.2 on this band.

I have a Morgan AC line filter arriving tomorrow and I'll see if the problem 
persists with it filtering the house circuit feeding the shack equipment.

Do these symptoms smell more like a noise issue (RF in the shack) or a line 
voltage deficiency with the house circuit?  I'm think probably taxing the line 
in the higher duty cycles, and it just manifests at different thresholds on 
different frequencies.
When transmitting a long string of CW or RTTY, if the KAT500 gets into repeated 
power cycles the KPA500 eventually throws a fault.
Some other observations: If I turn on my desk lamps, at the higher outputs the 
lamps will modulate slightly with my voice.  I think I'm sucking too much juice 
from the circuit, but this is just a guess on my part.  Generally the only 
other piece of equipment in the house that seems to be affected by RF is our 
DirectTV receiver (the notorious touch-panel design).  It is generally only 
affected on 10 meters, with a high duty cycle mode like RTTY.
Can anyone provide me some more troubleshooting tips?
Thanks!Jeff, W6UX