[Elecraft] London experience

2005-07-22 Thread Eberhart, Russell
My wife, son and I were on the London tube system when the bombers struck 
yesterday.  We were near two of the incidents (near Victoria Station).  I had 
my Yaesu VX-6R with me, with continuous receive from 500 KHz to 999 MHz.  As 
soon as we were able to receive, I was able to tune in to London FM stations 
and also picked up some communications among bus drivers on VHF.  Knowing what 
was going on was very helpful for us, and for the people around us.  Although 
it was not a direct use of amateur radio, I wouldn't have had the capability if 
I hadn't had the 2M/220/440 tranceiver with me.
By the way, have worked a number of stations on 20-30-40 M from Dublin and 
London this trip.  Worked Lithuania, Italy and Germany last night from the 
hotel here in West London.  More on that on a future posting.  It has been 
quite an adventure.
Russ, QRV as M/N9IV
KX1 #742
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] N9IV QRV in Ireland

2005-07-18 Thread Eberhart, Russell
I am now in Ireland; just worked several stations on 20M and 30M CW with my KX1 
at 3 watts.  Having a ball!  Will be in Ireland till Thursday, then QRV London 
for three days.
Russ Eberhart, N9IV
KX1 #742
Elecraft mailing list
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] Indianapolis Hamfest

2005-07-11 Thread Eberhart, Russell
Elecraft was represented at the Indianapolis Hamfest on Saturday by Rich
Meiss (WB9LPU), Wayne Reed (K9NE), and me.  We had a great location just
inside the front door of the AIR-CONDITIONED building.  (It hit 90
degrees Saturday.)  Lots of people came by the booth.  We gave out all
of the literature that Lisa Jones sent from Elecraft, and one of the
"extra" copies I made just in case.  On display were two KX1's, a K1, a
K2, a T1, and a few of the smaller kits.  Rich brought part of his
collection of old keys, as well as several of his famous paddles
(including his coffee cup paddle).  I had my restored HW-8 and my
'el-cheapo piano paddle.'  From 7am until we closed, we almost always
had one or more people at the table talking with us.  I opened up my KX1
so many times I am considering velcro fasteners for the chassis (hi).  

Russ Eberhart, N9IV
KX1 742, K2 4650
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] CQ WW contest last weekend

2005-06-01 Thread Eberhart, Russell
I was at a cabin at Deep Creek Lake in Western Maryland over the past weekend; 
no way to get on the Internet until today.  I ran my KX1, at first on internal 
batteries, then from my car battery.  Antenna was a 42-foot wire thrown up in a 
pine tree, with a 16-foot counterpoise.  Included in 35 contacts were six 
contacts at one watt with stations in the US, Canada, Portugal, and Germany.  
When the batteries started to fade (they had about five hours on them prior to 
the weekend session), I plugged into the car's battery, and, at approximately 
3.8 watts, had 29 contacts with the following: Slovenia, Spain, Slovak 
Republic, Serbia & Montenegro, England, Italy, Cape Verde Africa, Croatia, 
Cyprus, France, Antigua/Barbuda, Canada, and the US.  I've never had so much 
fun working QRP.  I was amazed at the number of stations that came back to me.  
The only three stations that didn't were one in the Ukraine, one in Slovenia, 
and one in Italy.  I'll have to figure it out for sure when I get home to Indy, 
but I believe that at least a dozen of the contacts were at over 1,000 miles 
per watt.
Russ, N9IV
KX1 #742
P.S. I listened for the net Sunday night, but didn't hear it on either 
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] RE: K2 Keyer Problem

2005-04-11 Thread Eberhart, Russell
Regarding my dah-dit-dah-dit... K2 keyer problem: Thanks for the
suggestion to replace my antenna with a dummy load.  However, the
problem turned out to be related to my PSK interface.  I recently (10-15
days ago) replaced the computer I was using with my PSK interface (a
Rigblaster Nomic).  Since then, I've been running PSK and MFSK16 on 20
and 40 meters with no problem.  I hadn't gone up to frequencies above 15
MHz since installing the new computer.  It turns out that unplugging the
PSK interface from the mic input connector solves the keyer problem.
There must be some sort of ground loop associated with the "new" (less
old) computer.  The old computer was a Toshiba laptop (circa 1994)
running Windows 95.  The "new" one is a desktop (circa 1997) running
Windows 98.  I plan to dig into it a little bit more, but for now am
just unplugging the PSK interface from the mic input whenever I'm not
running PSK or MFSK16.  (For whatever it's worth, my IMD reports on PSK
are fine, so didn't suspect a problem there.) 

Russ Eberhart, N9IV
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] K2 Keyer Problem

2005-04-09 Thread Eberhart, Russell
I have K2 #4650, which has worked flawlessly for about three months.  I have 
had several hundred QSOs, mainly CW, and have used all bands.  I almost always 
run 5 watts.  Today, a weird phenomenon raised its head.  On 17M, I finished a 
QSO with an Italian station, and everything was working great.  I started to 
call another station, and the keyer started sending a pattern of 
dot-dash-dot-dash-dot-dash... when I held down the dash paddle.  The dot paddle 
works OK.  The phenomenon stops when I reduce power below 2 watts or so.  SWR 
is about 1.2 - 1.3.  I experimented for awhile, and found that I only had the 
problem on 17M, nothing on 80, 40, 20, 15, or 10.  Then I had a QSO with 
everything normal on 20M, then returned to exploring the problem.  I now find 
the dot-dash problem has creeped in on 15M.  Still no problem except on 17M and 
15M. I scrolled thru FAQs, but haven't found anything.  I strongly suspect a 
software problem, but am not sure how to proceed, and will appreciate the 
wisdom of the gurus on this reflector.
Thanks in advance,
Russ Eberhart, N9IV
K2 #4650  KX1 #742
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K2 #4650

2005-01-15 Thread Eberhart, Russell
I am happy to announce that K2 serial 4650 is on the air.
I want to thank Jerry McCarthy (wa2dkg) for his help in building the unit.  His 
workmanship is outstanding.
I am totally blown away by the quality of the receiver.  
The K2 joins my KX1 number 742.  Hmmm,  looks like Elecraft is getting to be a 
habit with me.
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Re: [Elecraft] Ear-buds for KX1

2004-09-17 Thread Eberhart, Russell
I agree that "The Plug" by Koss are acceptable earbuds.  They are rated
at 110 db.  I wear hearing aids, so need the best I can find.  If anyone
knows about any earbuds better than the Koss ones, I'd appreciate
hearing about it.  (Pun intended.)

BTW, worked Antarctica from Indianapolis on the KX1 running about 3.3
watts to a long wire last night.

Russ Eberhart, N9IV
KX1 #742
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] RE: KX1 RX Sensitivity on 20M vs 30M, 40M

2004-08-21 Thread Eberhart, Russell
I have also noticed somewhat reduced sensitivity on 20M, but sort of
expected that.  

Into a 50 ohm dummy load, and into 1.0-1.1 SWR antennas, I get about
3.3-3.5 watts out on 40M, 4 watts on 30M, and 3.0 watts on 20M.  Have
re-aligned...get the same.  Is this typical?

I didn't experience any frustration with 30M module.  It all seemed to
go together just fine for me.

I've had dozens of QSOs with my KX1, and only have one unusual behavior
(of the KX1...we won't go into mine) to report.  Sometimes I get noise
that is there when the LEDs are on, and goes away when the LEDs time
out.  Has anyone else experienced that?  It does not happen all the
time.  Furthermore, it seems to be more likely to happen when I've been
operating for a period of time, say at least 30-60 minutes.

Anyway, I'm very pleased with the KX1.  Just put together a little
portable battery pack that uses two 4-AA cell packs and one 2-AA cell
pack that I populate with NiMH batteries.  It gives me about 12 volts
for portable operation.

Russ Eberhart, N9IV
KX1 #742
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): 
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] KXPD1 Sensitivity

2004-07-30 Thread Eberhart, Russell
>...My question is how do I make the paddles less sensitive to touch. I
find that the left side (dits) is very sensitive, and at one point, it
started sending dits all on its own. I have squeezed the wires inside
down as close to the PC board as they can be, but that didn't help. The
right side of the paddle is working fine. Anyone have any other

>Thanks, Dan W1RDB

One possible problem is that one or both of the rubber covers is/are
installed incorrectly.  The raised portion of each cover must be on the
outside of each paddle.

Russ, N9IV
KX1 #742
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] Building KX1 #742 and posting to this list

2004-07-29 Thread Eberhart, Russell
I have been trying to post to this list for about a month.  Each time,
my message has bounced.  Each time, the "error message" said that the
list doesn't allow messages with attachments.  Thing is, I never had an
attachment on any of the messages.

If this message makes it, it means that the problem was something
entirely different: I was sending messages in HTML format (as I usually
do) and they were being rejected because of the HTML format, not because
they had attachments.  I don't see any reference to requiring messages
to be in plain text format in the web material regarding this list.
(Maybe I missed it.)  If it isn't there, it should be.  If it's there,
perhaps it should be more prominent.

I just completed KX1 #742, with the 30M module, key paddles, and
automatic tuner.  I had a great experience.  It was my first kit
building experience in over 30 years (except for a ZM-2 tuner...not
exactly a major project).  My hat is off to the folks at Elecraft for
their great design, and for clear, concise instructions.  Everything
worked the first time.

I purchased a Hakko 936 soldering station, mainly because of this
project.  (Was the KX1 just an excuse?  I'll never tell my wife...)  It
was money well spent, and I recommend it.

There was a thread on this list a while ago about taking ham equipment
through airport security.  I have some experiences I may share on future
postings, if this posting makes it..

Russ Eberhart, N9IV
KX1 #742
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): 
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] KX1 #742

2004-07-29 Thread Eberhart, Russell
KX1 #742 is on the air.

Russ Eberhart

Russ Eberhart 
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

Elecraft mailing list
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