[Elecraft] Battery requirements for NPOTA activation with KX3/KXPA100

2016-03-29 Thread Esquer Dave
Hi folks,
I know this has been asked and discussed before but I can’t seem to get a 
handle on a clear-cut answer …

I am going to do a SSB NPOTA (National Parks on the Air) activation with my 
KX3/KXPA100/PX3 on battery power. It has been in the works for a while with a 
special use permit required by the NPS.

How much battery capacity do I need if I want to run full 100 watts? For 
planning purposes, I am assuming a 6 hour activation with a (highly optimistic 
I know) 60 QSOs per hour.

The PX3 will be powered by a separate LiFePo 4.8 aH battery, it will do just 
fine. My concern is the amount of draw I will need to last the 6 hours. With an 
inline (Hobby King) HK-010 Power Analyzer, I see a max current (KX3/KXPA100 
combo) of about 8 amps and about 80 watts during a QSO. The QSOs varies between 
50-80 watts on transmit.

I also know that once I am spotted, I can drop the power down to maybe 75-50 
watts to save some battery juice.

I have 2 12v-18aH SLA batteries at the ready, am I woefully underpowered? If 
you have any real-world experience or tips, it is most valuable and 
appreciated. You can contact me offline at dave dot esquer AT gmail as well.

Dave, K6WDE

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Re: [Elecraft] Getting Started with QRP and the Elecraft KX3

2015-01-04 Thread Esquer Dave
Hi Mark,
Yes, QRP is a challenge. For the first 2 years with my KX3, I ran it ONLY QRP 
with LiFePo external batteries or external power supply. I learned to be 

>From my QTH east of Los Angeles in the San Bernardino mountains on New Year’s 
>Eve 2013, I reached the Amundsen-Scott station at the South Pole, KC4AAA. They 
>gave me a great signal report, just about when I was going to give up. This 
>has been one of my highlights.

I also reached K9W, the Wake Island expedition in November of 2013 running QRP, 
another highlight for me.

Persistence … and just act like a big dog!

I do have the Elecraft KXPA100 amplifier and it too goes portable with me. For 
those more challenging pile-ups, it doesn’t break through immediately, but with 
persistence, I can make the contact. 

See below for my comments.

> From: Mark Tellez 
> Subject: [Elecraft] getting started with QRP
> 1) what are the most popular QRP bands for monitoring and what are the main
> calling frequencies (day and night)?

As a QRP guy myself with a KX3, see http://qrprespect.jimdo.com/
Honestly, in my 3 years as a new ham, I don’t think many folks follow these 

> 2) is there a book or website that will give a QRP newbie some background
> info on the do and don’ts of QRP?

Not that I know of.

> 3) I am looking for an antenna that can be left attached to the KX3 that
> will provide decent HF reception so that I can monitor frequencies during
> the times when my other antennas are put away.  Any suggestions?

A simple OCF 40-6m 66’ inverted V window dipole is my baseline fixed station 
antenna. It is hung in the trees, about 30’ above the ground, but I am also at 
6,200’ elevation, pretty much at the crest looking down into the Los Angeles 

> 4) I am considering buying a PAR end fed antenna.   Any comments on the PAR
> vs my other options (Alexloop, Buddipole)?

I have a version of the SuperAntenna SP-1 buddipole stick 
(http://newsuperantenna.com/), an Alexloop and a PAR end fed 10/20/40. All 3 
work BUT the best for me is the EARCHI end fed 6-40m, 
(http://www.earchi.org/proj_homebrew.html) for $52 pre-built. The FREE plans 
are on their website if you want to build your own. You can have the length be 
whatever you heart desires.

I used the PAR end fed for about 6 months, it works well and is quiet.

The EARCHI in a vertical or slanted or inverted V is much better and ALL BAND 
capable IMHO. It is just 30’ in length but it is totally usable with every band 
utilizing the onboard KX3 ATU. Quick and easy to setup.

When I run portable from Hawaii or California, the order of preference when 
portable QRP or low power:

1. EARCHI end fed
2. Alexloop
3. PAR end fed 10/20/40 (inverted L)
4. SuperAntenna SP-1

I too, never sign with /QRP. Remember, persistence is the key!
Good luck Mark,

Dave, K6WDE
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[Elecraft] KXPA100 fault issue and low power on 80 and 6m

2018-07-20 Thread Esquer Dave
Good morning experts,
KXPA100 (serial #996) is back from the Elecraft shop. It spent about 3 weeks 
unconnected from its KX3. I sent it in because the amp was faulting and 
shutting down with NO detection of the fault using the KX3 or KXPA100 
utilities. The amp relay clicked and … just shut down in both the CW and SSB 
portions of the bands running ANY power (15watts or higher). My wire antennas 
are resonant.

The amp came back with a clean bill of health, my faults could not being 
replicated in the lab. The KXPA100 came back calibrated with factory test 
equipment (KX3) values. My 90 days of repair warranty is ticking …

The tech suggested that maybe the KX3 was overdriving the amp and suggested I 
do the Elecraft KXPA100 + KX3 Power Calibration. Beforehand, we eliminating 
cabling and power supply issues between the 2 units.

I have completed the CAL 75 calibration twice (2 times quickly, as he 
suggested) and with 110 watts selected on the KX3, the ATU in bypass mode and 
dummy load connected, I get the following power outputs and SWR readings from 
the KX3 display. 80 and 6 meters are well underperforming …. So far, I have had 
no faults, good news! Yes, the dummy load is swept as flat SWR via my RigExpert 

BandWatts   SWR TX Gain 
1.840   100 1.6 3.4
3.585   58  1.1 4.6
7.120   87  1.2 4.4
10.130  92  1.3 3.7
14.200  97  1.2 3.0
18.100  98  1.2 2.4
21.200  93  1.2 2.8
24.930  86  1.4 2.4
28.400  93  1.5 3.9
50.125  54  1.1 5.0

For TX Gain (tX.X), see the KX3 manual, Appendix B, page 54. If I put the ATU 
back in with the dummy load and tune each band, the above values really don’t 
change at all, even on 80 and 6. The tech mentioned that he was not familiar 
with the TX Gain values and could not share any light on their goodness or 
validity. Can anyone speak to their reasonableness?

How do I get 80 and 6 meters to full power from the amp? Am I worrying 
needlessly? Sorry for the long post, help me, gurus!

Dave, K6WDE, KX3 #4599
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[Elecraft] Newbie Dave & Happy New Year Elecraft KX3 WOW moment!

2014-01-01 Thread Esquer Dave
Hi folks,

Newbie Dave, K6WDE, here with my KX3 WOW moment. 

Late yesterday afternoon, New Year’s Eve, I spotted and heard KC4AAA 
broadcasting on 20 meters from the AMUNDSEN-SCOTT SOUTH POLE STATION.

Obviously, there was a hugh pile-up for quite some time. I listened and 
listened. There were lots of big guns repeatedly calling to/over him and 
others. Some folks got through. This South Pole operator’s patience was truly 
amazing. He was cool and collective and took his time to work those that got 
through. He was a total professional in my book moving quickly through the pile 
up. I tried calling, but with the big guns, there was no joy.

After dinner, I tuned in again and he had decided to move to calling by the 
numbers. He worked the 4s, 5s and finally 6s.

Throwing out my call sign, imagine my surprise when he answered back with a 55 
signal report. I informed him of my QRP station and we exchanged 73s and Happy 
New Year greetings. I was the last 6 he picked up before he moved onto the 7s. 
Other comments from operators stated they had waited for 2 hours plus to make 
the QSO.

I have owned my KX3, serial number 4599, since June of 2013. My setup is 
simple, my KX3 and a switchable LNR vertical/inverted-L 66’ EFHW and a 
horizontal 51’ long wire with a 9:1 Balun Design UNUN. I picked up the SP on 
the horizontal. I am fortunate, I do live at 6,200 feet on a ridge overlooking 
the SoCal inland empire.

My Elecraft is the one and only HF rig I own. Elecraft equipment rocks, one 
happy newbie customer and HF operator here!

Happy New 2014 all,
Dave, K6WDE

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[Elecraft] KX3, Yamaha CM500 headphones and PTT switch

2014-01-05 Thread Esquer Dave
Hi folks,
Newbie Dave with a KX3 and a brand new pair of Yamaha CM-500 headphones. I need 
a PTT switch. I’d like to build one. Is it as easy as wiring a momentary PTT, 
using the ACC2 port, the ACC2 I/O ON menu settings and a 1/8” mini jack?

Read both the Elecraft manual and the Fred Cady book, still a little confused.

TIA and be kind,

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[Elecraft] Elecraft KX3: Dual Watch or Split - newbie Dave needs help!

2014-03-22 Thread Esquer Dave
Hello folks,
Newbie Dave, K6WDE/KH6 with my Elecraft KX3.

Question: Dual Watch versus Split Mode, which is best? Is is personal 
preference? Yes, I did read the Elecraft Operating Note - Working a Pile-Up 
using the Dual Watch feature on the KX3 article. I am still confused though.

As I understand it, for:
Split has a wider range of frequencies to utilize beyond the +/- 15kHz 
limitation of Dual Watch.
VFO A (DX station) on the left and VFO B (calling station, me) on the right 

VFO A (DX station) on the right and VFO B (me) on the left headphone.
Easier to tune up and down with the big tuning knob as I try to catch the DX 
station (instead of the little tuning knob).

I must be missing something. I’ve used Split quite successfully and tried Dual 
Watch but they just seem to be the reverse of each other. When running a KX3, I 
need all the help when attempting to break through the pileups (especially here 
on the island)!


More static, more of the time …

Dave Esquer, K6WDE

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[Elecraft] KX3 horizontal 40 meter antenna loop feed connection - HOW?

2014-04-01 Thread Esquer Dave
Newbie Dave, KX3 owner with built in ATU. I have a loop antenna feed point line 
question. I know this is not an antenna group but I want something optimized 
for the KX3 and QRP.

I have installed a 40 meter skywire horizontal loop antenna in my attic, 135 
feet in length. I hope to use the antenna on 40-10 meters. I live in a condo 
complex, fortunately for me, on the 2nd floor. The distance from the feed point 
to the rig vertically is about 20 ft and about 5 ft horizontally through a 

Coax or ladder line feed, most say ladder line for low loss?

I am stumped, confused and bewildered about how to feed my KX3. Opinions are 
ALL over the map with NO consistency. I have researched the Skywire google and 
yahoo groups and the ARRL docs.  Just tell me what works best for my KX3 and 
how to do it. 

If I feed with 450 ohm ladder line, how do I transition from the ladder line to 
the rig? Is it antenna ends to 20 ft of ladder line to the balun and then a 
short stub of coax? What is short, 1 to 5 ft? Do I cut the ladder line long and 
what do I do with excess? The ladder line has to stay mostly vertical?

I have the BNC to binding post adapter as well. Can I just feed ladder line to 
the binding posts directly with maybe some kind of strain relief? 

It sorta works now with the antenna loop connected to an MFJ913 4:1 balun to 
RG8X coax to rig. SWR on 40 meters is about 2.0 to 2.2 across the band (low to 
high) as measured externally before connecting to the rig. Am I good enough? 
The ATU handles it quite nicely bringing it down to 1:1.

I’ve tried feeding the coax directly, with no balun, but that made the SWR much 
worse externally, 5:1 and up. 

Remember, be gentle to this newbie and TIA,

Dave Esquer, K6WDE

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[Elecraft] KX3: LNRPrecision EndFedz EF-10/20/40KMII Antenna SWR tuning

2013-07-08 Thread Esquer Dave
Newbie KX3 owner ALERT
LNR Precision EndFedz EF-10/20/40KMII Antenna SWR tuning help needed (kind, 
constructive, helpful discussions/words please)!

Measured SWR (2 measurements at 2 
different times of the day)
Mhz At SO-239   after 26' coax  after 41' coax run  
7.0 1.351.1 1.0
7.125   4.0 2.5 1.5
7.3 10.06.0 2.0

14.01.5 1.2 1.5
14.15   1.251.1 1.5
14.35   1.1 1.1 1.6

28.01.8 1.7 1.6
28.32.0 1.8 1.7
29.03.5 2.5 3.0
29.73.9 4.0 4.2

My ideal shack location is with the 26' of coax, the 41' is secondary outside 
location (fair weather).

What should I do for the 40 and 10 meter wavelengths to tune? I think I leave 
the 20 meter portion alone? Once the 20 meter is tuned, the 10 meter falls into 
place supposedly but … 
Why do my values vary so much? I sort of see a pattern. I want to physically 
tune the antenna and not rely on the internal Elecraft ATU. I want to maximize 
my QRP.

Inverted L configuration with 2/3 vertical and 1/3 horizontal.

LNRPrecision EndFedz EF-10/20/40KMII Antenna
Elecraft KX3, ATU installed but disabled (not bypassed).
LMR240UF for all coax
MFJ870 Grandmaster SWR meter
All frequencies tuned using FM option at 5 watts
I don't have an antenna analyzer, yet.

Just like in woodshop, measure twice, cut once! Again, NEWBIE advice much 

Dave, K6WDE

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[Elecraft] PSK31 KX3 Elmer needed!

2013-07-17 Thread Esquer Dave
Hi folks,
HF Newbie frustrated with PSK-31 setup on my new KX3. I have tried everything 
with no joy. I need an ELMER! I've tried so many permutations that all of my 
hair has fallen out!

I have PC and Mac laptops, Digipan 2.0, Fldigi, PSKer (for iPad) and am missing 
ALL of the basic setup knowledge to get this stuff working. I've played all the 
Youtube videos too, especially KD0BIK's, but I'm still stuck in the basic 
hardware and software setup.

I would like to first try PC Digipan, but am open to anything.

Somewhere, there must be a simple step-by-step setup recipe to interface the 
KX3, its microphone and headphone cables and the mic input, headphone output 
from the computer. I also have a Griffin iMic that I've attempted to throw into 
the mix, again with no joy.

I've read the Data Modes section in the manual and Chapter 7 Digital Modes of 
the Fred Cady book. They just add to my confusion.

Looking at the Fred Cady book, Figure 7.4 and 7.5 and Chapter 7 sections 7.4 
(107-108) and 7.7 (121-122), ALL remain a mystery to me, which hookup do I use?

My assumptions so far:
Low power, 5 watts or less
I need to put the KX3 into Data A mode, not PSK-D
I can interface the KX3 to the computer without the iMic or other external 
sound card (figure 7.5 of Fred's book)? (Should/how/why do I use the iMic?)
I need to set the MIC BTN to OFF

I would eventually like to end up with PSK31 working on my Mac (with Fldigi), 
but I'd like to get it working on the PC laptop first to help me understand all 
of its nuances.

Arghhh … please help a newbie!
Dave, K6WDE

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[Elecraft] PSK31 KX3 Elmer STILL needed!

2013-07-18 Thread Esquer Dave
Hello again ELMERS,

(I appreciate all the help from the mail list, but I decided to standardize on 
Fldigi and my Macbook Pro … because this is what I am most comfortable with … I 
know there are other MAC HAM GURUS out there …)

I am trying to use Fldigi, a Macbook Pro, a Griffin iMic and my KX3 to talk 
PSK-31. With the help of you folks here, I have the receiving/decoding part of 
this process working. I am getting great decoding.


My setup is cabled as follows:
ACC1 to the KX3SER Port connected. The KX3 Utility reports "usbserial-AD02DUIQ" 
at 4800 bps. Why I need this cable setup is beyond me, can someone explain the 

My iMic is connected to the Macbook via USB port. The iMic switch is set to 
'Mic". The headphones from the KX3 go to the "In" port and the KX3 Mic is 
connected to the "Out" port on the iMic.

The Macbook Input and Output levels for the iMic USB audio system are at 1/2 

Playing with the ALC control, the Keyer/Mic is set to 3-4 level and the AF is 
set to 20. A nice waterfall appears and PKS-31 is decoded nicely.

Under Rig Control, I have experimented with both RigCat and hamlib settings, 
but I am TOTALLY lost here. I have downloaded the K3 RigCat xml file and Fldigi 
uses that file. In the RigCat and hamlib panels, the "Device" is the 
usbserial-AD02DUIQ mentioned above.

VOX is turned on and the TX light comes on at the beginning of a text 
transmission and off at the end. 

The text appears in both the receiving and transmitting panels. The text shows 
up but the waterfall display stops, the text is sent and then the waterfall 
resumes. I get NO SIGNAL on the waterfall and therefore no TRANSMISSION.

This really shouldn't be that difficult. I am missing something major here … I 
will be happy to document my journey so that another Mac ham doesn't travel my 

Lost in the bits,
HF Newbie Dave

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[Elecraft] HF KX-3 Newbie Dave and PSK-31 SUCCESS!

2013-07-21 Thread Esquer Dave
Hello all,
Thank you ALL for your help on getting this Macbook Pro HF Elecraft KX-3 NEWBIE 
on PKS-31! Just had my first 2 contacts this afternoon, this stuff actually 

These folks were invaluable in their elmering (in no particular order):
Don, W3FPR
Doug, NA1DX
Ray, K2ULR
Matt, VK2RQ
Lyle, KK7P
John, W9EN
Scott, KB1ZBU
Ariel, NY4G
Barry, K3NDM
John, K7JLT

and I just wanted to acknowledge them. Your outreach and taking time out for me 
… was invaluable.

Summarizing my settings for others:
FLdigi 3.21.72 on a 15" Macbook Pro with OSX 10.8.3, Griffin iMic and the 
Elecraft KXUSBa and KX3-PCKT kits for connection.

As others have mentioned, the iMic "IN" is fed by the Elecraft headphone jack, 
the iMic "OUT" is fed by the Elecraft KX-3 Mic jack. The iMic is set to "MIC" 
switch. The ACC1 connection from the Elecraft is plugged into a USB port on the 

VOX is turned "ON" in the Elecraft and the MIC BTN is set to "OFF" as well. The 
Bandwitdth is set to somewhere between 3.0 and 4.0.

The Macbook input and output setings (System Prefences, Sound) are set to "iMic 
USB audio system" and both are set to 1/2 level.

My KX-3 AF setting is set to "20 and the Keyer/Mic (ALC) is set to "4". This 
just tickles the 5th bar when in ALC mode. 

In FLdigi, the Configure, FLdigi configuration, Rig, RigCAT tab
points to the (Rig description file) K3.xml.  Both "Toggle RTS for PTT" 
and "Toggle DTR for PTT" are also selected. My device (as defined in the KX-3 
Utility) is "usbserial-AD02DUIQ".

In FLdigi, the Configure, FLdigi configuration, Audio, Devices tab
has "PortAudio" checked with both Capture and Playback pointing to the 
"iMic USB audio system"

In FLdigi, the Configure, FLdigi configuration, Misc, Spotting tab
has "Automatically spot callsigns in decoded text" turned on.

In FLdigi, the Configure, FLdigi configuration, Waterfall, Display tab
has "Monitor transmitted signal" turned on. This turns in the upper 
right corner a "Spot" button that can be enabled and you can see your PKS-31 
output on the http://pskreporter.info/ website.

In Fldigi, the "SQL" button in the lower right is ON and my squelch level is 
about 1/4 from the bottom.

As mentioned, when I transmit, the waterfall now shows my transmission and 
going to the pskreporter website (map view), I can see my PSK-31 output. My 2 
contacts today reported a good 599 from me on the waterfall.

Again, thanks to all! If I can be of service to other Mac folks, please don't 
hesitate to ask. I really do love my Elecraft, it is an amazing and super 
capable rig.

Dave, K6WDE

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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft Digest, Vol 112, Issue 45

2013-08-24 Thread Esquer Dave

I am still a newbie too, it'll happen. I use an iMic on an Macbook Pro with 
Fldigi software. It is very easy to use.

On Aug 24, 2013, at 6:00 AM, elecraft-requ...@mailman.qth.net wrote:

> 1. The other day I succeeded in setting Mic Btn to OFF but today when
> I go to the menu the only choices for Mic Btn are PTT and NR - OFF no longer
> shows up as a choice!  Where did I go wrong?

I do the Mic Btn OFF when the mic is still plugged in. I think if it is 
disconnected, the radio "turns off" that option.

> 2.Has anyone succeeded in using a LAPTOP with KX3 without an iMic or a
> signalink for PSK?  A lot of the prior posts refer to desktops that have a
> line in connection (laptop does not) or to setups using iMic or Signalink.

That's how I first tried, per the Fred Cady book. It SHOULD work but … I gave 
up in frustration. I can send you the pages from his book that describe that 
process but it sounds like you know what to do. The USB approach is easier and 
better, supposedly, for noise isolation.

> 3.Would Don Wilhelm's comments about attenuators being needed between
> computer soundcard and KX3 apply to laptops as well? How would I know? What
> could I measure?

You got me on that one!

> 4.I had a waterfall the other day but could not get TX to light up on
> the KX3.  I am using the cables sold by Elecraft.

The Keyer/MIC level controls the TX on PSK ( I think). For reference, my phone 
(SSB) setting when using the mic is about 25. When doing PSK, I set the level 
to 4, quite a difference.

You set the TX to VOX, right?

> Any and all advice is greatly appreciated!

Good luck and you'll get it figured out with the elmers that are here, they are 
a great bunch. I was SO frustrated, especially being on a MAC, but got it 
sorted out.

Dave, K6WDE

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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft SSB Net results, September 8

2013-09-12 Thread Esquer Dave
How can we as a group increase the results of the Sunday SSB net for those of 
us who have KX3s running barefoot? Only 2 of the 34 checkins on Sunday were 

Frustrated and disappointed … but I keep trying …

Dave, K6WDE located KH7 temporarily …
KX3, serial number 4599

On Sep 12, 2013, at 5:24 PM, elecraft-requ...@mailman.qth.net wrote:

> From: Ian Kahn - Ham [mailto:km4ik@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2013 2:58 PM
> To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
> Subject: Elecraft SSB Net results, September 8
> Here are today's Elecraft SSB net results.  We had a good net today, with 34
> check-ins.  Thanks go out to Bob, W1IS, and Phil, NS7P, for relay
> assistance.

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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft SSB Net results, September 8

2013-09-13 Thread Esquer Dave
Might I suggest (like I think was done in the past) that a few minutes (defined 
clearly) are set aside for us QRP KX3 folks to check in?

I am temporarily located in Waikoloa, HI (BK29CW). I  can hear the relay from 
N6JW in Riverside, CA. and sometimes can directly hear NS7P from Elmira, 
Oregon. When net control transfers to Georgia, no way I can do anything from 

I am in a condo complex with antenna police chasing me … putting up a tower … 
ain't going to happen. My attic is accessible, but the roof above it is 
concrete tile. My simple EARC endfed 6-40 half wave dipole 
(http://www.earchi.org/92011endfedfiles/Endfed6_40.pdf) running inverted v in a 
palm tree tied to my lanai is my present setup.

Respectfully and hopefully, it would be a "challenge" for those running much 
more power than I to pull out the "small fry" from the noise during the Sunday 

A small fish in a big pond,
Dave, K6WDE, KX3 serial number: 4599

> How can we as a group increase the results of the Sunday SSB net for those of 
> us who have KX3s running barefoot? Only 2 of the 34 checkins on Sunday were 
> KX3s.
> Frustrated and disappointed … but I keep trying …
> Dave, K6WDE located KH7 temporarily …
> KX3, serial number 4599

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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft SSB Net results, September 8 - thanks for discussion

2013-09-14 Thread Esquer Dave
Thank you all for the discussion of us low power KX3 folks and the Sunday SSB 
net checkin. I appreciate the ideas of defined time slots for QRP, portable and 
mobile stations and the big guns listening and relaying when possible.

Standing by this Sunday,
K6WDE/KH6 (corrected from KH7)

On Sep 14, 2013, at 6:00 AM, elecraft-requ...@mailman.qth.net wrote:

> N7SP etal:
> If I may make a suggestion that might make KX3 checkin easier.  On 
> other nets that I often check into, the first stations invited to 
> checkin are portable, mobile, and low power stations.  That gives 
> those stations a better chance of avoiding being covered up by 
> stronger stations.  Not sure if this could be incorporated to the 
> Elecraft-SSB net protocol?

On Sep 14, 2013, at 6:00 AM, elecraft-requ...@mailman.qth.net wrote:

> This is an excellent suggestion and requires minimal changes to the
> existing procedures.
> 73, Tony K4QE

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[Elecraft] This Sunday's Elecraft SSB net - THANKS!

2013-09-15 Thread Esquer Dave
Thank you to the operator that pulled me out of the noise this morning during 
the net. I think he was able to relay my checkin somewhere around 11:30 to 
11:40 PST to net control. I could hear operators asking for QRP, portable and 
mobile stations. Thank you for that approach for us little guppies.

The conditions were variable with some QRN at my location here in Waikoloa, HI 
(BK29CW) but I did make it (I hope)!

I'm thinking of a SOTA summit to Mauna Kea (13.8k ft) in the near future, it's 
literally in my backyard. Feedback, recommendations and ideas most welcome, it 
would be my first summit.

Aloha and Mahalo,
Dave, K6WDE/KH6
Elecraft KH3, serial number 4599
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[Elecraft] Elecraft SSB net results for 9/22/13

2013-09-25 Thread Esquer Dave
Thanks folks for all the effort getting us QRP folks checked in last Sunday. It 
is much appreciated and further enhances the "team support" feeling I get from 
the mailing group (and Elecraft in general). I am glad I bought into the 
Elecraft universe.

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[Elecraft] End fed antenna - length and SWR

2013-10-08 Thread Esquer Dave
Hi folks, 

Newbie HF Dave here again with an end fed antenna design question.

I have an EARCH (Emergency Amateur Radio Club, Hawaii) end fed 6-40 meter 
multiband HF antenna. Part of the design is the 9:1 UNUN (unbalanced to 
unbalanced) toroid matching transformer. I have replaced the 30' wire with 66.5 
feet of 18AWG Wireman silky 532. My end fed is in a horizontal (slight slope) 
orientation, east-west. The antenna is about 50' above the ground (I have a 3 
story house and pine trees close by).

I do not have an external antenna analyzer, yet.

Using the ATU in my KX-3, I have the UNTUNED SRW values below. With the KX-3 
ATU, the KX-3 DOES tune all of these bands with no problem.

Question: Should I do anything to improve QRP performance, shorten/lengthen the 
wire, or should I just go with the flow, hang loose and not worry and just 
enjoy my rig?

REMEMBER, newbie Dave, be gentle. I've been tracking the long wire discussions 
on the list, there is lots of fervor.

[My key = frequency/SWR]







Thanks in advance,

More static, more of the time …

Dave Esquer, K6WDE

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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 Please evaluate LiFePo4 battery/charger choice

2013-11-16 Thread Esquer Dave
Hello Arno,

I just picked up 2 of these 13.2v, 4200mAh LiFePo batteries from HobbyKing. So 
far, they are working great. I retired my SLA 12v, 5Ah battery too. Twice the 
amp-hours at 1/2 the weight. They run at 13.2 volts, so portable I can run the 
12 watts for a bit.

They are in the US Warehouse too, no shipping from China.

This guy turned me onto them: 

At $46.00 each, a good deal in my pocketbook!

Dave, K6WDE

More static, more of the time …

Dave Esquer, K6WDE

Elecraft mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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[Elecraft] KX3 Accuracy of clock

2013-12-02 Thread Esquer Dave
Yep, mine drifts and I’ve had it up to a couple of minutes off. Surprisingly, 
for a week’s time, it can be about a minute or so off. I will pay more 
attention and keep track.

Dave, K6WDE

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Gary Hawkins 
> To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
> Subject: [Elecraft] [KX3} Accuracy of clock
> Message-ID: <529bbfd0.1090...@hawkins-zhu.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Hi all,
> Does anyone know how accurate is the clock on KX3?  The reason I ask is 
> because I activated a local SOTA peak last weekend and did another peak 
> this weekend.  After setting the clock accurately last weekend, I did 
> not think about checking it this weekend but half way through this 
> weekend's activation I noticed my UTC time setting was 1hr and 17 mins 
> off!  While it was easy enough to correct the log, is the clock expected 
> to drift this much in a week?

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[Elecraft] KXPA100 Utility v1.14.11 CONFUSION and HELP!

2014-06-29 Thread Esquer Dave
New KXPA100 (with 100w internal ATU) for KX3 owner. I have the KX3 and KXPA100 
hooked up with the Elecraft supplied cables.

In the Amplifier section of the utility, when using the KXPA utility, why is 
the PA Bypass box checked? I understand the Attenuator box being unchecked.

In the Anntenna Tuner section, the Tune button (on the right) does not tune the 
rig, it just causes the 25w LED to blink. No noise is heard from the ATU. I 
have to physically hit the ATU tune button on the KX3 to retune.

Finally, in the same Antenna Tuner section, why is the ATU Bypassed check box 
(below the Mode options) checked when the Mode box is set to Auto?

I’m doing something wrong, please help this newbie.
Dave, K6WDE
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