[Elecraft] K2 - removal of Digital Filter board

2006-02-11 Thread JohnChanceRead
I am trying to tace a 2 x S point loss in my receiver.  I want to  remove the 
digital filter to remove that as a possibility.  What pins on  the control 
board do I put the jumpers - I cannot find this in the  manual.  I am off on 
holiday to Spain tomorrow and will take the  K2 with me so that I can work on.  
Quick help appreciated
John G4BOU
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[Elecraft] Re: Elecraft Digest, Vol 21, Issue 31 (K2 Iambic Modes)

2006-01-26 Thread JohnChanceRead
50 years ago I listened to the US navy sending their very fast morse and  was 
then told about the special keys they had which worked sideways  and with a 
spring attached to the dot paddle.  This was all magic to  me as I pounded the 
pumphandle keyer supplied by the Royal Navy.  15 years  later I spent many an 
hour (or months even) getting to grips with an iambic  keyer.  The spacing of 
the paddle was in imperial inches - well it sounded  like it.
I then read an article by a USA amateur who had developed a computerized  
iambic keyer specifically designed for the morse contest operator and he was  
willing to supply PCB layout and circuit details.
With the help of many of the Marconi Instruments departments (both  
mechanical and electronic) as well as G3JKS help using his influence with a UK  
well known USA company, we managed to produce 2 units both worked well and  my 
proficiency with the iambic key rose to about 35 wpm. I also built just the  
mechanical keyer which has needle bearings.  I sold the elctronics  package but 
kept the mechanical keyer.
15 years ago I packed up amateur radio and have just returned.  I had  one 
problem with it - this may surprise you (it did me) - I could not remember  
whether it was the thumb or finger which pressed dit key.  I now realize  that 
can send equally as well with either set up.  Maybe this is just an  indication 
of how poor is my capability.  But it does show how the old  brain can adopt 
a programme that one would think is fully set in the memory  banks.
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[Elecraft] Re: Elecraft Digest, Vol 21, Issue 20 (Duty into UK)

2006-01-15 Thread JohnChanceRead
I brought in the full package (K2/100 ATU100, DSP, 160M & SSB).   The Customs 
actually rung me up to find out what it was.  The expensive  package may have 
attracted their attention but it did reduce the shipping and  postage.  
However it worked out that dollars in the States arrive as pounds  (£) at your 
door.  The duty + postage offsetting the favourable exchange  rate.  I hope 
John G4BOU
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[Elecraft] Prosign Confusion

2006-01-13 Thread JohnChanceRead
I learnt my morse procedures with the Royal Navy.  Every  operator could send 
good morse at 22 wpm and followed the WRITTEN  procedure rigidly, if he did 
not, and was overheard by authority, he was in  trouble. During that period I 
worked with the U.S. Navy who were  faster but didn't follow the same 
procedure. I also had a stint in a Commercial  Shore station where again morse 
was very 
good and procedure almost the same  as the R.N. but not so rigid in its 
I then joined the British Army where morse proficientcy was slow and  
procedure erratic. During  that time our Special Communication  Regiment of old 
men, consisted of R.N operators, RAF flight operators,  Parachute Regiment 
operators and selected Amateur operators - they had a very  simple but strict 
morse, which was initially diregarded but eventually adopted  equally as 
as the R.N.
I think I can say from experience that I agree wholeheartedly that Morse is  
a language but a one that should be intelligently construed and adhered  to.
The ITU has issued lists of Prosigns and of course print them with a single  
bar over the letters to indicate that they are joined together - I do not know 
 of a way to type examples but when I was in the Royal Navy school we had to 
put  the bar on top when we copied are morse with pen and pencil.  Later when 
we  used typewriter this could not be done but some prosigns were given  
symbols  e.g. AR (meaning end of exchange) could be written as a '+'
The current discussion about prosigns could be wound up by simply locating  a 
formal (official) document on the subject and recognising that only those  
characters which are joined by an overline (as apposed to an underline) should  
be sent without spaces.
The word amateur means 'non-professional' not 'lacksadaisically' and  we 
should use the procedures laid down for our use - they do  exsist. 
Other points raised were :-
1.The use of BK or B K. I understand that K means  'go ahead' an offer to 
the other station to transmit - I do not see the logic in  sending a B.
2.Whist being trained as a RN  operator  it was required that both called 
and calling callsigns were to be sent on every  transmission.  However in the 
'amateur radio exam'  I was told  that EACH initial  call (transmission) also 
required both callsigns to  be used but from then on one could begin with 
'DE' (not overlined)  followed by one own callsign, but not necessarily 
the station  called (in an exchange).   My understanding was that the GPO (the 
British  Licencing Authority, now passed into history) needed to have the  
ability to locate the origin of every transmission.  
This isn't followed any longer but since I have been out of the hobby for  15 
years, there may well be a new procedural publication issued that I know  not 
of.  Some how I doubt it.
Its a language, as the man said - enjoy it.
John G4BOU 
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[Elecraft] K2 4817

2006-01-09 Thread JohnChanceRead
I am pleased to tell you all that I made my first contact  yeaterday for 15 
years.  I became deaf over night and immediately  packed up Amateur Radio.  One 
year ago I decided to try and start  again and bought the K2 kit, with all 
the accessories (except  Transeverters).
My first contact was pre-arranged, one hour before  a Contest, and was 
reasonable easy to do. The Contest had a different  result - I made 5 contacts 
in 4 
hours, well 3 actually as I packed up in the  middle for a rest.
I carried out this exercise by (a) feeling the vibration from a L/S and (b)  
trying to read a light from my Son of Zero Beat.  Both systems (light and  
vibration) have their problems and I shall be trying to improve on both of  
 Help has been offered by members of this Net and I would like to  thank you 
all for this.
I would like to give something in return - I have produced a memory card  for 
remember the function of the various buttons on the K2.  If any one  wants a 
copy please e-mail my and I will send to you.
Regards to all 
John G4BOU
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] Re: Elecraft Digest, Vol 20, Issue 24

2005-12-24 Thread JohnChanceRead
Thanks Dudley - My mate carried out a series of test (when he heard I had  
gone deaf) and he reckons (surprisingly) that the thumb is the most sensitive  
spot.  There are others places I can think of but unfortuneately some of  them 
were damaged at the same time as my hearing nerves when meningitus struck  
some 10 years ago.  I have now decided to try and start the hobby  again.
Thanks for your help - Merry Xmas toyou and yours
John G4BOU
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] Headphone for the hard of hearing

2005-12-22 Thread JohnChanceRead
Thank you one and all for your prompt and helpful replies.  
To sum them up - 
1. It will be bad news if I remove the paper from a loudspeaker - it  will 
stop working.
2. A visual method of reading morse would be helpful but I would rather use  
vibration, but visual and vibration would probable be the ideal.  I was  
taught to read morse visually as well as audible morse whilst as a young 16  
old Navy trainee.  I have not done the visual bit since - but then I  have not 
tried the vibration method either - although a good friend of mine  G3UFB now 
tells me he experimented with it 10 years ago when I went deaf and  reckons he 
could read it at 18 WPM - but I haven't got the sensitivity in my  fingers 
that he seems to have. Hence my enquires regarding using a LOUD  speaker..
3.  WU7R tells me that a kit called 'son of zerobeat' is  available and I 
will no doubt purchase one.
4. Steve (AA4AK) has sent me an interesting article on Sensory  substitution 
- I shall endevour to understand this 6 page leaflet whilst  imbibing my Xmas 
Brandy. The further down the glass I get the more I will  understand it. Thank 
you Steve.
Again thankyou all - further suggestions would be most welcome.
Merry XMAS  from John G4BOU
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[Elecraft] Re: Elecraft Digest, Vol 20, Issue 22 Headphone for hard of hearing

2005-12-22 Thread JohnChanceRead
I am interested in determining which earphone (or speaker) would have the  
highest physical movement.  I am deaf and intend to read morse by feeling  the 
vibration.  Once I have found the earphone/speaker, I then have another  
problem.  I suspect I will have to find the K2's best audio that fits  the 
then I need to nullify its audio output, since I do not want the  neighbours to 
be annoyed by loud morse noise.   I partially  understand how a speaker works 
and in order to decrease its audio  output I will have to remove or partially 
remove the paper which joins  the core to the outer body - but will it still 
vibrate ?.  Any  suggestions would be most welcome.
John G4BOU 
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[Elecraft] K2/100 HI CUR

2005-12-08 Thread JohnChanceRead
I have enjoyed reading the problems of others but now its 'the winter of my  
discontent' as they say.  
I've successfully built the K2, KSB, 160 converter, DSP and finished the  ATU 
(needs testing and not connected). I am now finishing the K100
I have got to the end of the test where one fires up with 20W and I've got  
HI CUR.  I have gone through the tests 3 times now and  cannot see any 
irregularities.  I have looked at R21-22 and T1  and turned R26/R27 slightly 
as advise but still have the  problem.
I am feeding into 239 socket and 213 cable through a Kenwood ATU and then  
into Bird 500W load.  All tests are perfect of the K2.
I noted on my power supply source that when set to 20W the PSU is  delivering 
about 3 amps.  The Kenwood Power Meter is not reading anything  much and the 
K2 LCD shows   1.0-1.
Although in the production of electronics during my life, I left 'amateur  
radio' some 15 years ago when I went deaf.  I am now try to pick up the  
and I cannot remember how those funning things with three legs work  !!.
I would really appreciate some help here guys.
Regards John G4BOU
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] Re: Elecraft Digest, Vol 19, Issue 15

2005-11-15 Thread JohnChanceRead
I have already asked Elecraft as to whether the CW tone could be inceased  to 
1.2 - 1.6 kHz.
I am deaf and my hearing is only 100 db down in the left and right  ear 
respectively and more than 100db elsewhere.  I would also be  interested in a 
system to modifiy the audio tone.  
John G4BOU 
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] Re: Elecraft Digest, Vol 18, Issue 25 - Stripping coil windings

2005-10-24 Thread JohnChanceRead
I have a pair of wire strippers - they are shaped like nail clippers but  are 
flexible and therefore limited the amount of pressure such that it cuts  
through the varnish but not the wire.
However I also use heat - not enough to burn off but sufficient to make the  
varnish brittle.
Withe the wire strippers I rotate them around the wire and then gently pull  
on the varnish.  In most cases the varnish is removed as a tube leaving a  
nice shiney copper wire.
I'm not sure of the mechanics of this but it certainly worked for me
John G4BOU
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] Re: Elecraft Digest, Vol 17, Issue 32

2005-09-29 Thread JohnChanceRead
Bear in mind that many of the chassis screws are used to secure 'earthing  
joints'.  The use of a lubricating oil or copper slip will indeed reduce  
electolytic corrosion but may well also introduce some resistance, as all  
lubricating oils/greases will leave a thin skin even under pressure.   However 
'petroleum jelly' despite being a very good insulator has a lubrication  factor 
of 1 
and any pressure (via the screw threads) will break through the skin  and make 
good contact. It will of course also cover the joint and limit  corrosion. 
John G4BOU
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] Re: Elecraft Digest, Vol 17, Issue 21

2005-09-19 Thread JohnChanceRead
Try going to an old established tool company - who would stock solder  
alongside all sorts of tools, nuts and bolts  etc.  I have one  locally wante 
to buy 
a reel but was advised that they no longer sold it.  I  huffed and hawed and 
the lady said - I have got a large old reel of it that I  can off load it to 
you - so I bought a 2 - 1/2 kilos for £5-00.  They  were pleased to get rid of 
it and so was I.
I am pleased to suppy anyone in the UK - just cover my postage.
John Chance-Read
Elecraft mailing list
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