[Elecraft] K2 #6602 build: AGC question

2008-10-20 Thread Marinus Loewensteijn

Assembly part I completed. All tests completed. Unfortunately in the part 
Setting AGC threshold I am finding that I cannot adjust R1 for a reading of 
3.80 V on the DMM. The highest it will go to is 3.695 V. I have checked all the 
resistor values in their locations and cannot fault those.
Is this due to different tolreances fo the parts or have different IC's been 
used that create this discrepancy?
Thanks, Marinus, ZL2ML
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[Elecraft] Re: K2 #06602 under construction

2008-10-15 Thread Marinus Loewensteijn

To all who sofar have replied, both on and off list: Thanks for the inputs, 
much appreciated.
Keith: Until very recently that was exactly my own stance (would go QRT if I 
could no longer do CW). However the probability of loosing my eyesight has 
changed that somewhat. Thanks for the information on audio quality when 
listening to WWVH, to know that the audio of the basic kit on SSB is not the 
same as when using the dedicated kit is important.
Gary: yes without the microphone connector it would look strange. I am a strong 
believer of doing a single thing and be good at it rather than trying to be a 
Jack of all trades and excell in nothing.
If I was to cover up the hole it needs to be done in a meaningful and visually 
pleasing way. Perhaps use the space for something else. One thing I have been 
thinking about is making a label with the Fists logo on it and sticking that 
over it, hi hi. In any case I would get a spare front just in case I needed to 
Although I have completed the noise blanker and the control board I am not in a 
hurry to make a decision. I am waiting for the rework eliminator kit to arrive 
and that gives me a bit of time to ponder over this.
73, Marinus, ZL2ML
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RE: [Elecraft] Re: K2 #06602 under construction

2008-10-15 Thread Marinus Loewensteijn

Dave, W5SV wrote:
On the front, I would recommend installing the microphone jack and wiring it 
up even if you never use it, (it might make resale later easier).  You can 
obtain a screw on cover, which looks nice, and you could affix your FISTS 
emblem to that.
Many thanks for this suggestion, any idea where these microphone covers are 
easily obtainable through mailorder?
Am reluctant adding accessories and adding more functionality to the buttons: 
one of my pet hates is that of having to wade through untold menus. And it 
seems to me that when one is visually impaired it becomes a real handicap.
I have seen the KRC2ACC kit that will give full CW feedback of the rig and that 
is one item that I have been pondering over.
Resale value in our part of the world ain't very good for anything that is not 
from the land of the rising sun. 
As long as the end result looks the part and is reversible in one way or 
another then I do not worry too much about the resale value or what others 
One thing I am trying to do is to maximize the return on the investment ( and 
adding more acessories means that I will be financially stretching myself... )
73, Marinus, ZL2ML
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[Elecraft] K2 #06602 under construction

2008-10-14 Thread Marinus Loewensteijn

K2 lovers, please your input.
There is a rather high chance that I will loose my vision due to health issues 
that sofar have proven to be irreversible. I am attempting to make the best use 
of the time while I am still able.
Am a CW addict and do not care about SSB. Had a good look around and could not 
find a reasonable priced CW transceiver with QSK. (I just sold my TenTec Omni 
546C which I had intended to keep going for the next 30 years but it needs 
maintenance and drive adjustments which made it not a good future proof 
solution. Tentec's new rigs are out of my price range.) 
Would have ordered the K1 if it was not for local requirements dictating a 
strong front end.
The string front end requirements resulted in the basic K2 with noise blanker 
kit being purchased.  (the proven performance / reliability and the ability to 
do local repair also played a large part in the decision. ) There is no 
intention going to QRO level (due to health considerations).
This setup will suit me FB for the immediate future. However I have some 
questions and like to invite your thoughts.
1) In light of the fact that technology never rests makes me wonder about the 
future of CW. Do I need to invest in the SSB module so that I am able to switch 
to digital modes should this be required or do you all expect CW to be around 
for a long time to come?
2) For those under you who are perfectionists: what do you do with all those 
holes in the back that are not used or the labels above / below the buttons 
that have no meaningfull function behind them (e.g. the ANT 1/2 , ALC, VOX ) If 
using this as a pure CW rig and no meainingfull use for the microphone 
connector, do you still have it there (just for show?) or did you do something 
else with it? Do you fill up the holes with JBweld and then use the touchup 
paint to mask them and paint over the unused labels?
Many thanks in advance, 73, Marinus, ZL2ML 
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