Re: [Elecraft] KX3 Audio Power

2014-03-28 Thread Richard Patrick
Regarding the message below...

I too have adjusted my KX3s RXEQ to enhance the audio frequency spectrum
that is for voice (and CW)
communications.  Using my KX3 (and other radios like my collection of Heath
QRP radios) in my
ham shack I use West Mountain Radios Comm Speakers.  They are advertised as
RF proof...
and I think they are right.  Operating 200 watts doesn't interfere with the
WMR speakers or I have no
RFI in my shack- how likely is that?  Oh yah, they sound pretty well with
my KX3, HW7, HW8, HW9.
I got mine at HRO.
Rich KR7W

Message: 15
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 22:47:18 -0700
From: Jim Brown
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KX3 Audio Power
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

On 3/27/2014 6:02 PM, Ross Primrose N4RP wrote:
 Just use a pair of small amplified computer speakers

Be careful about that -- most amplified loudspeakers have RFI problems.

Remember that the KX3 is specifically designed to be a backpacking rig,
so everything, including the audio amp, is designed to be stingy about
using battery power.

One simple thing we can do to maximize the audio output level is to use
RXEQ to roll off the lower three bands. The sound in these lower bands
makes no contribution to communications, but it does use power, so when
we get rid of it, we can use the power for the sound that matters.

73, Jim K9YC
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[Elecraft] KX-3 Receive Problem

2014-03-18 Thread Richard Patrick

I am attempting to help a ham friend with his KX3 (s/n 631) which has a low
receive issue.

He says that the receiver became almost deaf after upgrading the firmware
to the latest issue.  I noticed that the radio had been dropped and the BNC
connector is not square with the case.  My friend says the low receive
issue popped up a long time after the radio was dropped.  I opened up the
case and checked the BNC center pin to the ANT connector on the ATU and it
looks and measures OK at 0 ohms.

This KX3's options are:  ATU and Roofing Filters.

I applied my old XG-1 generator (7.040 MHz), 50 uV position to the ANT jack
and the S-meter reads appx S2 w/ PRE Amp ON.  With PRE Amp set to OFF, I
can barely hear the tone.  The KX3 is set to CW mode and I use the CWT to
tune it in.  This test was performed with the ANT tuner in the bypass mode.

I verified the level of the XG-1 by applying it to my Icom transceiver
which reads S-9.  My own KX3 reads ~ S-8 with PRE Amp OFF.

I rolled the software back to ver 1.61 / 1.23.  I get the same poor receive

I saved the radios Configuration, performed EEINIT parameter
Initialization, then restored the config to the radio.  No Joy- still low

I removed the Antenna Tuner and plugged the BNC jumper into the main board
with no receive improvement.

The KX3 seems to transmit well.  I can transmit more than 10 watts into my
OHR WM2 (terminated with dummy load).

I have only tested the low receive issue on 7 MHz CW, but my friend says it
is deaf on all bands.

Maybe I missed a menu option to check.  Any advice?  Please.

Thanks and regards,

Rich KR7W
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[Elecraft] ]KX3] Another Dear Santa letter

2013-12-23 Thread Richard Patrick

My Holiday Season gift for my friend, my KX3, is The BUG mode as one of the
CW keying options.

Currently, KX3 provides me with Iambic A or B and HAND.  Having the BUG
option would sure be nice for us old timers to step into the good old days
using the KX3s paddle.  Also, there's some of out here in radio land who
prefer a BUG vs Iambic.

It seems to me that the Elecraft Santas and supporting Elves can make this
happen just as easy as... adding the Heil Dynamic Mic option... with a
software upgrade sometime soon.

Anyone else interested in the BUG CW option?

Thanks and Seasons Greetings to all,

Rich KR7W
Tacoma, USA
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[Elecraft] KX3 High RCV Noise - need advice

2013-11-15 Thread Richard Patrick
I began this adventure by upgrading my KX3s Firmware to 1.61 and 1.23.
 After that I attached my station antenna (which is normally connected to
an Icom 7700) to make sure the KX3 worked.

From the KX3 I noticed a high amount of noise whilst receiving.  A flip of
the coax switch connects the same antenna to the Icom radio and it shows
pretty low noise.

Quick noise test comparison examples:
 *  KX3Icom*
40M S5-6   S2-3
30M S8-9   S0-1
20M S8-9   S0
17M S7-8   S0
15M S6  S0

Both radios were tuned to a no signal portion of the CW bands and the
radios were in the CW mode.  Both radios bandpass were set to 500 Hz.  On
each band, the antenna (66 ft doublet w/ auto tuner) was tuned to SWR of
1.5 or less.

Before I elaborate further... I Downgraded the KX3s software back to 1.50
and 1.21 and I still have high noise.

When a signal (higher level than the KX3s receive noise level) is tuned in,
both radios S meter tracks the same, i.e S9+10 = same.  Also, I got out my
very old Elecraft XG-1, installed a fresh battery, and S8.5 on the Icom =
S8-S9 bars on the KX3.  With the antenna removed from the KX3 there is no

My KX3 is serial no 1588, the Automatic Ant Tuner is switched to BYP, and I
do not have the Roofing Filter installed.  AGC Threshold = 005.  Changing
AGC Threshold to 004 reduces noise, but the S-meter shows the same reading.
 ATT is off, PREamp is off.

I use my KX3 in the field for SOTA 95 percent of the time.  The times I
have used it in my home shack it has performed well. Now it's very
difficult to hear low level signals.

My question to the group is... Why does my KX3 present such high receive
noise?  Have I set something incorrectly?  Any advise is appreciated.

Thanks and regards,

Rich KR7W
Tacoma WA
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[Elecraft] [KX3] Boost Buck 13.8 V Regulator=== more info

2013-05-13 Thread Richard Patrick
Regarding using 16.7 V LiPo battery and regulator with KX3...

I have been quite successful using 4S LiPo batteries for 4 years now, first
with my FT-817, now with my KX3.  My equipment is shown here:  Scroll down a bit for the battery stuff.
 If you view the Flickr photos- be sure to turn on the 'show info' option
(upper R corner) for more info.

  I can charge my batteries in the car to/from the operating site from the
car accessory power jack.  At home I use a 1 amp wall transformer or
connect it to a ham radio power supply- like Astron- to charge at 1/2 amp.

For more info, email me off list.

FYI and Best Regards,

Rich KR7W
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