[Elecraft] Travel case for the K3

2008-12-15 Thread jac
Official (TSA !) advice is NEVER put anything valuable like electronics in 
checked baggage. Levels of theft are reported to be much lower; a substantial 
number of TSA staff (436 I think) have been fired, but theft by baggage 
handlers remains an issue. I always use hand baggage, even for a TenTec 
Hercules II linear, (not for its PSU !!!) and after an unfortunate experience 
at Philadelphia, I never say whats in the bag. Let them ask .
I took my K2 to ZS6 only days after 9/11. It was simply wrapped in a newspaper 
inside a supermart plastic carrier bag (no normal hand baggage allowed) but 
no-one asked what it was; no-one asked to see it.

G3JAG  K3/100 #107
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[Elecraft] Vacation tasks ...

2008-04-11 Thread jac
Wayne - if it rains on your vacation maybe you can figure out how to stop the 
clicky noises I get in my Heil Pro headset on CW. If there is a signal on the 
receive frequency (e.g. when chasing a dxpedition, working split) the clicks 
are much more obtrusive the louder the on-frequency signal is.  Same goes for 
background noise  the louder the local noise level, the harder it is to 
monitor my own CW because of the obtrusive very short duration clicks
Yes, the clicky effects are worse if I turn the AF gain up; they diminsh as I 
back the gain off, but achieveng a satisfactory, comfortable compromise is 
apparently impossible. 
Yes; I did the HAGC mod on #107. Yes; turning on NR helps, but is not an ideal 
Surely I'm not the only one . anyone else notice these clicks ???   And 
any suggestions as to which of the many settings I need to play with ? 
Or is it a permanent unadvertised "feature" of the K3 ?
 Maybe my K3/100 QSK is TOO fast ?
CU at Dayton !
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[Elecraft] Radios on airlines

2008-04-23 Thread jac
From long experience, including a trip to ZS6 with my K2 wrapped in newspaper 
in a plastic carrier bag,  just days after 911.

1.  keep the radio and/or parts in hand baggage. I have even hand carried a  
TenTec Hercules II to Sevierville and back from UK with only one person 
asking me to open the bag !  No-one asked to see my K3.

2. NEVER ever say you have something unusual !  I made that mistake with a an 
Omni-V and had to get personal clearance from the plane captain before they 
would even x-ray the thing (at Philadelphia.) And others were shoving 
laptops, record players and all sorts of junk through x-ray without being 

3. Don't panic - whatever happens !  If you get visibly agitated, so will 
security.  See 1 above. "Its just my travel radio ..."  worked all the way to 
ZS6 from UK via Amsterdam, and back again.

John G3JAG
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[Elecraft] K3 #107

2008-06-01 Thread jac
Great radio, just one minor problem, no SSB, no VOX response to yelling.. When 
first I tried it very briefly (ages ago) it definitely worked. Since then I 
have only used CW 
So what could have gone wrong ???   I have always used the Elecraft Heil Pro 
Set and the phones work just fine. The mike is plugged into the adapter that 
came with the Pro Set. The latest software says the mike is still set to 
f.Pl, not to r.Pl.
I can play with the gain, the compression etc but nothing happens when I yell. 
Antivox is set at  0; VOX gain makes no difference. Other settings seem 
perfectly OK and nothing changes if I play with them.
So what have I done wrong .. there must be something I  missed. 
Oh well, there is always my Omni-V .that has its own mike.
John - G3JAG
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[Elecraft] Kits (and rigs) on planes

2008-06-08 Thread jac
I took K2 #609 to ZS6 just after 9/11. Total panic at the airport - no hand 
baggage unless it was a see-through plastic carrier bag. Nobody had any of 
those so eventually they accepted regular supermart bags from the duty-free 
store. I wrapped the K2 in a newspaper. It survived the trip and no-one asked 
to see it  - all I said was that I had my travel radio with me.  
Since then I have always carried valuable stuff, rigs, kits, components etc. 
in hand baggage without any problem at all. 
I have a small suitcase (a souvenir of a visit to Houston) and I use that 
every trip. Its well within the size limits for carry-on.
I even took a Hercules II  500w  linear in that case as hand baggage from UK 
to TenTec for service and only once (at Nashville) did anyone ask to see it.
For the K3/100 kit  I put the metalwork into checked baggage, but that was 
all.  The main parts were in hand baggage. My second carry-on bag had 200 
feet of ladderline in it  Again no-one cared,
I learned the hard way a long time ago that you should NEVER say you have 
anything unusual with you.  I had my Omni-V with me and I rashly mentioned 
what it was (at Philadelphia.)  I was detained until the captain of the  BA 
747 had inspected it (we took the lid off) and said it was OK by him !  

Moral: Ham radio stuff is not dangerous. Don't act as if it is.

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[Elecraft] KRX-3

2008-07-03 Thread jac
Nope; they do not seem to ship on order date. I have #107 and the KRX-3 was 
ordered from the start ...beginning of May 2007.
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