Re: [Elecraft] sideways V antenna?

2006-12-09 Thread k3yt

Real world implementations of antennas are constrained by
the type and location of support structures that are on site.

That said, put it up and see how it works.

Any antenna is better than none.

Bob K3YT
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Re: [Elecraft] OT Wullenweber Array

2006-12-01 Thread k3yt

Ok, so who's using my name

Bob Scott 

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2006-10-31 Thread k3yt

Hi Bill,

When we moved into our house 11 years ago
I put a feed through in the concrete block wall.

I used 2 inch PVC.  I drew out the size of the
circle I needed and cut out the drywall.  Make sure 
that there are not any 110v lines where you want
 to put the feed through.  Also try to place it so you
are going through a hollow spot on the block.   Then I
drilled a series of small holes
on the circumference.  Then I just hit it with  
a hammer and knocked it out.   Same for the outside.

I got some stucco patch at Home Depot and patched around
the PVC on the outside.  I finished it by putting a 90 degree fitting on as
a weatherhead.

Don't fill it with expanding'll regret it.  A small piece of
fiberglas insulation will keep out wind and critters.

Anyway that is what I didthe cheap way and still is fine.

Went throught Frances, Jeanne and Wilma.

73 de Bob K3YT
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RE: [Elecraft] Attic Antenna

2006-10-27 Thread k3yt

Larry originally asked about attic antennas and a 
concrete tile roof.

I have both.

I am in Lot 1 next to the gate, and blackmailed my HOA
into outdoor HF antennas.  I have a Cushcraft R7000 up,
which is a half wave trapped antenna, but no radials.
Works great.

But I also have antennas in my attic.  And they get used.  A lot.

My dipole for 20m has been used a lot and works well.  My roof peak is
about 22 feet and I have 14 foot ceilings.  The main part of the house is about 
42x46 feet, so I have a straight shot of about 45 feet in my attic where I can 
the wire about 21 feet above the concrete slab.

The 20m dipole has been replaced by a dipole with an SGC SG-239 coupler at the 
feed point.  All bands and no SWR on feedline.

Works quite well.  No problem working Europe on 100 watts.  Worked a bit od DX 
with the K2 barefoot too.

The other HF antenna in the attic is a TFD, or terminated folded dipole.  This 
is 45 feet long and homebrewed.  I got 2 watt carbon film resistors from eBay, 
and a 16/1 QRP balun.  I used the information from the Cebik site.  Basically a 
squashed terminated loop. 

Excellent receiving antenna.  I do a lot of SW broadcast listening, so this 
antenna is
used for my Palstar R30.

My attic antennas work fine.  After Hurricane Frances and especially Wilma 
which passed right over my house, I didn't have any trouble checking into the 
to pass HW.  During Wilma I even I even checked in to the Hurricane Watch Net
and passed on my reading of 28.00 inches of mercury from my barometer to the 
NHC.  This was while the eye of Wilma was over the house.

So attic antennas work.  Just (as a lot of the fellows have pointed out) put up 
a doublet with as much wire as high as you can.  And if you can afford to put 
one of those automatic couplers at the feedpoint(no SWR on the feedline).

My 2 cents, but from practical experience and 30 years of ham radio.

73 all de Bob K3YT
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 - data mode r bar

2006-03-23 Thread k3yt

 Bob Towers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

How come data mode r bar is USB when USB is the default for all bands and data 
modes? Shouldn't data mode r be USB, not LSB?


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Re: [Elecraft] K2 - data mode r bar

2006-03-23 Thread k3yt

I guess you are using software to decode.  And a lot of people
using sw to transmit.

RTTY is one of the original data modes.  As far as I know it was always LSB
using RTTY terminals and  later tnc's (or rather multimode controllers).

It does not really matter now with the software, but in the old days 
that is the way it was.  You might still encounter people holding to the 
convention of LSB.

That is why the K2 data mode has an R for RTTY and is LSB.

73 de Bob K3YT
 Bob Towers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Are you sure RTTY is LSB? 

Any time I've - mistakenly - set the rig to LSB and tried to copy RTTY, I've 
had to invert the signal to read it. On USB I don't have to do that.

I was also under the impression that all data modes are USB, irrespective of 
band... Certainly my experience so far.



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Re: [Elecraft] Federal Preemption

2006-03-22 Thread k3yt

I had my R7000 vertical up for 8 years, then a neighbor cut some 
trees and it became visible.  Got complaints and a letter to remove it.

I wrote them back that OK, since i could not do Ham radio anymore,
I would be watching football.  Since I have a small dish I told them as per 
Federal Law I would be putting up a 30 foot tower and the biggest TV LPDA I 
could get since 
our nearest ABC stations are in Ft. Pierce and Miami, 60 miles North and South 
of me.

They gave me permission in writing for my ham antennas.

Please not if there is a central antenna, or cable to all houses that is paid 
for in your
monthly fees, this extortion won't work.

BTW,  after the Hurricanes in the last 2 years they are glad to have me here.

73 all de Bob K3YT

TV antennas are specifically exempted from CCRs. Or rather, the restrictions 
are Federally preempted. Here's why:
(insert standard IANAL disclaimer HERE)
Way back in the 1970s, a lot of builders started putting no antennas clauses 
in their new construction covenants/deed restrictions. This was done because 
cable TV folks offered them a deal: Include the clause, and the cable folks 
would wire up the new houses for cable at low or no cost.
The result was that the builders included the clauses, and homebuyers would 
almost always sign up for cable service, since the house was already wired and 
the service (back then) was inexpensive. It cost the cable folks a lot less to 
wire a whole development while under construction, rather than retrofitting 
after the fact, and the builders could advertise the houses as prewired for 
cable. The few no-cable holdouts had to make do with rabbit ears and attic TV 
antennas. And because those covenants and deed restrictions were set up to be 
almost impossible to change, the situation continued for decades.
Then came the direct satellite pizza dish TV services. They were direct 
competition to cable TV, and wanted into the market.
But putting the little pizza dish in the attic doesn't usually work well, if at 
all. Nor can the dish be put just anywhere - the dish has to 'see the 
satellite'. Which can mean it has to be on the front of the house, up high, to 
do so.
The satellite TV dish people realized that they were being cut out of a huge 
market, because so many Americans wanted the service but couldn't put the dish 
So the sat folks sued, claiming restraint of free trade. The claim was that the 
no-antennas clauses effectively gave the cable TV folks a de-facto monopoly. 
The case went all the way to the Supremes, who ruled in favor of the pizza dish 
folks, and preempted the covenants and restrictions. A later action extended it 
to regular TV antennas.
IOW, the Supremes ruled that Americans not only have an inalienable right to 
watch TV, but also an inalienable right to choose between all available TV 
The preemption *ONLY* applies to antennas for broadcast and satellite TV 
reception - nothing else. Not ham radio, cb, SWL, Wi-Fi, public service, or 
even broadcast FM or AM radio. The lawsuit was over TV reception and applies 
only to TV reception. And there's a limit to the height and size of mast and 
antenna that can be installed.
If the antenna is used for any purpose other than TV reception, the preemption 
doesn't apply and you can be required to remove the antenna.
No, it doesn't make sense, but that's what the Supremes decided. They're 
lawyers, not engineers. 
ARRL has petitioned and argued for years to get the preemption extended, but 
FCC has repeatedly said no, no, and no again. Since amateur radio isn't 
commercial, the 'restraint of free trade' argument can't be applied. 
The only sure answer is don't buy a restricted property - ever. The long term 
solution is to get Congress to apply the preemption to more than TV antennas.
Gladys Kravitz lives on!
73 de Jim, N2EY
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Re: [Elecraft] Federal Preemption

2006-03-22 Thread k3yt
My roofline is 22 feet.  I can go 10 feet over it.

I told them I was putting up a 32 foot tower with the TV antenna.

No bluff to call.  I knew what I could do.

BTW I am in lot 1 right next to the gate.

73 de Bob K3YT


In a message dated 3/22/06 6:22:23 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Since I have a small dish I told them as per Federal Law I would be putting 
 up a 30 foot tower and the biggest TV LPDA I could get since 
 our nearest ABC stations are in Ft. Pierce and Miami, 60 miles North and 
 South of me.

Be glad they didn't call your bluff and actually read the Federal preemption.

The TV antenna preemption does not mean you can put up anything you want for 
TV reception! They specified the size of antenna and mast for broadcast TV, 
how high above the roofline of the house it could be, etc. If that wouldn't do 
the job, too bad. 

The ironic thing is that 'cable TV' was originally invented way back in the 
1950s as a way for people in fringe areas to have good TV reception without 
having to put lots of metal in the air. It all started in Mahony City, here in 

73 de Jim, N2EY

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Re: [Elecraft] Federal Preemption

2006-03-22 Thread k3yt

I would have put up the TV tower and antenna 
and used it.

Instead of that eyesore they opted to let me continue to have my ham vertical.
The R7000 has clean looking traps.

73, de Bob K3YT
 Phil Kane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

On Wed, 22 Mar 2006 20:06:41 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My roofline is 22 feet.  I can go 10 feet over it.
I told them I was putting up a 32 foot tower with the TV antenna.
No bluff to call.  I knew what I could do.

BTW I am in lot 1 right next to the gate.

  As long as it is installed on property that you have exclusive
  control over, and that you use it strictly for TV reception - not
  for FM radio, not for ham radio, not for amy other purpose but TV

   73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane
   ARRL Volunteer Counsel

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Re: [Elecraft] Coax Switch between two rigs

2006-03-04 Thread K3yt

Maybe you will remain lucky.  I just think it is a
risky practice and I will continue to keep my transceiver outputs
separated.  All it takes is one time to smoke a nice rig and 
you learn.
I guess it is like using the ground terminal (third prong) of
an 120v AC outlet for an RF ground.  Poor practice, but guys do  it
and say it works.
I think my K2 is an excellent rig and will not risk it by hooking it  up
to a coax switch with another rig.
Bob Scott K3YT (originally WD8PLA)  29 years of heating the air with  wire)
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 - bargraph reading OK?

2006-03-04 Thread K3yt
You should have got the addendum(sp?) sheet to the manual.
It tells you to add after the steps on page 64 the note to return to  page
47 and re-do the AGC and S-meter.
73, K3YT
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Re: [Elecraft] Coax Switch between two rigs

2006-03-02 Thread K3yt

Just to clarify...
I never have 2 rigs connected to one antenna with a
switch.  That is just asking for trouble.
If I do  a rig receive comparison, I remove all mikes paddles,  
footswitches etc
so I do not accidentally key up.  As another fellow said there can  still be 
a lot of signal
on the shield/ground.
Just not worth the risk.  Here in South Florida I disconnect the rigs  from 
the coax switches
when they are not in use.
73 de Bob K3YT
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Re: [Elecraft] Coax Switch between two rigs

2006-03-01 Thread K3yt
The Daiwa CS201 DOES ground the unused terminal.  Check it out.
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 microphone advice

2006-03-01 Thread K3yt
Hi Cary,
I strapped my mike header straight across like for an Elecraft or Kenwood  
using computer jumpers.  No voltage hooked up though (through a  resistor or
First I tried an old Lafayette hand mike from an old CB.  It is a 600  ohm 
dynamic mike.
Worked great.  I still had my boom and studio mike that I had used  with my 
I wired it for Elecraft/Kenwood, and hooked up my footswitch to the key  jack 
(I put a 1/8 stereo siamese adapter on it so I can have my paddle hooked  up 
and the footswitch
at the same time).  It works even better, fuller audio.  This  mike was one I 
bought at radio shack on close out 10 years ago for $5.
A friend just built his K2 so I gave him a bunch of jumpers and the  
Lafayette mike.  It
sounds fine, but left me without a hand mike.  So I wired up a Midland  mike 
I had laying around and it works fine too.  I also have one of the $25  Radio 
Shack dynamic hand mikes
but have not tried it yet.  Other guys have used them and they work  fine 
All these mikes worked fine and had plenty of output to drive the K2 to  full 
power on SSB.
I have been a ham for 29 years and got a lot of stuff, so I had these mikes  
here.  But the 
Radio Shack 21-1172 is only $25 and works fine.
Why pay all that money for a name?
73 de Bob K3YT
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Re: [Elecraft] problem identifying capacitors

2006-02-20 Thread K3yt
Hi John,
You obviously don't have any CATS.
Mine would think that was their own personal Disney 
I did not pre-sort my caps, but did inventory them
and then put them back into a feline-proof
K2 5150 went together without a problem.
73 de Bob K3YT 
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Re: [Elecraft] RANT front end protection

2006-02-08 Thread K3yt
Latching relays are used for the 160M band pass filter and the RX antenna  
from the K160 RX manual
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Re: [Elecraft] RANT front end protection

2006-02-08 Thread K3yt
sri that should say low pass
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Re: [Elecraft] OT-SLA Battery advice

2006-02-03 Thread K3yt
They would be saved here in South Florida...
Any 12 sla or otherwise was useful after Wilma
hit Boynton Beach here.  Power was finally restored to
Pahokee in the western part of Palm Beach County yesterday,
110 days after the storm.
73 de Bob K3YT   K2 sn 5150
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Re: [Elecraft] KNB2 - canĀ“t bring i t to work

2006-01-22 Thread K3yt
Hi Karsten,
I have found the same thing.  I have bad power line noise.
Sometime the K2 NB takes it all out,  sometimes not.
My IC-735 takes all the noise out.
I get the KNB2 to work sometimes by putting the pre-amp
ON, then try both high and low thresholds, and both timings.
73 de K3YT
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Re: [Elecraft] My K2#4948 DEAD

2006-01-13 Thread K3yt
No controls working but the Power
control is an instant clue to the rig being keyed.
Good job.
73 de Bob K3YT
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Re: [Elecraft] Prosign confusion (was: Anticipating Morse)

2006-01-12 Thread K3yt
the lb for pound comes from Spanish(and its close Latin)libra 
meaning pound.
73 de Bob K3YT
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Re: [Elecraft] OT: Help designing power supply and toroid transformer

2006-01-10 Thread K3yt
Hello Daniel,
As the Dons have spoken, let me add my $.02.
The 1991 Handbook has a project in it for a 5 amp
supply with variable voltage from 1.2 to 15 volts.  It has
a drawing (layout) for a board with the regulator on it.
It is a good article because it uses almost all Radio Shack parts.
It uses 2 transformers to get the 5 amps.  One would be fine for  you.
It uses the LM371K in a metal case for regulation.  Since it is a  5 amp 
the design uses a pass transistor.  You could eliminate a lot of the  
and just use it direct from the regulator since you only want 1.5  amps.
If you can't find another ham in your area that has the 1991 ARRL  handbook
I would say try a library. It is in Chapter 27 Power Supply  Projects.  
The circuit board for the regulator circuit is very simple and easy to 
make. I made one 14 years ago and it is still working. 
BTW, your Dad's wall wart is probably a switcher and the source of the  noise.
73 de Bob K3YT
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Re: [Elecraft] Microphone suggestions for the K2

2006-01-09 Thread K3yt
Hi Jeff,
Do you really want a desk mike?
I've been a ham for 29 years and found they 
look nice but are a pain to use.  You have to 
lean over to talk into it or hold it up, and they can get heavy.
I've always kept a hand mike handy for PTT use.
The most comfortable method for me has been a mike on a boom
and use either VOX(the easiest) or a foot switch to key the rig.
When I finished my K2 in November I looked around and found
an old Lafayette dynamic hand mike.  I just used computer 
jumpers on the microphone configuration header and wired it as a
Kenwood mike.  Works great.
Then I decided to try my boom mike.  This is a Radio Shack
studio mike I bought for $5 at closeout years ago (again a 600 ohm
dynamic mike).  It is mounted on the boom from a cheap (but not real  cheap)
magnifying lamp.  I had to take a spring off to get it to stay where I  put 
but it works fine on the K2.  I used this lash up for over 10 years on  my 
FT-990.  I received QSL cards from shortwave listeners in Europe and  South 
complementing me on my audio.
So I would say wire it for a dynamic mike and try a boom.  Or you can  get a 
top base.  You can get an inexpensive mike at radio shack and if you 
don't like it you can take it back.
I am just saying this because I have found that most desk mikes are pretty  
very expensive and don't always work the best.
73 de Bob K3YT
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Re: [Elecraft] OT - troubleshooting NIR-12

2005-12-31 Thread K3yt
easy way to remember
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Re: [Elecraft] Heil Goldline too weak - Mic recommendation

2005-12-10 Thread K3yt
Hi Ken,
I just finished my K2 and wired it straight for a dynamic mike.
I first tried an old Lafayette mike I had laying around...
worked fine.
Then I tried my mike I used for 10 years on my Yaesu
FT-990.  It is a Radio Shack studio mike on a lamp boom.
Again it works fine.  Plenty of drive and excellent audio  reports
just like I received with the 990.
Go to Radio Shack and try a cheap studio mike.  If it does not
do the job you can always return it.
73 de Bob K3YT (28 years of frugal ham radio)
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[Elecraft] first dx with K2

2005-11-27 Thread K3yt

Well I finished the SSB adapter for  my K2  #5150 last night and  promptly 
worked Honduras on 20m.
Already this morning worked Netherlands and Switzerland with 5/9 and 
5/6 reports on 17m.
Not bad for 10 watts and a vertical (R7000).  At the bottom of the  cycle yet.
(Of course all these folks were running multi-element  yagi arrays.)
I'm suitably impressed.  Fine radio.
BTW, I just strapped the mic header across and am using
a 20 year old or so Lafayette 700 ohm dynamic mike (from a CB?).
No drive problems and all reports so far are fine clear audio.
73 all de Bob K3YT
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Re: [Elecraft] Monitor Noise

2005-11-21 Thread K3yt

I have to second that.
I was using a gateway monitor, but went to the Dell 17.
Virtually no noise.
They are made by Phillips.
73, Bob K3YT
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[Elecraft] It's Alive

2005-11-21 Thread K3yt
Very pleased to report
that third smoke test went
K2 sn 5150 is alive.
73 de Bob K3YT
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[Elecraft] K2 progress

2005-11-19 Thread K3yt
I received my K2 kit in October, but Wilma wanted to see it so came  right 
the house.
I have completed assembly steps 1 and 2.  I have just been taking my  time.
On both smoke tests no problems.  Fired right up.  Before I even  did the 
I hooked it to an antenna and was copying an I2 on SSB.
After finishing the alignment I was copying cw signals that my IC-735  
couldn't hear.
Amazing.  I know my 735 has a good receiver in it (it will stay here  for QRO 
 SW listening) but this is a different class.  I have not put the  K2 up 
my RX-321 because I am starting the final assembly.  I don't think it  will 
have any trouble
against the Ten-Tec.
I have been a ham 28 years and in Electronics almost as long.  I sold  my 
to purchase the K2 and don't regret it one bit.  The 990 had problems  the 
Yaesu service 
guys couldn't fix (also some parts are no longer available) and since I  
didn't buy
the extender boards I was up the creek.
I feel confident I made a wise choice, and if anything does come up with  the
K2 I'll be able to handle it.  
BTW, I already have 2 Weller stations and a ton of tools.  I've worked  in 
 where ECN's were an almost daily occurrence,  so adding parts,  cutting 
lands etc
does not really bother me.
So so far no glitches, and by taking my time and double and triple  checking
before I install parts, no rework.
I'll let you know when it is done.
73 all de Bob K3YT
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[Elecraft] What is this??? (re: sweeps...)

2005-11-07 Thread K3yt
I bought a K2 because it is a great rig...
I joined the reflector
I am only at Assembly stage 2 due to Wilma.
Direct hit here.
And what happens the next week end?  CQWWSSB...
Try passing HW during that.
I did not expect 30 emails in one day about contesting
I've been a ham 28 years,and there is a place for contesting.
I guess I was mistaken thinking this was a K2 technical reflector.
73 de Bob K3YT
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Re: [Elecraft] What is this??? (re: sweeps...)

2005-11-07 Thread k3yt

I think contesting with a K2 is great.

See my Elmers back in the 70's stressed use only the amount of power
necessary for the QSO.  I think there is mention of that in Part 97.

Yes I have done some contesting, and enjoyed it.

I believe that now with all the new blood it should have limitations 
or if
you prefer restrictions on the amount of a band that is legal for a 

My elmers also mentioned something about contesting being a good way
to test your station and equipment for when the Amateur Radio Service 

needed in time of emergency.

At the time of the CQWWSSB test there were still 300,000 customers (not 
people, customers) without mains power here in Palm Beach County.

I sold my last amp 6 years ago.  100 watts max now, and I have dipoles 
in my attic for 17 and 20

that I used to pass Hw for my neighbors right after the storm.

As for my K2, I am not finished but think the rig is excellent.
Great kit and so far not a hitch.  But then again I have the experience 
and tools.
Came out of U of Cincy EE program with a job offer to Motorola Potable 
Products Division
in Plantation and my novice call of WD8PLA.  Have had a lot of fun and 
learned a lot.

Been here in South Florida since 1978 and soon learned the importance 
of emergency preparedness.

And thanks for the advice, yes I will continue to delete the contest 

73 all de Bob K3YT in Boynton Beach

-Original Message-
From: Robert Tellefsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon, 7 Nov 2005 18:26:41 -0800
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] What is this??? (re: sweeps...)

 Not at all, Bob.  This is very definitely a technical reflector
with emphasis on the Elecraft radios.  However, I might point out
that contesting is not just operating, it has a very technical
base.  Many excellent contest operators operator from stations
that are very technically sound, even advanced over what many of
us can realistically put together.

As the mandatory Elecraft content for this msg, I just point out
that more and more contesters are using Elecraft radios one way
or another.
I ran my K2 at 5w this weekend and a borrowed receiver to make up
a sort of SO2R station, standing for Single Operator 2 Radios.
Normally this would be a two transceiver setup, but the second
receiver really did me gather up more QSOs.

Hope to hear you trying out a contest sometime, just to see what the
shouting is all about.

Good luck and 73
Bob N6WG
The Little Station with Attitude

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, November 07, 2005 5:32 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] What is this??? (re: sweeps...)

I bought a K2 because it is a great rig...

I joined the reflector

I am only at Assembly stage 2 due to Wilma.

Direct hit here.

And what happens the next week end?  CQWWSSB...
Try passing HW during that.

I did not expect 30 emails in one day about contesting

I've been a ham 28 years,and there is a place for contesting.

I guess I was mistaken thinking this was a K2 technical reflector.

73 de Bob K3YT
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