[Elecraft] AV620 vs. R6000

2006-06-02 Thread Mimi and Steve
Also, look in the elecraft web site; go to "email discussion list"; then to 
"antenna topics"; then down to Force 12 Sigma 5 for past posts.
Steve, nu7t
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] AV620 vs. R6000

2006-06-02 Thread Mimi and Steve
I have been using the Force 12, Sigma 5 for 10 - 20m including WARC with 
success.  The Reno QRP Group used it for the 7th QSO Party.  We logged QRP 
contacts from CA to ME.
The antenna is a vertical dipole with a matching network at the feed point. 
 It is only 9' tall and a base aluminum tube is added fro ground mounting.
By mounting it higher above ground, local coverage is increased.
Steve, nu7t
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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