[Elecraft] Band Button Gripe

2008-07-26 Thread Don Rasmussen
 Now where is my KRX3?  When I receive it I can drop
off this infuriating Zoo.

That's where I agree with you Mike. 

I started this thread by suggesting a new setup option
for band buttons, a new enhancement that would detract
from no existing features. 

I expected at most not necessary by those who cared
enough to voice a contrary opinion, yet reading the
responses they started with When our Forefathers (a
sarcastic jab) snip and ending with AMEN.

I sensed no sarcasm there at all.

Private emails to me indicated that some felt
passionate on the subject, enough to justify public
and private jabs about the issue. Why, if it's an
add-on? Got me. Why the nasty sarcasm at all?

It seems like a few vocal BRAND zealots feel they need
to enforce their will and the list seems a convenient
way of going about it. Reminds me of some periods on
the Ten Tec reflector.  

Kool aid guys - stay here and pump up your egos, your
good for one another. Just realize the sensible
majority is silent, and some of us can't even bear to
read the digest through your tripe anymore. 


[Elecraft] RE: Band Button Gripe
Mike Harris mike.harris at horizon.co.fk 
Sat Jul 26 15:34:58 EDT 2008 

Previous message: [Elecraft] RE: Band Button Gripe 
Next message: [Elecraft] OT: Northern lights 


I don't recall all this anguish about the layout of
the K2 front panel.
Why can't we just accept that it is as it is and get a
life and get on
with better things.  I'm sure there is no way it's
going to redesigned to
suit individual whimsy.  I for one am utterly sick of
hearing about it.

Now where is my KRX3?  When I receive it I can drop
off this infuriating


Mike VP8NO
K2 #1400
K3 #345

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[Elecraft] Band Button gripe - was ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread Don Rasmussen
It still sticks in my craw that I have 5 single press
buttons on the front panel that I'll never use. 

Elecraft - please make these available for use as
single press BAND buttons. 

M1  M2  M3  M4  REC
80  40  20  15  10

That way we get into the ballpark with a single press
and can band up or band down from there. Seriously,
this should be a no-brainer! 


[Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3?
drewko1 at verizon.net drewko1 at verizon.net 
Fri Jul 25 20:25:38 EDT 2008 

Previous message: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3? 
Next message: [Elecraft] ON4UN has a K3? 

Yes, Don, I agree completely. Forget about the labels
entirely and
just learn them by key position. However, I went with
a vertical
scheme vs your horizontal one...

The first keypad column (1,4,7) is 160, 80,  40.
Second column is 20
to 6 (6m stands apart way down there on the zero key);
third column is
the warc bands. 

I figure if I can keep track of forty-some keys on a
keyboard without
looking then I can memorize the positions of ten band
buttons on the
k3. Now my band locations just seem right! No
label reading; no
mental translation... the buttons ARE the bands!

So, if the power goes out I can navigate the bands
without even
needing to see the buttons. (Admittedly, there isn't
much point to
navigating the band buttons when there is no power to
the K3...)


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Re: [Elecraft] Band Button gripe - was ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread drewko1
Don, here's another idea... 

Right now, the RIT knob has the option of being used as a coarse VFO
tuner when RIT and XIT are off. Perhaps people would like the option
of using it as a band switch instead?  (I am pretty happy with the
numeric keypad system myself.)


On Fri, 25 Jul 2008 18:38:26 -0700 (PDT),  Don Rasmussen  wrote:

It still sticks in my craw that I have 5 single press
buttons on the front panel that I'll never use. 

Elecraft - please make these available for use as
single press BAND buttons. 

M1  M2  M3  M4  REC
80  40  20  15  10

That way we get into the ballpark with a single press
and can band up or band down from there. Seriously,
this should be a no-brainer! 


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[Elecraft] Band Button gripe - was ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread Don Rasmussen
Drew - as I see it (past owner of OMNI VI+ and
IC756Pro) there is simply no substitute for single
button press band changes. It's a big deal. YMMV. 

[Elecraft] Band Button gripe - was ON4UN has a K3?
drewko1 at verizon.net drewko1 at verizon.net 
Fri Jul 25 21:54:09 EDT 2008 

Don, here's another idea... 

Right now, the RIT knob has the option of being used
as a coarse VFO
tuner when RIT and XIT are off. Perhaps people would
like the option
of using it as a band switch instead?  (I am pretty
happy with the
numeric keypad system myself.)


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Re: [Elecraft] Band Button gripe - was ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread Nick-WA5BDU

And take away my CW memory buttons?  That's madness!

I've got more band changing methods than I can keep track of already.

73-  Nick, WA5BDU

Don Rasmussen wrote:

It still sticks in my craw that I have 5 single press
buttons on the front panel that I'll never use. 

Elecraft - please make these available for use as
single press BAND buttons. 

M1  M2  M3  M4  REC
80  40  20  15  10

That way we get into the ballpark with a single press
and can band up or band down from there. Seriously,
this should be a no-brainer! 



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[Elecraft] Band Button gripe - was ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread Don Rasmussen
 And take away my CW memory buttons?  That's

No Nick - You keep your CW memory buttons - no madness
there. Simply add one setup option for those of us
that own external keyers (CMOS4 in my case) that if it
is changed from the default will allow the single
touch keys to be band switchers rather than keyer
memories - see? 

A setup called maybe M1-M4 when set to default and
those keys are for DVK or memory keyer just as you
enjoy it now.

Set to BAND and those uf us that want it get access
to the VFO's. 

I'd go one stpe further and say that the M1-M4 could
be mapped to 80m 40m 20m and 10m and a single press of
the REC button would display briefly WARC on the
display and then M1-M4 would be 60m 30m 17m and 12m.

But I really don't think it's about panel space, it's
about how the designers want us to use the K3...

[Elecraft] Band Button gripe - was ON4UN has a K3?
Nick-WA5BDU nick-wa5bdu at suddenlink.net 
Fri Jul 25 22:12:19 EDT 2008 

Previous message: [Elecraft] Band Button gripe - was
ON4UN has a K3? 
Next message: [Elecraft] Band Button gripe - was ON4UN
has a K3? 

And take away my CW memory buttons?  That's madness!

I've got more band changing methods than I can keep
track of already.

73-  Nick, WA5BDU

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[Elecraft] Band Button gripe - was ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread Don Rasmussen
Just what is the big deal about pushing a single
button instead of pushing two buttons in sequence to
get to the band and mode you want? 

Hey Doug - You hit the nail on the head, contestors
have the optimal solution with the stock K3. But
modest stations, what I'll call condo class or
dipole class (like my own) require a scan of the
available bands to see which -one- you can use on a
given day. There is a fair amount of back and forth in
determining which band to call home for a couple

With single touch band changes, you press one button
(example 20m), twirl the main tuning knob, take a
reading, okay now hit the next band up (15m), twirl,
okay how about 10m? Nope, MUF not there, back to 15m.
Your finger remembers single press bands, even between
weekends (many of us work). 

Now imagine sitting down on Saturday morning after
operation a week ago - okay, hmmm, which button oh
yeah - M-V, okay now which band is button 20m? Hmmm
think it's 1. Two button press and you are there. 

Repeat 3 times as in example. 

Summary - one button is enough for even a finger to
remember for a week. Multiple keypresses, in addition
to requiring extra time to accomplish, require the
user boot the brain before the action gets

Hard to put into words Doug, but if you were there it
would be plain as day!

c u 



 Hi Don,
 I am genuinely curious.  Just what is the big deal
 about pushing a
 single button instead of pushing two buttons in
 sequence to get to the
 band and mode you want?  I just don't see how it can
 matter...and I'm
 a contester, so speed is important to me.  You
 really have me baffled
 so I please fill me in.
 de Doug KR2Q

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Re: [Elecraft] Band Button gripe - was ON4UN has a K3?

2008-07-25 Thread Brett Howard
Or you can just use an up/down and get done the working up the bands and
scanning with the dial...

Hell our forefathers had to tune up for quite some time to change bands.
Now we've reached the point where using and up/down button set is too
slow for us.  Then god forbid we actually have to engage our brain and
remember what band we have saved where.  If its so hard put a band plan
on the wall and just write a number next to each one in order.  Then you
can walk through them that way.  But oh my gosh we have to press two
buttons to get to each band  If you're a condo/dipole class why not
sit back and enjoy it.  Maybe cut your QSO shorter by 3 seconds so you
can get in those extra button presses for band changes.  

Maybe you can head to a fast food place and have them make you a meal
that you can eat in the car without having to ever stop or get out.
That should save you enough time for a few extra button presses to
change bands.  

Personally I like the portability that a smaller/lighter rig affords me.
Thankfully the K1, KX1, K2, and K3 pretty much all fit into that
category.  I don't think I'm alone in this though  There has to be a
reason why the IC706 is the best selling rig in the hobby and it has
band up/dn buttons.  Not that I own one though... 

On Fri, 2008-07-25 at 20:24 -0700, Don Rasmussen wrote:
 Just what is the big deal about pushing a single
 button instead of pushing two buttons in sequence to
 get to the band and mode you want? 
 Hey Doug - You hit the nail on the head, contestors
 have the optimal solution with the stock K3. But
 modest stations, what I'll call condo class or
 dipole class (like my own) require a scan of the
 available bands to see which -one- you can use on a
 given day. There is a fair amount of back and forth in
 determining which band to call home for a couple
 With single touch band changes, you press one button
 (example 20m), twirl the main tuning knob, take a
 reading, okay now hit the next band up (15m), twirl,
 okay how about 10m? Nope, MUF not there, back to 15m.
 Your finger remembers single press bands, even between
 weekends (many of us work). 
 Now imagine sitting down on Saturday morning after
 operation a week ago - okay, hmmm, which button oh
 yeah - M-V, okay now which band is button 20m? Hmmm
 think it's 1. Two button press and you are there. 
 Repeat 3 times as in example. 
 Summary - one button is enough for even a finger to
 remember for a week. Multiple keypresses, in addition
 to requiring extra time to accomplish, require the
 user boot the brain before the action gets
 Hard to put into words Doug, but if you were there it
 would be plain as day!
 c u 
  Hi Don,
  I am genuinely curious.  Just what is the big deal
  about pushing a
  single button instead of pushing two buttons in
  sequence to get to the
  band and mode you want?  I just don't see how it can
  matter...and I'm
  a contester, so speed is important to me.  You
  really have me baffled
  so I please fill me in.
  de Doug KR2Q
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Re: [Elecraft] Band Button gripe

2008-07-25 Thread Lee Buller


Why not make an additional set of control buttons and use the secret 
connector on the bottom right side of the K3.  Just a small panel that would 
fit under the K3 and would give you numerous programmable buttons.  Then, you 
could set up the button on the little add on panel.

Or, for quick band changes in a contestI use N1MM logger and just change 
bands and modes through software.

Or, a stand alone PIC processor on the RS232 port that does the same thing as 
software in a computer.  There are a lot of people who like to market add-ons 
to the Elecraft products that just work great.  Fingerdimple, LP-PAN, etc...

Lee - K0WA

In our day and age it seems that Common Sense is in short supply.  If you don't 
have any Common Sense - get some Common Sense and use it.  If you can't find 
any Common Sense, ask for help from somebody who has some Common Sense.  Is 
Common Sense divine?
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Re: [Elecraft] Band Button gripe

2008-07-25 Thread Brett Howard
These ideas make much more sense than trying to remap front panel
buttons.  I think the field testers did a great job of defining how the
ergonomics are to flow.  


On Fri, 2008-07-25 at 20:43 -0700, Lee Buller wrote:
 Why not make an additional set of control buttons and use the secret 
 connector on the bottom right side of the K3.  Just a small panel that would 
 fit under the K3 and would give you numerous programmable buttons.  Then, you 
 could set up the button on the little add on panel.
 Or, for quick band changes in a contestI use N1MM logger and just change 
 bands and modes through software.
 Or, a stand alone PIC processor on the RS232 port that does the same thing as 
 software in a computer.  There are a lot of people who like to market 
 add-ons to the Elecraft products that just work great.  Fingerdimple, LP-PAN, 
 Lee - K0WA
 In our day and age it seems that Common Sense is in short supply.  If you 
 don't have any Common Sense - get some Common Sense and use it.  If you can't 
 find any Common Sense, ask for help from somebody who has some Common Sense.  
 Is Common Sense divine?
 Elecraft mailing list
 Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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