Evening Sverre,

The 16.289 oscillator I mentioned last night is the source oscillatoir for
the KPA's high voltage supply. There is not a 16.289 MHz source in my K2,
and with the KPA100 uninstalled, K2 alone has the birdie at approx 28276 MHz
CW /USB which moves up to 28278.5 approx on LSB. Using the KSB2's filter,
the Birdie / Noise ratio is 12db, far from weak. Receiver's Noise Floor in
spec, and input connected direrctly to a 50 ohm dummy load.

As I have to open up K2 for other reasons, I intend to break the K2's LO to
signal mixer connection, and drive the TUF-1's LO port from a HP signal
generator, properly padded, but still leave the K2's LO running. Hopefully I
should be able to get useful data on many birdies and their birth routes as
the receiver can then be tuned without changing the PLL's frequency, and
vice versa if you follow me.


Geoff    GM4ESD

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sverre Holm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <elecraft@mailman.qth.net>
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 5:59 PM
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] Birdie at10m: a choice between a turkey and
anostrich !

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of G3VVT
> The reported birdie at 28.276MHz is there, but extremely faint at  about
> 28.275.6MHz on USB and shifts up to about 28.277.7MHz on LSB. I would
> it fair to comment that most ham receivers have birdies somewhere if you
> want to try hard enough finding them.
> With what I have found on my particular QRP K2 ....
> -----------------------------
> Bob,
> ~28276 is probably not the same birdie as the image of the KPA100
> at 18432 at 28264. The closest one I can find depends on having the KIO2
> with a 16289 oscillator on board. The oscillator's 4. harmonic is at 65156
> kHz. It can be mixed with the 3. harmonic of the VFO, when the input dial
> at IF + VFO = 4915 + (65156+4915)/3 = 28272 which is almost 28276. But if
> you don't have the KIO2 then ...
> 73
> Sverre
> http://www.qsl.net/la3za/

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