I've been having considerable success with the resonant feedline  dipole 
(RFD) antenna as was described in QST a few years back and also in the  '04 
Handbook. Its basically a 1/4 wavelength of antenna wire followed by  your coax 
feeder into the shack. Where they connect, the coax shield is left  floating. 
Some of the feedline is wound into a choke at the 1/2 W/L point  or 
thereabouts, decoupling and forming the dipole. (Position the choke for  lowest 
With the far end pulled up high, they are good for long haul DX. I  have one 
cut for 40m and it works well with low swr on 30m, 17m, 15m.  and 10m. Another 
one for 20m rounds out the little farm. Mine aren't exactly  vertical (kind of 
exponentially curved) and seem to be a bit directional.
YMMV of course.
Bill  K3UJ  
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