Re: [Elecraft] K2 KPA Low Power on 12 & 10 Meters

2008-02-23 Thread Don Wilhelm


Since there is a significant difference between the power output on a 
dummy load and your antenna, look at your antenna system to see what can 
be done to make the feedline end at the shack look more like a 50 ohm 
non-reactive impedance.  That should make the KPA100 put out as much 
power as you find into the dummy load.

Further, 76 watts on 12 meters and 46 watts on 10 is not the way it 
should be - the KPA100 should be quite capable of producing 100 watts or 
more even on 10 meters.  Look at the Low Pass Filter carefully for a 
potential solution.  In addition, check the power output from the base 
K2 without the KPA100 attached.  If it is not 10 watts or more, you need 
to do some work on the base K2 - align the bandpass filter for 10/12m 
first, then check the low pass filter for 10/12m.  Be certain T2 is 
wound properly (like the diagram in the manual) and T2 is mounted 2 to 3 
mm above the RF board.


Larry Dodson wrote:

Naked K2 gives me good output on all bands.  Problem bands with KPA100
(12 Meters = 13.5 watts and 10 Meters = 10.8 watts).

Through the KPA100 into a dummy load gives 100 plus on all bands
except; 12 meters = 76 watts and 10 meters  47 watts. This is a new
problem and have looked at manual and cannot see a common link?  Help
would be appreciated before I open up my KPA.

Thanks - Larry (G0IKE) K2 #2424


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[Elecraft] K2 KPA Low Power on 12 & 10 Meters

2008-02-23 Thread Larry Dodson
Naked K2 gives me good output on all bands.  Problem bands with KPA100
(12 Meters = 13.5 watts and 10 Meters = 10.8 watts).

Through the KPA100 into a dummy load gives 100 plus on all bands
except; 12 meters = 76 watts and 10 meters  47 watts. This is a new
problem and have looked at manual and cannot see a common link?  Help
would be appreciated before I open up my KPA.

Thanks - Larry (G0IKE) K2 #2424
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