Re: [Elecraft] K2 SSB question.

2012-08-09 Thread Michael Babineau
I agree with Jim, KL7CC.  I recently completed the KSB2 module for my K2 (S/N 
5995) and I also 
use a Kenwood MC-43 hand mic. I  even received unsolicited positive comments on 
my TX 
audio quality in a recent SSB contest that I participated in.  I believe that 
there may have been
some issues with SSB audio in the earlier days of the K2 but those have been 
long resolved. 

I also have a K1 and I can say without hesitation that the K1 is a great little 
radio but the K2 receiver is 
truly amazing in comparison. In spite of the fact that the K2 design is almost 
15 years old, its RX performance
still ranks up there with radios costing nearly 10 times as much. If you can 
build a K1 you can build a K2, it just 
requires some patience.  As KL7CC said the nice thing is that you can build a 
basic K2 and add on options over

Michael VE3WMB 

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 SSB question.

2012-08-08 Thread Jim Wiley
Gil -

I am sure you will get other replies, but here's my 2-cents worth:  I 
have owned a K2 since about 2005, and while it is not my primary rig, I 
have used it enough to get a good "feel" for how it stacks up when using 
SSB.  I use a Kenwood MC-43 hand microphone with the K2.  I have also 
installed the upgraded SSB crystal filter set. 

First off, the down sides:  The only serious "beef" I have is with the 
noise blanker, which I consider to be only marginally useful.  When 
compared to the blanker function in my other rigs, a Kenwood  TS-570 and 
a Yaesu FT-1000 MK 5, it takes last place by a comfortable distance.  A 
secondary issue is that the K2 requires a few minutes of  "warm up" to  
settle down on frequency.  This is not a problem in any way, it just 
needs to be something to keep in mind.  Total drift is perhaps 200 Hz 
over 30 minutes, which I consider acceptable.  In fact for us "old 
f**ts" that have been on the air since the 50's,  it is remarkable.   We 
used to have rigs that had all they could do to stay in the band, let 
alone on frequency. 

Now, for the good news:  I took care to properly adjust the  filters and 
the sideband module, and once adjusted, they perform very well.  I use 
the  "OP-1" filter for most SSB use,  and only occasionally use the 
variable bandwidth filter.  The OP-1 filter is the one that is part of 
the SSB module, and is the filter used for SSB transmit.  When I have 
occasionally used the variable bandwidth filter (the primary K2 filter) 
for receive, it has also worked well, in fact better than I 
anticipated.  I have it set ( for SSB) for bandwidths of 1.8, 1.6, and 
1.4 kHz.  The narrower bandwidths sacrifice some intelligibility  of 
course, but they do make copy possible sometimes when conditions are 
crowded.   The use of the "Spectrogram" audio spectrum analyzer is 
essential here, as the rig simply cannot be properly set up without it.  
Fortunately, the program is free, and excellent tutorials are available 
for its use.

Keep in mind that the K2 variable bandwidth filter can have different 
settings for SSB and CW modes, a very useful feature.  For CW, I have 
mine set for 1.5, 1.0, 0.6 and 0.3 kHz.   This combination has proven 
good for my style of operation.  The great thing about this is that you 
can set the filters for your personal reference, adjusting bandwidths as 
needed without having to buy a whole box full of separate filters. 

Reports from other stations indicate that SSB transmit audio is crisp 
and easy to copy.  The speech compressor function works well, as long as 
you don't try to overdo it.  Moderation is everything here.  Receive 
audio is smooth, with no obvious peaks or holes in the response.  Yes, 
the Mark 5 has better audio, but not all that much better, and 
definitely not considering the difference in price.

I did purchase the KDSP2 DSP option.  I am not sure I would do that 
again, but I'm not getting rid of it either.  I think the KAF2 filter 
would be a more cost effective choice, because the extra help is needed 
(for my operations) almost always for CW only.   The DSP does offer help 
for CW, and it works, I just don't use it much.The real advantage of 
the DSP is additional noise reduction, and it helps there, but not quite 
as much as I had hoped.   I had hoped for better results there, but I 
also understand that the KDSP2 is a "first generation"  unit, and  some  
"slack" must be allowed. 

The K2 is, overall, a great rig.  It is versatile, small, and relatively 
inexpensive.   I have mine set up  in what I consider to be the most 
versatile  manner:  I have the base K2 as a QRP / portable rig, with the 
internal 20-watt automatic coupler and battery pack, and of course the 
SSB and noise blanker options, plus the 160-meter module.  I do not have 
the 60-meter option, but the K2 has essentially everything else.I 
have the KPA100  amplifier, together with the  KAT100 mounted in a 
separate EC2 cabinet.  This plugs into the K2 for seamless 100-watt 
"base station" use.

A huge advantage of the K2 modular concept is that you can get as much 
or as little of this as fits your needs and pocketbook.   A "fully 
loaded" K2 is not a cheap radio, but you don't have to do it all at once 
either.It actually hears a bit better that either of my other rigs, 
which is a bit of a surprise.  Not enough better that I am getting rid 
of them, as they each have their advantages.  For example the TS-570 
works on 6 meters , where the K2 does not. and the Mark 5 offers some 
additional features that the K2 does not - such as a 2nd receiver 
option, but again, the  difference in performance is perhaps not worth 
the difference in cost.  It becomes a matter of personal preference.

Finally, I predict that if you get a K2, you will find yourself using 
the K1 only very occasionally, if at all.  The K1 is not a bad radio at 
all.  It is in fact a great little set.  The K2 is simply better.  Wayne 
and Eric have sa

[Elecraft] K2 SSB question.

2012-08-08 Thread Gil G .

I would like some suggestions regarding getting a K2, or not.
I am new to Ham radio and just built a K1. So, as far as CW is concerned, I am 
all set.
I also just built the 4-band module, and have the components to turn my other 
board into an 80/17m.
So, getting a K2 for me would essentially be for adding SSB. I could keep the 
K1 as a backup.
Reading the reviews on Eham (I know, I know…) it seems like SSB isn't a K2 
strong point.
I have thought about just getting an MFJ-9440 for SSB and be done with that, 
saving $600.
This reflector might not be the place for an objective opinion. but oh well…
By the way, I couldn't possibly justify spending more than the price of a K2 
for any radio.
So, owning a K1, would I just be getting a mediocre $600 SSB option with the 
K2, or have these TX audio problems been fixed, or ever existed?
I could get an MFJ-9440 now and save up for a K2 later, keeping the 9440 as a 
backup, but my concern is that the K2 might no longer be available.
The K1 is here to stay by the way, I like it too much to ever sell it.

Thanks for shedding some light on my dilemma :-)

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 SSB Question

2008-11-11 Thread Jim Brown
On Fri, 07 Nov 2008 09:34:02 -0500, Don Wilhelm wrote:

>Those are the pros and cons that I know about.

I'll add a few things.

1) The K2 with KSB2 is a bit low on transmit audio gain, so with 
some mics, you may not get as much "processing" as in some other 

2) The K2 with KSB2 has a bit more low frequency response than is 
ideal for agressive audio in a competitive situation. 

3) The K2 when adjusted for narrowband SSB reception aligns the RX 
filters to form a "staggertuned" IF, so the audio quality (on RX) 
is something that only the programmer's mother could love. 

These issues matter only if you're a contester or serious DX 
chaser. For more casual operation it doesn't matter much. There 
are mods for #1 and #2 that improve things significantly, and 
they're pretty easy to do. One of the more powerful solutions to #
1 involves cutting some circuit board traces. 

Bottom line -- the K2 and K2/100 are excellent CW rigs and good 
(but not great) SSB rigs. The KSB2 IS a good plug-in, and well 
worth doing, but don't expect it to be competitive in a serious 
contest. For other operation you'll be quite happy with it. 


Jim Brown K9YC

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 SSB Question

2008-11-07 Thread Ignacy

I used and did some testing with original KSB2 and QRP mode. The SSB signal
is readable and useful although neither contest nor HiFi quality. While it
does not have RF processing, it has some compression to a degree that
outboard speech processors do not help any more. The narrow signal may be an
advantage if running QRP where readability is more important than fidelity. 

I used K2 in my home country, SP, using a 60 ft long wire at 20ft with 2
15ft radials, all directly attached to KAT2.  On 80m, I worked many of my
old buddies within a 250 miles radius, and nobody had any trouble copying. A
feat with a 4 lb self contained radio (powered by 2 x 11V/1.5AH LI-Ion
batteries)+ 1 lb bag of accessories. 

Ignacy, NO9E
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 SSB Question

2008-11-07 Thread Don Wilhelm


I do not know which threads you are referring to.  The K2 with the KSB2 
is quite good with excellent carrier suppression and will provide an 
audio passband consistent with the filter width you have installed on 
the KSB2 board.
If you have the older 2.1 kHz filter width, the passband placement 
becomes critical and may require some experimenting.  The 2.4 kHz width 
has been provided with the KSB2 for several years now and is not as 
critical.  The 2.6 kHz bandwidth gives excellent audio with even less 
concern for the exact placement of the passband.  No matter what filter 
width you have installed now, it is a simple matter of changing a few 
capacitors to alter the width - Elecraft provides a kit to do that if 
you wish.

The downside of the KSB2 is that it has no anti-vox, and that fact makes 
the VOX operation 'touchy' for data modes - it is better to use PTT for 
data modes, and the KSB2 does have limited microphone gain - it works 
very well with electret element mics and with the higher output dynamic 
mics, but if you are planning to use the lower output Heil dynamic mics 
(HC-4/5 elements), then you may have to add a microphone preamp.

Those are the pros and cons that I know about.


Curt wrote:
Completed K2 s/n 6424 a few months back, am thinking of adding a KSB2 
adapter kit I own.  I've seen several threads indicating that the SSB 
performance of the K2 with the adapter isn't very good.  Would adding 
this capability be worthwhile, or is leaving the K2 as CW only a 
better option?

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 SSB Question

2008-11-07 Thread Bernie Gardner
I've had my K2 (5705) for a couple of years, with the KSB2.  Alignment is a 
little tricky and it is important that it is done correctly, but I've had no 
problems with it.  I've made a good many contacts (been using CW more) and 
have gotten some complements on the audio, so I think the bad reputation is a 
little unfair.


On Friday 07 November 2008, Curt wrote:
> Completed K2 s/n 6424 a few months back, am thinking of adding a KSB2
> adapter kit I own.  I've seen several threads indicating that the SSB
> performance of the K2 with the adapter isn't very good.  Would adding this
> capability be worthwhile, or is leaving the K2 as CW only a better option?
> 73, Curt KB5JO
> ___
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RE: [Elecraft] K2 SSB Question

2008-11-07 Thread Darwin, Keith
If you want to wow the hi-fi crowd with your SSB prowess, the K2 isn't
the rig.  If you're wanting a good sounding SSB rig, the K2 is fine.  It
generates perfectly workable SSB comms despite rumors to the contrary.

It is important that you align the filters correctly to get the best
audio it can give.  I did mine with a 2nd receiver and my computer.  I
transmitted into a dummy load and recorded my audio as monitored on the
2nd RX.  I then listened to the recording and decided whether I wanted
more / less lows & highs.  I went back to the K2, made adjustments to
the filter and re-recorded.  Continue until the recording sounds the way
you want it to.

The simpler approach of listening to your voice as you speak is a poor
substitute since your spoken voice messes up ability to hear your
transmitted voice.

- Keith N1AS -
- K3 711 -

-Original Message-
Completed K2 s/n 6424 a few months back, am thinking of adding a KSB2
adapter kit I own.  I've seen several threads indicating that the SSB
performance of the K2 with the adapter isn't very good.  Would adding
this capability be worthwhile, or is leaving the K2 as CW only a better

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[Elecraft] K2 SSB Question

2008-11-07 Thread Curt
Completed K2 s/n 6424 a few months back, am thinking of adding a KSB2 
adapter kit I own.  I've seen several threads indicating that the SSB 
performance of the K2 with the adapter isn't very good.  Would adding this 
capability be worthwhile, or is leaving the K2 as CW only a better option?

73, Curt KB5JO 

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 SSB Question

2005-05-16 Thread Mike Markowski
Ok, gang, please ignore my previous post and rack it up to simple
paranoia.  I finished my 100 W stage Saturday, tried to make a few
QSOs Sunday and failed during the abysmal band condx.  I felt
fairly sure I must've have messed up something while installing the
amp.  *BUT* today after work I had a solid phone QSO on 20m between
here (Pennsylvania) and Texas with a fellow K2 owner, though he was
on a Collins at 900 W today.  We had 30 minutes with no fading and
a great chat.  It's likely coincidence, but he said I was the first
QSO all afternoon he'd been able to maintain for more than a few
minutes.  I followed this up with a psk31 qso just to be sure all
is well.  Paranoia cured! I sell my other rig which is
getting very little use since the K2 showed up??  :-/

Mike WA1SEO, maybe your experience is the same as mine - just a
misinterpretation?  If you have access to a scope, that would
let you know for sure what's happening.  Short of that, the good
ol' "whistle test" to a dummy load will be helpful as well.

Mike  AB3AP
Avondale, PA

On Mon 16-May-05 at 1149 EDT, Mike Markowski wrote:
> [...] SSB sounds fine on my test rcvr on 40m and
> 80m, 100 W into dummy load, where I see peaks of maybe 20 to 25 W when
> speaking into the mic.  But on other bands I see about 2 W! [...]
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 SSB Question

2005-05-16 Thread Mike Markowski

I don't have an answer for you, but wanted to say I *think* I am
experiencing the same thing.  I have an old Bird model 43 watt meter
hooked up - not at all the thing to be testing phone output with - and
see one unexpected thing.  SSB sounds fine on my test rcvr on 40m and
80m, 100 W into dummy load, where I see peaks of maybe 20 to 25 W when
speaking into the mic.  But on other bands I see about 2 W!  However,
whistling into the mic gives me about 80 W or so on all bands, and a
quick tune at 100 W gives about 100 W.  At least the amp is ok, so maybe
I'm seeing the greater emphasis on lower frequencies in LSB popping the
meter up a bit more than USB?  That's quite a difference though.  I hope
to get a scope hooked up to better test it.  I just finished my 100 W
amp over the weekend and am trying to make sure all is well.  I did have
a short 20m psk31 qso and was putting out 30 W, same as the power
setting.  But I still wonder at that 20W/2W difference...  The bands
were awful this weekend and prevented better testing.  In any case, I'll
be interested to see what you learn.  I'm using the MD2 mic, by the way.

Mike  AB3AP
K2 4834

Mike Stricker wrote on 05/13/05 21:00 ET:
> Hi,
> I was trying to get my K2 on the air and am running into a bit of
> difficulty.
> The K2 transmits fine on CW.  The K2 receives fine on SSB (and CW),
> both USB and LSB and the filters have been set up per the kit
> instructions.  When I depress the MH2 transmit button and speak into
> it, the signal sounds fine on my test receiver.  I noticed, however,
> that there is virtually no RF output.  I have tried a couple of
> different audio settings in SSBA and SSBC to no avail.
> Any ideas will be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Mike, WA1SEO K2 4788
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[Elecraft] K2 SSB Question

2005-05-13 Thread Mike Stricker

I was trying to get my K2 on the air and am running into a bit of difficulty.

The K2 transmits fine on CW.  The K2 receives fine on SSB (and CW), both USB 
and LSB and the filters have been set up per the kit instructions.  When I 
depress the MH2 transmit button and speak into it, the signal sounds fine on my 
test receiver.  I noticed, however, that there is virtually no RF output.  I 
have tried a couple of different audio settings in SSBA and SSBC to no avail.

Any ideas will be appreciated.


Mike, WA1SEO
K2 4788
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