I just proposed to our Field Day chief that we use my K3 this year (with extra
precautions to avoid power interruptions, and with a computer available for
re-loading the firmware if necessary). BTW I first did some hurried testing
with the K3 running off my linear Astron PSU cranked down to 11.0 V (only 10.5
V indicated on the K3 at 100W due to cable drop). At this low voltage and 100W
there seemed to be a slight increase in IMD; none at 65W.
I now have some experience with N1MM (but not for FD) and like it a lot. So, I
also suggested we try it for FD, along with the computer infrastructure needed.
Somehow, it just seems harder and harder to get along without a computer
What we have been doing for FD is using a DOS program on an ancient laptop for
logging... The initial response from the FD chief is concern about log format
for submission. I mentioned the information available in the N1MM manual.
Question: I think many of you already used N1MM for FD last year. If so, could
you please send me some detail of the steps you went through to combine the
N1MM output with other information to create the complete submission?
Erik K7TV
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