Re: [Elecraft] More Stupidity

2006-01-04 Thread w2bvh
When I was in high school, I worked summers  in a machine shop. Simon 
Novick, the head of the shop was an old world master machinist from 
Poland, and a very fine and patient teacher. He routinely, almost 
caually,  machined items to within .0001 (but only when that accuracy 
was needed). His mantra was as accurate as necessary, but no closer; 
you have to make production.

For all his skill as a machinist, he knew nothing about electricity. He 
always had an electrician do any wiring in the shop. But a day came when 
he needed to test an air compressor he had rebuilt. No electrician was 
available, so Simon himself wired a switch *across* the motor leads and 
kept wondering why the compressor ran with the switch off and fuses blew 
each time he turned it on. 

I set that problem straight in about 5 minutes, and became the backup 
electrician for the rest of the summer.

Lenny W2BVH

Gregg mulder wrote:

Seeing all of these Stupid posts reminded me of one of mine. Another story of experimenting with our good 
friend  AC wall outlets. 1965, I was in the 6th grade. In science class we learned abt the making of Mr. 
Edison's electric light. upon returning home I decieded to make my own !  I borrowed an old mason jar from my mom and 
removed an old lamp cord from a dead lamp got a hammer es some nails and started to build !  You were supposed 
to put the nails into a rubber stopper, wrap some nichrome wire between the nails, put the stopper in the top of 
the jar, attach the power leads to the nails, and make light !  Well as luck would have it I didn't have a rubber 
stopper, so i just used the metal top of the mason jar. I pounded the nails halfway into the lid shorting 
them and carefully wrapped some wire around the nails. I lit a peice of paper on fire and put it in the jar es 
secured the the lid to burn off the oxygen in the jar. then attached the 2 ends of the lamp cord t
o the
nails protruding from the top of the jar. I set the LAMP on the bed and went to plug it 
in to the nearest wall outlet fully expecting to see light. when I plugeged it in I saw light 
alright. Arcs en sparks from everywhere ! I blew all the fuses in the house, but not before 
watching my lightbulb blow up, es the lamp cord melt onto my bed spread catching it on fire !  I 
must have jumped 10 feet in the air !  I beat the fire out just in time to hear my mom yelling 
 what's going on in there ?  I was still shaking when my mom entered the smoke filled 
room. And although i was lucky to have not been electricuted, that episode did end my Edison 
experiments. I was also pleasantly supprised that I didn't get a wippin when my dad got home from 
work. Guess they figured i'd learned my lesson. And then there was radio
 Hope u enjoyed one of my stupid moments.  73  Gregg  WB8LZG
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[Elecraft] More Stupidity

2006-01-03 Thread Gregg mulder
Seeing all of these Stupid posts reminded me of one of mine. Another story of 
experimenting with our good friend  AC wall outlets. 1965, I was in the 6th 
grade. In science class we learned abt the making of Mr. Edison's electric 
light. upon returning home I decieded to make my own !  I borrowed an old mason 
jar from my mom and removed an old lamp cord from a dead lamp got a hammer es 
some nails and started to build !  You were supposed to put the nails into a 
rubber stopper, wrap some nichrome wire between the nails, put the stopper in 
the top of the jar, attach the power leads to the nails, and make light !  Well 
as luck would have it I didn't have a rubber stopper, so i just used the metal 
top of the mason jar. I pounded the nails halfway into the lid shorting them 
and carefully wrapped some wire around the nails. I lit a peice of paper on 
fire and put it in the jar es secured the the lid to burn off the oxygen in the 
jar. then attached the 2 ends of the lamp cord t
 o the
 nails protruding from the top of the jar. I set the LAMP on the bed and went 
to plug it in to the nearest wall outlet fully expecting to see light. when I 
plugeged it in I saw light alright. Arcs en sparks from everywhere ! I blew all 
the fuses in the house, but not before watching my lightbulb blow up, es the 
lamp cord melt onto my bed spread catching it on fire !  I must have jumped 10 
feet in the air !  I beat the fire out just in time to hear my mom yelling  
what's going on in there ?  I was still shaking when my mom entered the smoke 
filled room. And although i was lucky to have not been electricuted, that 
episode did end my Edison experiments. I was also pleasantly supprised that I 
didn't get a wippin when my dad got home from work. Guess they figured i'd 
learned my lesson. And then there was radio
  Hope u enjoyed one of my stupid moments.  73  Gregg  WB8LZG
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