Re: [Elecraft] N6KR FD report and antenna tale

2005-06-27 Thread Vic Rosenthal

wayne burdick wrote:

Our last, best hope was a dead tree branch, covered with half-inch red 
ants, that appeared just long enough. 

I think you would probably want three-quarter inch ants for this kind of 

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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[Elecraft] N6KR FD report and antenna tale

2005-06-26 Thread wayne burdick
First, I'd like to say thanks to George, KJ6VU, and the K6SRA club for 
their good company and comfortable chairs at base camp (Henry Coe state 
park, near Morgan Hill, CA). I really appreciate your trading me a 
bar-B-qued sausage dog for my box of Pop-Tarts. Saved me from having to 
explain the box to Lillian.

On Saturday, I backpacked up the hill from base camp with just the KX1 
and enough #26 silky to put up a decent wire vertical. No feedline -- 
just matched it with the internal tuner. I was determined to do the 
entire FD with internal batteries, too, so I had a fresh set of six 
lithium AAs.

The bands were in great shape in Northern California. Bottom line? 
Haven't figured that out yet. But I did make 164 Qs, all on 20 and 40 
m, and all with 1.5 watts. If I had stayed up late or gotten up early 
this morning I could have done a lot better; there was nearly no 
atmospheric noise on either band. This morning I even dared call CQ 
(with 1.5 watts!) and ran a couple dozen on 40 meters. Batteries were 
still at 8.0 V key-down when I called it quits.

Funniest moment:

A friend (name and call withheld) was helping set up my antenna. (A 
Really Good friend. Still.) He held the connector end while I tossed 
the weighted end, repeatedly, exhausting my stock of expletives.

On my fifth try the weight cleared a high branch. Beside himself with 
joy, my happy helper unwittingly let go of the connector. The wire 
promptly settled into an upside-down U with both ends 12 feet off the 
ground, unreachable. He tested the height with a disconsolate little 
hop (not even close!), then tried valiantly to hit the weights with 
rocks. I briefly considered a long running start, but rejected the 
idea. After all, he'd just had double knee surgery.

Our last, best hope was a dead tree branch, covered with half-inch red 
ants, that appeared just long enough. Remember that famous photo of 
Marines erecting a U.S. flag at Iwo Jima? This event bears no 
resemblance to that noble effort. Imagine two six-footers, synchronized 
in a clumsy, bear-like dance, gripping the fat end of a branch and 
trying to swat a pair of dangling 5/8 hex-nuts with the tip. (On a 
steep slope, looking directly into the sun.) After a few tries we hit 
it. Mercifully, no other humans (in particular, Dave Barry) were around 
to witness this.

Photos later



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Re: [Elecraft] N6KR FD report

2004-06-28 Thread wayne burdick

On Jun 28, 2004, at 11:55 AM, Leigh L. Klotz, Jr. wrote:


What radial did you use on 40m for the 50ft random wire?  33ft, 33ft 
shortened for ground coupling, or random length?

Background: I have tried using your recommendation of 28ft for the 
center conductor and band-switching with 16, 24, or 33 ft on the 
ground for the radial.  Bonnie KQ6XA recomends a radial 10-15% shorter 
than 1/4 lamda if it is not elevated, but I found 1.2:1 with the ATU, 
and don't have the RF Ammeter (or light bulb) that K6ACJ Bill used to 
verify those length recommendations.

The optimal length of ground radials will vary with how many you use, 
as well as local conditions, including nearby objects (Bar-B-Ques, 
highly-conductive family members, volleyball net supports, etc.). I was 
actually using a single 15' radial, alligator-clipped to a 3' or so 
ground rod that some past user of the picnic table had kindly pounded 
in   ;)

50' is also just an estimate. In any case, the KX1 and K2 auto-tuners 
both tuned up the random wire on all bands.

