There are occasional posts on the reflector asking about oscilloscopes and 
their availability.  I just finished refurbishing 6 Tektronix 2246 Mod A 
oscilloscopes.  The 2246 Mod A is a great combination of power and convenience 
at a reasonable price.  The cursors and auto trigger and auto measurement 
functions are very nice.  There are internal self-calibration routines for time 
and voltage measurement, plus these scopes also have an exceptionally bright 
and sharp trace.  They are my favorite 100 Mhz scope.

3 of the refurbished scopes have been already been taken by members of our 
local club, but I may have three left so I'm posting it here before going to 
eBay in case someone would like them.  These scopes have been cleaned, minor 
repairs made, and then checked and/or adjusted to meet or exceed Tek standards 
using Tek calibration tools (PG506/TG501/SG503).  While the scopes were apart, 
I also repainted the cases with lacquer that was formulated to exactly match 
the standard Tek blue.  I have loaded photographs at  
Click on HWA Stuff and then you will see three sub-directories identified by 
model and serial number.  There is a text file in each directory that explains 
the significance of the photographs and the prices.  Prices vary because one is 
nearly perfect cosmetically, one is very good, but has one rear plastic 
standoff broken, and the third has two plastic standoff's broken.  (Check the 


Howard Ashcraft, W1WF
K2/100; KX-1; K3/100 real soon now...

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