Re: [Elecraft] RE: Clearing memories M1-M4

2008-10-31 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Ralph:

At 17:33 10/30/2008, you wrote:

>...but really would like to be able to clear them completely like you can
>easily do with the memories.

I guess my thickness is showing again.
Somebody pse explain why a blank memory is a good thing.
I'd think you'd just not push the button.

And therein lies the crux of the problem... if you happen to mis-press
the wrong button, as can happen in the heat of battle, all of a sudden
your K3 is sending the WRONG message... to be able to completely clear
a memory means that it's much more difficult (though probably still not
completely impossible for the likes of me) to 'fat-finger' the message
buttons and to send the wrong message.


Tom Hammond   N0SS

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[Elecraft] RE: Clearing memories M1-M4

2008-10-30 Thread Ralph Parker
>...but really would like to be able to clear them completely like you can
>easily do with the memories.

I guess my thickness is showing again.
Somebody pse explain why a blank memory is a good thing.
I'd think you'd just not push the button.


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