
The varactors are changed simultaneously, so the voltage on one should be the same as the voltage on the other. A low voltage should be applied when BAND- is tapped and the capacitance will be at a maximum, then when BAND+ is tapped, the voltage is made high and the varactor capacitance is at a minimum. In normal operation, the voltage will be somewhere between those extremes and will change as the K2 is tuned- that is how the K2 tuning is accomplished - it is a phase locked loop synthesizer where the PLL reference frequency is varied between each of the major tuning increments. That feat is accomplished by 'pulling' the crystal frequency - it is a type of VXO circuit.

Since your frequency of oscillation is considerably higher than what the crystal frequency should be, I am suspicious about the crystal itself. It is possible that the crystal manufacturer mis-marked it, so I would try another one - but still, the frequency should change even though the entire range would be higher than normal. If the crystal were completely dead, I guess it is possible for the circuit to oscillate at some strange frequency, but that is not likely either since you seem to have a stable frequency. Have you checked the orientation of diode D18? Although if it were reversed, it might kill all oscillation.

OK, enough rambling and speculation on my part - I suggest that you get a new PLL crystal from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and install it, then see what happens. Check the resistance across L31 before ordering the crystal, if the resistance is quite high, L31 could be open and should be replaced as well.


I have tried all tests and checks offered up by you good folks but none of them have cured my problem. I have even gone to a local ham buddy that has built one and we both could not find the cure. I have verified that all the parts are correct and in the right place. I have re-soldered all joints, those looking questionable or not. I also verified that the 12597.91 frequency displayed is in fact accurate.all voltages are correct, L31 is correct and capacitors c84 & c85 are correct. When checking the cathode voltages on d16 & d17 the voltage did come and go when hitting the band- and band + buttons. I noticed the voltage came and went on BOTH of the diodes simultaneously. Male logic kicked in and said is that right? If the two diodes are used to vary the frequencies to the display shouldn't they be activated one at a time, one with band+ and one with band-?"
Thanks in advance for your input.

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