[Elecraft] WA3WSJ on AT

2004-07-06 Thread Edward R. Breneiser
Hello all,

Yesterday, 7/5, I took my hiking buddy Trevor, my dog, with me and we
hiked the AT.
No radios,  just a conditioning hike for the both of us. We've been
walking 5 miles every other day at home, but I wanted to get back up in
the mountains! This hike starts at the Hamburg, PA Parking Lot and goes
straight up 2 miles to Pulpit Rock to an elevation of 1580 feet.  Not to
high, but it's straight up hill ALL the way! I made it to Pulpit Rock in
one hour - used to take me 45 minutes. I didn't feel bad at all on top
of the mountain, but I guess the back injury slowed me down- hi!  

Once on top, the view was as I remembered it - just beautiful!  Trevor
drank his usual 1L of water! I love hiking with Trevor, but he drinks
like a fish. After I took off my shirt and hat and dried them out in the
sun, it was back down the mountain.  

Don't forget to work me this Thursday and Friday on my 2-Day AT Trip.
Trevor and myself will hike 8.5 miles starting at Port Clinton, PA  to
Eagles Nest Shelter on Thursday. After I set up camp and we eat dinner,
I will play radio 40m/20m. On Friday we will eat breakfast and I will
then play radio until lunch.  

Radio:   K1 @ 3w
Antenna: VBWFPA


Edward R. Breneiser

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[Elecraft] WA3WSJ on AT Today!

2004-08-28 Thread Edward R. Breneiser
Hello all,

I running behind schedule so look for me operating on the AT starting
around 1550utc or so today.


Edward R. Breneiser, WA3WSJ

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[Elecraft] WA3WSJ on AT Sunday - Palm Logging

2005-04-11 Thread Edward R. Breneiser
Hello all,

Since it was just a gorgeous day here in PA on Sunday so I decided to
hike up to Pulpit Rock on the Appalachian Trail. I took Trevor Boy (my
dog) along for the training hike up the mountain and packed my K1 too.
I decided to take the shorter, but steeper AT Route up to Pulpit Rock
which is a 2-mile hike. As soon as Trevor spots my backpack he is
excited and knows we will be hiking today. We drive the 45 minutes to
the parking lot and then start our hike. As we hike, we see many hikers
out for the day and Trevor greets many dogs on the way up.  After only
about half mile into the hike we run into water and mud at spots, but
Trevor could care less!  I'm surprised as we pass people up the very
steep part of the AT. Once we reach the top, I look at my watch and then
realize why we passed them up the trail - 55 minutes after two miles,
but  I'm paying for it today!  I guess my 53-year-old-bones are
revolting on me. After taking in the view, I set up my K1 and VBWFPA and
take out my Palm 105 to use as a logger.  After an hour of operation, I
work many stations, but the sun is very hot and we are sitting in it.
Trevor won't sit in the shade unless I'm in it?  He always stays beside
me and I mean almost on me!  Getting back to the logger, I 'm slow at
inputting the info into for now, but I'm getting better and I like using
the Palm for logging.  I now pack up and head back down the mountain,
but I take my normal trail down the mountain past the reservoir. Guess
what - very little water and mud!  Seems the sun hits this side of the
mountain and has dried it out.  It was just a great day for a hike with
my hiking partner Trevor and we had a ball.  As for the Palm, I need
more practice inputting information so to all I worked, thanks for your
patience.  Until our next hike - 72!


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[Elecraft] WA3WSJ on AT Saturday, 8/28

2004-08-27 Thread Edward R. Breneiser
Hello all,

Look for me on the AT tomorrow around 1500utc to 1800utc.
I will operate 7.040 & 14.060 +- qrm. I plan to hike up to Pulpit Rock,
take in the beauty and then hike over to an observatory and set up in
the field there in the shade. That way Trevor Boy will stay cool! He
still drinks my water like a fish! I take almost 1.5L of water just for

Hope to work many from the AT tomorrow and don't forget the contacts
count towards your Nomad Award too.

Rig: Elecraft (s/n 031)  K1 @ 3w
Battery: 2.2AH
Antenna: VBWFPA (hiking stick too)


Edward R. Breneiser, WA3WSJ

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[Elecraft] WA3WSJ on AT Today 11/11/2004

2004-11-11 Thread Edward R. Breneiser
Hello all,
Seems like I was off with my UTC times- gets me every time.  I plan to
start operating around 11am EST or 1600utc and operate for an hour or
two. Then hike the two miles back down the mountain. The tough part is
hiking up! Look for me around the qrp frequencies on 40m and 20m.  
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