Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report for February 11th 12th, 2007

2007-02-12 Thread Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy

Kevin KD5ONS wrote:

We may even get a check in from Rupert  once Geoff teaches his favorite 
pheasant how to peck out his callsign ;)


At 02:00Z this morning no signals were heard from the 40m ECN (tried 7043 
ish up). The only stations heard on 40m at that time were PYs - LUs, much 
weaker than usual and dropping, nothing from the USA.

There is no way that Murdoch's beak is going to get close to my key g


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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report for February 11th 12th, 2007

2007-02-12 Thread Bob Tellefsen
Hi Kevin
The N7WG Bill? you show is actually me.
N0SS miscopied my call when I checked in.
I was working on my antennas and tuning
across the band when I heard the net, so
decided to check in, just for the heck of it :-)
Was QRU, so just went on with my antenna work.
73, Bob N6WG
The Little Station with Attitude

- Original Message -
From: Kevin Rock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Elecraft
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 7:34 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report for February 11th  12th, 2007

 Good Evening,
 Two very good nets.  I wish I could have worked everyone I heard but
 some of you were very far down below the noise.  I did get TF but there
 was one very, very weak signal on 40 meters which I simply could not get a
 letter.  However, it appears the hail signs along with calling by areas
 has broken up the pileups quite nicely.  I may simplify even further and
 try East, Mid, and All to work more rapidly.  Tom works East and West and
 does well.  He does have a lot more experience at this though ;)  You
 heard me turn up my speed a few times but I made sure to go right back to
 call CQ.  I wanted to run through Tom's list quickly so I could get back
 to you all.
 There was a little QSB on both 20 and 40 meters this evening but both
 bands were fairly quiet.  Made it easier to run the net.  On 40 I only got
 two before I handed off to Tom.  I found a few of you had not gotten on
 the air by the time I passed the net but you were loud to me.  For once I
 worked Fred, K6DGW, direct.  Normally he is simply too close.  I did get a
 little of his check in on 20 meters but it was tough copy.  On 40 meters
 he was pretty good.  I was also hearing the West Hills in Beaverton
 because I heard Karl, N7NLU, check in both times.
 I got a few weather reports but mostly just signal reports this
 evening.  Southern California is having rain tonight much like I am
 having.  Gloomy and chilly all day today.  But it is my cleaning day so I
 don't notice the weather much.  I did find a break in the rain to get my
 load of wood inside.  Sam is guarding the fire so it does not go unstoked!

 The lists =

 On 14050 kHz at 2256z:
 N0SS - Tom - MO - K2 - 008
 K9DMV - Joe - IL - K2 - 5628
 VE3XL - Ric - ON - K1 - 968
 K1EV - Bill - CT - K2 - 2152
 AB9V - Mike - IN - K2 - 3993
 WB3AAL - Ron - PA - K1 - 1011QNI #5!
 K2HYD - Ray - NC - KX1 - 608
 K4GT - Jim - GA - K2 - 2015
 K4JPN - Steve - GA - K2 - 1422   QNI #40!!!
 KH6NO/W7 - Willie - NV - K2 - 1593   QNI #15!!
 W6ZH - Pete - CA - K1 - 553
 K5BGB - Rod - TX - K2 - 1126
 N7WG - Bill - CA - ??
 K6DGW - Fred - CA - K2 - 4398
 W6ZH - Pete - CA - K1 - 553
 N7NLU - Karl - OR - K2 - 4227
 KE5AKL - Mike - NM - ??
 W0RSR - Mike - CO - K2 - 5767
 VE6ITA - John - AB - K2 - 5384
 ND0V - Greg - CO - K2 - 4411
 N6JW - John - CA - K2 - 3290 QNI #45!!!
 K0NEB - Joe - NE - KX1 - 1493
 W1TF - Ty - GA - K1 - 1423

 On 7044.5 kHz at 0156z:
 N0SS - Tom - MO - K2 - 008
 KH6NO/W7 - Willie - NV - K2 - 1593
 K6PJV - Dale - CA - K2 - 5345
 K0NEB - Joe - NE - KX1 - 1493
 W0RSR - Mike - CO - K2 - 5767
 WD4LST - Pete - FL - K2 - 5813
 N7NLU - Karl - OR - K2 - 4227
 NK6A - Don - CA - K2 - 1217
 W6ZH - Pete - CA - K1 - 553
 K4GT - Jim - GA - K2 - 2015
 K6DGW - Fred - CA - K2 - 4398
 VE6ITA - John - AB - K2 - 5384
 AA4NN - Joe - SC - K2 - 3751

 This was very close to the record number of check ins.  Not bad for the
 bottom of the solar cycle!  I wonder what will happen in two years?  By
 then K1EV will be armchair copy again and I will have to develop new
 techniques to break the pileups.  We may even get a check in from Rupert
 once Geoff teaches his favorite pheasant how to peck out his callsign ;)
 Thank you for the support over the years.  It is very nice to hear from
 you all and see what we can do each Sunday evening.  Once I knock down the
 leaning trees I'll be able to hoist my antenna up to a better height.
 This will help me on 20 meters but I don't think I can find a tree tall
 enough to make much difference on 40 meters.  But the windstorm did clear
 a large swath of land for a prospective loop antenna.  Now if I can
 convince Karl to drive out in the outback to help me hoist it ;)

 I do need a couple of fills for rig and serial number but there is always
 next week and the one after that.  If there are any errors please do not
 hesitate to bring it to my attention and provide the correct data.

 Until next week stay well,
 Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Station 5th Class)

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