[EM] Simulation of political identity space in voting

2006-12-11 Thread Brian Olson
Ka-Ping Ye did some excellent work which inspired me to replicate it.  
Given a two axis system of candidate and voter space, plot the  
results of population of voters centered at points on the plane  
voting based on distance to candidate.

The original is here, and was discussed on this list many months ago:

My new results are here:

Mostly I've independently verified the results, but I've added my  
favorite pet method, Instant Runoff Normalized Ratings (IRNR) into  
the mix.

This method is great because it makes behaviors of the election  
method readily apparent visually. I used to claim that IRNR would be  
free of IRV's oddities because IRNR considered the whole ballot and  
used continuous ratings. Someone here cleverly found a counter case,  
but graphically it jumps out of the picture that IRNR does have  
irregularities. On the plus side, they're much smaller than IRV's  
problems. :-)

I wish it were easier to test all the different methods that have  
been proposed here. I already had a simulation framework for testing  
social utility which will run lots of tests under different numbers  
of candidates and voters and varying error rate. The same voting  
implementation also gets used by this new graphical test. It would be  
great to get more systems built in and tested. There's a pretty  
simple C++ interface to code to when implementing a new election  
method. I've made my source available in the past and will do so  
again if anyone wants to also work on this.

I understand that most of you aren't computer scientists and quick to  
program up new tests, but I'm excited about this testing right now  
and if you'll just implement your favorite election method in _some_  
language, C, C++, java, javascript, perl, python, heck I'll even  
accept PHP, LISP or FORTRAN, I'll translate it and fit it into the  
test harness.

Anyway, mostly I wanted to share the pretty graphs I made of  
simulated elections. An ounce of data is worth a pound of theorizing?

Brian Olson

election-methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

[EM] [Fwd: Re: Apportionment (biased?) let me add some more confusion to the mix :)]

2006-12-11 Thread Dave Ketchum
What is Hamilton's method?

Before exploring that, my proposal had two parts:
   EVERY state SHALL have at least the number of seats they earn with
fractions ignored.
   While I may have got to Hamilton with my words as to disposing of
fractions, I suggest that others may be able to do better with this part.

I question whether monotonicity, etc., can justify failing to honor the
part I demand.

While labels can be convenient, we too often have different definitions
behind the names.  For example, in "Method of Apportionment",
www.census.gov says that Hamilton was used 1850-1900, and includes a
paragraph describing it.  While they mention the problem of low population
states elsewhere, they do not mention such in their description of Hamilton.

While Israel could have trouble with small parties, we do not have enough
small states to need better than what we have - if they got to be a
problem, combining a few such states would be a possibility.
   New York disposes of too small parties by refusing to give any
support to those that are too weak.


On Sun, 10 Dec 2006 22:30:05 -0500 Joseph Malkevitch wrote:
 > Dear David,
 > In essence what you are describing is Largest Remainder or Hamilton's
 > Method. If the house size is allowed to change this method does not obey
 > house monotonicity. It also violates various "population monotonicity"
 > axioms. The house size is currently fixed so that is not a problem. If
 > you do not mind that population monotonicity can be violated then you
 > can promote Largest Remainder. There is also some consideration whether
 > or not this method may or may not advantage "smaller" vs. "larger"
 > states. Israel used to us this system and had lots of troubles with many
 > small parties. Eventually it moved to D'Hondt. In the European version
 > of the apportionment problem there are typically requirements that
 > parties get a minimum percentage of the vote to get any seats.
 > Regards,
 > Joe
 > On Dec 10, 2006, at 9:22 PM, Dave Ketchum wrote:
 >> I suggest the following as a proposed LIMIT on the fancy finagling:
 >> Calculate persons per district as (total persons)/(legislature size).
 >> Since this is for Congress, every state earning less than one whole
 >> seat gets one, with no consideration as to fractions - period.
 >> Each other state gets the whole seats they have earned - period.
 >> I CLAIM that each state has earned the above and should get ALL of
 >> that - period.
 >> So there are some leftover fractions we can debate, but debate limited
 >> to these - trying to avoid Alabama and other paradoxes is restricted
 >> to allocation of these fractions.
 >> I propose, without arguing against whoever may claim to do better:
 >>  Sort the fractions as to size, with largest sizes each getting
 >> one of the leftover seats.  If the end of this requires deciding among
 >> identical fractions, assign among these randomly.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]people.clarityconnect.com/webpages3/davek
  Dave Ketchum   108 Halstead Ave, Owego, NY  13827-1708   607-687-5026
Do to no one what you would not want done to you.
  If you want peace, work for justice.

election-methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

Re: [EM] Apportionment (biased?) let me add some more confusion to the mix :)

2006-12-11 Thread Juho
On Dec 11, 2006, at 12:38 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> >
> > One more tool that can be useful in some situations is the
> > hierarchical structure of the states/parties. To guarantee that
> > certain set of states/parties will not be underrepresented they  
> could
> > form a team/alliance. When seats are allocated to that team they
> > could lose (in typical allocation methods) only one seat to rounding
> > errors instead on many of them losing a seat. Geographic alliances
> > would maybe be more natural than e.g. an alliance of small states.
> What about sorting the States based on population and then splitting
> them into 2 groups such that the total population in each group is as
> equal as possible.
> The fractional seat is then split between the 2 groups based on  
> (Webster?)
> ... or maybe Webster should be used directly?
> This is then applied to each group recursively.

Ok. A binary tree like structure makes the division quite balanced  
(maybe even more than necessary for most practical needs).

> If any State ends up with zero seats, it is removed from the process
> and given a seat directly.  The process is then re-run, until it
> completes with all remaining States getting at least 1 seat.

Careful with this. There is a risk that the calculation rules steal  
seats from the states that have slightly more than one seat worth of  

> This pretty much is forced to be unbiased between small and large  
> States
> size.  However, perhaps it would be biased in other ways.
> An additional rule could then be that States are allowed to form  
> groups
> 'manually', and manual groups cannot be split in two by the algorithm
> (until the group being processed is the manual group itself).

It is possible to support multiple "proportionalities". It is  
possible to make more than one of them "exact" (=all divisions  
followed to the accuracy of rounding errors that are smaller than one  
seat) at the same time or "approximate" (= one division based on one  
rule, then another rule applied in each group (of the first  
division), e.g. first the manual groups and then the automatic size  
based groups within the manual groups). A more typical situation  
would be to use some more orthogonal measures like party/ideology  
proportionality and regional proportionality.

The ideological and regional proportionality requirements are the  
most common ones. What others could there be? The state size based  
one was already discussed. Countries that have clear ethnical or  
religious division lines could use such additional proportionality  
rules. Maybe also different age or sex groups could be guaranteed a  
proportional share of the seats. It is quite straight forward to  
develop methods that respect such criteria either exactly or  
approximately in hierarchy. The number of seats should be large and  
the criteria should be as orthogonal as possible if we want to use  
several of them (to avoid situations where there for example are no  
female catholic candidates left in Hawaii when we would need one).  
Strong requirements on exact divisions also lead to pushing the  
rounding errors to some less critical areas but in a way that makes  
them very visible (e.g. (exact) ideological/party proportionality in  
50 states with (exactly) one seat in each state would probably lead  
to electing a green candidate in some state that has only a 5%  
minority of green votes).

> >
> > I already mentioned the different voting power. A simple method in
> > that direction would be to elect one representative from every state
> > and give her voting power in relation to the number of people she
> > represents. Or maybe large states would be given n seats with 1/n of
> > the voting power of the state etc. Maybe the building where these
> > representatives will work has a fixed number of physical seats =>
> > fill those seats and allocate voting power according to that.
> The logistics of this would make the legislature less efficient.  One
> possible rule would be that all Representatives must have voting
> strengths between 0.9 and 1.1 and a detailed count only happens if
> the vote is close (or if there is a motion demanding it).

I agree that some reasonable restrictions should be applied. Also my  
scenarios where the seats were divided in time may lead to too short  
times in office. If parties are allowed to fill the seats as they  
wish, one could also consider terms that last longer than one  
election period and terms that need not end and start at election  
time. Everything is ok as long as the party has exactly the agreed  
number of representatives active at any given time.

I however think that also a method that gives two votes to a  
candidate that got two quotas of votes and so on would be quite ok  
(i.e. the maximum number of votes could be infinite or some fixed  
limit instead of 1.1). Giving very long terms to candidates that get  
lots of votes is no

[EM] Webster vs Bias-Free

2006-12-11 Thread MIKE OSSIPOFF

   Let me define a few terms. S(q) is an allocation's function, seats as a 
function of quotas. dS is the amount by which S is above the 
1-seat-per-quota line (of the graph that I posted about the other day). Yes, 
dS should stand for an infinitessimal change in S, but most computers don't 
have the letter "delta", and so I'm saying dS for that finite difference. Of 
course if ds is negative, then S is below the one-seat-per-quota line.

  The horizontal part of the step function below the 1-seat-per-quota line 
is the "low section". The high section is similarly defined. A low section 
and its subsequent high section is a "cycle" of the step function.

This morning I looked at Webster's justification for proportionality, it's a 
sort of blockwise approach that looks at a whole cycle at a time. In each 
cycle, in Webster, dS sums to zero. So whether a cycle is in the 
high-population or low-population part of the range, the cycles have no 
overal net dS--lif they did, then the varying value of q would cause 
different ends of the range to have different overall S/q. So, in that rough 
sense, Webster is unbiased.

Well, when I looked at that this morning, I said, "You can't say that about 
Bias-Free (the method that I defined last night). Its dS doesn't sum to zero 
over each cycle. So Webster's rough unbias argument doesn't work for 
Bias-Free. So I hurried to the computer to pretty much retract what I'd said 
about Bias-Free (BF) being the genuinely unbiased quota & rounding method.

  I spoke too soon. Though Webster's rough argument doesn't work for BF, a 
finer and more accurate one does. Here's why I said (correcly) last night 
that Webster has a liittle bias:

In a partilcular cycle, consider a point on the low-section, and the 
corresponding point on the subsequent high-section. They both have the same 
dS. But they don't both have the same q. The piont that's on the high 
section of course has a larger q. So The point on the low section's negative 
dS/q has a greater absolute value than the positive dS/q of the 
corresponding point on the high section.

That's true in every cycle. There's a deficit of dS/q, a net negative sum. 
And that's more pronounced at the low-population end of the range, because, 
there, q is less, and so the dS/q is more negative. So there's less S/q at 
the low end of the range.

As I said, the difference is very slight, and Webster's unbias is very 
slight. But it's there.

That's why I devised Bias-Free. Sum dS/q over a cycle, set it equal to zero, 
and solve for R, the rounding point. In that way, you make dS/q sum to zero 
over the cycle. That's Bias-Free. No nonzero sum of dS/q in any cycle. No 
S/q deficit in any cycle.

That's a more accurate and detailed unbias than Webster has.

I showed last night that Webster is very close to BF. Hill is significantly 
different from BF. Hill's
rounding points are considerably lower.

Or look at the graphs that I described a few days ago. From the above 
argument, or from the graphs, Hill gives significantly more seats per quota 
to the smallest states. That is not "equal proportions". Yes, Hill advocates 
justify it from how it rounds off. But the meaningful consisderation is how 
the states' S/q compare. In Hill, the proportions are _not_ equal. The name 
Equal Proportions acknowledges equal S/q as the important thing, but Hill 
doesn't deliver.

Webster of course is very close to BF. Webster, BF. and Hamilton are all 
adequately unbiased. BF & Hamilton are completely unbiased. But Hamilton is 
capricious. As you know, states get very annoyed when they lose a seat for 
no good reason. For that reason we want BF or Webster. BF would be better, 
but Webster is simpler, more naturally obvious, and has precedent.

Mike Ossipoff

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election-methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

Re: [EM] Apportionment bias

2006-12-11 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
At 11:39 PM 12/10/2006, Warren Smith wrote:
>  claim by this same (standard) definition, all other apportionment
>methods so far discussed, generically exhibit bias.

Note that Asset Voting with precinct-based vote transfers produces 
virtual districts and practically exact proportional representation, 
some of which would be effectively multimember districts, with no 
bias at all. (Or, more accurately, the "bias" is that the 
gerrymandering is done by the voters through their proxies, the 
candidates they vote for.)

(It is PR because any faction of voters who care to act as a faction 
can create seats belonging to the faction. But it also represents 
independent, non-affiliated voters. Essentially, the "factions" are 
those supporting a particular candidate or set of candidates. This is 
far more sophisticated than anything else I've seen proposed. It 
makes Range Voting, per se, not necessary for representative 
elections; Range still makes sense for single-winner officer elections.) 

election-methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

[EM] Webster bias?

2006-12-11 Thread MIKE OSSIPOFF
When I posted last night, I'd looked at Webster and noticed that each cycle 
of the step function has overall seats per quota that's a little less than 
one seat per quota. I saw that as bias, and found a different rounding 
formula by which the sum, over a step-function cycle, of the function's 
deviatian from 1 seat per quota, would be zero.

But now, looking at it again, it occurs to me that there's nothing wrong 
with Webster having net deviation from 1 seat per quota in each cycle, as 
long as it's the same in each cycle. Now it seems that all that is needed is 
that the sum of the seats(quotas) function's summed displacement from the 
1-seat-per-quota line be zero. And Webster achieves that. So, last night, I 
was making it more complicated than it is. I shouldn't have so quick to 
conclude that Balinski & Young were mistaken about Webster being unbiased. 
Anyway, I retract my statement that SL/Webster has bias.

The other roundoff formula that I posted last night would be the unbiased 
one if we wanted the sum of s(q)/q's summed displacement from 1 to be zero. 
But if we instead want the sum of s(q)'s displacement from the 
1-seat-per-quota line to be zero, we have an easier problem, a simpler 
formula, and it's Webster.

By the way, my demonstration that LR/Hamilton is unbiased used the same 
assumption that I've used with other methods. But it's a reasonable 
assumption. For instance, if a state's quotas are between two and three, 
I've assumed that it could equally well be anywhere between two and three.

So I also retract what I said about LR's unbias being less 
distribution-dependant than that of Webster.

Mike Ossipoff

Stay up-to-date with your friends through the Windows Live Spaces friends 

election-methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

[EM] Webster bias?

2006-12-11 Thread MIKE OSSIPOFF
When I posted last night, I'd looked at Webster and noticed that each cycle 
of the step function has overall seats per quota that's a little less than 
one seat per quota. I saw that as bias, and found a different rounding 
formula by which the sum, over a step-function cycle, of the function's 
deviatian from 1 seat per quota, would be zero.

But now, looking at it again, it occurs to me that there's nothing wrong 
with Webster having net deviation from 1 seat per quota in each cycle, as 
long as it's the same in each cycle. Now it seems that all that is needed is 
that the sum of the seats(quotas) function's summed displacement from the 
1-seat-per-quota line be zero. And Webster achieves that. So, last night, I 
was making it more complicated than it is. I shouldn't have so quick to 
conclude that Balinski & Young were mistaken about Webster being unbiased. 
Anyway, I retract my statement that SL/Webster has bias.

The other roundoff formula that I posted last night would be the unbiased 
one if we wanted the sum of s(q)/q's summed displacement from 1 to be zero. 
But if we instead want the sum of s(q)'s displacement from the 
1-seat-per-quota line to be zero, we have an easier problem, a simpler 
formula, and it's Webster.

By the way, my demonstration that LR/Hamilton is unbiased used the same 
assumption that I've used with other methods. But it's a reasonable 
assumption. For instance, if a state's quotas are between two and three, 
I've assumed that it could equally well be anywhere between two and three.

So I also retract what I said about LR's unbias being less 
distribution-dependant than that of Webster.

Mike Ossipoff

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election-methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

Re: [EM] Apportionment (biased?) let me add some more confusion to the mix :)

2006-12-11 Thread raphfrk
 > One more tool that can be useful in some situations is the
 > hierarchical structure of the states/parties. To guarantee that
 > certain set of states/parties will not be underrepresented they could
 > form a team/alliance. When seats are allocated to that team they
 > could lose (in typical allocation methods) only one seat to rounding
 > errors instead on many of them losing a seat. Geographic alliances
 > would maybe be more natural than e.g. an alliance of small states.
 What about sorting the States based on population and then splitting
 them into 2 groups such that the total population in each group is as
 equal as possible.
 The fractional seat is then split between the 2 groups based on (Webster?)
 ... or maybe Webster should be used directly?
 This is then applied to each group recursively.
 If any State ends up with zero seats, it is removed from the process
 and given a seat directly. The process is then re-run, until it
 completes with all remaining States getting at least 1 seat.
 This pretty much is forced to be unbiased between small and large States
 size. However, perhaps it would be biased in other ways.
 An additional rule could then be that States are allowed to form groups
 'manually', and manual groups cannot be split in two by the algorithm
 (until the group being processed is the manual group itself).
 > I already mentioned the different voting power. A simple method in
 > that direction would be to elect one representative from every state
 > and give her voting power in relation to the number of people she
 > represents. Or maybe large states would be given n seats with 1/n of
 > the voting power of the state etc. Maybe the building where these
 > representatives will work has a fixed number of physical seats =>
 > fill those seats and allocate voting power according to that.
 The logistics of this would make the legislature less efficient. One
 possible rule would be that all Representatives must have voting
 strengths between 0.9 and 1.1 and a detailed count only happens if
 the vote is close (or if there is a motion demanding it).

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election-methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

[EM] Webster has a little bias. The Unbiased Rounding method.

2006-12-11 Thread MIKE OSSIPOFF

When I said that my definition of bias, a systematic disparity in seats per 
quota, opens up a can of worms when it's applied, what I meant was that it 
shows bias for Webster.  Very, very little bias.

Sometimes it's best to open a can of worms.

Is there a quota and roundoff method that's free of bias? For quota and 
roundoff methods, such as Webster, Hill, etc., freedom from bias is only 
possible with some particular probability density disrtribution for the 
states' populations or their numbers of population quotas.

So let's say that that distribution is uniform.

The quota and roundof method that is unbiased is the one that has, as its 
roundoff point (between the integers a & b):


The first of its successive roundoff points (to the nearest hundredth) are:

1.47, 2.48, 3.49, 4.49, 5.49, 6.49, 7.49, 8.5, 9.5

These roundoff points are much closer to those of Webster than to those of 
Hill, suggesting that Webster is the least biased of the 5 standard quota 
and roundoff methods.

Maybe the above-described method has already been described, but if not, or 
if it hasn't been named, I'll call it the Unbiased Method, the Bias-Free 
method, or (more descriptively) Unbiased Roundoff.

Largest-Remander/Hamilton is the only distribution-independent unbiased 

Mike Ossipoff

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