[EM] Another auto districting proposal (Crystal districting?)

2009-11-18 Thread Raph Frank
Was thinking, what about something like:

1) Select N*M points on the map somehow.
N is the number of seats
M is a power of 2 (say 256)

2) Each block is assigned to the point that has the lowest

d^2 + kn

d = distance from block (or person) to point
kn = offset for that point

3) Select the kn values so that all points have equal population.

This generates a convex region for each point.

(Hopefully, there is always a unique solution?).

The population difference between the max and min regions would be less than
double the size of the max census block (so less than 2  (i.e. one or zero),
if each resident was considered individually, and they all lived alone).

One issue at this point is that ideally, these blocks should themselves be
contiguous.  Depending on how the state boundary goes, this might not
occur.  If they aren't contiguous, then the resulting districts wouldn't be
guaranteed to be contiguous.  Ofc, this is also true for splitline.

4) Find the 2 regions such that
a) they are contiguous
b) they haven't been combined already in this round
c) If they split the map into 2 parts, all resulting pieces must still have
an even number of regions
d) they have the best measure of some kind

(also if combining 2 regions will fix a non-contiguous region problem, then
they must be given priority?)

5) Combine those 2 regions into a combined region

6) Goto 4) unless all regions have been combined in this round

7) If there are more than N regions remaining, then advance to next round
and goto 4)

Notes on the combination rules:

a) they are contiguous

This is obvious

b) they haven't been combined already in this round

Since M is a power of 2, by pairing off all the blocks in each round, after
a log2(M) rounds there will be N regions.

c) If they split the map into 2 parts, all resulting pieces must still have
an even number of regions

This is to prevent regions ending up locked out and unpairable.

For example, if the regions formed a line


and BC was combined, then A would be isolated.


Thus it can't be combined.

This means that the only valid combinations in the example are AB, CD, EF,

Also, it is important that connected refers to connections that occur
inside the State boundary.  The regions near the edges of the State will
extend to infinity, but connections outside the state don't count.

d) they have the best measure of some kind

This should try to combine regions of dense population.

For example,
- the perimeter when combined (lower better)
- the distance between their centres of population (lower better)
- area (low better)
- Area/(perimeter^2) (high better)

Note on step 1)

I think a fast version of splitline should be sufficient here.  For example,
you could alternate between N-S and E-W lines.  Once M*N boxes are
created, you could take the centre of population of each box as one of the

Each step would only require a median search.  There would be no requirement
to figure out the intercept point between the lines and the State boundary.
Also, population balance isn't critical here (though can probably achieved).

Election-Methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

Re: [EM] Is there a PR voting method obeying participation criterion?

2009-11-18 Thread Terry Bouricius
Abd wrote
Under Robert's Rules, if a voter writes something on a ballot, the voter 
has voted, and the vote is counted in the basis for majority, 

This is not necessarily correct. Abd is probably relying on the statements 
on page 402-3 of RRONR 10th edition, that even illegal votes cast by legal 
voters are included in the basis and that a ballot that registers any 
evidence of having some opinion should be included.

However, a voter who casts a ballot may partially abstain by marking 
fewer candidates than allowed (see Right of Abstention page 394). 
Abstaining (as with a blank ballot) removes the ballot from the basis of a 
majority calculation (see Majority Vote -  the Basic Requirement page 
387). Thus in an IRV election it is arguable either way as to whether a 
ballot that abstains as to any preference between two finalists (registers 
no opinion on this particular question) should be included in the basis or 
not. The actual practice of organizations using IRV (preferential voting) 
on which RRONR is based, indicates rather convincingly that exhausted 
ballots are not used in the basis for calculating a winning threshold.

Abd and I have been around and around on this in the past, and I have no 
desire to revisit the topic, but I just wanted to indicate that this is 
not an open and shut case as Abd suggests.

Terry Bouricius

- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax a...@lomaxdesign.com
To: Warren Smith warren@gmail.com; election-methods 
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 10:27 PM
Subject: Re: [EM] Is there a PR voting method obeying participation 

At 01:08 PM 11/17/2009, Warren Smith wrote:
This seems to be an open question at present.  But it might be pretty
easy to prove or disprove.

A multiwinner voting method obeys participation if an extra voter,
by voting honestly, cannot make the election result worse (in her
view) than if she had not voted.

Might be a small point, but voted should be defined. Under Robert's
Rules, if a voter writes something on a ballot, the voter has voted,
and the vote is counted in the basis for majority, and analogous for
PR would be that the voter has possibly increased the quota.

But we can also look at what happens if the voter votes for an
irrelevant candidate. If we are going to be able to properly analyze
the systems in a fair way, I think we have to assume that the voter
votes for someone who is at least eligible, and that if it's Asset,
the candidate actually is available to recast the vote and fairly
functions as an effective representative of the voter in further
process. No voting method can protect a voter from being dissatisfied
with the candidate they voted for!

Asset, then, could only change the outcome negatively for the voter
by causing some effect due to increasing the quota. How could that happen?

 From the voter voting, the quota increased by a fraction. For
accuracy of vote transfers later on, I recommend that exact quotas be
used. In the first round, the fractional vote is irrelevant, but it
would be considered when determining excess votes available for
transfer. In any case, an increase in quota could cause a failure to
immediately elect, or could prevent a later election.

But the candidate holding this voters' vote could overcome this,
still effectively casting the voter's vote to improve the outcome,
should an initial election that would improve the outcome fail by one
vote, being a fractional vote short.

I think Asset, properly implemented, satisfies a reasonable
interpretation of participation. There is no harm caused by the
voter's participation that cannot be remedied by a proper recasting
of the voter's vote.

Ah! The voter's vote can affect more than one election. But if
fractional vote transfers can be made (which I recommend) then the
voter's proxy can fix the problem by spreading that vote among the
affected candidates. If fractional vote transfers can't be made,
then, sure, there is a technical failure which is basically roundoff
error. That's silly, an example of voting criteria gone mad,
separated from practical reality.

It is fair if symmetric under permuting the candidates and voters.

Conjecture: there does not exist a fair multiwinner proportional
voting method obeying participation.

I don't know how to apply fair. Can you give an example of a system
which is not fair by this definition? That would help.

Election-Methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

Election-Methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

Re: [EM] Another auto districting proposal (Crystal districting?)

2009-11-18 Thread Juho
This is a nice approach. Maybe it could be simpler though. What do you  
think about using N points and the d^2+kn rule, and determining a  
criterion that tells how good some given division is (taking path  
lengths, equal distribution of voters etc. as parameters), and then  
use any generic optimization algorithms that can modify both the kn  
values and the location of the points to find the best solution based  
on the agreed criterion?

On could either agree one official optimization algorithm and then run  
it, or one could allow anyone to try to optimize the division and then  
officially adopt the best found result to be used in the elections.

Well, this approach is also complex in the sense that the general  
optimization algorithms may be as complex as you want, but the  
optimization algorithms are totally independent of the politics and  
the basic rules that determine what the final outcome should be (the  
criterion) can be quite simple and intuitive.

(Additional criteria like favouring border lines that follow the  
borders of states or rivers etc. can be easily included in the agreed  
criterion. Maybe even higher cost of splitting cities etc.)


On Nov 18, 2009, at 4:29 PM, Raph Frank wrote:

Was thinking, what about something like:

1) Select N*M points on the map somehow.
N is the number of seats
M is a power of 2 (say 256)

2) Each block is assigned to the point that has the lowest

d^2 + kn

d = distance from block (or person) to point
kn = offset for that point

3) Select the kn values so that all points have equal population.

This generates a convex region for each point.

(Hopefully, there is always a unique solution?).

The population difference between the max and min regions would be  
less than double the size of the max census block (so less than 2   
(i.e. one or zero), if each resident was considered individually,  
and they all lived alone).

One issue at this point is that ideally, these blocks should  
themselves be contiguous.  Depending on how the state boundary goes,  
this might not occur.  If they aren't contiguous, then the resulting  
districts wouldn't be guaranteed to be contiguous.  Ofc, this is  
also true for splitline.

4) Find the 2 regions such that
a) they are contiguous
b) they haven't been combined already in this round
c) If they split the map into 2 parts, all resulting pieces must  
still have an even number of regions

d) they have the best measure of some kind

(also if combining 2 regions will fix a non-contiguous region  
problem, then they must be given priority?)

5) Combine those 2 regions into a combined region

6) Goto 4) unless all regions have been combined in this round

7) If there are more than N regions remaining, then advance to next  
round and goto 4)

Notes on the combination rules:

a) they are contiguous

This is obvious

b) they haven't been combined already in this round

Since M is a power of 2, by pairing off all the blocks in each  
round, after a log2(M) rounds there will be N regions.

c) If they split the map into 2 parts, all resulting pieces must  
still have an even number of regions

This is to prevent regions ending up locked out and unpairable.

For example, if the regions formed a line


and BC was combined, then A would be isolated.


Thus it can't be combined.

This means that the only valid combinations in the example are AB,  

Also, it is important that connected refers to connections that  
occur inside the State boundary.  The regions near the edges of the  
State will extend to infinity, but connections outside the state  
don't count.

d) they have the best measure of some kind

This should try to combine regions of dense population.

For example,
- the perimeter when combined (lower better)
- the distance between their centres of population (lower better)
- area (low better)
- Area/(perimeter^2) (high better)

Note on step 1)

I think a fast version of splitline should be sufficient here.  For  
example, you could alternate between N-S and E-W lines.  Once M*N  
boxes are created, you could take the centre of population of each  
box as one of the points.

Each step would only require a median search.  There would be no  
requirement to figure out the intercept point between the lines and  
the State boundary.  Also, population balance isn't critical here  
(though can probably achieved).

Election-Methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for  
list info

Election-Methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

[EM] Multipile Transferable Votes

2009-11-18 Thread Stephen H. Sosnick
In a message about STV that appeared in 
Election-Methods Digest on 29-Aug-2009, I said 
the following:  1 vote [per ballot] is a 
special case.  And, unfortunately, mentioning 
only that special case gives opponents of 
transferable-vote systems a politically 
effective counter-argument. Instead, what 
people favoring transferable-vote elections 
should say is that (1) every valid ballot will 
cast the same number of votes, and (2) the 
same outcome will emerge regardless of how 
many votes each valid ballot casts, whether 
that number is (a) 1 (which simplifies 
calculation), (b) the number of open seats 
(which might be, say, 3), or even (c) merely a 
letter, say, v.

Two people posted comments.

One wrote, This statement is wrong Š.  In 
STV-PR each voter has one vote and one vote 
only throughout the entire process.  Š  It is 
extremely important to refer to STV as the 
SINGLE Transferable Vote, because each voter 
must have only one vote to ensure PR. Š PR 
cannot be obtained (except by chance) if that 
single vote is not transferable Š.

The other comment was, Ahh I see what you are 
aiming for.  Effectively, each voter gets to 
submit v ranked ballots.  This could make 
counting pretty hard.

Both writers missed the point.

On the other hand, our leading election 
theorist, that is, Nicolaus Tideman, 
understood. He saw that, as I had asserted, 
changing the number of votes cast by each 
ballot in a transferable-vote election might 
not affect the outcome of the election.  And, 
remarkably, he tested and illustrated my 

To do so, Professor Tideman referred to a file 
he had containing 460 rankings actually 
submitted in a ranked-voting election with 4 
winners and 10 candidates.  He selected three 
different numbers of votes that each ballot 
might have cast in that election, namely, 1 
(the number actually cast per ballot), 2, and 
4 (the number of seats being filled).  For 
each of these three possibilities, he 
determined which candidates would have won the 

Professor Tideman used three different 
versions of STV.  He used the two 
most-sophisticated versions currently 
available, namely, Meek's method and Warren's 
method, and also the Newland-Britton method. 
The latter is much advanced over early 
versions of STV (for example, over the 
primitive version still used in Massachusetts) 
but, like them, does not transfer a vote from 
a candidate being eliminated to the voter's 
next choice if that next choice was elected 
earlier in the calculations (as a result, that 
voter's following choice receives a larger 
transfer directly instead of a smaller 
transfer indirectly).

Professor Tideman recently sent me his 
results, along with a copy of voters' 
rankings.  Appendix 1, below, reproduces the 
calculations with Meek's method, and the 
results with Warren and Newland-Britton are 
available on request.

To understand the calculations, you need to 
notice which variables changed and which 
variables did not change when the number of 
votes cast by each ballot changed.

With each of the three versions of STV, three 
variables changed as the number of votes per 
ballot changed from 1 to 2 to 4.  The 
variables that changed were the values at each 
stage of (a) the quota (that is, the number of 
votes that a candidate currently needs to be 
elected), (b) the candidates' tallies (that 
is, the number of votes that, after transfers 
of votes that occurred at previous stages, 
each candidate currently has), and (c) the 
excess (that is, the number of votes that, 
because some ballots have incomplete rankings, 
cannot be transferred from elected or 
eliminated candidates to active candidates).

When the number of votes cast by each ballot 
changed, each of those three variables changed 
in proportion.  Specifically, when each ballot 
cast 2 votes, the quota, the tallies, and the 
excess at every stage were 2 times the level 
they had when each ballot cast 1 vote. 
Similarly, when each ballot cast 4 votes, the 
values at every stage were 4 times the level 
that those variables had when each ballot cast 
1 vote.

To see the re-scaling, compare three columns 
in Appendix 1, namely, (a) the third column 
from the left (that is, the column with the 
heading 1), which contains the quota, 
tallies, and excess that emerged at each stage 
when each ballot cast one vote, (b) the fourth 
column from the left (that is, the column 
headed 2), which contains the quota, 
tallies, and excess that emerged at each stage 
when each ballot cast 2 votes, and (c) the 
fifth column from the left (that is, the 
column headed 4), which contains the quota, 
tallies, and excess that emerged at each stage 
when each ballot cast 4 votes.

Equally important is what did NOT change as 
the number of votes cast by each ballot 
changed from 1 to 2 to 4.  There was no change 
at any stage in the retention proportion of 
any candidate. (If a candidate's current tally 
exceeds the current quota, a 

Re: [EM] Dectecting Clone Sets

2009-11-18 Thread fsimmons
How's this for making Kemeny clone free?

Ballots are ordinal with equal rankings and truncation allowed.

The distance between two candidates is the number of ballots on which they are
distinguished, i.e. one ranked and one not, or both ranked but not equal.

In normal Kemeny the distance between two ballots is the minimum number of
transpositions to convert one ballot into the other.  My suggestion is to modify
this count by giving each transposition a weight proportional to the distance
between the two candidates involved.

The Kemeny order is the permutation of the candidates whose average Kemeny
distance to the ballots is minimum.  I claim that if the suggested modified
Kemeny distance is used, then the method is clone free.

Kemeny is NP hard because there are so many permutations to check, not because
the distances are hard to calculate.

So I suggest that various standard permutations always be checked along with
each ballot order, as well as as many other orders as anybody wants to nominate.

The ballot orders that have truncations or equal rankings should be completed in
various ways (for this purpose only, not for use in the distance or average
distance computations) if a complete ordering of the candidates is desired.

Election-Methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

Re: [EM] strategy-free Condorcet method after all!

2009-11-18 Thread Dave Ketchum

Took me a while, but hope what I say is useful.

Jobst had good words, except he oversimplified.

Centuries ago Llull had an idea which Condorcet improved a bit -  
compare each pair of candidates, and go with whoever wins in each  
pair.  Works fine when there is a CW for, once the CW is found, it  
will win every following comparison.

BUT, in our newer studying, we know that there is sometimes a cycle,  
and NO CW.  Perhaps useful to take the N*N array from an election and  
use its values as a test of Jobst's rules:
 There may be some comparisons before the CW wins one.  Then the  
found CW will win all following comparisons.
 BUT, if no CW, you soon find a cycle member and cycle members  
win all following comparisons, just as the CW did above.

 We are into Condorcet with ranking and no approval cutoffs.
 Testing the N*N array for CW is easy enough, once you decide  
what to do with ties.
 Deciding on rules for resolving cycles is a headache, but I  
question involving anything for this other than the N*N array - such  
as the complications Jobst and fsimmons offer.

Dave Ketchum

On Nov 17, 2009, at 8:53 PM, fsimm...@pcc.edu wrote:

Here's a way to incorporate this idea for large groups:

Ballots are ordinal with approval cutoffs.

After the ballots are counted, list the candidates in order of  

Use just enough randomly chosen ballots to determine the Lull winner  
with 90%
confidence: let L(0) be the candidate with least approval.  Then for  
i = 0, 1,
2, ... move L(i) up the list until some candidate L(i+1) beats L(i)  
pairwise (in the random sample). If the majority is so close that  
the required

confidence is not attained, then increase the sample size, etc.

Then with the entire ballots set, apply Jobst's Reverse Lull  
method:  Start with
candidate A at the top of the approval list.  If  a majority of the  
ballots rank
A above the Lull winner (i.e. the presumed winner if A is not  
elected) then
elect A. Otherwise, go down the list one candidate to candidate B.   
Let L be the
top Lull winner with approval less than B.  If a majority of ballots  
rank B

above L, then elect B, else continue down the list in the same way.

In each case the comparison is of a candidate C with the L(i) with  
the most

approval less than C's approval.

If the decisions are all made in the same direction as in the  
sample, then the
Reverse Lull winner is the same as the Lull winner, but occasionally  
(about ten

percent of the time) there will be a surprise.

If a voter knew that her ballot was going to be used in the forward  
Lull sample,
she would be tempted to vote strategically.  But in a large  
election, most
voters would not be in the sample, so there would be little point in  
them voting
strategically.  If sincerity had any positive utility at all, it  
would be enough

to result in sincere rankings (in a large enough election).

Election-Methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

Re: [EM] Proportional Representation from Ratings Ballots

2009-11-18 Thread Brian Olson

On Nov 5, 2009, at 12:37 PM, Raph Frank wrote:

Party A (65 voters):
A1: 0.7
A2: 0.7
B: 0

Party B (35 voters)
A1: 0
A2: 0
B: 1

Round 1
A1: 45.5
A2: 45.5
B: 35

All 3 have exceeded the quota.

A1 or A2 will be elected and that will cause the 2nd unelected member
of that party to increase his vote since they exceeded the quota.
Thus after round 2, both A1 parties will be elected.

Oh, that is a problem. It gets the right answer if I use L1 norm  
instead of L2. I think L2 norm is going to work better for single-seat  
IRNR but L1 norm better for multi-seat. L2 inflates the amount of vote  
that winds up getting applied to multiple choices.

Warren Smith pointed out some pathological cases like: what if  
everyone voted (1,0,0,0,0) or (0,1,1,1,1), but I just can't get worked  
up over how if everyone voted weirdly they might get a weird answer.

I'm working up a set of election space diagrams for STV, IRNRP and an  
artificial method that maximizes happiness where every voter gets a  
maximum of 1 unit of happiness (no point in giving any one voter too  
many of their favorite choices).

What I want out of a PR election method:
1. Evaluate the whole ballot at once (not just first place vote like  
IRV/STV). This tends to find better solutions.
2. No wasted vote. Choices that don't win (disqualified in  
intermediate rounds) don't detract from a voter's ability to elect the  
best choice they can. Voting for a very popular choice leaves you some  
vote left for less preferred choices. (STV with Meek redistribution  
does this OK)
3. Poportionality. Colloquially: An N% constituency should get about N 
% of the seats.

4. Utility. Maximize the sum happiness of the population.
5. Fairness. No one or no group should be unnecessarily shut out.
6. Strategy resistance. For any voter or bloc of voters, honest voting  
maximizes expected utility.

Brian Olson

Election-Methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

Re: [EM] strategy-free Condorcet method after all!

2009-11-18 Thread robert bristow-johnson

On Nov 18, 2009, at 6:25 PM, Dave Ketchum wrote:

BUT, in our newer studying, we know that there is sometimes a  
cycle, and NO CW.

there certainly *can* be a cycle.  since Condorcet is not yet used in  
governmental elections there is no track record there to say  
sometimes.  have there been cases in organization elections (like  
Wikipedia and those listed in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ 
Schulze_method#Use_of_the_Schulze_method ) that evidently use a  
Condorcet method.  are there historical cases where there were cycles  
with any of those organizations?  or is it only the hypothesizing of  
election method scholars and commentators?  sure, we can create  
pathological cases where there is a cycle, but does it really happen?

i'm not saying it can't be expected to; when i voted for IRV for  
Burlington VT in 2005, i thought to myself that it would not likely  
ever elect a non-CW when a CW exists because we know that if the CW  
would have to be eliminated before the final IRV round.  that didn't  
happen in 2006, but that is exactly what happened in Burlington in  
2009.  so pathologies can happen even if we might guess they happen  

but are there actual elections in some organizations where there was  
no CW?

  Perhaps useful to take the N*N array from an election and use its  
values as a test of Jobst's rules:
 There may be some comparisons before the CW wins one.  Then  
the found CW will win all following comparisons.
 BUT, if no CW, you soon find a cycle member and cycle members  
win all following comparisons, just as the CW did above.

 We are into Condorcet with ranking and no approval cutoffs.
 Testing the N*N array for CW is easy enough, once you decide  
what to do with ties.
 Deciding on rules for resolving cycles is a headache, but I  
question involving anything for this other than the N*N array -  
such as the complications Jobst and fsimmons offer.

the outcome of resolving a Condorcet paradox should never depend on  
the chronological order that pairs are considered.  if the method  
does involving starting with a particular pair and proceeding to  
another pair (like Tideman would), it should come up with the same  
result, no matter which pair you happen to consider first.  and if a  
CW exists, the method should always pick the CW.


r b-j  r...@audioimagination.com

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

On Nov 17, 2009, at 8:53 PM, fsimm...@pcc.edu wrote:

Here's a way to incorporate this idea for large groups:

Ballots are ordinal with approval cutoffs.

After the ballots are counted, list the candidates in order of  

Use just enough randomly chosen ballots to determine the Lull  
winner with 90%
confidence: let L(0) be the candidate with least approval.  Then  
for i = 0, 1,
2, ... move L(i) up the list until some candidate L(i+1) beats L 
(i) majority
pairwise (in the random sample). If the majority is so close that  
the required

confidence is not attained, then increase the sample size, etc.

Then with the entire ballots set, apply Jobst's Reverse Lull  
method:  Start with
candidate A at the top of the approval list.  If  a majority of  
the ballots rank
A above the Lull winner (i.e. the presumed winner if A is not  
elected) then
elect A. Otherwise, go down the list one candidate to candidate  
B.  Let L be the
top Lull winner with approval less than B.  If a majority of  
ballots rank B

above L, then elect B, else continue down the list in the same way.

In each case the comparison is of a candidate C with the L(i) with  
the most

approval less than C's approval.

If the decisions are all made in the same direction as in the  
sample, then the
Reverse Lull winner is the same as the Lull winner, but  
occasionally (about ten

percent of the time) there will be a surprise.

If a voter knew that her ballot was going to be used in the  
forward Lull sample,
she would be tempted to vote strategically.  But in a large  
election, most
voters would not be in the sample, so there would be little point  
in them voting
strategically.  If sincerity had any positive utility at all, it  
would be enough

to result in sincere rankings (in a large enough election).

Election-Methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info