Re: [EM] Better Approval-voting option? Could ABucklin fail FBC?

2012-03-01 Thread Kevin Venzke
Hi Mike,

>À : 
>Envoyé le : Jeudi 1 mars 2012 15h55
>Objet : [EM] Better Approval-voting option? Could ABucklin fail FBC?
>But could this happen?:
>If you rank your favorite, F,  in 1st place, s/he gets a majority, even though 
>s/he doesn't win, because someone else has a higher
>A number of people rank F, and, if you help F get a majority, then they won't 
>give a vote to their next choice.
>That's regrettable, because their next choice could win with those votes, 
>while F can't win. And when their next choice doesn't win,
>someone worse than s/he (as judged by you) wins.
>You got a worse result because you didn't favorite-bury.
>So maybe, even if that scenario is merely possible, I shouldn't propose 
>Stepwise-to-Majority unless it turns out that the FBC-failure scenario
>can't happen.
>But more worrying is the fact that one could tell that same story about 
>ABucklin (the ER-Bucklin defined at electowiki).
>Of course a vague verbal scenario like the above might not have an actual 
>numerical example that can carry it out. There might
>be some reason why such an example couldn't work. Still, it's worrying.
>Does anyone know if there's actually a proof that ER-Bucklin meets FBC?  
>Can it be shown that the verbal FBC-Failure scenario described above couldn't 
>really happen?
>Might ABucklin fail FBC?
I want to help but I'm not sure I understand the failure scenario you

With three candidates ER-Bucklin(whole) gives the same results as MCA.
There can't be much doubt that MCA satisfies FBC. But maybe you have in
mind a scenario with more than three candidates?
Off the top of my head I would argue that ERBW satisfies FBC because
when you raise your favorite to equal-top, this can only delay the
reception of votes for candidates that you like less than your top
candidates (because it's only on your own ballot that this has an 
effect). You aren't doing anything to delay acquisition of votes by
your top-ranked compromise choice from other voters.

Any thoughts?


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Re: [EM] SODA sometimes FBC-safe

2012-03-01 Thread Jameson Quinn

>  Jameson:
> You wrote:
> Actually, with SODA, it does help, because you can know ex ante (by
> looking at the predeclared preferences) when you are safe by FBC. That is,
> if you prefer A>B, and B prefers A, or A prefers B, or A and B both prefer
> a certain viable C, then you are safe. Only if B prefers the most-viable
> third candidate C, but A is indifferent between B and C, then you might
> consider a favorite-betraying vote for B. And even then, it's only
> appropriate if A very nearly, but not quite, is able to win... not exactly
> the situation where favorite betrayal is the first thing on your mind.
> This is a specific enough circumstance that favorite-betraying strategy
> would never "take off" and become a serious factor in SODA.
> With SODA, you can give that as a solid ex-ante guarantee to most voters,
> just not quite all of them. This is unlike the situation in most voting
> systems, where you can make no solid guarantees before the vote unless you
> can make them to all voters.
> [endquote]
> Ok yes, as you say, that's a very different situation from the ordinary
> FBC-failure, because, for most people there is known to be no
> favorite-burial need. The favorite-burial problem really
> exists when there's uncertainty for everyone, or for a large percentage of
> the voters, which isn't the case with SODA.
> Thank you.

By the way, I left out one further circumstance in which you are FBC-safe.
Using the letters above, you are also safe if C declared a preference for
B. If C prefers A or is indifferent between A and B, then you might have to
worry (if all the other circumstances listed above also pertain.)



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[EM] Better Approval-voting option? Could ABucklin fail FBC?

2012-03-01 Thread MIKE OSSIPOFF

Though the options of voting as in AOCBucklin, MTAOC or MCAOC in an Approval 
election make some sense, when the election is regarded as
that kind of election, with some people (the Approval-ballot voters) rating 
everyone at top-rank, one can't help noticing that some aspects of those
vote-management options, in an Approval election, seem suboptimal for the voter.

Two conclusions suggest themselves:

1. Maybe MTA, MCA and ABucklin don't often really improve on Approval. Maybe 
Approval-style voting is often the best strategy
in those methods.

2. Maybe there could be a better vote-management option in an Approval election.

Regarding #2, how about Stepwise-to-Majority?

I'd previously proposed Middle-When-Needed, and Stepwise-When-Needed. 
Stepwise-When-Needed could be called 
Stepwise-to-Win. The rankings, as in Bucklin, keep simultaneously giving a vote 
to their next choice, stepwise, by stages,
as in ABucklin, each ballot continuing to do so as long as no candidate it's 
already given to is the current winner. I acknowledged, at that
time, that it would often turn out to be no different from an Approval count of 
all the ranked candidates.

Then I noticed that the those 2 methods probably fail FBC. I wondered if 
there's something somewhat similar that meets FBC.

Maybe, judging candidates by an arbitrary number like majority would avoid the 
problem, as opposed to judging by whether one of
your higher ranked candidates is winning.

Hence, Stepwise-to-Majority.

During the Buckliln-like vote-giving stages, each ballot keeps giving to its 
next choice till someone it has given to has a majority.

But could this happen?:

If you rank your favorite, F,  in 1st place, s/he gets a majority, even though 
s/he doesn't win, because someone else has a higher

A number of people rank F, and, if you help F get a majority, then they won't 
give a vote to their next choice.

That's regrettable, because their next choice could win with those votes, while 
F can't win. And when their next choice doesn't win,
someone worse than s/he (as judged by you) wins.

You got a worse result because you didn't favorite-bury.

So maybe, even if that scenario is merely possible, I shouldn't propose 
Stepwise-to-Majority unless it turns out that the FBC-failure scenario
can't happen.

But more worrying is the fact that one could tell that same story about 
ABucklin (the ER-Bucklin defined at electowiki).

Of course a vague verbal scenario like the above might not have an actual 
numerical example that can carry it out. There might
be some reason why such an example couldn't work. Still, it's worrying.

Does anyone know if there's actually a proof that ER-Bucklin meets FBC?  

Can it be shown that the verbal FBC-Failure scenario described above couldn't 
really happen?

Might ABucklin fail FBC?

Mike Ossipoff

Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

[EM] SODA sometimes FBC-safe

2012-03-01 Thread MIKE OSSIPOFF


You wrote:

 with SODA, it does help, because you can know ex ante (by looking at 
the predeclared preferences) when you are safe by FBC. That is, if you 
prefer A>B, and B prefers A, or A prefers B, or A and B both prefer a
 certain viable C, then you are safe. Only if B prefers the most-viable 
third candidate C, but A is indifferent between B and C, then you might 
consider a favorite-betraying vote for B. And even then, it's only 
appropriate if A very nearly, but not quite, is able to win... not 
exactly the situation where favorite betrayal is the first thing on your

This is a specific enough circumstance that 
favorite-betraying strategy would never "take off" and become a serious 
factor in SODA.
 SODA, you can give that as a solid ex-ante guarantee to most voters, 
just not quite all of them. This is unlike the situation in most voting 
systems, where you can make no solid guarantees before the vote unless 
you can make them to all voters.


Ok yes, as you say, that's a very different situation from the ordinary 
FBC-failure, because, for most people there is known to be no favorite-burial 
need. The favorite-burial problem really
exists when there's uncertainty for everyone, or for a large percentage of the 
voters, which isn't the case with SODA.

Mike Ossipoff

Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

[EM] "Tablebases" and inverting proportionality models

2012-03-01 Thread Kristofer Munsterhjelm

I think I have found a way to help the design of multiwinner methods.

As you may know, I've been using a proportionality measure to find the 
degree to which multiwinner methods give proportional representation, 
and along with Bayesian regret, to define the current Pareto front of BR 
versus disproportionality for multiwinner methods that we know of. Some 
of these tradeoff results are given at .

Some time ago, I was playing with numbers, trying to figure out how many 
distinct ranked ballot sets exist for a given number of voters and 
candidates. Because we would expect any reasonable voting method to obey 
neutrality and symmetry (invariance under permutations of voter and 
candidate orders), the number of distinct ranked ballot sets turn out to 
be much smaller than I expected.

If we consider ranked ballots without equal rank or truncation, then the 
number is (n + k - 1) choose k, where k is the number of voters - 1, and 
n is the factorial of the number of candidates.

For 3 candidates, we have, for instance:

num voters = 10, num ballot sets = 2002(11 bits)
num voters = 25, num ballot sets = 118 755 (17 bits)
num voters = 50, num ballot sets = 3 162 510   (22 bits)
num voters = 100, num ballot sets = 91 962 520 (27 bits)

So with a small number of voters, we could store the mean 
disproportionality and regret for all possible ballot sets, and if each 
set has a sufficient number of samples, we could look up any given 
ballot set and simply see how disproportional each outcome is, on average.

What does that give us? My proportionality metric works by giving each 
candidate and voter a certain binary issue profile, where a given voter 
is either for or against a given issue. Then it constructs ballots that 
are consistent with this: voters rank candidates with like issue 
positions ahead of those with dissimilar positions; and the 
proportionality per issue of the outcome picked by a multiwinner method 
can be compared in terms of how many of the council members are in favor 
of issue one (two, n) versus how many of the voters are so.

However, that metric starts from issue profiles and generates ballot 
sets. It can't go in the other direction by itself. Yet with the 
"tablebase" - a map from ballot sets to sets of performance numbers - we 
can do so easily. By noting the disproportionality of every outcome for 
the ballot sets as we encounter those ballot sets, we can build a record 
of the function so as to invert it afterwards.

And how does that help in mechanism design? Usually, for two-of-three 
elections, the pattern is that one outcome is dominated by the other two 
(i.e. the other two have both lower regret and disproportionality), and 
then one outcome is more proportional but has more regret, and the last 
outcome has less regret but is less proportional also. By looking at 
these ballot sets and outcomes, we can try to come up with rules that 
keep the dominated solutions from being picked.

Inverting the proportionality metric would also make it possible to 
determine the Pareto front for all ranked methods within the binary 
issue model given (and the constraints on number of candidates and 
voters). A brute-force approach would simply note that each possible 
decisive method has to give an outcome for all (or most of) the ballot 
sets, and plot the Pareto front of the performance of every possible 
outcome combination. But if there are 1000 ballot sets and 3 possible 
outcomes for each, that's 3^1000, which is clearly infeasible. Dynamic 
programming can probably make it feasible again.

Regarding criteria, the map could be used to find out how much a certain 
criterion constrains outcomes. That could be done directly as well 
(without the need for storage), but using a map could give some idea of 
how passing a criterion limits the Pareto front, too.

Finally, one could use the tablebase to make a Yee diagram for an 
"optimal" method (again, given the constraints and model). Just define 
an indifference function (how much disproportionality people are willing 
to accept for lowered majoritarian regret), then when given a certain 
ballot set by the Yee generator, determine which outcome is best 
according to the indifference function and respond as if the (unknown) 
method chose that outcome. It isn't trivial, though: Yee drawing usually 
involves having hundreds if not thousands of voters. Perhaps one could 
use some sort of repeated sampling or antialiasing to get a conclusive 
result even with <100 voters per sample.

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