Re: [EM] Reference for poll where experts endorsed approval?

2012-08-01 Thread Rob LeGrand
Jameson wrote:
> (Actually, I'm looking for all academic departments/institutes focused
> on voting systems/social choice. So far, I've found just one:

In case it's relevant, the Computational Social Choice Seminar is a
series of talks at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation at
the University of Amsterdam:

They have grad students there doing work in that area, and there's a
dedicated course taught as well:

Rob LeGrand

Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [EM] finding the beat path winner with just one pass through the ranked pairs

2011-12-09 Thread Rob LeGrand
Markus wrote:
> the runtime to calculate the strongest path from
> every candidate to every other candidate is O(C^3).
> However, the runtime to sort O(C^2) pairwise defeats
> is already O(C^4). So you cannot get a faster
> algorithm by sorting the pairwise defeats.

Can't you sort O(C^2) items in O(C^2 log C) time if you use a O(n log n)
algorithm such as heapsort?

Rob LeGrand
Citizens for Approval Voting

Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [EM] Automated Approval methods (was Single Contest)

2011-07-25 Thread Rob LeGrand
Kevin wrote:
> Well, there aren't technically any (serious) strategy-free methods. I'm
> referring more to a method not having obvious strategic incentives, or
> at least not having a lot of a single type of strategic incentive, so
> that everybody knows that "in method X you should use Y strategy all
> the time" etc.

Yes, I can't claim that nonmonotonicity always leads to easily
generalizable manipulability.  I guess a while back I got pretty
discouraged by the weak nonmanipulability guarantees that conventional
voting systems can make, which led me to take my DSV research in slightly
different directions.

I just decided to throw that little "proof" out there since I couldn't
remember seeing anything like it before.  I don't claim it to be
especially graceful or useful, and I'll bet someone's done it better

Rob LeGrand
Citizens for Approval Voting

Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [EM] Automated Approval methods (was Single Contest)

2011-07-25 Thread Rob LeGrand
Kevin wrote:
> Yes, but if it were strategy-free somehow, I think it would be worth
> it. Real life isn't monotone. I don't imagine that all the prettier Yee
> diagrams would really look like that if voters were using information
> and strategy!

I may be missing something, but I don't see how you can have a
nonmonotonic method that is strategy-free.  For any example of
nonmonotonicity, you should be able to find a single voter that triggers
it--say, if that focal voter votes A>B>X>C, then X wins, but if they vote
A>X>B>C, then X loses.  Whoever wins when X loses, manipulability pops

Case 1: A wins.  Then imagine that the focal voter sincerely thinks
A>B>X>C.  Insincerely voting A>X>B>C moves the winner from X to A, which
is a successful manipulation.

Case 2: B wins.  Then imagine that the focal voter sincerely thinks
A>B>X>C.  Insincerely voting A>X>B>C moves the winner from X to B, which
is a successful manipulation.

Case 3: C wins.  Then imagine that the focal voter sincerely thinks
A>X>B>C.  Insincerely voting A>B>X>C moves the winner from C to X, which
is a successful manipulation.

This "proof" may be either flawed or needlessly complex, but it's what
came to mind.

Rob LeGrand
Citizens for Approval Voting

Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [EM] Remember Toby

2011-06-03 Thread Rob LeGrand
Kathy wrote:
> Let all the voters vote for one or two candidates.

Considering this Approval-like method on its own, without any proxy
aspects, I see problems.  Capping the number of candidates that each
voter is allowed to approve at 2 destroys some of Approval's desirable
properties.  First, no longer is your best strategic vote necessarily
even weakly sincere; in other words, it will often be to your advantage
to approve B and not A even when you prefer A to B.  Second, even when
all voters have strict preferences over all candidates, there may be an
equilibrium that doesn't elect a sincere Condorcet winner.  As an overly
dramatic example, if the sincere preferences are


One equilibrium, I claim, would be


which elects D even though 97 of the 100 voters prefer C to D.  Just
going by intermediate results, as from polls, it might be very difficult
for C to emerge as a contender.

Rob LeGrand

Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [EM] Help naming a new method

2011-04-03 Thread Rob LeGrand
Andy wrote:
> I have a new voting method and I think I need some help naming it.  Let
> me say, first of all, that I admit it may be too complicated for use by
> the general public.  It's a score aggregating method, like Score
> Voting.
> Each voter scores each candidate on a scale of 0-100.  Each candidate's
> votes are aggregated independently, with their societal score given by
> finding the largest number, x, such that x percent of the voters gave
> that candidate a grade of x or higher.
> So a candidate where 71% of the people gave a grade of 71 or higher
> (but the same can't be said of 71+epsilon) will get a final score of
> 71.
> It shares a strategy-resistance property with the median that any voter
> whose score was above the societal score, if he were allowed to change
> his vote, could do nothing to raise the societal score.  (Also, a voter
> whose score was below the societal score could do nothing to lower the
> societal score.)  This means that if you're only grading one candidate
> (e.g. choosing an approval rating for the sitting president), then
> there is a strong incentive for everyone to submit an honest vote.
> It can be generalized to "find the largest number, x, such that F(x)
> percent of the voters gave the candidate a grade of x or higher," for a
> non-decreasing function F.   F(x)=50, for example, is basically
> equivalent to "find the median".  But anything more complicated than
> F(x)=x is probably hopeless for explaining to people.  And the diagonal
> function F(x)=x has some nice properties.  For example, one voter can
> never unilaterally move the output by more than 100/N, where N is the
> number of voters.
> I thought of this method about three years ago.  I've been sitting on
> it since then, proving things for my doctoral thesis, which I finished
> last fall.  I did present this method at the Public Choice Society
> meeting about a year ago.  And I told Drs. Balinski and Laraki about it
> some time ago.  They make mention of it in their recently published
> book "Majority Judgment".
> I'd like to publish some things in a journal, but I'm thinking I may
> need a better name for the method.  So far, I've called it "the linear
> median" and "the diagonal median".  I've considered "the consensus
> median" or "the consensus score", but that may be misleading,
> associating it with consensus societies.

Hi Andy,

Please see chapter 3 of my dissertation:

It motivates and describes a rating system I call AAR DSV (Average-
Approval-Ratings Declared-Strategy Voting) that is equivalent to the
system applied to each candidate in your "linear median" method.  The
motivation is based on how rational voters would vote to try to pull the
outcome of a Average-based rating system as close to their ideal point as
possible.  The chapter also outlines a continuous range of rating systems
that includes both the standard AAR DSV and Median systems (including the
generalized ones you mention), interpolating between them using a two-
dimensional parameterization, and uses data from to find
the "best" rating system in that range.  I prove that, if all voters are
only interested in moving the outcome as close to their ideal point as
possible, all of these systems are nonmanipulable.  This
nonmanipulability of course disappears when these systems are applied to
each candidate in a single-winner election.  My recent research has dealt
with generalizing these rating systems to higher-dimensional voting/
outcome spaces of various shapes; I haven't considered applying them to
electing a single winner from a discrete set of candidates in a while.

I presented a paper on AAR DSV called "Approval-rating systems that never
reward insincerity" at the 2nd International Workshop on Computational
Social Choice (COMSOC-2008):

I'd like to see a copy of your doctoral thesis as well.

Rob LeGrand

Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [EM] "good method" ? , was "IRV ballot pile count (proof of closed form)"

2010-02-13 Thread Rob LeGrand
Chris wrote:
> > 35:A>B=C
> > 32:B>C>A
> > 33:C>A=B.
> What "good method" do you have in mind that might not elect
> C?

I didn't have a method in mind, and I agree that C is the best winner in
this example for the reasons you gave.  My only point is that the
Condorcet criterion should perhaps require majorities if we are to insist
upon it.  Here is a better example of my point:


C is the Condorcet winner even without a true majority over B.  I don't
see that it would embarrass a method to choose B as the winner of this
election.  Do you?

Rob LeGrand
Citizens for Approval Voting


Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [EM] IRV ballot pile count (proof of closed form)

2010-02-11 Thread Rob LeGrand
Abd wrote:
> 34 A
> 33 B>C
> 33 C>B.
> The Condorcet winner is A, because in the two pairwise
> elections involving A, A wins
> A>B, 34:33
> A>C, 34:33.

Assuming that by the above votes you mean


A is not the Condorcet winner and is in fact the Condorcet loser, losing
both A:B and A:C by 34:66.  Perhaps you had in mind an example like


by which I mean


In this example, C is the Condorcet winner even though C does not have a
majority over B.  I can see how this example could be seen as an
embarrassment to the Condorcet criterion, in that a good method might not
choose C as the winner.

Rob LeGrand
Citizens for Approval Voting


Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [EM] A computationally feasible method

2008-09-03 Thread Rob LeGrand
Kristofer Munsterhjelm wrote:
> On the other hand, approximating may make strategy more difficult. I
> think Rob LeGrand wrote something about how approximations to minimax
> Approval obscured the strategy that would otherwise work.

Yes, you're thinking of

in which our polynomial-time 3-approximation to fixed-size minimax is
shown to be nonmanipulable.  Exact FSM on the other hand is both
manipulable and NP-hard to compute.

I'm now at COMSOC '08 in Liverpool:

Many interesting talks.  I'm told the papers will be available on the
website sometime after the conference is over.

Rob LeGrand, psephologist
Citizens for Approval Voting


Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [EM] Condorcet question

2008-08-23 Thread Rob LeGrand
> Is it always the case that when there is a tie, each member
> of the tie defeats everyone else except one?

Consider the ranked votes


Each candidate has two pairwise victories and two pairwise defeats.

Rob LeGrand, psephologist
Citizens for Approval Voting


Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [Election-Methods] Matrix voting and cloneproof MMP questions

2008-07-09 Thread Rob LeGrand
Kristofer Munsterhjelm wrote:
> You use movie site data for your AAR-DSV examples. Does AAR-DSV
> manipulability mean that a movie site that uses it would face
> difficulty telling users which movie is the most popular or highest
> rated? The manipulability proofs wouldn't harm them as strongly (since
> very few users rate all of the movies), but they would in principle
> remain, unless I'm missing something...

It all depends on what we assume the voters would be trying to do.  If
each voter is trying to move the overall rating of each movie as close as
possible to his/her ideal rating of that movie, without any regard to how
the other movies are rated, then AAR DSV is completely nonmanipulable.
On the other hand, if a voter is trying to affect which movie ends up
with the highest rating, voting insincerely may sometimes give an

Rob LeGrand, psephologist
Citizens for Approval Voting


Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [Election-Methods] Matrix voting and cloneproof MMP questions

2008-07-06 Thread Rob LeGrand
Kristofer Munsterhjelm wrote:
> (On a related note, has anyone tried to use Range with LeGrand's
> Equilibrium Average instead of plain average?)

I don't recommend using Equilibrium Average (which I usually call AAR
DSV, for Average-Approval-Rating DSV) to elect winner(s) from a finite
number of candidates.  AAR DSV is nonmanipulable when selecting a single
outcome from a one-dimensional range, just as median (if implemented
carefully) is, but it is manipulable when used as a scoring function in
a way similar to how Balinski and Laraki proposed using median:

For more on AAR DSV, please see chapter 3 of my now-completed

Rob LeGrand, psephologist
Citizens for Approval Voting


Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [Election-Methods] Nanson / Baldwin method winners are in the smith set

2007-12-13 Thread Rob LeGrand
Ian wrote:
> Does anyone have a reference for the claim that the Nanson and Baldwin
> methods of iterative borda count elimination are in the smith set? I
> have seen it claimed in a couple places (i.e. wikipedia), but don't
> know where the result came from.

Here's how I explained it back in 2003:

but if you're asking for a published source, I don't know of one.

Rob LeGrand, psephologist
Citizens for Approval Voting


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Re: [Election-Methods] Spearman-unbiased apportionment

2007-12-04 Thread Rob LeGrand
Steve Eppley wrote:
> If my recollection is correct, there is a related argument in Judith
> Best's book "In Defense Of The Electoral College."  One of her
> conclusions was that, even though small states are represented more
> than proportionally in the Electoral College, contrary to appearances
> large states are not underrepresented in it.

A similar argument:

It argues that a voter in California is more than 3 times as likely as a
voter in Montana to change the outcome of a presidential election.

Rob LeGrand, psephologist
Citizens for Approval Voting


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Re: [Election-Methods] Landau and Schwartz set

2007-09-24 Thread Rob LeGrand
Kevin Venzke wrote:
> --- Rob LeGrand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
> > I'm using what I believe is Markus Schulze's definition of Landau
> > winners:
> >
> > "Candidate A is a Landau winner iff for every other candidate B at
> > least one of the following two statements is correct:
> > (1) A >= B.
> > (2) There is a candidate C such that A >= C >= B."
> >
> > where >= means "beats or ties pairwise".  It's the same thing as
> > Smith except that the beatpaths can be of length at most two.  You
> > could easily define a "Schwartz-Landau" set that may give you what
> > you were expecting by changing "beats or ties pairwise" in the above
> > definition to "beats pairwise".  Such a set would always be a subset
> > of the Landau set and of the Schwartz set.
> Ok. In either case, isn't it conceivable that the set is totally empty?

Yeah, I was a bit hasty as I wrote that.  The above makes rough intuitive
sense, but carefully defining a "Schwartz-Landau" set may be a bit
trickier than I assumed because of the precise way Schwartz must be
defined so as to avoid the empty set.  I'll investigate defining a
Schwartz-Landau set when I can make the time, unless Markus or someone
else has already thought about it.

Rob LeGrand, psephologist
Citizens for Approval Voting


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Re: [Election-Methods] Landau and Schwartz set

2007-09-23 Thread Rob LeGrand
Kevin Venzke wrote:
> The defeats are A>B, B>C, A=C. What reasoning do you use to find that
> B and C are in the Landau set? I gather I don't have a complete
> understanding of what Landau refers to, but I'm very surprised if the
> definition is such that a Landau winner can fail to be a Schwartz
> winner.  This makes Landau seem less worthwhile to me, since Schwartz
> is more intuitive.

I'm using what I believe is Markus Schulze's definition of Landau

"Candidate A is a Landau winner iff for every other candidate B at least
one of the following two statements is correct:
(1) A >= B.
(2) There is a candidate C such that A >= C >= B."

where >= means "beats or ties pairwise".  It's the same thing as Smith
except that the beatpaths can be of length at most two.  You could easily
define a "Schwartz-Landau" set that may give you want you were expecting
by changing "beats or ties pairwise" in the above definition to "beats
pairwise".  Such a set would always be a subset of the Landau set and of
the Schwartz set.

Rob LeGrand, psephologist
Citizens for Approval Voting


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Re: [Election-Methods] Landau and Schwartz set

2007-09-23 Thread Rob LeGrand
> I know that the Landau set is a subset of the Smith set, and I know
> that Schwartz set is a subset of the Smith set, but is Landau set the
> subset of the Schwartz set, or is the Schwartz set the subset of the
> Landau set?

Both are possible, so neither is generally true.  Given the votes


the Landau set is {A, B, C} and the Schwartz set is {A}.  Given the votes


the Landau set is {A, B, C} and the Schwartz set is {A, B, C, D}.

Rob LeGrand, psephologist
Citizens for Approval Voting


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