Re: [EM] The rise and fall of Bucklin voting in the United States

2010-05-05 Thread Markus Schulze

here is that paper where Condorcet proposes
the Bucklin method:

Markus Schulze

Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

[EM] The rise and fall of Bucklin voting in the United States

2010-05-03 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
I've long been interested in the history of Bucklin voting, also 
called the Grand Junction method, or sometimes simply "preferential 
voting," in the United States, there is a peculiarity in what is 
available on Googlebooks on the topic. We see, beginning in 1909 or 
1910, much comment on this method, and praise for how it worked, 
though it must be said that Bucklin himself seems to have been a 
tireless promoter for a time.

Sometime roughly around 1920, Bucklin drops off the radar. Before 
1920, many publications documented how it had been implemented by up 
to around ninety cities and towns, and there were enthusiastic 
reports of the election results, how Bucklin actually functioned to 
find a better winner than the first preference choice, how "the 
people" were able, using the method, to "negotiate a majority."

Then references to the Grand Junction method almost totally cease. In 
every jurisdiction, Bucklin was replaced by something else. A decent 
historical study would look at each place, what incidents or 
arguments preceded the method being dropped, and the process by which 
it was dropped. I know of only two situations: Duluth, where Bucklin 
was ruled unconstitutional by the Minnesota Supreme Court, in an 
idiosyncratic ruling, and Cleveland, Ohio, where the story is more 
complex. The Cleveland story, though starts to bring up what is now 
an operating hypothesis for me.

Bucklin was replaced because it worked. It allowed candidates from 
powerful political parties to lose, when someone else had broader 
support. The story with PR/STV in the U.S. was similar; in Cleveland, 
ironically, the Bucklin method was superseded by PR?STV (I don't know 
the details about the single-winner mayoral elections, though), and 
then PR/STV was in turn axed after a decade, in 1931. What was 
happening? The Democratic Party was becoming a majority party, and it 
had no more need for voting systems which allowed minorities to find 
fair representation. PR/STV in Cleveland, as well as it did in New 
York, allowed "Negroes" and Socialists to win representation.

Okay, we can understand the political forces that repressed 
proportional representation. Did this same set of forces do the same 
with Bucklin?

The clue that I've found is something that I'd overlooked before.

Bucklin had succeeded in putting through a thorough reform of the 
city government in Grand Junction, and this model covered many 
different issues, not just voting method. Whether as part of this 
reform or a previous one, political affiliation information was not 
allowed on the ballot for city government offices. This reform, in 
many places, stuck, it's still true in lots of towns across the U.S., 
including San Francisco. The reform included a version of the Bucklin 
method, which was first used in 1909. I had seen the results from 
this election many times, but hadn't realized the significance of 
what was really one of the most notable things about it: the winner 
was "affiliated with" the Socialist Party.

I first picked up on this in reviewing arguments about the Bucklin 
implementation in San Francisco. Before the charter amendment passed, 
there was a report prepared by the Commonwealth Club, which included 
debate over Bucklin. And, there, it was claimed that a Socialist had 
won because, allegedly, it is a "matter of religion" for a Socialist 
to never vote for anyone but a member of their party, whereas 
supporters of, say, the Republican, Bannister, in Grand Junction, 
would, my reading of the argument, generously and in good civic 
spirit add votes for the Socialist.

Of course the votes actually cast in that election show that the 
support for the Republican, who was the plurality leader in the first 
round of counting, was very narrow, the Republican got hardly any 
additional vote support, whereas the Socialist, Todd, had come up 
from third place to win. I have never seen a result like this from 
IRV, by the way, and it is rare, in a nonpartisan election, for a 
candidate to rise up from even second place to win.

But, in the end, the election was not particularly close. With 1799 
total ballots containing an enumerated vote, Todd had 1051 votes. The 
runner-up was Slocomb, with 912 votes. I have previously written that 
there were thus two candidates with majorities, but that was an 
error, and only applies to a majority of votes for the candidates on 
the ballot, I had neglected this:

I have just now noticed on the record provided by Bucklin for this 
election that there is a note: Total Votes Cast: 1847. Majority to Elect: 924.

They were following the standard rule of parliamentary procedure that 
any non-blank ballot counts in the basis for a majority, it appears. 
I saw what appeared to be a contradiction, in the election of the 
Commissioner of Finance and Supplies. But the rules apparently 
provided for additional ranking, one additional ran