On Fri, Jun 23, 2006 at 04:30:00PM +0530, Ligesh wrote:
>  a) Ok, now for some crazy stuff. I want to view my history in vim, and 
> select the link to go, and when I exit from vim, it should Go to that 
> particular page. I can make vim do absolutely anything. Is there something in 
> Lua using which I can accomplish this?

Add this to hooks.lua:

   function select_history_item_in_vim()
       local url
       local f
       local fn = elinks_home.."goto_url"

       os.execute("vim "..elinks_home.."globhist")

       f = io.open(fn, "r")
       if f then url = f:read() f:close() os.remove(fn) end

       if url then return "goto_url", url end

Then add something like

   vimhist = select_history_item_in_vim,

to console_hook_functions (and make sure that you define
select_history_item_in_vim above that!) so that you enter 'vimhist' in
the Lua console, or add:

   bind_key("main", "Ctrl-v", select_history_item_in_vim)

to hooks.lua. Then you need to make VIM save the URL (and only the URL)
of the history item that you would like ELinks to load to
~/.elinks/goto_url. The above code automatically reads this file
and deletes it.

>  b) I want to have key to do goole search. That is, when you press this key, 
> you will be presented with an input box. Whatever you enter will be 
> automatically searched in google, and you will be put into the search results 
> page.

Add this to hooks.lua:

   bind_key ("main", "Ctrl-g",
             function ()
                        function (url)
                            return "goto_url",

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