I am all for this!

However, I do have a note about the week-related stuff: 
On one hand, people might expect 'weeks' to be readily available 
(`:calendar` offers them, and many other libraries in other language 
environments do). 
On the other, many calendars do not themselves have a notion of weeks. 
(Weeks are only secondary units of date measurements (years, months, days 
are the primary ones) and nearly all calendars, all across the globe, use a 
seven-day week.
Weeks are basically the months of the ISO week date 
calendar: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date
I wonder how much of the week-related functionality could be defined by 
just taking a date (in e.g. Calendar.ISO) and converting it into the ISO 
week date calendar. 


On Monday, July 10, 2017 at 9:03:53 AM UTC+2, Kip wrote:
> With the new capabilities of Calendar in 1.5 I am now adding date and time 
> localisation to a package I maintain (https://hex.pm/packages/ex_cldr).  
> CLDR (http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#Date_Format_Patterns) 
> defines a number of symbols to aid formatting and localisation.  Many of 
> these can be supported by the Calendar module (or easily derived).  Some 
> would be better defined in a calendar module - which would imply adding 
> them to the behaviour and to Calendar.ISO.
> These functions are:
> 1. months_in_year(year) which together with the existing days_in_month/2 
> would allow the calculation of quarters which is relevant in a lot of 
> business contexts
> 2. week_of_year(date) which returns the week number within which the date 
> occurs.  
> 3. week_of_month(date) which returns the week of the month within which 
> the date occurs
> 5. day_of_week_in_month(date) returns the ordinal day (i.e. 2nd in 2nd 
> Wednesday in July)
> 6. year(date) which returns the effective year in which the date lies. 
>  For example in an ISO Week implementation, the "year" may be different to 
> the "year in the date"
> Although my immediate focus is date formatting and localisation, these 
> functions are of themselves relevant for other "calendarists" (is that a 
> word?)   Each of these may have quite specific implementation details 
> related to a given calendar and therefore would seem to be appropriate to 
> be part of the behaviour. 
> I've tried to think of only those functions which cannot be readily 
> derived without knowledge of the specific calendar but I know this is a 
> slippery slope - especially with anything to do with time and dates.
> Thoughts?
> --Kip

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