[elm-discuss] Re: How to integrate JS library that changes DOM (eg KaTeX)

2017-02-16 Thread vishesh
Nice, this totally works!

Is there a way to not have to specify keys for *every* child? Instead only 
specify keys on the children that need it?
Right now I have

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
node "div"
[ ( "textarea", textarea [ onInput Change ] [] )
, ( "katex-container", div [ id "katex" ] [] )
, ( ("katex-" ++ (toString (FNV.hashString model))), Html.node 
"script" [] [ text ("katex.render('" ++ model ++ "', 
document.getElementById('katex'))") ] )

Which seems really redundant for the textarea/container, both of which do 
not need a key since they're static parts of the page...
The only way that seems doable is to do some kind of wrapping, which is 
less than ideal.
Eg, wrap the script in a div, which is a keyed node with one child. This 
also seems a little redundant - compromising the code quality?

One other question - how do I run elm-reactor with a custom index.html file 
that loads necessary 3rd party resources (like katex.min.js)?

On Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 2:15:43 PM UTC-8, Maxwell Gurewitz wrote:
> You're going to want to use
> http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm-lang/html/2.0.0/Html-Keyed
> On Tuesday, February 14, 2017 at 5:41:11 PM UTC-8, vis...@stanford.edu 
> wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> Just started using Elm and I'm really liking it.
>> One question I had is whether it is possible to integrate a library like 
>> KaTeX that actually modifies the content of a DOM element that is 
>> controlled by Elm.
>> If so how would I do that? React/Mithril have ways of interrupting the 
>> rendering lifecycle to squeeze in your own behavior, but how does Elm allow 
>> for that?
>> Another simple way to do it is to render a script tag, like:
>>  KaTeX.render('...', document.getElementById('katex')) 
>> I can render a script element, but I need to force elm to re-render the 
>> script tag each time, and for that, React allows you to put a key 
>> attribute. Is there something similar in Elm?
>> There are a lot of other widget-like js libraries that I wanted to 
>> include on my webpage, like musicalabc (abcjs) or mermaid.js, or 
>> highlight.js, etc.
>> Any ideas? Thanks!
>> Vishesh

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[elm-discuss] Re: How to integrate JS library that changes DOM (eg KaTeX)

2017-02-16 Thread Maxwell Gurewitz
You're going to want to use


On Tuesday, February 14, 2017 at 5:41:11 PM UTC-8, vis...@stanford.edu 
> Hi all!
> Just started using Elm and I'm really liking it.
> One question I had is whether it is possible to integrate a library like 
> KaTeX that actually modifies the content of a DOM element that is 
> controlled by Elm.
> If so how would I do that? React/Mithril have ways of interrupting the 
> rendering lifecycle to squeeze in your own behavior, but how does Elm allow 
> for that?
> Another simple way to do it is to render a script tag, like:
>  KaTeX.render('...', document.getElementById('katex')) 
> I can render a script element, but I need to force elm to re-render the 
> script tag each time, and for that, React allows you to put a key 
> attribute. Is there something similar in Elm?
> There are a lot of other widget-like js libraries that I wanted to include 
> on my webpage, like musicalabc (abcjs) or mermaid.js, or highlight.js, etc.
> Any ideas? Thanks!
> Vishesh

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[elm-discuss] Re: More type checking conundrums

2017-02-16 Thread 'Rupert Smith' via Elm Discuss
On Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 2:59:41 PM UTC, Rupert Smith wrote:
> On Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 2:50:10 PM UTC, Martin Cerny wrote:
>> I would say not type checking your example is correct behavior. Since all 
>> occurrences of a type parameter have to resolve to the same type, the value 
>> of test is not defined if b resolves to anything other than String. And 
>> thus the compiler expects you to say it is a string. To be more specific, 
>> if your code would compile, the following would also compile, which is bad:
>> intToString: Int -> String
>> intToString a = 
>>   "Value:" ++ (toString a)
>> err: Int->Int
>> err =
>>   test (Specific intToString)
>> showError:Int
>> showError =
>>   err 5  --Now I am casting a string "Value:5" to int.
> I think you got the type of the 'err' function wrong? It would be Int -> 
> String (as it applies test to a Val Int String). So err 5 would be 
> "Value:5", a String as expected.

Sorry, my bad, but its easy to get confused. You are right, "Specific 
intToString" has type "Val Int b", you then bound b to Int in the type spec 
for err, so it does have the type "Int -> Int". 

So the problem is that using the MGU would allow under-specified return 
types which can then be coerced into the wrong type leading to a runtime 

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[elm-discuss] Re: More type checking conundrums

2017-02-16 Thread Martin Cerny
I would say not type checking your example is correct behavior. Since all 
occurrences of a type parameter have to resolve to the same type, the value 
of test is not defined if b resolves to anything other than String. And 
thus the compiler expects you to say it is a string. To be more specific, 
if your code would compile, the following would also compile, which is bad:

intToString: Int -> String
intToString a = 
  "Value:" ++ (toString a)

err: Int->Int
err =
  test (Specific intToString)

showError =
  err 5  --Now I am casting a string "Value:5" to int.


On Thursday, 16 February 2017 12:31:25 UTC+1, Rupert Smith wrote:
> Related to what I looked into with extensible records, I was also curious 
> as to how strict the typing of case statements is. So I tried this:
> type Val a b
> = General (a -> b)
> | Specific (a -> String)
> test : Val a b -> (a -> b)
> test val =
> case val of
> General func ->
> func
> Specific func ->
> func
> Should this not type check? test is returning a function which will accept 
> any type and will prouce some other type that we know nothing about. "a -> 
> String" is a more specific instance of such a function, so should type 
> check as "a -> b"?
> Is the case statement typing too strict in requiring an exact match of all 
> its branches? Could it not work by calculating the most general unifier of 
> its branches and assume that type? MGU of a->b and a->String is a->b as it 
> is the minimal thing that unifies with both.

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Re: [elm-discuss] Is type inference in Elm fully decideable?

2017-02-16 Thread 'Rupert Smith' via Elm Discuss
On Wednesday, February 15, 2017 at 8:49:13 PM UTC, Rupert Smith wrote:
> What I don't understand is why this fails to type check:
> mapWhenWithPosition : (WithPosition b -> a) -> State -> Maybe a
> mapWhenWithPosition func state =
> case state of
> Aware rect ->
> Just <| func rect
> Active rect ->
> Just <| func rect
> Inactive rect ->
> Just <| func rect
> _ ->
> Nothing

I can get it to type check by defining the more general function in a 
let..in construct:
mapWhenWithPosition : (WithPosition {} -> a) -> State -> Maybe a
mapWhenWithPosition func state =
func_ : WithPosition b -> a
func_ { rect } =
func { rect = rect }
case state of
Aware position ->
Just <| func_ position

Active position ->
Just <| func_ position

Inactive position ->
Just <| func_ position

_ ->

let..in behaves somewhat like the existential qualifier - "let us say that 
a more general type exists, by defining its implementation". I still have 
to unpack and repack the record but at least now, only once.

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Re: [elm-discuss] Is type inference in Elm fully decideable?

2017-02-16 Thread 'Rupert Smith' via Elm Discuss
On Wednesday, February 15, 2017 at 10:19:34 PM UTC, Max Goldstein wrote:
> I think this code would be simpler, and no less expressive, if the 
> function argument was Rectangle -> a. The fact that it's wrapped with some 
> arbitrary fields is mixing concerns.
Yes, I did in fact start out with Rectangle -> a. The reason I generalized 
it a bit more, even though I only have the 'rect' field, is because I am 
going to add some more fields to the WithPosition type. I also need a 
yOffset : Float field, since some of my UI elements are positioned absolute 
wrt to the page body, and some are positioned fixed. elm-dom gives me the 
absolute position wrt to the body, so I also need to factor in the body 
scroll offset to position the fixed UI elements.

> I anyone using extensible records much?
> I don't think people are using extensible record type aliases much. The { 
> a | fieldICareAbout : Int } -> Thing pattern is useful, though. (For 
> example, to call a view helper with the whole model but guarantee that it 
> can't look at certain fields.)

Similarly, you could argue that { a | fieldICareAbout : Int } -> Thing is 
no less expressive than Int -> Thing. It gets more usefull when you have >1 

Nesting these field definitions makes the code a lot less readable then 
> just listing the records exactly. Try to make your type definitions more 
> explicit, and use your functions signatures to abstract away some of the 
> details.
> State.mapPosition : (Rectangle -> a) -> State -> Maybe a
> State.updatePosition : (Rectangle -> Rectangle) -> State -> State

Thanks for your thoughts, and yes this is more readable I agree. I was 
really just trying to explore all the options and find out what extensible 
records might help me with. They are quite difficult to understand and its 
easy to be lulled into thinking they provide sub-typing when they do not. 
I'll see if I can contribute something to the FAQ or community docs to 
explain their limitations to the unwary.

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[elm-discuss] More type checking conundrums

2017-02-16 Thread 'Rupert Smith' via Elm Discuss
Related to what I looked into with extensible records, I was also curious 
as to how strict the typing of case statements is. So I tried this:

type Val a b
= General (a -> b)
| Specific (a -> String)

test : Val a b -> (a -> b)
test val =
case val of
General func ->

Specific func ->

Should this not type check? test is returning a function which will accept 
any type and will prouce some other type that we know nothing about. "a -> 
String" is a more specific instance of such a function, so should type 
check as "a -> b"?

Is the case statement typing too strict in requiring an exact match of all 
its branches? Could it not work by calculating the most general unifier of 
its branches and assume that type? MGU of a->b and a->String is a->b as it 
is the minimal thing that unifies with both.

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