RE: Customize buttons that change user's customfileshouldaskforconfirmation

2005-02-09 Thread Drew Adams
Set All  (F => C)
Save All (F => C,S)

Get All that can be automatically written by custom-set-*

What is the nuance here? Just what is _not_ being gotten (what values cannot
be automatically written by custom-set*)?

  Standard   (D => F,C)
  Saved  (S => F,C)
  Current(C => F,C)

Presumably, `Set All' means `evaluate new values specified in your
initialization file, both those automatically written by custom-set-*
as well as those you have written manually, but do not write the new
initialization file'.

I don't understand this. Set All (F=>C) means set all current values (C) to
the values shown in the edit fields (F). What does this have to do with the
init file?

Presumably, `Save All' means simply `automatically write custom-set-*
values into your initialization file, write that file, and then
evaluate it'.

I was with you up until the last clause, "and then evaluate it". I don't
believe that is the current behavior or what is expressed by F=>C,S (set
current values from edit fields and save edit fields to custom file).
Evaluating the custom file would do a lot more than F=>C, and I expect that
that would introduce unwanted behavior.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Customize buttons that change user's customfileshouldaskforconfirmation

2005-02-09 Thread Drew Adams
>  Set All  (F => C)
>  Save All (F => C,S)
>  Get All
>Standard   (D => F)
>Saved  (S => F)
>Current(C => F)
> This is clean and symmetric, and I agree with the plan to replace
> Erase Customizations with Get All Standard Values.  However, the
> command Reset to Saved is a clean and useful command, and I think that
> replacing it with Get All Saved Values would be a step backwards.
> How to get the best of both worlds?  Perhaps like this:
>  Set All  (F => C)
>  Save All (F => C,S)
>  Get All
>Standard   (D => F,C)
>Saved  (S => F,C)
>Current(C => F,C)

I believe the logical structure Miles first suggested
(essentially the first
one above) with the enhancement above with a single "Get
All"-button is the
best. It gives the possibility to preview the values before
setting them.

I agree (obviously).

I could live with the second set of buttons, except that they all _set_ the
current value, so they should be called Set All *, which produces confusion
with F => C.

 Set All  (F => C)
 Save All (F => C,S)
 Reset to Saved (S => F,C)
 Get All
   Standard   (D => F)
   Saved  (S => F)
   Current(C => F)

No; I think we should avoid Reset to Saved.

First, because it uses the confusing term "Reset" (which means other things
in many preference editors). Second, it is simply Get All Saved followed by
Set All, which is just two clicks and is much clearer. I don't see the
disadvantage of the first group above. Why is F => C,S helpful/needed?

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Customize buttons that change user'scustomfileshouldaskforconfirmation

2005-02-09 Thread Drew Adams
   I don't understand this. Set All (F=>C) means set all current
   values (C) to the values shown in the edit fields (F). What does
   this have to do with the init file?

Everything is written to the init file (or files loaded from it); that
is where customization forms are evaluated.  So `Set All (F=>C)' means
to set in the init file those values changed by customize.

I don't think so. I don't think that's what happens now, at least, for Set.
"Setting" something in the init file is really (automatically editing and)
_saving_ it. The term "set" refers today to setting the _current value_.

Or are you suggesting that the form be evaluated in some place a user
cannot see?  I can understand doing that; but it makes it less likely
that the person will learn to write simple forms.  Customization is,
after all, an automatic expression writing and evaluating function.
Not only do people like to see what the Lisp expression looks like, we
want to encourage them to do so!  After all, that leads to hacking.

See above. AFAIK, Set is not involved with custom-set* in any way; it simply
does F=>C.

The customize automatic expression writing action is rather like the
(not very good) function that came with Calc mode more than a decade
ago and since been removed.  The difference is that the Calc mode
automatic expression writing function wrote `defun' expressions and
could handle anything you could put in a keyboard macro of the time;
the Customization functions write `custom-set-*' expressions instead.

   Presumably, `Save All' means simply `automatically write
   custom-set-* values into your initialization file, write that
   file, and then evaluate it'.

   I was with you up until the last clause, "and then evaluate it".

Well, when you `Save for Future Sessions' the new value takes effect
right away.  The expression is evaluated.  At least, that is what
happens now.  (I just checked.)

So save `all' must mean that _all_ customizations are saved and also
evaluated.  That means saving and evaluating your .emacs file.

Perhaps the button should be reworded to `Set and Save All'.  That is
clearer to me; I prefer this wording.  But it takes more room.  The
help (or `tip') on the button or function should explain that saving
the init file also involves evaluating it, so the new valued become
effective, that is, they become set as well as saved.

Save does mean set and save, so, yes, the current value is updated to the
same value that is written to your custom file. That is not the same thing
as evaluating your entire .emacs file, however.

I personally think that "Save" is clear enough, but you are correct that the
semantics behind the button are set and save. The tooltip and doc string
could make that explicit, as you suggest.

Actually, the more I think about it, the more I like the rewording to
`Set and Save All' even if it is longer.  After all, you can set
values in your initialization file without saving it; and you can save
it without evaluating it.  You have led to a good point.

How can you save Customize settings without also setting their current
values (today)? And, again, changing a value in your init file is not what
is meant currently by "set"; "set" refers to setting the current values.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Customize buttons that change user's customfileshouldaskforconfirmation

2005-02-10 Thread Drew Adams
I am not sure whether
the change from S => F,C into S => F is a good idea.

Agreed. See proposal above.

What does "proposal above" refer to?  I don't see anything
that appears to relate to this.

My bad. I read what you wrote backward, I guess. The proposal I meant was my
proposal of 2/6/2005, which was also quoted in the mail you quote:

Here is what I would propose:

 Set All  (F => C)
 Save All (F => C,S)
 Get All
   Standard   (D => F)
   Saved  (S => F)
   Current(C => F)

1. Each button name includes "All". Likewise for menu-bar menu items.
2. The "resetting" actions only fill the edit field; they do not set the
   current value.
3. The "resetting" actions are combined in a button menu
   (pulldown list).

My reply to a different message also makes clear that I still think S => F
is preferable to S => C,F:

No; I think we should avoid Reset to Saved.

First, because it uses the confusing term "Reset" (which means
other things in many preference editors). Second, it is simply
Get All Saved followed by Set All, which is just two clicks
and is much clearer. I don't see the disadvantage of the first
group above. Why is F => C,S helpful/needed?

However, there is a typo there also. The last line should have S => F,C
instead of F => S,C.

To be clear: I prefer not to have S => F,C (Reset to Saved), but to have
instead S => F (Get All Saved) followed by F => C (Set All). Sorry for the

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Customize buttons that changeuser'scustomfileshouldaskforconfirmation

2005-02-11 Thread Drew Adams
... the current value is updated to the same value that is written
to your custom file. That is not the same thing as evaluating your
entire .emacs file, however.

I am refering to `All'.  Clearly, individual settings should not
involve evaluating your entire .emacs file.

"All" refers, in Customize, to all options in the current Customize buffer.
Your .emacs can involve lots of other things. Your .emacs is not currently
eval'd when you do anything in Customize, AFAIK, and it would be a mistake
to reevaluate .emacs, IMO. You are correct, however, that Save in Customize
means Set and Save - that is, those particular options listed in the current
Customize buffer are both set and saved.

How can you save Customize settings without also setting their
current values (today)? And, again, changing a value in your init
file is not what is meant currently by "set"; "set" refers to
setting the current values.

Just by saving them:  for example, just now I changed my bold face
... to '(bold ((t (:background "DodgerBlue4" :foreground "Red"

OK. You're talking about editing _.emacs_ and saving it (correct?). Within
_Customize_, there is no way to Save without also setting, IIUC - that is
what I meant.

However, unlike Emacs Lisp expressions saved in regular libraries,
Emacs Lisp expressions used for customization are saved in your .emacs
file.  That file is automatically loaded each time you start a new
instance of Emacs.  So customized saving implies (eventual)

Yes, eval of .emacs occurs upon startup (only).

If we do not offer a `Save for the future, but not for this session'
option for the automatic writing user interface, it might reduce
potential confusion just a little to say `Set and Save All' and
besides saving, set for current use as well as after the next start.

That is the current (and proposed) behavior: Save (in Customize) means set
and save. I personally think that "Save" is sufficient as the name, but I
agree that all help for the button/menu item should explicitly mention that
it both _sets_ and saves.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Changed outside --> set, in Customize UI

2005-02-11 Thread Drew Adams
I [RMS] said:   
To avoid confusion.  In general, it is a good idea to separate
the values that users set from the values that programs set.
You [Drew] responded with a misunderstanding:  
Pick a level of unity for the "Set" (vs "changed-outside") club:
1. Set inside Customize.
2. #1 + `set-variable' used interactively.
3. #2 + any command called interactively that has as 
   purpose to change the value. 
4. #3 + any interactive command, used interactively or not.
5. #4 + any function or sexpr executed interactively (`M-:').
6. #5 + any function or sexpr called by any function or sexpr
   in #5. 
7. #6 + explicitly loading any library (interactively).
8. #7 + loading any library in your custom file (.emacs).
9. #8 + loading any library, even indirectly.

You're trying to distinguish cases based on MECHANISMS used to set
the variable.  That's not the kind of distinction we are making.
We are not talking about how it's done.  The distinction here is
who decides to set this particular variable.  Does a certain Lisp
program decide, or does the user decide.

Yes. I argued that _none_ of the above mechanisms is an adequate
indicator of "who decides to set this particular variable."  We agree,
I think, that _no_ mechanism is ultimately adequate to that task. The
question of who is deciding a particular change can only truly be
answered by the user.

But we have no choice: _If_ we try to determine _by code_ who is doing
the deciding, then we need some objective criterion (we don't want to
ask the user, about each change that is made, "Did you intend
that?"). IOW, we must look at how a change is made _if_ we wish to
maintain an outside/inside distinction - we must examine the setting
mechanisms. And the current scheme does indeed make the determination
based on mechanism (clicking Set inside C. vs everything else).

The question you posed does not require an answer.

This is the two-part question I posed: "Is there is a good
inside/outside boundary to choose? Which kinds of changes should we
allow inside the "Set" club?" The placement (and the need) of this
boundary has been the question from the beginning. It requires an
answer _if_ people are arguing for maintaining an inside/outside
distinction: How is the boundary to be defined?

My answers to the two-part question are (1) "No, there is no good
boundary" and (2) "All changes should be considered to 'set'
options". I argued that none of the mechanisms I listed is adequate to
the task: All user-option changes, no matter how they are made, should
be admitted to the Customize club. The inside/outside distinction is
not a useful one to maintain.

If my list of "mechanisms" is not complete or is off the mark, if
there is an adequate criterion to distinguish inside changes from
outside changes (whether "mechanism" or not), let's hear it.

I said in an earlier message, and you seemingly agreed: 

The idea behind limiting Customize admission to only
interactive functions I think hints at the proper criterion,
but it does not hit it square on. The idea of user Helen
"setting" an option really comes down to this: user
_intention_. That is not a criterion we can test by program,
but it is the only reasonable criterion, IMO.

I agree; I think that's exactly what it means to me. Users set
variables by running programs.  The difference is that in one case
the intention to set variable X is embodied in the program code;
in the other, the progranm could set any variable, but the user
chooses to set X.

You seem to agree in general, but you also seem to suggest that the
particular program code could be examined to determine intention - if
it offers the user a choice, then presumably the user is in charge; if
it does not, then the _program is deciding_. Is that what you mean?

If so, then I disagree. Even a program that offers no choice can be
run or not, according to user choice. That particular mechanistic
criterion (program offers a choice or not) is no better than
interactive vs non-interactive. Again, user intention "is not a
criterion we can test by program."

I proposed that we make no inside/outside distinction, that we regard
all changes to user options as "setting" them. What to do, then, about
programs and libraries that set options? I pointed out that some are
_designed_ to set options (and when a user runs them, the user is
choosing to set those options), and some (multi-user libraries, in
particular) should not set options (if they do so now, they must be

I argued that the only exception to considering all option changes as
"setting" the options is the startup sequence:

This difference in library kind (purpose) can be reflected in the
treatment by Customize. It is normal for .emacs and personal
libraries loaded at startu

RE: Customize buttons that change user's customfileshouldaskforconfirmation

2005-02-11 Thread Drew Adams
> I believe the logical structure Miles first suggested
> (essentially the first
> one above) with the enhancement above with a single "Get
> All"-button is the
> best. It gives the possibility to preview the values
> before setting them.
> Yes, it does that.  However, it is also more cumbersome to use.

The problem with "S => C,F" compared to "S => F" is that you may have
saved a set of parameters that does something stupid (e.g. select
black on black text for the default font). Being able to load such
values and edit them before saving them is very useful.

Yes, that is the reason. In addition, "S => F" is clearer (because simpler).

I don't know if "S =>" imply that [1] we actually read the values from
custom-file (e.g. .emacs) or if [2] it just restores the value that was
initially read from that file, or [3] the last value that was written by
this emacs to that file.

What is the difference between [1] and [3]? I believe that custom-set* is
read from your .emacs ([1] and [3], IIUC). I think [2] would be confusing
behavior: The `saved' value that the user has in his mind should always
correspond to the value that will result if Emacs is restarted (now). That
is, it should correspond to whatever value .emacs reestablishes (unless that
is a `standard' value).

If it implies reading from the file, this could be used to load
values from a diffent custom-file (to see what they are) before
actually using them.

No way to do that has yet been proposed. S=>F means to get the values from
the  custom-set* in the user's .emacs (custom file). There is currently no
way to designate a different library to use as the source of `saved'

Instead of providing such a feature, I'd suggest that users should just
`M-:' the custom-set* expression of the custom-file in question. IOW, I
don't think we should provide a Customize feature to get the custom-set*
stuff from an arbitrary file. Users who want to do that should be capable of
evaling the custom-set* expression.

If you simply _load_ (e.g. load-library...) a different custom-file (which
is not the same as Get All Saved) sometime after startup, then the values
would of course get set, in addition to the edit fields being filled. In my
proposal, those settings would show up as "Set", precisely so that you can
distinguish them from values established during startup (which show up as
`saved' ("unchanged").

> Perhaps we should ask the users which one they prefer.

I prefer "S => F" with a message in the echo area telling the
user to use "Set All" to apply the values.

Me too.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Customize buttons that change user's customfileshouldaskforconfirmation

2005-02-12 Thread Drew Adams
> I don't know if "S =>" imply that [1] we actually read
> the values from the
> custom-file (e.g. .emacs) or if [2] it just restores the
> value that was
> initially read from that file, or [3] the last value that
> was written by this emacs to that file.
> What is the difference between [1] and [3]?

If custom-file is updated by another emacs instance, [1] != [3].

Thanks. I didn't pay attention to the "this emacs".

Since we're dealing with a file (persistence), I would think that [1] would
be the best approach. (I don't know either what we do currently.)

> If it implies reading from the file, this could be used to load
> values from a diffent custom-file (to see what they are) before
> actually using them.
> No way to do that has yet been proposed. S=>F means to get
> the values from
> the  custom-set* in the user's .emacs (custom file). There is
> currently no
> way to designate a different library to use as the source of `saved'
> settings.

M-: (setq custom-file "X")
M-x customize
do some editing
save (into X)
M-: (setq custom-file "Y")
get (from ?)

Question is "from X" or "from Y"?

Good point. I would think it should be Y.

In any case, we should tell the user just what will happen (with a
dynamically defined tooltip? "Get values from file `Y'") and echo what did
actually happen with a message ("Values read from file `Y'").

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Customize buttons that change user'scustomfileshouldaskforconfirmation

2005-02-12 Thread Drew Adams
The key is to satisfy both novices and experts
Provide a good default interface for novices and also a way for
that novice to become an expert without too much trouble
That is why Customize should not only do its job, but make
it easy for a person to learn.

I don't agree with some of the detailed proposals you've made - for example,
I agree with Kim that your history-of-values display would be overkill and

However, I do agree that Customize should do these things, in order of

1. "Do its job", as you put it:

 - make it easy for anyone, including a non-Lisper, to customize options
 - provide an easy-to-use options browser

2. Facilitate learning more about Emacs - Lisp, in particular.

#1 is far more important than #2. #2 should never interfere with #1. In
particular, the UI should not be made more complex in order to promote #2.

But Customize should not act as an obstacle to understanding what's under
the hood - it should facilitate that learning, but not require it or impose
it. Your analogy with menu items that show corresponding key sequences is a
good one. Simple information bridges like that help users be more effective.

As I mentioned long ago, I think that simple links in Customize to a) the
current Lisp value of an option and b) the defining source code, as are
available in `C-h v', would be unobtrusive and quite helpful.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Customize buttons that change user'scustomfileshouldaskforconfirmation

2005-02-13 Thread Drew Adams
> If it implies reading from the file, this could
> be used to load values from a diffent custom-file
> (to see what they are) before actually using them.
> No way to do that has yet been proposed. S=>F means
> to get the values from the  custom-set* in the user's
> .emacs (custom file). There is currently no way to
> designate a different library to use as the source of
> `saved' settings.

   M-: (setq custom-file "X")
   M-x customize
   do some editing
   save (into X)
   M-: (setq custom-file "Y")
   get (from ?)

   Question is "from X" or "from Y"?

   Good point. I would think it should be Y.

Absolutely not. `(setq custom-file "Y")' means that you want Custom to
_write_ to Y.  If you want Y to be read you have to load Y...
If you want Y to be your Custom file, write: (setq custom-file "Y")
(load custom-file) in your .emacs, as the docstring of `custom-file'

The question was about "getting" values from a custom file without loading
that file. You are confirming, I guess, that there is no way to change
custom-file for purposes of get-but-do-not-load.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Customize buttons that change user'scustomfileshouldaskforconfirmation

2005-02-13 Thread Drew Adams
> If it implies reading from the file, this could
> be used to load values from a diffent custom-file
> (to see what they are) before actually using them.
> No way to do that has yet been proposed. S=>F means
> to get the values from the  custom-set* in the user's
> .emacs (custom file). There is currently no way to
> designate a different library to use as the source of
> `saved' settings.

   M-: (setq custom-file "X")
   M-x customize
   do some editing
   save (into X)
   M-: (setq custom-file "Y")
   get (from ?)

   Question is "from X" or "from Y"?

   Good point. I would think it should be Y.

Absolutely not. `(setq custom-file "Y")' means that you 
want Custom to
_write_ to Y.  If you want Y to be read you have to load Y...
If you want Y to be your Custom file, write: (setq custom-file "Y")
(load custom-file) in your .emacs, as the docstring of 
`custom-file' recommends.

The question was about "getting" values from a custom file 
without loading that file. You are confirming, I guess, that 
there is no way to change custom-file for purposes of 

  If instead of `M-: (setq custom-file "Y")' we set custom-file through
  Custom, then the up to date Custom Info is _immediately_ in Y, without
  having to save any further option.  (Because saving `custom-file'
  itself took care of things.)
  So if somebody _really_ wants to change Custom file during an emacs
  session (instead of from .emacs) the way to do it is through Custom.

Got it.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Customize buttons thatchangeuser'scustomfileshouldaskforconfirmation

2005-02-14 Thread Drew Adams
But here we are discussing what happens if you change custom-file in
an already running Emacs session, after a custom-file has already been
loaded.  In that situation loading that _second_ Custom file (which
presumably is an empty file to be written into by the current Emacs)
does not make a lot of sense.  The main type of situation in which one
might actually want to change custom-file in a running Emacs is the

I believe that Kim started off this change-custom-file thread, in the
context of the question of S=>F. He mentioned that it might be useful to
have S=>F instead of only S=>C,F, in order to let you retrieve values from a
second custom file without loading that second file.

I think the thread has diverged from Kim's point, which is OK, but I'm not
sure that everyone is following it clearly.

Emacs-devel mailing list

Use faces to indicate states in Customize?

2005-02-14 Thread Drew Adams
With an aim to reduce the "noise" in the Customize UI a bit, here is a
proposal that might or might not be considered for 22.1. It should be
trivial to implement, while waiting for any more substantial UI
changes that we might make after 22.1.

1) We reduce the text displayed as the "state" of each option.

2) We use a slightly different face for each possible state, with the
   states that we want to stand out more (e.g. Set) having faces that
   stand out a little more.

That is, the face of the text would be different for each option
state, and the text would be simpler (shorter) than it is now. For
example (each entry here is (1) proposed text, (2) state, (3) current
text, (4) doc string text from `custom-magic-alist'):

 - 1) "Edited"; 2) `modified'; 3) "you have edited the value as text,
   but you have not set the option"; 4) "This item is modified, and
   has a valid form"

 - 1) "Saved" or possibly "Unchanged"; 2) `saved'; 3) "this option has
   been set and saved"; 4) "This item is marked for saving"

 - 1) "Standard"; 2) `standard'; 3) "this option is unchanged from its
   standard setting"; 4) "This item is unchanged from the standard

 - 1) "Set Here"; 2) `set'; 3) "you have set this option, but not
   saved it for future sessions"; 4) "This item has been set but not

 - 1) "Set Elsewhere"; 2) `changed'; 3) "this option has been changed
   outside the customize buffer"; 4) "The current value of this item
   has been changed temporarily"

 - 1) "Invalid"; 2) `invalid'; 3) "the value displayed for this option
   is invalid and cannot be set"; 4) "This item is modified, but has
   an invalid form"

 - 1) "Other"; 2) `rogue'; 3) "this option has not been changed with
   customize"; 4) "This item has no customization information"

This would make scanning for changes (Set) easier, and would make the
unchanged stuff (Unchanged, Standard) less prominent.

The default face differences should be slight, so that this does not
just make for _more_ noise. The faces used for each state should of
course be customizable. The more lengthy description could be
incorporated into tooltips.

What do you think?

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: M-Tab on w32 (and other window systems?)

2005-02-15 Thread Drew Adams
I find that Esc and TAB keys are
close enough to make typing Esc TAB a simple enough operation.
...I am used to Esc TAB, and don't find it hard to reach.

ESC TAB is `complete-symbol'.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Use faces to indicate states in Customize?

2005-02-15 Thread Drew Adams
   (each entry here is (1) proposed text, (2) state, (3) current
   text, (4) doc string text from `custom-magic-alist'):

The entries you give for (4) to not seem to correspond either to
today's recent or yesterday's values of `custom-magic-alist'.

No, they are older - sorry for any confusion in that regard. The exact text
is not relevant to my point, however.

My point was to continue to provide info such as that in (3) and (4), but to
do so only upon request (e.g. via tooltip), in order to reduce the text
displayed for each custom option.

There are relatively few custom "states". A long description of each state
need not be repeated each time the state is mentioned. My idea is to use 1)
only a short name (label) at each state occurrence and 2) a "legend" that
accurately describes what each such label stands for.

The legend could be in a centralized location (e.g. buffer bottom) and could
describe all of the states (once), or it could be available only upon demand
and be split up, as a set of individual tooltips for the state names. I
prefer the latter, but either is better than repeating a description at each
occurrence, IMO.

The other part of my idea is to use color to make the states easier to
distinguish when scanning.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Customize buttons that change user's custom fileshouldaskforconfirmation

2005-02-15 Thread Drew Adams
The big problem is that if the user sets option X on a page and does
 "F => C", and then (sometime later) sets option Y on the same
page, and then does  "F => C,S", the effect is that the change
to X is also saved.  This may be highly confusing to a user.

This is confusing now only because the button doesn't properly indicate that
the action is to Save All. As we discussed, renaming the button (All) and
asking for confirmation should take care of this. ("This will save all
options in the buffer that have been Set. Do you want to continue?").

One possible solution for that is to discourage, or even get rid of,
of the per-variable command button.  If there is only the whole-buffer
Set and the whole-buffer Save, this confusion won't happen.

ISTR that I have seen apps where there is no difference between the
field value and the active value within the customization tool, but
all the changes require confirmation when you exit the customization

The concept of "exiting" does not make sense for a Custom buffer, but
there could be a buffer-wide Activate command, "Put this in effect",
which combines Set and Save.

That's just what the Save button does currently, IIUC.

If that were the only way to make values
take effect, it would be a lot simpler than the current Custom

In addition to Activate, there would be Cancel and Standard Values.
And perhaps What's Changed, which says what would change if you use
Activate right now.

What do people think of the idea?

I think that it would be a very bad idea to move away from being able to
manipulate (e.g. edit, set, reset, & save) individual options. A given
custom buffer will perhaps have many options in several different states.
There must be a way to save one or more options in the buffer but not
necessarily all. Otherwise, we will get more confusion and operator error.

We might want to let users select a set of individual options (e.g. using
checkboxes or by dragging a region) and then operate on the selection. That
would provide a shortcut to operating individually on each item in the set,
and could help make it clear which options were affected for a "global"

But to always use the entire Customize buffer as that selection would be
restrictive, IMO.

WRT the idea of checkboxes - I'm thinking of what we do in Dired to mark
(select) files for applying actions. You can use many different ways to mark
a file (regexp etc.). In my own Dired code, you can also:

 - Use the mouse to drag a region, then use a mouse-3 menu item Mark (or
Unmark) to select (or deselect) all the files in the region. If no region is
active (no selection), then the mouse-3 menu items affect the single file
under the pointer.

 - Use SHIFT and CONTROL with mouse-1 clicks to select blocks of files or
individual files to add to the selection set - just as you do in Windows

Extending this idea to Customize, a user would mark/select various options,
then use a global action (button or menu-bar menu item) that operates on all
of the selected options. If no options are selected, then the menu item
would apply to the option under the pointer.

The menu for this is the individual-option menu, which is currently accessed
by the State "button". This could remain as a pulldown menu (which is what
it really is now), or it could be moved to a contextual menu on mouse-3 (as
I have in Dired). In the latter case, mouse-3 would not be available for
selecting and killing, but users could still select a region by dragging.

I assume that this discussion applies to possible changes after the release,
not before.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Customize buttons that change user's custom fileshouldaskforconfirmation

2005-02-15 Thread Drew Adams
I said:

We might want to let users select a set of individual options
(e.g. using checkboxes or by dragging a region) and then
operate on the selection. That would provide a shortcut to
operating individually on each item in the set, and could help
make it clear which options were affected for a "global" operation.
Extending this idea to Customize, a user would mark/select
various options, then use a global action (button or menu-bar
menu item) that operates on all of the selected options. If no
options are selected, then the menu item would apply to the
option under the pointer.

The menu for this is the individual-option menu, which is
currently accessed by the State "button". This could remain as
a pulldown menu (which is what it really is now), or it could
be moved to a contextual menu on mouse-3 (as I have in Dired).
In the latter case, mouse-3 would not be available for
selecting and killing, but users could still select a region by

I mispoke in the second paragraph quoted above. The global buttons (Save All
etc.) and the menu-bar menu should always apply globally (to everything in
the buffer), not to the currently selected options.

The current selection should be treated instead by a context-sensitive
menu - e.g., the mouse-3 menu. Another reason for moving the menu from the
State button to, for example, mouse-3 is this: The State-button menu is
fixed as local to a particular option; it cannot be used as a
context-sensitive menu that applies to the current selection (or the option
under the pointer, if there is no selection).

In sum:

 - Global buttons and the menu-bar menu apply to all options in the buffer.
Their item names include the word "All".

 - A context-sensitive menu (e.g. mouse-3) lets you mark and unmark options
and perform Save, Set etc. actions on the marked options. If no option is
marked, then the menu actions apply to the option under the mouse pointer
("current" option).

 - You can mark or unmark all options in a region. The context-sensitive
menu items Mark and Unmark apply to all options in the region.

 - If we have a context-sensitive menu (e.g. mouse-3), as described, we
should move all of the individual-option items from the State menu to the
context-sensitive menu.

We might want to use mouse-2 instead of mouse-3 to bring up the
context-sensitive menu. Mouse-3 is standard for such a menu in many
applications, but using it here means users would lose the normal mouse-3
functionality. Mouse-2 follows links and activates buttons in Customize, so
there should be no conflict with the menu: to use the c-s menu you just
position the pointer anywhere that is not on a button or a link.

However, if we did that, then we should not also have any pull-down menus
(e.g. State) that are activated by mouse-2, because it needs to be clear
whether the menu that appears applies to some fixed object (e.g. State) or
is the context-sensitive menu (which applies to the selection).

I personally think that mouse-3 would be a good choice for the c-s menu and
that the loss of mouse-3 editing functionality would not be missed in
Customize (I don't miss it in my version of Dired that has similar

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Customize buttons that change user's customfileshouldaskforconfirmation

2005-02-15 Thread Drew Adams

>  - A context-sensitive menu (e.g. mouse-3)

I any proposal of this kind I think it is important to give the
possibility to use only the keyboard. Some people do not want
to use the mouse and some simply can not use it.

That's standard practice: there should be keyboard access to the same
functionality provided by the mouse - in particular, popup menus. I don't
know if that's the case generally with Emacs (I think not), but it is
standard in many apps these days. Some such mechanism is, I think, in fact
required for accessibility standards that apply to disabled people - e.g.
W3C WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) Double-A recommendations.

Why not let the menu-bar menu have entries for working with the "current
option". The "current option" could be that where the point is. (I
implemented this kind of functionality in my proposal long ago for a
redressed Custom GUI.)

That's possible, but I don't think it's desirable.

That is not standard in any UI I'm familiar with. A context-sensitive menu
is usually associated with a mouse button, because you are generally using
the mouse to manipulate things associated with that context. This is the
practice nearly everywhere in MS Windows, for instance. For example, you are
doing things in a dialog box, and you use mouse-3 to open a menu for
manipulating something in the dialog box that is under the mouse pointer.
Users are very used to this behavior.

It is true that Emacs has a notion of point (cursor) that is separate from
the pointer location, so that such an operation as you describe can be
unambiguous without the mouse. Dired, for instance, has a menu-bar menu
(Immediate) that is largely for manipulating an individual file at point.

I nevertheless think that in most contexts (e.g. Customize) the position of
point is not a very useful (because not very obvious) indicator of the
current focus of action.

Also, if the context is to sometimes be a _set_ of options, then point is
not a sufficient context indicator. It is better to make the focus of action
obvious - e.g. using visible marks. Another possibility in this regard is,
as Richard suggested, to list the options to which an action will apply (a
la Dired asking if you want to delete these files).

Emacs-devel mailing list

dired Mark menu commands

2005-02-16 Thread Drew Adams
Some minor suggestions regarding Dired's Mark menu:

1. The command `dired-mark-extension' (`*.'), defined in dired-x.el, is
useful to mark all files with a certain extension. Most people have never
heard of it, however. More than once, I've mentioned it in reply to
questions on help-gnu-emacs, and have gotten replies like "I've used Emacs
for years and never knew that existed."

Why not add this command to the Mark menu? It could be called "Mark

2. All of the "Mark"* menu items and commands except `dired-mark-extension'
use the prefix arg to unmark (instead of to mark). `dired-mark-extension'
uses the prefix arg as a (decimal) character code for the mark to use. So,
to unmark all files with extension "el", you would do this: `C-u 32 *. el',
because decimal 32 is the code for SPACE. Using a prefix arg this way is not
very intuitive.

I think it would make more sense for `dired-mark-extension' to use the
prefix arg for unmarkp, as the other commands do. Those few dired-x
functions that currently call `dired-mark-extension' with a marker-char
argument could call a different function, which does what
`dired-mark-extension' does today. IOW, the common, end-user command would
use the prefix arg to unmark, and the more complex functionality could still
be made available separately. Also, the more complex functionality might
better use the interaction of `dired-unmark-all-files': _read_ the mark to
use (as a character, not a number).

3. Why not add `dired-mark-symlinks' (`*@') to the Mark menu? It could be
called "Mark Symlinks".

4. Why not add `dired-unmark-all-files' (`M-DEL') to the Mark menu? It could
be called something like "Unmark Marked-With...".

5. Why not group the Unmark menu items together (Unmark, Unmark All, and
perhaps Unmark Marked-With...)? Why not use a menu separator between the
Mark, Unmark, and Flag groups of commands?

Adding commands like these to menu-bar menus helps users become aware of
them, as Robert C. pointed out recently. After users see that there is a
command "Mark Extenstion..." and it is bound to `*.', they are likely to
start using the keyboard shortcut.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Customize buttons that change user's custom fileshouldaskforconfirmation

2005-02-17 Thread Drew Adams
the whole-buffer buttons are _very_ seldom used.

We could poll the users and see.  If users generally use the
single-item button and not the whole-buffer buttons, I would
not mind simplifying things by eliminating the latter.

For the poll - Like Luc, I use the single-item operation (on the State
menu). I generally only set or save one option at a time.

If we used a header line, as Kim suggested, then that would be as convenient
(close by) as the State menu for operating on a single option. But some way
of letting you know which options will be affected (e.g. popup list) should
be implemented for any global button or menu, as we have discussed.

As someone mentioned, if you want to operate on multiple options, you don't
want to repeat the set or save operation for each option independently. So,
if we _must_ choose between the two methods, the global button is more

What is the reason that we must choose and not have both local and global
actions? Is it to simplify the UI? Getting rid of the buttons would simplify
the buffer; but getting rid of some of the State menu items would not
appreciably simplify the UI, IMO.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Customize buttons that change user's custom fileshouldaskforconfirmation

2005-02-17 Thread Drew Adams
The reason the header line is nice is that it will remain on
the screen even when you scroll the customize window.

Yes.  Of course, the same operations are also available in the menu-bar
menu, which stays put like a header line.

But of course, you cannot activate it with your mouse.

We could make the header line mouse-sensitive, as in Info.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: dired Mark menu commands

2005-02-17 Thread Drew Adams
Why not add this command to the Mark menu? It could be called "Mark

Because it is not part of Dired.

Well, the exact command I described (prefix arg means unmark) is not the
existing command in dired-x either - it doesn't exist yet. It could be
_added_ to dired, if people find it useful. I know that I mark all files
with the same extension a _lot_ more often than I use some of the other menu

3. Why not add `dired-mark-symlinks' (`*@') to the Mark
   menu? It could be called "Mark Symlinks".

It is already there.

Not in my Emacs -q, it isn't. What are you doing, to get it in the menu? The
command is bound to the key sequence, but it is not in the Mark menu.

In GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600)
 of 2005-01-30 on NONIQPC
Distributor `Microsoft Corp.', version 5.1.2600
configured using `configure --with-gcc
(3.3) --cflags -I../../jpeg-6b-3/include -I../../libpng-1.2.8/include -I../.
./tiff-3.6.1-2/include -I../../xpm-nox-4.2.0/include -I../../zlib-1.2.2/incl

4. Why not add `dired-unmark-all-files' (`M-DEL') to the
   Mark menu? It could be called something like
   "Unmark Marked-With...".

It is already there.

Not in my Emacs -q, it isn't.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Customize buttons that change user's customfileshouldaskforconfirmation

2005-02-18 Thread Drew Adams
What is the reason that we must choose and not have both
local and global actions? Is it to simplify the UI?

I am considering the idea of eliminating one of them in order to
simplify the interface.  It seems to be far too complex now.

Then I repeat: "Getting rid of the buttons would simplify the buffer; but
getting rid of some of the State menu items would not appreciably simplify
the UI."

The advantage of the buttons is being able to act on multiple options at
once. Acting on multiple options is perhaps for "experts" only, however.

The disadvantage of the buttons is that their behavior can be complex and
error-prone, as Luc described well.

In sum, if you want to simplify the UI and make it easier and less
error-prone for novices (in particular), then keep the single-option menus
and get rid of the buttons.

If you do get rid of the buttons, will you also get rid of the equivalent
menu-bar menu items? If not, then no functionality will be lost. And all
discussions of the button problems (complexity, expert-only? etc.) can be
ported to the menu-bar menu. ;-)

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Customize buttons that change user's custom fileshouldaskforconfirmation

2005-02-20 Thread Drew Adams
Maybe the "Customize" menu could have a simple check-box option for
"Show per-option action buttons".  The inquisitive emacs user will
surely find it :-)

I agree that if a user enabled this, the global buttons should not
be shown.

This is a compromise that gives both approaches what they want. We should,
however, strive to adopt such a compromise only if there is a consensus that
there is (separate) value in having _each_ approach - not simply because we
can't seem to reach consensus on _which_ approach is best.

I doubt that we currently agree that both approaches are good (simple, safe,
etc.), and that which to use should just be a user choice (option). From the
current state of the discussion, it sounds more like each "side" thinks that
his side is the "simpler" and "safer" approach.

I agree with everyone else that no action should be taken now. In fact, the
remainder of the customize-design discussion should be postponed until after
22.1 is released. There is a lot that we could put on the table for
discussion regarding customize, and some of the issues are best discussed in
combination. I think we all have the same general goals, and our differences
probably reflect (mainly) different usage patterns or mutual

That is, I expect that we can in fact reach consensus on what is the best
approach, given sufficient time and discussion. Customize is complex, the
present UI provides lots of possibilities for a user, and the possibilities
of changing customize to improve it are innumerable. So, it's no wonder that
we haven't yet reached consensus - we haven't really explored the customize
design space much. And, as I mentioned once before, it is essential to get
input from Per, who understands the original design well - both the intent
and the howto.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Info-search-isearch

2005-02-21 Thread Drew Adams

  > Currently only regexp isearch invoked with M-C-s can use
  > and search through multiple Info nodes.  But it would be better if
  > normal C-s isearch searched through multiple nodes as well.

This would be actually great, it would match the behavior of standalone
info (which, IMO, is much better).

Is there any reason not to check this code in?

I like being able to confine an isearch to the current node. Currently, I
can use `s' for global search and `C-s' (or `C-M-s') for local (node)

So, to me, it would be desirable to have some indication that the end of the
current node was reached without finding another occurrence of the string -
e.g. "Failing isearch in node Foo: bar". Except for being able to overwrap
isearch in the node (no great loss), this would give the advantages of both
approaches (local and global search). Without such a local-failure
indication, you would have to (perhaps unwittingly) continue the search to
another node, and then use `l' to get back where you were.

IOW, why not have two levels of isearch "failure": 1) no more in the current
node, 2) no more in the current Info "manual"?

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: follow-link in grep buffer

2005-02-21 Thread Drew Adams
I realise that applications like web browsers use mouse-1 to
follow links, so
it is a good idea for Emacs to provide some consistency and it
works well with
Info pages. However, I am not sure if it is always appropriate
as Emacs users
understand that mouse-1 just generally moves the cursor, while
mouse-2 might
jump to another buffer. The grep buffer is an example. If I try
to place the
cursor anywhere on a line before the end of a match, the associated file
pops up in another buffer. However I might just want to select
that window
to resize it. I could select the window by clicking on the
modeline but if I
click on the wrong part I get a different buffer. All this
functionality must
be daunting for the new user, so I suggest the following:

1) Mouse-1 is not used to follow links in the grep or
compilation buffers.

2) If it has to be used for this purpose, then it only works
where the match
   occurs (this must be easy to implement as it already has a
different face)
   and the match is also underlined so that it looks like a link.

Y'know, I knew this would come up sooner or later.

I believe that the idea was to have the mouse-1 follow-links (and activate
buttons) behavior be a user option. (I'm not sure what I prefer in this
regard, as a user.) It's good for Emacs to act like other apps in this
regard, as long as that doesn't impact functionality or cause other pbs. But
you are absolutely correct that mouse-1 following links (and activating
action buttons) will make it difficult to just select a buffer with the
mouse, whenever that buffer is link-dense (or button-dense).

One possibility that occurs to me now is to have a mouse-1 click in a window
other than the selected-window act as mouse-1 does now: just set point. That
is, the first mouse-1 click just sets point and selects the window; only
thereafter would mouse-1 follow links.

That is similar to the behavior I see in Windows, where clicking mouse-1 on
a (WM) window that doesn't have the focus just shifts the focus: If you
click a button (for example) in a window that doesn't have the focus, the
window is selected, but the button is not activated (you must click it
again, after the window has the focus, for it to take effect).

This would not completely solve the problem you raise: You could not use
mouse-1 to move point to a different part of the same, focused window. But
the time-delay approach that was proposed a few months ago (by Kim?) would
presumably address that pb. I think the idea there is that if you want to
set point with mouse-1, then you just hold mouse-1 pressed longer than some
(user-settable?) time limit, before releasing it.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: follow-link in grep buffer

2005-02-21 Thread Drew Adams
   I believe that the idea was to have the mouse-1 follow-links 
   (and activate buttons) behavior be a user option.

You mean `mouse-1-click-follows-link'?  It _is_ a user option.  I
personally have it set to nil.  But the default value uses the new

Yes, that's what I meant. 

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: follow-link in grep buffer

2005-02-21 Thread Drew Adams
This "double click to launch" used to be a pretty common idiom at one
though browsers have watered it down in some contexts.

FWIW - I'm not an expert on this, but I believe that in Windows the single-
vs double-click-follows/activates behavior is a user option. I would guess
(but don't know) that most Windows users now use the single-click behavior.
I don't know if following links and other actions (e.g. open) follow the
same principle (option value).

Perhaps someone else can speak to this more authoritatively.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: follow-link in grep buffer

2005-02-21 Thread Drew Adams
 > Based on your example, I'd say another option might be:
 > - if the click is used to give focus, then don't follow the link.

Given that if you press the button longer it also doesn't
follow the link, the
tooltip tells you that it does, even without focus, and doesn't
mention that
mouse-2 does the job too (it's masked by mouse-1), I think it would only
create further confusion.

I made the same suggestion as Stefan, and I don't think it would lead to
further confusion. As I mentioned, that is pretty much the behavior that
Windows users experience every day (the first click establishes focus). And
I can testify that it has saved my derriere more than once, when I
accidentally clicked something (e.g. button) in a window that didn't have
the focus. Of course, mouse-follows-focus would no doubt overrule this
behavior, so it wouldn't help in that case.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Info-search-isearch

2005-02-21 Thread Drew Adams
  > I like being able to confine an isearch to the current 
  > node. Currently, I can use `s' for global search and `C-s'
  > (or `C-M-s') for local (node) search.
  > So, to me, it would be desirable to have some indication 
  > that the end of the current node was reached without
  > finding another occurrence of the string -
  > e.g. "Failing isearch in node Foo: bar". Except for being 
  > able to overwrap isearch in the node (no great loss), this
  > would give the advantages of both
  > approaches (local and global search). Without such a local-failure
  > indication, you would have to (perhaps unwittingly) 
  > continue the search to
  > another node, and then use `l' to get back where you were.
  > IOW, why not have two levels of isearch "failure": 1) no 
  > more in the current node, 2) no more in the current Info "manual"?

The behavior of what you propose is different from either the current
C-s behavior in an emacs info buffer or in standalone info.


The message I was replying to was just asking to make the C-s behavior
the same in an info buffer and standalone info, and allow to the user
to choose one or the other via a customizable variable.


Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: follow-link in grep buffer

2005-02-22 Thread Drew Adams
I just installed a change so that a mouse-1 click only follows a link
if the window is already selected.

The tooltip will now say to use mouse-2 to follow a link in a
non-selected window and to use mouse-1 in a selected window.

I don't think it's a good idea to put the info about mouse-2 in the tooltip
here; I would leave it out, to simplify the explanation.

Using mouse-2 to select a link in a non-selected window is not necessary,
anyway - users can just click mouse-1 to select the window first. Keeping
this extra info in the tooltip will only confuse novices (and others). Users
quickly get used to the Windows behavior without any explanation that their
first click in a non-selected window does not follow a clicked link.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: follow-link in grep buffer

2005-02-25 Thread Drew Adams
If we have specific problems in certain modes, let's fix those
modes (e.g. in grep that you have to click on the file:line
part of a line to jump).

Just to add one more permutation to our list of contortions ;-) -

I would like to see modes like Dired and Grep and Buffer List make the
entire line, which is in fact the entire entry, clickable and
mouse-highlightable, as I think I mentioned before. The reasons are:

 - It makes it much easier to "scan" with the mouse, seeing what lines up
with what. This is like using a ruler to scan entries in a large table or
phone book.

 - It makes it easier to click an entry - just click anywhere on the line.

I've used this behavior for decades in my own Emacs, and I find it useful.

Anyway, I mention this now because of Kim's suggestion, above, which moves a
bit in the opposite direction. IOW, I don't want to see the hot zone
_reduced_ or limited in buffers like grep, I instead want to see the entire
entry (which is the entire line) become the hot zone.

Assuming that I were able to convince others about this (;-)), what would
that mean wrt mouse bindings? In buffers like these (Dired, grep, Buffer
List), the main mouse action is not to set point, but setting point is still
an important action (e.g. in Dired). I don't have a brilliant suggestion,
but I wonder if it wouldn't be reasonable, in such buffers, to reverse one
approach mentioned already:

 - mouse-1 follows the link (which, to me, should be the whole line)

 - double-click mouse-1 sets point

I don't think this would be too bad. In such buffers we do need to set point
sometimes, and we sometimes want to create a region, but we don't usually
need to double-click to select a word. We could always drag to create a
region (I do that in my Dired buffers).

Of course, there is the argument that this won't be intuitive to users, but
I think we'll be up against such an argument no matter what we choose. After
all, being able to both a) follow a link and b) set point is not that

Another argument against this might be that a too-slow double-click would
mess up the user, mistakenly following the link. I think users can deal with
this. In Windows, a simple GUI dialog lets you set the double-click interval
(speed), and this setting applies to all applications. (BTW, Do we pick up
this Windows setting in Emacs, to use as our double-click delay?)

Kim's time delay is also a good approach to the mouse-1/mouse-2 problem, and
it is also standard behavior in many apps (the argument that users will
never discover it is overstated, IMO). There would be no problem in adopting
both approaches simultaneously (to set point: either double-click or hold
mouse-1 pressed a little longer). That might sound paradoxical, but it's
perhaps the easiest behavior to explain (and discover): to follow a link,
use a single short click; anything else sets point.

Whatever we choose, we have these requirements:

 - It should be at least as easy to follow a link as to set point. In
buffers that are primarily "view" buffers, as opposed to "edit", it is
tolerable if setting point is not quite as easy as following a link.

 - It shouldn't be too hard to discover or perform either action.

 - There should not be any disastrous consequences of making a mistake.

WRT having the first mouse-click set the focus (a suggestion Stefan and I
each made): Yes, that would be done only if the window didn't already have
the focus. No, it wouldn't apply if you choose to have the focus
automatically follow the mouse. I think that first-click-focuses suggestion
makes sense, regardless of what other conventions we adopt - that is, it
should be adopted even if we also choose to use double-click (or whatever)
to set point.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: follow-link in grep buffer

2005-02-25 Thread Drew Adams
> Just to add one more permutation to our list of contortions ;-) -
> I would like to see modes like Dired and Grep and Buffer List make
> the entire line, which is in fact the entire entry, clickable and
> mouse-highlightable, as I think I mentioned before.

For one thing, this is visually distracting.  Our highlight color is
pretty brutal.  For buttons, this is fine, for active lines, this is
too much.

For that reason, I use underline for mouse-face highlighting in such

> The reasons are:
>  - It makes it much easier to "scan" with the mouse, seeing what
> lines up with what. This is like using a ruler to scan entries in a
> large table or phone book.

The mouse highlighting we have makes the line pretty unreadable.  That
is ok for buttons: you usually are aware what they are for before you
move to their confined area.  But it is too heavy for whole lines.

Agreed - see above. The proper highlighting to use is our choice (and then
it's the user's choice). I agree that mouseover highlighting of entire-line
entries should be subtle, not overwhelming. I use underline.

Ideally, I would love to be able to use underlining _without removing any
font-lock highlighting_; that is, simply underline the text when you point
to it, without changing any of its other properties. That's the behavior in
most Web browsers. I'm not sure if that's easy to do, or even feasible, in
Emacs, however.

>  - It makes it easier to click an entry - just click anywhere on the
>  line.

Good grief.  In a dired buffer, I most often need to to some directory
editing operation: renaming, moving, viewing with a special
application.  If there is no place in the whole buffer where a simple
mouse-1 will be able to place point, this is a terrible nuisance.  I
am not sure I'd want to have even just the file name
mouse-1-buttonized, let alone the whole line.

1. Currently I do not have mouse-1 follow links, so I have no pb in this
regard. I agree that if one cannot easily set point, that is a major

2. I specifically said that in such buffers it is very important to be able
to easily set point with the mouse. I said, about such buffers: "the main
mouse action is not to set point, but setting point is still an important
action (e.g. in Dired)."

3. Describing behavior like this doesn't communicate it well. You really
need to try it (or have a good imagination). Also, it's hard to think
outside of one's habitual box - that is, our habits can often convince us
that any change is undesirable.

> Anyway, I mention this now because of Kim's suggestion, above, which
> moves a bit in the opposite direction. IOW, I don't want to see the
> hot zone _reduced_ or limited in buffers like grep, I instead want
> to see the entire entry (which is the entire line) become the hot
> zone.

That pretty much destroys the ability for simple editing without using
smartass tricks like long clicks or drags.

See above. I use mouse-1 to set point currently, as usual (no
double-clicking). If we changed mouse-1 to follow links, then I would
double-click to set point - or I would forego mouse-1-follows-links. "Simple
editing" would not be affected detrimentally by what I or Kim described, and
such buffers are not for non-simple editing.

This is not an interface I want to have to explain to anybody.

We want an interface that does _not_ need explaining - especially wrt basic
mouse operations such as following links and setting point. I think this
behavior would be fairly intuitive and easy to discover - no special
explanation would be needed.

Keep in mind, too, that Emacs novices already need to learn much trickier
mouse manipulations (double-click and triple-click to select, mouse-1 plus
mouse-3 to select, etc.). How did you learn all that? You probably read it
in Info. Well, what I'm talking about is a lot less to explain than all
that. And, more importantly, it probably would be discovered and not need
explaining at all (unlike mouse-1 plus mouse-3 to select etc.).

> Assuming that I were able to convince others about this (;-)), what
> would that mean wrt mouse bindings? In buffers like these (Dired,
> grep, Buffer List), the main mouse action is not to set point, but
> setting point is still an important action (e.g. in Dired). I don't
> have a brilliant suggestion, but I wonder if it wouldn't be
> reasonable, in such buffers, to reverse one approach mentioned
> already:
>  - mouse-1 follows the link (which, to me, should be the whole line)
>  - double-click mouse-1 sets point

Terrible.  If I tell that to any new Emacs users, they'll shake their
heads and leave Emacs alone.

And when you tell them about mouse-1 plus mouse-3 and all the rest?

I don't mind if you configure your own editor in such a backward
way that makes the simple operations difficult,

RE: follow-link in grep buffer

2005-02-25 Thread Drew Adams
> Terrible.  If I tell that to any new Emacs users, they'll
> shake their heads and leave Emacs alone.

> And when you tell them about mouse-1 plus mouse-3 and all the rest?

The difference is that you don't need to tell Emacs novices about
mouse-1+mouse-3 (which I never ever use in Emacs, BTW, I always use
drag-mouse-1 instead).  OTOH you do have to explain to them why
they can't just "click to place point" and how to work around it.

Well, I don't want to belabor this point, but mouse-1+mouse-3 behavior does
need introducing, _if_ someone is to use it - people are not likely to
_discover_ that behavior. Double-click behavior is something that many
people will discover without explanation, IMO. Others may disagree...

BTW, I'm a bit surprised that you always drag to select. Do you also not use
two mouse-3 clicks to delete the region? That's another handy operation
(though not basic or essential) that requires some introduction. Unlike
mouse-1+mouse-3, people _are_ likely to discover that on their own, but it
might take them a while to understand just what they've done.

Using the mouse to follow a link and set point are basic operations that
should not require any how-to explanation. Today, we do need to "tell"
novices about mouse-2 and links. Tomorrow, we may unfortunately need to
"tell" them about other ways to use the mouse to do simple things. We should
try to come up with a scheme that leaves the three most basic mouse
operations - setting point, defining the region, and following links -
without need of an explanation. It doesn't sound like we're quite there yet.

Your point is valid, of course, that novices might not need mouse-1+mouse-3.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: follow-link in grep buffer

2005-02-25 Thread Drew Adams
> I use mouse-1 to set point currently, as usual (no
> double-clicking). If we changed mouse-1 to follow links, then I
> would double-click to set point - or I would forego
> mouse-1-follows-links. "Simple editing" would not be affected
> detrimentally by what I or Kim described, and such buffers are not
> for non-simple editing.

Look, you are arguing for an interface you are not even using

I argued for full-line mouseover highlighting in buffers like grep. I've
been using it for decades. Try it; you'll like it.

I also threw out, as a _separate_ idea, the possibility that if we have
mouse-1 follow links, then double-click mouse-1 might set point (instead of
mouse-1 setting point and double-click following links). I provided a little
rationale for such an approach, but I also explained that I was _not_ going
to the barricades for that idea. If you find that idea crazy, I won't fight
for it.

I have not used mouse-1 to follow links in Emacs. mea culpa.

Whenever I explain why a particular default is horrible,
you say "Oh, I have configured something different myself currently".
This leads nowhere.

Bad generalization. A better generalization is "Whenever David discusses
something, he screams like Howard Dean in Iowa." But neither generalization
is very good.

> This is not an interface I want to have to explain to anybody.
> We want an interface that does _not_ need explaining - especially
> wrt basic mouse operations such as following links and setting
> point. I think this behavior would be fairly intuitive and easy to
> discover - no special explanation would be needed.

I disagree.

> Personally, I find the full-line highlighting so useful that if
> forced to choose, I'll probably choose not to have mouse-1 follow
> links in such buffers. _I_ might not mind double-clicking to set
> point in such buffers, but if you barf at the thought, well, we
> might have different taste.

I seem to be a complete failure at communicating my opinion.

No, on that score you do well.

Taste is
not a question here.  One of the great things of Emacs is that it can
be configured to accommodate almost any taste and need.  We are
talking about a default setting here: and that does not need to be
tasteful, but obvious and generally useful and consistent.

"we might have different taste" in this matter: We might have different
opinions of what the default setting should be. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

The personal choice I was referring to was this: I will keep full-line
mouseover and forego mouse-1-follows-links, in my own Emacs. The former is
that important to me. I would _like_ standard Emacs to follow my taste in
this, but I don't expect to be able to convince others on this. Not this
time around, anyway ;-).

That personal choice is separate (different) from the question of
double-click mouse-1 to set point vs to follow links. The latter is a
discussion about what the default Emacs behavior should be. We might have
different taste in that choice. I say "might" because I am not arguing
forceably for one or the other; I don't even know what I would prefer in
that regard. I just threw out an additional possibility for consideration.
As I said in my reply to Stefan, "It doesn't sound like we're quite there
yet." I was just trying to contribute to finding a solution.

FWIW, my reason for bringing up the full-line mouseover in this discussion
was Kim's remark that we might consider _reducing_ the size of the mouseover
fields in grep. He made his suggestion (of a possibility) because of the
perceived problem with setting point in such buffers if mouse-1 follows
links. There remains a problem with setting point vs following links, IMO.
Reducing the hot zones won't solve the problem (though it would restrict
it), and such a hot-zone reduction works against what I think we should be
doing wrt mouseover in such buffers. So 1) I spoke my mind wrt full-line
mouseover zones and 2) I threw out yet another set-point-vs-follow-link
possibility, for discussion.

And "I
find it nice that if I reconfigure the highlighting face that as a
side effect I get in dired an orientation line" has nothing to do
whatsoever with consistency.

We don't want the behavior in dired to
be surprisingly different from the rest by default, and we don't want
to have some moderately convenient choice for dired (and I disagree
with your assessment even just in dired) to make all the rest less
logical and convenient.

I guess you are saying that mouse-face highlighting should always be the
same, for consistency.

Consistency is a valid argument, in general. I agree that consistency is
important, but everything is relative. This particular inconsistency is not
a biggee to me (mouseover highlighting is always clear to users, regardless
of the color etc.), but "we might have different taste" in weighi

RE: follow-link in grep buffer

2005-02-25 Thread Drew Adams
> Bad generalization. A better generalization is "Whenever David
> discusses something, he screams like Howard Dean in Iowa." But
> neither generalization is very good.

Whatever.  Enough people have pointed out by now that they see little
merit or sense or consistency or logic in my proposals.  So I'll just
stop screaming and let others decide.

Chalk that one up to my bad sense of humor - I apologize. None of us need ad
hominem arguments; I was trying to say that, sarcastically, by making such
an argument myself.

FWIW, I don't find your double-click-to-follow+single-click-to-set-pt
suggestion worse than my opposite idea. In fact, your reference to the
coding guideline about click-1 and click-2 convinced me that my suggestion
was not a good one. Thanks for that reminder.

I doubt too that people in general see "little sense" in your proposals in
general or in this proposal, in particular. Quite the contrary.

I personally think it's worth kicking this particular design problem around
a little more, to see if the discussion doesn't come up with something
elegant. There have been several proposals so far that I find acceptable,
but I don't think we've yet reached that "Eureka!" moment that brings a
really contented consensus. It's not as if this problem is critical or
urgent. We can do something not-too-unreasonable for the current release and
think about it some more for later.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Key binding M-g should really be goto-line autolearn=noversion=3.0.2 autolearn=no version=3.0.2

2005-03-02 Thread Drew Adams
Example: How would students/designers use Emacs for PHP coding,
where the remote site displays error messages and line numbers
in a web page?

Not to distract you all from the burning issue of `M-g', but how about a
poor-man's compile buffer? If the target line number is already displayed in
Emacs somewhere, why bother to type it in to `goto-line'?

It wouldn't help with a Web page display, of course (unless the page were
viewed in Emacs), but it sounds from your use case as if it might be
generally useful to have a command that picks up the line-number from the
text at point (whenever that text can be parsed as a numeral) and does
`goto-line' in buffer `(other-buffer (current-buffer) t)'.

And it might be useful to have an equivalent mouse command: click a
displayed numeral to go to that line in the other buffer.

To be able to specify a different target buffer, you could use a prefix arg,
but you should not have to type anything (even RET) for must uses of the
command - the default target buffer should be what you want. IOW, no default
buffer-name with a prompt; just go to other-buffer.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Key binding M-g should really be goto-line autolearn=noversion=3.0.2 autolearn=no version=3.0.2

2005-03-03 Thread Drew Adams
> it might be generally useful to have a command that picks up the
> line-number from the text at point (whenever that text can be
> parsed as a numeral) and does `goto-line' in buffer
> `(other-buffer (current-buffer) t)'.

We already have that, it's compilation-minor-mode.

Looking at the code for compilation-minor-mode (as I'm inexperienced with
it), I see no connection with what I suggested. That mode appears to work
only in buffers that can be parsed to work with next-error etc.

What I suggested was a simple command to pick up a numeral from any buffer,
regardless of what the numeral might mean in that buffer. It would be
rudimentary, but would do at least what people are doing with `goto-line',
without requiring them to key in the line number. A minor suggestion -
that's all.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Key binding M-g should really be goto-line autolearn=noversion=3.0.2 autolearn=no version=3.0.2

2005-03-03 Thread Drew Adams
> What I suggested was a simple command to pick up a numeral
> from any buffer,
> regardless of what the numeral might mean in that buffer. It would be
> rudimentary, but would do at least what people are doing with
> `goto-line',
> without requiring them to key in the line number.

Is this what you have in mind?

(defun goto-line-at-point (&optional buffer)
   "Go to the line whose number is given at point, counting like \
With a prefix arg, prompt for a BUFFER and select it before moving."
   (interactive (list (if current-prefix-arg
  (read-buffer "Goto buffer: "
   (other-buffer (current-buffer) t)
   (when buffer
 (pop-to-buffer buffer))
   (goto-line (number-at-point)))

I was thinking more like the following. You don't want to have to input the
buffer each time (even hitting RET to get the default). And it's unlikely
that you would want to go to a line in the same buffer in which the line
number appears.

(defun goto-line-at-point (buffer)
  "In another buffer, go to the line whose number is at point.
With prefix argument, you are prompted for the buffer.
Without it, `other-buffer' is used."
   (list (if current-prefix-arg
"Buffer: "
(other-buffer (current-buffer) t)
   (other-buffer (current-buffer) t
  (let ((lineno (or (number-at-point)
(error "No number near cursor"
(unless (wholenump lineno)
(setq lineno (abs (truncate lineno
(message "Line %s in buffer `%s'" lineno buffer)
(pop-to-buffer buffer)
(goto-line lineno)))

If so, maybe a mouse- version would be useful, too.

Yes, that's what I was suggesting. I don't have a need for such commands,
but it sounded like they might be useful for the use case cited.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Key binding M-g should really be goto-lineautolearn=noversion=3.0.2 autolearn=no version=3.0.2

2005-03-04 Thread Drew Adams
> How about making goto-line suggest the number at point
> as its default argument?

That seems very convenient!

I haven't yet received RMS's email, but yes, why not?

I think it may also be convenient if, point is not on a number, use
the first number on the current line as a default.

This is because I think it's common to have point sitting at the
beginning of an error line, and this would save users the effort of
manually positioning point over the actual line number (the heuristic
could fail in some cases if for instance a filename contained digits,
but I think it would often be right).

BTW, also maybe the prompt in the "use last selected buffer" case
should mention the buffer name.

FYI - I don't suggest that `goto-line' itself should be changed this way,
but the code I sent for `goto-line-at-point' (which picks up a number in a
buffer to use as goto-line line number in another buffer), in my version,
uses `number-nearest-point' instead of `number-at-point'. That does what you
suggest wrt a number at line start. `number-nearest-point' is defined here:

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Key binding M-g should really be goto-lineautolearn=noversion=3.0.2 autolearn=no version=3.0.2

2005-03-04 Thread Drew Adams
> FYI - I don't suggest that `goto-line' itself should be
> changed this way, but the code I sent for `goto-line-at-point'

I think goto-line should do it.

What is "it"?  You cut off the rest of my sentence where I said what I meant
by "changed this way": use `number-nearest-point'. I suspect that your "it"
is not my "this way", but I'm not sure what you mean.

RMS has already said that he is not interested in such nearest-point stuff
in Emacs. That's why I changed it to `number-at-point' in the code I sent,
and that's why I said that I don't propose it for `goto-line' itelf. I
mentioned it only "FYI", for the original poster, in particular.

Your suggestion to pick up the line number at bol might be acceptable to
RMS, however. I think that the main pb he had with the "nearest" stuff was
that its scope was not sufficiently constrained. That is not a pb with bol.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: isearch-forward and Info-search

2005-03-10 Thread Drew Adams
Would you like it if isearch failed before proceeding to the
next Info node?

I would. I suggested this long ago. It should first wrap, as Richard
suggested. After the entire Info node has been searched, it should fail. A
subsequent invocation should continue through the manual.

IOW, isearch the node completely first (wrapping), then inform the user that
there are no more occurrences in the node, then continue on to other nodes.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: isearch-forward and Info-search

2005-03-10 Thread Drew Adams
I also think it would be too annoying to fail before
leaving every Info node.  It would be better to fail only
in the first Info node where isearch was started.

Good point - I agree.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: isearch-forward and Info-search

2005-03-11 Thread Drew Adams
> Would you like it if isearch failed before proceeding to the
> next Info node?
> I would. I suggested this long ago. It should first wrap, as Richard
> suggested. After the entire Info node has been searched, it should
> fail. A subsequent invocation should continue through the manual.
> IOW, isearch the node completely first (wrapping), then inform the
> user that there are no more occurrences in the node, then continue
> on to other nodes.

IMO, this behavior is too confusing.

I agree, and I don't know why I suggested here to first wrap. In fact, what
you describe was what I suggested originally:

  > But it would be better if
  > normal C-s isearch searched through multiple nodes as well.

I like being able to confine an isearch to the current node.
Currently, I can use `s' for global search and `C-s' (or
`C-M-s') for local (node) search.

So, to me, it would be desirable to have some indication that
the end of the current node was reached without finding another
occurrence of the string - e.g. "Failing isearch in node Foo:
bar". Except for being able to overwrap isearch in the node (no
great loss), this would give the advantages of both approaches
(local and global search)
IOW, why not have two levels of isearch "failure": 1) no more
in the current node, 2) no more in the current Info "manual"?

Emacs-devel mailing list

suggestions on toolbar icons

2005-03-16 Thread Drew Adams
Some minor suggestions on toolbar icons (in Windows version, at
least). No need for a lot of discussion. If any of this makes
sense, good; if not, forget it.


 - Magnifying glass for search: This symbol is often used for
   Zoom, and it should be reserved for Zoom.

   Suggestion: Use binoculars instead. (People don't search with
   magnifying glasses, anyway.)

 - Manuscript "X" for quit/exit: This symbol is often used for
   Delete. It's not too bad for quitting (killing) a buffer, but
   extending this to stand for "quit" generally (e.g. Info) is
   not good.

   Suggestion (my preference): Use the "exit" international
   symbol, which is an arrow leaving a box by its open end:

   <  |

   Reserve the manuscript X for a real delete operation that
   cannot be assimilated with quitting. Whenever "delete" can be
   considered to mean quit, use the exit symbol.

   Alternative suggestion (but I prefer the one above): Use a
   non-manuscript X for quit (perhaps like the one Windows uses
   to close a frame, in the upper-right corner). It is only the
   _manuscript_ X that means delete and so can be confusing.

 - Tooltip for quit/exit:

   Suggestion: Use "Quit buffer", or "Delete buffer" instead of
   "Discard current buffer". I prefer "Quit buffer".


 - Right arrow targeting yellow disk (go to named node):

   Suggestion: Arrow should point to the word "Node" or "Xxxx",
   not to a nameless yellow disk.

 - Index:

   Suggestion: Add the letter "i" at the top of the icon
   (lowercase i, as in the information symbol, but without any
   enclosing circle). Split the "text" of each line, to show that
   these are entries in a list (index):

   _ ____
   _ _ is better than ___
   _ ____

 - Arrows Previous, Next, Up, History Back, and History Forward:
   The structural-move icons (Previous, Next, Up) look too much
   like the chronological-move icons of Web browsers. I don't
   have a slam-dunk suggestion here, but we should come up with
   something better: browser users are used to these fat arrows
   for chronological moves. (It's best to avoid them altogether.)

   Suggestion (my preference): U-turn arrows for chronological
   moves (right-then-left for back, left-then-right for forward);
   small arrows with ellipsis (indicating continuation) for
   structural moves: ...<-- and -->...

   By "U-turn" arrows, I don't mean the current curly arrows, but
   arrows that make a full sideways turn, like a U on its side.

   Alternative suggestion (but I prefer the one above): U-turn
   arrows for chronological moves; thin arrows for structural
   moves. (The current curly arrows would not be good for
   structural moves, because their shape suggests moving up and

   Second alternative: If people don't like U-turn arrows, then
   use the fat arrows for chronological moves, a la web browsers.

 - Tooltip for Up arrow: Should say "Go to parent node", not "Go
   up in the Info tree".

 - Home (Info-top-node): Icon is good. However...

   It takes you to the top node of the current file. Once there,
   the icon remains active, although it then does nothing. Either
   it should then be deactivated, or (better, IMO) `Info-top-node'
   should take you to (dir) if you are already at the top of a
   manual. We already have the notion of "Home" being relative
   (different manuals have different homes), so letting it have
   two levels this way would not be disruptive - in a sense there
   _are_ two levels of "home" (or "top").


 - Folder (for "file): This is _not_ good. A folder icon is used
   ubiquitously for, well, a folder - that is, a directory.

   Suggestion: The new-file and existing-file icons should be
   very similar. Use the current new-file icon for both, but, in
   the case of new-file, make it slightly smaller and have tiny
   "sparkle" lines emanating from it ("[ ]" here represents a
   slightly smaller version of the current new-file icon):

   `  |  '
   - [ ] -

   '  |  `

   Such sparkle lines (I don't know the real term) are often used
   to indicate action, change of state, newness, or creation.

   Alternative suggestion (perhaps better): Put just a tiny
   sparkle star in one corner of the new-file icon. Example:

 - Directory (Dired):

   Suggestion: Use a regular folder icon. Duh?

 - Tooltip for Directory:

   Suggestion: Mention "Dired" - "Operate on files in directory

 - Help:

   Suggestion (my preference): Use a large, lowercase "i" in a
   circle, the international symbol for information.

   Alternative suggestion (but I prefer the one above): Use a
   question mark (?) in a circle. A question mark is closer to
   the meaning of Help, but Emacs Help is more than h

RE: suggestions on toolbar icons

2005-03-17 Thread Drew Adams
I won't belabor this, but I do have a few responses. Your reply is, in
essence, "GNMMME" (shades of Allen Ginsberg w/ "Oo"). If GNOME's
choices are not always the best, we will nevertheless live with it.

>  - Folder (for "file): This is _not_ good. A folder icon is used
>ubiquitously for, well, a folder - that is, a directory.

You are talking Microsoft products here I guess.  This is the Gnome
stock open icon, I see no advantage to adopt a different set of
guidelines different from Gnome where the folder icon is not at all is
ubiquitously used for directory. Check out any Gnome application.

>  - Directory (Dired):
>Suggestion: Use a regular folder icon. Duh?

GTK_STOCK_DIRECTORY _is_ a standard folder icon. This _agrees_ with my
suggestion (not at all Microsoftesque) that a standard folder icon should be
used for Dired. If you think advocating that a folder icon be used to
represent a folder editor implies advocating adopting Microsoft conventions,
then I would suggest that you are overly zealous in your struggle. Oo.

Similarly, GTK_STOCK_FILE is a standard file icon. This _agrees_ with my
suggestion to keep this icon.

The question then is, what about new-file vs existing-file? I suggested
using something similar for both of these. GTK_STOCK_NEW is in fact
_identical_ to GTK_STOCK_FILE, showing that GNOME and I think alike on this

Emacs, however, currently uses the _directory_ icon, GTK_STOCK_DIRECTORY for
opening an existing file - it happens that this icon is identical to
GTK_STOCK_OPEN. Using a folder to represent opening a _file_ flies in the
face of every UI I've ever seen. Are you sure that GTK_STOCK_OPEN is
intended for files, not for directories? Does using it for opening a file
make sense to you?

Finally, if you are going to use GNOME as a litmus test, then why not be
consistent and use GTK_STOCK_GOTO_TOP instead of GTK_STOCK_HOME for Info's
Top? Likewise, why not use GTK_STOCK_GO_BACK for Back (which is, presumably,
chronological) - as in Web browsers? Why use the GNOME undo/redo icon
(GTK_STOCK_REDO) for Back and Forward? I suspect that we are already
departing dangerously from the GNOME Oom. It's a slippery slope...

The Gnome stock quit could be used in info to quit, it is an arrow
pointing to an open door.

Yes, that's better, although the icon is ambiguous (entering or exiting?)
and is not very clear (the door is hard to distinguish). I prefer the
international exit sign - the one you look for when there's a fire.

>  - Tooltip for quit/exit:
>Suggestion: Use "Quit buffer", or "Delete buffer" instead of
>"Discard current buffer". I prefer "Quit buffer".

But "Quit Buffer" is not clear, it could mean the same as "Quit Info"
i.e. leaving the buffer intact, just switching to another buffer.

"Quit" is clearer (and more common) than "discard". At this level, the
distinction between leaving the buffer intact and killing it is not
important - and "discard" doesn't help with this distinction anyway.

The point of stock items is that themes may change them and
applications that uses stock items change appearence automatically.

I think that Emacs could do better than what is there now, but I do respect
that general argument. I wasn't aware of this.

Gnome is the GNU desktop environment, so aligning Emacs with Gnome
where possible makes sense. It does not make sense to me to change
Emacs for the benefit of any other platform.

This is not about "any other platform". Aligning Emacs with GNOME is fine,
in principle. Recognize, however, that it can also mean a straightjacket at
times - Emacs will not be _better_ than whatever GNOME has already defined.

Now, if someone would like to make a general solution, like adding
the feature that an Emacs user can select from several different icon
themes or make his own theme, that would be something.


If you really want a change to happen it would be more likely if you
have made the icons already (both bitmap and pixmap format), and shown
us a picture of them in Emacs.

Sorry, I'm not an artist or an image guru. I think my descriptions got the
point across. It's a moot point anyway, if we are to adhere to the GNOME

I said I wouldn't belabor this, but I did run on a bit. I'll not follow up -
do whatever you like. Oo.

 - Drew

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: suggestions on toolbar icons

2005-03-17 Thread Drew Adams
OPEN is what the action is, not FILE. Sometimes (without file dialog or
Motif dialog), you can actually open directories with open.  So FILE
does not apply.

Yes, despite the name, `find-file-existing' can also open directories. I
still think the folder icon is misleading here.

> Similarly, GTK_STOCK_FILE is a standard file icon. This _agrees_ with
> my suggestion to keep this icon.

It is not FILE, it is NEW we are using.  And should be using, as the
action is NEW as in new buffer, not FILE.  Again, it is possible to
make a new buffer without any file with this under the right settings.

Fine. How would I know which you use, without checking the code? FILE and
NEW are _identical_ icons; they are both standard file icons.

So, what is FILE for? Is it perhaps for opening an existing file? It is
normal that the two actions "open a new file" and "open an existing file"
have similar icons - that's just what I was suggesting we need. Similar,
yes; identical, no. File, yes (for both); folder, no.

> Are you sure that GTK_STOCK_OPEN is
> intended for files, not for directories?

it is indeed used for opening existing files.

OK. Too bad.

> if you are going to use GNOME as a litmus test, then why not
> be consistent and use GTK_STOCK_GOTO_TOP instead of GTK_STOCK_HOME for
> Info's Top? Likewise, why not use GTK_STOCK_GO_BACK for Back (which
> presumably, chronological) - as in Web browsers? Why use the GNOME
> undo/redo icon (GTK_STOCK_REDO) for Back and Forward?

HOME was used because previous Emacs versions use HOME from GTK 1.x.


BACK is used in info, I presume that is what you mean. Are you
suggesting BACK for two actions?

I said "why not use GTK_STOCK_GO_BACK for Back (which is, presumably,
chronological)."  It is used in Info for Previous, not for chronological
Back. I already pointed out that it is _not_ good to use undo/redo for
chronological moves.

The previous version of Emacs used redo/undo, so we keep that.

Legacy. Are we tied to legacy as well as to GNOME? And if (as is the case
here) they happen to conflict? Apparently legacy wins.

To be clear: _IF_ we are to be consistent in adherence to GNOME, then we
should 1) use BACK/FORWARD for Back/Forward (chronological moves), 2) use
something else (not BACK/FORWARD and not UNDO/REDO) for structural moves,
and 3) use TOP (not HOME) for Top. Hang legacy, for things like toolbar

> the international exit sign.

Make that icon, so we can see what it looks like.

Attached (google for "exit"). Also attached: the information symbol (google
for "information"). Even countries that don't use international signs use
these two in airplanes, airports, and such, so I can't imagine many people
haven't seen them. Also attached: possibilities I mentioned for
"Preferences" (Customize) and "New File".

> "Quit" is clearer (and more common) than "discard". At this level, the
> distinction between leaving the buffer intact and killing it is not
> important - and "discard" doesn't help with this distinction anyway.

It is very important.  It is a great difference between just burying a
buffer and discarding it.

Of course, but it is not a difference that is reflected in "discard" any
more than in "quit". If you really want to be a stickler about this, use
"delete". The point is that "discard" is as ambiguous as "quit", but it is
less familiar to many people.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Options menu

2005-03-18 Thread Drew Adams

==1  Customize 
>    --2  Language Environment 
(Mule)   >3  Set 
>5   [] Blinking Cursor6   [] Highlighting7   [] Active Region 
--8   [] Truncate Syntax Highlighting9   [] Paren Match Long Lines in this 
Buffer10  [] Word Wrap in Text 
Modes11  [] Case-insensitive Search12  [] C-x/C-c/C-v cut-and-paste 
(CUA)    --13  [] Use Directory Names in Buffer Names14  [] Save Places in Files between Sessions15  [] Automatic File 
--16  [] Enter Debugger on Error17  [] Enter Debugger on 
Quit/C-g    --18 Save 
Options    ==  

1. I 
agree generally with David's siggestions.
Below is one possible reordering, with some name changes 
(shorter). Submenus use nouns; menu items use verbs. Some items could be 
removed, as Kim & David suggested. Debug stuff could be combined in a 
submenu instead of a main-menu pane. 
3. Note the ellipsis (...) for Font: This opens a dialog box (at least on 

Remember Last Place in Files 14
[] Search Case-Sensitively  11
C-x/c/v to Cut, Copy, Paste  12
Auto (De)compress Files  15
Enter Debugger on Error  16
Enter Debugger on Quit (C-g) 17

>    4
(+ current Show/Hide 
Highlight 6
    [] Highlight 
Region  7
Highlight Matching Parens 9

Blink Cursor 
Truncate Long Lines   8
Word-Wrap in Text Modes  10
    [] Add 
Path to Buffer Name  13
Environment (Mule) >    2
More Options (Customize)    
>    1
Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: suggestions on toolbar icons

2005-03-18 Thread Drew Adams
> use something else for structural moves,

You are assuming somebody else should figure out what this
"something else" is.

I made several concrete suggestions for this "something else", starting with
"->..." (left, right, and up versions) and including other Gnome icons. And
Lennart made a suggestion (arrow pointing to a page). I can only suggest.

>> the international exit sign.
> Make that icon, so we can see what it looks like.
> Attached.

These are visually inconsistent with the rest of the toolbar


Of _course_ a harmonious set of icons would be needed. I sent prototype
images to give you an idea of what I meant, because you asked for them and
you said you didn't understand my verbal description. I made it clear that
those images are just pulled from various Web pages (googling); I sent URLs
in my first message.

IOW, you said you didn't understand my description, you didn't follow the
URLs to see what I meant, you asked me to send an image to clarify, and then
you said that the images I sent don't fit what's already there now. Can you
say "mauvaise foi"?

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: suggestions on toolbar icons

2005-03-18 Thread Drew Adams
Man, you start out implying you don't want to start an argument and
yet fill your message up with this sort of crap.  You clearly don't
like Gnome -- and I certainly have my own long list of complaints
about it -- but please save the anti-Gnome rants for some other list.

So I'm a Gnome-hater now? And a Microsoft pusher? Ad hominem ad nauseum.

For the record:

1. I have nothing against Gnome. I have never seen or used Gnome. I had
hardly heard of Gnome before Jan's email; I did not know that Emacs was
using Gnome icons; and I did not know that Gnome had a set of generic icons.

I stated explicitly that aligning Emacs with Gnome was fine, in principle. I
mentioned that I agreed with the idea of using generic icons that can change
appearance automatically - that's very good - I mentioned that I wasn't
aware of that possibility. I pointed out a few places where Gnome icons
_agreed_ with what I was suggesting (versus what is now in Emacs). I (and
Lennart) suggested using some Gnome icons that are not used now, and I
suggested using some of the Gnome icons differently.

2. I do use Windows now in my work, as well as GNU/Linux (remotely - xterm
only). I am not particularly a fan of Microsoft as a company, and I don't
think Microsoft UIs are always great - far from it. I think free software as
a movement is great, and Microsoft as a movement is not. But that does not
mean that everything GNU is the best there is, that there is no room for
improvement, or that inspiration for such improvement cannot come even from
the likes of Microsoft or other devils. It so happens that none of my
suggestions on icons were inspired by Microsoft products (to my knowledge),
but so what if they had been?

It is silly (counter-productive) to circle the wagons each time you think
someone has mentioned something happening outside the cult. "Burn the
heretic!" will eventually leave you with few of the faithful left to burn.

3. I don't even use the toolbar - I just happened to open a recent Emacs and
came across what I felt were not-the-most-helpful icons.

I sent along some ideas for improvement, with no particular expectation that
any one of them might be adopted. In several cases I gave alternative
suggestions - the suggestions were obviously intended as food for thought,
as possible minor improvements.

The response was, essentially: 1) Gnome doesn't allow/provide this, and 2)
where allowed/provided, it conflicts with the legacy Emacs icons. End of

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Type Ahead Find

2005-03-18 Thread Drew Adams
Tres cool. Very useful. (Haven't tried it, but the description sells it, to

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Options menu

2005-03-18 Thread Drew Adams
> From: "Drew Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 07:48:49 -0800
> ==
> 1  Customize Emacs   >
> --
> 2  Language Environment (Mule)   >
> 3  Set Font/fontset
> --
> 4  Show/Hide >
> 5   [] Blinking Cursor
> 6   [] Highlighting
> 7   [] Active Region Highlighting

Please don't make such a change: the simple toggle-type options should
come first, and the submenus (like Mule) later.  Not the other way
around.  Likewise with Customize: it should come after the toggles.

Uh, are you sure you're replying to me? What you quoted was from Kim; I
suggested something different that agrees 100% with what you just said.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Antialiased text on X11

2005-03-18 Thread Drew Adams
The fact of the matter is that anti-aliased
fonts specially on LCD screens look much better than non-antialiased
fonts.  Its rather sad that I have to use xemacs on windows (such a
heresy) in order to have my fonts antialised.

I'm not an expert on anti-aliasing, but I use Windows XP on an LCD with
ClearType smoothing of screen font edges, and it works beautifully. I only
wish I had the same effect when I use Emacs on Linux (I'm not saying there
is no way to do that, but I'm ignorant of it).

If you use Windows XP, try this:

1. Right-click the desktop, choose Properties.
2. Open the Appearance tab (panel).
3. Click the Effects... button.
4. Check the box labeled "Use the following method to smooth edges of screen
5. Choose ClearType or Standard (I use ClearType).
6. Click OK. Click OK.

Does that not do what you want?

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Todays exercise of sanity (or does "see" really match "not"?)

2005-03-21 Thread Drew Adams
I guess that you have Info-hide-note-references enabled.  The reason
why it stops on "see" is that the actual text in the buffer is:
(*note Character Sets::). and note matches "not".

I filed a bug report on this behavior on Oct 4. Juri fixed it on Oct 31 with
respect to stuff in the header (File, Next etc.), but there was no fix AFAIK
for Note and Menu.

In discussion of the bug report, I stated that "we should be able somehow to
separate _content_ in a manual from _structural and navigational artifacts_
that support that content."

I still think that should be the goal: users should use TAB to go to the
next cross reference, instead of searching for "Note". The text "Note" for a
cross reference is not content; it is metacontent. If a user searches for
"Note", he should find only occurrences of the actual text "Note" in the
manual, not cross references.

In practice, however, it might not be that easy to distinguish content from
meta-information in the case of meta-info that is not in the header. At
least that's what I understood from the discussion at the time.

Here is part of Juri's explanation from that discussion:

`Info-search' searches for a string on raw text of Info files.
Some parts of Info files where Info nodes were already visited are
fontified and have `invisible' property.  But fontifying and adding
`invisible' or other properties to hide the tags from search
to the whole Info file before search is too inefficient, so
`Info-search' can't rely on text properties.  Instead of that,
it should rely on the known syntax of Info files such as that Info nodes
begin with a ^_ character.  I think skipping the header is sufficient
to ignore irrelevant parts of Info nodes, and I see no problem with
other special Info tags like Note and Menu.

In reply to David's point about preview-latex needing to search and find the
meta-text: I agree that programs need to be able to find meta-text. The
point is to separate such meta-text from the content - or at least be _able_
to separate/distinguish it. In most modes, at least, Info-search should not
find strings that are in meta-text (if this is not to difficult to fix).

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Todays exercise of sanity (or does "see" really match "not"?)

2005-03-23 Thread Drew Adams
   > > `*Note' is a special tag, not part of the text.

> `*Note' _is_ a part of the text.

There are obviously different ways of looking at this, and the issue is not
just one of terminology (what we decide to call "text" or "content").

Perhaps we can agree that some people and some programs will likely want to
treat such stuff as part of the "text/content/data" and others will want to
ignore it as part of the "text/content" and treat it instead as
"tags"/"metadata". It will always be true that one person's data is another
person's metadata.

The analogy with markup is useful, even if it is true that 1) the mechanism
used in Info is not exactly markup and 2) at least some of these "tags"
(e.g. "Note") are visible in the Info text.

Perhaps we can also agree that we should not try to change anything about
this now, at least not in any fundamental way.

And perhaps we can also agree that it might be good to look, later, at the
possibility of letting users/programs have their cake and eat it too: be
able to treat such "tags" as data or metadata, au choix.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: mouse-face vs. transient-mark-mode

2005-04-22 Thread Drew Adams
When an overlay property of 'mouse-face 'highlight is set on a line,
and transient mark mode is on, and you attempt to drag out a new
region in the line, the region mark overlay does not show, and
significant flickering occurs as you drag the mouse inside the
highlighted text.  As soon as the mouse moves out of the mouse-face
area (either during the drag or after it's completed), the mark face
is visible.  The flickering is present even when transient-mark-mode
is disabled..

Is it possible to set a priority on either mouse-face or the region
highlight property to have the former yield to the latter?

I can't answer your question definitively, JD, but I think the answer is

Caveat - The rest of this message is about a possible new feature, so it is
not intended for real discussion before the release. I mention it now as
food for thought, because of JD's request.

I mentioned a few months ago that I thought it be great if one could have a
mouse-face text property combine visually with the face text property:

Ideally, I would love to be able to use underlining _without
removing any font-lock highlighting_; that is, simply
underline the text when you point to it, without changing
any of its other properties. That's the behavior in
most Web browsers.

I was speaking of using underline (for example) as the mouse-face, and I
mentioned only font-lock highlighting, but the general idea is to let the
mouse-face show up in combination with the face. That way, you could see the
normal (font-lock) highlighting as well as things like the region.

Of course, the desired effect would only be achieved if the two (mouse-face
& face) combined well. JD's request for being able to set a precedence might
fit here.

As I mentioned previously:

I'm not sure if that's easy to do, or even feasible, in Emacs

I don't know much about face inheritance, but perhaps that could be used
somehow in this regard.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Should killing a help or compile buffer also delete the window?

2005-04-25 Thread Drew Adams
I've always found it annoying that Emacs seems to have a habit of
leaving junk windows around whenever you invoke something that needs
to display information in a temporary buffer

I realize that you can't expect Emacs to know when you are done with a
window unless you actually tell when.  The obvious way to tell when is
to type `C-x 1' or `C-x 0', but this leaves the temporary buffer
lingering, which makes me nervous

When I was new to Emacs, I would always kill a garbage buffer before
deleting its temporary window.  Eventually, I discovered `C-x 4 0' and
started using that

I believe the Right Thing to do when the user kills a temporary buffer
whose window was created as a side-effect of displaying the buffer in
question is to restore the old window configuration.  At least when
the automatically created window hasn't been used for anything else,
Emacs should take the hint and get the window out of the user's face.

The annoyance you describe is, I think, exacerbated (or perhaps is only
manifest?) when one uses one window per frame by default, as I do. And
commands like `delete-window' and `kill-buffer-and-window' don't help in
this regard, with one-window frames.

FWIW, I customized a few things in my Emacs to deal with this. I mention it
for those who might be interested, not as a proposal to change Emacs itself.
If interested, see the short description at

Wrt various efforts to deal with this and your comments on deleting windows
and killing buffers: Deleting a window should not, in general, delete (kill)
its buffer, but killing a buffer _interactively_ can often reasonably delete
its window too (and frame, if `one-window-p').

 - Drew

Emacs-devel mailing list

mouse-1-click-follows-link: doc, Options menu, customize groups

2005-05-04 Thread Drew Adams
I fired up GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2005-01-30 on
NONIQPC and discovered that mouse-1 was now following links. Not remembering
the email thread about this, I looked in Emacs itself for how to turn this
new behavior off.

I didn't find anything about it in the Emacs manual or the Emacs Lisp
manual. I searched everywhere for "mouse-1" (and that's a lot of hits).

I tried looking in Customize by browsing groups. Starting at the top, I
didn't see anything about "mouse", so I tried group "convenience" - to no

After I searched my emacs-devel email and found the name
`mouse-1-follows-link', I searched Info for that, still to no avail. I tried
`describe-variable' and then clicked the customize link, finding that the
only group for this option is "mouse".

Some questions:

 - Shouldn't this option be described in the Emacs manual?

 - Should this option perhaps be added to the Options menu? Maybe not, since
this that menu is best for things that you are likely to change more than

 - Does it perhaps make sense to add _all_ options to the Options menu that
change commonly used behavior from the previous Emacs version? Such options
could be candidates for removal from the menu in later releases, but Emacs
users will want to know how to turn off or modify any new default behavior
that they discover.

 - Does it perhaps make sense to add "convenience" to the customize groups
for this option?

 - Does it perhaps make sense to add "convenience" as a parent to the
"mouse" customize group? Its only parents currently are "environment" and

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Unclear in etc/NEWS

2005-05-09 Thread Drew Adams
I saw this text in etc/NEWS

*** Unexpected yanking of text due to accidental clicking
on the mouse
wheel button (typically mouse-2) during wheel scrolling is
now avoided.
This behavior can be customized via the mouse-wheel-click-event and
mouse-wheel-inhibit-click-time variables.

and I don't understand it.  It says that a certain problem won't
happen, but it fails to say what Emacs actually *does*.

Would someone who understands this please clarify it?

I may be wrong, but I believe this means that previously you might
accidentally press the wheel while rotating it, that was interpreted as a
mouse-2 click, and that caused a spurious yank.

Many mouse wheels also function as mouse-2, by pressing them. It is all too
easy to accidentally press the wheel while you rotate it. This fix
presumably ignores mouse-2 clicks interspersed with wheel rotations.

Emacs-devel mailing list

compilation-finish-function vs compilation-finish-functions

2005-05-17 Thread Drew Adams
What is the usage difference between `compilation-finish-function' and

I don't see this explained anywhere. I haven't checked the latest CVS info
files for the Elisp manual, but I have checked the latest compile.el source
code and see no explanation there. Shouldn't the usage be documented

Clearly, a user would generally not use both of these. Is one of them
intended to be deprecated? If not, shouldn't the order of execution (first
`function', then `functions') be advertised?

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: run-hooks vs. run-mode-hooks.

2005-05-27 Thread Drew Adams
>   (if (fboundp 'function-in-doubt)
>   (defalias 'mymodule-function-in-doubt 'function-in-doubt)
> (defun mymodule-function-in-doubt ...))
Actually this form has the disadvantage that the
byte-compiler would have to check which functions
are defnied in every branch.  And snice it doesn't
do that as of now, the byte-compiler won't noticve
that this form does define
`mymodule-function-in-doubt' and will hencforth
issue warnings when you call that function.
Better use:
   (defalias 'mymodule-function-in-doubt
 (if (fboundp 'function-in-doubt)
   (lambda (..) ...)))
which makes it trivially obvious that `mymodule-function-in-doubt' will
indeed always be defined.

Is the behavior of the byte-compiler for this kind of thing explained
somewhere? That is, are there coding guidelines somewhere to guide Lisp
users wrt the byte compiler?

Emacs-devel mailing list

frame parameters user-size and user-position

2005-05-28 Thread Drew Adams
1. Frame parameter `user-position' can be used to tell the window manager
that the user has positioned a frame. Is there an equivalent `user-size'
parameter to tell the window manager whether the user has sized the frame?

I don't see `user-size' documented anywhere (e.g. Info (elisp)), but I see
it used in these files: faces.el, frame.el, mac-win.el, w32-win.el,
x-win.el, and frame.c. If it is similar to `user-position', shouldn't it be

2. The doc for `user-position' says that you can use it to tell the window
manager that the user positioned the frame, in hopes that the w-m will leave
the position alone. I assume something similar is behind `user-size'.

I have never seen either of these parameters in any of my frames, so I
assume they are only there if I add them myself. (I'm using Emacs in
Windows, if that makes a difference.) That would seem to agree with the doc,
which just says you can specify them when you create a frame.

Would it be possible (after the release) to have Emacs update these frame
parameters whenever a user repositioned or resized a frame (e.g. using the
mouse)? That is, could we perhaps use these parameters to _indicate_ whether
the user has repositioned or resized a frame (even if the indication is not
100% reliable)? Would this be possible (for at least some window managers),
or is this information not available from a window manager?

For this to work, Emacs would need to record a non-nil value for the
frame-parameter whenever the user manually moved or sized a frame and (by
default) set it to nil when a frame is created or moved/sized by program.

My question is one of feasibility, for now. I don't want to start a
discussion about a possible new feature; I'm just wondering if this is

Such an indication of user frame-sizing could be useful, for example, for
code that tries to automatically resize a frame to fit its buffer. If the
user has previously sized the frame, an automatic resize would presumably
not be done, in order to not override the user's intention.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: [rant] Should reverting a buffer really discard undo history?

2005-05-31 Thread Drew Adams
In theory, we could treat the revert operation as an undoable change
to the buffer contents.  In practice, for large buffers, that change
would be so large that it would soon be discarded from the undo list.

For even larger buffers, the result of saving the whole buffer as
an undo record would be an immediate error.  It would be impossible to

So I am against this change--at least if it were the default.

So, it could still be considered as an option? The values of the option
would reflect a performance-vs-safety/security tradeoff. The default value
would choose performance, and the doc could tell users how to opt for more
safety/security at the price of a possible performance hit.

I'm not real familiar with the mechanics of the undo list, but couldn't the
previous file contents be stored only on disk, as a temporary file, and the
value in the undo list be just a pointer to that file instead of the file

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: mouse-1-click-follows-link

2005-06-13 Thread Drew Adams
 > > Some like grep, seem to cover a lot of the buffer.  I'm not saying
 > > that you can't get round it, just that it requires thought.
 > Good point.  I'm much less sure that it's good in the case of grep.
 > Maybe it could work to put a little jump button next to each entry,
 > instead of using each whole line as a link?  Though that wouldn't be
 > good for keyboard users...  What if there was a button for clicking,
 > but you could also press RET anywhere on a line to follow the link?

In the compilation buffer mouse-face (and therefore mouse-1) only works
on the file and line number while mouse-2 and RET work for the
whole line.

It would help if grep also worked this way.

I disagree. My opinion:

1) mouse-1, RET, and mouse-2 should all behave similarly. What's good for
mouse-2 is good for mouse-1 too. The challenge is to find the right default
behavior (trade-off/compromise).

2) The entire line should be the hot zone (no "button"). Makes it very easy
to scan lines and align text anywhere on the line with the proper hot zone.
No need for your eye to move between the text (anywhere on the line) and the
hot zone.

3) The grep behavior (full-line hot zone) should hold also for the
compilation buffer (compilation and grep should behave similarly).

4) mouse-1 should follow links by default, for the reasons others have given
(even though I, myself, might choose to turn this off).

5) The delay for mouse-1 to set point should be short, by default, so it is
not inconvenient to set point with mouse-1. The current default delay is too
long. Users will naturally click very quickly to follow a link, and if they
click too slowly, they will quickly learn to click quicker (or consult the
doc to change the delay value). Clicking a little too slowly unintentionally
(i.e. when intending to follow a link) will just set point, which is benign.

6) The default (emacs -q) value for mouse-1-click-follows-link is apparently
450 ms. The doc string says that the value (not the default value, but the
value) is 350 ms, which is incorrect. The doc string should be corrected, so
that it does not use a hard-coded value.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: mouse-1-click-follows-link

2005-06-13 Thread Drew Adams
> 5) The delay for mouse-1 to set point

The delay for mouse-1 to set point is completely unintuitive, and no
other application I have ever seen works that way.

Sorry, could you please clarify? Is your response related to my message
(suggesting to shorten the current default value of the delay) or to the
general idea of having a delay, or...?

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: mouse-1-click-follows-link

2005-06-13 Thread Drew Adams
> There seems to be an increasing trend to make Emacs look and act like
> a web browser in all contexts, making it frustrating to use for text
> editing purposes.  Setting the point is basic functionality, and I
> shouldn't have to cross my fingers, double tap, hold, turn around and
> touch my nose to do it.

I'm more and more inclined to agree.

I think the mouse-1-clock-follows-link behavior should be used
(by default)
at most at a few well-tested placed.  E.g. custom (where it's already
working this way in 21.4 AFAIK), help, info.  But not grep, not
compile, ...

The idea of having mouse-1-clock-follows-link activated by default is to
make it easier for beginners accustomed to web browsers more
than to text
editors, and maybe that makes sense, but we shouldn't overstate
this case
either: the number of users we can expect to win thanks to this
minor detail
is likely to be vanishingly small.  It's not like the
convention is the only "unusual" UI aspect of Emacs.

So maybe turning it on for a handful of cases makes sense.  And keeping
a more intrusive option may also make sense for people whose
system makes it
hard to generate a mouse-2 event.  But the current setup has
tricked me too
many times already.  I know I can turn it off, but we should be
careful not
to alienate our fervent disciples.

I too have no problem with different default values for mouse-1-follows-link
in different buffers. Some will scream "inconsistent", but that's OK by me.

The default could be nil in buffers like grep, compilation, and dired, and
non-nil in buffers like Info, Help, Apropos, and Customize. Major modes
could define an appropriate value. With time and user feedback, we could
refine the fit.

What about the default value (setq-default) for buffers/modes that don't
specify either behavior? We could just try non-nil and see what happens
(users would let us know quickly enough). On the other hand, it probably
makes more sense to use non-nil only for the cases where we generally agree
that it makes sense, and use nil for setq-default.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: mouse-1-click-follows-link

2005-06-13 Thread Drew Adams
 > 2) The entire line should be the hot zone (no "button").
   Makes it very easy
 > to scan lines and align text anywhere on the line with the
   proper hot zone.
 > No need for your eye to move between the text (anywhere on
   the line) and the
 > hot zone.

Thats not much of a compromise!  Jason's point about the
touchpad makes it even more important that the entire
line should be *not* be the hot zone.

It was meant only as my opinion, FWIW, not as a compromise of any kind
(between what and what?). And, as I've said before, having the entire line
be a hot zone is more important to me than being able to use mouse-1 to
follow links.

 > 5) The delay for mouse-1 to set point should be short, by
   default, so it is
 > not inconvenient to set point with mouse-1. The current
   default delay is too
 > long. Users will naturally click very quickly to follow a
   link, and if they
 > click too slowly, they will quickly learn to click quicker
   (or consult the
 > doc to change the delay value).

Whatever the period, its hard to estimate in your head while
clicking.  How long should a piece of string be?

Such a delay is not estimated in one's head. You try it. Too slow? You try
it faster. Too fast? You try it slower. You like it? You save it.

BTW: In Windows, the mouse double-click delay is configured with a sliding
scale, and you can double-click a test area to see what the value would mean
_in practice_. Handy and simple. Something like this could be useful for
defining mouse delays in Emacs too. In the present case, you would
test-click (mouse-1) a link to see if you liked the current delay - change
it and test-click again etc. Should be simple to implement. (Just an idea,
for consideration after the release, not now.)

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: mouse-1-click-follows-link

2005-06-14 Thread Drew Adams
mouse-1-click-follows-link is nicely defined to satisfy everyone, I think.
You can turn off mouse-1 link sensitivity completely or activate it on: 1)
short (fast) click, 2) long (slow) click, or 3) double-click. Good job.

What we've *not* come to agreement on yet:

1) Whether the behavior should always be the same in each buffer or should
possibly vary by buffer. If the latter, should this be user-changeable (e.g.
local values) or not?

2) What the default value should be. If we allow local values, this means
both a) the default global value and b) the default local values for
different categories of standard buffers (e.g. those dense with links, like
Dired, vs those sparse with links, like Info).

Our options include `nil' (mouse-1 doesn't follow links at all), +integer
(fast click follows link), -integer (slow click follows link), and `double'
(double-click follows link).

My opinion:

1. Users should be able to have different behaviors in different buffers, in
this regard.

2. The global (default) value should be `nil': mouse-1 should be insensitive
to links by default.

3. The default value for buffers that are sparse with hot spots (e.g. Info,
Help, Customize) should be 100 ms (fast click follows link).

4. The default value for buffers that are dense with hot spots (e.g. Dired,
grep, compilation) and for which users will likely want to set point
occasionally should be `double' (double-click follows link).

5. The default value for buffers that are dense with hot spots, but for
which users don't need to set point at all (eg. Buffer List) should be 100
ms (fast click follows link). (There are probably few such standard

6. Any default values that are set to "fast click follows link" should use a
much faster click value than what is currently the default, so users can
more easily set point. Most users intending to follow a link will click
quite fast, naturally. A value such as 100 ms is better than the current
default of 450 ms, which is far too slow.

[Please try different values, even if you don't intend to have mouse-1
follow links on single clicks, so we can get a consensus wrt a good value to
recommend or use as default in appropriate buffers. Try negative values too,
and mention if you prefer slow click follows link to fast click follows

7. Whatever we agree upon, the design should be communicated to users as
recommendations for their own buffers of different kinds. If we decide to
allow different values in different buffers, we should include, in the
mouse-1-click-follows-link doc string, suggested guidelines for using
different values with different buffer types. This will encourage relatively
consistent use patterns.

8. Users should be able to have full-line hot zones for buffers that are
essentially lists of links. This includes grep, compilation, and Dired. RMS
has apparently decided to reduce the hot-zone size for grep. I prefer
full-line links. It would be good for users to be able to customize this,
regardless of the default behavior.

IOW, because of the recent move to mouse-1 following links (even
potentially), we are now losing full-line links in grep. People accidentally
followed links (me too), so the hot zones are now being reduced to alleviate
this problem.

I don't agree with that solution to the problem, but all I would ask for is
a way for users to get back the full-line link behavior. Mouse-1 is
extremely customizable now via mouse-1-click-follows-links, but the hot-zone
extent is not customizable at all, without rewriting the grep/compile code.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: mouse-1-click-follows-link

2005-06-14 Thread Drew Adams
> 1. Users should be able to have different behaviors in
 different buffers, in this regard.

I think this should clearly be global-only.  It's important for
things to
be predictable by a normal user who can't remember which mode does what
because she doesn't spend 25hours per day in Emacs.

But in a different email, you also wrote:

I think the mouse-1-clock-follows-link behavior should be used
(by default)
at most at a few well-tested placed.  E.g. custom (where it's already
working this way in 21.4 AFAIK), help, info.  But not grep, not
compile, ...

If it is to have different behavior in different places (even if only a few
well-tested ones), then how do you want to do that, without using local
values for mouse-1-click-follows-link? Hard-code the behavior? If so, how
would users override it?

If mouse-1 should, by default, follow links in some places (but not in
others), no matter how few, wouldn't using a local value for
mouse-1-click-follows-link be the best way to accomplish that?

IOW, you make two arguments, I think:

1) Let's have some, but not too many, places where mouse-1 follows links, by
default (because it needs to be predictable; it's hard to remember...).

2) mouse-1-click-follows-link should be global only.

I don't see that #1, by itself, supports #2. What is the reason for #2? Why
not implement #1 with local values?

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: mouse-1-click-follows-link

2005-06-15 Thread Drew Adams

(1) mouse-1-click-follows-link: it should be `nil' everywhere. (I've
changed my opinion.)

(2) We should change the link mouseover pointer.

(3) Hot-zone extent should not be based on a supposed tradeoff between
setting point and following a link. That's a red herring.

Reasons below. Here's where we are now:

mouse-1-click-follows-link is nicely defined to satisfy everyone,
I think.  You can turn off mouse-1 link sensitivity completely or
activate it on: 1) short (fast) click, 2) long (slow) click, or 3)
double-click. Good job.

What we've *not* come to agreement on yet:

1) Whether the behavior should always be the same in each buffer
or should possibly vary by buffer. If the latter, should this be
user-changeable (e.g.  local values) or not?

2) What the default value should be. If we allow local values,
this means both a) the default global value and b) the default
local values for different categories of standard buffers
(e.g. those dense with links, like Dired, vs those sparse with
links, like Info).

Our options include `nil' (mouse-1 doesn't follow links at all),
+integer (fast click follows link), -integer (slow click follows
link), and `double' (double-click follows link).
Here's what I said before: 

My opinion:

1. Users should be able to have different behaviors in different
buffers, in this regard.

2. The global (default) value should be `nil': mouse-1 should be
insensitive to links by default.

3. The default value for buffers that are sparse with hot spots
(e.g. Info, Help, Customize) should be 100 ms (fast click follows

4. The default value for buffers that are dense with hot spots
(e.g. Dired, grep, compilation) and for which users will likely
want to set point occasionally should be `double' (double-click
follows link).

5. The default value for buffers that are dense with hot spots,
but for which users don't need to set point at all (eg. Buffer
List) should be 100 ms (fast click follows link). (There are
probably few such standard buffers.)

(1) I've changed my opinion on #4 and #5. By default, the value should
be `nil' everywhere: mouse-1 should *not* follow links.


a. mouse-2 as yank is not needed on a link, so mouse-2 is a
   perfect choice for following links. That was surely behind the
   original design, and it remains the best argument for mouse-2.

   Having mouse-1 sometimes follow a link and sometimes set point
   (e.g. via different delays), in the same buffer, always involves
   some UI tradeoffs (fast-click, slow-click, double-click). That's
   OK, but it should not be the _default_ behavior anywhere.

b. With mouse-1-click-follows-links, especially if we allow local
   values, everyone can do what he wants, wherever he wants. This
   includes people who use mice without mouse-2. IOW, even if mouse-2
   is the default for links, users can choose instead to use mouse-1
   in various ways for linking. Previously, users could not easily
   switch to mouse-1; now they can.

c. Newbies will discover mouse-2 for links soon enough. They will need
   to discover it for yanking, anyway; it is no harder to learn it for
   linking. Up front, we should:

   (i)   Tell them about mouse-2 for linking.
   (ii)  Suggest they try it for a while ("try it; you'll like it").
   (iii) Tell them they can change it: mouse-1-click-follows-link.

d. It is not difficult to go back and forth between mouse-2 for
   linking in Emacs and mouse-1 in other apps. We all do it all the
   time. The argument that people are "used to mouse-1 for linking" is
   countered by c plus d - there are two aspects to it.

(2) As I said in October, and which led to Kim coming up with using
mouse-1 for linking, we should change the finger-pointer cursor over
links. The index-finger pointer _suggests_ using mouse-1.

That pointer is commonly used by Web browsers to indicate that the
pointer is over a hyperlink or an action button, so that's
presumably the reason it is now used in Emacs for the same thing.

However, in common Web browsers, the mouse button to activate 
such a link or button is mouse-1, not mouse-2. What bugs me is 
that the index-finger pointer suggests to me to use mouse-1, 
because the index finger (wired, in my head, to mouse-1) is the 
one doing the pointing.

RMS and Kim both thought I was asking to use mouse-1 for links. I was
only suggesting to change the mouseover pointer. RMS wrote:

Mouse-1 can't do that.  Mouse-1 in Emacs is a general Emacs
command that is meanigful anywhere in the buffer.

Anyway, this is not the time to change features.

Kim came up with a patch to use mouse-1 for links, and we were off and
running. I wrote:

   > My point was not that using mouse-2 is not good. I think mouse-2
   > should remain the way to click links and bu

RE: mouse-1-click-follows-link

2005-06-15 Thread Drew Adams

>I dislike underlined links --- even on web pages, but as long
>as I can turn it off, it may be ok...

Usability surveys has often found that users wants links to be
underlined (in most situations).

We shouldn't go overboard.

Underlining links is important in _text_, so users can see they are there.
Web pages of text are behind the convention of underlining links for

However, it is only distracting to underline links in, say, a table or list
where each entry is a link. Users must know that the table/list contains
links; once they know that, there is no need to highlight each link.

I would argue, for instance, that Dired, grep, and compilation buffers
should have full-line links, for ease of use. But, to use these buffers,
users must be somewhat familiar with them anyway. Given that minimal
familiarity, there is no reason to underline the full-line links - mouseover
highlighting suffices (and underlining is a good choice for mouse-face in
these buffers).

If, however, as RMS and some others prefer, such buffers will not have
full-line links by default, then, yes, the links should be underlined (face,
not just mouse-face), so users can find them.

Emacs-devel mailing list

link appearance and soft face properties

2005-06-17 Thread Drew Adams
We've been discussing whether or not links should be underlined, whether or
not link underlining should be applied to the link face or its mouse-face,
and whether or not link appearance should be the same in all buffers.

Just a thought, for consideration after the release:

What about having a :link face attribute (property) that is soft, not hard?
This would be analogous to using soft markup like Emphasis, as opposed to
hard markup like Bold: Emphasis can be different for different
users/applications/environments, whereas Bold always means bold.

That is, in order to separate purpose/intention/use from physical
formatting, why not have soft face attributes like :link that a user can
define/override (e.g. in terms of faces or face attributes)? IOW, why not
separate identifying something as a link from defining its appearance?

That way, a single (possibly user) definition of the :link attribute would
automatically affect any faces that have that property. And it would also be
easy (including for users) to selectively apply the :link property to face
or mouse-face or both.

Discussion here of the appearance of links (underline vs this or that) would
then be reduced to discussion of 1) the default appearance of the :link face
property and 2) whether to apply :link, by default, to face or mouse-face or
both (and, perhaps, in what buffers). Less heat, more flexibility.

This would also carry over to other soft face properties, having an impact
on the appearance of things like the mode-line and buttons. Instead of
hard-coding the appearance of everything, we would define a default
appearance using high-level property classes like :link.

Note: I'm not that familiar with face definitions, face
attributes/properties, and face inheritance, so don't get excited if this
makes little sense. In particular, perhaps this functionality is already
available via face inheritance or in some other way. In that case, what
about using this functionality to implement a generic "link" face or face
property that would then be inherited by the appropriate faces that are
today used for links?

IOW, such properties appear today to be hard-wired - why not look for some
way to soft-define them? A link is, after all, a user-interface object that
exists independently of its particular formatted appearance. In Web
browsers, users can easily decide whether links should be underlined, green,
etc. or not. Why not give that same flexibility to Emacs?

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: debug-on-entry question

2005-06-19 Thread Drew Adams
change the interactive specification of
`debug-on-entry' to call `function-called-at-point'.

Yes. I've suggested this previously. When debugging, you are often in an
Emacs-Lisp buffer, and this is useful.

For post-release: it would be good to rewrite the function
`call-interactively' in Lisp which will allow easy modification of
reading arguments according to code letters (e.g. in this particular
case adding a call to `function-called-at-point' for the code
letter `a').

Not a bad idea.


However, that would only help with uses of `call-interactively', not uses of
`interactive' itself.

It's probably not feasible (and I foresee immediate dismissal of the idea,
regardless of feasibility), but what about also having a mechanism to let
users extend (redefine) the predefined `interactive' code letters?

For example, a user could define his own version of `b' in `(interactive
"b...")'. Instead of having to find all occurrences of `(interactive
"b...")' and replacing each of them with his own `(interactive (list
(my-read-buffer...)...)...)', he could just redefine what `(interactive
"b...")' means, in a single place. IOW, why not make the "bindings" between
the `interactive' code letters (e.g. `b') and their input-reading functions
available to users?

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: link appearance and soft face properties

2005-06-19 Thread Drew Adams
> That way, a single (possibly user) definition of the :link
> attribute would automatically affect any faces that have that
> property. And it would also be easy (including for users) to
> selectively apply the :link property to face or mouse-face
> or both.
> I think this can be done by making these faces inherit
> from a face named `link'.

This is an interesting idea, but then for consistency this should be
applied to every mouse-over attribute with follow-link property, i.e.
not only in compilation and grep buffers, but also in info,
dired, gnus...

Yes, that's what I meant: use a predefined (but user-customizable) `link'
face everywhere, for links.

Currently, we have no "soft" (= user-changeable) notion of what a "link" is.

In fact, even apart from a lack of customizability, we have no notion of
"link", except for that provided by the `follow-link' property (which is not
even used for all links). A link is currently defined only by whatever the
underlying code happens to do with a mouse-1 or mouse-2 click at that
position: if the code "follows a link" upon mouse click, then we can say
that a link is present.

One cannot assign "linkness" (behavior and appearance) to a portion of text.
The appearance of a link is governed by a face or mouse-face at that
position. There is no notion of a "link" object that unites function and
appearance (and allows for user modification of appearance).

Providing a link face (that inherits etc.) and using it for all links (i.e.
places where the code in fact "follows a link" upon click) would let users
customize, in a single place, how links appear. (If we provided buffer-local
faces, users would also be able to easily customize link appearance on a
per-buffer basis.)

Best: Provide "link" objects: text that has certain properties that include
both appearance and "link-following" behavior when clicked.

OK (but < Best): Provide only a "link-appearance" text property or face. We
would continue to count on an underlying association of locally coded
mouse-click-link-behavior with the text that has the `link' property or

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: link appearance and soft face properties

2005-06-19 Thread Drew Adams
What about having a :link face attribute (property) that is
soft, not hard?

What does "soft" or "hard" mean, here?

Soft: The appearance of a soft text property like :link would be whatever a
user says it is. By default, it might be a set of properties with just one
member: the :underline property.

Hard: The appearance of a hard text property like :underline always means
the same thing: the text is underlined. Users can decide to use it or not
use it, but they cannot redefine it.

That way, a single (possibly user) definition of the :link
attribute would automatically affect any faces that have
that property. And it would also be easy (including for
users) to selectively apply the :link property to face
or mouse-face or both.

I think this can be done by making these faces inherit
from a face named `link'.

I thought that might be the case. Instead of "soft" text properties (which
would be definable as a set of soft and hard text properties), an inheriting
face could be used. IOW, a face is already a set of text properties (you can
say "has" if you don't like "is"), and we already have face inheritance.

A potential difference I see is that the thing that inherits is a face,
rather than a text property. In the present case, we would define (and use
for all links) a `link' face that inherits certain properties (e.g.
:underline) by default. I'm not sure that would be equivalent in flexibility
to defining an inheriting (= "soft") text property :link, but perhaps it
would be.

If we can do this (predefine links in a soft way) using face inheritance,
then why don't we (after the release), in order to give people more

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: debug-on-entry question

2005-06-19 Thread Drew Adams
> change the interactive specification of
> `debug-on-entry' to call `function-called-at-point'.
> Yes. I've suggested this previously. When debugging, you are often
> in an Emacs-Lisp buffer, and this is useful.

_If_ you are in an Emacs-Lisp buffer and consequently have the source
code of the function to be debugged available, edebug-defun is orders
of magnitude more useful for debugging a particular function.

debug-on-entry is much less convenient, but can be used without having
the source at hand.

OK. I take that as an FYI about the usefulness and appropriateness of edebug
in a source-code buffer, but not as an argument not to let `debug-on-entry'
grab the function-at-point in its interactive spec.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: link appearance and soft face properties

2005-06-19 Thread Drew Adams
Hard: The appearance of a hard text property like :underline
always means the same thing: the text is underlined. Users can
decide to use it or not use it, but they cannot redefine it.

This is a weird statement.  What should people who listen to
underlined text do?  (They may want the underlined text to be
different from the rest.)

What should people who look at text, but for various reasons, use
colors, never underlines or other such modifications.  (Setting in
their .emacs file.)

I'm not sure what your point is. Is it my statement that you find weird or
the fact that :underline is cast in concrete as underlining?

Are you suggesting that text properties such as :underline should have or
should allow an alternative interpretation for, for example, those with
disabilities such as loss of sight? Are you suggesting that such text
properties can already be used in this way? What is your point?

If you are questioning whether such properties are really "hard" today, that
is, whether they do not in fact allow for alternative display or
interpretation as, say, sound, then I think the answer is "yes" - out of the
box, Emacs does not allow for any alternative treatment for such properties:
:underline always means "underline". The :underline text property simply
determines whether or not the text in question is underlined. From Info:

 Whether or not characters should be underlined, and in what color.
 If the value is `t', underlining uses the foreground color of the
 face.  If the value is a string, underlining uses that color.  The
 value `nil' means do not underline.

Someone might, I suppose, write code to interpret :underline in some other
way. That is not the point I was making by distinguishing "soft" from "hard"
text properties.

In particular, I wanted to distinguish link text from underlined text. Just
because some text might be underlined does not make it a link. To be a link,
it must behave as a link. I suggested we provide a way to make a portion of
text appear as a link - in whatever way that appearance might be manifested.
Being able to realize :underline text as text read aloud in a certain way
would not help us with the problem of changing the representation of links,
because not all :underline text is link text.

The distinction of soft from hard that I was driving at is, as I mentioned,
the difference between using Emphasis and Bold markup tags: Emphasis text is
intended to be displayed in different ways, depending on the context; Bold
text is not. It is the difference between software and hardware. Softer vs
harder is essentially later vs earlier binding.

Such a distinction is old - you can see it in the design, for instance, of
Tex/LaTex. Maybe there is a better name for it than "soft vs hard" - I don't

Emacs-devel mailing list

File menu changes (suggestions)

2005-06-19 Thread Drew Adams
Suggestions to change some File menu items. A few of the renamings might be
considered for this release.

1. Unsplit Windows is a very poor name. It doesn't give you a hint of what
it does; in particular, it doesn't suggest that the current window is the
only one that will remain displayed.

It should be named something like `Delete Other Windows' or simply
`One Window'.

2. Don't reference "buffer" or "file" in File menu items, when this just
refers to the current buffer/file (or the one that will become current). The
unreferenced object in a File menu item is understood to be the current
buffer/file. And the distinction between file and buffer is not needed here.

 - New File-> New (but Open is better - see 3, below)
 - Save (current buffer)   -> Save
 - Close (current buffer)  -> Close
 - Save Buffer As  -> Save As
 - Print Buffer-> Print
 - PostScript Print Buffer -> PostScript Print
 - Revert Buffer   -> Revert

People are used to all of these File commands in other applications. You
don't see "Save Page" or "Close Page" in Web-browsers or "Save File" in
other editors.

In particular:

a. Currently, there is an inconsistency wrt "Buffer" and "(current buffer)".
These should be made consistent, since the same thing (the current buffer)
is involved in each case. It is not as if one acted on the current buffer
and the other prompted for an existing buffer to act upon.

b. New File does not really create a new file; it opens a buffer (new or
existing) that can be saved to a file (new or existing). Not mentioning
"file" and "buffer" avoids the distinction, which doesn't matter here
anyway. Mentioning "file" and "buffer", and using "file" where it should be
"buffer", just misleads. So, New is better than New File (but see 3, below).

3. WRT 2b, it is true that the file or buffer opened need not in fact be
new, so even "New" is misleading. The problem arises because we need a name
to distinguish open-new-or-existing-buffer-for-new-or-existing-file from
Open File (existing file only). A better name for New would be just "Open".
Open File is technically "open existing file", but "Open File" is adequate
for this action, and it fits with Open Directory and Insert File - explicit
mention of "File" suggests an existing file here.

4. A better name for Revert is Reopen. Just as Paste is preferable to Yank
in a menu, so is Reopen preferable to Revert: more users will understand it

5. Move all of the window and frame stuff to a new menu, "Frames". This menu
is analogous to the "Buffers" menu.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: debug-on-entry question

2005-06-20 Thread Drew Adams
> However, that would only help with uses of `call-interactively', not
> uses of `interactive' itself.

I don't understand what you mean.  `interactive' is just a 
`call-interactively' interprets it.

Sorry; I see that now. I didn't realize it when I wrote that.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: File menu changes (suggestions)

2005-06-20 Thread Drew Adams
We refer to the buffer on purpose: we want users to see Emacs
terminology even in the menus, and even when the menus are following
established UI guidelines and use standard entries like "New" and

Why then do we use Paste instead of Yank?

Menu-item names can serve as a bridge between terms that newbies are used to
and Emacs terminology. Users can find operations they are familiar with in
the menus, and gradually learn the associated commands, which can have very
different names.

It doesn't help if we use common terminology in uncommon ways - see "New"

> a. Currently, there is an inconsistency wrt "Buffer" and
"(current buffer)".

That's not an inconsistency: in the first case, "Buffer" is part of
the command name; in the second, it's a minor comment about the
command's operation.

1. "Save Buffer As" runs command `write-file'. Where's the beef - er -
2. "Save (current buffer)" runs command `save-buffer'.
3. "Close (current buffer)" runs command `kill-this-buffer'.
4. "Revert Buffer" runs command `revert-buffer'.

- 1,2 & 3 seem opposite of the convention you say is behind the names. 4
confirms your rule, as do the "* Print Buffer" items. Not much of a rule

- The command name is irrelevant here. Again: `yank'.

- A minor comment about a command's operation belongs perhaps in a tooltip
or help, but not in the name of the menu item itself.

> New is better than New File (but see 3, below).

No, it is not better, since it doesn't say what new entity is created.
Other GUI programs have a submenu there or work only with one type of
entities (or just leave it vague, which we didn't want to do).

So "New File" says that a new file is created? Yes, it says that, but it
tells not the truth: no file is created by this operation.

> 3. WRT 2b, it is true that the file or buffer opened need not
in fact be
> new, so even "New" is misleading. The problem arises because
we need a name
> to distinguish
open-new-or-existing-buffer-for-new-or-existing-file from
> Open File (existing file only). A better name for New would
be just "Open".

"New" is a standard entry in the "File" menu, so I don't think
renaming it to (a non-standard) "Open" is a good idea.

The name "New" is standard, but our meaning/use of that name is not so
standard. "New" in many (most?) applications (e.g. Word and Windows Explorer
are common ones) will not let you open an existing document.

Our "Open" can do two things: 1) create new, 2) open existing.

However, "Open Directory" does not create a new directory. That too is a
place where we might consider either renaming the item or extending command
`dired' to incorporate the behavior of `dired-create-directory'.

> 4. A better name for Revert is Reopen.

Do you know of any other GUI applications that have such a menu

I have seen "Revert to Saved", which is also clearer than "Revert" (and
"Revert Buffer").

My knowledge is limited - you might be right; "Reopen" seems clearer to me,
though. "Reload", which David mentioned, is also clearer (though it also
suggests Columbine or Grand Theft Auto). Web browsers often use "Refresh"
(in the View menu) for reloading a page (although the "reloading" often uses
the cache, by default).

> 5. Move all of the window and frame stuff to a new menu, "Frames".

Not good: we have a crammed menu bar already, adding more top-level
items would only make things worse with no real advantage.

Agreed. But 1) this stuff has little to do with "File"; 2) use of a
"Windows" menu, having a similar purpose, is common in other apps; 3) I
think it is likely that we will have more frame and window commands to add
to a Frames menu in the future.

Again, I didn't expect that much of what I threw out would be agreed upon,
especially in the immediate.

I do think we might agree to rename a few of the items for this release. I'm
thinking, for instance, of "Unsplit Windows".

Another possible renaming I forgot to mention is "Split Window". The window
is not split to result in a single window with a divider. "New Window" would
be a better name for this menu item.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: link appearance and soft face properties

2005-06-20 Thread Drew Adams
When you use emphasis and bold, you are speaking about two different
kinds of markup, logical and physical.

Right. I wrote about the separation of "purpose/intention/use from physical
formatting", which was my way of characterizing logical vs physical or, as
someone else pointed out, semantic vs presentational. But I also mentioned
"user-changeable" vs "hard-wired". Admittedly, these are not identical
distinctions. However, in this context, I think they are usefully combined:

 The ":underline" text property is a hard-wired, physical formatting spec.
 The ":link" text property I was proposing is a user-changeable, logical

 :link is user-changeable: users can determine what the ultimate appearance

 :link is logical: it represents a purpose/intention/use that is more
abstract than that of underlining. What makes it more abstract? The fact
that there can be different (physical) manifestations/implementations
(regardless of whether or not users can define those physical realizations).

So, I don't think it was a distraction to speak of "soft" in this context as
combining user-changeable and logical. It's true that "logical" markup can
refer simply to markup with different physical manifestations and letting
users choose the manifestation by choosing the context, without necessarily
letting them choose or define the physical form beyond that.

(I won't get into the name vs named distinction that you brought up; I think
it adds more heat than light here. Sorry if I wasn't clear, though.)

Anyway, as people have pointed out, it appears that face inheritance, not
text-property inheritance would be sufficient to realize what I was

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: link appearance and soft face properties

2005-06-20 Thread Drew Adams
> Providing a link face (that inherits etc.) and using it for all
> links (i.e.  places where the code in fact "follows a link" upon
> click) would let users customize, in a single place, how links
> appear.  (If we provided buffer-local faces, users would also be
> able to easily customize link appearance on a per-buffer basis.)

I can't imagine other useful face attributes for the `link' face
than underline.  For example, changing its foreground color will
make different faces inheriting from it indistinguishable (like
visited and unvisited links in Info, or file names and line numbers
in grep and compilation).

So I see the `link' face mainly as a way to turn link underlining off.
But then it should be possible to do that on a per-buffer basis to
turn underlining off in some modes (e.g. in grep and compilation)
but leaving it in others (e.g. in Info).

Turning underlining on/off is certainly one application of this.

There is also the choice of whether links should use a special face (e.g.
underlining, or blue text) or a special mouse-face or both. WRT the face
property, this means whether or not links should be discernable without
moving the mouse over them.

Emacs has used different ways to represent links in the past, I believe.
Links in Info are now underlined and blue, and a mouseover removes the
underlining and the blue foreground and makes the background green (by
default). Links in Dired use the same mouseover highlighting, but do not use
any highlighting for the face property. And so on.

The feature I was proposing would let Emacs developers and Emacs users:

1) Define the global (default) appearance of links (both face and mouse-face
properties) in a single place.

2) Define the local appearance of links on a per-buffer (e.g. per mode)

And the same idea would apply to buttons and other user-interface objects
that use faces.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: File menu changes (suggestions)

2005-06-20 Thread Drew Adams
We are miscommunicating: I didn't mean the name of the Lisp function,
I meant the command name that appears in the menu.

> - The command name is irrelevant here.

I disagree.

Obviously, if I thought you were speaking of the Lisp command name, then
that is what I meant was irrelevant here. And the menu command name is
obviously relevant to the menu command name (!). And the rest of the line
you quote read "Again: `yank'.", making it even clearer that I meant that
the Lisp command name was irrelevant to the menu command name. Is that what
you disagree with?

> > 5. Move all of the window and frame stuff to a new
> >menu, "Frames".
> Not good: we have a crammed menu bar already, adding more
> top-level
> items would only make things worse with no real advantage.
> Agreed. But 1) this stuff has little to do with "File"; 2) use of a
> "Windows" menu, having a similar purpose, is common in other apps;

Richard didn't want that, since in Emacs, `window' means something

I proposed "Frames", not "Windows" - see just above. I simply mentioned that
a menu (called "Windows") with a similar purpose is a common occurrence.

> Another possible renaming I forgot to mention is "Split
  Window". The window
> is not split to result in a single window with a divider.
  "New Window" would
> be a better name for this menu item.

I think other applications use the same name.  Perhaps just "Split"
would be better, I don't know.

Verbs without objects in the File menu should, by default, refer to the
default object for that menu, which is the current file/buffer. "Split" by
itself would not suggest that a new window was to be created. It might
suggest that the current file/buffer would be split, but that is not what

What's wrong with "New Window" for the menu command to create a new window?

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Bug in y-or-n-p?

2005-06-22 Thread Drew Adams
   1. Define these:

   (defun foo () (y-or-n-p "foo? "))
   (defun bar () (y-or-n-p "bar? "))
   (setq kill-emacs-query-functions '(foo bar))

   2. Use the menu-bar File > Exit Emacs. 

   The question "foo? " correctly appears in a popup menu y/n.

   3. Respond `n'  to "foo? ".

   4. The question "bar? " should be asked via a popup menu 
  also, but it appears instead in the minibuffer.

No, the question bar should not be asked at all if you answere `n' to
foo, and in today's CVS it is not asked, at least not on GNU/Linux.

If you answer `y' to foo, then bar should be asked via a popup menu,
and it is, in today's CVS, at least on GNU/Linux.

There is no bug.

>From the kill-emacs-query-functions docstring:

  Functions to call with no arguments to query about killing Emacs.
  If any of these functions returns nil, killing Emacs is cancelled. 

In other words, once you answer `n' to any question, the other
questions are not asked.  The fact that bar was asked for Drew could
have been a temporary bug In CVS which would appear to be fixed now.
Unless it is operating system specific, or a local problem with Drew's

I'm sorry, I meant this for foo:

 (defun foo ()  (y-or-n-p "foo? ") t) ; always return `t'

I'm using this version of Emacs:

In GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600)
 of 2005-04-16 on LAPTOP
Distributor `Microsoft Corp.', version 5.1.2600
configured using `configure --with-gcc (3.4)'

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Bug in y-or-n-p?

2005-06-22 Thread Drew Adams
(defun foo ()  (y-or-n-p "foo? ") t) ; always return `t'

After that, and following the rest of your recipe, bar gets asked via
a popup menu, in today's CVS, on GNU/Linux.

Great, then it's fixed. Thanks.

In my (April 2005) version, foo gets asked via popup menu, but bar gets
asked via the minibuffer.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Bug in y-or-n-p?

2005-06-23 Thread Drew Adams
> Great, then it's fixed. Thanks.
> In my (April 2005) version, foo gets asked via popup menu, 
> but bar gets asked via the minibuffer.

I don't think it is fixed. You were testing on Windows, weren't you? I
see the same problem with MinGW and MSVC on today's CVS.

Yes, I'm on Windows. Thanks for checking the bug.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: debug-on-entry question

2005-06-23 Thread Drew Adams
The problem is in changing  [the behavior of]  existing
code letters. Emacs allows customization of almost
everything down to redefining built-in core functions,
but disallows customization of default methods for reading
input arguments.  This is an artificial restriction
contradicting the principles of Emacs customization.

I agree.

Emacs-devel mailing list

datatypes in Elisp Info: mention "things" for which there is no "thing" datatype - e.g. faces

2005-06-23 Thread Drew Adams
The Elisp Info on Lisp Data Types is presented near the beginning of the
manual, as it is important, basic information. Reading this info, I see no
mention of `face'; `face' is not a datatype. A face is (`type-of') either a
symbol or a vector. Fair enough; some of the "kinds of things", such as
`face', that we reference casually are not themselves datatypes.

But I wonder if perhaps something about this shouldn't be mentioned in the
Info section on datatypes - perhaps mentioning `face' as an example of
something you might in some ways be inclined to think of as a datatype but
that Emacs treats differently from a type. Point out, in particular, that
not everything that has what might look like a type predicate is a
datatype - e.g. `facep'.

Readers can get the impression when reading the section on datatypes that it
covers all of the standard "things" we manipulate in Emacs Lisp. Looking at
the list of type predicates, a reader would never guess that faces even
exist, yet they are important things that we manipulate everyday. There is
no `face' type, but there are faces.

It might help to add a short explanation of this, including mention of
predicates like `facep' that look like, but are not really, type predicates.

What I'm suggesting is:

1) Mention that we sometimes speak casually of some things as if they were
of a particular abstract type, when there is no such type. Make readers
aware that when we speak of some things, like `buffer' and `function', there
are corresponding datatypes, and when we speak of other things, like `face',
there is no corresponding (`face') datatype. This is not obvious, and it's
not obvious which things, like `function', correspond to a datatype and
which, like `face', do not - there is nothing in the predicate names
`functionp' and `facep' that provides a clue.

(And functions, like faces, come in more than one form. It's not obvious why
`function' is considered an abstract datatype with representations as
diverse as lambda expression, keystroke command, and primitive, yet symbol
and vector are not considered the representations of an abstract `face'

2) Cross-reference the discussions of some of the important "non-types",
such as `face'. A reader of the datatypes section and the list of type
predicates would be helped by being made aware that there are also other
(non-primitive) kinds of things that we manipulate, and the reader should be
able to link to the doc of such important things as faces.

Obviously, there is no limit to the "kinds of things" that can exist that
have no corresponding datatype of the same name. The point is just to
mention that 1) such things can exist, and 2) `face', in particular, is one
(and cross-reference the face doc).

Finally, I'm ignorant: Just why is `face' not treated similarly to
`function' - why isn't `face' a datatype? If the answer expresses a general
rule, then perhaps that rule should also  be included in the doc, to clarify

Emacs-devel mailing list

custom-face-attributes has no doc string

2005-06-23 Thread Drew Adams
`custom-face-attributes' has no doc string. However, it is hardly something
internal. It is explicitly mentioned in (elisp) Info node Defining Faces:

 The element's second element, ATTS, is a list of face
 attributes and their values; it specifies what the face
 should look like on that kind of terminal. The possible
 attributes are defined in the value of

Shouldn't `custom-face-attributes' have a doc string explaining its
structure and purpose?

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: datatypes in Elisp Info: mention "things" for which there is no "thing" datatype - e.g. faces

2005-06-23 Thread Drew Adams
while i agree that the documentation could make more distinction between
fundamental and composed (or "defined-by-conventional-use") types, i
figure that doing so might be a bad idea because it would constrain the

since `facep' works like `functionp' (fsvo "like"), that should be what
programmers rely on.  if in the future faces become fundamental, that
transition will be easier to handle if prior internals were left
unexposed (ignorance is bliss).

One of my concerns is that readers of the datatypes section will not know
that faces exist. This section is near the beginning of the manual, and it
can give the impression that it also presents all of the important
Emacs-Lisp objects.

At a minimum, I think it would help to mention that, although these are the
only datatypes, there are additional things of interest (like faces) that
are not listed here.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: datatypes in Elisp Info: mention "things" for which there is no"thing" datatype - e.g. faces

2005-06-24 Thread Drew Adams
But I wonder if perhaps something about this shouldn't be
mentioned in the
Info section on datatypes - perhaps mentioning `face' as an
example of
something you might in some ways be inclined to think of as
a datatype but
that Emacs treats differently from a type.

Adding a brief section about faces in that chapter is a good idea.
I don't have time to work on it, but if someone else writes it,
we could install it.

2) Cross-reference the discussions of some of the important
"non-types", such as `face'.

My memory doesn't recall any others, but I wouldn't want to rely on it.
What others do you know of?

I didn't have any others in mind. I just wanted to speak about this
generally, in case there were others. (Kenichi Handa mentions coding-system,
charset, fontset.)

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: datatypes in Elisp Info: mention "things" for which there is no "thing" datatype - e.g. faces

2005-06-24 Thread Drew Adams
> Finally, I'm ignorant: Just why is `face' not treated similarly to
> `function' - why isn't `face' a datatype? If the answer
> expresses a general
> rule, then perhaps that rule should also  be included in the
> doc, to clarify things.

I tend to think of datatypes in lisp as being...

Whatever people decide on this should be reflected in the Elisp manual (i.e.
it should be updated). Currently, I'm not sure that your POV is reflected
there. There are two places where the `function' datatype is discussed,
which are linked: 1) Lisp Data Types and 2) Functions, linked through
`functionp' at Type Predicates. It's not clear whether the entire discussion
at Functions applies to the `function' datatype.

In general, perhaps we should be clearer when we are speaking of an
"official" datatype and when we are speaking rather more loosely.

If Elisp "datatype" does not reflect something objective and operational
(e.g. determinable by program), then perhaps we shouldn't speak of
"datatype" at all. IOW, perhaps we should either make it clear what
constitutes an Elisp datatype, and which "kinds of things" are datatypes, or
not speak of Elisp datatypes at all.

Emacs-devel mailing list

Q on Text Properties popup menu - shouldn't it use the pointer position, not the cursor position?

2005-06-24 Thread Drew Adams
The Text Properties popup menu (via `C-mouse-2'), `facemenu-menu', currently
applies to the cursor position (point). Isn't this misleading? If you are
using the mouse to bring up the menu, then I think you might be expecting
the position of application to be the pointer position, not the cursor

Especially wrt menu items that are specific to a buffer position, it's
likely that users will want to use the menu at different positions by simply
pointing the mouse.

For example, to check the text properties at some position, it would be
convenient to just put the mouse over that position, pop up the menu, and
choose Describe Properties. I tried this in various (pointer) positions, and
I couldn't figure out why the result didn't correspond to what I expected.
It wasn't until I looked at the facemenu code that I understood that the
mouse position is irrelevant and the cursor position is used always.

Don't you think that mouse position would be more relevant here than the
cursor position, when accessed from a mouse menu?

Commands such as `describe-text-properties' should still use the cursor
position (e.g. for access via M-x), but I think that when such commands are
accessed from a mouse (popup) menu, the pointer position should be used

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Q on Text Properties popup menu - shouldn't it use the pointerposition, not the cursor position?

2005-06-24 Thread Drew Adams
   The Text Properties popup menu (via `C-mouse-2'),
   currently applies to the cursor position (point).

No, they apply to the region, or, in Transient Mark mode when the
region is not active, to any immediately following self-inserting
input, which happens to be at the cursor position, because C-mouse-2
does not change the cursor position.  Does it affect the already
present character under point in your setup?  I do not believe that is
supposed to happen and it does not happen for me.

Correct, concerning most of the menu items. And that makes sense, since most
of the items do something to text (the text in the region).

The last four items (Describe Properties, Display Faces, Display Colors,
Display Fonts), however, do not affect the region and are not affected by
it. Perhaps there should be a menu separator just above these four items?

The Describe Properties item runs describe-text-properties, which always
references (the character after) point, never a region. Since it references
a single position, to me the best position to use is the mouse-pointer
position (when run from the mouse popup menu). If the mouse pointer does not
point to a character, then an error message should say "No character here"
or some such.

BTW, I think there might also be a minor bug: Each time I use the Text
Properties menu I get this message: " is undefined". This
does not seem to affect the menu action, though; things still work OK.

In GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600)
 of 2005-04-16 on LAPTOP
Distributor `Microsoft Corp.', version 5.1.2600
configured using `configure --with-gcc (3.4)'

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Q on Text Properties popup menu - shouldn't it use the pointerposition, not the cursor position?

2005-06-24 Thread Drew Adams
The Describe Properties item runs describe-text-properties,
which always references (the character after) point, never a
region. Since it references a single position, to me the best
position to use is the mouse-pointer position (when run from
the mouse popup menu). If the mouse pointer does not point to a
character, then an error message should say "No character here"
or some such.

To be clearer, this is the kind of behavior I would propose for Text
Properties > Describe Properties:

(defun describe-props-at-mouse (event)
  "Describe text properties of character under the mouse pointer"
  (interactive "e")
(set-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window (event-end event
(goto-char (posn-point (event-end event)))
(describe-text-properties (point

The error you get if you point to something other than a character is this:
"No character follows specified position".

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Q on NaN

2005-06-24 Thread Drew Adams
I said this:

(condition-case nil (setq foo (/ 0.0 0.0)) (arith-error nil))
In older versions of Emacs (at least prior to April 2005 CVS), 
this would evaluate to nil. Now, it evaluates to -0.0NaN.
I can modify the code like so:
(and (condition-case nil (setq foo (/ 0.0 0.0)) (arith-error nil))
 (bar foo)) ; foo must be a number, not a NaN
What function do I use for bar? 
`numberp' doesn't work, since (numberp -0.0NaN) is non-nil. 

To make the point simpler:

(numberp (/0.0 0.0)) returns t. That seems like a bug to me.

Emacs-devel mailing list

Q on NaN

2005-06-24 Thread Drew Adams
Consider this:

(condition-case nil (setq foo (/ 0.0 0.0)) (arith-error nil))

In older versions of Emacs (at least prior to April 2005 CVS), this would
evaluate to nil. Now, it evaluates to -0.0NaN (on Windows, at least), which
breaks the encompassing code (which tests the above expression for non-nil).

Fair enough. I can modify the code like so:

(and (condition-case nil (setq foo (/ 0.0 0.0)) (arith-error nil))
 (bar foo)) ; foo must be a number, not a NaN

What function do I use for bar?

`numberp' doesn't work, since (numberp -0.0NaN) is non-nil. That seems odd
to me, since NaN means "not a number" and numberp means "a number", but I
guess I can live with a little oddness.

In the Elisp manual, I didn't find a predicate to test for NaN.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Q on NaN

2005-06-24 Thread Drew Adams
Still following up on my own post:

  (condition-case nil (setq foo (/ 0.0 0.0)) (arith-error nil))
  In older versions of Emacs (at least prior to April 2005 CVS),
  this would evaluate to nil. Now, it evaluates to -0.0NaN.
  I can modify the code like so:
  (and (condition-case nil (setq foo (/ 0.0 0.0)) (arith-error nil))
   (bar foo)) ; foo must be a number, not a NaN
  What function do I use for bar?
  `numberp' doesn't work, since (numberp -0.0NaN) is non-nil.

 To make the point simpler:
 (numberp (/0.0 0.0)) returns t. That seems like a bug to me.

If this is not considered a bug, and `numberp' should return non-nil for
NaN, as it currently does, then what are all the possible NaN values to

The Elisp manual mentions that the read syntax for (/ 0.0 0.0) is 0.0e+NaN.
On my system it is in fact -0.0e+NaN. Are there additional NaN values, or
would this be a sufficient test for NaN-ness, to replace `numberp':

(let ((foo (/0.0 0.0)))
  (and (not (equal -0.0e+NaN foo)) (not (equal 0.0e+NaN foo

(Note that (= -0.0e+NaN foo) returns nil, while (equal -0.0e+NaN foo)
returns `t'.)

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Q on NaN

2005-06-24 Thread Drew Adams
> (numberp (/0.0 0.0)) returns t. That seems like a bug to me.

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.  (elisp)Arithmetic Operations says:

 If you divide an integer by 0, an `arith-error' error is signaled.
 (*Note Errors::.)  Floating point division by zero returns either
 infinity or a NaN if your machine supports IEEE floating point;
 otherwise, it signals an `arith-error' error.

So if the machine supports IEEE floating point (most modern machines
do), you aren't supposed to get `arith-error' in this case.  Maybe
this is a bit counter-intuitive for someone who never did futz with
NaNs, but at least Emacs behaves consistently with the docs.

I didn't say above that (/0.0 0.0) should give `arith-error'. I suggested
that perhaps `numberp' should return nil for a NaN argument, since "NaN"
means "not a number" and "numberp" means "a number". NaN is a floating-point
value, but is it a number?

As for a way to test for a NaN, try this:
   (= (/ 0.0 0.0) (/ 0.0 0.0))
It should evaluate to nil, since a NaN is defined to fail _any_
arithmetic comparison, even a comparison to itself.

That doesn't tell me how to test if `foobar' is a NaN. See my previous
email: I knew I could test `(equal foo 0.0e+Nan)', but I thought I would
need to test against all of the possible NaN values.

A bit of experimenting shows, however, that, at least on my system, the
mantissa doesn't matter: (equal 0.0e+NaN -0.0e+NaN) is `t', as is (equal
1.0e+NaN -99.5e+NaN). There is effectively only a single NaN value.

So I guess the answer to my original question is this:

 (and (condition-case nil (setq foo (/ 0.0 0.0)) (arith-error nil))
  (not (equal 0.0e+NaN foo)))

Ugly, perhaps, but usable.

BTW, here is something I didn't expect:

 `M-:  0.0e+NaN' returns -0.0e+NaN
 `M-: -0.0e+NaN' returns  0.0e+NaN

The reader seems to flip the (irrelevant) sign.

Emacs-devel mailing list

RE: Q on NaN

2005-06-24 Thread Drew Adams
> I didn't say above that (/0.0 0.0) should give `arith-error'.

Well, you seemed to: you complained that it did so in previous

No, I said "fair enough" to that change in behavior. I did not suggest it
was a bug. My question was about numberp's behavior:

> I suggested that perhaps `numberp' should return nil for
> a NaN argument, since "NaN"
> means "not a number" and "numberp" means "a number".
> NaN is a floating-point value, but is it a number?

Any floating-point value is a ``number'' as far as `numberp' is
concerned.  The fact that NaN is a short for not-a-number does not
mean that Lisp should treat it like that.

I can see that from the behavior, but then perhaps it should be mentioned
explicitly in the doc. Since the names suggest something different, perhaps
a note of clarification should be added.

> As for a way to test for a NaN, try this:
>(= (/ 0.0 0.0) (/ 0.0 0.0))
> It should evaluate to nil, since a NaN is defined to fail _any_
> arithmetic comparison, even a comparison to itself.
> That doesn't tell me how to test if `foobar' is a NaN.

Exactly the same: (= foobar foobar).  (Did you try that?)

Right. Got it; thanks. A couple of people replied with the same solution.

I am using (equal 0.0e+Nan), which also seems to work (and if equivalent,
would perhaps be clearer, since it mentions NaN: anything equal to NaN is
NaN). Does anyone know that these are not equivalent:

 (equal 0.0e+NaN) <=?=> (and (numberp x) (/= x x))

That is, are there any objects equal to 0.0e+NaN that are not NaN?

It might also be useful to mention such an idiom - either expression - in
the doc, or else to provide a predicate.

> See my previous email: I knew I could test
> `(equal foo 0.0e+Nan)', but I thought I would
> need to test against all of the possible NaN values.

No need: the arithmetic equality trick takes care of all of the
possible values.

Right. All NaNs are `equal', but they are not `=', even to themselves.

Note that you should use `=', not `equal' (nor `eql', btw).

Yes, for testing a numberp to see if it is not NaN. However, I am testing an
arbitrary object. For that, (and (numberp x) (/= x x)) works and (equal x
0.0e+Nan) works. For the latter test, it must be `equal' or `eql', not `='
or `eq'.

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