Re: [Orgmode] Re: Article: Synchronizing org Files Using bzr and git

2009-03-05 Thread Ian Barton

Sebastian Rose wrote:

Bernt Hansen writes:

Sorry about the yellow I hadn't noticed it. I am trying to fix it, but
it seems to be defeating my very limited css skills. The css generated
by org is:

pre class=src src-emacs-shell

pre class=src src-emacs-shell
bzr add *.org

In my stylesheet I am trying things like:

pre.src {
font-style: bold;
color: black;


span.src-emacs-shell {color: black;}

However, I can't get the span (which should affect the quoted text) to
work. I would appreciate it if someone could point me in the righ

Once I have sorted this I will generate a PDF version.

The span has a hardcoded style element which specifies the colour

span style=color: rgb(255, 255, 85);Imported sources./span

I don't think you will be able to override that with CSS.  You need to
somehow remove the embedded style from the exported source.

M-x customize-variable RET htmlize-output-type

and set it to `css' or `inline-css'.

Your setting is `font'

Thanks Sebastien - my setting was already inline-css. I tried switching 
to css and that has fixed the problem.


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Re: [Orgmode] My Python solution to generating unique Ids in headlines

2009-03-05 Thread Ian Barton

I settled on using a small Python script, since I am not
a Lisp programmer.

1.  I created a text file todononum.txt which contains
the next number to use.

2.  I created the following script to read this file, return the
next available number formatted in a unique, easy to find string,
for example [#310].

# script 
import sys

nextnum_file = C:/charles/gtd/todonum.txt

   f = open(nextnum_file, 'r')
except IOError:
   print Unable to open %s. Program terminating. % nextnum_file

val = int(f.readline()) + 1

of = open(nextnum_file, 'w')
of.write(%d\n  % val)

print [#%s] % val


If you don't need human readable numbers, you could try something like 
the following to generate a hash:

import hashlib
from time import strftime

timestamp = strftime(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)
s = myorg_item + timestamp
myhash = hashlib.sha224(s).hexdigest()

This combines your org text with the current timestamp to generate a 
hash. Since it's unlikely that you will try to create a hash from two 
identical org items at the same moment in time, this should be unique.


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Re: [Orgmode] org-exp-bibtex.el - add support to citing bibtex in both html and latex exports

2009-03-05 Thread Carsten Dominik

On Mar 5, 2009, at 12:08 AM, William Henney wrote:

On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 3:34 AM, Carsten Dominik 

Now how do we want to do this with org-mode?
1) The user is responsible for creating a bib-file using
whatever tools she prefers (e.g. bib2bib).
2) Add an option to just select the entries that are used
in the org-file. Nothing fancy.

I think (1) and (2) would be really nice.

3) Add a generic API to select+sort+format the entries.

(3) seems to be indeed more than necessary.  I for one would be  
happy if the entries would come out in the sequence of citation,  

will likely be automatic?

Agreed. Alphabetic sorting would be a nice optional extra, but just
(1) and (2) would be great.

In fact, implementing alphabetic sorting for names that actually
will work is pretty much a nightmare :-)

- Carsten

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Re: [Orgmode] More interaction in column view

2009-03-05 Thread Carsten Dominik

On Mar 4, 2009, at 10:45 AM, Daniel Clemente wrote:

I'm starting to use column mode (C-c C-x C-c) and I'm surprised I  
can't do some tasks from within, like for instance:

- move headings up/down with  M-up  M-down
- clock in/out tasks (C-c C-x C-i and … C-o)
- schedule tasks, etc. I always get:  if: Text is read-only: Type  
`e' to edit property

Technically, column view is a bitch to implement.  It works by
putting overlays over characters in the headline.  Column 1
is an overlay over the first character, column 2 is an overlay
over the second character etc.  One could make the entire
line a single overlay, but this would no longer allow navigation
inside the table.

If the headline has less characters than your number of columns,
space characters will be appended to the line to make more
space.  These characters have to be removed when you exit
column view.

Anything that would change the headline, even adding a newline
after it (to create space for a SCHEDULED time string) has the
potential to disrupt things.  To protect against this, the entire
headline gets a read-only property, which then triggers an error
for any operation that somehow touches the headline.

With some thought, we probably could enable more commands,
but that has to be done one by one, explicitly.
If you and others compile a list of commands that would
be nice and important to have in column view, I can have
a look.

If SCHEDULED is one of the columns, you can go there and
press e to schedule the entry.  The reason why this works
is that Org does call this as a special command, disables
the read-only, runs it, and then builds the column view
for this headline again from scratch.

To me, column view is like a *table* of *headings* (like a normal  
org-table, I mean). I am used to the usual org's flexibility in  
tables and in headings, and therefore it seems strange having to  
quit and reenter column mode to do these changes.

Spoiled you are, I can tell ;-)

- Carsten

It would be an interesting experiment to have real Org tables which  
get/set their rows from the headings in the subtree and their  
columns from the properties of these headings. You would then have  
all the usual features of tables: formulas, edit fields (properties  
in this case) in a new buffer, …

Mmm… maybe that table/heading/columns mix would be too complex.

Anyway, do you also need to enter/quit column view many times? How  
do you use it comfortably?


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Re: [Orgmode] Is column view buggy?

2009-03-05 Thread Carsten Dominik

Hi Daniel,

On Mar 4, 2009, at 10:21 AM, Daniel Clemente wrote:


I don't know if it's just my setup, but I see many problems when  
using column view (C-c C-x C-c) on org6.23trans+Emacs23(Bazaar),  
specially with lots of properties in long lines (more than 1 visual  
line) or folded contents (where the ellipsis ... is visible). For  

1. The cursor isn't visible sometimes when it is over a header which  
has the ellipsis (...) at the end.

I have never seen this one.

2. When I press the up/down arrows, the cursor goes to the upper/ 
lower line, but 1 cell to the right. This happens just for the first  
up/down movement after a left/right one.

Yes, this I have seen, and now fixed.

3. Sometimes the cursor is locked in a cell and I can't move it down  
with the down arrow key (however, up/left/right work).

I have not seen that either, maybe you can create a reproducible test  

These problems seem difficult to debug, since I have many possible  
causes (color theme, changed colors, fonts, changed ellipsis, maybe  
wrong configuration, …).

Should I report these problems in detail or are they already known?

Detailed report with test case will make them more likely to be fixed.

- Carsten

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Re: [Orgmode] Re: My Python solution to generating unique Ids in headlines

2009-03-05 Thread Carsten Dominik

Hi Charles,

if you want a pure Emacs solution for this, here is one

(defvar charles-num-file C:/charles/gtd/todonum.txt)
(defun charles-add-id ()
  Add ID number to headline.
(org-back-to-heading t)
(when (looking-at .*\\[#[0-9]+\\])
  (error ID number already present))
(when (looking-at org-complex-heading-regexp)
  (goto-char (match-end 4))
  (insert (format  [#%s] (charles-next-num)))
  (org-set-tags nil 'align

(defun charles-next-num ()
  Get next number
  (let (num)
  (if (file-exists-p charles-num-file)
  (insert-file-contents-literally charles-num-file))
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (setq num (1+ (or (ignore-errors (read (current-buffer))) 0
(with-temp-file charles-num-file
  (insert (number-to-string num)))


It really depends on how much you want to depend on these numbers.
In fact, my first implementation of IDs in org did use numbers just
like yours, but I moved away from them because they are simply not

1. If you ever sit on a different computer and would like
   to create a task, you will mess up the numbering.
2. If you forget to backup and restore the numbering file, you will
   run into trouble.
3. No good way to collaborate with others.

But if you are convinced that you alone will use this, with a
single computer, it might work OK.  The one advantage of numbers
as IDs is that they are better readable with the eye, and that you
can even remember Oh yes, this was task 136.  However, if it is
a computer that is looking at the IDs, there are much better

1. Of course, as Nick proposes, the IDs created by uuidgen.
   Globally unique, they will never ever give you any trouble.
   They are long, though, if you want to store them in the
   headline - that's why Org has them in a property.

2. Instead of (charles-next-num), you could use


   This will give you an encoding of the current time, to
   microsecond accuracy, in just 12 characters, good enough
   for multiple computers and even for large collaborations.
   Even if 2 people are trying to make an ID at exactly the
   same time, chances are still 1 in 10 or so that they
   would actually get the same ID.

3. If you are sure the you never make 2 IDs in the same second,
   you can nibble off the last digits, like

 (substring (org-id-time-to-b36) 0 -4)

   which is an 8 character encoding of the creation time,
   accurate to a second.  Quite safe for yourself, unless
   you use a program like org-map-entries to create these
   IDs for many entries in very short time.
   You could even nibble away the first digit which will
   not become significant for another 100 years or so.

 (substring (org-id-time-to-b36) 1 -4)

   7 characters, one second accuracy, hard to beat.


- Carsten

On Mar 5, 2009, at 3:40 AM, Charles Cave wrote:

Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at writes:

 import sys
 sys.stdout.write([%d] % val)

Thanks. That works fine.

(shell-command nextnum t)

This worked fine.

It may be necessary to specify a complete path to the command.

I diodnt need to because the .BAT file was in a directory which is
part of the PAHT list.  By the way, I had to include a beginning
line of @ECHO OFF in the bat file.

But I still don't understand why you need an external program: what  
wrong with (insert (format [%s] (org-id-new)))? Are the IDs too  

or is there some other problem?

I'm struggling to find documentation or installing and using org-id.
I added the line (require 'org-id) to my .eamcs file
then discovered a variable to customise the method to internal
or to use an external command uuidgen which doesnt exist on Windows.

How do I change the name of the external command from uuidgent
to nextnum

The trouble with unique IDs in files is that it's easy for them to  
out of sync (leading to non-uniqueness), e.g. if there are two  

trying to get a unique id at the same time.

This shouldnt be a problem as I am the only user.

Thanks for your help,

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Re: [Orgmode] Tag Searches

2009-03-05 Thread Carsten Dominik

That would be the variable org-highlight-sparse-tree-matches.

How to find it?

   M-x org-customize RET

   Open the Org Structure group
   Open the Org Sparse Trees group

   and there it is.

Or, alternatively

   M-x apropos-variable RET org.*highlight RET


- Carsten

On Mar 4, 2009, at 6:14 PM, Scott Randby wrote:


Whenever a tag search is done, the beginning of the lines containing
the desired tags are highlighted (in yellow with my setup). I can see
why this is desired behavior, but I don't want my tag searches to
highlight anything. First, I don't like the way the highlighting
looks, and second, the highlighting forces me to do C-u C-c C-c twice
if I want to recompute the values in a table. Being lazy, I only want
to do C-u C-c C-c once.

So, is there a way to set org-mode so that it won't highlight the
results of a tag search? I've tried customizing various variables, but
nothing I've tried works, and I can't find anything about this in the

Oh yes, I'm using org-mode 6.23 in emacs 22 though this has been an
issue for me all the versions of org-mode I've used.

Scott Randby

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[Orgmode] Re: DocBook exporter for Org-mode

2009-03-05 Thread Gour
 Baoqiu == Baoqiu Cui writes:

Baoqiu I knew it must be FOP that you did not like. ;-) I had similar
Baoqiu experience using FOP, and I (and all other team members) had to
Baoqiu find workarounds when hitting problems in FOP (like formatting
Baoqiu footnotes in lists or tables).  

Not hard to guess - not many players around. ;)

Baoqiu Don't know if you have tried XEP from RenderX.  I have not found
Baoqiu any problems in XEP.

This is commercial app, right? 

Moreover, I do not believe it produces better output than TeX.

Baoqiu Many people who don't like LaTeX can say similar things about
Baoqiu LaTeX. ;-) 

Well, in the past I used LyX which is great tool for authoring-phase and
later manually tweaked LaTeX code.

Baoqiu The main problem with all these lightweight markup languages is
Baoqiu that there is a limitation on their expressing power.  

Have you seen 

Baoqiu They are perfect tools for quickly publishing blogs, wikis,
Baoqiu simple web sites, documentation of source code, etc., but will
Baoqiu quickly hit their limit when they are used for more serious
Baoqiu publishing.

Frankly speaking, reST provides a lot of expressive power if you want
it, while still keeping document very readable and no DTDs, schemas,
validation, fiddling with catalogs etc. :-D

Otoh, number of tags in DocBook is overwhelming and, imgo, way too
distracting for most documentation tasks, at least, for *my* use-cases.

Baoqiu I don't know much about rst.el, and am still new to Org-mode, so
Baoqiu cannot say much on this. :-)

OK. Maybe someone with more Elisp skills will hook on reST. :-D



Gour  | Zagreb, Croatia  | GPG key: C6E7162D

Description: PGP signature
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[Orgmode] Re: org-exp-bibtex.el - add support to citing bibtex in both html and latex exports

2009-03-05 Thread Chris Gray
Carsten Dominik wrote:
 In fact, implementing alphabetic sorting for names that actually
 will work is pretty much a nightmare :-)

There is a switch (-a) in bibtex2html that sorts the entries as bibtex
would sort them.


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: org-exp-bibtex.el - add support to citing bibtex in both html and latex exports

2009-03-05 Thread Carsten Dominik

OK, so this is simple then.  Great.

- Carsten

On Mar 5, 2009, at 1:32 PM, Chris Gray wrote:

Carsten Dominik wrote:

In fact, implementing alphabetic sorting for names that actually
will work is pretty much a nightmare :-)

There is a switch (-a) in bibtex2html that sorts the entries as bibtex
would sort them.


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[Orgmode] Tables and Latex Wrong-number-of-arguments error

2009-03-05 Thread andrew dasys
Trying to org-export-latex-... any table in 6.23trans and 6.23b results both
on WinXP and Ubuntu results in an error. Sending to html works great. Any
guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Table is as simple As I could think of:

| id | Actor | Character |
|  1 | Allan Alda| Hawkeye Benjamin Pierce |
|  2 | Gary Burghoff | Radar Walter O'Reilly   |
|  3 | Loretta Switt | Hotlips Margaret Hoolihan  |

Results in following error:

Exporting to LaTeX...
setq: Wrong number of arguments: #[(string optional separators)
U+009F,U+0087 [separators list notfirst start rexp string [ ^L
^M^K]+ 0 nil string-match ...] 5 1390318], 3
./tmp/ (END)

Does not seem to be resolved by Manish's comments from:

P.S Continue to be amazed by Org - great work thank you.
P.P.S thread on variable usage was great way to see how others were using
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] [PATCH] Change timestamps in day-step clocktable from active to inactive

2009-03-05 Thread Adam Elliott
When run in day-step mode, the clocktable header line for each day's 
table contains an active timestamp.  I figure it should be an inactive 
timestamp, since otherwise I get a junk entry in the agenda each day 
(whatever heading was previous to the clocktable).

I'm talking about the output from a spec such as the following:

#+BEGIN: clocktable :block thisweek :step day

Only two lines changed (1079  1082 of org-clock.el).  Barely worthy of 
a formal patch, but I have one attached.

--- org-clock.el~   2009-02-23 08:16:36.0 -0500
+++ org-clock.el2009-03-05 00:35:40.78125 -0500
@@ -1076,10 +1076,10 @@
 (while ( ts te)
   (or (bolp) (insert \n))
   (setq p1 (plist-put p1 :tstart (format-time-string
- (car org-time-stamp-formats)
+  (org-time-stamp-format nil t)
  (seconds-to-time ts
   (setq p1 (plist-put p1 :tend (format-time-string
-   (car org-time-stamp-formats)
+(org-time-stamp-format nil t)
(seconds-to-time (setq ts (+ ts step))
   (insert \n (if (eq step0 'day) Daily report:  Weekly report 
starting on: )
  (plist-get p1 :tstart) \n)
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Re: [Orgmode] Tag Searches

2009-03-05 Thread srandby

Carsten Dominik wrote:

That would be the variable org-highlight-sparse-tree-matches.

Thanks, this is perfect for me.


How to find it?

   M-x org-customize RET

   Open the Org Structure group
   Open the Org Sparse Trees group

   and there it is.

Or, alternatively

   M-x apropos-variable RET org.*highlight RET


- Carsten

On Mar 4, 2009, at 6:14 PM, Scott Randby wrote:


Whenever a tag search is done, the beginning of the lines containing
the desired tags are highlighted (in yellow with my setup). I can see
why this is desired behavior, but I don't want my tag searches to
highlight anything. First, I don't like the way the highlighting
looks, and second, the highlighting forces me to do C-u C-c C-c twice
if I want to recompute the values in a table. Being lazy, I only want
to do C-u C-c C-c once.

So, is there a way to set org-mode so that it won't highlight the
results of a tag search? I've tried customizing various variables, but
nothing I've tried works, and I can't find anything about this in the

Oh yes, I'm using org-mode 6.23 in emacs 22 though this has been an
issue for me all the versions of org-mode I've used.

Scott Randby

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Re: [Orgmode] Tables and Latex Wrong-number-of-arguments error

2009-03-05 Thread Carsten Dominik

Please make a backtrace with uncompiled code:

Reload Org with

   C-u C-c C-x r

and hit the error again.


- Carsten

On Mar 4, 2009, at 7:48 PM, andrew dasys wrote:

Trying to org-export-latex-... any table in 6.23trans and 6.23b  
results both on WinXP and Ubuntu results in an error. Sending to  
html works great. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Table is as simple As I could think of:

| id | Actor | Character |
|  1 | Allan Alda| Hawkeye Benjamin Pierce |
|  2 | Gary Burghoff | Radar Walter O'Reilly   |
|  3 | Loretta Switt | Hotlips Margaret Hoolihan  |

Results in following error:

Exporting to LaTeX...
setq: Wrong number of arguments: #[(string optional separators) U 


U+009F,U+0087 [separators list notfirst start rexp string [ ^L
^M^K]+ 0 nil string-match ...] 5 1390318], 3
./tmp/ (END)

Does not seem to be resolved by Manish's comments from:

P.S Continue to be amazed by Org - great work thank you.
P.P.S thread on variable usage was great way to see how others were  
using Org.

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] [PATCH] Change timestamps in day-step clocktable from active to inactive

2009-03-05 Thread Carsten Dominik

Applied, thanks.

- Carsten

On Mar 5, 2009, at 7:00 AM, Adam Elliott wrote:

When run in day-step mode, the clocktable header line for each day's  
table contains an active timestamp.  I figure it should be an  
inactive timestamp, since otherwise I get a junk entry in the agenda  
each day (whatever heading was previous to the clocktable).

I'm talking about the output from a spec such as the following:

#+BEGIN: clocktable :block thisweek :step day

Only two lines changed (1079  1082 of org-clock.el).  Barely worthy  
of a formal patch, but I have one attached.

--- org-clock.el~   2009-02-23 08:16:36.0 -0500
+++ org-clock.el2009-03-05 00:35:40.78125 -0500
@@ -1076,10 +1076,10 @@
(while ( ts te)
  (or (bolp) (insert \n))
  (setq p1 (plist-put p1 :tstart (format-time-string
- (car org-time-stamp-formats)
+  (org-time-stamp-format nil t)
  (seconds-to-time ts
  (setq p1 (plist-put p1 :tend (format-time-string
-   (car org-time-stamp-formats)
+(org-time-stamp-format nil t)
(seconds-to-time (setq ts (+ ts step))
  (insert \n (if (eq step0 'day) Daily report:  Weekly  
report starting on: )

  (plist-get p1 :tstart) \n)
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Re: [Orgmode] Re: DocBook exporter for Org-mode

2009-03-05 Thread Sebastian Rose
Gour writes:
 Otoh, number of tags in DocBook is overwhelming and, imgo, way too
 distracting for most documentation tasks, at least, for *my* use-cases.

It is, and that's exactly why the DocBook export is such a great thing. 

You could say a similar thing about (valid) XHTML, LaTeX, reST -
whatever markup you're not familiar with.

With the DocBook exporter, learning DocBook is reduced to pressing `C-c
C-e' and choose the right option ;-)


Sebastian Rose, EMMA STIL - mediendesign, Niemeyerstr.6, 30449 Hannover
Tel.:  +49 (0)511 - 36 58 472
Fax:   +49 (0)1805 - 233633 - 11044
mobil: +49 (0)173 - 83 93 417

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Re: [Orgmode] Re: DocBook exporter for Org-mode

2009-03-05 Thread Sebastian Rose
Gour writes:
 Frankly speaking, reST provides a lot of expressive power if you want
 it, while still keeping document very readable and no DTDs, schemas,
 validation, fiddling with catalogs etc. :-D

How about:

Frankly speaking, Org-mode provides a lot of expressive power if you
want it while still keeping document very readable and nowadays can
produce DocBook output simply by pressing `C-c C-e D' ;-)


Sebastian Rose, EMMA STIL - mediendesign, Niemeyerstr.6, 30449 Hannover
Tel.:  +49 (0)511 - 36 58 472
Fax:   +49 (0)1805 - 233633 - 11044
mobil: +49 (0)173 - 83 93 417

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[Orgmode] Re: DocBook exporter for Org-mode

2009-03-05 Thread Dale Smith
Sebastian Rose writes:

 Gour writes:
 Otoh, number of tags in DocBook is overwhelming and, imgo, way too
 distracting for most documentation tasks, at least, for *my* use-cases.

 It is, and that's exactly why the DocBook export is such a great thing. 

 You could say a similar thing about (valid) XHTML, LaTeX, reST -
 whatever markup you're not familiar with.

 With the DocBook exporter, learning DocBook is reduced to pressing `C-c
 C-e' and choose the right option ;-)

And that's one of the reasons I would like a docbook exporter.

I see myself with two usage patterns.  One is where I keep the file in
org (or muse) format, and export to docbook and eventually pdf for
external consumption.  The other is where I use org (or muse) to
start the docbook file, and then continue to edit the docbook.  This
is because docbook is so much richer than any wiki format, and I want
to take advantage of what's there.


Dale P. Smith
216-447-4059 x2018
216-447-8951 FAX

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Thank you.

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[Orgmode] Auto-saving/loading files (without prompts)

2009-03-05 Thread David Thole

Hey all,

One thing I noticed about org mode I'm hoping to resolve.  Basically with 
using git, and having something pull into the specific org file, the 
contents of the file change often.

The problem I'm having is that what I'd like to do is to refresh the 
buffer, and reload this file on specific intervals.  When changes are made 
to the file - say a state changes or something like that, I want to 
automatically save back to the file near immediately.  I'm trying to 
reduce the amount of race conditions I have in if I run from the following 
type of workflow:

- Load agenda
- clock in, out, add notes
- refresh file from ticket tracker
- Try to save file - fail because file potentially changed.

I'd like to try and get it to work as the following:

- Load agenda
- auto save file every 20 seconds or so: clock in, out, add notes
- Refresh file from ticket tracker (this is done, already merges with 
current org file)
- reloads buffers automatically (no prompt on this file has changed, 
automatically reload first then allow the edit to go through again.

- auto save file and repeat the above 2 steps.

I'm not totally sure if this would work, but right now what I do is:
- Load agenda
- Edit agenda as necessary
- Save Manually
- run python script to pull redmine stuff which will save it to the same 
file, merged.
- hit refresh, confirm a few times that I want to reload the file and 
continue from step 2 on.

The main thing I'd like to fix if the overal solution doesn't work is a 
way to reload the file without confirming.  So if I try to refresh the 
agenda buffer that it would automatically reload the file too, without 
confirmation.  I have an emacs lisp command I created that does this for 

Any ideas on how to handle this, or how to streamline this process at all?



Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Quickly inputting next actions to specific lists.

2009-03-05 Thread Marcelo de Moraes Serpa
Hello list,

Let's say I have some next action that I know exactly where to put (what
list), in other words, I don't need to process it (in the GTD terms), I just
need to put it in the correct list. What I would like to do is some
interactive function that would allow me to quickly input a new next action
to a specific list. Maybe each main list in the project could have a
shortcut (like tags do) and when you run this function you enter the string
for the next action item, and quickly says where you want it to go, and it
appends it there. I'm not deep enough in elisp to do that, so, if someone
could help me I would be grateful!


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] Quickly inputting next actions to specific lists.

2009-03-05 Thread Samuel Wales
Refiling might do what you want.

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 12:40, Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:
 Hello list,

 Let's say I have some next action that I know exactly where to put (what
 list), in other words, I don't need to process it (in the GTD terms), I just
 need to put it in the correct list. What I would like to do is some
 interactive function that would allow me to quickly input a new next action
 to a specific list. Maybe each main list in the project could have a
 shortcut (like tags do) and when you run this function you enter the string
 for the next action item, and quickly says where you want it to go, and it
 appends it there. I'm not deep enough in elisp to do that, so, if someone
 could help me I would be grateful!



 Emacs-orgmode mailing list
 Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Myalgic encephalomyelitis denialism is causing death (decades early;
Jason et al. 2006) and severe suffering (worse than nearly all other
diseases studied; e.g. Schweitzer et al. 1995) and *grossly*
corrupting science.

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] Quickly inputting next actions to specific lists.

2009-03-05 Thread Marcelo de Moraes Serpa

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 3:00 PM, Samuel Wales wrote:

 Refiling might do what you want.

 On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 12:40, Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:
  Hello list,
  Let's say I have some next action that I know exactly where to put
  list), in other words, I don't need to process it (in the GTD terms), I
  need to put it in the correct list. What I would like to do is some
  interactive function that would allow me to quickly input a new next
  to a specific list. Maybe each main list in the project could have a
  shortcut (like tags do) and when you run this function you enter the
  for the next action item, and quickly says where you want it to go, and
  appends it there. I'm not deep enough in elisp to do that, so, if someone
  could help me I would be grateful!
  Emacs-orgmode mailing list
  Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

 Myalgic encephalomyelitis denialism is causing death (decades early;
 Jason et al. 2006) and severe suffering (worse than nearly all other
 diseases studied; e.g. Schweitzer et al. 1995) and *grossly*
 corrupting science.

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] Quickly inputting next actions to specific lists.

2009-03-05 Thread Samuel Wales
C-h f org-refile.

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 14:27, Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:

 On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 3:00 PM, Samuel Wales wrote:

 Refiling might do what you want.

 On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 12:40, Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:
  Hello list,
  Let's say I have some next action that I know exactly where to put
  list), in other words, I don't need to process it (in the GTD terms), I
  need to put it in the correct list. What I would like to do is some
  interactive function that would allow me to quickly input a new next
  to a specific list. Maybe each main list in the project could have a
  shortcut (like tags do) and when you run this function you enter the
  for the next action item, and quickly says where you want it to go, and
  appends it there. I'm not deep enough in elisp to do that, so, if
  could help me I would be grateful!
  Emacs-orgmode mailing list
  Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

 Myalgic encephalomyelitis denialism is causing death (decades early;
 Jason et al. 2006) and severe suffering (worse than nearly all other
 diseases studied; e.g. Schweitzer et al. 1995) and *grossly*
 corrupting science.

Myalgic encephalomyelitis denialism is causing death (decades early;
Jason et al. 2006) and severe suffering (worse than nearly all other
diseases studied; e.g. Schweitzer et al. 1995) and *grossly*
corrupting science.

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] Quickly inputting next actions to specific lists.

2009-03-05 Thread Marcelo de Moraes Serpa
Yeah, maybe I could develop another function that uses refile (or refile's
logic) to get the items where I want to. But the idea is different, I want
to bind this func to a key combo, when it is called it would ask
interactively for the item's string, then, after that, where I would like to
put it (it might ask me to write or to choose from a list - like the add tag



On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 3:40 PM, Samuel Wales wrote:

 C-h f org-refile.

 On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 14:27, Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:
  On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 3:00 PM, Samuel Wales
  Refiling might do what you want.
  On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 12:40, Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:
   Hello list,
   Let's say I have some next action that I know exactly where to put
   list), in other words, I don't need to process it (in the GTD terms),
   need to put it in the correct list. What I would like to do is some
   interactive function that would allow me to quickly input a new next
   to a specific list. Maybe each main list in the project could have a
   shortcut (like tags do) and when you run this function you enter the
   for the next action item, and quickly says where you want it to go,
   appends it there. I'm not deep enough in elisp to do that, so, if
   could help me I would be grateful!
   Emacs-orgmode mailing list
   Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
  Myalgic encephalomyelitis denialism is causing death (decades early;
  Jason et al. 2006) and severe suffering (worse than nearly all other
  diseases studied; e.g. Schweitzer et al. 1995) and *grossly*
  corrupting science.

 Myalgic encephalomyelitis denialism is causing death (decades early;
 Jason et al. 2006) and severe suffering (worse than nearly all other
 diseases studied; e.g. Schweitzer et al. 1995) and *grossly*
 corrupting science.

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] Quickly inputting next actions to specific lists.

2009-03-05 Thread Bastien
Marcelo de Moraes Serpa writes:


Refiling is for tasks seeking their parents.
Refilling is usually for beer.
Refillling doesn't yet exist.

Have a look in the manual:

  (info (org) Refiling notes)

Press C-x C-e at the end of the second parenthesis to directly jump to
the right section.

You might also have a look at Remember, which does what you want for
tasks you create outside an Org buffer:

  (info (org) Remember)


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

RE: [Orgmode] Quickly inputting next actions to specific lists.

2009-03-05 Thread Womick, Don
Marcelo de Moraes Serpa writes:


 Refiling is for tasks seeking their parents.
 Refilling is usually for beer.
 Refillling doesn't yet exist.

From Ogden Nash:

The one-l lama, 
He's a priest.
The two-l llama, 
He's a beast.
And I will bet
A silk pajama
There isn't any
Three-l lllama.*

* The author's attention has been called to the kind of conflagration
known as a three-alarmer. Pooh.

Sorry, couldn't resist... :)


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

[Orgmode] Release 6.24

2009-03-05 Thread Carsten Dominik

Changes in version 6.24

Incompatible changes

Tag searches are now case-sensitive

From this release on, tag searches will be case sensitive.  While
I still think it would be nice to have them case-insensitive,
this was both an inconsistency (TODO keyword searches have always
been case-sensitive), and trouble for coding some efficient
algorithms.  So please make sure that you give the tags with
correct casing when prompted for a match expression.

New key for creating tags/property sparse trees

The key to produce a sparse tree matching tags and properties is
now `C-c / m' instead of `C-c a T'.  This is also more consistent
with the `C-c a m' key for the corresponding agenda view.
`C-c / T' will still work for now, but it is no longer advertised
in the documentation and may go away at any time in the future.

IDs in HTML have ID- prefix when generated by uuidgen

/uuidgen/ generates IDs that often start with a number, not a
latter.  However, IDs and names in XHTML must start with a letter.
Therefore, IDs in HTML files will now get an ID- prefix if they
have been generated by uuidgen.  This means that id links from one
file to another may stop working until all files have been
exported again.

In agenda, only priority cookies get the special face

So far, an entire task would get a special face when
`org-agenda-fontify-priorities' was set.  Now, the default value
for this variable is the symbol `cookies', which means that on
the cookie is fontified.  Set it to `t' if you want the entire
task headline to be fontified.


PDF export of agenda views

Agenda views can now be exported to PDF files by writing them to
a file with extension .pdf.  Internally this works by first
producing the postscript version and then converting that to PDF
using the ghostview utility `ps2pdf'.  Make sure that this
utility is installed on your system.

The postscript version will not be removed, it will stay around.

Inline some entry text for Agenda View export

When exporting an agenda view to HTML or PDF for printing or
remote access, one of the problems can be that information stored
in entries below the headline is not accessible in that format.

You can now copy some of that information to the agenda view
before exporting it.  For this you need to set the variable
`org-agenda-add-entry-text-maxlines' to a number greater than 0.

  (setq org-agenda-add-entry-text-maxlines 20)

Or you can do this with the settings in a custom agenda view,
for example

  (A  agenda 
   ((org-agenda-ndays 1)
(org-agenda-add-entry-text-maxlines 5))

Improved ASCII export of links

ASCII export of links works now much better.  If a link has a
link and a description part which are different, then the
description will remain in the text while the link part will be
moved to the end of the current section, before the next heading,
as a footnote-like construct.

Configure the variable `org-export-ascii-links-to-notes' if you
prefer the links to be shown in the text.  In this case, Org will
make an attempt to wrap the line which may have become
significantly longer by showing the link.

Thanks to Samuel Wales for pointing out the bad state of ASCII
link export.

Custom agenda commands can specify a filter preset

If a custom agenda command specifies a value for
`org-agenda-filter-preset' in its options, the initial view of
the agenda will be filterd by the specified tags.  Applying a
filter with `/' will then always add to that preset filter,
clearing the filter with `/ /' will set it back to the preset.
Here is an example of a custom agenda view that will display the
agenda, but hide all entries with tags `FLUFF' or `BLUFF':

  (A  agenda 
   ((org-agenda-filter-preset '(-FLUFF -BLUFF

This is in response to a [thread on the mailing list], started by
Daniel Clemente and with great contributions by Bernt Hansen and
Matt Lundin.

[thread on the mailing list]:

Exporting of citations to LaTeX and HTML, using BibTeX

Citations can now me made using BibTeX, and will be exported to
LaTeX and HTML.  This is implemented in a contributed package by
Taru Karttunen, /org-exp-bibtex.el/.  Kudos to Taru for this
really nice addition.

org-collector.el is now a contributed package

/org-collector.el/ provides functions to create tables by
collecting and processing properties from entries in a specific
scope like the current tree or file, or even from all agenda

[Orgmode] Feature request: IDs on anything

2009-03-05 Thread Samuel Wales
Now seems like an ideal time to post this.

I have been thinking that it would be useful to be able to slap org IDs on
anything.  This includes plain list items, table cells, and
specific words in long sections of text.[1]  Links to
these markers will never be broken and will go to their
exact locations.

I am calling them =ID markers=.  The syntax looks like

  $[id B7423F4D-2E8A-471B-8810-C40F074717E9]

Here is an example:

  - this is a plain list
- example $[id B7423F4D-2E8A-471B-8810-C40F074717E9]
- the above can safely be linked to

You can label markers to make them prettier:

  $[id B7423F4D-2E8A-471B-8810-C40F074717E9 :label foo]
this is a marker labeled foo (similarly to how links
are labeled).

  $[id B7423F4D-2E8A-471B-8810-C40F074717E9 :label ]
now the marker is invisible unless you set links to be
visible or go to and edit the marker.[3]

A key aspect of this feature is that it is extensible[2]
in various[4] ways.

I have more notes, including applications, but also want to
gauge interest in the basic idea.

Is this appealing?


[1] This might also work for Charles Cave's thread, My
Python solution [...], which seeks IDs or the equivalent in

ID markers should work in non-org files (provided that org
is told about their existence via a user variable).  Thus,
you can safely link to source code.

[2] This syntax is motivated in a thread on the org
mailing list (
) named extensible syntax.  Some benefits:

  1.  You can add /new/ org features.
  - This is done by reserving a new first element.
  - For example, the keyword for the ID marker feature
is id.
  - If you want to add a new org feature for, say,
changing the color of a region of text, you would
use the keyword color.
- You can do this with no new lexing code or syntax
  2.  You can extend /existing/ features.
  - This is done with a keyword argument (plist key).
  - For example, ID markers accept a :label keyword.
  - To make the label be different in the exported text,
the key would be :export-label.
  - To turn an ID marker into a link, the key would
be :link and its argument would be the link itself.
- I will motivate this and its applications in
  another thread.  It enables the user to create
  arbitrary graph-theoretic structures, including
  bidirectional links and tours through a table, by
  pointing ID markers to one another.  More later.
  - No new lexing code or syntax debugging is necessary.

A bonus: in principle, the facility can be opened up to the
users, who can then experiment with new features in their
.emacs files (without modifying org code) then spring them
on the rest of us.  :) However, this is not essential to the

[3] I am not sure, but it is possible that running M-x
visible-mode would also work.  Or perhaps a standard org
command could do it.

[4] For example, to make the label be different in the
exported text, it could look like this:

  $[id B7423F4D-2E8A-471B-8810-C40F074717E9
   :label foo
   :export-label bar]
the exported version is labeled bar, while your source
is still nicely labeled foo.

  $[id B7423F4D-2E8A-471B-8810-C40F074717E9
   :label foo
   :export-label ]
now it is invisible when exported.  but it can still be
pointed to.

Or to make it easy to remember ID markers with a short

  $[id B7423F4D-2E8A-471B-8810-C40F074717E9 :label :file-unique]
this is a marker labeled with a small, automatically
generated number that is only guaranteed to be unique
for the current file.

My point in this footnote isn't that these are needed
subfeatures, but that with extensible syntax we can do this
kind of thing.

Myalgic encephalomyelitis denialism is causing death (decades early;
Jason et al. 2006) and severe suffering (worse than nearly all other
diseases studied; e.g. Schweitzer et al. 1995) and *grossly*
corrupting science.

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] Re: My Python solution to generating unique Ids in headlines

2009-03-05 Thread Samuel Wales
I have a related idea in the thread, IDs on anything.

Myalgic encephalomyelitis denialism is causing death (decades early;
Jason et al. 2006) and severe suffering (worse than nearly all other
diseases studied; e.g. Schweitzer et al. 1995) and *grossly*
corrupting science.

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] Quickly inputting next actions to specific lists.

2009-03-05 Thread Matthew Lundin
Hi Marcelo,

If I'm understanding it correctly, org-remember with interactive filing
does precisely what you're looking for. You can quickly enter a task and
then type C-1 C-c C-c to choose where to file it.


Marcelo de Moraes Serpa writes:

 Yeah, maybe I could develop another function that uses refile (or
 refile's logic) to get the items where I want to. But the idea is
 different, I want to bind this func to a key combo, when it is called
 it would ask interactively for the item's string, then, after that,
 where I would like to put it (it might ask me to write or to choose
 from a list - like the add tag does).



 On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 3:40 PM, Samuel Wales

 C-h f org-refile.

 On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 14:27, Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:
  On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 3:00 PM, Samuel Wales wrote:
  Refiling might do what you want.
  On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 12:40, Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:
   Hello list,
   Let's say I have some next action that I know exactly where
 to put
   list), in other words, I don't need to process it (in the GTD
 terms), I
   need to put it in the correct list. What I would like to do is
   interactive function that would allow me to quickly input a
 new next
   to a specific list. Maybe each main list in the project could
 have a
   shortcut (like tags do) and when you run this function you
 enter the
   for the next action item, and quickly says where you want it
 to go, and
   appends it there. I'm not deep enough in elisp to do that, so,
   could help me I would be grateful!
   Emacs-orgmode mailing list
   Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
  Myalgic encephalomyelitis denialism is causing death (decades
  Jason et al. 2006) and severe suffering (worse than nearly all
  diseases studied; e.g. Schweitzer et al. 1995) and *grossly*
  corrupting science.

 Myalgic encephalomyelitis denialism is causing death (decades
 Jason et al. 2006) and severe suffering (worse than nearly all
 diseases studied; e.g. Schweitzer et al. 1995) and *grossly*
 corrupting science.

 Emacs-orgmode mailing list
 Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.