Re: [Orgmode] R code not producing expected results

2010-08-13 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Marco,

Here is the code behind the Worg page:

#+begin_src R :results output org
  ascii(summary(table(1:4, 1:4)))

This works here.

The key seems to be the header argument :results output

#+BEGIN_SRC R :results output

 d -,rnorm(100)))

 ascii(cor(d),include.rownames=T, include.colnames=T,header=T)


   Welcome to R!

|| V1   | V2| V3| V4|
| V1 | 1.00 | 0.09  | 0.09  | 0.13  |
| V2 | 0.09 | 1.00  | -0.00 | -0.13 |
| V3 | 0.09 | -0.00 | 1.00  | 0.18  |
| V4 | 0.13 | -0.13 | 0.18  | 1.00  |

With it added to your other example, it does indeed generate a nice  

I think you are absolutely right about org-mode's babel capabilities  
helping with your R work.  I can't imagine a better environment for  
working in R.

Good luck with your work.

All the best,

On Aug 12, 2010, at 6:32 PM, Blanchette, Marco wrote:

Dear all,

Sorry if this is something totally obvious but I am learning to use  
org-mode for my everyday work with R. I just installed the latest  
stable release of org-mode (v7.01g) on top of GNU Emacs  
(x86_64-apple-darwin10.2.0, NS apple-appkit-1038.25). I also  
installed the CRAN ascii package v0.7 on top of R v2.11.1. I am  
currently working on a MacBook pro with Snow Leopard 10.6.4

Early on today, while reading the org-babel intro, I was able to run  
the following example but somehow, later tonight, it started to  
break and I spent the last few hours scratching my head to  
understand what change and why it now suddenly break. Your help will  
be greatly appreciated as I am discovering that org-mode in  
collaboration with org-babel have great potential to help us create  
more readable report of our daily analysis, as long as I can get  
through these early hurdles.

Here is the org buffer that now breaks:

* Two examples of R code that worked when I started the tutorial but  
suddenly started to fail...

** some R code that should generate a nice table

 d -,rnorm(100)))

 ascii(cor(d),include.rownames=T, include.colnames=T,header=T)

** Some code straight from [[ 

ascii(summary(table(1:4, 1:4)))

With the following error recover from the *Org-Babel Error* buffer

Loading required package: proto
Error in[[i]], optional = TRUE) :
 cannot coerce class 'c(ascii, proto, environment)' into a  
Calls: write.table ... data.frame - -

Execution halted

Thanks for the helps.
Marco Blanchette, Ph.D.
Assistant Investigator
Stowers Institute for Medical Research
1000 East 50th St.

Kansas City, MO 64110

Tel: 816-926-4071
Cell: 816-726-8419
Fax: 816-926-2018

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] R code not producing expected results

2010-08-13 Thread Charles C. Berry

On Thu, 12 Aug 2010, Blanchette, Marco wrote:

Dear all,

Sorry if this is something totally obvious but I am learning to use

  org-mode for my everyday work with R. I just installed the latest
  stable release of org-mode (v7.01g) on top of GNU Emacs
  (x86_64-apple-darwin10.2.0, NS apple-appkit-1038.25). I also
  installed the CRAN ascii package v0.7 on top of R v2.11.1. I am
  currently working on a MacBook pro with Snow Leopard 10.6.4

Early on today, while reading the org-babel intro, I was able to run

  the following example but somehow, later tonight, it started to
  break and I spent the last few hours scratching my head to
  understand what change and why it now suddenly break. Your help will
  be greatly appreciated as I am discovering that org-mode in
  collaboration with org-babel have great potential to help us create
  more readable report of our daily analysis, as long as I can get
  through these early hurdles.

The code you say is straight from is not quite.

Note all the header args:

#+begin_src R :results output code :session ascii

Also note that ascii() does not return an object of class matrix or 
data.frame. Try str(ascii(  all the rest  )).

With :results value (the default) you will get a different outcome as
you saw below.

'value' tries to be smart about what it does with .Last.value, but ascii 
objects are a bit too tricky for it.

'output' on the other hand is pretty simple on the elisp side and 
relies on R's print() to get the dispatch for the print method right.

If you want to use ':results value' you will need to form a data.frame 
from ascii() yourself, rather than rely on to find a method 
to do the conversion. Or you will need to write a method for



Here is the org buffer that now breaks:

* Two examples of R code that worked when I started the tutorial but suddenly 
started to fail...

** some R code that should generate a nice table

 d -,rnorm(100)))

 ascii(cor(d),include.rownames=T, include.colnames=T,header=T)

** Some code straight from 
ascii(summary(table(1:4, 1:4)))

With the following error recover from the *Org-Babel Error* buffer

Loading required package: proto
Error in[[i]], optional = TRUE) :
 cannot coerce class 'c(ascii, proto, environment)' into a data.frame
Calls: write.table ... data.frame - -
Execution halted

Thanks for the helps.
Marco Blanchette, Ph.D.
Assistant Investigator
Stowers Institute for Medical Research
1000 East 50th St.

Kansas City, MO 64110

Tel: 816-926-4071
Cell: 816-726-8419
Fax: 816-926-2018

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Charles C. Berry(858) 534-2098
Dept of Family/Preventive Medicine
E   UC San Diego  La Jolla, San Diego 92093-0901

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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Finally jekyll and org-jekyll

2010-08-13 Thread Ian Barton
On 12/08/10 09:04, Andrea Crotti wrote:
 Ian Barton writes:

 Hi Andrea,

 I don't use org-jekyll myself. You can view my tutorial on the way I
 di it at
 . Basically what you need to do is to organize your system so that org
 publishes your .org files to html in a place that jekyll can process

 Are you trying to write a blog ie. posts ordered in date format, or a
 static web site, or a combination of both? If you can tell me exactly
 what you want to achieve, I'll try and help out.

 Thanks, I would like to have a mixed approach, but also just a blog with
 articles might be perfectly fine for now.
 So reading again I think I got it, I create the index.html showing the
 lasts posts (for example), I eventually add some CSS and then I export
 the org-files in the right place.
 Org-jekyll helps giving the right name to the html files so that is
 automatically recognized by jekyll.
 Then I want to export it to github pages, but that should be already
 set up correctly.
 Is that correct?
 A not about the tutorial (which is very clear): you should quote the _
 otherwise, like
 \_posts or project\_name
 for example.

That's right, you are basically using org-publish to create the html
files and put them in the correct directory for jekyll to process.

It's easy to create a mixed site. You need to create separate jekyll
layouts for the static part and the blog part. In the blog index layout
you want something like;

{% for post in %}
  {% if post.categories contains 'mountaineering' %}
lispan{{ | date_to_string }}/span - {{ post.title

  {% endif %}

{% endfor %}

In your org file you would have:

title: Montane Terra Pants.
layout: post
categories: [blog, mountaineering]
excerpt: Montane Terras are lightweight walking-climbing trousers, with
several neat features.

comments: true

This would create a page which displayed posts categorized as blog and


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[Orgmode] trying to get xetex working with org-mode

2010-08-13 Thread Christian Wittern
Hi there,

This has come up before, but a search in the archive did not produce enough
information for me to solve the problem.  I want to export to PDF via XeTex
on Mac OS X (Emacs 23.2) and org-mode 7.01g.  After studying the manual and
looking at this message in the archive:

And you can customize org-export-latex-classes to make the class headers
look like this:

\defaultfontfeatures{Numbers=OldStyle,Scale=MatchLowercase,Mapping=tex- text}
\setmainfont{Sabon LT Std}
\setromanfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Sabon LT Std}
\setsansfont[Scale=MatchUppercase]{Myriad Pro}

And you can change things around any way you like.
- Carsten

I started experimenting with customizing org-export-latex-classes.  Here is
what I put into the section for article:

\setromanfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Hoefler Text}

(I removed the following lines:
Now, what I get with C-c C-e l at the beginning of my tex file is:
\defaultfontfeatures{Numbers=OldStyle,Scale=MatchLowercase,Mapping=tex- text}
\setromanfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Hoefler Text}
 There are some more lines I did not ask for and do not want, like for
example the \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} which does not work with XeTeX.
Now the number of possible relevant variables etc is just too complex for me
to understand.  I would appreciate if some kind soul would explain to me how
to trim this down to use only the packages I need.

All the best,


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key

2010-08-13 Thread Bastien
Andreas Burtzlaff writes:

 (defun ab-org-clock-in-select ()
   (org-clock-in t))

 (global-set-key (kbd f12) 'ab-org-clock-in-select)

 Maybe there's a more elegant way I don't know about..

Maybe this one:

(global-set-key (kbd f12) (lambda() (interactive) (org-clock-in t)))


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key

2010-08-13 Thread Bastien
Bastien writes:

 (global-set-key (kbd f12) (lambda() (interactive) (org-clock-in t)))

Forget this one -- Memnon Anon's solution is right.

Sorry for the noise...


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[Orgmode] Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda

2010-08-13 Thread Jan Böcker
I have a file with entries like this:

* PROJECT Find the answer to life, the universe and everything
* PROJECT World Domination
*** NEXT build Doomsday Device

(where PROJECT and NEXT are both defined as todo keywords.)

I'd like to define a custom agenda view to get a project list. I tried a
TAGS search for '+TODO=PROJECT'. My problem is that the World
Domination project is not shown, because the todo is blocked by the
build Doomsday Device next action. I tried setting
`org-enforce-todo-dependencies' to nil in the local settings for the
agenda command, but that did not help.

Setting `org-todo-keywords' to '((sequence PROJECT)) also did not help.

I'd appreciate any ideas on how to achieve a list of all my projects,
regardless of whether they have next actions defined or not.

(Simply looking at the file is not enough, as I plan to
make a block agenda which shows projects in groups which have specific
tags, i.e. active (untagged) projects first, then those tagged

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [Orgmode] R code not producing expected results

2010-08-13 Thread David Hajage
I think you need to add 'results output org' to the header.
Do not try to convert ascii objects into data.frame, ascii() just
print several classes or R objects with org markup. Not all R objects
are supported, see methods(ascii).

Some examples here:

The source code here:


Le 13 août 2010 à 08:57, Charles C. Berry a écrit :

 On Thu, 12 Aug 2010, Blanchette, Marco wrote:

 Dear all,

 Sorry if this is something totally obvious but I am learning to use
  org-mode for my everyday work with R. I just installed the latest
  stable release of org-mode (v7.01g) on top of GNU Emacs
  (x86_64-apple-darwin10.2.0, NS apple-appkit-1038.25). I also
  installed the CRAN ascii package v0.7 on top of R v2.11.1. I am
  currently working on a MacBook pro with Snow Leopard 10.6.4

 Early on today, while reading the org-babel intro, I was able to run
  the following example but somehow, later tonight, it started to
  break and I spent the last few hours scratching my head to
  understand what change and why it now suddenly break. Your help will
  be greatly appreciated as I am discovering that org-mode in
  collaboration with org-babel have great potential to help us create
  more readable report of our daily analysis, as long as I can get
  through these early hurdles.

 The code you say is straight from is not quite.

 Note all the header args:

#+begin_src R :results output code :session ascii

 Also note that ascii() does not return an object of class matrix or 
 data.frame. Try str(ascii(  all the rest  )).

 With :results value (the default) you will get a different outcome as
 you saw below.

 'value' tries to be smart about what it does with .Last.value, but ascii 
 objects are a bit too tricky for it.

 'output' on the other hand is pretty simple on the elisp side and relies on 
 R's print() to get the dispatch for the print method right.

 If you want to use ':results value' you will need to form a data.frame from 
 ascii() yourself, rather than rely on to find a method to do 
 the conversion. Or you will need to write a method for



 Here is the org buffer that now breaks:

 * Two examples of R code that worked when I started the tutorial but 
 suddenly started to fail...

 ** some R code that should generate a nice table

 d -,rnorm(100)))

 ascii(cor(d),include.rownames=T, include.colnames=T,header=T)

 ** Some code straight from 
 ascii(summary(table(1:4, 1:4)))

 With the following error recover from the *Org-Babel Error* buffer

 Loading required package: proto
 Error in[[i]], optional = TRUE) :
 cannot coerce class 'c(ascii, proto, environment)' into a data.frame
 Calls: write.table ... data.frame - -
 Execution halted

 Thanks for the helps.
 Marco Blanchette, Ph.D.
 Assistant Investigator
 Stowers Institute for Medical Research
 1000 East 50th St.

 Kansas City, MO 64110

 Tel: 816-926-4071
 Cell: 816-726-8419
 Fax: 816-926-2018

 Emacs-orgmode mailing list
 Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

 Charles C. Berry(858) 534-2098
Dept of Family/Preventive Medicine
 E mailto:cbe...@tajo.ucsd.eduUC San Diego  La Jolla, San Diego 92093-0901

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Re: [Orgmode] Re: fractional hours for timestamps?

2010-08-13 Thread Bastien
Łukasz Stelmach writes:

 I think Greg's point is about entering data using only numeric keypad. I
 can confirm that I have considered these issues (esp. 1400
 vs. 14:00). Fractional hours don't seem to be that easy as there are
 countries like Poland where you use comma as decimal point (working with
 Emacs' built in calc is a pain) which earns another few lines for
 parsing code.

AFAIC, I won't mess with this part of the code, I think it's quite easy
enough to enter 14:00 instead of 1400...  patch welcome ;)


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[Orgmode] Re: Capture and clock options

2010-08-13 Thread Bastien
Hi Bernt,

Bernt Hansen writes:

 This is a bug in the current master branch of org-mode.  I'll identify
 the commit that breaks it shortly and post that information as a
 followup to this message.

 a7a842457dd927df9eabc756c4c573720a3a7aa9 is the first bad commit
 commit a7a842457dd927df9eabc756c4c573720a3a7aa9
 Author: Bastien Guerry
 Date:   Wed Aug 11 16:10:14 2010 +0200

 Rebind org-agenda-clock-goto to `J' in the agenda.
 * org-agenda.el (org-agenda-clock-goto): Use `\C-c\C-x\C-j' for
 `org-clock-goto' and `J' for `org-agenda-clock-goto'.  If the heading
 currently clocked in is not listed in the agenda, display this entry
 in another buffer.  If there is no running clock, display a help
 * org-clock.el (org-clock-set-current): append the filename after the

I can't see anything in this commit interfering with the capture
process.  Do you have an idea why it is related to the bug Julien 
is reporting?

I've been digging into this issue a bit, and something looks weird in
the `org-capture' defun: the :clock-in property is taken into account
only when :immediate-finish is not set...  (see the end of the defun.)
Could Julien's issue be related to this?


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[Orgmode] Re: Capture and clock options

2010-08-13 Thread Bastien
Bastien writes:

 I can't see anything in this commit interfering with the capture
 process.  Do you have an idea why it is related to the bug Julien 
 is reporting?

I got it.  `org-clock-set-current' was trying to get the filename, 
which doesn't work in indirect buffers.

I pushed a fix in the current git.

Julien, please let me know if this fix your issue.


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[Orgmode] Re: Org-Babel and Ledger

2010-08-13 Thread Sébastien Vauban
Hi Eric,

Eric Schulte wrote:
 Sébastien Vauban writes:

 As you can see, the tables are completely wrongly made, because they're
 based on spaces (à la Awk) and not on fixed position of fields (à la

 What can I do about this?

 - Post-process every ledger command with some awk or cut command that
   will do whatever is needed

 (org-table-convert-region (point-min) (point-max))

 I would recommend this approach over shell-script post-processing.

 That seems not to work for me, as input data is, for example:

 09-Aug-21 CHEQUE : 9953055Expenses:Unknown   
  166.70 EUR166.70 EUR
 09-Sep-17 CHEQUE : 7691785Expenses:Unknown   
  100.00 EUR266.70 EUR
 09-Oct-16 REMISE CHEQUE N 8686318 001 105 Expenses:Unknown   
 -525.00 EUR   -258.30 EUR

 and as =org-table-convert-region= can't convert fixed positioned fields
 (when SPC are used instead of TAB):

 (org-table-convert-region beg0 end0 optional separator)

 Convert region to a table.
 The region goes from beg0 to end0, but these borders will be moved
 slightly, to make sure a beginning of line in the first line is included.

 separator specifies the field separator in the lines.  It can have the
 following values:

 '(4) Use the comma as a field separator
 '(16)Use a TAB as field separator
 integer  When a number, use that many spaces as field separator
 nil  When nil, the command tries to be smart and figure out the
  separator in the following way:
  - when each line contains a TAB, assume TAB-separated material
  - when each line contains a comma, assume CSV material
  - else, assume one or more SPACE characters as separator.

 Should that function be smarter, or do I still need pre-processing, then?

 Neither, notice that if you pass an integer as the third argument to
 org-table-convert-region it will parse on that many consecutive spaces. The
 following works for me, on the case your provided although I suppose it may
 not work on all cases.

 #+results: ledger-output
   09-Aug-21 CHEQUE : 9953055Expenses:Unknown  
   166.70 EUR166.70 EUR
   09-Sep-17 CHEQUE : 7691785Expenses:Unknown  
   100.00 EUR266.70 EUR
   09-Oct-16 REMISE CHEQUE N 8686318 001 105 Expenses:Unknown  
  -525.00 EUR   -258.30 EUR

 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var ledger=ledger-output
 (insert ledger)
 (message ledger)
 (org-table-convert-region (point-min) (point-max) 2)

 | 09-Aug-21 CHEQUE : 9953055| Expenses:Unknown | 166.70 EUR  
 | 166.70 EUR  |
 | 09-Sep-17 CHEQUE : 7691785| Expenses:Unknown | 100.00 EUR  
 | 266.70 EUR  |
 | 09-Oct-16 REMISE CHEQUE N 8686318 001 105 | Expenses:Unknown | -525.00 EUR 
 | -258.30 EUR |

 Hope this helps -- Eric

Of course, it does, Eric!

I misunderstood the above DOCSTRING because, IMHO, it's not that clear:

When a number, use that many spaces as field separator meant, for me, that
if using the number 2 (as you do), it would consider a new field every 2
consecutive spaces, and leave me with a lot of empty fields...

In fact, it should be written consider any amount of whitespaces (above the
given number) as a field separator or something like that, if you understand
me right.

I was blocked on the fact that every 2 spaces would be a new field separator,
and not every string of 2 or more spaces...

Thanks a lot (once again)!!

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Email from org?

2010-08-13 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Fri, 30 Jul 2010 15:21:01 -0600, Eric Schulte 
 The following function might get part way towards what you describe.
 --8---cut here---start-8---
 (defun org-send-email-of-headline ()



this is brilliant!  Thanks.  This is quickly going to become my
preferred mechanism for initiating some email threads...

One quick question, although this is probably more about org-mime than
about your little function: you have to specify the recipient using
the mailto property.  This is fine.  However, the email generated
includes the properties in the text version (not the HTML version).
Can one specify that properties should not be exported to MIME?

Thanks again,
Eric S Fraga
GnuPG: 8F5C 279D 3907 E14A 5C29  570D C891 93D8 FFFC F67D
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[Orgmode] Re: fractional hours for timestamps?

2010-08-13 Thread Łukasz Stelmach
Bastien writes:

 Łukasz Stelmach writes:

 I think Greg's point is about entering data using only numeric keypad. I
 can confirm that I have considered these issues (esp. 1400
 vs. 14:00). Fractional hours don't seem to be that easy as there are
 countries like Poland where you use comma as decimal point (working with
 Emacs' built in calc is a pain) which earns another few lines for
 parsing code.

 AFAIC, I won't mess with this part of the code, I think it's quite easy
 enough to enter 14:00 instead of 1400...

Not really in fact if you use keypad. It's not about the number of
keystrokes but their layout. Try it.

  patch welcome ;)

Miłego dnia,
Łukasz Stelmach

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[Orgmode] Re: Agenda view Face for deadlines PATCH

2010-08-13 Thread Sébastien Vauban
Hi Bastien,

First, thanks for answering...

Bastien wrote:
 Hi Sébastien,

 Sébastien Vauban writes:

 Though, what I really don't understand is that I `C-u C-M-x' the function
 =org-agenda-highlight-todo=, and then call =org-agenda-list=, expecting to
 trace the function that *highlights every TODO line* of my agenda.

 And... no, *edebug is not launched*!?  I really don't understand

 I'm not using elp so I cannot help on that.

 What if you just go to go `org-agenda-highlight-todo' and 

  M-x edebug-defun RET

 after it?

I did:

M-x load-library RET edebug


M-x edebug-defun RET

after the function =org-agenda-highlight-todo=, what's proved (if you don't
believe me ;-)) by this extract of the *Messages*:

--8---cut here---start-8---
Loading /usr/share/emacs/23.1/lisp/emacs-lisp/edebug.elc...
Loading edebug...
ad-handle-definition: `eval-defun' got redefined
Loading edebug...done
Edebug: org-agenda-highlight-todo
--8---cut here---end---8---

Then, calling =C-c a a= (=org-agenda-list=) is *not interrupted* by =edebug=,
while I was well expecting to step through that function, and see what's done
with every todo line.

Though, as previously said, calling =C-c a s= (=org-search-view=) does first
display the following 2 lines...

--8---cut here---start-8---
Search words: test
Press `[', `]' to add/sub word, `{', `}' to add/sub regexp, `C-u r' to edit
--8---cut here---end---8---

... and is then *well interrupted* by =edebug=.

Subsequent extract of *Messages*:

--8---cut here---start-8---
Press key for agenda command:
No event to add
Preparing diary...done
Preparing diary...done
Preparing diary...done
Preparing diary...done
Preparing diary...done
Preparing diary...done
Preparing diary...done
No event to add
Press key for agenda command:
No event to add

Result: (#1=DONE #2=CANX #3=APP #4=EXP #5=REJ #6=CLSDPO #7=PRDONE 
#8=PRCANCELED #1# #2# #3# #4# #5# #6# DONE CANX APP EXP REJ 
--8---cut here---end---8---

I must miss something, but what?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

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[Orgmode] Re: [Org-Babel] and R... non-numeric cells

2010-08-13 Thread Dan Davison

Sébastien Vauban


 For a report I'm writing, I've been helped by a colleague of mine (let's call
 him Albert) for the R graphics generation.

 Here's an extract of my doc:

 #+TBLNAME: investissement-2010-2013
 #+ATTR_LaTeX: align=l
 || \s{Année 2010} | \s{Année 2011} | \s{Année 2012} | 
 \s{Année 2013} |
 | RFO| 2596376.30 | 150.00 |  50.00 | 
  50.00 |
 | RFO réseau structurant | 3804467.00 | 6534066.00 | 3804467.00 | 
   0.00 |
 | Équipements| 100.00 |  15.00 |   5.00 | 
   5.00 |
 | Total (HTVA)   | 7400843.30 | 8184066.00 | 4354467.00 | 
  55.00 |

 whose graphical representation is:

 #+srcname: barplot-investment(ptable = investissement-2010-2013)
 #+begin_src R :file 1-01-investissement-2010-2013.png :exports none :session
 source(mcplot.R, local=TRUE)
 ## select the last row only, exclude first column, scale: unit = 1M
 alldata - as.matrix(ptable[2:4, -1]) / 100
 axisLabels - c(Année, Montant HTVA (M€))
 mcStackedBarplot(alldata, Investissements, c(2010:2013), 
 ptable[-nrow(ptable),1], legend.location=topright)

 That works perfectly for him (on Ubuntu 9.04, R 2.7.1, Emacs 22.2.1, Org 6.35)

 Not for me... on Ubuntu 10.04, R 2.10.1, Emacs 23.1.1, Org 7.01, ESS 5.10: I
 get the message

 *Error in as.matrix(ptable[2:4, -1])/1e+06 :
  non-numeric argument to binary operator*

Hi Seb,

The problem is that Org has not automatically recognised that you want
the first row to be treated as column names. The reason is that your
table contains multiple horizontal separator lines. So for this table,
you must use ':colnames yes' to tell Org that your first row contains
column names. See sections, and in the

As Erik pointed out, using str is a very good way to investigate your
data structures. Notice below that your column names have become the
first row of the data frame, and as a consequence the columns of the
data frame have been force to character rather than numeric:

--8---cut here---start-8---
#+srcname: barplot-investment(ptable = investissement-2010-2013)
#+begin_src R :XXX-file 1-01-investissement-2010-2013.png :exports none 
:session :results output

#+results: barplot-investment
: 'data.frame': 5 obs. of  5 variables:
:  $ V1: chr   RFO RFO réseau structurant Équipements ...
:  $ V2: chr  \\s{Année 2010} 2596376.3 3804467.0 100.0 ...
:  $ V3: chr  \\s{Année 2011} 150.0 6534066.0 15.0 ...
:  $ V4: chr  \\s{Année 2012} 50.0 3804467.0 5.0 ...
:  $ V5: chr  \\s{Année 2013} 50.0 0.0 5.0 ...
--8---cut here---end---8---

However, if we use :colnames yes then we have

--8---cut here---start-8---
#+srcname: barplot-investment(ptable = investissement-2010-2013)
#+begin_src R :XXX-file 1-01-investissement-2010-2013.png :exports none 
:session :results output :colnames yes

#+results: barplot-investment
: 'data.frame': 4 obs. of  5 variables:
:  $ X  : chr  RFO RFO réseau structurant Équipements Total 
:  $ X.s.Année.2010.: num  2596376 3804467 100 7400843
:  $ X.s.Année.2011.: num  150 6534066 15 8184066
:  $ X.s.Année.2012.: num  50 3804467 5 4354467
:  $ X.s.Année.2013.: num  50 0 5 55
--8---cut here---end---8---

And in this case you probably want ':rownames yes', which will mean you
no longer need the -1 in the indexing expression in your R code.

--8---cut here---start-8---
#+srcname: barplot-investment(ptable = investissement-2010-2013)
#+begin_src R :XXX-file 1-01-investissement-2010-2013.png :exports none 
:session :results output :colnames yes :rownames yes

#+results: barplot-investment

'data.frame':   4 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ X.s.Année.2010.: num  2596376 3804467 100 7400843
 $ X.s.Année.2011.: num  150 6534066 15 8184066
 $ X.s.Année.2012.: num  50 3804467 5 4354467
 $ X.s.Année.2013.: num  50 0 5 55
   X.s.Année.2010. X.s.Année.2011. X.s.Année.2012. 
RFO2596376 150  50  
RFO réseau structurant 3804467 6534066 3804467  

[Orgmode] Re: Org-Babel and Ledger

2010-08-13 Thread Sébastien Vauban
Hi Eric,

Sébastien Vauban wrote:
 Eric Schulte wrote:
 Sébastien Vauban writes:

 As you can see, the tables are completely wrongly made, because they're
 based on spaces (à la Awk) and not on fixed position of fields (à la

 What can I do about this?

 - Post-process every ledger command with some awk or cut command that
   will do whatever is needed

(org-table-convert-region (point-min) (point-max))

As you adviced, I can play with the optional parameter in ob-ledger's code.

But what about the results of sh code?

Imagine now that I'm forced to use =sh= instead of =ledger=, in the following
pratical case:

#+srcname: reg
#+begin_src sh
m4 scorpios-ledger.dat | ledger -f - reg unknown

I'm using =m4= (and thus make some pre-processing) because I need (or want) to
be able to switch between =ledger= and =hledger= and comment in or out the
directives that are accepted by one but not by the other.

Then, such a result is still problematic:

--8---cut here---start-8---
09-Aug-21 CHEQUE : 9953055Expenses:Unknown  
  166.70 EUR166.70 EUR
09-Sep-17 CHEQUE : 7691785Expenses:Unknown  
  100.00 EUR266.70 EUR
09-Oct-16 REMISE CHEQUE N 8686318 001 105 Expenses:Unknown  
 -525.00 EUR   -258.30 EUR
--8---cut here---end---8---

I've looked in =org-babel-execute:sh= and =org-babel-reassemble-table=, among
others, to look for similar constructs (calls to =org-table-convert-region=)
but did not find any.

Is there still a solution to get such results?

--8---cut here---start-8---
| 09-Aug-21 CHEQUE : 9953055| Expenses:Unknown | 166.70 EUR  | 
166.70 EUR  |
| 09-Sep-17 CHEQUE : 7691785| Expenses:Unknown | 100.00 EUR  | 
266.70 EUR  |
| 09-Oct-16 REMISE CHEQUE N 8686318 001 105 | Expenses:Unknown | -525.00 EUR | 
-258.30 EUR |
--8---cut here---end---8---

Couldn't we specify somehow the field separator as an extra header argument?
I've looked for such an already existing in,
but that does not seem to be available yet. Though, I do not know if this is
the right solution. I'm sure you'll tell me... ;-)

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

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[Orgmode] Re: Capture and clock options

2010-08-13 Thread Bernt Hansen
Bastien writes:

 Bastien writes:

 I can't see anything in this commit interfering with the capture
 process.  Do you have an idea why it is related to the bug Julien 
 is reporting?

 I got it.  `org-clock-set-current' was trying to get the filename, 
 which doesn't work in indirect buffers.

 I pushed a fix in the current git.

 Julien, please let me know if this fix your issue.

This fixes it for me.  Thanks Bastien!


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Problem with named footnotes and LaTeX export?

2010-08-13 Thread Carsten Dominik

On Aug 12, 2010, at 9:31 PM, Kai wrote:

Nicolas Goaziou n.goaziou at writes:
Now on to a possible bug. :)  I have noticed that when I include  

footnotes within an unordered list, the LaTeX exported file has
problems, and mixes in the text (after the first word) of a named
footnote directly within the text of the unordered list item.  Named
footnotes that are in ordered lists are exported without a problem.

This bug may be the same one that was described in this message,
though the OP didn't provide follow-up information:
...also, I think the problem does not happen with numbered footnotes
in unordered lists, as the single response message by Matt Lundin

I don't want to sound arrogant, but this bug should already be fixed
in my list improvement branch. Could you confirm it?

There's one problem left though: underscores in first URL are
interpreted as math text, producing strange results.


Thanks for the fast response.  Yes, the bug is fixed in your list  
branch, thank you.  When will those improvements be merged to trunk/ 

If some people get this branch and test it *extensively*, and report  
back here,

then it will happen sooner.

- Carsten

And yes, Nicolas has spotted a new bug from my example, caused by  

underscores in hyperlinks that are interpreted incorrectly.


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Re: [Orgmode] trying to get xetex working with org-mode

2010-08-13 Thread Scot Becker
2010/8/13 Christian Wittern

 There are some more lines I did not ask for and do not want, like for
 example the \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} which does not work with XeTeX.
 Now the number of possible relevant variables etc is just too complex for me
 to understand.  I would appreciate if some kind soul would explain to me how
 to trim this down to use only the packages I need.

Ain't that the truth.  The new LaTeX header system is very flexible,
but it multiplies the places you can put header stuff, and because of
the way XeLaTeX headers are structured, not all of them work.

This is what I do.  The following is a little hastily written.  I'm
happy to come back to anything that doesn't make sense.

First, I set org-export-latex-classes like so.  The relevant stanzas
are 5-7, staring with mythesis
Note that I explicitly exclude ORG's default set of loaded packages,
so i can include my own set.
Also note that it's a pretty small header.  For some reason I couldn't
get things to work if I put all of the XeTeX header stuff in there,
nor could I get it to work by putting in a bunch of #+Latex_header
lines (or whatever their syntax is).

(setq org-export-latex-classes
 \\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{article}
 (\\section{%s} . \\section*{%s})
 (\\subsection{%s} . \\subsection*{%s})
 (\\subsubsection{%s} . \\subsubsection*{%s})
 (\\paragraph{%s} . \\paragraph*{%s})
 (\\subparagraph{%s} . \\subparagraph*{%s}))
 (\\part{%s} . \\part*{%s})
 (\\chapter{%s} . \\chapter*{%s})
 (\\section{%s} . \\section*{%s})
 (\\subsection{%s} . \\subsection*{%s})
 (\\subsubsection{%s} . \\subsubsection*{%s}))
 \\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{book}
 (\\part{%s} . \\part*{%s})
 (\\chapter{%s} . \\chapter*{%s})
 (\\section{%s} . \\section*{%s})
 (\\subsection{%s} . \\subsection*{%s})
 (\\subsubsection{%s} . \\subsubsection*{%s}))
  ;; Here starts my personal latex classes
  ;; use them with:  #+LaTeX_CLASS: mythesis
 %!TEX TS-program = xelatex\n%!TEX encoding = UTF-8
Load My Thesis Defaults\n\\input{/home/scot/lin/tex/thesis-header.tex}\n%
Don't Load Org's standard list for this
% converts LaTeX specials (``quotes'' --- dashes etc.) to
unicode\n\\setromanfont{Gentium}\n\\setsansfont{Liberation Sans}
%change this, if you even use it.
 (\\chapter{%s} . \\chapter*{%s})
 (\\section{%s} . \\section*{%s})
 (\\subsection{%s} . \\subsection*{%s})
 (\\subsubsection{%s} . \\subsubsection*{%s})
 (\\paragraph{%s} . \\paragraph*{%s})
 (\\subparagraph{%s} . \\subparagraph*{%s}))
 %!TEX TS-program = xelatex\n%!TEX encoding = UTF-8
Load My Thesis Defaults\n\\input{/home/scot/lin/tex/thesis-header.tex}\n%
Don't Load Org's standard list for this
% converts LaTeX specials (``quotes'' --- dashes etc.) to
unicode\n\\setromanfont{Gentium}\n\\setsansfont{Liberation Sans}
%change this, if you even use it.
 (\\section{%s} . \\section*{%s})
 (\\subsection{%s} . \\subsection*{%s})
 (\\subsubsection{%s} . \\subsubsection*{%s})
 (\\paragraph{%s} . \\paragraph*{%s})
 (\\subparagraph{%s} . \\subparagraph*{%s}))
 %!TEX TS-program = xelatex\n%!TEX encoding = UTF-8
Load My Thesis Defaults\n\\input{/home/scot/lin/tex/thesis-header.tex}\n%
Don't Load Org's standard list for this
% converts LaTeX specials (``quotes'' --- dashes etc.) to
unicode\n\\setromanfont{Gentium}\n\\setsansfont{Liberation Sans}
%change this, if you even use it.
 (\\section{%s} . \\section*{%s})
 (\\subsection{%s} . \\subsection*{%s})
 (\\subsubsection{%s} . \\subsubsection*{%s})
 (\\paragraph{%s} . \\paragraph*{%s})
 (\\subparagraph{%s} . \\subparagraph*{%s}

Then I have the following in my thesis-header.tex file.

% Standard org stuff which I have to include by hand
% since I didn't want the other (font handling, entities) bits:

That seems to produce a header that works with xetex.

I haven't yet set org up to run xelatex automatically, but 

Re: [Orgmode] trying to get xetex working with org-mode

2010-08-13 Thread Bastien
Scot Becker writes:

 That seems to produce a header that works with xetex.

If so, it would be good to document it in Worg.

I quickly grep'ed the Worg dir and there is no mention of XeTeX...


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Re: keys and command name info

2010-08-13 Thread Andreas Röhler

Am 11.08.2010 12:05, schrieb Carsten Dominik:

On Aug 9, 2010, at 9:28 PM, Dan Davison wrote:

Dan Davison writes:

Gregor Zattler writes:

Hi Andreas, org-mode developers,
* Andreas Burtzlaff [09. Aug. 2010]:

Carsten Dominik writes:

I have put a version of the manual as modified by Andreas here:

Not all the command names are in there, but quite a few are.
I'd like to hear from more people

- if they would like to have the names there (i.e. if it would
help them finding a command)

I would like the command names in the manual.

- Emacs-lisp has a lovely tradition of naming functions *very*
descriptively and not being afraid to use long names in the interests
of accuracy. It's a shame to lose all that by displaying only key
sequences. It's a linguistic world of its own and I like being exposed
to it.
- While one can do C-h k, that's not the same as the way one learns the
function names by skimming the manual

Also, it does not add length to the HTML version of the manual, because
the key sequences are already on a line of their own. And the same is
true for a certain proportion of the pdf entries (when the key sequence
is long, then it seems to go on its own line).

- if the position (first thing in the command description)
is right, or if it would be better to have it
- last thing in the description
- or after the first sentence, this is how the GNUS manual
does it.

I definitely would want them out on a line of their own with the key
sequence. I liked the right-aligned model.

Or if not right-aligned, is it possible not to have the comma? Maybe a
different font?

I also like the position on the key line best. So if there is a
general agreement that we should get the names in, this would be my
location as well. I knot that this is different from what the emacs
and gnus manuals do - but I still think that a solution like this would
be better.

Hi Carsten, Hi all,

please permit some reflection again at this point, to get it out of my head:

Agree right-aligned is the more pretty from the graphical point.
But is it the most suitable from ergonomics?

Doubt that.
When reading the key, eyes are at the left corner (at least in 
english... :)

If looking left, text on the right sight is not in focus.
Would require an eye-move.

If the command is placed next or below, what I prefer meanwhile, as 
separating commata is nasty somehow, it should safe some energy.


Andreas, can you be bothered to rework the patch?

Unfortunately I have no idea if/how the right-aligned model could be
made to
work. So I think the safest way to do this would be to introduce the macro,
and we can then work on the macro to get the formatting right, and also
to do the
key and function index stuff fully automatically.

Here is my proposal for now:

@macro orgcmd{key,command}
@kindex \key\
@findex \command\
@item \key\ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @r{(}\comma...@r{)}
@end macro

And then define keys/commands like this:

@table @kbd
@orgc...@key{tab}, org-cycle}
Here follows the description of the command

@end table

- Carsten


Having the function names in the manual at all makes it look a bit
overloaded and might lose us a couple of newbies, I think.
Personally, I
would not have use for it.

If the names are included in the manual I strongly object to them
at the beginning of the first sentence. The fixed starting column
of the
sentences becomes variable and that makes it hard to skim through for
those who don't want to read the function names.

+1 for the same reasons.

This is especially true for paragraphs like those:

C-c C-n (outline-next-visible-heading) Next heading.
C-c C-p (outline-previous-visible-heading) Previous heading.
C-c C-f (org-forward-same-level) Next heading same level.
C-c C-b (org-backward-same-level) Previous heading same level.
C-c C-u (outline-up-heading) Backward to higher level heading.
C-c C-j (org-goto) Jump to a different place without changing the
current outline
visibility. Shows the document structure in a temporary buffer,
where you can
use the following keys to find your destination:

What about having them in the same line as the keybinding but
aligned to
the right?

`C-c [' org-agenda-file-to-front
Add current file to the list of agenda files. The file is added to
the front of the list. If it was already in the list, it is moved
to the front. With prefix arg, file is added/moved to the end.

It would make the manual longer, but at least it looks clean.
It is easy to neglect the function names if one wants, and just as
to skim through them.

+1 for the same reasons.
But Andreas Röhlers original variant is IMHO even better:

| [ ... ]
| `C-c [', org-agenda-file-to-front
| Add current file to the list of agenda files. The file is added to
| the front of the list. If it was already in 

[Orgmode] Re: keys and command name info

2010-08-13 Thread Dan Davison
Andreas Röhler writes:

 Am 11.08.2010 12:05, schrieb Carsten Dominik:

 On Aug 9, 2010, at 9:28 PM, Dan Davison wrote:

 Dan Davison writes:

 Gregor Zattler writes:

 Hi Andreas, org-mode developers,
 * Andreas Burtzlaff [09. Aug. 2010]:
 Carsten Dominik writes:
 I have put a version of the manual as modified by Andreas here:

 Not all the command names are in there, but quite a few are.
 I'd like to hear from more people

 - if they would like to have the names there (i.e. if it would
 help them finding a command)

 I would like the command names in the manual.

 - Emacs-lisp has a lovely tradition of naming functions *very*
 descriptively and not being afraid to use long names in the interests
 of accuracy. It's a shame to lose all that by displaying only key
 sequences. It's a linguistic world of its own and I like being exposed
 to it.
 - While one can do C-h k, that's not the same as the way one learns the
 function names by skimming the manual

 Also, it does not add length to the HTML version of the manual, because
 the key sequences are already on a line of their own. And the same is
 true for a certain proportion of the pdf entries (when the key sequence
 is long, then it seems to go on its own line).

 - if the position (first thing in the command description)
 is right, or if it would be better to have it
 - last thing in the description
 - or after the first sentence, this is how the GNUS manual
 does it.

 I definitely would want them out on a line of their own with the key
 sequence. I liked the right-aligned model.

 Or if not right-aligned, is it possible not to have the comma? Maybe a
 different font?

 I also like the position on the key line best. So if there is a
 general agreement that we should get the names in, this would be my
 location as well. I knot that this is different from what the emacs
 and gnus manuals do - but I still think that a solution like this would
 be better.

 Hi Carsten, Hi all,

 please permit some reflection again at this point, to get it out of my head:

 Agree right-aligned is the more pretty from the graphical point.
 But is it the most suitable from ergonomics?

 Doubt that.
 When reading the key, eyes are at the left corner (at least in
 english... :)
 If looking left, text on the right sight is not in focus.
 Would require an eye-move.

Which could be argued to be an advantage, because Carsten's original
ideas was that new non-programmer users would not want to know function
names. If those of us that do want to learn function names are prepared
to pay the cost in muscular contractions, then right-aligned could be a
good compromise.

 If the command is placed next or below, what I prefer meanwhile, as
 separating commata is nasty somehow,

When you say below, do you mean on its own line or as the first words of
the text? I believe there was a majority vote against the latter.


 it should safe some energy.


 Andreas, can you be bothered to rework the patch?

 Unfortunately I have no idea if/how the right-aligned model could be
 made to
 work. So I think the safest way to do this would be to introduce the macro,
 and we can then work on the macro to get the formatting right, and also
 to do the
 key and function index stuff fully automatically.

 Here is my proposal for now:

 @macro orgcmd{key,command}
 @kindex \key\
 @findex \command\
 @item \key\ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @r{(}\comma...@r{)}
 @end macro

 And then define keys/commands like this:

 @table @kbd
 @orgc...@key{tab}, org-cycle}
 Here follows the description of the command
 @end table

 - Carsten


 Having the function names in the manual at all makes it look a bit
 overloaded and might lose us a couple of newbies, I think.
 Personally, I
 would not have use for it.

 If the names are included in the manual I strongly object to them
 at the beginning of the first sentence. The fixed starting column
 of the
 sentences becomes variable and that makes it hard to skim through for
 those who don't want to read the function names.

 +1 for the same reasons.

 This is especially true for paragraphs like those:

 C-c C-n (outline-next-visible-heading) Next heading.
 C-c C-p (outline-previous-visible-heading) Previous heading.
 C-c C-f (org-forward-same-level) Next heading same level.
 C-c C-b (org-backward-same-level) Previous heading same level.
 C-c C-u (outline-up-heading) Backward to higher level heading.
 C-c C-j (org-goto) Jump to a different place without changing the
 current outline
 visibility. Shows the document structure in a temporary buffer,
 where you can
 use the following keys to find your destination:

 What about having them in the same line as the keybinding but
 aligned to
 the right?

 `C-c [' org-agenda-file-to-front
 Add current file to 

Re: [Orgmode] trying to get xetex working with org-mode

2010-08-13 Thread Scot Becker
Noted.  I'll see what I can do (but nobody be afraid to beat me to it, OK?)


On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 2:47 PM, Bastien wrote:
 Scot Becker writes:

 That seems to produce a header that works with xetex.

 If so, it would be good to document it in Worg.

 I quickly grep'ed the Worg dir and there is no mention of XeTeX...


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: org-feed XML entities and character encoding

2010-08-13 Thread David Maus
Michael Brand wrote:
Hi all,

org-feed is becoming very useful for me, so far to manage the
episodes of podcasts. Now I have a patch and a request for help.

1. patch for an issue with XML entities

I found that some XML entities in my feeds are not substituted. The
comments of two recent org-feed.el commits by David Maus
lead me to the thread
and invited me to replace org-feed-unescape with xml-substitute-special
which converts more XML entities. The resulting patch below helps for
me but of course I would like it to be reviewed by an experienced elisp
programmer and org-feed user before being applied.

This patch is fine and `xml-substitute-special' is the right thing to
do (i.e. convert numeric character references, too).

2. request for help about an issue with multibyte character encoding

There is an issue with multibyte characters that appear in the input
as unescaped, multibyte encoded characters (not as XML entities, as XML
entities multibyte characters are simply substituted correctly). I
looked for an example with a character encoding specified in the first
line of the XML feed like
?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
and found one here:

The problem with this feed is, that it contains raw unicode characters
that must be converted to utf-8 before they can be properly inserted
in the target buffer.

Attached patch does this by explicitely decoding new entries according
to their detected character encoding.

Btw.: Helpful introduction to the topic gives

The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively
Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)

by Joel Spolsky

  -- David
OpenPGP... 0x99ADB83B5A4478E6
From 9e4885c9f1b987fb04c934f17dceb1a5f2bb3544 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Maus
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2010 17:26:47 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Decode entry according to its character encoding

* org-feed.el (org-feed-format-entry): Decode entry according to its
character encoding.
 lisp/org-feed.el |3 ++-
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-feed.el b/lisp/org-feed.el
index 073d344..984f896 100644
--- a/lisp/org-feed.el
+++ b/lisp/org-feed.el
@@ -553,7 +553,8 @@ If that property is already present, nothing changes.
  (setq tmp (org-feed-make-indented-block
 tmp (org-get-indentation))
(replace-match tmp t t
-   (buffer-string)
+   (decode-coding-string
+(buffer-string) (detect-coding-region (point-min) (point-max) t))
 (defun org-feed-make-indented-block (s n)
   Add indentation of N spaces to a multiline string S.

Description: PGP signature
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda

2010-08-13 Thread David Maus
Jan Böcker wrote:
I have a file with entries like this:

* PROJECT Find the answer to life, the universe and everything
* PROJECT World Domination
*** NEXT build Doomsday Device

(where PROJECT and NEXT are both defined as todo keywords.)

I'd like to define a custom agenda view to get a project list. I tried a
TAGS search for '+TODO=PROJECT'. My problem is that the World
Domination project is not shown, because the todo is blocked by the
build Doomsday Device next action. I tried setting
`org-enforce-todo-dependencies' to nil in the local settings for the
agenda command, but that did not help.

Setting `org-todo-keywords' to '((sequence PROJECT)) also did not help.

I'd appreciate any ideas on how to achieve a list of all my projects,
regardless of whether they have next actions defined or not.

Bernt's Org Mode - Organize Your Life In Plain Text!
( might be a good starting point.

 - 6 Custom agenda views -and-

 - 12.2 Project definition and finding stuck projects 

A simple check in `bh/is-project-p' if the entry has the PROJECT
keyword should do the job.

  -- David
OpenPGP... 0x99ADB83B5A4478E6

Description: PGP signature
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[Orgmode] Re: [OT] Passing universal argument to a function (was: Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key)

2010-08-13 Thread Markus Heller
Memnon Anon writes:

 Andreas Burtzlaff writes:

 The C-u says that the function that is bound to the rest of the key
 combination is called with the first argument being `t'.

 To get information about the function bound to a key combination use:
 C-h k 
 and then press the key combination (without the C-u prefix).
 In this case it is org-clock-in.

 This should bind org-clock-in with argument `t' to F12:

 (defun ab-org-clock-in-select ()
   (org-clock-in t))

 (global-set-key (kbd f12) 'ab-org-clock-in-select)

 Mhhh, this does not work for me.

 ,[ (info (eintr)Note for Novices) ]
 |In addition to typing a lone keychord, you can prefix what you type
 | with `C-u', which is called the `universal argument'.  The `C-u'
 | keychord passes an argument to the subsequent command. [...]  
 | (If you do not specify a number, Emacs either passes the number 4 to
 | the command or otherwise runs the command differently than it would
 | otherwise.)

 So, afaics C-u = Value of 4.

 Some googling seems to suggest that an argument of '(4) works,
 and it does for me:

 (defun ab-org-clock-in-select ()
   (org-clock-in '(4)))

 or even shorter with a lambda

 (global-set-key (kbd C-c C-g) (lambda () (interactive) (org-clock-in '(4

 works here!

Works here too!  Thanks a lot! 

 However, this faq [ (info (efaq)Replying to the sender of a message) ]
 seems to suggest that your version is the way to go.

I'm not quite sure I understand this ...

But again, thanks anyway!


 I am confused.

 However, this is org OT, so I'll finish my musings here :)
 Go with whatever works for you.


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[Orgmode] typo in org.texi?

2010-08-13 Thread Andreas Röhler

Hi Bastien,

looks like a typo in org.texi
make info sends a warning.

git blame -L 4735 org.texi

3f0d9351 doc/org.texi ...  2010-08-03 18:34:47 +0200  4735) 
@var{(title)} @r{The header text for the column. If omitted, the 




Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[PATCH] Re: [Orgmode] typo in org.texi?

2010-08-13 Thread Noorul Islam
On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 10:27 PM, Andreas Röhler wrote:

 Hi Bastien,

 looks like a typo in org.texi
 make info sends a warning.

 git blame -L 4735 org.texi

 3f0d9351 doc/org.texi ...  2010-08-03 18:34:47 +0200  4735) @var{(title)}
   @r{The header text for the column. If omitted, the property}

Attached is the patch for this.

* doc/org.texi: Fix doc

Thanks and Regards
diff --git a/doc/org.texi b/doc/org.texi
index 13af2df..68089e2 100644
--- a/doc/org.texi
+++ b/doc/org.texi
@@ -4727,7 +4727,7 @@ optional.  The individual parts have the following 
 @var{property}@r{The property that should be edited in this column.}
 @r{Special properties representing meta data are allowed here}
 @r{as well (@pxref{Special properties})}
-...@var{(title)} @r{The header text for the column. If omitted, the 
+...@var{title} @r{The header text for the column. If omitted, the property}
 @r{name is used.}
 @{...@var{summary-type}@}  @r{The summary type.  If specified, the column 
values for}
 @r{parent nodes are computed from the children.}
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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Org-Babel and Ledger

2010-08-13 Thread Eric Schulte
Hi Seb,

Sébastien Vauban writes:

 Hi Eric,

 Sébastien Vauban wrote:
 Eric Schulte wrote:
 Sébastien Vauban writes:

 As you can see, the tables are completely wrongly made, because they're
 based on spaces (à la Awk) and not on fixed position of fields (à la

 What can I do about this?

 - Post-process every ledger command with some awk or cut command that
   will do whatever is needed

This might actually be a good solution for the shell block you mention

   (org-table-convert-region (point-min) (point-max))

 As you adviced, I can play with the optional parameter in ob-ledger's code.

 But what about the results of sh code?

 Imagine now that I'm forced to use =sh= instead of =ledger=, in the following
 pratical case:

 #+srcname: reg
 #+begin_src sh
 m4 scorpios-ledger.dat | ledger -f - reg unknown

 I'm using =m4= (and thus make some pre-processing) because I need (or want) to
 be able to switch between =ledger= and =hledger= and comment in or out the
 directives that are accepted by one but not by the other.

 Then, such a result is still problematic:

 09-Aug-21 CHEQUE : 9953055Expenses:Unknown
 166.70 EUR166.70 EUR
 09-Sep-17 CHEQUE : 7691785Expenses:Unknown
 100.00 EUR266.70 EUR
 09-Oct-16 REMISE CHEQUE N 8686318 001 105 Expenses:Unknown
-525.00 EUR   -258.30 EUR

 I've looked in =org-babel-execute:sh= and =org-babel-reassemble-table=, among
 others, to look for similar constructs (calls to =org-table-convert-region=)
 but did not find any.

 Is there still a solution to get such results?

As an interim solution you could add a :results scalar header argument
to your sh code block, then pass the output of that code block to a
parsing code block (namely the one from my previous email).  That's
certainly not idea, but it should work for the moment.

Alternately if ledger supports a more clearly delimited output format
(e.g. csv) then that would probably work as well.

 | 09-Aug-21 CHEQUE : 9953055| Expenses:Unknown | 166.70 EUR  
 | 166.70 EUR  |
 | 09-Sep-17 CHEQUE : 7691785| Expenses:Unknown | 100.00 EUR  
 | 266.70 EUR  |
 | 09-Oct-16 REMISE CHEQUE N 8686318 001 105 | Expenses:Unknown | -525.00 EUR 
 | -258.30 EUR |

 Couldn't we specify somehow the field separator as an extra header
 argument?  I've looked for such an already existing in,
 but that does not seem to be available yet.

This would probably be a good addition to ob-sh (and any other language
which doesn't have a defined list syntax).  I'll add this idea to the
babel dev stack, but I'm swamped for the next week or so.

Best -- Eric

 Though, I do not know if this is the right solution. I'm sure you'll
 tell me... ;-)

 Best regards,

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[Orgmode] Writing a custom export.

2010-08-13 Thread Alex
I've been using emacs + org-mode for ~6 months and haven't done any elisp
hacking beyond a custom .emacs file. I would like to write a custom org-mode
export to markdown to play around with elisp and so that I can write readmes
for my github projects in org-mode. Are there any good tutorials on writing
a custom export?

Thanks, Alex Henning
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Re: [Orgmode] Writing a custom export.

2010-08-13 Thread Puneeth
Hi Alex,

On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 11:39 PM, Alex wrote:
 I've been using emacs + org-mode for ~6 months and haven't done any elisp
 hacking beyond a custom .emacs file. I would like to write a custom org-mode
 export to markdown to play around with elisp and so that I can write readmes
 for my github projects in org-mode. Are there any good tutorials on writing
 a custom export?

A couple of things,
1. Github understands org files. README can be written in org mode also.
2. You should look at org-export-generic
[] in case
you wish to continue with writing your custom export to markdown.

 Thanks, Alex Henning
 Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: org-feed XML entities and character encoding

2010-08-13 Thread Michael Brand

Hi David

On 10-08-13 17:59 , David Maus wrote:

2. request for help about an issue with multibyte character encoding

There is an issue with multibyte characters that appear in the input
as unescaped, multibyte encoded characters (not as XML entities, as XML
entities multibyte characters are simply substituted correctly). I
looked for an example with a character encoding specified in the first
line of the XML feed like
?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
and found one here:

The problem with this feed is, that it contains raw unicode characters
that must be converted to utf-8 before they can be properly inserted
in the target buffer.

Attached patch does this by explicitely decoding new entries according
to their detected character encoding.

Btw.: Helpful introduction to the topic gives

The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively
Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)

by Joel Spolsky

Thank you very much for your patch, it resolves this issue with
org-feed.el like expected. I tested your patch with the two feeds  (declared utf-8)
and  (not declared utf-8)
described more by me earlier and a dozen other feeds, all with
character encoding utf-8.


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[Orgmode] Re: Writing a custom export.

2010-08-13 Thread Eric Abrahamsen
On Fri, Aug 13 2010, Puneeth wrote:

 Hi Alex,

 On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 11:39 PM, Alex wrote:
 I've been using emacs + org-mode for ~6 months and haven't done any elisp
 hacking beyond a custom .emacs file. I would like to write a custom org-mode
 export to markdown to play around with elisp and so that I can write readmes
 for my github projects in org-mode. Are there any good tutorials on writing
 a custom export?

 A couple of things,
 1. Github understands org files. README can be written in org mode also.
 2. You should look at org-export-generic
 [] in case
 you wish to continue with writing your custom export to markdown.

Hey, this is great! I didn't know this existed. But to be useful for
Markdown (which I'd also like very much), it would need options for
formatting emph and strong regexs (currently '/' and '*' in org-mode,
would need to be '*' and '**' for Markdown) and also links.

I'm not sure what :body-tags-{prefix,suffix} actually do, but that
sounds promising. Link formatting would need to be added, but it seems
like adding a :body-link-address and :body-link-description would pretty
much take care of it.

If this isn't currently doable without patching org-export-generic.el, I
can take a stab at providing such a patch (unless Alex was hankering for
a weekend project :)).


 Thanks, Alex Henning
 Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Org-Babel and Ledger

2010-08-13 Thread Sébastien Vauban
Hi Eric,

Eric Schulte wrote:
 Sébastien Vauban writes:
 Sébastien Vauban wrote:
 Eric Schulte wrote:
 Sébastien Vauban writes:

 As you can see, the tables are completely wrongly made, because
 they're based on spaces (à la Awk) and not on fixed position of
 fields (à la Cut).

 What can I do about this?

 - Post-process every ledger command with some awk or cut command that
   will do whatever is needed

 This might actually be a good solution for the shell block you mention

  (org-table-convert-region (point-min) (point-max))

 As you adviced, I can play with the optional parameter in ob-ledger's code.

 But what about the results of sh code?

 Imagine now that I'm forced to use =sh= instead of =ledger=, in the
 following pratical case:

 #+srcname: reg
 #+begin_src sh
 m4 scorpios-ledger.dat | ledger -f - reg unknown

 I'm using =m4= (and thus make some pre-processing) because I need (or want)
 to be able to switch between =ledger= and =hledger= and comment in or out
 the directives that are accepted by one but not by the other.

 Then, such a result is still problematic:

 09-Aug-21 CHEQUE : 9953055Expenses:Unknown   
  166.70 EUR166.70 EUR
 09-Sep-17 CHEQUE : 7691785Expenses:Unknown   
  100.00 EUR266.70 EUR
 09-Oct-16 REMISE CHEQUE N 8686318 001 105 Expenses:Unknown   
 -525.00 EUR   -258.30 EUR

 I've looked in =org-babel-execute:sh= and =org-babel-reassemble-table=,
 among others, to look for similar constructs (calls to
 =org-table-convert-region=) but did not find any.

 Is there still a solution to get such results?

 As an interim solution you could add a :results scalar header argument to
 your sh code block, then pass the output of that code block to a parsing
 code block (namely the one from my previous email). That's certainly not
 idea, but it should work for the moment.

 Alternately if ledger supports a more clearly delimited output format (e.g.
 csv) then that would probably work as well.

 | 09-Aug-21 CHEQUE : 9953055| Expenses:Unknown | 166.70 EUR  
 | 166.70 EUR  |
 | 09-Sep-17 CHEQUE : 7691785| Expenses:Unknown | 100.00 EUR  
 | 266.70 EUR  |
 | 09-Oct-16 REMISE CHEQUE N 8686318 001 105 | Expenses:Unknown | -525.00 EUR 
 | -258.30 EUR |

 Couldn't we specify somehow the field separator as an extra header
 argument? I've looked for such an already existing in,
 but that does not seem to be available yet.

 This would probably be a good addition to ob-sh (and any other language
 which doesn't have a defined list syntax).

I'll have a deep look in the proposed direction.

 I'll add this idea to the babel dev stack, but I'm swamped for the next week
 or so.

If it's for holidays, enjoy it!  (and, accessorily, come back full of
energy ;-))

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

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[Orgmode] How to show done tasks in agenda

2010-08-13 Thread Glasspen


A question about tasks in agenda-view.

How can org-mode show done tasks in agenda-view.



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[Orgmode] [Patch] Org-fontify

2010-08-13 Thread Sébastien Vauban

Champagne!  My very first patch... Hopefully one that will be followed by many

Goal: to *fontify whole lines* of code-block or meta-lines.

See the results on this minimal example:

--8---cut here---start-8---
#+TITLE: Better identification of source blocks and results
#+DATE:  2010-08-13

This is

** Totals
*** Using a table formula

random text

#+LaTeX: \thisismycommand{}{param2}

inserted between

#+begin_src R :session woodland

code blocks

#+begin_src R :session woodland

copy from different

#+begin_src R :colnames t

#+results: woodland
| ID | wood  | A.reptans | E.amygdaloides |
| a  | wood1 |   5 |   10 |
| b  | wood2 |   1 |0 |

postings on org-mode...
--8---cut here---end---8---

with *faces with background*, such as:

--8---cut here---start-8---
 (org-block ((t (:foreground blue1 :background #EAFFEA
 (org-code ((t (:foreground blue1 :background #EAFFEA
 (org-meta-line ((t (:foreground #008ED1 :background #FFEAEA
 (org-table ((t (:foreground blue1 :background #EAEAFF
--8---cut here---end---8---

Only feature: I did not succeed highlighting full lines containing =srcname=
or =results=. Not a big deal. Though, if someone can do it, that would
definitely please me...

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban
diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index af4f793..64deb53 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -5036,8 +5036,9 @@ will be prompted for.
 '(display t invisible t intangible t))
 	(add-text-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 3)
  '(font-lock-fontified t face org-meta-line))
-	(add-text-properties (match-beginning 6) (match-end 6)
+	(add-text-properties (match-beginning 6) (+ (match-end 6) 1)
  '(font-lock-fontified t face org-block))
+	; for backend-specific code
 	   ((and (match-end 4) (equal dc3 begin))
 	;; Truly a block
@@ -5054,10 +5055,13 @@ will be prompted for.
 	   beg end
 	   '(font-lock-fontified t font-lock-multiline t))
 	  (add-text-properties beg beg1 '(face org-meta-line))
-	  (add-text-properties end1 end '(face org-meta-line))
+	  (add-text-properties end1 (+ end 1) '(face org-meta-line))
+	; for end_src
-		(add-text-properties beg1 end1 '(face org-block)))
+		(add-text-properties beg1 (+ end1 1) '(face
+		   org-block)))
+	; end of source block
 	   ((not org-fontify-quote-and-verse-blocks))
 	   ((string= block-type quote)
 		(add-text-properties beg1 end1 '(face org-quote)))
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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Orgmode[PATCH] org-export-generic, text markup -- and a request

2010-08-13 Thread Carsten Dominik

Hi everyone,

I am not sure what the status o this patch is now, is there anyone  
besides the author whw has tested it and can comment on it?

- Carsten

On Aug 2, 2010, at 3:54 PM, Wes Hardaker wrote:

On Fri, 23 Jul 2010 13:19:31 +0200, said:

t I tried contacting the author of org-export-generic, but don't know
t whether I succeeded. Since this little patch might be useful,  
here it

t is.

You succeeded...  I'm just completely out of touch for the last two
weeks and it'll continue into next week minus this very very short  

when I actually can read mail...

Anyway, I haven't read the email chain yet but if others think the  

is fine then it may certainly be applied!
Wes Hardaker
My Pictures:
My Thoughts:

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- Carsten

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Re: [Orgmode] [Patch] Org-fontify

2010-08-13 Thread Erik Iverson


Having not tried this out, are the aims different than David O'Toole's
mode-specific fontification of org-mode source blocks?

See a picture of what he's done here:

Sébastien Vauban wrote:


Champagne!  My very first patch... Hopefully one that will be followed by many

Goal: to *fontify whole lines* of code-block or meta-lines.

See the results on this minimal example:

--8---cut here---start-8---
#+TITLE: Better identification of source blocks and results
#+DATE:  2010-08-13

This is

** Totals
*** Using a table formula

random text

#+LaTeX: \thisismycommand{}{param2}

inserted between

#+begin_src R :session woodland

code blocks

#+begin_src R :session woodland

copy from different

#+begin_src R :colnames t

#+results: woodland
| ID | wood  | A.reptans | E.amygdaloides |
| a  | wood1 |   5 |   10 |
| b  | wood2 |   1 |0 |

postings on org-mode...
--8---cut here---end---8---

with *faces with background*, such as:

--8---cut here---start-8---
 (org-block ((t (:foreground blue1 :background #EAFFEA
 (org-code ((t (:foreground blue1 :background #EAFFEA
 (org-meta-line ((t (:foreground #008ED1 :background #FFEAEA
 (org-table ((t (:foreground blue1 :background #EAEAFF
--8---cut here---end---8---

Only feature: I did not succeed highlighting full lines containing =srcname=
or =results=. Not a big deal. Though, if someone can do it, that would
definitely please me...

Best regards,

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda

2010-08-13 Thread Jan Böcker
On 08/13/2010 06:10 PM, David Maus wrote:
 Jan Böcker wrote:
 I have a file with entries like this:
 * PROJECT Find the answer to life, the universe and everything
 * PROJECT World Domination
 *** NEXT build Doomsday Device
 (where PROJECT and NEXT are both defined as todo keywords.)
 I'd like to define a custom agenda view to get a project list. I tried a
 TAGS search for '+TODO=PROJECT'. My problem is that the World
 Domination project is not shown, because the todo is blocked by the
 build Doomsday Device next action. I tried setting
 `org-enforce-todo-dependencies' to nil in the local settings for the
 agenda command, but that did not help.
 Setting `org-todo-keywords' to '((sequence PROJECT)) also did not help.
 I'd appreciate any ideas on how to achieve a list of all my projects,
 regardless of whether they have next actions defined or not.
 Bernt's Org Mode - Organize Your Life In Plain Text!
 ( might be a good starting point.
  - 6 Custom agenda views -and-
  - 12.2 Project definition and finding stuck projects 
 A simple check in `bh/is-project-p' if the entry has the PROJECT
 keyword should do the job.
   -- David

Thanks for the pointer -- although experimenting with custom skip
functions did not solve my problem, by reading Bernt's document I
discovered speed keys :)

It turned out the culprit was `org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks', which I
had set to 'invisible soon after I started using Org-mode. Setting that
to nil in the Settings for the entire command set of the block agenda
view does what I want.

And now that I know about custom skip functions, I can move stuck
projects to their own section in the project list.

~ Jan

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Re: [Orgmode] How to show done tasks in agenda

2010-08-13 Thread Jan Böcker
On 08/13/2010 10:11 PM, Glasspen wrote:
 A question about tasks in agenda-view.
 How can org-mode show done tasks in agenda-view.

If you are in the todo list view, there is a line like this at the top:

Available with `N r': (0)ALL (1)NEXT (2)AMD (3)WAITING (4)DONE

In my case, I can press 4 r to show all DONE items.

If you are referring to the daily/weekly agenda view: As far as I know,
DONE items which have a SCHEDULED or DEADLINE date set are still shown
on that date.

If you have logging of TODO states enabled (see 5.3 Progress Logging
in the manual), you can press v l in the agenda and it shows the log
events (a DONE item, even without a SCHEDULED or DEADLINE date set, will
be listed on the day it was closed).

HTH, Jan

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[Orgmode] Re: How to show done tasks in agenda

2010-08-13 Thread Memnon Anon
Glasspen writes:

 How can org-mode show done tasks in agenda-view.

Ugh, I think it does?!

Do you have any of these settings in your setup?

(setq   org-agenda-skip-deadline-if-done t
org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t)


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[Orgmode] Re: [Patch] Org-fontify

2010-08-13 Thread Sébastien Vauban
Hi Erik,

Erik Iverson wrote:
 Having not tried this out, are the aims different than David O'Toole's
 mode-specific fontification of org-mode source blocks?

 See a picture of what he's done here:

Nothing to do, in fact. Complementary, I hope...

The fact is that, when you use faces with background, you see the whole line
fontified (up to the right fringe), or only up to the end of the line (last
character, =C-e=).

My patch cares for the first behavior.

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

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Re: [Orgmode] [OT] minimalist visual appearance for Emacs

2010-08-13 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Thu, 29 Jul 2010 13:11:16 -0400, Dan Davison wrote:
 I've put together a simple package to provide a minimalist visual
 appearance for Emacs. Screenshot and info:
 In addition to getting rid of the usual suspects (scroll bars, menu
 bars, tool bars), this also replaces the mode line with a thin coloured
 separator line. Toggle the minor mode when you need this stuff.

This is really nice, especially on my netbook which is already as
minimalist as I could get it (ratpoison + dzen2).  Thanks!

One suggestion, although this might have an existing Emacs solution:
is it possible to also get rid of the mini-buffer and only have it
appear when needed?  One more line of text...
Eric S Fraga
GnuPG: 8F5C 279D 3907 E14A 5C29  570D C891 93D8 FFFC F67D
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Re: [Orgmode] What license for Worg?

2010-08-13 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Wed, 04 Aug 2010 06:26:19 +0200, Bastien wrote:
 Hi Ian,
 Ian Barton writes:
  However, I think you may have to begin the long and
  tedious task of identifying all contributors to Worg and asking their
 Yes I will.
  If this isn't done we may end up with Free and Non free
  versions of Worg.
 I hope every contributor will be okay with the licensing scheme.  
 That's the purpose of me asking the community for feedback :)

I've contributed only a little but I'm okay with this in any case!
Eric S Fraga
GnuPG: 8F5C 279D 3907 E14A 5C29  570D C891 93D8 FFFC F67D
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Re: [Orgmode] trying to get xetex working with org-mode

2010-08-13 Thread Christian Wittern

Thanks a lot, this helps a lot and is getting me on the right track.
I was getting lost in the Customize-Groups-Browser hell and now see
that I can have it much easier.  Great.
And when it comes to avoiding unwanted packages, I guess
is really what I was looking for.

All the best,


Christian Wittern, Kyoto

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[Orgmode] [PATCH] org.texi: Document quick insertion of empty structural elements

2010-08-13 Thread Jambunathan K

org.texi: Document quick insertion of empty structural elements


   See section titled 'Completion of structure elements'

From 540d8f2c03d300b6007c0d8595bb78ad172d8eac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jambunathan K
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2010 04:24:34 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] org.texi: Document quick insertion of empty structural elements

* org.texi (Easy Templates): New section. Documents quick insertion of empty
structural elements.

 doc/org.texi |   49 -
 1 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/org.texi b/doc/org.texi
index ac52c70..508d2ce 100644
--- a/doc/org.texi
+++ b/doc/org.texi
@@ -12320,6 +12320,7 @@ emacsclient \
 @chapter Miscellaneous
+* Easy Templates:: Quick insertion of structural elements
 * Completion:: M-TAB knows what you need
 * Speed keys:: Electric commands at the beginning of a headline
 * Code evaluation security::   Org mode files evaluate inline code
@@ -12331,8 +12332,54 @@ emacsclient \
 * Interaction::Other Emacs packages
 @end menu
+...@node Easy Templates, Completion, Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous
+...@section Easy Templates
+...@cindex insertion, of '#+begin_src #+end_src' 
+...@cindex insertion, of '#+begin_example #+end_example' 
+...@cindex insertion, of '#+begin_quote #+end_quote' 
+...@cindex insertion, of '#+begin_verse #+end_verse' 
+...@cindex insertion, of '#+begin_center #+end_center' 
+...@cindex insertion, of '#+begin_latex #+end_latex' 
+...@cindex insertion, of '#+latex:' 
+...@cindex insertion, of '#+begin_html #+end_html'
+...@cindex insertion, of '#+html:'  
+...@cindex insertion, of '#+begin_ascii #+end_ascii' 
+...@cindex insertion, of '#+ascii:' 
+...@cindex insertion, of '#+include:' 
+Org-mode supports insertion of empty structural elements (like #+BEGIN_SRC
+and #+END_SRC pairs) with just a few key strokes. This is achieved through a
+native template expansion mechanism.
+To insert a structural element, type a '', followed by a template selector
+and TAB. Completion takes effect only when the above keystrokes are typed on
+a line by itself.
+Following template selectors are currently supported.
+...@multitable @columnfractions 0.1 0.9
+...@item s @tab Insert '#+begin_src #+end_src'
+...@item e @tab Insert '#+begin_example #+end_example'
+...@item q @tab Insert '#+begin_quote #+end_quote' 
+...@item v @tab Insert '#+begin_verse #+end_verse' 
+...@item c @tab Insert '#+begin_center #+end_center' 
+...@item l @tab Insert '#+begin_latex #+end_latex' 
+...@item L @tab Insert '#+latex:' line 
+...@item h @tab Insert '#+begin_html #+end_html' 
+...@item H @tab Insert '#+html:' line
+...@item a @tab Insert '#+begin_ascii #+end_ascii' 
+...@item A @tab Insert '#+ascii:' line
+...@item i @tab Insert '#+include:' line
+...@end multitable
+For example, on an empty line, typing e and then pressing TAB, will expand
+into a complete EXAMPLE template.
+You can install additional templates by customizing the variable
+...@code{org-structure-template-alist}. Refer docstring of the variable for
+additional details.
-...@node Completion, Speed keys, Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous
+...@node Completion, Speed keys, Easy Templates, Miscellaneous
 @section Completion
 @cindex completion, of @TeX{} symbols
 @cindex completion, of TODO keywords

Jambunathan K.
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] trying to get xetex working with org-mode

2010-08-13 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Christian and Scot,

I'm interested in adding a brief section describing a plain vanilla  
XeTeX export to the Worg tutorial on LaTeX export:

If one or both of you could help out by editing the Worg page directly  
or by sending draft materials to me or to the list when you're  
confident of a reasonable solution, I'd much appreciate it.

All the best,

On Aug 13, 2010, at 1:43 PM, Christian Wittern wrote:


Thanks a lot, this helps a lot and is getting me on the right track.
I was getting lost in the Customize-Groups-Browser hell and now see
that I can have it much easier.  Great.
And when it comes to avoiding unwanted packages, I guess
is really what I was looking for.

All the best,


Christian Wittern, Kyoto

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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