Re: [O] MobileOrg

2014-03-01 Thread John Hendy
On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 9:14 PM, John Hendy  wrote:


>> 1. What needs to be setup for the first time push from Emacs to the
>> Dropbox Apps/MobileOrg directory?
> I added the following to .emacs:
> #+begin_src .emacs
> ;; where are the .org files you want on your phone?
> (setq org-directory "~/vault/personal/home-notes")
> ;; where is your sync directory going to be?
> (setq org-mobile-directory "~/Dropbox/mobile-org")
> ;; if you make changes on your phone, where do you want the chnages
> ;; to live?
> (setq org-mobile-inbox-for-pull "~/vault/personal/home-notes/")

Skimming this to make sure I didn't mess anything up... the above
caught my eye. I momentarily wondered if the inbox-for-pull file
should be in my computer's directory where the master .org files are,
or pointing to that file in my Dropbox folder. Checked the
documentation, which says:

#+begin_src org-mobile-inbox-for-pull doc

org-mobile-inbox-for-pull is a variable defined in `org-mobile.el'.
Its value is "~/vault/personal/home-notes/"
Original value was

The file where captured notes and flags will be appended to.
During the execution of `org-mobile-pull', the file
`org-mobile-capture-file' will be emptied it's contents have
been appended to the file given here.  This file should be in
`org-directory', and not in the staging area or on the web server.

You can customize this variable.


So, whew. It should live in what I'm calling the "master directory"
where your computer's files are, not where you're staging for sync
with the phone (Dropbox in this case).



Re: [O] MobileOrg

2014-03-01 Thread John Hendy
On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 10:34 PM, David Masterson  wrote:
> Anyone using MobileOrg on iOS?  I can't figure out how to set it up from
> the documentation -- I think I'm missing something.  I have a number of
> questions:

Not on iOS, but I've been wanting to [re]setup MobileOrg for Android,
so I went through the steps just now. Hopefully they can translate
sufficiently to get you started...

I'm starting off with nothing. I have a directory containing some .org
files, Dropbox account, and nothing MobileOrg related in .emacs. Here
we go...

> 1. What needs to be setup for the first time push from Emacs to the
> Dropbox Apps/MobileOrg directory?

I added the following to .emacs:

#+begin_src .emacs

;; where are the .org files you want on your phone?
(setq org-directory "~/vault/personal/home-notes")

;; where is your sync directory going to be?
(setq org-mobile-directory "~/Dropbox/mobile-org")

;; if you make changes on your phone, where do you want the chnages
;; to live?
(setq org-mobile-inbox-for-pull "~/vault/personal/home-notes/")

;; what files in org-directory do you want synced?
(setq org-mobile-files '("~/vault/personal/home-notes/"

> 2. What should the results of the first time push be that I should check
> to ensure that it worked?

I'm writing this is as I go... but here's what happened for me! I
ended up with the following directory structure:

$ tree --charset=ASCII ~/Dropbox/mobile-org/
|-- checksums.dat

> 3. What is MobileOrg looking for in the Dropbox directory?

The maintainer would better be able to answer this... but for one,
it's looking for the file, which tells it about the files
contained. If you have custom agenda views, it will tell it about
those as well. I think the checksums.dat file has something to do with
whether or not things need to be re-synced or if they're up to date.

> 4. What do I need to configure in MobileOrg?

My steps (though, on Android, not iOS):

- Open MobileOrg, choose "I want to sync using: a Dropbox account"
- I'm taken to a login screen for Dropbox; click "Log in"
- Dropbox app opens and asks if I want to give permission to
MobileOrg; I choose "Allow"
- Like a silly pants, I didn't sync Dropbox after doing the above
step, so the folder isn't listed
- Start Dropbox on Linux and let it sync
- Click back a few times in MobileOrg and re-do the above steps to
refresh the directory list
- Choose my mobile-org directory from the list of available Dropbox
folders, click "Done"
- Then I'm taken to a sort of home screen with options: Setup Wizard,
Settings, Synchronize, Webstie
- Click "Synchronize"
- A list of my .org files pops up in the app and I can navigate around
and look at them

> 5. What will MobileOrg put back in the Dropbox directory?

I pressed the + in the upper right (again, Android app...) which
opened up a capture interface.

- I title the note "Test"
- There was a dropdown menu for the file to store it in; I chose
"Captures", which was automatically created for me.
- I added the following text:

#+begin_src mobile capture

* heading

** sub heading?


I pressed the synchronize icon in the upper right and... the
"Captures" file vanished!! Like I said, I was typing this in real time
:) I did the same thing (pressed the + symbol in the upper right to
create a capture), except this time, no "Captures" file was
created/suggested, and instead an already existing file,, was the default. I left it as that and added a capture
titled "Test" with the content text, "stuff." I tapped to synchronize

Back on the computer, I opened up (where we told new
stuff to go) and found the following contents:


* Test

* a heading

** sub heading?

* F(edit:addheading) [[][]]
** Old value

** New value
** End of edit


So, looks like it did get my initial captures, along with some
interesting structure for what it's going to add to my

> 6. What do I need to do to get Emacs to pull from the Dropbox directory?

Now that there was some content in, I saved as (just to compare to for you) and
then ran `M-x org-mobile-pull`. It opened up, and the
message buffer printed out: 2 new, 1 edits, 0 flags, 0 errors

It also add this to the top of the file: #+LAST_MOBILE_CHANGE:
2014-03-01 21:01:22

At the very end of the file, sure enough, I got this:

#+begin_src added-stuff

* Test


Remember how I saved a backup? When running `diff`, it confirms that
the only change was that 

Re: [O] References

2014-03-01 Thread Nick Dokos
Sharon Kimble  writes:

>> Just label each footnote with the corresponding footnote mark and you
>> should be OK. After all, it's all plain text.
> Brilliant! Thank you very much, it works! And so easily too :)

It is indeed brilliant: Carsten's vision of doing so much *with plain
text* keeps paying out dividends time after time.

BTW, you might want to find out about org-footnote-action (and perhaps
bind it to some key so you can easily call it): no need to do things by


[O] Partial word emphasis suggestion

2014-03-01 Thread cinsky

Dear Org-mode members,

A couple of years ago, I asked how to emphasis partial word
(e.g. =no-emphasis=on-subword=) without blank character, and someone
pointed out this link:

Basically, it suggest to add unicode "word joiner" character (\u2060)
in `org-emphasis-regexp-components' like this:

  (org-set-emph-re 'org-emphasis-regexp-components
   '(" \t('\"{\\\u2060"
 "- \t.,:!?;'\")}\\\u2060"
 " \t\r\n,\"'⁠"
 "." 1)))

Some human languages (Korean, including CJK) uses lots of postfix
components, so we need a partial word emphasis a lot.

>From above link, I manually insert the word joiner character by
binding a command that calls `insert-char', but it was too cumbersome.

I made following minor mode, which inserts the word joiner if it
detects the need.


  (defun different-command-p (command name)
"Return t iff COMMAND is a command and has different from NAME"
(and (commandp command)
 (not (eq name command))
 ;string-match name (symbol-name command)))

  (defun call-next-command (keys not-this-command)
"Interactively call the command that has a binding of KEYS, but
(let ((command (catch 'found
 (mapc (lambda (map)
 (let ((cmd (different-command-p
 (lookup-key map keys)
   (when cmd
 (throw 'found cmd
 (or (different-command-p (lookup-key (current-local-map)
 (different-command-p (lookup-key (current-global-map)
(when (commandp command)
  (call-interactively command

  (defun org-insert-word-joiner-or-space ()
  (when (looking-back "\\([=/]\\)\\(.*\\)\\1\\([^[:space:]\u2060]+\\)"
(line-beginning-position) 'greedy)
  ;; 2nd match => emphasised phrase (e.g. =code=)
  ;; 3rd match => partial word appended
  (goto-char (match-beginning 3))
  (insert-char #x2060)))
  (call-next-command (this-command-keys-vector)

  (defvar org-wordjoin-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
  (define-key map [?\ ] 'org-insert-word-joiner-or-space)
  (define-key map [(control ?j)] 'org-insert-word-joiner-or-space)
  (define-key map [(control ?m)] 'org-insert-word-joiner-or-space)
  (define-key map [(tab)] 'org-insert-word-joiner-or-space)
"Keymap for `org-wordjoin-mode'")

  (define-minor-mode org-wordjoin-mode
"Enable automatic insertion of word joiner"
" WordJoin"
:keymap org-wordjoin-mode-map)


Q1. Is there better way to do this?  (esp. I think the regular
expression in `looking-back' is not 100% compatible with
org-mode's pattern for the emphasis.  But I couldn't come up with
better one.)

Q2. If I remember correctly, I read from the mailing list that partial
word emphasis will not be supported in org-mode.  Is it possible
to org-mode to include this kind of minor mode?  If possible, I
hope that some experts can come up with better implementation of
this and include that in the official package.  Or, at least
insert "word joiner" character character in
`org-emphasis-regexp-components' please.

Thank you,

Re: [O] link interfering with brackets when abbreviated

2014-03-01 Thread Yasushi SHOJI
Hi Nicolas,

Thanks for your time.

At Sat, 01 Mar 2014 21:20:18 +0100,
Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> >> Anyway, I don't understand why there is so much fuss about this.
> >
> > That's because a) the commands have been working
> This is not a sufficient reason. We are discussing a minor feature.
> Removing it doesn't remove any functionality to Org, as the "thing" just
> saves a few keystrokes, on a good day.

Ok.  If this is yet another bickshed, I'll drop from the discussion.

> While re-implementing the function, it appears that the feature just
> doesn't fit. So this is a good time to ponder about its real usefulness,
> and, if it is worth bending the new function to add it back. I think it
> isn't.
> As I already said, opening the next link in the same line is dubious. In
> the following example, with point between the links, the previous
> behaviour was to open "link2":
>   [[link1]]  [[link2]]
> Now consider the following case, where point is before the "a":
>   [[link1]] a very ... very long line of text [[link2]]
> The previous behaviour implied to also open "link2". This is not
> really straightforward.

If the point is before the "a", that means the point is right after
the link, it should open `link1' instead of `link2', IMNSHO.  This
isn't even the previous behavior, I admit, but if you move the pointer
to the end of the line (that's right after the link2), it _opened_
links2. This behavior works quite well with Emacs' cursor movement.

;; uga, `forward-word' doesn't work as I expected on
;; [[][google]].  It stops at the first `o'.

>  Worse, if `visual-line-mode' is on,
> [[link2]] can be many lines below. In the following case, with point
> still before the first "a", opening [[link2]] is just odd:
>   [[link1]] a very ... very long line
>   which spans over many visual lines
>   of text [[link2]].
> It is odd because in the same situation, without `visual-line-mode' but
> with `auto-fill-mode' on, C-c C-o will report "No link found".

Both should report "No link found".  `org-end-of-line' takes care of
`visual-line-mode', why not `org-open-at-link'?

Re: [O] List of figures

2014-03-01 Thread John Kitchin
check out this implementation for tables:


John Kitchin
Associate Professor
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 10:00 PM, Thomas S. Dye  wrote:

> Aloha John,
> John Kitchin  writes:
> > Maybe I am missing something, what would the utility of #+toc: figures
> be?
> > Is it only for export?
> Yes, it is.
> > I would make a link:  [[elisp:org-list-of-figures]] where
> > org-list-of-figures is an emacs-lisp function that would parse the buffer
> > and present you with a list of clickable links to the figures. You could
> > alternatively make this a new org-link, so you could also specify how it
> > exports, eg.
> >
> > [[lof:click-me][List of Figures]]
> This is a neat idea. Thanks!
> All the best,
> Tom
> >
> > That would be pure org-markup, and make org more useful, and it would
> also
> > happen to support LaTeX export too. I guess you would recognize figures
> as
> > extensions in the file links.
> >
> >
> > John
> >
> > ---
> > John Kitchin
> > Associate Professor
> > Doherty Hall A207F
> > Department of Chemical Engineering
> > Carnegie Mellon University
> > Pittsburgh, PA 15213
> > 412-268-7803
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 11:37 AM, Thomas S. Dye  wrote:
> >
> >> Aloha Nicolas,
> >>
> >> Nicolas Goaziou  writes:
> >>
> >> > Hello,
> >> >
> >> > (Thomas S. Dye) writes:
> >> >
> >> >> I can imagine that a list of figures is a difficult problem in some
> >> >> other back-ends.  However, its absence in LaTeX export seems unusual.
> >> >
> >> > Org doesn't cover all LaTeX facilities. There are #+LATEX:
> >> > and #+BEGIN_LATEX...#+END_LATEX to fill the gap.
> >> >
> >> >> Would it make sense to have this work as expected for LaTeX export
> (and
> >> >> perhaps other back-ends where it does make sense)
> >> >
> >> > We can start to discuss what a good implementation could be for major
> >> > back-ends. But implementing it for LaTeX only is, IMO, not worth the
> >> > trouble:
> >> >
> >> >   #+toc: figures
> >> >
> >> > vs.
> >> >
> >> >   #+latex: \listoffigures
> >>
> >> AFAICT the new exporter works flawlessly.  I'm confident that it will
> >> let me produce LaTeX to any practical specification.
> >>
> >> My original query came about because I was trying to write Org markup
> >> and *not* drop down to LaTeX.  In this context--Org as a lightweight
> >> markup language--the possibility of creating all but one of the
> >> "lists-of" with #+TOC: seems like the markup language core is missing a
> >> piece.
> >>
> >> I look forward to the discussion of implementations for the major
> >> back-ends. Let me know if I can help in any way.
> >>
> >> All the best,
> >> Tom
> >>
> >> --
> >> Thomas S. Dye
> >>
> >>
> >>
> > Maybe I am missing something, what would the utility of #+toc: figures
> > be? Is it only for export?
> >
> > I would make a link: [[elisp:org-list-of-figures]] where
> > org-list-of-figures is an emacs-lisp function that would parse the
> > buffer and present you with a list of clickable links to the figures.
> > You could alternatively make this a new org-link, so you could also
> > specify how it exports, eg.
> >
> > [[lof:click-me][List of Figures]]
> >
> > That would be pure org-markup, and make org more useful, and it would
> > also happen to support LaTeX export too. I guess you would recognize
> > figures as extensions in the file links.
> >
> > John
> >
> > ---
> > John Kitchin
> > Associate Professor
> > Doherty Hall A207F
> > Department of Chemical Engineering
> > Carnegie Mellon University
> > Pittsburgh, PA 15213
> > 412-268-7803
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 11:37 AM, Thomas S. Dye  wrote:
> >
> > Aloha Nicolas,
> >
> > Nicolas Goaziou  writes:
> >
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > (Thomas S. Dye) writes:
> > >
> > >> I can imagine that a list of figures is a difficult problem in
> > some
> > >> other back-ends. However, its absence in LaTeX export seems
> > unusual.
> > >
> > > Org doesn't cover all LaTeX facilities. There are #+LATEX:
> > > and #+BEGIN_LATEX...#+END_LATEX to fill the gap.
> > >
> > >> Would it make sense to have this work as expected for LaTeX
> > export (and
> > >> perhaps other back-ends where it does make sense)
> > >
> > > We can start to discuss what a good implementation could be for
> > major
> > > back-ends. But implementing it for LaTeX only is, IMO, not worth
> > the
> > > trouble:
> > >
> > > #+toc: figures
> > >
> > > vs.
> > >
> > > #+latex: \listoffigures
> >
> >  

Re: [O] link interfering with brackets when abbreviated

2014-03-01 Thread Nicolas Goaziou
Bastien  writes:

>> This is not a matter of trust. I asked about use-cases to understand why
>> this feature was needed, and all I got was "because it was here".
> More precisely, the answer was: because we use it and find it useful.

Thank you for the precision. Now, what about caring to give me one (or
more) use case?

>>> Also `org-agenda-open-link' is now broken.
>>> Can you have a look and fix this later issue?
>> Would you mind elaborating a bit about it?
> C-c C-o throws a "No link found" message when hit on a link in an
> agenda view.

Sorry for not being clear. I did try, I didn't get any error. My dummy
entry was:

  * TODO [[]]

in a block agenda and

  * [[]]
DEADLINE: <2014-03-01 sam.>

in regular agenda.

Both times, I could open the link. So, could you send me a dummy entry
where the bug can be reproduced? It will save me a lot of time.


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] Links in node-property

2014-03-01 Thread Nicolas Goaziou
Bastien  writes:

> Believe me, there *are* links in comments, I can see them :)
> Right now, hitting C-c C-o on this link
> #
> in an org-mode buffer produces the attached backtrace, which is
> a problem /per se/ (easily fixable, I guess.)

My bad. This should now be fixed.

> Anyway, not supporting links in comments does not feel right, as
> links in comments are both frequent and useful.

Comments, by definition, are dead data. It just doesn't make sense to
expect to have an active link, or timestamp, or whatever inside. If you
put an active timestamp in a comment, you don't expect it to show in the
agenda, right?

If you need live non-exportable data, you can stuff it in a regular

> I'm sorry for the frustration it will inevitably create, but at this
> stage I suggest to simply revert the commits related to the rewriting
> of `org-open-at-point'.  To my knowledge, there is no bug that this
> rewrite fixes, there is no gain in speed, and only a regression (not
> opening the next link) and a bug (see `org-agenda-open-link'.)
> What do you think?

I think that if we reverted each buggy commit, we wouldn't be far from
the very first commit in Org.

Anyway, I suggest to either explain to me why opening the next link is
needed, so we can discuss on how to do it best, or implement the feature
yourself, as you intended to do a few minutes ago.

In any case, I don't see the need to trash the few hours of work
I invested already in this (well, almost) working function.


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] link interfering with brackets when abbreviated

2014-03-01 Thread Bastien
Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> Bastien  writes:
>> And we insist on keeping the previous behavior, please trust us.
> This is not a matter of trust. I asked about use-cases to understand why
> this feature was needed, and all I got was "because it was here".

More precisely, the answer was: because we use it and find it useful.

>> Also `org-agenda-open-link' is now broken.
>> Can you have a look and fix this later issue?
> Would you mind elaborating a bit about it?

C-c C-o throws a "No link found" message when hit on a link in an
agenda view.

>> I will then re-add the previous behavior on `org-open-at-point'.
> I guess that closes the discussion then.

We can raise again the discussion about suppressing this feature any
time but I personally think this is a waste of time.



Re: [O] link interfering with brackets when abbreviated

2014-03-01 Thread Nicolas Goaziou
Bastien  writes:

> And we insist on keeping the previous behavior, please trust us.

This is not a matter of trust. I asked about use-cases to understand why
this feature was needed, and all I got was "because it was here".

> Also `org-agenda-open-link' is now broken.
> Can you have a look and fix this later issue?

Would you mind elaborating a bit about it?

> I will then re-add the previous behavior on `org-open-at-point'.

I guess that closes the discussion then.


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] org-export: how to copy the parsed tree?

2014-03-01 Thread Vitalie Spinu
 >>> Nicolas Goaziou on Sat, 01 Mar 2014 22:02:55 +0100 wrote:


 > In this case, I think I would build the tree, since data is duplicated
 > (e.g. "* H1"), not moved.

Is there an idiomatic way to do this? Like constructors of org elements?
Or, one just starts with an empty '(headline) list and populate it with
org-element-set-contents and org-element-put-property?


 >> The :parent seems to be stored in 2 places for the headline, in the
 >> headline itself and in the :title.

 > You are wrong. Headline's parent is stored only in the :parent property
 > of the headline. You get it with:

 >   (org-element-property :parent headline)

 > Within `:title', `:parent' property refers to the parent of the objects
 > contained in :title, which is the headline itself:

 >   (eq (org-element-property :parent
 > ;; The first object in the :title property.
 > (car (org-element-property :title headline)))
 >   headline)  => t

It makes sense now. Thanks.


 >> BTW, is there a way to pretty print the org tree? I think that's the
 >> main barrier for me in understanding how it all works.

 > Use `pp' and set both `print-level' and `print-circle' accordingly.

Thanks. Didn't know about this.


Re: [O] Links in node-property

2014-03-01 Thread Bastien
Hi Nicolas,

Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> Michael Brand  writes:
>> Will org-open-at-point still support links in node-property?
> No. According to Org syntax, there are no links in property drawers.
> There are also no links in comments, example blocks, fixed-width
> areas...

Believe me, there *are* links in comments, I can see them :)

Right now, hitting C-c C-o on this link


in an org-mode buffer produces the attached backtrace, which is
a problem /per se/ (easily fixable, I guess.)

Anyway, not supporting links in comments does not feel right, as
links in comments are both frequent and useful.

I'm sorry for the frustration it will inevitably create, but at this
stage I suggest to simply revert the commits related to the rewriting
of `org-open-at-point'.  To my knowledge, there is no bug that this
rewrite fixes, there is no gain in speed, and only a regression (not
opening the next link) and a bug (see `org-agenda-open-link'.)

What do you think?

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p nil)
  =(55 nil)
  (let ((end (org-element-property :end context))) (= (save-excursion (if 
(invisible-p (point)) (progn (goto-char (next-single-property-change (point) 
(quote invisible) nil end (skip-chars-forward "  " end) (point)) end))
  (cond ((and (memq type (quote (headline inlinetask))) (progn (save-excursion 
(beginning-of-line) (looking-at org-complex-heading-regexp)) (or (not 
(match-beginning 5)) (< (point) (match-beginning 5) (let* ((data 
(org-offer-links-in-entry (current-buffer) (point) arg)) (links (car data)) 
(links-end (cdr data))) (if links (let ((--dolist-tail-- (if ... ... links)) 
link) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq link (car --dolist-tail--)) (search-forward 
link nil links-end) (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (org-open-at-point) (setq 
--dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail-- (require (quote org-attach)) 
(org-attach-reveal (quote if-exists) ((let ((end (org-element-property :end 
context))) (= (save-excursion (if (invisible-p (point)) (progn (goto-char 
...))) (skip-chars-forward "" end) (point)) end)) (user-error "No link 
found")) ((eq type (quote timestamp)) (org-follow-timestamp-link)) ((and (memq 
type (quote (headline inlinetask))) (progn (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) 
(looking-at org-complex-heading-regexp)) (and (match-beginning 5) (>= (point) 
(match-beginning 5) (org-tags-view arg (substring (match-string 5) 0 -1))) 
((eq type (quote link)) (let ((type (org-element-property :type context)) (path 
(org-element-property :path context))) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (or 
reference-buffer (current-buffer))) (cond ((equal type "file") (if 
(string-match "[*?{]" ...) (dired path) (apply ... path arg ...))) ((assoc type 
org-link-protocols) (funcall (nth 1 ...) path)) ((equal type "help") (let (...) 
(cond ... ... ...))) ((equal type "mailto") (let (... ... ... final-args) 
(apply cmd ...))) ((member type (quote ...)) (browse-url 
(org-link-escape-browser ...))) ((equal type "doi") (browse-url 
(org-link-escape-browser ...))) ((equal type "message") (browse-url (concat 
type ":" path))) ((equal type "shell") (let (... ...) (if ... ... ...))) 
((equal type "elisp") (let (...) (if ... ... ...))) ((equal type "id") (require 
(quote ord-id)) (funcall (nth 1 ...) path)) ((member type (quote ...)) (if 
(run-hook-with-args-until-success ... path) nil (if ... ... ...) (let ... 
...))) (t (browse-url-at-point)) ((or (eq type (quote footnote-reference)) 
(and (eq type (quote footnote-definition)) (save-excursion (skip-chars-forward 
"   ") (let ((begin ...)) (if begin (< ... begin) (= ... ...)) 
(org-footnote-action)) (t (user-error "No link found")))
  (let* ((context (org-element-context)) type) (while (and (not (memq (setq 
type (org-element-type context)) (quote (headline inlinetask link 
footnote-definition footnote-reference timestamp (setq context 
(org-element-property :parent context (cond ((and (memq type (quote 
(headline inlinetask))) (progn (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at 
org-complex-heading-regexp)) (or (not (match-beginning 5)) (< (point) 
(match-beginning 5) (let* ((data (org-offer-links-in-entry (current-buffer) 
(point) arg)) (links (car data)) (links-end (cdr data))) (if links (let 
((--dolist-tail-- ...) link) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq link ...) 
(search-forward link nil links-end) (goto-char ...) (org-open-at-point) (setq 
--dolist-tail-- ...))) (require (quote org-attach)) (org-attach-reveal (quote 
if-exists) ((let ((end (org-element-property :end context))) (= 
(save-excursion (if (invisible-p ...) (progn ...)) (skip-chars-forward "  " 
end) (point)) end)) (user-error "No link found")) ((eq type (quote timestamp)) 
(org-follow-timestamp-link)) ((and (memq type (quote (headline inlinetask))) 
(progn (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at 
org-complex-heading-regexp)) (and (match-beginning 5) (>= (point) 
(match-beginning 5) (

Re: [O] org-export: how to copy the parsed tree?

2014-03-01 Thread Nicolas Goaziou
Vitalie Spinu  writes:

> Thanks Nocolas. I need to copy only a subtree associated with a
> headline. In a nutshell I need to "flatten" the tree of headlines for
> the csv type exporter. That is, I need to replicate the parent headlines
> across the children. For example
>* H1
>  bla bla
>** HA
>   some text
>** HB
>   some other text
> would translate into 
>* H1
>  bla bla
>** HA
>   some text
>* H1
>  bla bla
>** HB
>   some other text
> I played with org-element-extract-element, org-element-set-contents and
> org-element-insert-before but failed a big deal.

In this case, I think I would build the tree, since data is duplicated
(e.g. "* H1"), not moved.

> Main problem seems to be the lack of uniform interface to handle parents
> in connection to secondary elements (which I don't understand at this
> point).

There is no such thing as "secondary elements". I think you mean
"secondary strings". This is some parsed data that doesn't belong to the
main hierarchy in the tree.

I don't think any interface problem for :parent property. You simply use
`org-element-property' and `org-element-put-property'.

> Is headline a secondary element?

No. A headline is a full-fledged element. But, besides its contents, it
contains additional data (its title) which is Org syntax and therefore
qualifies as a secondary string.

> The :parent seems to be stored in 2 places for the headline, in the
> headline itself and in the :title.

You are wrong. Headline's parent is stored only in the :parent property
of the headline. You get it with:

  (org-element-property :parent headline)

Within `:title', `:parent' property refers to the parent of the objects
contained in :title, which is the headline itself:

  (eq (org-element-property :parent
;; The first object in the :title property.
(car (org-element-property :title headline)))
  headline)  => t

There is only one parent per object/element/string.

> Most of the org code uses org-element-put-property and
> org-element-property to access the parent but some code like
> org-element-extract-element uses :parent from :title.

`org-element-extract-element' checks if the element/object you're
removing belong to a secondary string or to the contents of the current

Moreover, this function removes the :parent property, so you shouldn't
bother about where it came from.

> This makes it difficult to program as there are no explicit
> getter/setter for the parent.

See above.

> BTW, is there a way to pretty print the org tree? I think that's the
> main barrier for me in understanding how it all works.

Use `pp' and set both `print-level' and `print-circle' accordingly.


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] References

2014-03-01 Thread Sharon Kimble
On Sat, 01 Mar 2014 15:03:55 -0500
Nick Dokos  wrote:

> Sharon Kimble  writes:
> > On Sat, 01 Mar 2014 13:22:45 -0500
> > Nick Dokos  wrote:
> >
> >> Sharon Kimble  writes:
> >> 
> >> > I'm using [fn:1] to reference articles in an academic article,
> >> > but how should I reference it back from the list of references
> >> > at the end of the article please?
> >> >
> >> > Thanks
> >> > Sharon.
> >> 
> >> Not sure what you mean: in the org-mode buffer or in some exported
> >> file? In the former case, C-c C-c on the footnote marker in the
> >> text takes you to the footnote and C-c C-c on the footnote marker
> >> in the footnote takes you back.
> >> 
> > The article is in org-mode and I can open the file easily in a
> > buffer, and everywhere that the original article has a reference to
> > a numbered item in the 'References' section at the end of the
> > article, I have put [fn:*] where * is the number of the reference.
> > The [fn:*] has been manually put in, without using any keybindings
> > or macros.
> >
> > What I'm now looking for is some way to link my [fn:*] to its mate
> > in the reference list. Can it be done please?
> >
> Sure: here's the general outline:
> --8<---cut here---start->8---
> * Section
> This takes us to a footnote[fn:1].
> * References
> [fn:1] This is the footnote.
> --8<---cut here---end--->8---
> Just label each footnote with the corresponding footnote mark and you
> should be OK. After all, it's all plain text.
Brilliant! Thank you very much, it works! And so easily too :)

Thanks again
A taste of linux =
my git repo =
Debian testing, Fluxbox 1.3.5, emacs
Registered Linux user 561944

Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] link interfering with brackets when abbreviated

2014-03-01 Thread Bastien
Hi again,

Bastien  writes:

> Right now the speedy command `o' is broken.  This is a pattern I
> use very frequently: use `n' to navigate to the next headline,
> then `o' to open the link there.

Forget about this -- some draft code of mine interfered.

> Also `org-agenda-open-link' is now broken.

This one is really broken.



Re: [O] Links in node-property

2014-03-01 Thread Nicolas Goaziou

Michael Brand  writes:

> Will org-open-at-point still support links in node-property?

No. According to Org syntax, there are no links in property drawers.
There are also no links in comments, example blocks, fixed-width


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] link interfering with brackets when abbreviated

2014-03-01 Thread Bastien
Hi Nicolas,

Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> I insist on the fact that opening "next link on the
> same line" is arbitrary and not really "dwim".

And we insist on keeping the previous behavior, please trust us.

Right now the speedy command `o' is broken.  This is a pattern I
use very frequently: use `n' to navigate to the next headline,
then `o' to open the link there.

Also `org-agenda-open-link' is now broken.

Can you have a look and fix this later issue?

I will then re-add the previous behavior on `org-open-at-point'.



Re: [O] link interfering with brackets when abbreviated

2014-03-01 Thread Nicolas Goaziou

Yasushi SHOJI  writes:

> However, we humans are not machines nor slave of computers.  We tell
> computers what we want, or even, we want to make computers think and
> do what we are thinking. That's the reason why we, these days, have
> *-dwim commands.  We don't want to make our users to adopt how
> computers work.

This is one of the things that annoy me: opening next link on the same
line is not, IMO, "dwim". See below.

>> Anyway, I don't understand why there is so much fuss about this.
> That's because a) the commands have been working

This is not a sufficient reason. We are discussing a minor feature.
Removing it doesn't remove any functionality to Org, as the "thing" just
saves a few keystrokes, on a good day.

While re-implementing the function, it appears that the feature just
doesn't fit. So this is a good time to ponder about its real usefulness,
and, if it is worth bending the new function to add it back. I think it

As I already said, opening the next link in the same line is dubious. In
the following example, with point between the links, the previous
behaviour was to open "link2":

  [[link1]]  [[link2]]

Now consider the following case, where point is before the "a":

  [[link1]] a very ... very long line of text [[link2]]

The previous behaviour implied to also open "link2". This is not really
straightforward. Worse, if `visual-line-mode' is on, [[link2]] can be
many lines below. In the following case, with point still before the
first "a", opening [[link2]] is just odd:

  [[link1]] a very ... very long line
  which spans over many visual lines
  of text [[link2]].

It is odd because in the same situation, without `visual-line-mode' but
with `auto-fill-mode' on, C-c C-o will report "No link found".

So, why do we care about the same line? We could as well open the next
link in the same paragraph (or verse block, table cell). I'm not arguing
for the latter, but I insist on the fact that opening "next link on the
same line" is arbitrary and not really "dwim".

OTOH, I'm sure Emacs users know (beginners aside, but they'll learn
soon) how to move quickly point wherever they want, without even
thinking about it.

> b) many other commands _do_ work even if it's not right on the
> elements. ie. S-right right after a timestamp, C-c C-c on checkbox
> list. Are you planning to remove these features, too?

C-c C-c already uses Elements. I'll leave S-right for another day.

>> I think that the coolness of the feature eludes me for all I can see is
>> a crude hack.
> What if we create org-open-at-point-dwim and map to C-c C-o.  Nicolas,
> do you object?

Implementing it in `org-open-at-point' or `org-open-at-point-whatever'
is still implementing it in Org. I still think it's not worth it.


Nicolas Goaziou

[O] Links in node-property

2014-03-01 Thread Michael Brand
Hi Nicolas

Will org-open-at-point still support links in node-property?

:ID:   24ac0164-3c4f-4792-93ac-aaae68a19632
:related:  [[id:15763c8f-f022-486e-9449-bac56f7aa028]]


Re: [O] References

2014-03-01 Thread Nick Dokos
Sharon Kimble  writes:

> On Sat, 01 Mar 2014 13:22:45 -0500
> Nick Dokos  wrote:
>> Sharon Kimble  writes:
>> > I'm using [fn:1] to reference articles in an academic article, but
>> > how should I reference it back from the list of references at the
>> > end of the article please?
>> >
>> > Thanks
>> > Sharon.
>> Not sure what you mean: in the org-mode buffer or in some exported
>> file? In the former case, C-c C-c on the footnote marker in the text
>> takes you to the footnote and C-c C-c on the footnote marker in the
>> footnote takes you back.
> The article is in org-mode and I can open the file easily in a buffer,
> and everywhere that the original article has a reference to a numbered
> item in the 'References' section at the end of the article, I have put
> [fn:*] where * is the number of the reference. The [fn:*] has been
> manually put in, without using any keybindings or macros.
> What I'm now looking for is some way to link my [fn:*] to its mate in
> the reference list. Can it be done please?

Sure: here's the general outline:

--8<---cut here---start->8---

* Section

This takes us to a footnote[fn:1].

* References

[fn:1] This is the footnote.
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

Just label each footnote with the corresponding footnote mark and you
should be OK. After all, it's all plain text.


[O] Selected expansion

2014-03-01 Thread

  Each of the ** bullets below have quite a few lines of text.

* Topics
** topic1
** topic2
** topic3
* Notices
** notice1
** notice2
** notice3
* Results
** result1
** result2
** result3

From the following display, is it possible to fully expand only the
Notices in one command ?  I am using Shift-TAB but it expands all
sections at once. TAB by itself will not exapnd all under Notices (when
the cursor is positionned at Notices).  TAB will work for expanding
each individual notice[n] one after the other moving the cursor around,
but I'm looking for expanding all of them using only one command.

* Topics
* Notices
* Results


Re: [O] References

2014-03-01 Thread Sharon Kimble
On Sat, 01 Mar 2014 13:22:45 -0500
Nick Dokos  wrote:

> Sharon Kimble  writes:
> > I'm using [fn:1] to reference articles in an academic article, but
> > how should I reference it back from the list of references at the
> > end of the article please?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Sharon.
> Not sure what you mean: in the org-mode buffer or in some exported
> file? In the former case, C-c C-c on the footnote marker in the text
> takes you to the footnote and C-c C-c on the footnote marker in the
> footnote takes you back.
The article is in org-mode and I can open the file easily in a buffer,
and everywhere that the original article has a reference to a numbered
item in the 'References' section at the end of the article, I have put
[fn:*] where * is the number of the reference. The [fn:*] has been
manually put in, without using any keybindings or macros.

What I'm now looking for is some way to link my [fn:*] to its mate in
the reference list. Can it be done please?

A taste of linux =
my git repo =
Debian testing, Fluxbox 1.3.5, emacs
Registered Linux user 561944

Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] link interfering with brackets when abbreviated

2014-03-01 Thread Yasushi SHOJI
Hi Nicolas,

At Fri, 28 Feb 2014 00:43:19 +0100,
Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> Bastien  writes:
> > If it is not, I suggest to discuss the change before implementing it.
> > Nobody ever complained about the previous behavior, and both Michael
> > and me are suppporting it.
> I didn't remove that non-essential feature for my pleasure, but because
> it didn't fit in the new internal model. As I already said, implementing
> it back is a bit of work and will probably not be very clean. Why
> bother?

Let's separate those internal parser thing and interactive commands,
while we discus. I agree to Nicolas that parser and internal functions
should NOT be ambiguous nor confusing.

However, we humans are not machines nor slave of computers.  We tell
computers what we want, or even, we want to make computers think and
do what we are thinking. That's the reason why we, these days, have
*-dwim commands.  We don't want to make our users to adopt how
computers work.

> Anyway, I don't understand why there is so much fuss about this.

That's because a) the commands have been working, b) many other
commands _do_ work even if it's not right on the elements. ie. S-right
right after a timestamp, C-c C-c on checkbox list.  Are you planning
to remove these features, too?

> I think that the coolness of the feature eludes me for all I can see is
> a crude hack.

What if we create org-open-at-point-dwim and map to C-c C-o.  Nicolas,
do you object?

Anyway, thank you Nicolas for your work.  We all appreciate your great


Re: [O] link interfering with brackets when abbreviated

2014-03-01 Thread Yasushi SHOJI
Hi Nicolas,

At Fri, 28 Feb 2014 00:43:19 +0100,
Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> Bastien  writes:
> > If it is not, I suggest to discuss the change before implementing it.
> > Nobody ever complained about the previous behavior, and both Michael
> > and me are suppporting it.
> I didn't remove that non-essential feature for my pleasure, but because
> it didn't fit in the new internal model. As I already said, implementing
> it back is a bit of work and will probably not be very clean. Why
> bother?

Let's separate those internal parser thing and interactive commands,
while we discus. I agree to Nicolas that parser and internal functions
should NOT be ambiguous nor confusing.

However, we humans are not machines nor slave of computers.  We tell
computers what we want, or even, we want to make computers think and
do what we are thinking. That's the reason why we, these days, have
*-dwim commands.  We don't want to make our users to adopt how
computers work.

> Anyway, I don't understand why there is so much fuss about this.

That's because a) the commands have been working, b) many other
commands _do_ work even if it's not right on the elements. ie. S-right
right after a timestamp, C-c C-c on checkbox list.  Are you planning
to remove these features, too?

> I think that the coolness of the feature eludes me for all I can see is
> a crude hack.

What if we create org-open-at-point-dwim and map to C-c C-o.  Nicolas,
do you object?

Anyway, thank you Nicolas for your work.  We all appreciate your great


Re: [O] org-export: how to copy the parsed tree?

2014-03-01 Thread Vitalie Spinu
 >>> Nicolas Goaziou on Sat, 01 Mar 2014 12:36:30 +0100 wrote:

 > Hello,
 > Vitalie Spinu  writes:

 >> Is there an easy way to copy org sub-tree in :filter-parse-tree?
 >> The structure of the parsed tree is somewhat complicated with recursive
 >> references to parents in multiple places. So, copy-tree infloops.

 > This is not really an answer to your question, but do you really need to
 > copy the full tree? There are tools to modify it. You can also build
 > a new parse tree and return it.

Thanks Nocolas. I need to copy only a subtree associated with a
headline. In a nutshell I need to "flatten" the tree of headlines for
the csv type exporter. That is, I need to replicate the parent headlines
across the children. For example
   * H1
 bla bla
   ** HA
  some text
   ** HB
  some other text
would translate into 
   * H1
 bla bla
   ** HA
  some text
   * H1
 bla bla
   ** HB
  some other text

I played with org-element-extract-element, org-element-set-contents and
org-element-insert-before but failed a big deal.

Main problem seems to be the lack of uniform interface to handle parents
in connection to secondary elements (which I don't understand at this
point). Is headline a secondary element?

The :parent seems to be stored in 2 places for the headline, in the
headline itself and in the :title. Most of the org code uses
org-element-put-property and org-element-property to access the parent
but some code like org-element-extract-element uses :parent from
:title. This makes it difficult to program as there are no explicit
getter/setter for the parent.

BTW, is there a way to pretty print the org tree? I think that's the
main barrier for me in understanding how it all works.



Re: [O] References

2014-03-01 Thread Nick Dokos
Sharon Kimble  writes:

> I'm using [fn:1] to reference articles in an academic article, but how
> should I reference it back from the list of references at the end of
> the article please?
> Thanks
> Sharon.

Not sure what you mean: in the org-mode buffer or in some exported file?
In the former case, C-c C-c on the footnote marker in the text takes you
to the footnote and C-c C-c on the footnote marker in the footnote takes
you back.


[O] References

2014-03-01 Thread Sharon Kimble

I'm using [fn:1] to reference articles in an academic article, but how
should I reference it back from the list of references at the end of
the article please?

A taste of linux =
my git repo =
Debian testing, Fluxbox 1.3.5, emacs
Registered Linux user 561944

Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] Blank page in LaTeX/PDF output

2014-03-01 Thread Peter Davis

Here are the two LaTeX files. The only differences, apart from creation 
time, are the the use of \section* instead of \section, so perhaps this 
is a LaTeX bug.

Anyone know how to report that?



Peter Davis
The Tech Curmudgeon

Description: TeX document

Description: TeX document

Re: [O] Blank page in LaTeX/PDF output

2014-03-01 Thread Nick Dokos
Peter Davis  writes:

> On 2/28/14, 7:38 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:
>> John is correct, I think, although latex's behavior in leaving an empty
>> page does not make much sense to me. Nevertheless, when I reduce
>> the height of the last image to less than about 7.85 inches, the empty
>> page goes away. AFAICT, num: and toc: settings do not affect this
>> behavior.
> Thanks, Nick, but I have confirmed that adding num:nil eliminates the
> blank page, and removing that re-introduces the blank page. No other
> changes to the .org file were made. I was wondering if LaTeX has some
> predisposition to handle numbered section headings differently from
> unnumbered ones as far as pagination.
> I'll try to make a simple, clean sample that reproduces it, but it's
> going to take some trial-and-error testing.

Nevertheless, can you please reduce the size of the last image to 7.8in
and see whether the empty page goes away?


Re: [O] Bug: shift-enter in org tables leaves cursor in wrong position [8.2.5h (8.2.5h-6-g8e1386-elpa @ /cygdrive/c/Users/jason/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20140203/)]

2014-03-01 Thread Michael Brand
Hi Bastien

On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 12:13 PM, Bastien  wrote:
> I see.  The following patch fixes it but it's just a quick try,
> I need to review possible side-effects more carefully.  In the
> meantime, if you can confirm it works for you, that'd help.

The patch works, thank you. I'll continue to use it.


Re: [O] Blank page in LaTeX/PDF output

2014-03-01 Thread Nick Dokos
John Hendy  writes:

> If you could include a minimal Emacs config as well, that would help
> others reproduce easier to help figure out what's going on.

One more thing (for Peter): if you could produce the tex file and
pdflatex it by hand, can you also post the log file it produces
somewhere? If it's too big for the list, maybe pastebin it somewhere?


Re: [O] Org release 8.2.5g (minor release from maint)

2014-03-01 Thread Nick Dokos
Achim Gratz  writes:

> Eric Schulte writes:

>> I look forward to the day when Org-mode can simply require cl-lib and
>> cease maintaining org- versions of common cl utilities.
> WIth cl-lib in ELPA I don't really see what's the holdup there if you
> want to go that route.

I have the impression that cl-lib is (was?) frowned upon by upstream for
packages that are included in the emacs distribution. But it's only
a vague recollection at this point: am I wrong? am I thinking of
something else common-lispish?


Re: [O] Blank page in LaTeX/PDF output

2014-03-01 Thread Nick Dokos
John Hendy  writes:

> On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 9:39 PM, Peter Davis  wrote:
>> On 2/28/14, 10:32 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:
>>> You need *some* images in order to compile it. I just replaced all
>>> the image links with
>>> [[./foo.png]]
>> I did not need any images. In fact, the version I posted I had just tested,
>> and the image links in there are completely bogus. I just get empty boxes of
>> the height I specified.

Indeed - I first tried it by hand, running pdflatex on the command line and
got what I thought were errors, but they were warnings only: I hit RET
to continue past them and got the same empty boxes you got. And doing
C-c C-e l o to go straight to PDF does the same thing.

>>> where foo.png is the emacs logo.
>>> And my koma-article is a copy of the article class, except the document
>>> class
>>> is "scrartcl" instead of "article".
>> I don't know where that came from. I can post my copy of koma-article, if
>> that would help.
> We really need a minimal config, in my opinion. I just tried fiddling
> again and am having no luck after installing koma-script from CTAN (or
> is that even something I need?) and adding =(require 'ox-koma-letter)=
> to my emacs config (again, is that even needed?). I don't use koma, so
> I'm lost as to how to get anything usable from your document in order
> to troubleshoot.
No, you don't need ox-koma-letter at all. You do need to have
the "scrartcl" class from koma-script installed - check with
kpsewhich - I get:

| $ kpsewhich scrartcl.cls
| /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/koma-script/scrartcl.cls

and you need to have a "koma-article" class added to org-latex-classes.
Here's what I used, but Peter may have a different definition
(something must explain why we get different results!):

--8<---cut here---start->8---
(setq koma-article-class
("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")
("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}")
("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}")
("\\paragraph{%s}" . "\\paragraph*{%s}")
("\\subparagraph{%s}" . "\\subparagraph*{%s}")))

  (require 'ox-latex)
  (add-to-list 'org-latex-classes koma-article-class t))
--8<---cut here---end--->8---


Re: [O] org-capture doesn't narrow correctly if :prepend is t

2014-03-01 Thread Thomas Proschinger
Carsten Dominik> writes:

> Hi Adam,
> it is in my queue, but I have not yet had time to look at it.
> - Carsten

+1 for this issue. It's still there in 8.2.5h. Looking forward to a fix!

- Thomas

Re: [O] [BUG] in org-element-link-parser (lilypond file does not export to latex)

2014-03-01 Thread Thorsten Jolitz
Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> Thorsten Jolitz  writes:
>> This is the first code block of the original .org file with one link
>> (that could not be exported really, because it was evaluated on
>> another machine so the eps did not really exist on my machine. But the
>> org parser choked with this kind of result-links:
>> #+begin_src org
>> #+TITLE: Modes in the Key of C
>> #+DATE:
>> #+OPTIONS: timestamp:nil num:nil toc:nil 
>> #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage[cm]{fullpage}
>> * Ionian Mode
>> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
>> #+LaTeX: \linebreak
>> #+ATTR_LaTeX: width=17cm 
>> #+begin_src lilypond :file ionian.eps :noweb yes
>>   <>
>>   \relative c' { 
>> c d e f g a b c b a g f e d c d  
>> e f g a b c b a g f e d c1
>> }
>> #+end_src
>> #+results[0c21e5c5bd30d880d2bd230aa09b7613c2554835]:
>> [[file:ionian.eps]]
>> #+end_src
> I still don't get any export error. Neither on maint nor on master.

Strangely enough, I cannot reproduce this error anymore today, although
it was there yesterday.

So ... sorry for the noise.


[O] bug#16751: 24.3.50; Export during Org export to HTML

2014-03-01 Thread Eli Zaretskii
> Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 19:49:02 +0200
> From: Eli Zaretskii 
> Cc:,
> > From: Bastien 
> > Cc: Sebastien Vauban ,
> > Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 18:12:05 +0100
> > 
> > Eli Zaretskii  writes:
> > 
> > > Ugh.  Bastien, could you (or someone else of Org developers) please
> > > look into this?  Why does the URI above causes the recent version of
> > > Org to pass an invalid file name such as
> > >
> > >///opt/tomcat/4/apache-tomcat-4.1.40/... to expand-file-name
> > 
> > I will look into this, but I can't promise anything before next week.
> Thanks.  There's no rush.  I will fix expand-file-name so it doesn't
> crash with such bogus file names.

I fixed expand-file-name (trunk revision 116624).  I'm keeping the bug
open until the Org part is either fixed or we decide it doesn't need

Re: [O] [BUG] in org-element-link-parser (lilypond file does not export to latex)

2014-03-01 Thread Nicolas Goaziou
Thorsten Jolitz  writes:

> This is the first code block of the original .org file with one link
> (that could not be exported really, because it was evaluated on
> another machine so the eps did not really exist on my machine. But the
> org parser choked with this kind of result-links:
> #+begin_src org
> #+TITLE: Modes in the Key of C
> #+DATE:
> #+OPTIONS: timestamp:nil num:nil toc:nil 
> #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage[cm]{fullpage}
> * Ionian Mode
> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
> #+LaTeX: \linebreak
> #+ATTR_LaTeX: width=17cm 
> #+begin_src lilypond :file ionian.eps :noweb yes
>   <>
>   \relative c' { 
> c d e f g a b c b a g f e d c d  
> e f g a b c b a g f e d c1
> }
> #+end_src
> #+results[0c21e5c5bd30d880d2bd230aa09b7613c2554835]:
> [[file:ionian.eps]]
> #+end_src

I still don't get any export error. Neither on maint nor on master.


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] org-export: how to copy the parsed tree?

2014-03-01 Thread Nicolas Goaziou

Vitalie Spinu  writes:

> Is there an easy way to copy org sub-tree in :filter-parse-tree?
> The structure of the parsed tree is somewhat complicated with recursive
> references to parents in multiple places. So, copy-tree infloops.

This is not really an answer to your question, but do you really need to
copy the full tree? There are tools to modify it. You can also build
a new parse tree and return it.


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] Bug: shift-enter in org tables leaves cursor in wrong position [8.2.5h (8.2.5h-6-g8e1386-elpa @ /cygdrive/c/Users/jason/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20140203/)]

2014-03-01 Thread Bastien
Hi Michael,

Michael Brand  writes:

> I don't know if and how the variable org-activate-links is related. I
> used the function org-toggle-link-display or the menu to get the state
> with the variable org-descriptive-links being nil which is for
> "display the full links literally".

I see.  The following patch fixes it but it's just a quick try,
I need to review possible side-effects more carefully.  In the
meantime, if you can confirm it works for you, that'd help.


diff --git a/lisp/org-compat.el b/lisp/org-compat.el
index 1553e4f..9837e13 100644
--- a/lisp/org-compat.el
+++ b/lisp/org-compat.el
@@ -344,9 +344,12 @@ Works on both Emacs and XEmacs."
 (indent-line-to column)))
 (defun org-move-to-column (column &optional force buffer ignore-invisible)
-  (let ((buffer-invisibility-spec ignore-invisible))
+  (let ((buffer-invisibility-spec
+	 (and ignore-invisible
+	  (member '(org-link) buffer-invisibility-spec
 (if (featurep 'xemacs)
-	(org-xemacs-without-invisibility (move-to-column column force buffer))
+	(org-xemacs-without-invisibility
+	 (move-to-column column force buffer))
   (move-to-column column force
 (defun org-get-x-clipboard-compat (value)


Re: [O] binding org-id-goto to a key

2014-03-01 Thread Xebar Saram
Thx Bastien

as always your answers are spot on and brilliant. i want to personally
thank you again for everything you've contributed to the community in the
past years, anytime i read a blog post of yours or a post in the  mailing
lists its always such a joy. its really appreciated!



On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 9:01 AM, Bastien  wrote:

> Hi Xebar,
> Xebar Saram  writes:
> > im trying to bind some headers to specific keys using the org-id-goto
> > command and so far have this:
> >
> > (global-set-key (kbd " l") 'org-id-goto
> > "8460d499-ea32-4693-a8d4-0d08b00ba3f3")
> >
> > but im aware that this code isnt wrong. can anyone guide me in the
> > right direction?
> (global-set-key (kbd "C-")
>   (lambda ()
> (interactive)
>   (org-id-goto "8460d499-ea32-4693-a8d4-0d08b00ba3f3")))
> For (kbd " l") to work, you need to have f9 to be a prefix key,
> so I changed it to (kbd "C-") for my own test.
> (lambda () ...) is an anonymous function.
> (interactive) makes the function an interactive command, which is
> needed for the form to be bound to the key.
> HTH,
> --
>  Bastien

Re: [O] Bug: shift-enter in org tables leaves cursor in wrong position [8.2.5h (8.2.5h-6-g8e1386-elpa @ /cygdrive/c/Users/jason/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20140203/)]

2014-03-01 Thread Michael Brand
Hi Bastien

On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 10:02 AM, Bastien  wrote:
> Michael Brand  writes:
>> is a regression for Shift- on 1 in the table below when
>> hyperlinks are configured to be literal:
>> | [[]] | 1 |   |
>> | [[]] |   |   |
>> | [[]] |   |   |
> You mean when `bracket' is not part of `org-activate-links'?

I don't know if and how the variable org-activate-links is related. I
used the function org-toggle-link-display or the menu to get the state
with the variable org-descriptive-links being nil which is for
"display the full links literally".


Re: [O] org-export: how to copy the parsed tree?

2014-03-01 Thread Thorsten Jolitz
Thorsten Jolitz  writes:

> Vitalie Spinu  writes:
>> Is there an easy way to copy org sub-tree in :filter-parse-tree?
>> The structure of the parsed tree is somewhat complicated with recursive
>> references to parents in multiple places. So, copy-tree infloops.
> You will get a better answer most likely, but with (org-no-properties
> contents) you can get the original Org-syntax of a parse-tree element,
> e.g. applied to all sections (untested):
> ,
> | (defun org-myexp-section (section contents info)
> |   "Transcode SECTION element into myexp syntax.
> | CONTENTS is its contents, as a string or nil. INFO is ignored."
> |   (if (and contents (stringp contents) (> (length contents) 0))
> |   (format "%S"
> |   (org-no-properties contents))
> | ""))
> `

I probably misunderstood your question. I don't know if there is an easy
way to copy a subtree, but I do know about the problems with the
recursive references, so I found a way to replace them with simple
numeric :org-elem-id and :parent-id attributes:

| :filters-alist '((:filter-parse-tree
| . org-myexp-filter-parse-tree-function)

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun org-myexp-filter-parse-tree-function (tree backend info)
  "Filter complete parsed TREE ignoring BACKEND and INFO."
   ;; optional
 (org-myexp-add-ids tree backend info)
 backend info)
backend info))

(defun org-myexp-add-ids (tree backend info)
  "Add ':org-elem-id' property to each element of parse TREE."
  (let ((counter 1)
(structure 1))
(org-element-map tree myexp-default-map-types
  (lambda (--elem)
  (org-element-put-property --elem :org-elem-id counter)
  (setq counter (1+ counter))
  (and (eq (org-element-type --elem) 'plain-list)
   (org-element-put-property --elem :structure-id structure)
   (setq structure (1+ structure))

(defun org-myexp--collect-children (tree)
  "Return alist with '(org-elem-id . parent-id)' pairs.
The data is collected from parse TREE."
  (let (child-lst)
(org-element-map tree 'headline
  (lambda (--headline)
(push (cons (org-element-property :org-elem-id --headline)
(org-element-property :parent-id --headline))

;; optional
(defun org-myexp-add-children (tree backend info)
  "Add `:children' property to each headline in parse TREE.
Assumes that all headlines are tagged with an `:org-elem-id' property
and that the circular-list read-syntax of the `:parent' attribute
has been replaced with simple integer values (the :org-elem-id of the
elements parent)."
  (let ((pairs (org-myexp--collect-children tree)))
(org-element-map tree 'headline
  (lambda (--elem)
 --elem :children
  (delq nil
 (lambda (--pair)
   (and (eq (cdr --pair)
(org-element-property :org-elem-id --elem))
(car --pair)))

(defun org-myexp-add-parent-ids (tree backend info)
  "Add `:parent-id' and `:parent-structure-id' to parse-tree TREE."
  (org-element-map tree myexp-all-map-types
(lambda (--elem)
  (let ((par (org-element-property :parent --elem)))
(and (eq (org-element-type --elem) 'item)
 (eq (org-element-type par) 'plain-list)
  --elem :parent-structure-id
  (org-element-property :structure-id par)))
 --elem :parent-id
 (if (eq (org-element-type par) 'org-data)
   (org-element-property :org-elem-id par)
nil nil nil 'WITH-AFFILIATED)

Then in the transcode functions I build the parse-tree again without
the circular :parent attribut, but with the information contained in it
now contained in :org-elem-id and :parent-id:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun org-myexp-headline (headline contents info)
  "Transcode HEADLINE element into myexp syntax.
CONTENTS is its contents, as a string or nil.  INFO is ignored."
  (let ((props org-myexp-node-properties))
(setq org-myexp-node-properties nil)
(format "(headline %S %s) "
 (org-element-property :org-elem-id headline)
 (org-element-property :parent-id headline)
(org-no-properties contents

Not really an easy way, and I needed it for a very special purpose so it
might not fit your needs. However, this can be used to convert the
circular parse-tr

Re: [O] [BUG] in org-element-link-parser (lilypond file does not export to latex)

2014-03-01 Thread Thorsten Jolitz
Nicolas Goaziou  writes:


> Thorsten Jolitz  writes:
>> when trying to export this example lilypond file
>> to LaTeX (C-c C-e l L) I hit the following error:
>> ,--
>> | Wrong type argument: integer-or-marker-p, nil
>> `--
> I cannot reproduce it. OTOH, I don't have Lilypond installed.
>> It turns out that org-element tries to parse a link but 
>> ,--
>> | (defun org-element-link-parser ()
>> |   "Parse link at point.
>> `--
> Could you provide an ECM, that is the exact link generating this error?

This is the first code block of the original .org file with one link
(that could not be exported really, because it was evaluated on
another machine so the eps did not really exist on my machine. But the
org parser choked with this kind of result-links:

#+begin_src org
#+TITLE: Modes in the Key of C
#+OPTIONS: timestamp:nil num:nil toc:nil 
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage[cm]{fullpage}
* Ionian Mode
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
#+LaTeX: \linebreak
#+ATTR_LaTeX: width=17cm 
#+begin_src lilypond :file ionian.eps :noweb yes

  \relative c' { 
c d e f g a b c b a g f e d c d  
e f g a b c b a g f e d c1


Here is what I get when I delete the above result link and evaluate
the code-block on my machine - this parses and exports fine:

#+begin_src org
#+TITLE: Modes in the Key of C
#+OPTIONS: timestamp:nil num:nil toc:nil 
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage[cm]{fullpage}

* Ionian Mode
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
#+LaTeX: \linebreak
#+ATTR_LaTeX: width=17cm 
#+begin_src lilypond :file ionian.eps :noweb yes

  \relative c' { 
c d e f g a b c b a g f e d c d  
e f g a b c b a g f e d c1



Re: [O] Org release 8.2.5g (minor release from maint)

2014-03-01 Thread Achim Gratz
Eric Schulte writes:
> Oh, I did not realize `subseq' was part of the cl library.  Since it
> seems subseq is a generally useful utility, would there be any appetite
> for implementing an org-subseq function?

No, please.  Besides, copying the info structure twice to splice in one
changed element seems wasteful with or without using sublist.

> I look forward to the day when Org-mode can simply require cl-lib and
> cease maintaining org- versions of common cl utilities.

WIth cl-lib in ELPA I don't really see what's the holdup there if you
want to go that route.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

Samples for the Waldorf Blofeld:

Re: [O] Problem upgrading org mode

2014-03-01 Thread Bastien
Hi Arunabha,

Arunabha Ghosh  writes:

>  (add-to-list 'load-path "/Users/agh/arun/dev/org-mode/lisp" t)
>  (add-to-list 'load-path "/Users/agh/arun/dev/org-mode/contrib/lisp" t)

Quick guess: don't use the `t' at the end.

Let me know,


Re: [O] Bug: shift-enter in org tables leaves cursor in wrong position [8.2.5h (8.2.5h-6-g8e1386-elpa @ /cygdrive/c/Users/jason/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20140203/)]

2014-03-01 Thread Bastien
Hi Michael,

Michael Brand  writes:

> is a regression for Shift- on 1 in the table below when
> hyperlinks are configured to be literal:
> | [[]] | 1 |   |
> | [[]] |   |   |
> | [[]] |   |   |

You mean when `bracket' is not part of `org-activate-links'?

I can reproduce the problem... but it goes away when I instrument
`org-move-to-column' for debugging.

I'll have to digg deeper -- if you have more information on your
side, please share.



Re: [O] Org indent mode

2014-03-01 Thread Chris Henderson
Got it. Thanks.

On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 3:46 PM, Josiah Schwab  wrote:

> Yes.  We are clearly talking past each other.  You need to set the
> "org-hide" text style (or "face") so that it is the same color as your
> background.  Then the stars will appear invisible.
> This is explained in the section of the docs I linked to: "The leading
> stars are not truly replaced by whitespace, they are only fontified with
> the face org-hide that uses the background color as font color. If you are
> not using either white or black background, you may have to customize this
> face to get the wanted effect."
> Here's one way you might do that.  Do M-x apropos and then search for
> org-hide.  Click "org-hide" and then click "customize this face".  Then set
> the foreground color to be the same as your background color.
> Hope that helps.
> Josiah
> On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 8:27 PM, Chris Henderson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm not sure how to customize this. I have tried different variations of
>> #+STARTUP: hidestars
>> #+STARTUP: odd
>> #+STARTUP: oddeven
>> but they don't seem to be working. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
>> On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 3:10 PM, Josiah Schwab  wrote:
>>> But did you try customizing the org-hide face?
>>> Josiah
>>> On Feb 28, 2014 7:14 PM, "Chris Henderson"  wrote:
 I've added (setq org-hide-leading-stars t) but still getting the
 leading stars. Thanks.

 On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 1:45 PM, Josiah Schwab wrote:

> You may need to customize the org-hide face.
> See the section "Hiding Leading Stars" at
> Josiah
> On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 6:27 PM, Chris Henderson  > wrote:
>> I'm trying to setup Org indent mode for cleaner view but the
>> preceding starts show up dimmed in grey color. How do I make them totally
>> invisible?
>> I've put this at the top of the .emacs:
>> (setq org-startup-indented t)
>> (setq org-indent-mode t)
>> and running emacs version 24.3.1 and org version 8.2.5 from the
>> command-line.


Re: [O] Problems with org-drill installation

2014-03-01 Thread Bastien
Hi Shahin,

when installing from the tarball, you should run

~$ make autoloads


~$ make

so that M-x org-version RET returns the correct version.

When installing from ELPA, you should do it from a fresh
emacs session.

Let me know if that helps,


Re: [O] org-export: how to copy the parsed tree?

2014-03-01 Thread Thorsten Jolitz
Vitalie Spinu  writes:

> Is there an easy way to copy org sub-tree in :filter-parse-tree?
> The structure of the parsed tree is somewhat complicated with recursive
> references to parents in multiple places. So, copy-tree infloops.

You will get a better answer most likely, but with (org-no-properties
contents) you can get the original Org-syntax of a parse-tree element,
e.g. applied to all sections (untested):

| (defun org-myexp-section (section contents info)
|   "Transcode SECTION element into myexp syntax.
| CONTENTS is its contents, as a string or nil. INFO is ignored."
|   (if (and contents (stringp contents) (> (length contents) 0))
|   (format "%S"
|   (org-no-properties contents))
| ""))


Re: [O] org-agenda-do-date-late and emacs freeze

2014-03-01 Thread Bastien
Hi Igor,

Igor Sosa Mayor  writes:

> If I try to reproduce the error, I get this message:
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (quit)
>   org-agenda-fix-tags-filter-overlays-at(5696)
>   org-agenda-show-new-time(# "<2014-02-19 mié>")
>   org-agenda-date-later(1)
>   org-agenda-do-date-later(nil)
>   call-interactively(org-agenda-do-date-later nil nil)

Thanks -- can't reproduce this... but make sure to tell us what
version of Org and Emacs you are using

M-x org-version RET
M-x emacs-version RET


Re: [O] [bug] Incompatible agenda commands

2014-03-01 Thread Bastien

Hi Sébastien,

"Sebastien Vauban" 

>   (setq org-agenda-sticky nil)
> and you'll be bitten by that bug!

Still not bitten by this bug :)


Re: [O] MobileOrg 1.5.2 - Dropbox sync error

2014-03-01 Thread Bastien
Hi Erwin,

better to ask the MobileOrg developers directly I guess.



Re: [O] [BUG] in org-element-link-parser (lilypond file does not export to latex)

2014-03-01 Thread Nicolas Goaziou

Thorsten Jolitz  writes:

> when trying to export this example lilypond file
> to LaTeX (C-c C-e l L) I hit the following error:
> ,--
> | Wrong type argument: integer-or-marker-p, nil
> `--

I cannot reproduce it. OTOH, I don't have Lilypond installed.

> It turns out that org-element tries to parse a link but 
> ,--
> | (defun org-element-link-parser ()
> |   "Parse link at point.
> `--

Could you provide an ECM, that is the exact link generating this error?


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] Best way to generate textile from orgmode ?

2014-03-01 Thread Bastien
Hi Yasushi,

Yasushi SHOJI  writes:


Great, thanks for sharing this!


Re: [O] css classes to tables in html export

2014-03-01 Thread Bastien
Hi Vikas,

Vikas Rawal  writes:

> How do I add custom css classes to tables while publishing my
> project?

C-h v org-html-table-* TAB



Re: [O] Emacs Mac Port

2014-03-01 Thread Bastien
Marcelo de Moraes Serpa  writes:

> @Bastien Yeah, this is one of my favorite features. Check it out:

Thanks!  Looks neat indeed.


Re: [O] Tables with line wrapping?

2014-03-01 Thread Bastien
Hi Peter,

Peter Davis  writes:

> This looks really interesting also. Is this feature going to fund
> its way to the trunk at some point?

Sadly no, because Jambunathan does not want to sign the copyright
agreement that would be requested for this.


Re: [O] Org release 8.2.5g (minor release from maint)

2014-03-01 Thread Bastien
Hi Eric,

Eric Schulte  writes:

> Oh, I did not realize `subseq' was part of the cl library.  Since it
> seems subseq is a generally useful utility, would there be any appetite
> for implementing an org-subseq function?

There was already org-sublist, which I adapted to mimic the behavior
of subseq.

Can you try the attached patch and see if it works as advertized?


Changes in stash@{0}^2^..stash@{0}
3 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
 lisp/ob-lob.el|  4 ++--
 lisp/org-table.el |  4 ++--
 lisp/org.el   | 11 ++-

	Modified   lisp/ob-lob.el
diff --git a/lisp/ob-lob.el b/lisp/ob-lob.el
index c93198a..210dbb4 100644
--- a/lisp/ob-lob.el
+++ b/lisp/ob-lob.el
@@ -148,12 +148,12 @@ if so then run the appropriate source block from the Library."
 		  ;; hash evaluation, since for a call line :var
 		  ;; extension *is* execution.
 		  (let ((params (nth 2 pre-info)))
-			(append (subseq pre-info 0 2)
+			(append (org-subseq pre-info 0 2)
   (cons :c-var (cdr (assoc :var params)))
   (assq-delete-all :var (copy-tree params
-(subseq pre-info 3))
+(org-subseq pre-info 3))
 	 (old-hash (when cache-p (org-babel-current-result-hash pre-info)))
 	 (org-babel-current-src-block-location (point-marker)))
 (if (and cache-p (equal new-hash old-hash))
	Modified   lisp/org-table.el
diff --git a/lisp/org-table.el b/lisp/org-table.el
index 520ac8a..38a9171 100644
--- a/lisp/org-table.el
+++ b/lisp/org-table.el
@@ -2698,8 +2698,8 @@ not overwrite the stored one."
-		(org-sublist
-		 fields (string-to-number (match-string 1 form))
+		(org-subseq
+		 fields (1- (string-to-number (match-string 1 form)))
 		 (string-to-number (match-string 2 form)))
 		keep-empty numbers lispp))
 		 t t form)))
	Modified   lisp/org.el
diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index 41fb22c..32f27b1 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -22059,12 +22059,13 @@ so values can contain further %-escapes if they are define later in TABLE."
 	  (setq string (replace-match sref t t string)
-(defun org-sublist (list start end)
+;; This reimplements subseq from cl-subseq
+(defun org-subseq (list start &optional end)
   "Return a section of LIST, from START to END.
-Counting starts at 1."
-  (let (rtn (c start))
-(setq list (nthcdr (1- start) list))
-(while (and list (<= c end))
+END is optional and counting starts at 0."
+  (let ((c start) (end (or end (length list))) rtn)
+(setq list (nthcdr start list))
+(while (and list (< c end))
   (push (pop list) rtn)
   (setq c (1+ c)))
 (nreverse rtn)))
