Re: [O] org-contacts email completion by tags

2014-07-13 Thread Daimrod
Daimrod writes:

 Thanks, but I'm refactoring org-contacts a bit, and I think I have found
 a slightly better way to do that, but in the meantime you can use the
 aforementioned hook for your function.

It turns out that my idea was wrong, so I have used a version very
similar to yours.

The function is triggered by the prefix '#' (customizable) and can be
used to match tags and properties.
e.g. the following expression:
will look for contacts with the tag 'work' but not the tag 'phd' and for
which there is a BIRTHDAY properties.



[O] org agenda clock check shows strange clocking gaps at beginning of day

2014-07-13 Thread Gregor Zattler
Dear org-mode users and developers,

sometimes clockcheck shows strange clocking gaps:

Sonntag 1 Juni 2014
izt:11:07-11:21 Clocked:   (0:14) heading - description
Clocking gap: 96 minutes
izt:12:57-13:12 Clocked:   (0:15) heading - description
Montag  2 Juni 2014 W23
Dienstag3 Juni 2014
Mittwoch4 Juni 2014
Donnerstag  5 Juni 2014
Freitag 6 Juni 2014
-- Clocking gap: 7536 minutes
izt:18:48-19:00 Clocked:   (0:12) heading - description
Samstag 7 Juni 2014

All three clocking items belong to the same heading.  I'm fine
with the first clocking gabp.  But why is there a gap of 7536
minutes shown although ‘org-agenda-clock-consistency-checks’ is
at default values (gap-around 4:00)?

Ciao, Gregor
 -... --- .-. . -.. ..--.. ...-.-

[O] Babel : python generate org source block with an extra comma before * characters

2014-07-13 Thread Roland DONAT
Dear Orgmode community,

Thanks in advance to take some time to help me with my problem...

Here is what is making me very sad :

I have a python (python 3 interpreter) source block that I use to generate 
parts of a report written in Orgmode. Suppose we have this little example :

#+NAME: test
#+BEGIN_SRC python :results value org :session test

report = *** header 1
My pretty report

*** header 2
Ah ah! With that stuff, I will increase my *productivity*!!!


What I get is :
#+RESULTS: test
,*** header 1
My pretty report

,*** header 2
Ah ah, with that stuff, I will increase my *productivity*!!!

My question : Why Orgmode adds the comma before the star character???

In the manual, I read some things about comma-escaping in Org source block 
so my intuition tells me that my problem has something to do with that but I 
wasn't able to solve it for now.

My configuration :
- Org 8.2.5h on Linux Mint 16. 
- Python 3

Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks.


Re: [O] Babel : python generate org source block with an extra comma before * characters

2014-07-13 Thread Thorsten Jolitz
Roland DONAT writes:

 Dear Orgmode community,

 Thanks in advance to take some time to help me with my problem...

 Here is what is making me very sad :

 I have a python (python 3 interpreter) source block that I use to generate 
 parts of a report written in Orgmode. Suppose we have this little example :

 #+NAME: test
 #+BEGIN_SRC python :results value org :session test

 report = *** header 1
 My pretty report

 *** header 2
 Ah ah! With that stuff, I will increase my *productivity*!!!


 What I get is :
 #+RESULTS: test
 #+BEGIN_SRC org
 ,*** header 1
 My pretty report

 ,*** header 2
 Ah ah, with that stuff, I will increase my *productivity*!!!

 My question : Why Orgmode adds the comma before the star character???

 In the manual, I read some things about comma-escaping in Org source block 
 so my intuition tells me that my problem has something to do with that
 but I
 wasn't able to solve it for now.

 My configuration :
 - Org 8.2.5h on Linux Mint 16. 
 - Python 3

 Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks.

This is because this function was applied to the results

,[ C-h f org-escape-code-in-region RET ]
| org-escape-code-in-region is an interactive compiled Lisp function in
| `org-src.el'.
| (org-escape-code-in-region BEG END)
| Escape lines between BEG and END.
| Escaping happens when a line starts with *, #+, ,* or
| ,#+ by appending a comma to it.
| [back]

Not sure how to get rid of this, maybe via :results raw? I'm not aware
of a configuration variable for this, but it surely exists. 


[O] make orgtbl-ascii-plot easier to install

2014-07-13 Thread Thierry Banel
Hi The List

I moved orgtbl-ascii-plot to MELPA (it was in Worg).
(orgtbl-ascii-plot draws plots in pure Emacs by typing C-c p).

Of course, I am still open to Dominik Carsten suggestion
to add it into the core (org-table.el).

In the process I wrote a tutorial on how to contribute to Org
through Melpa + GitHub.

As usual, your comments, enhancements, criticisms
are welcome.

Have fun



add the MELPA repository in your .emacs:
(add-to-list 'package-archives '(melpa .;) t)
M-x package-list-packages


| n | n^2 | ascii-plot   |
| 0 |   0 |  |
| 1 |   1 | .|
| 2 |   4 | h|
| 3 |   9 | Wl   |
| 4 |  16 | WWW  |
| 5 |  25 | l|
| 6 |  36 | WWh  |
| 7 |  49 | W.   |
| 8 |  64 |  |
#+TBLFM: $2=$1^2::$3='(orgtbl-ascii-draw $2 0 64 12)

Re: [O] Babel : python generate org source block with an extra comma before * characters

2014-07-13 Thread Roland DONAT
Thorsten Jolitz tjolitz at writes:

 This is because this function was applied to the results
 ,[ C-h f org-escape-code-in-region RET ]
 | org-escape-code-in-region is an interactive compiled Lisp function in
 | `org-src.el'.
 | (org-escape-code-in-region BEG END)
 | Escape lines between BEG and END.
 | Escaping happens when a line starts with *, #+, ,* or
 | ,#+ by appending a comma to it.
 | [back]
 Not sure how to get rid of this, maybe via :results raw? I'm not aware
 of a configuration variable for this, but it surely exists. 

Thank you. It helps me much!

Based on your answer, I copy-paste the code of the function org-escape-
code-in-region in a source block in my org buffer and modify the code to 
prevent it from inserting the comma. It's a little bit dirty but it works.

Using the raw option produces a correct result but I need the generated code 
to be decorated with a drawer to automatically replace the result at each 
code execution.

To do so, I tried to use de drawer option. It gives me the good result 
with a drawer but then when I export my org buffer to latex, the drawers 
:RESULTS: is also exported which is not cool...

Well, thanks again!



[O] Org-mode/R/Latex treatment of NAs

2014-07-13 Thread Vikas Rawal

I have some tables created by Org-babel/R source codes with NAs. These get 
exported as “nil” in the latex export. I would like to replace them with 

Any suggestions?


[O] LaTeX export problem

2014-07-13 Thread Thomas S. Dye
Aloha all,

With a recent Org from git and this source:

  #+attr_latex: :width 0.8\textwidth :placement [htb]
  #+name: fig:harris-errors
  #+caption[Structural effects of false transitives]: Structural effects of 
false transitives with the stratigraphic section in Figure [[fig:fig12-open]]:
  #+caption: /left/, a Harris Matrix of contexts adjacent to Context 1 with 
false transitives for Contexts 5 and 6;
  #+caption: /right/, a directed graph of contexts adjacent to Context 1 that 
excludes false transitives.
  #+caption: The observed stratigraphic relationships for the two diagrams are 
shown on Table [[tab:harris-errors]].

I get this incorrect LaTeX output:

  \caption[Structural effects of false transitives]: Structural effects of 
false transitives with the stratigraphic section in 
Figure~[[fig:fig12-open]]{\label{fig:harris-errors}\emph{left}, a Harris Matrix 
of contexts adjacent to Context 1 with false transitives for Contexts 5 and 6; 
\emph{right}, a directed graph of contexts adjacent to Context 1 that excludes 
false transitives. The observed stratigraphic relationships for the two 
diagrams are shown on Table~\ref{tab:harris-errors}.}

If I place a space between the final colon and the link on the
first #+caption: line, then I get the output I'm expecting (although
there is the extraneous space):

 \caption[Structural effects of false 
transitives]{\label{fig:harris-errors}Structural effects of false transitives 
with the stratigraphic section in Figure~\ref{fig:fig12-open} : \emph{left}, a 
Harris Matrix of contexts adjacent to Context 1 with false transitives for 
Contexts 5 and 6; \emph{right}, a directed graph of contexts adjacent to 
Context 1 that excludes false transitives. The observed stratigraphic 
relationships for the two diagrams are shown on Table~\ref{tab:harris-errors}.}

Is there a work-around?

All the best,

T.S. Dye  Colleagues, Archaeologists
735 Bishop St, Suite 315, Honolulu, HI 96813
Tel: 808-529-0866, Fax: 808-529-0884

[O] [ANN] puml.el --- Emacs Lisp DSL for PlantUML

2014-07-13 Thread Thorsten Jolitz

[This was posted on the Emacs Help mailing list too]

Hi List, 

here is the comment section from new library puml.el which lets you
create PlantUML scripts from Emacs Lisp by calling functions with
arguments (instead of inserting hard-coded strings).

The core functionality is all there, but I could not implement all
PlantUML syntax elements yet, its easy but rather tedious due to their
number. ACTIVITY DIAGRAMS are fully implemented, most likely USE CASE
DIAGRAMS and CLASS DIAGRAMS will follow in the near future.

I thought I announce it anyway, because when creating UML reports from
Emacs Lisp programs it might be better to first expand puml.el with a
few API functions and then use the library instead of working on the
string level. So patches are welcome. 



Thorsten Jolitz

Table of Contents

1 puml.el --- Emacs Lisp DSL for PlantUML
.. 1.1 MetaData
.. 1.2 Commentary
.. 1.3 Usage
.. 1.4 Known bugs and limitations

1 puml.el --- Emacs Lisp DSL for PlantUML

  Author: Thorsten Jolitz tjolitz AT gmail DOT com
  Version: 0.9
  URL: []

1.1 MetaData

  copyright: Thorsten Jolitz
  copyright-years: 2014+
  version: 0.9
  licence: GPL 3 or later (free software)
  part-of-emacs: no
  author: Thorsten Jolitz
  author_email: tjolitz AT gmail DOT com
  keywords: emacs org-mode org-bandbook plantuml
  git-clone: git://

1.2 Commentary

  Emacs-lisp domain-specific-language (DSL) for PlantUML.

  This library is meant for creating PlantUML Scripts programmatically
  by calling Emacs Lisp functions with arguments (instead of inserting
  hardcoded strings from a program or directly writing PlantUML

1.3 Usage

  Almost all the real work is done by function `puml--generic'. It
  assumes that most PlantUML syntax constructs can be expressed like

   :pre   prefix   
   :1st   1st-part 
   :2nd   2nd-part 
   :3rd   3rd-part 
   :asas X 
   :suf   suffix   
   :crlf  crlf 

  This function is then called by almost all the API functions that
  normally implement one PlantUML syntax element each. Here is the
  simple function for implementing stereotypes like ' human ':

  | (defun* puml-stereotype (code
  | key (ldelim ) (rdelim ) (crlf \n) ins)
  |   Return or insert PlantUML stereotype.
  |   (puml--generic :typ 'generic-nospaces
  |  :1st (puml-sym-or-strg ldelim)
  |  :2nd (puml-sym-or-strg code)
  |  :3rd (puml-sym-or-strg rdelim)
  |  :crlf crlf
  |  :ins ins))

  | puml-stereotype

  A call to this function looks like this:

  | (puml-stereotype  human )

  |  human 

  Here is a little PlantUML script from the PlantUML Language
  Reference translated to puml.el:

  | (puml-pack
  |  (puml-start-activity :crlf nil)
  |  (puml-space (puml-sync-bar B1) :lead 1)
  |  (puml-activity :nm Parallel Activity 1)
  |  (puml-activity :crlf nil)
  |  (puml-space (puml-sync-bar B2) :lead 1)
  |  (puml-newline)
  |  (puml-sync-bar B1 :crlf nil)
  |  (puml-space
  |   (puml-activity  :nm Parallel Activity 2) :lead 1)
  |  (puml-activity :crlf nil)
  |  (puml-space (puml-sync-bar B2) :lead 1)
  |  (puml-newline)
  |  (puml-end-activity))

  | (*) -- ===B1===
  | -- Parallel Activity 1
  | -- ===B2===
  | ===B1=== -- Parallel Activity 2
  | -- ===B2===
  | -- (*)

1.4 Known bugs and limitations

  Currently this library only implements ACTIVITY DIAGRAMS. Patches
  are welcome to expand this library to all PlantUML diagram types.

  The complete template for an API function that calls
  `puml--generic' looks like this:

  | (defun* puml-foo (key typ fmt pre 1st 2nd 3rd as suf (crlf \n)
  | ins)
  |   Return or insert PlantUML foo.
  |   (puml--generic :typ 'generic-nospaces
  |  :fmt generic-nospaces  
  |  :pre pre
  |  :1st 1st
  |  :2nd 2nd
  |  :3rd 3rd
  |  :as as
  |  :suf suf
  |  :crlf crlf
  |  :ins ins))

  | puml-foo

  Type 'generic' is the default :typ and need not be given. Both
  types 'generic' and 'generic-nospaces' have their associated
  format-strings, thus argument :fmt need not be given for them.

  Argument :as stands for assignment like 'as B1'. Argument :ins
  stands for 'insert', if non-nil result is inserted at point instead
  of returned. In practice it is mostly used for the outermost call

Re: [O] Babel : python generate org source block with an extra comma before * characters

2014-07-13 Thread Thorsten Jolitz
Roland DONAT writes:

 To do so, I tried to use de drawer option. It gives me the good result 
 with a drawer but then when I export my org buffer to latex, the drawers 
 :RESULTS: is also exported which is not cool...

Did you try header args ':exports code ' or ':exports none'?


[O] What all of those org-babel user functions do

2014-07-13 Thread Grant Rettke

For the lazy org users like myself who want to know what the functions
listed [here] do, just evaluate the one you want:

│ (describe-function 'org-babel-execute-src-block)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-open-src-block-result)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-load-in-session)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-pop-to-session)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-previous-src-block)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-next-src-block)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-execute-maybe)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-open-src-block-result)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-expand-src-block)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-goto-src-block-head)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-goto-named-src-block)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-goto-named-result)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-execute-buffer)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-execute-subtree)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-demarcate-block)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-tangle)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-tangle-file)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-check-src-block)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-insert-header-arg)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-load-in-session)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-lob-ingest)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-view-src-block-info)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-switch-to-session-with-code)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-sha1-hash)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-describe-bindings)
│ (describe-function 'org-babel-do-key-sequence-in-edit-buffer)


Kind regards,

Grant Rettke | ACM, ASA, FSF, IEEE, SIAM |
“Wisdom begins in wonder.” --Socrates
((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x)))
“Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop
taking it seriously.” --Thompson

[O] key collision for auto completion

2014-07-13 Thread Shiyuan
Hi all,
 According to  the manual : , M-tab would perform auto
complete in org mode for special symbols. However, it looks like that the
key is shadowed by flyspell-auto-correct-word on my emacs and I need to
rebind the key.  I digged into the org.el file but failed to locate the
code for key binding.  Any pointer or hints are appreciated. In particular,
what command is M-tab supposed to be bound to for auto completion for the
special symbols? Thanks.


Re: [O] emails written in Org Mode

2014-07-13 Thread Esben Stien
John Kitchin writes:

 I played around with using a heading with properties to send an
 email. Basically the heading is the subject, you set some properties
 about TO, CC, etc... and the heading content is the body. You just put
 your cursor in the heading and run M-x email-heading. You can see the
 code here
 It saves some details in properties, like when it was sent, etc... It is
 occasionally useful to me.

Do you have any means to bring replies and such back into the org file?

Esben Stien is b0ef@e s  a 
 http://www. s tn m
  irc://irc.  b  -  i  .   e/%23contact
   sip:b0ef@   e e 
   jid:b0ef@n n

Re: [O] Org-mode/R/Latex treatment of NAs

2014-07-13 Thread Grant Rettke
Just wanting to understand more:

Do you equate nil in Emacs Lisp with NA in R or do you equate it some other way?

I believe that the data brokering adheres to expected mappings as such.
Grant Rettke | ACM, ASA, FSF, IEEE, SIAM |
“Wisdom begins in wonder.” --Socrates
((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x)))
“Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop
taking it seriously.” --Thompson

On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 2:42 PM, Vikas Rawal wrote:

 I have some tables created by Org-babel/R source codes with NAs. These get 
 exported as “nil” in the latex export. I would like to replace them with 

 Any suggestions?


Re: [O] Org-mode/R/Latex treatment of NAs

2014-07-13 Thread Vikas Rawal

 Just wanting to understand more:
 Do you equate nil in Emacs Lisp with NA in R or do you equate it some other 

When I execute my source code block, the NAs show up in the results block as 
nil. See example below.

I would prefer a blank in place of nil. Any idea how to do that?



#+NAME: ccpc-negative-income-cerealstate-in
#+BEGIN_SRC R :results value :colnames yes :hline yes
  subset(b,Crop_code %in% c(10,20,40,140,150))-b
  b$State-All states
  #p+geom_line()+scale_y_continuous(Prportion of 

#+NAME: ccpc-negative-income-cerealstate
#+CAPTION: Proportion of cultivators with negative returns from cultivation of 
different crops, by State, 2009-10
#+attr_latex: :environment tabulary :width \textwidth :align lR
#+RESULTS: ccpc-negative-income-cerealstate-in
| State| Wheat | Paddy | Maize | Bajra | Ragi |
| All states   |   2.7 |   7.4 | 23.2  | 6.1   | 15   |
| Andhra Pradesh   |   nil |   5.8 | 17.8  | nil   | 0|
| Assam|   nil |   6.5 | nil   | nil   | nil  |
| Bihar|   nil |   4.8 | nil   | nil   | nil  |
| Chhattisgarh |  55.3 |   1.2 | 0 | nil   | nil  |
| Gujarat  | 0 |   0.3 | 15.2  | 6.4   | nil  |
| Haryana  |   0.1 |   0.2 | nil   | 3 | nil  |
| Himachal Pradesh |   7.6 |   0.1 | 1.4   | nil   | nil  |
| Jharkhand|   1.4 |  42.7 | nil   | nil   | nil  |
| Karnataka|   nil |   2.2 | 3.2   | 39.9  | 14.9 |
| Kerala   |   nil |   8.6 | nil   | nil   | nil  |
| Madhya Pradesh   | 0 |   0.9 | 16.7  | nil   | nil  |
| Maharashtra  |   6.5 |  37.1 | nil   | 15.2  | 18.2 |
| Orissa   |   nil |   0.6 | nil   | nil   | nil  |
| Punjab   |   0.1 |   1.3 | nil   | nil   | nil  |
| Rajasthan| 0 |   nil | 24| 0.8   | nil  |
| Tamil Nadu   |   nil |   4.5 | 10.1  | nil   | 0.6  |
| Uttar Pradesh|   1.1 |   4.2 | 39.3  | 1 | nil  |
| Uttarakhand  | 0 | 0 | nil   | nil   | nil  |
| West Bengal  |  26.9 |   7.5 | nil   | nil   | nil  |


Re: [O] Org-mode/R/Latex treatment of NAs

2014-07-13 Thread Vikas Rawal

 Just wanting to understand more:
 Do you equate nil in Emacs Lisp with NA in R or do you equate it some other 
 When I execute my source code block, the NAs show up in the results block as 
 nil. See example below.
 I would prefer a blank in place of nil. Any idea how to do that?

Replacing NAs with a blank (“”) in R does the trick.


Re: [O] Issue with multiple references to the same footnote in LaTeX export

2014-07-13 Thread Aaron Ecay
Duh, forgot to include the list in this reply.

On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 10:50 PM, Aaron Ecay wrote:
 Hi York,

 It’s not a totally trivial problem from the LaTeX side.  This stack
 exchange answer outlines what could be a solution:  Inside the
 ‘org-latex-footnote-reference’ function, org should generate a \label
 inside the argument to \footnote, and then use \ref for subsequent

 2014ko uztailak 12an, York Zhao-ek idatzi zuen:

 Hi list,

 I'm re-posting this again because I just noticed that I shouldn't have
 the Local Variables. Now it is a smaller ECM.

 If I have multiple references to the same footnote, in LaTeX export only the
 first reference is a clickable link, the rest are exported as dead number
 referring to the footnote definition, but not clickable links. I have
 `org-footnote-section' set to `nil' by the way.

 Here's ECM:

 --8---cut here---start-8---
 #+LaTeX_CLASS: article

 * Multiple reference to the same footnote 1
 This is footnote reference [fn:1]. This is another reference to the same
 footnote [fn:1]

 [fn:1] Footnote definition.

 * Multiple reference to the same footnote 2
 This is footnote reference [fn:myfootnote]. This is another reference to the
 same footnote [fn:myfootnote]

 [fn:myfootnote] Footnote definition.

 * Multiple reference to the same footnote 3
 This is footnote reference [fn:myfootnote3: Footnote definition.]. This is
 another reference to the same footnote [fn:myfootnote3]

 --8---cut here---end---8---



 Aaron Ecay

[O] How to show the complete syntax tree

2014-07-13 Thread Shiyuan
The command I can find in the manual to show the syntax tree is
(org-element-parse-buffer). However, when the structure is output to the
buffer, by using the commands C-u M-: (org-element-parse-buffer), it seems
that only the part up to a certain depth is printed.

For example, if the current org buffer has the following content:

#+TITLE: Hello World
Hello World!
** Sub-topic
+ ItemA
+ ItemB
- Item1
- Item2
*** Sub-Sub-topic

When apply C-u M-: (org-element-parse-buffer),  the sub-sub-topic level is
completely omitted in the printout:

(org-data nil (section (:begin 1 :end 35 :contents-begin 1 :contents-end 35
:post-blank 0 :parent #0) (keyword (:key TITLE :value Hello World
:begin 1 :end 22 :post-blank 0 :post-affiliated 1 ...)) (paragraph (:begin
22 :end 35 :contents-begin 22 :contents-end 35 :post-blank 0
:post-affiliated 22 ...) #(Hello World!
 0 13 ...))) (headline (:raw-value HEADLINE 1 :begin 35 :end 174
:pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 48 :contents-end 173 ...) (headline
(:raw-value Sub-topic :begin 48 :end 173 :pre-blank 0 :contents-begin 62
:contents-end 173 ...) (section ... ...) (headline ... ...

What's the recommended way to show the syntax tree? Thanks.
