[O] [ANN] helm-org-ql command

2019-09-09 Thread Adam Porter
Hi friends,

Today I published a Helm command for org-ql, helm-org-ql, which makes it
quick and easy to search Org files.  You can adjust a query and
immediately see how the results change, and you can easily narrow down a
query until you see only the results you want.  You can then jump
directly to a result by pressing RET, or you can press C-x C-s to save
the results to a persistent org-ql-search buffer.  Then you can even
save the search query by pressing C-x C-s again, allowing you to access
it again later with the org-ql-view command.

You can see a screencast of using helm-org-ql here:


Please let me know if you have any feedback.


[O] Some whitespace stripped from emacs-lisp value in src blocks making it unreadable in certain cases

2019-09-09 Thread akater
Consider a lisp form that, when evaluated, produces another form. I'm
used to org printing the resulting form nicely, in lisp blocks. However,
this is not the case for emacs-lisp src blocks. An example:

1. The way it should be (and is now the case) with lisp, namely sbcl:

#+begin_src lisp :results value verbatim :wrap example lisp
(macroexpand '(defun test (a b  c) "doc" nil))

#+begin_example lisp
  (A B  C)

2. The way it is now with emacs-lisp and a src block header that is
otherwise identical:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results value verbatim :wrap example emacs-lisp
  '(use-package outline
:ensure nil
(:map outline-mode-map
  ("" . (lambda nil (interactive) (outline-up-heading 1))

#+begin_example emacs-lisp
(progn (use-package-ensure-elpa 'outline '(nil) 'nil) (defvar 
use-package--warning157 #'(lambda (keyword err) (let ((msg (format "%s/%s: %s" 
'outline keyword (error-message-string err (display-warning 'use-package 
msg :error (condition-case-unless-debug err (progn (if (not (require 
'outline nil t)) (display-warning 'use-package (format "Cannot load %s" 
'outline) :error)) (bind-keys :package outline :map outline-mode-map 
("" lambda nil (interactive) (outline-up-heading 1 (error (funcall 
use-package--warning157 :catch err

Is there a remedy? This probably better be fixed but it could be due to
me using bleeding-edge Emacs 27 master (2019-09-10) & Org from melpa
(2019-09-09). If you don't have proper output formatting with other
versions in use, please report.

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[O] Scheduling in a narrowed subtree: Bug?

2019-09-09 Thread Michaël Cadilhac
Is this the expected behavior?

1. Create an empty org file
2. Insert
* Test
* Test 2
3. With the cursor at Test, hit C-x n s to narrow the view to the Test
4. Hit C-c C-s to schedule the line at any date.

As a result, the SCHEDULED keyword is _not_ included in the narrow view,
and inserting things after the Test heading moves the SCHEDULED keyword
away from its second-line position.


[O] Multiply alerts for icalendar export

2019-09-09 Thread Mikhail Skorzhinskii

I am user of ox-icalendar package and I have a question about generating
reminders in icalendar files. Documentation says that proper way to
configure reminders is using org-icalendar-alarm-time variable and
setting APPT_WARNTIME property in cases when pre-entry customization

I am happy with current functionality but in rare cases I'd like to have
more reminders per entry. Like many other PIMs allows this
today. E.g. I'd like to have at least 3 reminders for my flight
appointments. So to be extra sure and do not to miss my plain :-)

My reading of ox-icalendar code clearly indicates that there no easy way
to achieve that. It looks like ox-icalendar always generate only one
reminder or no reminders at all.

But I am not an expert of org-mode export engine and possibly there are
ways to do this? May be somehow extending this export engine?

Also may be there any thrid-party org to icalenadar export engines that
are a bit more flexible and configurable on that matter?

Mikhail Skorzhinskii

Re: [O] Best practice for providing an Org-based application?

2019-09-09 Thread John Kitchin
It would be helpful to get a better sense of what is the private data,
e.g. is it something like org-contacts, or some structured data in a
heading? and what are the workflows that might be generic.

I have used org for lots of organizational things in the past, ranging
from conference organization, teaching classes, running job searches,
organizing special issues in scientific publications and lately to
organize some things for a cub scout troop. They have all been pretty
different, but I am sure I have reinvented pieces of it each time. I am
interested in learning more about what you are doing.

Neil Jerram  writes:

> Is there a best practice or recommended approach for preparing and
> providing an Org-based application so that others could make use of it?
> I've been using Org for a few years to keep track of the membership and
> 'fixing' for my choir - where 'fixing' means finding out and recording who
> can sing in each concert, who will be there for rehearsals, and so on.
> This involves a mix of data that is private to my choir, and workflows and
> code that are potentially generic.  I don't know how many people in the
> world are both choir organisers and Emacs users, but it seems to me that it
> could be useful to separate out and document the generic code and
> workflows, so that others could use that as well as me, and that it would
> also be an interesting technical challenge.
> Has anyone else done something like this?  I wonder if you have
> recommendations for how to document, structure and publish this kind of
> thing?
> Many thanks!

Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

[O] LaTeX org-mode tikz with a dark background plots with black on black

2019-09-09 Thread Vladimir Nikishkin
Hello, everyone

I am trying to follow the example from the contributed manual:


The code I am trying to get compiled is the following:

#+header: :imagemagick yes :iminoptions -density 600 :imoutoptions -geometry 200
#+header: :fit yes :headers '("\\usepackage{tikz}")
#+header: :buffer on
#+begin_src latex :results raw file :exports code :file test.png
\node [circle, draw, fill=red!20] at (0,0) {1}
  child { node [circle, draw, fill=blue!30] {2}
  child { node [circle, draw, fill=green!30] {3} }
  child { node [circle, draw, fill=yellow!30] {4} }};

I am getting the picture, and the circles are where they should be,
but (!), the arrows are black, which makes them not really visible on
a black background. How would I either make the background white, or
(better) just make the foreground white (just for this particular
block of latex, not for export, and not even for the entire file).

The formulate like \( e = mc^2 \) are properly rendered both in Emacs
(white on black), and when exported (black on white).

Any suggestions welcome.

Yours sincerely, Vladimir Nikishkin

Re: [O] Make beamer items ticked or alerted via overlay?

2019-09-09 Thread Fraga, Eric
On Monday,  9 Sep 2019 at 11:06, Loris Bennett wrote:


> I was wondering, however, whether there is a more compact way to do the
> second line, i.e. without having to repeat the text for which I want to
> change the colour.

This is really more of a LaTeX question.  In any case, I would do
something like this:

#+begin_src org
  ,#+options: H:1
  ,* slide
  - first
  - @@latex:\alert<3->{\only<2->{@@second@@latex:}}@@

You could invert the order of only and alert in that line.

And, if you do this a lot, you might wish to start looking at org macros to 
make it easier and cleaner/prettier.

Eric S Fraga via Emacs 27.0.50, Org release_9.2.4-420-ga18edf

Re: [O] Extending ob-plantuml keywords

2019-09-09 Thread Norman Walsh
> On a casual inspection, it appears that ob-plantuml hardcodes the
> plantuml keywords @startuml/@enduml around the source block.

On closer inspection, I see that Org Mode 9.2.6 supports alternate
@start/@end pairs in plantuml. Rather than using a keyword on
#+BEGIN_SRC, it simply checks for @start… at the beginning of the

That’s good enough, I think.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh  | Four things come not back: the spoken
http://nwalsh.com/| word, the sped arrow, time past, the
  | neglected opportunity.--Omar Ibnal-Halif

Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] Make beamer items ticked or alerted via overlay?

2019-09-09 Thread Loris Bennett
Hi Eric,

"Fraga, Eric"  writes:

> Yes, it is possible to use overlays in org beamer export.
> Depending on what you want to achieve, there are a number of ways to do
> this.  One way in to introduce LaTeX directives directly.  For instance,
> #+begin_src org
>   1. The first point
>   2. The second one @@latex:{\only<2->\checkmark}@@
>   3. the third point
> #+end_src
> There are also other examples in section 13.8.4 (Beamer specific syntax)
> in the info manual.

Thanks for the pointer (it's actually section 12.8.4 in my version of
Emacs/Org).  I now have

  #+LATEX_header: \newcommand{\mytick}{\color{green}{\tiny{(HPC-Kunden)}}}
 - Physik @@latex:{\only<2->\mytick}@@
 - @@latex:{\only<1>{Rechtswissenschaft}}@@ 

which does what I want.

I was wondering, however, whether there is a more compact way to do the
second line, i.e. without having to repeat the text for which I want to
change the colour.


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