Re: [O] Begginer using orgmode

2011-04-26 Thread Arnold, Travis
 Probably just the wording scaring you a bit. Git is simply a protocol
 for sharing code. Those who are programming org-mode can work together
 on all of the little files that make org-mode work. These files live
 on a server, and those of use who use org-mode pull (or clone) from
 that server. In this way, you can keep your version up to date with
 what the coders are doing.
 You don't have to have anything running. There's a server that keeps
 all of the org-mode program living on it. We, the users, use git (a
 small program) to interact with that server and download a fresh copy.
 Git is smart, though, and after the first long download, every time
 you run it afterwards, it only pulls down files that have changed so
 that it's much faster afterwards.
 Sound good?

Ok I did the earlier steps, making the directory .elisp, cd .elisp and then 
typed out the command starting with git and it said command not found after; 
this after finding that git osx.dmg from your earlier message. Have I missed a 
step or need to further change anything before I make the directory?

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Re: [O] Begginer using orgmode

2011-04-26 Thread Arnold, Travis
To confirm, I run this command from within the .elisp folder? and then I can 
open Aquamacs and use orgmode?
On 26 Apr, 2011, at 11:49 AM, John Hendy wrote:

  /usr/local/git/bin/git clone git:// org.git

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Re: [O] Begginer using orgmode

2011-04-26 Thread Arnold, Travis

 instead of what I put above. It will run for a fairly long time and
 might not give you feedback, so just leave it be until it gives you a
 fresh command prompt and stops sitting at cloning into... or
 whatever the message is.
 After that you can should be ready to set up the .emacs file and give
 it a whirl.

Ok, I  am looking at the .emacs file in a previosu message, and am slightly 
confused as to this: line here

;; set load dirs and global config options  

;; assumes .elisp directory is in:  

;; linux: /home/username/.elisp 

;; OX X: /Users/username/.elisp 

(add-to-list 'load-path ~/.elisp/org.git/contrib/lisp/)
(add-to-list 'load-path ~/.elisp/org.git/lisp/)

Do I uncomment the OS X line and replace /Users/username with my own? so it 
would read:
OS X: /Users/Tmoney/.elisp ?

 Best regards,

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Re: [O] Begginer using orgmode

2011-04-25 Thread Arnold, Travis
Is there a difference between the two?
Or personal prefrence?
On 25 Apr, 2011, at 6:23 PM, Urs Rau (UK) wrote:

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Re: [O] Begginer using orgmode

2011-04-25 Thread Arnold, Travis

On 25 Apr, 2011, at 8:21 PM, John Hendy wrote:

 I'd just recommend installing whatever version of emacs you want and
 then install org from git. Dead simple, no confusion about being up to
 date, etc.

Ok, looking through  that, it seems slightly more complicated then I am 
currently comfortable with, does this require me to have some sort of server 
running, or is it a client-server thing, with my mac as the client getting 
whatever it needs from the repository? Apperently I the other .emacs file 
someone posted does not work for whatever reason with the defualt emacs in Mac 
OS X, it lost all formatting, stars, TODO's etc. Am playing around in Aquaemacs 
for now and the org buttons, are rather nice I admit.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[O] Begginer using orgmode

2011-04-15 Thread Arnold, Travis
Hi all after much googling and searching I came across org mode while trying to 
find a system for my mac on which I could take notes for my school classes. 
I've read the manual and taken a look at the worg tutorials but  seem to keep 
messing up my .emacs config file, I seemed to have borked the sequence, or work 
flow of my TODO states, I started with the ones in the example but just took 
out the next step and added some short cuts, t, s, d and c, but C-t just cycles 
from TODO -DONE and since I know every little about coding, or lisp I am 
unsure of what I did wrong.  I cannot also seem to find a a way to just get 
bolded section headings with out the 1.x.x etc etc for my notes, if anything I 
wonder if there is a way to get list the sections with roman numerals?

As the note taking system I have so far enjoyed it and would love to tinker and 
tweak it for an agenda but am fearful of messing up. Might anyone know of a 
tutorial for luddites like myself who are just starting out? I am unsure if I 
even set up my .emacs file correctly: I basically copied and pasted the 
relevant bits that I thought I needed.

Respectfully and thank you for the time,

Re: [O] Begginer using orgmode

2011-04-15 Thread Arnold, Travis
emacs 22.1, that is in Mac OSX 10.6.6 and Orgmode 7.4 Here is my .emacs file, 
all stuff I've cribbed from either the tutorial or the Orgpdf itself, with my 
own specification regarding what is in the agenda make up, a, school 
and an differeniate from school deadlines)
-Travis Arnold

;; Org-mode settings

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '(\\.org$ . org-mode))
(global-set-key \C-cl 'org-store-link)
(global-set-key \C-ca 'org-agenda)
(global-font-lock-mode 1)
(add-to-list 'load-path /Users/Tmoney/org-7.4/lisp)
  ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.  

  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.   

  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.  

  ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.  

  '(gud-gdb-command-name gdb --annotate=1)
'(org-agenda-files (quote (~/org/ ~/org/ 
(setq org-agenda-files (list ~/org/
(setq org-todo-keywords '((sequence TODO(t) STARTED(s) WAITING(w@/!) | 
  (sequence | CANCELED(c@/!
(setq org-log-done 'time)
  ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.  

  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.   

  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.  

  ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.

On 15 Apr, 2011, at 5:45 PM, Matthew Sauer wrote:

 do you have your section of .emacs or site file customizations that
 you used to set it up with?  also what version of Ogmode and emacs?
 On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 10:31 PM, Arnold, Travis wrote:
 Hi all after much googling and searching I came across org mode while trying 
 to find a system for my mac on which I could take notes for my school 
 classes. I've read the manual and taken a look at the worg tutorials but  
 seem to keep messing up my .emacs config file, I seemed to have borked the 
 sequence, or work flow of my TODO states, I started with the ones in the 
 example but just took out the next step and added some short cuts, t, s, d 
 and c, but C-t just cycles from TODO -DONE and since I know every little 
 about coding, or lisp I am unsure of what I did wrong.  I cannot also seem 
 to find a a way to just get bolded section headings with out the 1.x.x etc 
 etc for my notes, if anything I wonder if there is a way to get list the 
 sections with roman numerals?
 As the note taking system I have so far enjoyed it and would love to tinker 
 and tweak it for an agenda but am fearful of messing up. Might anyone know 
 of a tutorial for luddites like myself who are just starting out? I am 
 unsure if I even set up my .emacs file correctly: I basically copied and 
 pasted the relevant bits that I thought I needed.
 Respectfully and thank you for the time,