Re: [O] Org-babel and LaTeX letter

2011-09-07 Thread Ben Alexander

Thanks Thomas and Eric for responses!

I wasn't trying to export at first.  I think of export as a 'whole org- 
document' kind of thing, and I wanted to just have one TODO task  
(write a snail mail letter) completed without having to store a  
separate file for it.  But I read the docs on export, and I can easily  
select a headline and then export just the current region.  After  
updating the export class variable (I always use customize, as I am  
not that good at emacs lisp) it almost worked.

My problem was that I did not have enough of the MacPorts texlive-*  
packages installed. I needed texlive-fonts-recommended and texlive- 
latex-extra (if anyone else cares).  Googling for the broken  
\usepackage{} and texlive macports gave me a list of of what each  
package has.  I don't know if I've got enough for any latex+org usage,  
but it finally spit out my letter.  Good enough for today - I can  
avoid using a separate file for a paragraph.

This isn't perfect though.  I still have a spurious few lines in my  
tex file:

: \maketitle
: Some descriptive text to be emitted.  Several lines OK.

I've no idea where that comes from.  Anybody have any ideas?  For now,  
I edit the tex file before processing further, and it's good enough  
for today.

Now perhaps is a good time to ask what the different workflows are for  
export, publish, babel and tangle.  They seem to have overlapping  
functionality.  My basic concept is:

export : Your complete (or partial) org file in another form, like  
paper or on the web.  For when emacs isn't around and you don't want  
to forget what your orgmode file says, or for giving a copy of the  
data in your org file to someone who doesn't appreciate emacs. # 
+begin_latex blocks belong to this export.

publish : export more than one org file.  I've no idea what use case  
makes publish different than export.

babel : use for including chunks of code in an org file.  Base use  
case simply allows you to easily edit them in a native emacs mode  
while still having them organized into your run-of-the-mill org file.   
Also allows code blocks to be printed more nicely (in color? with line  
numbers?) which doesn't happen in 'export' Secondary use case allows  
you to execute the code blocks #+begin_src and #+results: blocks  
belong to babel.  I plan on using ledger in babel blocks to store my  
often executed queries, even though most of the 'code' is on the  
command line.

tangle : use case - lets you have lots of code blocks organized in an  
orgmode file become a complete, compilable program.  Normally the  
orgmode syntax would cause a complier to choke, so tangle removes the  
orgmode structure.  Added bonus: lets different programs co-operate in  
a single orgmode file.  Like a makefile on steroids? #+begin_src  
blocks can belong to tangle, too. n

While the orgmode documentation does a great job of explaining how to  
configure the details of each process, I feel like I'm missing the  
'how do I pick the feature that solves the problem I have right now'  
part.  Probably because each feature is flexible enough to be used in  
overlapping ways.

But as always, I'm grateful for the orgmode, the wonderful  
documentation, the customize-able options, and the great help I get  
when I turn to the mailing list.  You all rock!


On 2011-Sep-06, at 17:58, Thomas S. Dye wrote:

Aloha Ben,

I'm not sure I understand what you are doing here, so please excuse me
if I'm offering misplaced advice.

Ben Alexander  writes:

Hello orgmode and latex users!

I'm trying to use a latex to write a letter, and I'm using an org
babel block to hold the original source.

There are (at least) two ways to create a tex file from Org-mode: 1)
export the Org-mode buffer, and 2) tangle latex code blocks.  IIUC,  
appear to be setting up code blocks for tangling, but then are using  

export facilities.

for instructions on how to change the Org-mode export class.

The funny thing is, if I run pdflatex from the command line, it works
fine.  Though it doesn't have as many lines of diagnostic output.  I
think the wrapping code for babel execution of latex code is the
issue.  I'd be happy to install more tex files. I use MacPorts to
maintain my system; perhaps I am missing a tex package that is  

I don't know about the macports distribution of LaTeX, but it seems  

to me that latex works fine from the command line but then can't find
wrapfig.sty when it is called from Org-mode.  Perhaps the place to  

debugging this is the variable org-latex-to-pdf-process, see


Any pointers would be helpful.


ORG file
* trial of latex
#+begin_src latex :file

[O] Org-babel and LaTeX letter

2011-09-06 Thread Ben Alexander

Hello orgmode and latex users!

I'm trying to use a latex to write a letter, and I'm using an org  
babel block to hold the original source.  I've whittled down my latex  
code to one word and it still isn't working for me.  I've included the  
code block and the pdflatex output buffer.  I notice that the default  
style is 'article'.  Is there some way to remove the article style and  
use a letter instead?

The funny thing is, if I run pdflatex from the command line, it works  
fine.  Though it doesn't have as many lines of diagnostic output.  I  
think the wrapping code for babel execution of latex code is the  
issue.  I'd be happy to install more tex files. I use MacPorts to  
maintain my system; perhaps I am missing a tex package that is needed?

Any pointers would be helpful.


ORG file
* trial of latex
#+begin_src latex :file letter.pdf

BUFFER *Org PDF LaTeX Output* shows the following (first and last few  
lines only)

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.3-1.40.12 (TeX Live 2011/MacPorts  

 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode


LaTeX2e <2009/09/24>
Babel  and hyphenation patterns for english, dumylang,  
nohyphenation, lo

Document Class: article 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class

.lines of output omitted..

! LaTeX Error: File `wrapfig.sty' not found.

Type X to quit or  to proceed,
or enter new name. (Default extension: sty)

Enter file name:
! Emergency stop.

l.13 \usepackage
!  ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
Transcript written on /var/folders/pC/pCO-RjsoEHGUcvQ-+Z3F2U+++TI/- 


Xander$ port list installed and texlive*
texlive-basic  @23152  tex/texlive-basic
texlive-basic  @23152  tex/texlive-basic
texlive-bin@2011   tex/texlive-bin
texlive-bin@2011   tex/texlive-bin
texlive-common @2011   tex/texlive-common
texlive-common @2011   tex/texlive-common
texlive-documentation-base @23160  tex/texlive- 
texlive-documentation-base @23160  tex/texlive- 
texlive-generic-recommended@23088  tex/texlive-generic- 
texlive-generic-recommended@23088  tex/texlive-generic- 

texlive-latex  @23089  tex/texlive-latex
texlive-latex  @23089  tex/texlive-latex
texlive-latex-recommended  @23089  tex/texlive-latex- 

texlive-latex3 @19447  tex/texlive-latex3
texlive-xetex  @23080  tex/texlive-xetex

Re: [Orgmode] Bug: org-mobile "Bad file encoding" [6.33trans]

2009-11-26 Thread Ben Alexander

Well, the problem came back :-(

I tried to go to the file on my WebDAV server and save it  
in utf-8 manually (using the command M-x set-buffer-file-encoding  
utf-8) but because the checksums.dat don't change, the iPod doesn't  
reload the newly saved file.  So I deleted checksums.dat  and then it  
copied all the files and the file showed up properly.

Then I tried one more time, making a small change on my laptop and  
trying to save the file manually *before* doing a sync on  
the iPod, and now I can't make it work.  The file is the  
only file that won't display at all, giving the "Bad file encoding"  
message instead of the file text.  Yet on the WebDAV share, from my  
laptop, I can cat the file, no problem.

I have now removed the only non-ascii character from my org file that  
is picked up by the agenda (the letter ă, lowercase-a-with-breve- 
accent). And so now there is no 'bad-encoding'.

Clearly there is some emacs magic going on here, because I thought of  
trying the £ symbol, but in another, smaller, file, and when I tried  
to save the file, I was told:

These default coding systems were tried to encode text
in the buffer `':
However, each of them encountered characters it couldn't encode:
  iso-8859-2-unix cannot encode these: £

I thought the earlier emacs code specified utf-8 as the default coding  

Strangely (to me) the a-with-breve did not have an issue in the  
default coding system.

I once had a problem with my original org files, but now I can't  
recreate that problem either.

Sorry to bring bad news.
On 2009-Nov-23, at 20:53, Ben Alexander wrote:

I added the following lines (to my ~/.emacs file), as suggested by  
Richard and they work immediately.

For what it's worth, I am running on Mac OS X 10.5.8 on an Intel  
MacBook, and I've had it for a few years and tweaked any number of  
little things.  This may be a 'default' problem, but it might also  
be just because I've copied old customization buffers forward from  
other machines.

Thanks, Richard, for the tip, and thanks to all the rest of you for  
the org-mode community.


On 2009-Nov-23, at 02:37, Richard Moreland wrote:

Hi Ben,

I'm replying off-list because I'm not sure this is the answer, but:

(prefer-coding-system   'utf-8)
(set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8)
(set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8)
(setq default-buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8)

Between that mess of options, it seems that you be able to have  
your files default to UTF-8 (which is the encoding MobileOrg is  
looking for).

If this works for you, would please let the list know so the  
solution is archived?  I'll also update the website with the  
appropriate details.


On Nov 22, 2009, at 3:20 PM, Ben Alexander wrote:

Thanks for org-mode and MobileOrg!  I'm very grateful for all the
helpful hints I've seen on the mailing list too.

I an have a small problem with MobileOrg.  After doing an
org-mobile-push and syncing the results to the iPod touch, the file doesn't appear on the iPod.  Instead, it appears  
as if
the only heading is "Bad file encoding" and the body text is  
"Unable to

detect file encoding, please re-save this file using the proper

At first I thought it was because I've got things like the
pounds-sterling, t-with-a-comma, a-with-breve, and i-with-circumflex
characters in my text (some of which contains Romanian, hence the
especially odd t-with-a-comma).  But I'm pretty sure I've expunged  
characters from my files, and anyway, the file should  

contain the characters that my original org files contain.

So, I'm happy enough to use the proper encoding, but I don't know  
that is, and I don't save the file myself: org-mobile- 

must do that on my behalf.

If it is relevant, I am using a website for my  
server, not my local machine, so I don't have complete control  
over the

webserver configuration.

I'm stumped as to what I should try next. Any pointers will be

Ben Alexander


Emacs  : GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-apple-darwin9.7.0, Carbon Version  

of 2009-06-07 on scarlett.local - Aquamacs Distribution 1.8c
Package: Org-mode version 6.33trans

current state:
org-remember-default-headline "Remember Tasks"
org-todo-keyword-faces '(("PROJECT" :foreground "blue" :weight  

org-special-ctrl-a/e t
org-agenda-custom-commands '(("b" "Buy" tags #("+TODO=\"BUY\"" 0  
11 (face org-warning)) nil) ("A" "Angella related questions" t

Re: [Orgmode] Bug: org-mobile "Bad file encoding" [6.33trans]

2009-11-23 Thread Ben Alexander

I added the following lines (to my ~/.emacs file), as suggested by  
Richard and they work immediately.

For what it's worth, I am running on Mac OS X 10.5.8 on an Intel  
MacBook, and I've had it for a few years and tweaked any number of  
little things.  This may be a 'default' problem, but it might also be  
just because I've copied old customization buffers forward from other  

Thanks, Richard, for the tip, and thanks to all the rest of you for  
the org-mode community.


On 2009-Nov-23, at 02:37, Richard Moreland wrote:

Hi Ben,

I'm replying off-list because I'm not sure this is the answer, but:

(prefer-coding-system   'utf-8)
(set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8)
(set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8)
(setq default-buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8)

Between that mess of options, it seems that you be able to have your  
files default to UTF-8 (which is the encoding MobileOrg is looking  

If this works for you, would please let the list know so the  
solution is archived?  I'll also update the website with the  
appropriate details.


On Nov 22, 2009, at 3:20 PM, Ben Alexander wrote:

Thanks for org-mode and MobileOrg!  I'm very grateful for all the
helpful hints I've seen on the mailing list too.

I an have a small problem with MobileOrg.  After doing an
org-mobile-push and syncing the results to the iPod touch, the file doesn't appear on the iPod.  Instead, it appears  
as if
the only heading is "Bad file encoding" and the body text is  
"Unable to

detect file encoding, please re-save this file using the proper

At first I thought it was because I've got things like the
pounds-sterling, t-with-a-comma, a-with-breve, and i-with-circumflex
characters in my text (some of which contains Romanian, hence the
especially odd t-with-a-comma).  But I'm pretty sure I've expunged  
characters from my files, and anyway, the file should  

contain the characters that my original org files contain.

So, I'm happy enough to use the proper encoding, but I don't know  
that is, and I don't save the file myself: org-mobile- 

must do that on my behalf.

If it is relevant, I am using a website for my  
server, not my local machine, so I don't have complete control over  

webserver configuration.

I'm stumped as to what I should try next. Any pointers will be

Ben Alexander


Emacs  : GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-apple-darwin9.7.0, Carbon Version  

of 2009-06-07 on scarlett.local - Aquamacs Distribution 1.8c
Package: Org-mode version 6.33trans

current state:
org-remember-default-headline "Remember Tasks"
org-todo-keyword-faces '(("PROJECT" :foreground "blue" :weight bold))
org-special-ctrl-a/e t
org-agenda-custom-commands '(("b" "Buy" tags #("+TODO=\"BUY\"" 0 11  
(face org-warning)) nil) ("A" "Angella related questions" tags  
#("angella" 0 7 (face org-warning)) nil)
  ("u" "unscheduled" todo #("TODO|DEFER" 0  
10 (face org-warning))
   ((org-agenda-skip-function (lambda nil  
(org-agenda-skip-entry-if (quote scheduled) (quote deadline) (quote  
regexp) "<[^>\n]+>")))
"Unscheduled TODO entries: ") (org-agenda-sorting-strategy (quote  

org-agenda-files '("/Users/ben/Reference/GTD/" "/Users/ 
ben/Reference/GTD/" "/Users/ben/Reference/GTD/"
"/Users/ben/Reference/GTD/" "/Users/ben/ 
Reference/GTD/" "/Users/ben/Reference/GTD/")

org-agenda-include-diary t
org-agenda-window-setup 'current-window
org-hide-leading-stars t
org-completion-use-ido t
org-metaup-hook '(org-babel-load-in-session-maybe)
org-agenda-skip-timestamp-if-done t
org-after-todo-state-change-hook '(org-clock-out-if-current)
org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled t
org-odd-levels-only t
org-log-state-notes-insert-after-drawers t
org-special-ctrl-k t
org-agenda-sorting-strategy '((agenda time-up tag-up) (todo  
category-keep priority-down) (tags category-keep priority-down)  
(search category-keep))

org-deadline-warning-days 7
org-stuck-projects '("/PROJECT" ("TODO" "BUY") nil "")
org-export-preprocess-hook '(org-export-blocks-preprocess)
org-mobile-inbox-for-pull "~/Reference/GTD/"
org-tab-first-hook '(

[Orgmode] Bug: org-mobile "Bad file encoding" [6.33trans]

2009-11-22 Thread Ben Alexander

Thanks for org-mode and MobileOrg!  I'm very grateful for all the
helpful hints I've seen on the mailing list too.

I an have a small problem with MobileOrg.  After doing an
org-mobile-push and syncing the results to the iPod touch, the file doesn't appear on the iPod.  Instead, it appears as if
the only heading is "Bad file encoding" and the body text is "Unable to
detect file encoding, please re-save this file using the proper

At first I thought it was because I've got things like the
pounds-sterling, t-with-a-comma, a-with-breve, and i-with-circumflex
characters in my text (some of which contains Romanian, hence the
especially odd t-with-a-comma).  But I'm pretty sure I've expunged those
characters from my files, and anyway, the file should only
contain the characters that my original org files contain.

So, I'm happy enough to use the proper encoding, but I don't know what
that is, and I don't save the file myself: org-mobile-push
must do that on my behalf.

If it is relevant, I am using a website for my webdav
server, not my local machine, so I don't have complete control over the
webserver configuration.

I'm stumped as to what I should try next. Any pointers will be

Ben Alexander


Emacs  : GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-apple-darwin9.7.0, Carbon Version 1.6.0)
 of 2009-06-07 on scarlett.local - Aquamacs Distribution 1.8c
Package: Org-mode version 6.33trans

current state:
 org-remember-default-headline "Remember Tasks"
 org-todo-keyword-faces '(("PROJECT" :foreground "blue" :weight bold))
 org-special-ctrl-a/e t
 org-agenda-custom-commands '(("b" "Buy" tags #("+TODO=\"BUY\"" 0 11  
(face org-warning)) nil) ("A" "Angella related questions" tags  
#("angella" 0 7 (face org-warning)) nil)
  ("u" "unscheduled" todo #("TODO|DEFER"  
0 10 (face org-warning))
   ((org-agenda-skip-function (lambda nil  
(org-agenda-skip-entry-if (quote scheduled) (quote deadline) (quote  
regexp) "<[^>\n]+>")))
"Unscheduled TODO entries: ") (org-agenda-sorting-strategy (quote  

 org-agenda-files '("/Users/ben/Reference/GTD/" "/Users/ 
ben/Reference/GTD/" "/Users/ben/Reference/GTD/"
"/Users/ben/Reference/GTD/" "/Users/ben/ 
Reference/GTD/" "/Users/ben/Reference/GTD/")

 org-agenda-include-diary t
 org-agenda-window-setup 'current-window
 org-hide-leading-stars t
 org-completion-use-ido t
 org-metaup-hook '(org-babel-load-in-session-maybe)
 org-agenda-skip-timestamp-if-done t
 org-after-todo-state-change-hook '(org-clock-out-if-current)
 org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled t
 org-odd-levels-only t
 org-log-state-notes-insert-after-drawers t
 org-special-ctrl-k t
 org-agenda-sorting-strategy '((agenda time-up tag-up) (todo category- 
keep priority-down) (tags category-keep priority-down) (search  

 org-deadline-warning-days 7
 org-stuck-projects '("/PROJECT" ("TODO" "BUY") nil "")
 org-export-preprocess-hook '(org-export-blocks-preprocess)
 org-mobile-inbox-for-pull "~/Reference/GTD/"
 org-tab-first-hook '(org-babel-hide-result-toggle-maybe org-hide- 

 org-src-mode-hook '(org-src-mode-configure-edit-buffer)
 org-cycle-global-at-bob t
 org-confirm-shell-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
 org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(t)" "WAITING(w)" "DONE(d!)")  
(type "PROJECT(p)" "CLOSED(c!)") (sequence "BUY(b)" "BOUGHT(B!)"))

 org-agenda-before-write-hook '(org-agenda-add-entry-text)
 org-default-notes-file "~/Reference/GTD/"
 org-directory "~/Reference/GTD/"
 org-tag-alist '((:startgroup) (#("ben" 0 3 (face nil)) . 98)  
(#("angella" 0 7 (face nil)) . 97) (#("vendor" 0 6 (face nil)) . 118)  
(:endgroup) (:startgroup)
 (#("us" 0 2 (face nil)) . 117) (#("london" 0 6 (face  
nil)) . 108) (#("romania" 0 7 (face nil)) . 114) (:endgroup)  
 (#("@home" 0 5 (face org-todo)) . 104) (#("@phone" 0  
6 (face nil)) . 112) (#("@out" 0 4 (face nil)) . 111) (#("@computer" 0  
9 (face nil)) . 99) (:endgroup))
 org-cycle-hook '(org-cycle-hide-archi

[Orgmode] Keeping org files under git - trimming the repository

2009-08-04 Thread Ben Alexander

Hello all.
This is really more of a git question, but I keep my org file stored  
under git and I've seen other people on this list speak of doing the  
same.  Different people cite different benefits:

+ keeping home and work copies of in sync
+ storing on a USB stick for transport instead of using a  
+ safety while editing. If a slip of the fingers hits C-k on a folded  
line and you don't notice it for a long time, git allows you to find  
when that happen (git blame) and 'cherry-pick' a patch to bring the  
lost subtree forward in time.

I don't really know how to do any of  these things in git, but that's  
what you all say :-)

About a year ago, I decided to learn how to write "macros" in lisp and  
started by teaching myself about the after-save-hook.  I added a hook  
to auto commit every time I saved any org file.  My simple, small text  
file of todo items is now a giant git repository.

At last a question or two: Does this happen to you? What do you do?   
What new git command do I need to learn in order to do it?

Is there some way to clone my git repo onto my USB stick, but make it  
a subset instead of the whole thing?  That would be useful for me to  
learn for other git projects!

Just curious!

(and thanks to you all for the interesting discussions and excellent  


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] Does this happen to you? Aquamacs messes with you! (but I still like my Mac)

2009-03-26 Thread Ben Alexander

Hi Kevin,

I'm sorry I didn't see this until just now, and it doesn't appear that  
anyone else has answered you.  (I've moved to Romania, so I've been  
busy.  No, really! Craiova!)

The short answer is "I don't remember".

But upon looking at my customization file in Aquamacs, I find the  
following line in my custom-set-faces code block:
 '(org-column-title class color) (min-colors 16) (background  
light)) (:inherit fixed-pitch :background "grey90" :underline  
t :weight bold
which makes me think it that you need to customize the org-column- 
title face (Options -> Customize Emacs -> Specific Face -> then type  
with completion org-column-title).

I think I left everything alone, but added an entry to the 'Inherit'  
list.  I have the word 'fixed-pitch' without the quotes as my sole  

I hope that helps you out,

Ben Alexander

On 2009-Mar-16, at 12:09, Kevin Brubeck Unhammer wrote:

Ben Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

(I have FINALLY got a fixed width font for the tab bar, so my
column mode headings line up with the text in the buffer!!!

How did you do this? I think I had them lined up in an earlier
Aquamacs version, but I see now they don't line up any longer. I don't
use column mode much, but if it's like this I'll never even start
using it... (I tried setting the fonts via Options->Appearance->Font
for org-mode, but I notice it doesn't change the headline font, see for when I chose a huge font.)

best regards,

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] Release 6.22

2009-02-10 Thread Ben Alexander

Hi Saurabh,

I had fancy ideas once, and I've gone nowhere with them.  I used org- 
map-entries to convert an org-mode file into an acceptable input file  
for ledger.  See my note to the org-mode list at :

I haven't followed up on my new year's resolution because I had to  
move overseas instead.  Any org-mode users in Romania?


On 2009-Feb-10, at 12:05, Saurabh Agrawal wrote:

Just yesterday night, I was thinking of an extension for basic double
book accounting, wherein we can use TODO type keywords for
Debit/Credit and Tags for account names.

For each accounting entry to succeed, there should be two entries
compulsorily, as is the rule for double book keeping.

Then, there should be a pane on the left side maybe, updating
different accounts (such as cash, bank, food, books etc.) real time.

Finally, some report to show the transaction for a particular a/c (ie
Tag) can be generated.

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] Re: Updating the [/] and [%]

2008-12-20 Thread Ben Alexander
I'm not really surprised by this: headlines are really important in  
org-mode, but I tried it anyway.

Org-mode version 6.15a

"GNU Emacs 22.3.2 (i386-apple-darwin9.5.0, Carbon Version 1.6.0)
 of 2008-09-21 on - Aquamacs Distribution 1.5"

On Mac OS X.5

The surprising this was that I got the message "Checkbox statistics  
updated in entire file (0 places) in *both* tests below!

I normally use C-c C-c twice if all I need to do is update a checkbox  
after some kind of manual edit, so I'd never noticed this.


On 2008-Dec-21, at 02:06, Eddward DeVilla wrote:

Well, C-u C-c # is supposed to do it, but I just found a bug in 6.13a
that's in Gentoo.

Given the file
- [/] f
 - [ ] d
 - [ ] v
 - [X] g

pressing C-u C-c # displays the message "Checkbox satistics updated in
entire file (0 places)" but does nothing, as it says.

Given the file
* foo
- [/] f
 - [ ] d
 - [ ] v
 - [X] g

pressing C-u C-c # updates the [/] token correctly.  Can someone try
this in on something more recent?


On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 7:17 PM, Bernt Hansen  wrote:

Jari Aalto  writes:

How do I force update of the [/] and [%] markers. Many times they
don't follow item are edited, added, copied manually.

For a checkbox list just C-c C-c on any checkbox to change the state

For TODO subtasks change the todo keyword with shift-left and


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] reference to same row in spreadsheet

2008-12-18 Thread Ben Alexander
How about adding a customizable variable which defaults to nil.  (Call  
it org-use-new-spreadsheet-semantics). If it is nil, whenever the new  
syntax is used, raise a warning.

The warning could be:
1. just a message to the echo area
2. inserted into the top of the updated table
3. an error which aborts spreadsheet calculations

This pushes the responsibility onto users to check their tables before  
they set the option.

So I'm thinking it's unfair to make that an org-wide setting...

More thinking...

Another option is to include a file only variable like this
#+ORG_VERSION: [6.2]--
#+ORG_VERSION: --[6.2]

The first option would cause old versions of org-mode to abort  
processing, and the second would cause new versions to abort.  This  
might help with any and all future changes to syntax, and perhaps  
allow users to mark the files they don't want to change yet.  Perhaps,  
if they are careful, they'll be able to load a different version of  
org-mode to process an individual file.

I'm reminded of something I had learned about perl, long ago.  If  
Carsten and community like this, perhaps someone could suggest the  
most elisp like way of doing version comparisons.  Failing that, I'd  
suggest looking at the perl way of doing it, which allowed for  
multiple dots in the version string

1.0 < 2.0 < 3.0 < 10.0 < 20.0 < 100.0
1.0< 1.1 < 1.2 < 1.100 < 2.0

I think (but can't remember) that version numbers had to have pairs of  
digits (1.1.1 was illegal you had to use  There must have  
been a reason OR I'm wrong about the requirement.

Just my musings

On 2008-Dec-18, at 16:25, Carsten Dominik wrote:

You are right, this is an incompatible change.  Dammit.

What should  do?  Opinions?

The problem is that this change may lead to older tables
evaluated incorrectly.  I do like the new convention and
think that @+0 or leaving out the row  specifications are
good alternatives - but maybe we are obliged to keep
the old convention

- Carsten

On Dec 18, 2008, at 4:01 PM, Stephan Schmitt wrote:


the reference to the last row @0 led to incompatible changes:

* spreadsheet: relative reference to same row
(using Org mode version 6.15d)

The Org mode version 6.15 introduced @0 as a reference to the last
row for spreadsheet (org-table) formulas.  This leads to problems if
you used it as reference to the same row before.

- description from [[][Org-mode list  

user-visible changes]]:

  Spreadsheet references to the last table line.

  You may now use @0 to reference the last dataline in a table in a
  stable way.

- according to  [[info:org:References]]:

  `0' refers to the current row and column.  Also, if you omit
  either the column or the row part of the reference, the current
  row/column is implied.

However this doesn't work since @0 refers to the last line.

If you press `C-c *' with the cursor inside the tables below, the
second column should contain the doubled value of the first.

** @0 refers to last line

| 1 | 4 |
| 2 | 4 |
#+TBLFM: $2...@0$-1

 this has worked before as reference to the same row, now it refers
 to the last row

** bug: omitting explicit reference

| 1 | #ERROR |
| 2 | #ERROR |
#+TBLFM: $2=2*$-1

 this seems to be a bug, should refer to the same row

** @+0 refers to same row

| 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 4 |
#+TBLFM: $2...@+0$-1

 works as expected


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[Orgmode] org-mode and ledger cli accounting

2008-12-17 Thread Ben Alexander
*** org-mode and ledger cli accounting - two great tastes that taste  
great together



* TODO Email the org-mode and ledger mailing lists

  I'm starting to use 'ledger' ( 
).  There is an emacs mode for editing the native plain text file  
format, but I really like the org-mode UI. Date handling is great  
(imho) and column mode holds some promise (although I find it awkward  
to add a new headline while in column mode). And remember templates  
could ease data entry, too

I think it would be great to use 'ledger' backend computation and org- 
mode's UI together!

  After a quick exchange of emails where I asked about the future  
plans of 'ledger' I was told that a new file format for 'ledger' could  
be added, if the org-mode community decided on a common format.

  I'd like to suggest a format, get some feedback on it, and get  
a sense of how many others are interested.  I'm hoping to interest org- 
mode users in ledger, and ledger users in org-mode!

  As a temporary measure, I've used the org-map-entries API to  
iterate over entries looking for properties of the form "LEDGER_.*" to  
extract the appropriate details, format them like the current plain  
text 'ledger' file.

  Since there's a lot about 'ledger' I don't know (as well as  
elisp, org-mode, git, programming in general, accounting) I'd expect  
that my code will be ineffecient, inelegant, and dangerous.  It comes  
with no warrenty. If you have some programming skills, I'd appreciate  
feedback on style, design, tests and documentation.

  For example, I'd like to use a :LEDGER: drawer instead of  
polluting the :PROPERTIES: namespace, but then I'd miss out on the  
easy org-entry-get API.  Any suggestions?

Here's an example tree, with a column-mode definition above, and a  
single minimal entry below.  Here's how to use it at the moment  
(caveat, I wrote this assuming you already have ledger (the shell  
program) downloaded and ledger.el in your loaded into emacs.

* How to use the sample code and data
1. In the file bens-org-ledger.el, modify the variable bens-org-ledger- 
file-name to point to a file you don't mind overwriting without  
warning. (Did I mention that my code might be dangerous?)

2. Load bens-org-ledger.el
3. Run the defun (bens-org-ledger) while the current buffer contains  
this org-tree
4. Now (find-file bens-org-ledger-file-name). In my setup, the  
extension automaticaly loads ledger.el and the file is in ledger-mode.
5. C-c C-o C-r reg  in a ledger-mode buffer (visting a native  
ledger file) will run a basic register report.  Try C-c C-o C-r bal  
 for a basic balance report.

* Wegman's
  :LEDGER: entry
  :LEDGER_DATE: [2008-11-07 Fri]
:LEDGER: transaction
:LEDGER_ACCOUNT: Expenses:Food and Drink:Groceries
Since all text except the headline and specific properties is
ignored, I can comment my transactions with body text!
*** Assets:Checking
:LEDGER: transaction
:LEDGER_DATE: [2008-11-13 Thu]

Instead of using the :LEDGER_ACCOUNT: property, I can use the
headline.  Properties come with completion (big win!) but
headlines are easier to see outside of column mode.

Also, in this case, the :LEDGER_DATE: property is ignored.
Maybe it should become the 'effective date' in the future?

*** This is my lisp code, from a file named bens-org-ledger.el
It starts from the comments below to the end of the message.  I'm  
sorry to be wordy but I thought having something that could be used  
(even awkwardly) would jump start the conversation

;; I'm naming every function I can with the bens-org-ledger prefix,
;; because these are temporary, pre-alpha attempts, intended to
;; elict comments from real programmers
;; This code is copyright Ben Alexander
;; You have license to use, copy, and create derivative works
;; under the terms of the General Public License (version 2 or later).
(defvar bens-org-ledger-file-name "bens-org-ledger-sample.ledger"
 "This variable is the name of a file that will be overwritten during  
the processing of an org-mode file.  OVERWRITTEN WITHOUT WARNING!") ;;  
except for this warning here

(defun bens-org-ledger-create-entry ()
   "this function retreives the LEDGER_DATE, LEDGER_REFERENCE (if it
   exists), and the LEDGER_DESCRIPTION properites of the current
   headline and formats them as the beginning of a new le

[Orgmode] Re: Help with org-map-entries and property searches

2008-12-17 Thread Ben Alexander



On 2008-Dec-17, at 15:46, Bernt Hansen wrote:

Ben Alexander  writes:

However, all of the following attempts to search for both kinds of  

all) values fail (no error, just the wrong value).  What am I doing

Try this:  (add 2 more \ characters before the |)

(length (org-map-entries t "+LEDGER={transaction\\\|entry}"))
=> 3



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[Orgmode] Help with org-map-entries and property searches

2008-12-17 Thread Ben Alexander


I'm trying to code lisp, and it's slow going for me.  I was hoping  
someone with a few spare cycles could explain why this doesn't work  
the way I expect.  I typed the following code into an org file and hit  
C-x C-e (eval-last-sexp):

(length (org-map-entries t "+LEDGER=\"entry\""))  
=> 1
(length (org-map-entries t "+LEDGER=\"transaction\""))
=> 2

This looks good: I do have two headlines with a property called LEDGER  
where the value is "transaction" (no quotes)

However, all of the following attempts to search for both kinds of (or  
all) values fail (no error, just the wrong value).  What am I doing  

(length (org-map-entries t "+LEDGER={\"transaction\"\|\"entry\"}"))   
=> 0
(length (org-map-entries t "+LEDGER={transaction\|entry}"))   
=> 0
(length (org-map-entries t "+LEDGER=entry"))  
=> 0
(length (org-map-entries t "+LEDGER"))
=> 0

I was inspired by this example of a property search from the org info  
page (section 7.3)

 +work-boss+PRIORITY="A"+Coffee="unlimited"+Effort<2 \

I've tried this in
GNU Emacs 22.3.2 (i386-apple-darwin9.5.0, Carbon Version 1.6.0) of  
2008-09-21 on - Aquamacs Distribution 1.5

GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-apple-darwin9.5.1, Carbon Version 1.6.0) of  
2008-11-07 on Xander.local (compiled via MacPorts)

Org-mode version 6.15a in both.

I also got the same results when I did it after a 'start-vanilla- 
aquamacs' (thanks to William Henney for the tip!)


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Re: [Orgmode] Idea for org-mode add on - org-console

2008-11-25 Thread Ben Alexander

On 2008-Nov-25, at 17:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Richard Riley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 25 November 2008 14:24:18 GMT
To: org-mode 
Subject: [Orgmode] Idea for org-mode add on - org-console

I love org-mode. It is perfect for things like a work journal/ daily
"work done" diary.

I would love an org mode console.

Reading what you described made me think of James TD Smith & Carsten's  
comments (Date: 25 November 2008 11:46:19 GMT) about a two key  
sequence to org-remember.  If there were a way to designate a  
particular buffer for the prompting of org-remember (can Emacs have  
two mini-buffers?) then you could make a frame with two windows.  The  
top buffer is just an org-remember buffer and hitting C-c C-c would  
prompt you for the template to apply.  Then all that would need to be  
added is to automatically re-enter the org-remember buffer.

Would it cause a stack explosion if the (imaginary) org-remember-after- 
filing-hook called org-remember again?

I'll add that for my own purposes (and mainly because my remember- 
templates are rather primative) I find that one remember buffer can  
add multiple todo entries.  I just keep on adding headlines with M-S- 
  (org-insert-todo-heading) while my brain is hot with ideas  
before I hit C-c C-c (org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c).  If I think I need to  
immediately refile, that's what C-u C-c C-c is for :-)

Question about a console mode:  Are you thinking of something like a  
shell buffer in emacs, where you have a default directory (org  
analogy: org-buffer/headline); access to history with M-p and M-n;  
where the buffer grows longer as you enter items.  Or are you thinking  
that the buffer would be cleared to blank every time you hit C-c C-c  
(what I was assuming while writing the above paragraph)

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Re: [Orgmode] RFC: Improvements to org-remember

2008-11-24 Thread Ben Alexander

On 2008-Nov-24, at 04:25, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: James TD Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 24 November 2008 01:25:57 EET
Subject: [Orgmode] RFC: Improvements to org-remember

* New features
** Adding non-headline items

That's a fantastic idea!

** Updating completion statistics

** Automatic sorting

Right now, I have a :SORT: property in my property drawer which looks  

  :SORT: C-c S-6 p
This is just a reminder to me for the key chord I need to play to get  
the sort I want.  It's conveniently located near the headline and not  
too hard to open and read when I need to resort manually.

It seems to me that having an hook like 'org-remember-after-filing  
would allow people to choose what kinds of updating they wanted done  
after a remember template was used.   Mixing this with different types  
of templates may take some care: you don't want to run all the hooks  
inside a save-excursion if the point to to allow the hook to move  
point to a special place, but then all hooks would have to be written  
with that in mind. Perhaps the hooks should be run inside a (let )  
with some official bindings for markers for the following:

 - org-remember-marker-to-beginning-of-new-text
 - org-remember-marker-to-end-of-new-text
 - org-remember-marker-to-parent-headline (perhaps most useful for  
non-headline remember templates)

 - org-remember-template-type

But automatic sorting seems useful in many other contexts (like after  
scheduling or rescheduling an item, or changing priority, or editing  
the headline text) so perhaps some wishes/ideas from the list would be  
appropriate.  Could org-mode take ownership of the :SORT: property for  
headlines, and have a org-sort-file-using-property (or a org-sort- 
headline-using-property) which could be added to hook lists where-ever  
the user wanted?

Or is this too specific?  Would it be nice to have plain lists (or  
checkboxed lists) have some kind of sort property too? Where could a  
user store this data so it could be easy to see but also easy to ignore.___
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[Orgmode] Does this happen to you? Aquamacs messes with you! (but I still like my Mac)

2008-11-07 Thread Ben Alexander
I normally use Aquamacs.  It's very pretty, and uses the mouse without  
having to start an X server.  But I'm starting to get a bit cheesed  
about all the things that don't work with org-mode (I have FINALLY got  
a fixed width font for the tab bar, so my column mode headings line up  
with the text in the buffer!!!)

New problem: I have a very simple org mode buffer

* TODO Mealplans
** Mealplan Fri

If I go into column view and my cursor is the beginning of the file  
and I hit the down arrow, my cursor moves to the beginning of the next  
column (From the default column of ITEM to TODO).  This happens  
everywhere, somewhat randomly.

I switched to the command line version of emacs, and this didn't happen.

My first thought was to check keyboard bindings.  In emacs C-n and  
 map to next-line, but in Aquamacs they map to visual-line- 
down.  If I toggle visual-line-mode, the problem goes away (under  
quick testing)

My question for the list.

1) Does anyone use visual-line-mode with org?  Use it and like, I mean.

2) How did this happen to me?  Is this an Aquamacs default that I can  
customize back to 'normal'?  I can't find visual-line-mode documented  
in the info pages for Emacs.

3) On my mode line, I have a (Org vl Fill).  the 'vl' does not go away  
when I toggle visual-line-mode.  What is that? Another irritant lurking?


Ok, I let this email sit awhile (never click send when angry!)

If anyone else is living with this, I have an answer for 2) and 3)

2) Answer: Aquamacs has a customization group 'Aquamacs Is More Than  
Emacs'.  This will be my first stop for the next irritation .

3) Answer: That customization group has an option for 'global-visual- 
line-mode'.  Toggle that and the 'vl' goes away.

Just in case anyone is wondering (because of all my complaining), I  
should advertise that Mac OS is a great machine for emacs users.  For  
example, I'm still using Apple's Mail program and many emacs key  
strokes work auto-magically.  C-n and C-p work visually, and C-f and C- 
b work normally, and  C-a and C-e work on logical lines.  Even C-k and  
C-y just work inside of most of the UI textboxes.  Strangely, killing  
a line means you can yank it, even into another window, but it's a  
different clipboard than cmd-C and cmd-V.  Even C-t works. Alas, C-u C- 
f does NOT work.

None of this seems documented, so I don't know what other easter eggs  
are lurking, but I don't get frustrated moving from my org-mode buffer  
into an Apple Mail window just because of the typing.  Aquamacs does  
let transient mark mode with with the shift-mouse-click, and cmd-C  
lets me pull text out of Aquamacs and into Mail.

I'd bet that many of you on a mac already know this because of how  
hard it is to NOT type a C-p when you want to go up!

Anyway, thanks for listening to the rant, and I hope it helps someone  
out there.

-Ben Alexander

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[Orgmode] small doc patch

2008-11-03 Thread Ben Alexander

'teh' changed to 'the'


diff --git a/lisp/org-agenda.el b/lisp/org-agenda.el
index 8dd31c8..3991a21 100644
--- a/lisp/org-agenda.el
+++ b/lisp/org-agenda.el
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ t, also all archive files associated with the  
current select

 files will be included.")

 (defcustom org-agenda-skip-comment-trees t
-  "Non-nil means, skip trees that start with teh COMMENT keyword.
+  "Non-nil means, skip trees that start with the COMMENT keyword.
 When nil, these trees are also scand by agenda commands."
   :group 'org-agenda-skip
   :type 'boolean)

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[Orgmode] Problem with org-toggle-timestamp-type

2008-10-31 Thread Ben Alexander


I'm cannot figure out how to use version control in general, and git  
in particular.  However, I think there is a mistake with org-toggle- 

Currently, the message always returns "Timestamp is now active"  
regardless of wether it is or not.  I think this is because the  
message is not inside the save-excursion block, so we can't be sure  
whether point was outside the timestamp (just in front) or inside (at  
the very end).  Inside save-excursion, I think it is always moved to  
the end, does the edit, and is moved outside.

Also, I think the sense of the test is backwards.  And for some reason  
(if (equal (char-before) ?]) "in" "") didn't work (went to elisp  
debugger). I can't read lisp, it's beyond me.

So here's the change I made (to org-version 6.10c)

(defun org-toggle-timestamp-type ()
  "Toggle the type ( or [inactive]) of a time stamp."
  (when (org-at-timestamp-p t)
  (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
  (insert (if (equal (char-after) ?<) "[" "<")) (delete-char 1)
  (goto-char (1- (match-end 0)))
  (insert (if (equal (char-after) ?>) "]" ">")) (delete-char 1)
  (message "Timestamp is now %sactive"
 (if (equal (char-before) ?>) "" "in")

There's something else, and this might very well because my git repo  
is not what emacs is actually running, and my modified Makefile  
install target might be foobar.

If I have a timestamp that looks like <2009-01-29 Thu>--<2009-01-29  
Thu> and the cursor is in front of the first > symbol and then I hit  
the S- twice, my timestamp no longer is a range.  It now looks  
like [2009-01-30 Fri]

I tried to look at the org-ts[r]?-regexp-* variables, but my eyes  
crossed.  Plus, I'm very afraid that any change I'd make would add  
parentheses, and thereby screwup every (match-begin 8) in the code.



* TFOM = Thanks for Org-Mode

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[Orgmode] Re: Problem with org-toggle-timestamp-type

2008-10-30 Thread Ben Alexander
I apologize if this is a repeat.  It's in my sent items, but I haven't  
seen it on the list yet. I edited the message bit, and added a bit more:


I cannot figure out how to use version control in general, and git  
in particular.  So I can't generate a proper patch. However, I think  
there is a mistake with org-toggle-timestamp-type.

Currently, the message always returns "Timestamp is now active"  
regardless of whether it is or not.  I think this is because the  
message is not inside the save-excursion block, so we can't be sure  
whether point was outside the timestamp (just in front) or inside  
(at the very end).  Inside save-excursion, I think it is always  
moved to the end, does the edit, and is moved outside.

Also, I think the sense of the test is backwards.  And for some  
reason (if (equal (char-before) ?]) "in" "") didn't work (went to  
elisp debugger). I can't read this much lisp, it's beyond me.

So here's the change I made (to org-version 6.10c)

(defun org-toggle-timestamp-type ()
 "Toggle the type ( or [inactive]) of a time stamp."
 (when (org-at-timestamp-p t)
 (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
 (insert (if (equal (char-after) ?<) "[" "<")) (delete-char 1)
 (goto-char (1- (match-end 0)))
 (insert (if (equal (char-after) ?>) "]" ">")) (delete-char 1)
 (message "Timestamp is now %sactive"
(if (equal (char-before) ?>) "" "in")

There's something else, and this might very well because my git repo  
is not what emacs is actually running, and my modified Makefile  
install target might be foobar.

If I have a timestamp that looks like <2009-01-29 Thu>--<2009-01-29  
Thu> and the cursor is in front of the first > symbol and then I hit  
the S- twice, my timestamp no longer is a range.  It now looks  
like [2009-01-30 Fri]

And if the cursor is in front of the the first < symbol and I hit the  
S- key once (or if I use M-x org-toggle-timestamp-type), I get

[2009-01-29 Thu]--<2009-01-29 Thu>
but a second time, I get
<2009-01-29 Thu]--<2009-01-29 Thu]

That suggests to me that the regular expression isn't symmetric w.r.t.  
square brackets and curly brackets.  I kinda know perl regex, but am  
completely unfamiliar with elisp's version.

I tried to look at the org-ts[r]?-regexp-* variables, but my eyes  
crossed.  Plus, I'm very afraid that any change I'd make would add  
parentheses, and thereby screwup every (match-begin 8) in the code.



* TFOM = Thanks for Org-Mode

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[Orgmode] org-cycle broken when cursor is at ellipses

2008-10-26 Thread Ben Alexander

So about this bug...

I think I've figured out why I get this so often.  I use Aquamacs on  
MacOS X, and it seems to store (in ~/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs  
Emacs/places.el) a list of files and values for point.

Something about the timing of this means that point is left somewhere  
in the body (or maybe subheading?) of a headline, even though org-mode  
presents the file in 'Overview'.  Since the point is in an unexpected  
location, even though the cursor looks fine, (org-cycle) doesn't work  
as it looks like it should.

I think I'd like to turn off the 'places.el' thing.

And I reiterate: this is really a tiny issue.  Just hitting C-a fixes  
the state of point.

On 2008-Oct-24, at 19:44, Avdi Grimm wrote:

On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 2:33 PM, Ben Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:
Ok, here's your chance.  This is something that has bothered me for  
some time, but I've never been able to reliably reproduce the  
problem.  And

it's such a small issue.

Thanks!  I'll try to take a look tonight



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Re: [Orgmode] import mail messages like mhc?

2008-10-25 Thread Ben Alexander

On 2008-Oct-25, at 16:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Date: 25 October 2008 13:10:27 BST
Subject: [Orgmode] import mail messages like mhc?

Hi All;

I am currently using a Frankenstein-duct-tape-monster made from mhc
and org-mode to track time and manage todos. For various reasons I
would like to switch to just org-mode. One thing I really like about
mhc is the ability to semi-automatically turn a mail message (in
e.g. mew, gnus, wanderlust) into an agenda item/todo.  Partly this is
because mhc agenda items are MH messages, but the thing I would like
to copy is that it reads the message body and surprisingly often
guesses the date and time of an appointment. Before I try to port this
to org-mode, has someone already done something similar?


Completely unrelated to org-mode:
I would love to move my email to Emacs and use something like this,  
but I the only solutions I can understand rely on moving mail from my  
IMAP based inbox onto the local system.  This is good; I want offline  
access.  But this is bad: I want to refile email entries and move the  
messages on IMAP server into folders.  Everything I've read indicates  
that once the mail has been downloaded to my laptop, any organization  
is only local, and not synced back to the IMAP folders.  (And no,  
unfortunately I don't have login access to my IMAP server -- I do have  
ftp access though)

Does anyone have some cheap advice on mixing email and org-mode?

Back to org-mode:
Since I haven't gotten any further than wishing Emacs could read my  
mail, I haven't looked to see if the (org-store-link) does the right  
magic thing in Rmail and/or Gnus.  According the org-mode manual,  
there is all kinds of support for linking from your org-mode buffer  
back to the original email.  And in terms of finding the right date  
from your mail message, I think the date parsing routine that C-. (org- 
time-stamp) uses absolutely rocks.

For example, I just tried pasting the header from your email into the  
minibuffer after a 'C-.'.  Org-mode didn't recognize the date because  
of the cruft of the To: field and the Subject: field.  But within the  
minibuffer, I could hit C-p to get the the line with the date and  
*poof* like magic it found the date.  And the minibuffer shows you  
what  date it has computed.

It did have a bit more trouble finding things like 'See you next  
Monday', But since C-k C-a and C-e work in the minibuffer, you might  
be able to yank the entire message into the buffer and then kill the  
text that doesn't have the date you want.  Well, for short emails  

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Re: [Orgmode] How you can help

2008-10-24 Thread Ben Alexander

On 2008-Oct-23, at 17:42, Avdi Grimm wrote:

If someone would be so kind as to identify a small bug or feature, I
would be happy to demonstrate this workflow in the form of code, time

Ok, here's your chance.  This is something that has bothered me for  
quite some time, but I've never been able to reliably reproduce the  
problem.  And it's such a small issue.

Sometimes, when it looks like my cursor is at the end of a headline  
and I hit tab, the headline does not cycle.  Normally it does.

It hit me that the point was not on the headline, it only looked like  

So here's the sample file

* First Headline
   Some body text
* Second Headline

(goto-char 17)  ;that's the end of the first line

At this point the buffer looks like:
* First Headline...
* Second Headline

(goto-char 25)

I think the buffer should look like this

* First Headline
   Some body text
* Second Headline

but it still looks like:

* First Headline...
* Second Headline

I should be honest here.  This may not be a bug.

As I created this test data, it became a bit more clear that exactly  
where the cursor is matters a lot here.  I *promise* that I've seen  
this behavior even when the cursor shows up before the ellipses, but  
in the test case I set up here, I could not make that happen.  I also  
found that if I used the key-chord M-x goto-char  25,  
everything worked fine.  The cursor stayed in front of the ellipses  
and the tab key worked. But when I used M-: (goto-char 25) the cursor  
moved to the same line as the ellipses, but after them. and the   
key stopped 'working'.

I finally figured this out while playing with git.  I switched  
branches at the command line and needed to perform a 'revert-buffer'.   
This left the cursor before the ellipses, but unable to properly (org- 
cycle) using the  key.

More experimenting I *think* the revert-buffer command tries to  
keep point close to the same place, and the org buffer had automatic  
folding.  The bad thing about this for me is that I'll hit the   
key four times trying to make sure it's not just an empty tree.   
Meanwhile, (org-cycle) has indented the first line of the body, but  
hasn't shown me the text I'm changing.  Then I get confused about why  
the buffer needs saving, probably 10 minutes later when I've forgotten  
all about hitting the tab key.

But I'm way out of my depth to try to understand the relationship  
between (revert-buffer) (org-cycle) the arrow keys, and all.  I just  
hit M-< or S- and try again. Or C-a, which sometimes works.   
Sometimes I grab the mouse as a last resort.

Just from this example, I'm eager to understand:

1. How can we differentiate between where the cursor appears and the  
value of point
2. How can we tell what the users sees on the screen versus what the  
buffer contains

So the value of a testing framework is that this: if I'm going to  
announce to the world that I can't get something to work, (like the  
tab key), I'm going to make darn sure it's a real problem.  I'm going  
to spend the time to create a small sample file, that reliable creates  
the problem, and I'm going to try a few different scenarios.   But if  
I start to get lost or confused about which settings I've fiddled with  
or what is supposed to happen, I'll wander away from the problem and I  
won't submit the bug.  We all lose in that scenario.  But if the  
testing framework exists, and it is lightweight enough for novice  
emacs users (advanced enough to use M-x but not advanced enough to  
read lisp) then maybe I would have used it for this example.


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: How you can help

2008-10-23 Thread Ben Alexander

On 2008-Oct-23, at 16:49, Richard Riley wrote:

Sebastian Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Bernt Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Running a minimal emacs should suppress custom config files:
emacs -q -l yourtest.el

Added this one to the Clippboard section on new org-tests/  

Worg.git. (this section will be temporary...)

Something like the above should only be a link (at most) to the emacs
manual. Reproducing standard info is bad in the long run in case  

in the base product (emacs) change for example.

Some kind of regression testing framework would be awesome.  Org- 
mode is
large enough that this is almost a necessity to keep things stable  


It's big and feature-RICH.

The nature of OSS means that the community using the product keep it
stable and bug free. I dont think the efforts to produce meaningful
regression tests would be beneficial in an ever morphing product like
org-mode. Clearly my humble opinion on that one :-;

I'm a bit clue-free on what the words mean.  I think of regression  
tests as ways of defining the way "Things Should Work(TM)" so if  
someone commits as fix to org-mode that works fine on Debian, but  
breaks on Windows, there's a way for someone on Windows to easily  
(brainlessly) run the test and report back to the developer.

I don't think of org-mode as 'ever morphing'.  There are some features  
that are stable, and should remain so.  A regression test would be  
valuable, presumably, for developers working on a new feature (don't  
screw up important existing functionality!)

I must say I am dubious about this. It means, for the tests to be
meaningful, that the output must be  a fixed format in base org. I  

this will ever be the case. The presentation will fluctuate while the
core information (dates, schedules periods etc) will remain pretty  


I agree that the presentation is fluid and it was hard for me to  
imagine how to test it in an automated way.  But I disagree (I think)  
in that having a test on the presentation is extremely powerful.

I'm thinking that one example of how to write such a test could be  
copied when someone is trying to explain what they want to happen, and  
how it is not happening right now.

Perhaps such a test would have a very limited useful life.  I'd like  
to think that it could live and be useful for a very long time (that's  
why thinking about configuration/user customization issues in a test  
is important).  But even if the test is only useful until the bug is  
fixed (or the feature implemented) , so be it.

The majority of bugs that I see are often down to people misusing or
using things in the base which are not fully explored. No amount of
regression testing can cover things like that unless the regression
tests include everyones customisations.

Not everyone's customizations, just every customization org-mode has.   
I mean, if the feature is there, it should work.  If the feature is  
important, it should work in the same way on every platform.

The trick -- and I hope it's either solved or easy -- is exactly how  
to show that "the feature works the same way as it should, right now,  
on this platform"

If I understand you properly, you're just saying that the user  
customization creates so much variability in the output, there isn't  
anyway you could capture all the possible presentations in a single  
test.  Well, yeah, so user customizations need to be left out of the  
test case.

Except that in the scenario I'm thinking of where someone (a mere  
mortal using org-mode, with limited lisp knowledge) is trying to  
report a bug, user customization will be critical.  My first thought  
was asking org-mode to dump all the customization variables it has  
into a buffer (as buffer-local variables maybe?) would help someone  
else recreate the bug. (By starting org-mode with NO customizations,  
except what's found in the test case)

Or are you suggesting that the source of presentation variation is due  
mostly to OS, Emacs version, or something else beyond the scope of our  
tests, so they couldn't be replicated on another machine?

Do I think regression testing is important? Yes - in certain
environments. But every time Carsten, you, myself or anyone else fires
up org-mode we are already doing just that.

Inventor:  A person who makes an ingenious arrangement of wheels,  
levers and springs, and believes it civilization.  ~Ambrose Bierce,  
The Devil's Dictionary

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] How you can help

2008-10-23 Thread Ben Alexander

Well, I was just looking at

Unfortunately for me, I can't tell if Emacs comes with any builtin  
framework already, so I downloaded one of the many options listed on  
that page to my local site-lisp directory:

The personal issue I have is that I'm on a Mac, using Aquamacs, and  
the command line version of emacs is a different binary, so there  
might be trouble when a test passes at the command line, but fails  
where it matters to me. I don't even make sure that org-mode is up to  
date at the command line.  I thought it wasn't, but I just checked and  
now it is.  Plus, I don't really understand internals of emacs (like  
basic internals: I understand point and mark, buffer and file, but not  
transient mark, indirect buffer, symbols vs strings, window vs tab vs  

The tutorial I'd need to write a test is one which lays out code I  
could copy and paste to do the following

* setup the test environment
  - create a test directory
  - create a sample file
  - put the cursor in a particular place

* run the command we need to test
  - hit the 'TAB' key, or C-c C-c (some folks might need to be  
reminded how to find out exactly what command is actually being run  
when you hit a keystroke.  And some of me might need to be told what  
lisp-code to use when the keystroke runs different commands at  
different places in a file)

  - reformat a table
  - clock in/out
  - create the agenda
  - export .html .ics .dvi file
* How do we specify the correct result???
  - check that the headline folded properly.  What's the lisp code  
for getting the folded string as displayed?
  - check that the cursor is where it should be? especially when the  
cursor is near elipses...
  - check that the agenda is built properly.  What's the lisp code  
for getting the agenda as a string?
  - check that the exported files are correct.  Maybe the right  
suggestion is to run the export on two different files, so the test  
can focus on the 'diff' between them.  That way different people who  
run the same test on different hosts can get the same result.

More experienced folks must suggest whether it's better to have the  
expectation of a test be specified as a string in the test code or as  
a separate file in the test directory.  It might depend on context, so  
feel free to lay out three or four cases.

If even one kind of test for each of these 'cases' exists, hopefully  
we can encourage people to report bugs with the test.  I mean, if  
people are already going through the effort to create the small sample  
org file to demonstrate their bug, and it's only a short (obvious)  
step to translating their english description of what should happen  
into equivalent lisp code that seems like a big temptation for  
someone to do it.

Plus it might help them convince themselves that it really is a bug,  
and not that they are going crazy.

I gotta move on for the day here, but I'll keep thinking a bit about  

On 2008-Oct-23, at 15:20, Sebastian Rose wrote:

Hi Ben,

I cc'ed the list.

The tests I described in my email to the list are not automated. The
reason for that is my lack of (e)lisp knowledge.

BUT, they where easy to handle for non programmers. I think the little
test will make it to the worg site this week, when all private data is
removed. You could take a look at it by then. And: improve, improve,
improve... :-)

If you know of someone who knows how to do automated tests in elisp,  
some technique, package, whatever, please post it to the list, so we  

can take a look at it and comment->decide something. This is _highly_

Ben Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Sebastian Rose wrote:

5. I also think of little packages for testing parts of org.

I'm curious if you or someone else has any ideas for writing  
automated tests for
org-mode.  I haven't the foggiest idea how someone would  write a  
test for the
parts of org that control what is displayed on  the screen.  I  
mean, when the

bug is 'it doesn't look right' how can  you tell?

Believe me, my idea is the foggiest of all possible ideas ;-) (so  

my ideas of JavaScript some mounth ago), so I won't be of much help, I

Perhaps the git repository should have a small collection of small  
mode files that reproduce certain bugs?  If there were some  
examples of how to
create such a test, then perhaps bug reporters would find it  much  
easier to

create them.

YES! Exactly. Every corner case an Org-file, every bug an Org-file.
_DATA_ for testing is something, everyone _can_ provide.

But git later, yes, maybe.

Since this would need Carsten to think and act on this, I feel Worg  
is a

nice place to start the first expieriments. We need Carstens power for

Re: [Orgmode] How you can help

2008-10-23 Thread Ben Alexander

Sebastian Rose wrote:
>  5. I also think of little packages for testing parts of org.

I'm curious if you or someone else has any ideas for writing automated  
tests for org-mode.  I haven't the foggiest idea how someone would  
write a test for the parts of org that control what is displayed on  
the screen.  I mean, when the bug is 'it doesn't look right' how can  
you tell?

Perhaps the git repository should have a small collection of small org- 
mode files that reproduce certain bugs?  If there were some examples  
of how to create such a test, then perhaps bug reporters would find it  
much easier to create them.

I do see some confusing issues due to different configuration files.   
So creating a test file might involve making sure org-mode doesn't  
read any configuration (how do you do that?) and possible asking org- 
mode to extract all the configuration variables it has right now and  
dump them into a test file (...and how do you do that?)

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: install and info

2008-10-09 Thread Ben Alexander


On my Mac OS X (10.5.5) system, /usr/share/info looks like the  
directory with all the info files.  Since I use MacPorts, I usually  
add the org-info file to /opt/local/share/info so the suggested change  
is slightly more convenient in that case, too.


Carsten Dominik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi everyone,

I'd be happy to change the default to

   infodir = $(prefix)/share/info

if this is a better default for most systems.  Is it better?  So could
people on different systems out there please check where the standard info
directory is located?


- Carsten

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[Orgmode] How can I include body of tree as DESCRIPTION: tag using org-export-icalendar

2007-09-18 Thread Ben Alexander


I have read the org-mode info pages, and the FAQ online, and they've  
been a great source of help.  I'm happily using org-mode on a Mac OS  
X system, and exporting to an iCalendar file and syncing with iCal.   
It works pretty well.  I then use iSync to export my calendar to my  
mobile phone, so I can take my TODO list out for the day without  
burning trees (and ink cartridges).

There are two features that would really be nice.  The high priority  
one is some way of including some amount of the body of a TODO  
headline into the DESCRIPTION field.  I put supporting information in  
the body, e.g. the phone number for an entry like this:

*** TODO call stores for dishes  :@PHONE:
store 1: 0207 543 1234
store 2: 0207 777 

That would be really, really nice to export.  Since HTML exporting  
contains the body, is there already a way to do this in my org-mode  

The second feature request is a way to limit my exporting to a single  
tag or two (e.g. @PHONE and @ERRANDS).  I think all I need to do is  
learn Lisp and write an org-agenda-skip-function to match a tag.  I'm  
just not sure how to apply that just in the case of exporting to my  
phone.  I don't really care what shows up in iCal, because if I can  
read that, I can read my org-mode file.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Feel free to email me directly, and I will summarize any responses.

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