Re: Microsoft Excel spreadsheet editing directly from within emacs.

2020-12-28 Thread Carson Chittom
On Mon, Dec 28, 2020, at 6:06 PM, andres.ramirez wrote:
> Hi. Jean Louis.
> > "Jean" == Jean Louis  writes:
> Jean> You have high expectations but Emacs Org mode does not nearly 
> replace the capabilities of
> Jean> a dedicated spreadsheet.
> Emacs has an spreadsheet mode builtin:
> --8<---cut here---start->8---
> (info "(ses) Quick Tutorial")
> --8<---cut here---end--->8---
> ses-mode could be embedded within an 'org source code block'.
> Perhaps someone has a tool for converting ms-spreadsheet files to
> ses-mode.

I have tried to use ses-mode. I recommend that you not.

behavior/docs of iCalendar export

2020-12-15 Thread Carson Chittom
This is a very small thing, but it came up today for me, so I thought I'd 
mention it. (Org 9.4.2, for the record.)

I've just started playing with the iCalendar export because eventually I want 
to keep everything in Org, to then get transformed and pushed to my CalDAV 
server, which then gets pushed to my phone.  

So after reading the docs[1][2] I created a minimal org file, which as it 
happens only had a single time for the single event in it.  I tried to export 
via C-c C-e c f, and immediately got an error that 
org-agenda-default-appointment-duration wasn't set (which was perfectly true, I 
hadn't set it and it defaults to nil).  So after looking at that variable's 
documentation, just to make sure it was well-named and didn't do something 
strange, I set it and went on about my merry way.  As I say, a very small 
thing. I mention it only because it was slightly irritating that after actually 
taking the time to read the documentation, I still had to troubleshoot (if you 
want to call it that) briefly. 

All of which leads up to: my suggestion is that either that 
org-agenda-default-appointment-duration have an actual default value, or else 
that [2] should mention that one might want to set it.  


[O] Request for advice

2012-11-27 Thread Carson Chittom
I don't want to duplicate a bunch of effort if this is already a solved
problem, so I'd like some advice, if anybody is or has been in a
similar situation.

Previously, I worked in a situation where I set my own schedule, and I
used Org to keep track.  Beginning next month, I will be working in
place where there will be quite a few meetings (several of them
regularly-scheduled status-type ones, but others are ad hoc) and I'll
need to coordinate my schedule with 15-20 other employees.  They
currently use Microsoft Exchange/Outlook calendaring to coordinate.  But
I'd like to continue to use Org (I have no authority over others'
software).  What I had originally envisioned was:

1. Keep my own schedule in Org.
2. Friday afternoons, export next week's agenda as a .ics file
   and import it into Outlook, so that others who need to can
   see my free/busy times.

A quick test showed me that if I did my org files as is, I would end up
with multiple items in Outlook of my regularly-scheduled meetings (most
are weekly, but there are also several monthly, biannual, etc).[1] In
addition, but less pressingly, I have a few items whose date is
determined by a sexp, and so aren't exported (which as I understand it
is the fault of icalender.el, not Org).  I also can't really do exports
of any more than a week, since even the regular meetings could
conceivably change, which, again, would give me (in this case, wrong)
duplicates to clean up.

Several ideas occurred to me:

1. Add all the regular meetings to Outlook manually.  In Org,
   give them all a particular tag, and configure the agenda
   export to export everything except that tag.  In the event
   that one changes, edit both in Outlook and Org.  
2. On Fridays before I export, create new instances of all the
   regular meetings (i.e., so that at export-time, the meetings
   beyond the next week don't exist in Org).  
3. Give up.  Just keep it in Outlook.

Can anybody speak to what the best way to do what I want is, with the
least amount of (ongoing) effort?  Any gotchas I should look out for?

[1] To be clear, I mean something in the form:
* Meeting On Stuff 2012-11-26 Mon 09:00-09:30 +1w

Re: [O] Google-weather.el and the Latest Git Version of Org-mode

2012-08-31 Thread Carson Chittom
Jude DaShiell writes:

 It might be near time to investigate and loose google for 
 weather before igoogle disappears.  Other weather sites capable of text 
 output may also be available, I haven't investigated that yet.

For those in the US, the National Weather Service has forecasts
available in XML, which could be parsed, requestable via latitude and
longitude.  I haven't done anything with that other than noting its
existence.  URL seems to be

[O] recurring floating appointments

2012-07-18 Thread Carson Chittom
I'm using the builtin org 7.8.11 in Emacs 24.  In an org file, I have
something like

* Recurring Events
#+CATEGORY: Meeting
** Monthly Third Thursday Meeting
   %%(org-float t 4 3)

This displays on my agenda fine.  However, that particular meeting
always happens at 10:00 AM, and I'd prefer to show it at that time in my
agenda, instead of an all-day event.  I looked through the documentation
for org-float (as well as diary-float in the Emacs manual), and I saw
nothing on assigning a time to a floating event.  I tried doing
something like

%%(org-float t 4 3) 10:00-11:00

but that didn't work.  Is assigning a time like this to an org-float
even possible?  Am I missing something?

Re: [O] recurring floating appointments

2012-07-18 Thread Carson Chittom
Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala writes:

 Carson Chittom writes:

 %%(org-float t 4 3) 10:00-11:00

 but that didn't work.

 * Recurring Events
 #+CATEGORY: Meeting
 ** Monthly Third Thursday Meeting 10:00-11:00
%%(org-float t 4 3)

 Maybe like this.

Yes, that works great.  Thank you!  I knew I had to be missing something
obvious, since org's documentation is good.  

Re: [O] mail integration, advice?

2012-04-26 Thread Carson Chittom
Matt Price writes:

 I'd like to take one more shot at returning to text-based email within
 emacs, mostly because I want to be able to integrate mail easily into
 my org-mode workflow.  The last time I tried this I used wanderlust,
 and I'd be willing to give it a try again but a couple of things have
 discouraged me in the past:

I'm in a somewhat similar situation (although in my case it's actually
the reverse: I want to be able to integrate org-mode into my mail

 - wl causes emacs to freeze up when it checks or sends mail, and can
 take quite a long while to complete these operations

I'm using Gnus, not Wanderlust, but it has the same problem, of course
(my understanding is that it's actually Emacs which has the problem).
In addition, I check my mail by logging in (via SSH) to my personal
machine at home, which has a low-bandwidth DSL connection, so any
slowness is magnified.  I've dealt with it by simply running a local
IMAP server--Dovecot, in my case, though I hear lots of people have good
results using just offlineimap--and using fetchmail to pull from my
ISP's mailserver.  My project for the weekend is to set up Dovecot's
Sieve support (Pigeonhole) to mirror my previous filtering rules.

 - wl seems to have gone quasi-dormant, with very little activity on
 the mailing list and no recent releases; it also relies on two other
 packages, FLIM and APEL, with similarly dormant mailing lists

Gnus is currently under heavy development and only requires a recent
(22, 23, 24) Emacs.  Not trying to convert you, but you did bring it
up. :) 

 - fast search and easy-to-manage virtual folders of some kind -- I see
 mu and notmuch are very strong on both these fronts

I'm looking to set up mairix, which Gnus supports, but I haven't
yet.  Mairix itself though just needs mail in Maildir or mbox formats,
from what I understand.

I hope that was helpful--probably not, though.  :)

Re: [O] mail integration, advice?

2012-04-26 Thread Carson Chittom
Tassilo Horn writes:

 If you talk to an IMAP or Gmane nntp server (remote or a local dovecot),
 you can simply hit `G G' on a group to search it without having to
 configure anything (in recent Gnus versions).  Almost all IMAP servers
 index at least to/from/subject for fast searches, and some also have
 fulltext search plugins (e.g., dovecot has one).

Yeah, the one problem I have with Gnus is that it does so damn
much, I have trouble remembering it all.  But seriously, good to know,
and thanks for saving me some work.

Re: [O] MobileOrg Android 0.8.0 Released, many new features!

2012-02-07 Thread Carson Chittom
Matthew Jones writes:

 MobileOrg for Android has gone through a lot of changes recently. We've
 added a lot of great features that users have been asking for and fixed
 some big issues that have been bothering people.

Awesome!  I can't wait to try it out.

Any chance it will be available via Amazon?  I'm thinking of my wife's
Kindle Fire here.

Re: [O] MobileOrg Android 0.8.0 Released, many new features!

2012-02-07 Thread Carson Chittom
Matthew Jones writes:

 Hey Carson... I've never thought of putting it on the amazon store.  I'll
 check on that in the meantime if you want to use it and the Fire can
 install apks directly you can download the latest release here:

I can confirm that the Kindle Fire *can* install APKs directly.  I'm
just at a point in my married life where I'm trying to synchronize my
wife's and my TODO list (at least partially), so if she---not always the
most technically-oriented---can install it directly from Amazon (and
thus---hopefully!---get eventual updates) that's all to the good.

Re: [O] how to get \circ symbol in odt export?

2012-01-12 Thread Carson Chittom
Eric S Fraga writes:

 Eric S Fraga writes:


 I usually export to PDF via LaTeX.  One of the symbols I use a lot is
 the degree symbol (as in degrees C) and typically do this with a


 This doesn't export well to ODT.  Can anybody suggest what I can use
 that would?  Using ^{o}C works but doesn't look very nice (lower case
 o is not a circle, more of an oval).

 Not a critical issue but I *am* curious!


 I've answered my own question: simply resort to UTF characters!
 Replacing ^{\circ} with the DEGREE SIGN unicode character (°) does the
 trick for both latex/pdf and odt exports!  *And* looks good in the org
 buffer as well.

For the sake of completeness, I'll mention that Scott Pakin's
Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List[1] lists several packages which include
\degree or something similar.


Re: [O] how to get \circ symbol in odt export?

2012-01-12 Thread Carson Chittom
Christian Moe writes:

 I prefer utf-8 myself, but should it be impractical for any reason,
 Org's built-in \deg entity is another possibility.

 Terminate with {} before non-space character, e.g.:

   Global mean temperature rose 0.74 \deg{}C over 1906--2005.

 See the manual, 11.7.1 for pretty inline display.

Oh, hey, neat!  (I'm definitely going to have to back over the manual.)

Re: [O] protect slash - suppress markup

2012-01-05 Thread Carson Chittom
Bernt Hansen writes:

 Lasse Bombien writes:


 first of all: thanks for org-mode. I'm still new to it but love it already.

 Now, I need to find a way to produce sentences like The phonemes /l/
 and /n/ … in my exported documents. However, org-mode of course
 transforms strings enclosed in slashes to emphasized text. This is
 usually great, but in my area slashes are used as brackets for
 phonological transcripts. Is there a way to locally suppress slashes
 from being interpreted as markup characters (I tried backslashing and
 double slashes…) or an entirely different way to accomplish this (I
 tried: #+MACRO: phonem /$1/ …)?

 I looked in the manual and the list archive but could find
 anything. If I missed something, I apologize.

 During export you can turn this off

 #+OPTIONS: *:nil

But wouldn't that turn off, for example, *bolding* also?

Re: [O] would take more than an org-mode strip-down.

2011-10-04 Thread Carson Chittom
Allen S. Rout writes:

 In My Opinion, the current docs in org-mode are targeted at those who
 expect to have their own heads and shoulders inside the 'engine
 compartment' of org and emacs.  This makes them a poor tool to
 communicate with End-Users.  But this might be acceptable, because
 there's no hood on the engine, and the bloody thing is steered with a
 rudder and laterals, instead of the nice sane wheel and pedals
 everyone else uses. :)

I've always thought that Marus Ranum's comment[1] on X applied equally well
to Emacs:  If the designers of [Emacs] built cars, there would be no
fewer than five steering wheels hidden about the cockpit, none of which
followed the same principles---but you'd be able to shift gears with
your car stereo.  Useful feature, that.

Of course, he was being snarky, but some people (me!) *want* to be able
to change gears with the stereo.


Re: [O] .emacs file in windows

2011-09-14 Thread Carson Chittom
Bob Qualls writes:

 I would like to add the suggested Activiation code to the .emacs file but
 I can't figure out which one it is.  I downloaded the file for windows.

When you do C-x C-f to open a file just put in ~/.emacs and hit RET --
Emacs will open the file in the appropriate place. On Windows XP this is
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\.emacs and on
Windows 7 it's C:\Users\username\AppData\.emacs

Don't know about other Windows versions.

Unrelatedly, why did you download the binary for Emacs 23.1 instead of