Re: Concrete suggestions to improve Org mode third-party integration :: an afterthought following Karl Voit's Orgdown proposal

2021-12-06 Thread Gerry Agbobada
Hello everybody,

On Mon, Dec 6, 2021, at 18:59, Tom Gillespie wrote:
> I follow this list, I keep the community up to date with my work,
> I have no idea where to look for other Org related dicussions,
> nor frankly do I have time to look for them. I suspect I am not
> alone in this.

Just not to leave this be a wild guess or a lone data-point, I want to say that 
I’m exactly in the same case, and I really don’t want to bring up anything I do 
related to org-mode here because of this kind of backlash without which I feel 
really better. Too bad I guess, I’ll just try to communicate here and there 
through github issues as I’ve been doing until now.

Gerry Agbobada

Re: BNF grammar (was Concerns about community contributor support)

2021-04-21 Thread Gerry Agbobada

I just saw your message, and I wonder if there's an "official" channel to 
discuss these efforts. I have no experience in theoretical parsing/lexing, but 
I'm interested in learning and spending some time on externalizing org-mode 
parsing to make it actually available outside of Emacs.

I have a bunch of questions like "how do you currently setup your test harness 
for that ?" "Do you know the current limitations of this model ?" and stuff 
like that.

At least, I could try to use that BNF grammar with something like LPeg, to see 
if I can get a somehow working lua parser for org-mode (going for lua here 
because I'd prefer an easy-to-embed / small-runtime-dependency parsing helper 

Seeing this was a great news for the day to me, so thanks :)

Gerry Agbobada

Re: Emacs as an Org LSP server

2020-12-13 Thread Gerry Agbobada
On Sun, Dec 13, 2020, at 21:23, Jean Louis wrote:
> * TEC  [2020-12-13 20:35]:
> > > From a perspective that some server has to know what user is writing
> > > it is advisable to use one own's servers. But if idea gets popular
> > > some company will commercialize it and centralize user's data and
> > > privacy is gone.
> > 
> > FYI the nature of LSP (as I understand it) is that the "server" is a
> > locally running service that responds to signals from a "client" (code
> > editor / IDE).
> That is how it starts until corporation like Github or somebody else
> takes it over. Just look at Github pattern. Git was decentralized
> system that they centralized for 50 million developers and included
> eye candies that one cannot self-host as one wants.


The "server" in Language Server Protocol is a program that answers to LSP 
requests that's all. It could just be a program written in a FOSS licence (like 
Palantir pyls ) that needs to read the 
files on your computer in order to answer requests. Data (i.e your org files on 
your filesystem) does not need to be centralized for it to work.

Git was eventually ""centralized"" by github because version control systems 
and software forges are based on sharing the data between multiple users, so 
someone can (and will) offer the tradeoff to make the sharing easier at the 
cost of privacy/freedom etc.

LSP servers are just file indexers that implement a common protocol to make 
writing integrations easier. They are called servers because they are long 
running process listening to messages, but really everything could (and most of 
the time do) run offline, with file watches over your "project" and sockets for 
I/O with clients that run locally

Gerry Agbobada

Re: official orgmode parser

2020-11-28 Thread Gerry Agbobada

On Wed, Nov 11, 2020, at 10:15, Bastien wrote:
> The example file would be also good to help users track for small
> syntactic changes, when they happen.

When I thought mistakenly I could use an EBNF parser to parse Org-mode, I wrote 
a little examples to get going (never went past headings as I'm not really good 
with parsing things)

Maybe it could be used as a base. I wasn't really sure of how to handle test 
cases and creating good ones.

Best regards,

Gerry Agbobada

Re: official orgmode parser

2020-09-15 Thread Gerry Agbobada

I'm currently toying with the idea of trying a tree-sitter parser for Org. The 
very static nature of a shared object parser (knowing TODO keywords are pretty 
dynamic for example) is a challenge I'm not sure to overcome ; to be honest 
even without that I can't say I'll manage to do it.

Having a tree-sitter parser would be really great in my opinion, at least it's 
a clearer way to "freeze" the syntax with some tests describing the syntax tree 
with S-expressions. And tree-sitter seems to be the popular sought after 
solution to slowness in parsing (and incremental parsing of org files would 
help with big files in my opinion)

On Tue, Sep 15, 2020, at 09:58, Przemysław Kamiński wrote:
> Hello,
> I oftentimes find myself needing to parse org files with some external 
> tools (to generate reports for customers or sum up clock times for given 
> month, etc). Looking through the list
> and having tested some of these, I must say they are lacking. The 
> Haskell ones seem to be done best, but then the compile overhead of 
> Haskell and difficulty in embedding this into other languages is a drawback.
> I think it might benefit the community when such an official parser 
> would exist (and maybe could be hooked into org mode directly).
> I was thinking picking some scheme like chicken or guile, which could be 
> later easily embedded into C or whatever. Then use that parser in org 
> mode itself. This way some important part of org mode would be outside 
> of the small world of elisp.
> This is just an idea, what do you think? :)
> Best,
> Przemek

Gerry Agbobada

Re: Status of syntax specification

2020-05-19 Thread Gerry Agbobada
> It would need proof reading, and comparing with "org-element.el", the
> actual implementation of the syntax. Formalization may be better better,
> too.

I didn't know that there was a single point of entry to parse elements. I think 
my first step will be to try to write spec tests in elisp then. Hopefully I can 
cover most cases in the draft, and then see if org-element returns the tree 
that I expect for a cursor in various positions.

Spec tests should use ERT too right ? If I try to write those, I might as well 
make them in a suitable way for integration in org-mode codebase.

Thanks for the draft at least, it is a very helpful kickstart !

Gerry Agbobada

Status of syntax specification

2020-05-17 Thread Gerry Agbobada

I found on Worg a "draft" for org syntax description :

Do you think this paper marked as draft is good enough to use as a source to 
make a parser ?  <>
I think it'd be nice to try to finalize this ; but I don't know who to contact 
to see how I can help
 if I know almost nothing about standards and technical writing.

Best regards,
Gerry Agbobada

[issue] Small typo in ox-html

2020-02-11 Thread Gerry Agbobada
There's a small typo in latest ox-html commits

The "code-highlighted" string needs to keep the escaped ". It breaks
otherwise. (exact commit :

I don't know any other way to convey this issue, sorry if it's not the
correct way

Thanks for org-mode, and have a good day !