[O] Org-mode and Taskjuggler

2013-06-10 Thread Louis Turk
 Hi Christian,

I'm very interested in your work to get Org-mode to export to
Taskjuggler version 3 --- very exciting! Being able to export to tj3
from org-mode would be extremely helpful to me. However, I'm having
trouble getting it to work. I suspect that the documentation I've been
reading is too old --- for version 2 of Taskjuggler---, and I have
version 3 installed.

Would you please send me:

 1. The related code in your .emacs file.
 2. A sample full-featured org-mode file that compiles successfully to tj3.
 3. Any up-to-date documentation that is available.
 4. Anything other information needed to get it to work.

 Thank you in advance for your help. And thanks for all your work
already done on this project.


Re: [O] Org-mode and Taskjuggler

2013-06-12 Thread Louis Turk
Hi Christian and others that are helping me,

Many thanks!  I've run into more problems, but I'm encouraged that with
your help I'll soon have Taskjuggler enabled.

On 06/11/2013 04:46 PM, Christian Egli wrote:
> Hi Louis
> Louis Turk  writes:
>> I'm very interested in your work to get Org-mode to export to
>> Taskjuggler version 3 --- very exciting! Being able to export to tj3
>> from org-mode would be extremely helpful to me. 
> Cool.
>> However, I'm having trouble getting it to work. I suspect that the
>> documentation I've been reading is too old --- for version 2 of
>> Taskjuggler---, and I have version 3 installed.
> Yes, the documentation should be updated. John Hendy promised to do so a
> while ago :-) (hint, hint).
> What are the problems you are encountering? It should work out of the
> box. Once you have an org file as explained on the worg page you just
> invoke the exporter with C-c C-e J o for example and you should see the
> schedule in a browser.
>> Would you please send me:
>> 1 The related code in your .emacs file. 
> There is nothing special in my .emacs file. You need to include contrib
> to your load path (add-to-list 'load-path "~/src/org-mode/contrib/lisp")
I did this.
> and you need to enable the taskjuggler exporter (M-x customize
> org-export-backends).

"M-x customize org-export-backends" did not work for me. If I type "M-x 
customize-group" then type "org" I get into org related stuff, but nothing 
about export-backends. And in trying to figure this out I somehow disabled C-c 
C-e, so now I can't export to anything. I'm hoping I haven't disable a whole 
lot of other commands also. How can I fix this?

I'm using Emacs 23.3 which is the latest version packaged by Mint Linux. Do I 
need to upgrade to version 24.1?

>> 2 A sample full-featured org-mode file that compiles successfully to
>>   tj3. 
> The one on from the taskjuggler tutorial on the worg page should work.
I am (and will be) using that file until I get everything working.
>> 3 Any up-to-date documentation that is available.
> The best ATM is the tutorial on worg and the comments in the code.
>> 4 Anything other information needed to get it to work.
> If there is any other info needed then I'd say it is the official
> TaskJuggler documentation.
>> Thank you in advance for your help. And thanks for all your work
>> already done on this project.
> My pleasure.
> Christian
Thanks again.


Re: [O] Org-mode and Taskjuggler

2013-06-14 Thread Louis Turk
Hi Nick,

On 06/13/2013 01:21 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:
> If you *are* running v8.x, do C-h v org-export-backends RET
> and then click the customize link towards the bottom of the help text.
> That will take you directly to the place where you can customize
> the variable.
This does take me to the place, and even allows me to set the variable,
but it doesn't work. And it specifically says it must be set with M-x
But I've not bee able to find it so far. Or you can run some code, but I
don't know how yet.

I reinstalled org-mode from git, so I using version 8 now.


Re: [O] Org-mode and Taskjuggler

2013-06-14 Thread Louis Turk
On 06/13/2013 09:06 PM, John Hendy wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 11:38 PM, Louis Turk  
> wrote:
>> Hi Christian and others that are helping me,
>> Many thanks!  I've run into more problems, but I'm encouraged that with
>> your help I'll soon have Taskjuggler enabled.
>> On 06/11/2013 04:46 PM, Christian Egli wrote:
>>> Hi Louis
>>> Louis Turk  writes:
>>>> I'm very interested in your work to get Org-mode to export to
>>>> Taskjuggler version 3 --- very exciting! Being able to export to tj3
>>>> from org-mode would be extremely helpful to me.
>>> Cool.
>>>> However, I'm having trouble getting it to work. I suspect that the
>>>> documentation I've been reading is too old --- for version 2 of
>>>> Taskjuggler---, and I have version 3 installed.
>>> Yes, the documentation should be updated. John Hendy promised to do so a
>>> while ago :-) (hint, hint).
>>> What are the problems you are encountering? It should work out of the
>>> box. Once you have an org file as explained on the worg page you just
>>> invoke the exporter with C-c C-e J o for example and you should see the
>>> schedule in a browser.
>>>> Would you please send me:
>>>> 1 The related code in your .emacs file.
>>> There is nothing special in my .emacs file. You need to include contrib
>>> to your load path (add-to-list 'load-path "~/src/org-mode/contrib/lisp")
>> I did this.
>>> and you need to enable the taskjuggler exporter (M-x customize
>>> org-export-backends).
>> "M-x customize org-export-backends" did not work for me. If I type "M-x 
>> customize-group" then type "org" I get into org related stuff, but nothing 
>> about export-backends. And in trying to figure this out I somehow disabled 
>> C-c C-e, so now I can't export to anything. I'm hoping I haven't disable a 
>> whole lot of other commands also. How can I fix this?
> I'd really re-read through the upgrade guide:
> - http://orgmode.org/worg/org-8.0.html#sec-6
> The exporters start with ox-*.el now, not org-*, which may be why
> you're not finding them. Also, if you're like me (and your comments
> look like you are), you may enjoy using the second method to load
> backends so that you have the variables accessible for
> help/customization *prior* to exporting with the given backend the
> first time.
> This is sort of mentioned at the link above, covered in Section 3 of
> Nicolas' original announcement:
> - http://article.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/65574
> I also walked through it with examples of impact on another post:
> - http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/71874)
> It's also discussed on my blog; see the little section toward the end
> called "Note on .emacs settings":
> - 
> http://jwhendy.blogspot.com/2013/03/migrating-to-new-org-mode-exporter-org.html
> While the documentation is still in rough shape (sorry about that),
> the tj3 page should at least get you to the point where you can C-c
> C-e J for taskjuggler export:
> - http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-taskjuggler3.html
> Almost everything from the old documentation regarding the Org file
> structure is still applicable. The only thing that's really changed is
> there's no gui in tj3 and the report format changed.
> Keep the questions coming and good luck!
> I'll try to get some further setup instructions up as well as porting
> Taskjuggler's tutorial file and default report over to the tj3 page
> within the next week or so.
> John
I apologize and thank you! Somehow I totally missed the links in this
email the first time I read it. I'm up and running now.

Thanks again to you all for you great work!


>> I'm using Emacs 23.3 which is the latest version packaged by Mint Linux. Do 
>> I need to upgrade to version 24.1?
>>>> 2 A sample full-featured org-mode file that compiles successfully to
>>>>   tj3.
>>> The one on from the taskjuggler tutorial on the worg page should work.
>> I am (and will be) using that file until I get everything working.
>>>> 3 Any up-to-date documentation that is available.
>>> The best ATM is the tutorial on worg and the comments in the code.
>>>> 4 Anything other information needed to get it to work.
>>> If there is any other info needed then I'd say it is the official
>>> TaskJuggler documentation.
>>>> Thank you in advance for your help. And thanks for all your work
>>>> already done on this project.
>>> My pleasure.
>>> HTH
>>> Christian
>> Thanks again.
>> Louis

[O] Substitute for (bh/org-agenda-to-appt)

2016-07-13 Thread Louis Turk
With this fuction appointments are set up when Emacs starts:


I would like to substitute it with a function that sets the appointments
up when org-mode starts instead of when emacs starts. The reason being
that (bh/org-agenda-to-appt) causes all the org-agenda-files to load,
which is very irritating when I'm editing none org-mode files (which is
probably 95% of the time). I generally open one instance of emacs with
org-mode, and leave it open for weeks at a time. But I'm opening and
closing non-org-mode files all day long.

So, is there such a function?


[O] Time clocking problem

2016-08-31 Thread Louis Turk
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to learn how to time my work using this setup:


It is my understanding that:

1. When I punch in each morning using  I the cursor can be anywhere
in any file, and this will start the clock in the * Organization task.

2. I can then go to a todo item and clock in to it, also using  I,
and the clock will automatically stop on the *Organization task, and
start on the todo item.

3. When I clock out of the todo item, the clock should automatically
start again in the *Organization task.

1 and 3 do not work for me. I have to place the cursor on the
*Organization task to start timing it. And when I clock out of a todo
item, the *Organization task is not automatically clocked in.

Am I misunderstanding something? I want to keep track of all my work
time. Do I have to do it all manually?

Also, how can I be sure that org-id is working properly?

Many thanks in advance for any help.


Re: [O] Time clocking problem

2016-09-01 Thread Louis Turk
On 09/01/2016 06:53 PM, Malcolm Purvis wrote:
>>>>>> "Louis" == Louis Turk  writes:
> Louis> 1 and 3 do not work for me. I have to place the cursor on the
> Louis> *Organization task to start timing it. And when I clock out of a
> Louis> todo item, the *Organization task is not automatically clocked
> Louis> in.
> The code searches for the Organization task by the id stored in
> the variable bh/organization-task-id.  Are these matching in your case?
> Eg:
> #+begin_src org
> ...
> ,* Tasks
> ,** Organization
>:ID:   eb155a82-92b2-4f25-a3c6-0304591af2f9
> #+end_src
> #+begin_src elisp
> (setq bh/organization-task-id "eb155a82-92b2-4f25-a3c6-0304591af2f9")
> #+end_src
> Malcolm

Hi Malcolm,

Thanks for responding.

Here is what I have:

#+OPTIONS: toc:0 H:4

* Organization
CLOCK: [2016-09-01 Thu 20:42]--[2016-09-01 Thu 20:43] =>  0:01
CLOCK: [2016-09-01 Thu 07:55]--[2016-09-01 Thu 07:56] =>  0:01
CLOCK: [2016-08-31 Wed 15:51]--[2016-08-31 Wed 15:54] =>  0:03
CLOCK: [2016-08-31 Wed 10:02]--[2016-08-31 Wed 10:36] =>  0:34
CLOCK: [2016-08-31 Wed 08:45]--[2016-08-31 Wed 09:09] =>  0:24
CLOCK: [2016-08-30 Tue 14:08]--[2016-08-30 Tue 14:09] =>  0:01
CLOCK: [2016-08-30 Tue 10:24]--[2016-08-30 Tue 10:25] =>  0:01
CLOCK: [2016-08-29 Mon 10:56]--[2016-08-29 Mon 11:08] =>  0:12
:id: eb155a82-92b2-4f25-a3c6-0304591af2f9

This line is in my .emacs:

(defvar bh/organization-task-id "eb155a82-92b2-4f25-a3c6-0304591af2f9")

If I type:

C-u C-c C-x C-i 3

The clock starts on the * Organization task. So I assume the ID must not
be the problem.

The clock time above were all started with the cursor on the *
Organization task, except the top one which was started with C-u C-c C-x
C-i 3


[Orgmode] org-default-notes-file

2010-10-17 Thread Louis Turk

 Hi everyone,

I trying to set up capture to use refile.org as the default notes file.

lat-a-ws% locate refile.org

(setq org-default-notes-file "~/org/refile.org")

But I get:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-string-nw-p)
  (org-string-nw-p file)
  (or (org-string-nw-p file) org-default-notes-file (error "No notes 
file specified, and no default available"))
  (setq file (or (org-string-nw-p file) org-default-notes-file (error 
"No notes file specified, and no default available")))

  (set-buffer (org-capture-target-buffer (nth 1 target)))

How do I fix this?


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

[Orgmode] Re: org-default-notes-file

2010-10-18 Thread Louis Turk

 On 10/18/2010 05:20 PM, Noorul Islam K M wrote:

Louis Turk  writes:

  On 10/18/2010 05:09 PM, Noorul Islam K M wrote:

Louis Turk   writes:

   On 10/18/2010 03:16 PM, Noorul Islam K M wrote:

Louis Turkwrites:

Hi everyone,

I trying to set up capture to use refile.org as the default notes file.

lat-a-ws% locate refile.org

(setq org-default-notes-file "~/org/refile.org")

But I get:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-string-nw-p)
 (org-string-nw-p file)
 (or (org-string-nw-p file) org-default-notes-file (error "No notes
file specified, and no default available"))
 (setq file (or (org-string-nw-p file) org-default-notes-file (error
"No notes file specified, and no default available")))
 (set-buffer (org-capture-target-buffer (nth 1 target)))

How do I fix this?

This function is defined in org-macs.el. I think you should have in your

(require 'org-macs)

Thanks and Regards

Thanks for responding, but that doesn't seem to cure the problem. I
still get the same error message.

Which version of emacs and org-mode are you using?

M-x emacs-version
M-x org-version

Thanks and Regards

GNU Emacs 23.2.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.20.0) of
2010-05-08 on pidsley.hoetzel.info

Org-mode version 6.33x (release_7.01h.718.g0cb3c5.dirty)

also, I'm using archlinux

I think you should use "Reply-To All" so that everyone in the list can
see your message and help out.

Thanks. I didn't realize I wasn't replying to the list.

It looks like there is a collision of org-mode versions? Do you have
multiple org-mode installations?
Not on purpose, but probably. I think I used git to get the latest 

I think 6.33x is the one that comes with emacs and release 7.01h is the
latest. Ensure that you have the latest version ahead in load path.

Thanks and Regards
This is my .emacs, if that will help. Perhaps something in my .emacs is 
conflicting. It probably needs a lot of cleaning up.

  ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
  ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(canlock-password "129de665b1f8f1c95eaaa9daca897b054d323b2b")
 '(column-number-mode t)
 '(current-language-environment "UTF-8")
 '(debug-on-error t)
 '(muse-project-alist (quote (("WikiPlanner" ("~/plans" :default 
"index" :major-mode planner-mode :visit-link planner-visit-link)
 '(org-agenda-files (quote ("~/org/anniversaries.org" 
"~/org/schedule.org" "~/org/projects.org")))
 '(safe-local-variable-values (quote ((Package . CL-PPCRE) (Syntax . 
COMMON-LISP) (Package . CL-USER) (Base . 10

 '(save-place t nil (saveplace))
 '(scroll-bar-mode (quote right))
 '(show-paren-mode t)
 '(size-indication-mode t)
 '(uniquify-buffer-name-style (quote forward) nil (uniquify))
 '(vc-handled-backends (quote (Git SVN CVS RCS SCCS Arch
  ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
  ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(default ((t (:inherit nil :stipple nil :background "honeydew" 
:foreground "black" :inverse-video nil :box nil :strike-through nil 
:overline nil :underline nil :slant normal :weight normal :height 136 
:width normal :foundry "unknown" :family "Gentium")

(global-set-key "\C-x\C-m" 'execute-extended-command)
(global-set-key "\C-c\C-m" 'execute-extended-command)
;(setq custom-file "~/.emacs-custom.elc")
;(load custom-file)
(setq inhibit-splash-screen '(t))

(put 'downcase-region 'disabled nil)
(put 'upcase-region 'disabled nil)

;;; Maltron keyboard navagation

;; Moving down 
(global-set-key (kbd "s-k") 'next-line)
(global-set-key (kbd "s-o") 'forward-char)
(global-set-key (kbd "s-r") 'forward-word)
(global-set-key (kbd "s-'") 'forward-sentence)
(global-set-key (kbd "s-l") 'forward-paragraph)
(global-set-key (kbd "s-z") 'forward-page)
(global-set-key (kbd "s-x") 'end-of-buffer)

;; Moving up -
(global-set-key (kbd "s-u") 'previous-line)
(global-set-key (kbd "s-t") 'backward-char)
(global-set-key (kbd "s-d") 'backward-word)

[Orgmode] Re: org-default-notes-file

2010-10-18 Thread Louis Turk

 On 10/18/2010 06:03 PM, Noorul Islam K M wrote:

Can you move following line to the beginning for org-mode settings?

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/org-mode/lisp/")

Thanks and Regards

Thanks, you are really trying hard to help me. But I still get the same 
error message.

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

[Orgmode] Re: org-default-notes-file

2010-10-18 Thread Louis Turk

 On 10/18/2010 05:39 PM, Andreas Röhler wrote:

Am 18.10.2010 11:02, schrieb Noorul Islam K M:

Andreas Röhler  writes:

Am 18.10.2010 09:16, schrieb Noorul Islam K M:

Louis Turk   writes:

   Hi everyone,

I trying to set up capture to use refile.org as the default notes 

lat-a-ws% locate refile.org

(setq org-default-notes-file "~/org/refile.org")

But I get:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-string-nw-p)
(org-string-nw-p file)
(or (org-string-nw-p file) org-default-notes-file (error "No 

file specified, and no default available"))
(setq file (or (org-string-nw-p file) org-default-notes-file 

"No notes file specified, and no default available")))
(set-buffer (org-capture-target-buffer (nth 1 target)))

How do I fix this?

This function is defined in org-macs.el. I think you should have in 


(require 'org-macs)

Thanks and Regards

Hi Noorul,

would this not indicate a bug anyway?
IMHO functions needed should be available, if org-mode is activated.

BTW at my machine org-string-nw-p is defined in the git-repo only, not
in the installed org-macs.el.


Strange that org-string-nw-p is not there in org-macs.el.

Seems not that strange for me.

git blame says,

org-mobile.el, where it's defined, started 2009-09-15

So vendors might not have it, it's not distributed yet maybe.

If distributed, (require 'org-macs)
isn't needed BTW, because org.el already requires it then.

So my recommendation is just to load the git-version:

git clone git://repo.or.cz/org-mode.git



Thanks for replying.

I updated using

lat-a-ws% git clone git://repo.or.cz/org-mode.git

but I still get the same error message.


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

[Orgmode] Re: org-default-notes-file

2010-10-18 Thread Louis Turk

 On 10/18/2010 07:17 PM, Noorul Islam K M wrote:

Louis Turk  writes:

  On 10/18/2010 06:03 PM, Noorul Islam K M wrote:

Can you move following line to the beginning for org-mode settings?

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/org-mode/lisp/")

Thanks and Regards

Thanks, you are really trying hard to help me. But I still get the
same error message.

Try to find out which version of org-mode is actually loaded. May be you
can use M-x find-library org to find which org.el is loaded.

Thanks and Regards

That loaded ~/org-mode/lisp/org.el


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] Re: TaskJuggler 3, revisited

2010-10-18 Thread Louis Turk

 On 10/18/2010 10:52 PM, Christian Egli wrote:

Anthony Lander  writes:

Is anyone interested in the changes I've made for tj2? I unfortunately
don't have time to document them, except in point form as above, but I
am happy to put together a patch and send it to the list for others to
bang away on.

I'm very interested in these patches and would definitely like to see
them, documented or not. It sounds like they should be integrated in the

2. Carsten, would you be interested in these changes, and/or a
taskjuggler3 exporter?

I was hoping to have only one taskjuggler exporter which can handle both
tj2 and tj3, possibly depending on a defcustom.


I'm especially interested in a tj3 exporter. I have already installed 
tj3 specifically to use with org-mode.


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

[Orgmode] Control loading org-mode

2010-10-26 Thread Louis Turk
 Is there any way to prevent org-agenda files from loading except when 
visiting files with the org extension?


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] Control loading org-mode

2010-10-27 Thread Louis Turk

 On 10/27/2010 01:24 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:

Louis Turk  wrote:

   Hi Nick,

Thanks for responding.

On 10/27/2010 12:16 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:

Louis Turk   wrote:

Is there any way to prevent org-agenda files from loading except when
visiting files with the org extension?

Care to be a bit more explicit?


I'm trying to implement this: http://doc.norang.ca/org-mode.html

Everything is fine the first time I load emacs. But if I load a second
instance of emacs I get an error:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-locked "/home/lat/org/refile.org"
"l...@lat-a-ws (pid 8146)")
signal(file-locked ("/home/lat/org/refile.org" "l...@lat-a-ws (pid

This is very irritating, as I often have 4 or 5 instances of emacs open
at the same time.

So, it would be much better for me is org-mode code didn't try to load
at all except when I visit a file with the org extension.

Is that possible?

You probably have a call to org-agenda or org-agenda-list somewhere in
your initialization file(s). Some people like that because it brings the
agenda up when emacs is started, but it does lead to the problem you
encounter. Eliminate it from your init file(s) and make it a habit to
invoke org-agenda or org-agenda-list explicitly: if you followed the
manual, the former is bound to C-c a  and the latter is invoked through
the "a" key in the agenda dispatcher; since I usually start with that,
I bind it to a convenient key combination -in my case (
is a prefix for a bunch of org-related keys).


You were right. That fixed it! Many thanks!


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

[O] How to prevent loading of org-agenda-files?

2016-03-02 Thread Louis Turk
Hi everyone,

I use emacs all day long for many purposes, including programming. I
open emacs with org-mode on one desktop, and leave it running
continually. I do not want emacs to load the org-agenda files every time
I open a source-code file, but rather only when I open a file with the
.org extension. How can this be done?
