Hi there,

I worked on an exporter to the txt2tags format (http://txt2tags.org/) via org-
export-generic, and I have got a few questions (that are also included as 
comments in the attached patch).

My first question is about numbered lists: they don't seem to be detected, 
i.e. numbers are kept (despite :body-number-list-leave-number is set to nil), 
and the prefix is not applied. It seems to be the case also for other formats 
handled by the generic exporter, so maybe it is a known issue.

In the same kind of issue, the #+BEGIN_QUOTE blocks does not seem to be 
detected, setting :blockquote-start and :blockquote-end doesn't have any 
effect and the text inside the block is outputted as normal paragraph text.

#+BEGIN_VERSE blocks are the same except they start with “ORG-VERSE-START” and 
end with “ORG-VERSE-END”, but I guess this is more normal since I don't find 
any mention of verse blocks in the org-export-generic code.

That said the txt2tags format doen't handle quote blocks, each line of a quote 
must be indented by a tab. Would it be possible to add something like :body-
line-quote-format and :body-line-verse-format (as :body-line-fixed-format 

I also have a problem with tables, as txt2tags doesn't handle horizontal lines 
in the tables; would it be possible to add an option like :body-line-export-

My last question is about paragraph spacing. To get a blank line between two 
paragraphs (which is the way to separate paragraphs in txt2tags as well as in 
org-mode), I set :body-newline-paragraph to "\n" (by the way that should also 
be the case at least in the MediaWiki exporter). It works as expected for 
normal paragraphs, but it becomes a mess with item lists.

I set the following variables for more visibility:
     :body-line-format              "%s!EOL!\n"
     :body-newline-paragraph        "!NP!\n"
     :body-list-format              "- %s!EOI!"
     :body-list-suffix              "!BLS!\n\n!ELS!"
So we have !EOL! before an end of line, !NP! before a new paragraph, !EOI! at 
the end of a list item (without a trailing new line), !BLS! to begin the list 
suffix and !ELS! to end it. Note that the txt2tags format requires two blank 
lines to close a list.

Now we have the following text in our org-mode buffer:

- First item.
- This is
  an item
  on three lines.
- Bar foo

Which gets exported as:

- First item.!EOI!!NP!
- This is!EOI!!BLS!

!ELS!  an item!EOL!
  on three lines.!EOL!
- Bar foo!EOI!!BLS!

!ELS!  blah.!EOL!

So, it sounds like multi-line items are not handled properly by org-generic-
exporter. In my opinion:
- :body-newline-paragraph should not be added inside a list, we can handle the 
format of an item list with :body-list-format.
- The second and subsequent lines of an item should be handled as special 
elements instead of as normal lines, i.e. :body-line-format should not be 
used, but maybe a :body-list-line-format should be added.
- The end of a list should be detected so that :body-list-suffix is added only 

I am by no mean a Lisp developper, so that is what I *think* should be done to 
get a proper handling of lists, but (1) I may be wrong, and (2) I don't think 
I can do that myself. Comments and advices appreciated.

Also, at the end of my patch is a small list of things missing in org-generic-
exporter to get a complete txt2tags support, in case someone's got some spare 
time and doesn't know where to start :-)

Thanks for reading so far,


P.S.: please keep me CC'ed if you answer this email, as I am not subscribed to 
the list.
--- org-export-generic.el.orig	2012-11-13 17:59:22.795585712 +0100
+++ org-export-generic.el	2012-11-13 19:33:15.458769199 +0100
@@ -371,6 +371,103 @@
+    ;; txt2tags
+    ;;
+    ("txt2tags"
+     :file-suffix                   ".t2t"
+     :key-binding                   ?2
+     ; Header
+     :title-format                  "%s\n"
+     :author-export                 t
+     :date-export                   t
+     :date-suffix                   "\n"
+     :toc-export                    nil
+     ; Titles & sections
+     :body-section-prefix           ""
+     :body-header-section-numbers   nil
+     :body-section-header-prefix   ("\n\n\n= " "\n== " "=== "
+                                    "==== " "===== " "====== ")
+     :body-section-header-format    "%s"
+     :body-section-header-suffix   (" =\n" " ==\n" " ===\n"
+                                    " ====\n" " =====\n" " ======\n")
+     ; General line format
+     :body-line-format              "%s\n"
+     :body-line-wrap                72
+     ; To have a new line after each paragraph:
+     :body-newline-paragraph        "\n"
+     :body-text-prefix              ""
+     :body-text-suffix              ""
+     ; Lists
+     ; Note: nested lists are not handled by org-export-generic yet.
+     ; /!\ Multi-line items get a new line after their first line
+     ;     (because of :body-newline-paragraph)
+     :body-list-format              "- %s"
+     :body-list-suffix              "\n\n"
+     ; Numbered lists
+     ; /!\ Numbered lists does not seem to be detected in the Org source
+     ;     file!
+     :body-number-list-format       "+ %s\n"
+     :body-number-list-suffix       "\n\n"
+     :body-number-list-leave-number nil
+     ; Checkboxes
+     :body-list-checkbox-todo       "\\1 "
+     :body-list-checkbox-done       "\\1 "
+     :body-list-checkbox-half       "\\1 "
+     :body-list-checkbox-todo-end   ""
+     :body-list-checkbox-done-end   ""
+     :body-list-checkbox-half-end   "\n"
+     ; Text style formats
+     :bold-format                   "**%s**"
+     :italic-format                 "//%s//"
+     :underline-format              "__%s__"
+     :strikethrough-format          "--%s--"
+     :code-format                   "``%s``"
+     :verbatim-format               "``%s``"
+     ; Block formats
+     :body-line-export-preformated  t
+     :body-line-fixed-format        "``` %s\n"
+     ; /!\ #+BEGIN_QUOTE does not seem to work (neither do #+BEGIN_VERSE)
+;     :blockquote-start              "!BLOCKQUOTE-START!"
+;     :blockquote-end                "!BLOCKQUOTE-END!"
+     ; Tables
+     :body-table-start              ""
+     :body-table-end                ""
+     :body-table-row-start          "|"
+     :body-table-row-end            "|"
+     :body-table-cell-start         ""
+     :body-table-cell-end           ""
+     :body-table-first-cell-start   ""
+     :body-table-interior-cell-start "| "
+     :body-table-interior-cell-end  " "
+     :body-table-last-cell-end      ""
+     ; /!\ Horizontal lines are not handled by txt2tags, but there is
+     ;     apparently no way to avoid them
+     :body-table-hline-start        ""
+     :body-table-hline-end          ""
+     ; Other stuff handled by txt2tags and org-mode but not yet by
+     ; org-export-generic:
+     ; - definition/description lists
+     ; - comments (# lines and #+BEGIN_COMMENT blocks)
+     ; - verbatim/literal blocks (#+BEGIN_EXAMPLE and #+BEGIN_SRC)
+     ; - horizontal rule (currently detected as a list item)
+     ; - links
+     ; - images
+     ; - included files (#+INCLUDE) (what would be nice is an option to
+     ;   allow choosing between inclusion of sub-files as #+INCLUDEs or
+     ;   directly in the text)
+     ; - macros
+     )
+    ;;
     ;; internet-draft .xml for xml2rfc exporter

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