Re: [O] Cannot use C-c c to capture from within some files

2011-04-19 Thread Stefan Strohmeier
Hi Bernt,

> It looks like your capture session is trying to create a git link and
> can't find the 'git' program.  I assume you are using
> contrib/org-git-link.el.  I personally have no experience with this
> package.

You are right. For some unknown reason I enabled org-git-link in the 
org-modules pane. I unchecked it and now it is working fine.

Thanks for your quick help.

Re: [O] Cannot use C-c c to capture from within some files

2011-04-19 Thread Stefan Strohmeier
Dear Bernt and everyone else,

> Please provide a backtrace
> (setq debug-on-error t)
> and regenerate the error.  Loading org without compiled elisp (C-u M-x
> org-reload) will give better backtrace details.

This is the backtrace I get when I do a org-reload withtout the compiled elisp:

Debug On Error Start
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-error "Searching for program" "No such file 
or directory" "git")
  call-process("git" nil t nil "--no-pager" 
"--git-dir=/Users/ianus/MyElisp/Organisation/.git" "symbolic-ref" "-q" "HEAD")
  (zerop (call-process org-git-program nil t nil "--no-pager" (concat 
"--git-dir=" gitdir) "symbolic-ref" "-q" "HEAD"))
  (not (zerop (call-process org-git-program nil t nil "--no-pager" (concat 
"--git-dir=" gitdir) "symbolic-ref" "-q" "HEAD")))
  (if (not (zerop (call-process org-git-program nil t nil "--no-pager" (concat 
"--git-dir=" gitdir) "symbolic-ref" "-q" "HEAD"))) (error "git error: %s " 
(buffer-string)) (goto-char (point-min)) (if (looking-at "^refs/heads/") 
(buffer-substring 12 (1- (point-max)
  (progn (if (not (zerop (call-process org-git-program nil t nil "--no-pager" 
(concat "--git-dir=" gitdir) "symbolic-ref" "-q" "HEAD"))) (error "git error: 
%s " (buffer-string)) (goto-char (point-min)) (if (looking-at "^refs/heads/") 
(buffer-substring 12 (1- (point-max))
  (unwind-protect (progn (if (not (zerop (call-process org-git-program nil t 
nil "--no-pager" (concat "--git-dir=" gitdir) "symbolic-ref" "-q" "HEAD"))) 
(error "git error: %s " (buffer-string)) (goto-char (point-min)) (if 
(looking-at "^refs/heads/") (buffer-substring 12 (1- (point-max)) (and 
(buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer)))
  (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (unwind-protect (progn (if (not 
(zerop (call-process org-git-program nil t nil "--no-pager" (concat 
"--git-dir=" gitdir) "symbolic-ref" "-q" "HEAD"))) (error "git error: %s " 
(buffer-string)) (goto-char (point-min)) (if (looking-at "^refs/heads/") 
(buffer-substring 12 (1- (point-max)) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) 
(kill-buffer temp-buffer
  (with-current-buffer temp-buffer (unwind-protect (progn (if (not (zerop 
(call-process org-git-program nil t nil "--no-pager" (concat "--git-dir=" 
gitdir) "symbolic-ref" "-q" "HEAD"))) (error "git error: %s " (buffer-string)) 
(goto-char (point-min)) (if (looking-at "^refs/heads/") (buffer-substring 12 
(1- (point-max)) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer
  (let ((temp-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *temp*"))) (with-current-buffer 
temp-buffer (unwind-protect (progn (if (not (zerop (call-process 
org-git-program nil t nil "--no-pager" ... "symbolic-ref" "-q" "HEAD"))) (error 
"git error: %s " (buffer-string)) (goto-char (point-min)) (if (looking-at 
"^refs/heads/") (buffer-substring 12 (1- ...) (and (buffer-name 
temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer)
  (with-temp-buffer (if (not (zerop (call-process org-git-program nil t nil 
"--no-pager" (concat "--git-dir=" gitdir) "symbolic-ref" "-q" "HEAD"))) (error 
"git error: %s " (buffer-string)) (goto-char (point-min)) (if (looking-at 
"^refs/heads/") (buffer-substring 12 (1- (point-max))
  (let* ((gitdir (first (org-git-find-gitdir (file-truename file 
(branchname (org-git-get-current-branch gitdir)) (timestring 
(format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d" (current-time (org-make-link "git:" file 
"::" (org-git-create-searchstring branchname timestring)))
  (org-store-link-props :type "git" :link (org-git-create-git-link file))
  (progn (org-store-link-props :type "git" :link (org-git-create-git-link 
  (if (org-git-gitrepos-p file) (progn (org-store-link-props :type "git" :link 
(org-git-create-git-link file
  (when (org-git-gitrepos-p file) (org-store-link-props :type "git" :link 
(org-git-create-git-link file)))
  (let ((file (abbreviate-file-name (buffer-file-name (when 
(org-git-gitrepos-p file) (org-store-link-props :type "git" :link 
(org-git-create-git-link file
  (progn (let ((file (abbreviate-file-name (buffer-file-name (when 
(org-git-gitrepos-p file) (org-store-link-props :type "git" :link 
(org-git-create-git-link file)
  (if (buffer-file-name) (progn (let ((file (abbreviate-file-name 
(buffer-file-name (when (org-git-gitrepos-p file) (org-store-link-props 
:type "git" :link (org-git-create-git-link file))
  (when (buffer-file-name) (let ((file (abbreviate-file-name 
(buffer-file-name (when (org-git-gitrepos-p file) (org-store-link-props 
:type "git" :link (org-git-create-git-link file)
  (cond ((run-hook-with-args-until-success (quote org-store-link-functions)) 
(setq link (plist-get org-store-link-plist :link) desc (or (plist-get 
org-store-link-plist :descript

[O] Cannot use C-c c to capture from within some files

2011-04-19 Thread Stefan Strohmeier
Dear Org-mode users,

I am a happy user of org-mode. Thanks for this awesome piece of software.

However, I have some problems in running the org-capture command with C-c c in 
some files. For example, I have a buffer opened and when I try to 
use C-c c to capture I get the following error message:

zerop: Searching for program: No such file or directory, git

From within other files such as the org agenda buffer I can use the capture 
command without any problems. I cannot see why this problem should be related 
to git. I have a working copy of git installed. I use the global-set-key as 
explained in the tutorial.

I am using GNU Emacs 23.3.1 (NS apple-appkit) on a Mac OS X 10.6.7 machine.

Can someone please tell me what the problem might be. Any hint is greatly 
appreciated. Using google I could not find a related post. Please apologize if 
this question has been asked before.

Thanks for your time.

Stefan Strohmeier
Doctoral Student
Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research

[Orgmode] [OT] My Email to Mr. Steve Jobs

2011-02-27 Thread Stefan Strohmeier
Dear Emacs-Users,

a couple of weeks ago I wrote an Email to Mr. Steve Jobs. A few days later I 
got a very personal answer. I think it is worth sharing my Email to Mr. Steve 
Jobs. Feedback is welcomed. Thanks!

Stefan Strohmeier
Lichtenau 2011
Member of the church of Emacs

Here is my mail:

Betreff: Connecting the dots...

Dear Mr. Steve Jobs,

time told you and you told me.

I am a 29 year old boy happened to be born in Germany, the land of Sauerkraut, 
fancy cars and fresh air. Albert Einstein was born here without whom your GPS 
would be set off 10 km in one day, within one week it would be useless. Also 
Konrad Zuse was born here, the engineer who build the first programmable 

My three biggest fears:

1) Have my parents attend my funeral

I am not afraid to die and I love my parents. I was diagnosed with multiple 
myeloma cancer in July 2006. In a 12 hour surgery three vertebras were removed 
and replaced by a titan cage. I guess there are only a handful of people on 
this planet who can do this surgery. The titan cage was introduced by a guy 
named Prof. Dr. Jürgen Harms. I am still alive and I can walk. Since a few 
weeks I am on a "Primal Diet" and I feel better than ever. 
I have read your cancer story...

2) Losing the love of my life

I cheated on my girl friend with a beautiful sporty blonde. I told her this. I 
smoke(d) and she deadly hates it. During a severe psychosis I even forgot her 
name. She is still with me. This must be true love. I cannot ask for more.

She was raised as a only child because her parents could not afford to have 
another baby. She is very smart, beautiful and funny. Now she is about to 
finish her PhD in biochemics and bioinformatics. She is from Rosario, the home 
town of Che Guevara and the football star Messi. She introduced me to Malbec 
wine and great meat...

3) Having another psychosis and thus doing something stupid

In 2010 I had another tumor in one of the vertebras. It was irradiated and then 
I had a high dose chemotherapy with stem cell transplantation at the DKFZ in 
Heidelberg. To support the chemotherapy I was given a very high dose of 
cortisone. This messed up my system. I ate like a pig and gained 10 kilos in 
three weeks. At a certain point I could not sleep for four days and I started 
to get hallucinations. I believed I was Jesus. This is something thought by 
many people having a psychosis. I could also see some analogies to the case of 
John Forbes Nash. I have seen the movie "A Beautiful Mind". Unfortunately, he 
was treated with heavy electric shocks which must have been very painful. I got 
haloperidol (Haldol) and many other drugs for a few weeks. It was one of the 
worst experiences in my life. Now, I am doing quite fine again...

I admire you very much and your products have made my time at the hospitals as 
good as possible. I listened to the Beatles with my iPod and I could work on my 
diploma thesis on a white Macbook 2006. My parents bought it for me because I 
suffered so much. At this point in time I only make about 10 Euros an hour but 
maybe one day I can afford a Macbook Pro with a mighty fast SSD.

I do research related to CO2 emissions and global warming at the BayCEER. 
Yesterday I listened to a talk at my university by a former MIT fellow named 
Jochem Marotzke. His conclusion on the global warming issue was, as far as I 
understood, that the rich countries might be able to manage it but the poor 
countries might get into serious trouble. Something should be done about this. 
Sometimes I am frustrated with the way science is done. And I thought about 
getting a real job after listening to your speech at Stanford on youtube. But 
it's the "pleasure of finding things out" that might keep me in the science 

Maybe we can meet one day or you could introduce me to some US American cancer 
and back specialists.

It would be a great honor for me to get in touch with you one day. I can invite 
you to my place but it is a very shitty two room apartment with no heating in 
the bathroom...

That's it. I just wanted to share my story. Please excuse the selfish tone, the 
many I's and words.

By the way, I think that you can even connect the dots forward to some extent. 
This would not be possible without the works of Blaise Pascal and Mr. Fermat...

I wish you all the strength, believe, love and knowledge that is necessary to 
deal with your latest health issues.

In case you are an employee related to Steve Jobs please forward this to him. 
Thank you!

Please reply to stefan.strohmeier(@), st.strohmeier(@) or 
to my brand new iPhone 4 under the number +49 151 50493336.

I am also looking for a real job because I might drop my PhD thesis. Can you 
offer me a job at If so where should I apply to?

Connect the dots and define your fears...

Stefan Strohm