Re: [O] Tikz--LaTeX/HTML

2012-03-26 Thread Steve Hafner
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 3:48 AM, Andreas Leha wrote:
 Andreas Leha writes:

 Sorry, sent with wrong version, see below:

 Steve Hafner writes:

 I'm trying to get a LaTeX scr block with Tikz code either to go native
 into LaTeX or to be converted into a PNG file and included in HTML, as
 described in
 That document refers to a thread on this list in which two example
 were given:
 Both examples behave in a similar way for me on Org-7.8.06, but not in
 the way I expected. If I export to PDF then I just get
 [[file:test.png]] in the PDF where I expected the image to be
 visible, and if I export to HTML then nothing is visible in the HTML
 file. Either way I export, the file test.png is indeed generated.

 So I wonder if these examples are valid with respect to 7.8.06 or
 maybe my expectations are off. I would not think that the PNG file
 should be generated for the PDF export, but would expect the image to
 be visible when viewing either document. Reading the manual, it seems
 that maybe the behavior has changed in the last year with respect to
 these examples.

 So I've tried to figure it out with the manual. If I don't worry about
 the HTML export, I'm able to set up the document so that the Tikz code
 is included into LaTeX in the correct way; not too difficult.  On the
 other hand, if I don't worry about the LaTeX export, I can get the PNG
 file to generate but can't get it automatically included into the
 HTML. If I could get this second part figured out, then the plan would
 be to have an elisp conditional testing on backend (if this is still
 a valid symbol to test on) that would determine whether on not to
 include :file etc. in the header for the src block. Any thoughts?


 Hi Steve,

 the examples are indeed out-dated.

 1) 'backend is now
    'org-export-current-backend (though I am not sure, I think there was
    also 'latexp at some time).
 2) If the latex block is evaluated at all and a file argument is
    present, this will be used.  So the block meant to go the latex-PDF
    route should not contain the :file argument.
 3) Even if :results graphics or :results file is specified, the
    results of a latex block seem to be wrapped in
    #+begin_latex...#+end_latex.  So for the block meant to go to the
    html, one way is to specify :results org.  But here I get a
    spurious ORG-ORG-START ...

 Anyway, besides that ORG-ORG-START thing, this seems to work on my side:

 | * Tikz test
 |   #+name: contents
 |   #+begin_src latex :exports (if (and (boundp 'org-export-current-backend) 
 (eq org-export-current-backend 'latex)) results none) :results latex
 |     \begin{tikzpicture}
 |       \node[red!50!black] (a) {A};
 |       \node (b) [right of=a] {B};
 |       \draw[-] (a) -- (b);
 |     \end{tikzpicture}
 |   #+end_src
 |   #+begin_src latex :exports (if (and (boundp 'org-export-current-backend) 
 (eq org-export-current-backend 'latex)) none results) :results file 
 :file test.png :imagemagick yes :iminoptions -density 600 :imoutoptions 
 -geometry 400 :fit yes :noweb yes :headers '(\\usepackage{tikz})

 here it should have been :results org

 |     contents
 |   #+end_src



 PS: BTW, it requires tons of header arguments.  These can be split over
 several lines:
 | * Tikz test
 | #+name: contents
 | #+header: :exports (if (and (boundp 'org-export-current-backend) (eq 
 org-export-current-backend 'latex)) results none)
 | #+header: :results latex
 | #+begin_src latex
 |   \begin{tikzpicture}
 |     \node[red!50!black] (a) {A};
 |     \node (b) [right of=a] {B};
 |     \draw[-] (a) -- (b);
 |   \end{tikzpicture}
 | #+end_src
 | #+header: :exports (if (and (boundp 'org-export-current-backend) (eq 
 org-export-current-backend 'latex)) none results)
 | #+header: :results org :file test.png
 | #+header: :imagemagick yes :iminoptions -density 600 :imoutoptions 
 -geometry 400
 | #+header: :fit yes :noweb yes :headers '(\\usepackage{tikz})
 | #+begin_src latex
 |   contents
 | #+end_src

Thank you, Andreas. It now works as expected. I don't have any
problems that I can see with repect to this ORG-ORG-START issue; the
exported files I get look clean.

For any in-the-dark readers coming across this thread, I needed to put

#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{tikz}

in my file.


Re: [O] Tikz--LaTeX/HTML

2012-03-26 Thread Steve Hafner
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 9:11 AM, Steve Hafner wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 3:48 AM, Andreas Leha wrote:
 Andreas Leha writes:

 Sorry, sent with wrong version, see below:

 Steve Hafner writes:

 I'm trying to get a LaTeX scr block with Tikz code either to go native
 into LaTeX or to be converted into a PNG file and included in HTML, as
 described in
 That document refers to a thread on this list in which two example
 were given:
 Both examples behave in a similar way for me on Org-7.8.06, but not in
 the way I expected. If I export to PDF then I just get
 [[file:test.png]] in the PDF where I expected the image to be
 visible, and if I export to HTML then nothing is visible in the HTML
 file. Either way I export, the file test.png is indeed generated.

 So I wonder if these examples are valid with respect to 7.8.06 or
 maybe my expectations are off. I would not think that the PNG file
 should be generated for the PDF export, but would expect the image to
 be visible when viewing either document. Reading the manual, it seems
 that maybe the behavior has changed in the last year with respect to
 these examples.

 So I've tried to figure it out with the manual. If I don't worry about
 the HTML export, I'm able to set up the document so that the Tikz code
 is included into LaTeX in the correct way; not too difficult.  On the
 other hand, if I don't worry about the LaTeX export, I can get the PNG
 file to generate but can't get it automatically included into the
 HTML. If I could get this second part figured out, then the plan would
 be to have an elisp conditional testing on backend (if this is still
 a valid symbol to test on) that would determine whether on not to
 include :file etc. in the header for the src block. Any thoughts?


 Hi Steve,

 the examples are indeed out-dated.

 1) 'backend is now
    'org-export-current-backend (though I am not sure, I think there was
    also 'latexp at some time).
 2) If the latex block is evaluated at all and a file argument is
    present, this will be used.  So the block meant to go the latex-PDF
    route should not contain the :file argument.
 3) Even if :results graphics or :results file is specified, the
    results of a latex block seem to be wrapped in
    #+begin_latex...#+end_latex.  So for the block meant to go to the
    html, one way is to specify :results org.  But here I get a
    spurious ORG-ORG-START ...

 Anyway, besides that ORG-ORG-START thing, this seems to work on my side:

 | * Tikz test
 |   #+name: contents
 |   #+begin_src latex :exports (if (and (boundp 
 'org-export-current-backend) (eq org-export-current-backend 'latex)) 
 results none) :results latex
 |     \begin{tikzpicture}
 |       \node[red!50!black] (a) {A};
 |       \node (b) [right of=a] {B};
 |       \draw[-] (a) -- (b);
 |     \end{tikzpicture}
 |   #+end_src
 |   #+begin_src latex :exports (if (and (boundp 
 'org-export-current-backend) (eq org-export-current-backend 'latex)) none 
 results) :results file :file test.png :imagemagick yes :iminoptions 
 -density 600 :imoutoptions -geometry 400 :fit yes :noweb yes :headers 

 here it should have been :results org

 |     contents
 |   #+end_src



 PS: BTW, it requires tons of header arguments.  These can be split over
 several lines:
 | * Tikz test
 | #+name: contents
 | #+header: :exports (if (and (boundp 'org-export-current-backend) (eq 
 org-export-current-backend 'latex)) results none)
 | #+header: :results latex
 | #+begin_src latex
 |   \begin{tikzpicture}
 |     \node[red!50!black] (a) {A};
 |     \node (b) [right of=a] {B};
 |     \draw[-] (a) -- (b);
 |   \end{tikzpicture}
 | #+end_src
 | #+header: :exports (if (and (boundp 'org-export-current-backend) (eq 
 org-export-current-backend 'latex)) none results)
 | #+header: :results org :file test.png
 | #+header: :imagemagick yes :iminoptions -density 600 :imoutoptions 
 -geometry 400
 | #+header: :fit yes :noweb yes :headers '(\\usepackage{tikz})
 | #+begin_src latex
 |   contents
 | #+end_src

 Thank you, Andreas. It now works as expected. I don't have any
 problems that I can see with repect to this ORG-ORG-START issue; the
 exported files I get look clean.

Andreas, I just read your bug report about the ORG-ORG-START issue in
which you say the problem disappears with removal of indentation, and
in fact I had removed the indentation. Leaving it in I get excess


 For any in-the-dark readers coming across this thread, I needed to put

 #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{tikz}

 in my file.


[O] Tikz--LaTeX/HTML

2012-03-25 Thread Steve Hafner
I'm trying to get a LaTeX scr block with Tikz code either to go native
into LaTeX or to be converted into a PNG file and included in HTML, as
described in
That document refers to a thread on this list in which two example
were given:
Both examples behave in a similar way for me on Org-7.8.06, but not in
the way I expected. If I export to PDF then I just get
[[file:test.png]] in the PDF where I expected the image to be
visible, and if I export to HTML then nothing is visible in the HTML
file. Either way I export, the file test.png is indeed generated.

So I wonder if these examples are valid with respect to 7.8.06 or
maybe my expectations are off. I would not think that the PNG file
should be generated for the PDF export, but would expect the image to
be visible when viewing either document. Reading the manual, it seems
that maybe the behavior has changed in the last year with respect to
these examples.

So I've tried to figure it out with the manual. If I don't worry about
the HTML export, I'm able to set up the document so that the Tikz code
is included into LaTeX in the correct way; not too difficult.  On the
other hand, if I don't worry about the LaTeX export, I can get the PNG
file to generate but can't get it automatically included into the
HTML. If I could get this second part figured out, then the plan would
be to have an elisp conditional testing on backend (if this is still
a valid symbol to test on) that would determine whether on not to
include :file etc. in the header for the src block. Any thoughts?


Re: [O] LaTeX export

2011-12-31 Thread Steve Hafner

 Hi Bastien,

 Thanks a lot, this really works, and it sounds like literate programming. Can
 you suggest some quick reading on using org-mode for literate programming?

 Happy new year,


Read Chapter 14 of the Org-mode manual. And go to and search with the keyword literate.

[Orgmode] Re: Hyperlink to a string in an external text file

2011-01-17 Thread Steve Hafner
Ok, I see that 4.7 Search options in file links generalizes the info
in 4.3 External links and includes my case, sorry for the noise.

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Re: [Orgmode] Hyperlink to a string in an external text file

2011-01-17 Thread Steve Hafner
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 3:36 PM, Samuel Wales wrote:
 A good way to determin this is using capture from the file you want
 and look at the link it creates.

 The Kafka Pandemic:
 I support WPI: -- PLEASE DONATE
 I want to see the original (pre-hold) Lo et al. 2010 NIH/FDA/Harvard MLV 

I assume you are referring to org-store-link, and yes this is helpful.

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[Orgmode] Re: Executing functions remotely from agenda

2011-01-05 Thread Steve Hafner
On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 5:13 AM, Matt Lundin wrote:
 Steve Hafner writes:

 On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 9:22 PM, Matt Lundin wrote:
 Steve Hafner writes:

 I've written a few elisp functions to edit entries, and I would like
 to be able to execute them remotely from the agenda; but it seems no
 hooks or other facilities exist to do so. Am I missing something?

 (info (org) Using the mapping API)


 OK, I'm able to run elisp commands remotely from an agenda buffer
 using org-map-entries; but what I'd really like to do is specifically
 target the current item, and I don't see what expression for MATCH
 would only match the current item. By current item I mean the entry
 corresponding to the line that point is on within the agenda buffer.

 Ah. I see. I misread remotely from agenda as not in the agenda.

 You can jump to the current entry in a number of ways. There is the
 function org-agenda-goto. Within the agenda, you can also get the
 markers for the current entry with:

 (org-get-at-bol 'org-marker)
 (org-get-at-bol 'org-hd-marker)

 You can use these markers (usually with save-excursion or
 save-window-excursion) to jump to the function and alter it. The code of
 org-agenda-todo provides a nice example of this.

Thanks for the directions! The org-agenda-todo code with modifications
does the job I wanted.

 It would be nice if this functionality were abstracted a bit in
 org-agenda.el. Right now, each of the org-agenda editing commands
 (org-agenda-todo, org-agenda-set-tags, org-agenda-priority,
 org-agenda-add-note, etc.) reimplements the same behavior.


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[Orgmode] Placing special properties in the properties drawer

2011-01-04 Thread Steve Hafner

Is there any easy way to have the special properties TODO, SCHEDULED,
TAGS, etc be placed in the properties drawer?


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[Orgmode] Executing functions remotely from agenda

2011-01-04 Thread Steve Hafner
I've written a few elisp functions to edit entries, and I would like
to be able to execute them remotely from the agenda; but it seems no
hooks or other facilities exist to do so. Am I missing something?


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Executing functions remotely from agenda

2011-01-04 Thread Steve Hafner
On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 9:22 PM, Matt Lundin wrote:
 Steve Hafner writes:

 I've written a few elisp functions to edit entries, and I would like
 to be able to execute them remotely from the agenda; but it seems no
 hooks or other facilities exist to do so. Am I missing something?

 (info (org) Using the mapping API)


OK, I'm able to run elisp commands remotely from an agenda buffer
using org-map-entries; but what I'd really like to do is specifically
target the current item, and I don't see what expression for MATCH
would only match the current item. By current item I mean the entry
corresponding to the line that point is on within the agenda buffer.


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[Orgmode] Manual typos/dead link

2011-01-03 Thread Steve Hafner
In the recent org manual,

3294 @lisp
3295 (add-hook 'org-load-hook
3296   (lambda ()
3297 (define-key 'org-mode-map \C-n 'org-next-link)
3298 (define-key 'org-mode-map \C-p 'org-previous-link)))
3299 @end lisp

I think should be

3294 @lisp
3295 (add-hook 'org-load-hook
3296   (lambda ()
3297 (define-key org-mode-map \C-n 'org-next-link)
3298 (define-key org-mode-map \C-p 'org-previous-link)))
3299 @end lisp

Also, in section 15.10.1 Packages that Org cooperates with under the
item  calc.el by Dave Gillespie, the link See Embedded Mode is

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[Orgmode] ob-lisp missing

2010-12-24 Thread Steve Hafner
Why has ob-lisp.el been in the git tree since August, but it is not in
the stable release nor mentioned in the manual?

Anyway, thanks David and Eric for coding this.


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